Supporting Youth Leaders! Bertha Greist learning to cut a fish. Photo by Molly Shledon Tyler Kramer posing with two caribou. Photo by Lance Kramer. Alan Sheldon hunting brants on the Kobuk Lake. Photo by Becca Wesley. 2015 YOUTH LEADERSHIP SUMMIT AND AURAQTUQ (SUMMER) KICK OFF TO SHARE IÑUPIAQ CULTURE AND PROMOTE LASTING COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT An Arctic Generation Indigenous Event Participating partners include: Qikiktagruk Iñupiaq Youth Council (invited), NWABSD Youth Leaders (invited), Allison Akootchook Warden (invited), MISS Movement Founders, Lance Kramer (NANA), Alaska Department of Fish and Game, and the Kotzebue Police Department. Workshops about driving safety, hunting safety, healthy relationships, healthy lands and culture, healthy decision making, and youth leadership. A summer kick off with a bonfire, food, dance, music, and competitions/races will follow. WHEN: MAY 23, 2015 AT 8 AM Breakfast will be served WHERE: CITY OF KOTZEBUE YOUTH CENTER Behind the City of Kotzebue Rec. Center WHO: YOUTH ENTERING THE 6TH GRADE THROUGH YOUTH ENTERING THE 9TH GRADE RSVP: 907-442-2500 EX.171 Donations for Putyuk Children’s Home: a regional emergency shelter for at-risk children/teens We will accept donations for the Putyuk Children’s Home in Kotzebue. Putyuk provides support and a safe space for at-risk youth in Kotzebue. The Youth Leadership Summit will offer hands-on educational workshops for the youth about Iñupiaq culture and subsistence It will allow students to speak about what is important to them and what issues they believe need to be address. It will also provide students with a fun and positive energy to start off their summer! Not only will students gain invaluable tools to become great youth leaders, they will have the chance to have fun in a safe, positive environment. The summit is interactive workshops, youth voicing what is important to them, and produce a plan to mentor youth to become youth leaders for years to come. Generation Indigenous This event is a part of the Generation Indigenous initiative. Gen-I is an effort to challenge youth to become leaders in their community by doing something positive. This effort is being done all throughout the country by other Native youth. Spread the word! Volunteers needed. Call Elizabeth Ferguson at 907-442-2500 ex.171. The Northwest Arctic Borough Subsistence Mapping Project Iñuuniałiqput Iḷiḷugu Nunaŋŋuanun ▪ Documenting Our Way of Life with Maps
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