The Kyrene Foundation Areas of Focus Kyrene Foundation Message from the Kyrene Foundation President Thank you for your interest in the Kyrene Foundation! It’s an exciting time of continued growth for the Foundation in serving the Kyrene District and families within the community. We continue to advance our mission and break new records with almost $400,000 in annual support! With your help, we continue to provide valuable resources to the Kyrene community through funding of three key initiatives: • • • Kyrene Family Resource Center and other prevention efforts Student and School Support Teacher and Student Grants, Recognition and Awards As we take the Foundation to the next level, we appreciate the support of the local business community and families within the District, as well as other friends of the Foundation. Without your generosity in sharing your time, talent and treasure, our success would not be possible. If you are interested in supporting the Foundation or learning more about how you can help, please visit our new website at Beginning Fund Balance 1. Support for Prevention Services including character education programs like Rachel’s Challenge, drug and alcohol abuse awareness, Parent Summits, the Kyrene Alternative to Suspension Program (KASP), and the Kyrene Family Resource Center which supports families in need with basic supplies: food, clothing, hygiene, school supplies, and resource referrals. Individual/Business Donations and Grants $22,400 Government Donations and Grants $10,500 United Way Donations $9,400 Fundraisers $94,700 411 Ad Revenue $3,900 2. Support for students and staff including scholarships for students awarded on a needbasis for enrichment programs, athletics, and Kyrene Summer programs. Two mini-grant cycles support teachers who submit an application for a project, initiative, or supplies to support classroom instruction. Interest/Misc. 3. Student and Staff Recognition The SlaterNewman awards recognize 8th graders at each Kyrene middle school who have shown leadership and a commitment to volunteering. At the end of the school year the Foundation hosts a ceremony recognizing employees of the year. We provide service awards for those retiring and at 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 years of service in Kyrene Schools. Jim Steinkamp Kyrene Foundation President Jim Steinkamp, President Sean Rosebrugh, Vice President Patricia Weegar, Secretary Lee Jacobs, Treasurer 2013 Members at Large Kelly Alexander, Nancy Dudenhoefer, Amanda Hamm, Michelle Garrison, Kelly Katsiris, Shawn McClain, Leslie Siegel, Donna Castrenze-Steele and MarJean Steinkamp 2014 Members at Large Kelly Alexander, Nancy Dudenhoefer, Amanda Nosbisch, Michelle Garrison, Shawn McClain, Donna Castrenze-Steele and MarJean Steinkamp Ex-Officio Member Michelle Hirsch Honorary Board Members The Honorable Harry Mitchell and Ben Furlong Front/Back Cover designed by smdesign 2013 Kyrene Foundation Annual Financial Summary The Kyrene Foundation financially supports a variety of projects. Each contributes to the unique needs of students and staff in the Kyrene School District. The Foundation Board has identified three areas of focus: Thank you for your continued support of the Kyrene Foundation. 2013 & 2014 Foundation Board Members 3 [email protected] $78,800 Kyrene Foundation Revenue $600 In-Kind Donations $255,500 Total $397,000 Kyrene Foundation Expenses Family Resource Center Prevention Services $70,900 Recognitions & Awards $8,400 Teacher Mini-Grants $21,600 Rachels’ Challenge $10,700 Other Programs $100 Donation Distributions $255,500 Fundraising/Promotions $25,300 Student/School Support $14,200 Gen. Operating Costs $22,800 Total $429,500 Net Income $32,500 Ending Fund Balance $46,300 The Kyrene 411 Annual Report production costs are covered by The Kyrene Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. The Kyrene Foundation non-profit Tax ID # is 86-0607130. 4 Volunteers Rock! This year the Foundation and Family Resource Center were fortunate to receive over 2632 hours of volunteer service. The Volunteer of America Organization values volunteer service in Arizona at $22/hr, so that comes to over $57,000 in volunteer work! Of course, to us here at the Kyrene Foundation those hours are PRICELESS! Resource Action Committee The Resource Action Committee (RAC) is a group of dedicated volunteers who are passionate about increasing services for Kyrene families in need. In 2013-2014, the committee dedicated itself to developing partnerships to be able to provide families in need with FRESH food in addition to the non-perishable food bags already being distributed at the Kyrene Family Resource Center. RAC is committed to bringing more FRESH food experiences to all children in Kyrene and increasing fresh foods and vegetables available through the Kyrene Family Resource Center. Volunteers are needed for this group. If your passion is healthy foods for kids…join us! Contact: [email protected] 2013-2014 Kyrene Foundation Highlights • 7,076 Individuals served through our programs • 2,235 Food Boxes distributed • 2,400 Hygiene Kits distributed • Nearly 20,000 articles of clothing distributed • 1150 backpacks distributed though “Stuff the Bus” • 275 Thanksgiving Food Boxes distributed • 393 families invited to “Winter Wonderland” totaling over 900 children served • 82 eighth grade girls dressed for “Wishes Come True” • 240 “Summer Activity Kits” distributed to homeless students in Kyrene Families in Need One in four Kyrene students is living in poverty according to the Federal Guidelines. For the state of Arizona one in four children are food insecure, meaning they regularly miss meals. Food stamp assistance is helpful but often does not make the difference needed to balance a family budget. Studies show that when families are faced with a tight budget the first place they cut is the food budget 2013-2014 School Year • 18,000 students attending Kyrene Schools • 6,200 students received free or reduced lunch A Kindness Revolution The Kyrene Foundation once again partnered with the Tempe Diablos to fully fund the Rachel’s Challenge program at all six Kyrene middle schools in the 2013-2014 school year. The Rachel’s Challenge program provides a powerful presentation and a series of student empowerment programs and strategies for students and adults to combat bullying, feelings of isolation and despair, and create a culture of kindness and compassion on a school’s campus. The program is based on the life and writings of 17 year-old Rachel Scott who was the first person killed at Columbine High School in the 1999 tragedy. Rachel left a legacy of reaching out to help students who were picked on, disabled students, and students who were new to her school. Shortly before her death she wrote: “I have this theory, that if one person can go out of their way to show compassion, then it will start a chain reaction of the same. People will never know how far a little kindness can go.” The partnership with the Foundation and the Tempe Diablos continues to impact our Kyrene middle school students in meaningful ways. • 249 students were identified as homeless The Kyrene Family Resource Center is a joint effort between the Kyrene School District and the Foundation which provides families in need with access to resources which meet their basic needs like food, clothing, hygiene items, school supplies, and resource referral. The Kyrene Family Resource Center supports the Kyrene Foundation’s mission of “removing barriers to learning”. Non-perishable food bags are designed to feed a family of four for one week. Our most needed donations are pasta and sauce, peanut butter, rice, dry beans, and hearty soups. Friends of the Foundation collect non-perishable food items through school, church, neighborhood and business drives all school year long. Kyrene Alternative to Suspension Program (KASP) KASP students receive character education, and counseling services to help them process why they are in the program and how to make better choices. Student, school and parent feedback indicates that the KASP program is making a difference in these students’ lives. In the 2013-2014 school year, the KASP program served 104 Kyrene students. Kyrene Family Resource Center Food Bags Foundation Services and Prevention Efforts This program, known as KASP, was initially funded through a federal grant, which has now ended. Since 2004, it has served over 1,188 suspended 4th-8th grade students who would otherwise sit home due to poor choices in school. In KASP students continue their academics through learning projects in a small classroom setting that ultimately creates wellrounded, educated citizens. 5 Thank you to the Tempe Diablos for their partnership with the Kyrene Foundation. Both organizations have committed to split the cost of the program in the 2014-2015 school year, allowing our Kyrene middle schools to continue this valuable program! Each of our Kyrene middle schools have started FOR (Friends of Rachel) Clubs to promote the Rachel’s Challenge message of kindness. Many of our schools have integrated the Rachel’s Challenge curriculum and messaging into existing structures in the schools. Clothing Families who visit the Kyrene Family Resource Center can receive new and gently used outfits for their children each month. In addition to our resource center clothing each fall, the Kyrene Foundation partners with East Valley Assistance League for “Operation School Bell”. 6 Clothing Continued “Operation School Bell” helps homeless and economically disadvantaged students shop for brand new clothing. Students who feel like they belong at school perform better in school. Donations of gently used, school-appropriate clothing are always needed. Hygiene Kits Struggling families have to prioritize when purchasing necessities. The government food stamp program can be helpful but does not cover ANY basic items like soap, toothpaste, toilet paper, or feminine hygiene products. Approximately 30 hygiene kits are distributed each week at the Resource Center. Kits contain six full sized items: shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrush, soap and deodorant. need with food on school breaks helps children to be food secure. Thanksgiving food drives and monetary donations are used to pack Thanksgiving food boxes. A partnership with Wal-Mart allows the Foundation to purchase frozen turkeys at a low wholesale cost. Winter Wonderland Winter Wonderland is a holiday gift event to support Kyrene families in need who have been identified by school social workers, school office staff, and the district homeless liaison. Families who attend are able to select new toys and gifts for their children. Gifts are wrapped by volunteers while families enjoy refreshments and holiday entertainment. Toy drives are always needed. Please contact us if you would like to host a drive. School Supplies Stuff the Bus Program The Foundation and Resource Center work with community partners to collect new backpacks and supplies to distribute to children in need at any time during the school year. Each year the Foundation sets a goal of 1000 complete packed backpacks. Kathie Cigich Educator of the Year Kyrene Pueblo Middle School Teacher and Student Grants, Recognition and Awards Teacher Mini-Grants Teachers often spend their own money for supplies to enhance learning in the classroom. The Kyrene Foundation supports teacher’s efforts to seek new and improved ways to teach. Teacher mini-grants are offered in the fall and in the spring. Teachers complete applications and can be awarded up to $500.00 for materials, supplies or training that impacts learning in the classroom. Mike Deignan Administrative Employee of the Year Kyrene Akimel A-al Enrichment and Athletic Scholarships Families are assisted year-round with school supplies needed to complete homework and special projects. Items include pencils, paper, notebooks, colored folders, calculators, colored pencils, crayons, glue sticks, scissors, and construction paper. Student and School Support Programs cards, card games, board games, spiral bound notebooks and glue sticks. Wishes Come True Not every young lady can afford a new dress for 8th grade promotion, but every young lady deserves to feel special! The Foundation and Resource Center collect gently used dresses and new accessories for 8th grade promotion ceremonies. Every child deserves to feel connected to their community and school. Students who perform in extracurricular activities have higher attendance and achievement levels than students who do not but the cost of providing such experiences can be draining on a tight family budget. The Kyrene Foundation supports thousands of dollars of scholarships through the Kyrene Community Education Department’s financial assistance program. Employees are Celebrated Each year the Kyrene Foundation honors current and retiring employees for their years of service. As well, there are three annual “peer-nominated” staff awards. Dianne Ross Support Staff Employee of the Year Kyrene de los Cerritos Slater-Newman Student Scholarship Recipients The following 8th grade students received scholarships for their community service in the name of Ms. Slater and Ms. Newman,the founders of the Kyrene foundation. Akimel A-al Middle School: Greysen Schlas & Daniela Diaz Altadeña Middle School: Alexandra Levy & Sydney Mooneyham Aprende Middle School: Connor Richards & Lillian Beeson Summer Activity Packs Thanksgiving Food Boxes Days away from school are days without reliable food for some children. Assisting families in Friends of the Foundation collect educational and engaging items for students who are academically at risk. Teachers create ageappropriate fun and learning activities. Needed donations are: crayons, markers, decks of Centennial Middle School: Emily Horton & Monet Martinez Kyrene Middle School: Zacari Tatum & Hannah Eastwood Pueblo Middle School: Carmen Reyes & Rebecca Bagwell 7 8 Kyrene Foundation Local Business Supports the Kyrene Foundation By Eric Pagano Senior Manager, FedEx Ground At FedEx, we recognize that our impact is greater than the services we provide. We are committed to being a great place to work and a caring citizen in the communities where we live and work. We have always looked for local organizations to partner with as an outlet of our charitable contributions and spirit of volunteerism. When we were approached by the Kyrene Foundation to participate in their “Winter Wonderland, 2013” initiative, we were amazed at the impact it had on the families involved. To be involved in such an organized and impactful event really hit our hearts in a way we could have never expected. We knew this would be an ongoing, longterm relationship with a great foundation that had many opportunities for us to be a part of throughout every year. We have since added the foundation’s “Stuff the Bus” initiative to our list of charitable success stories, and look forward to once again joining the “Winter Wonderland” in 2014. There are events and opportunities for every business size and ability within the Foundation, so I urge everyone to explore what the Kyrene Foundation has to offer and get involved! Your heart will thank you for it!! Board Member Supports the Kyrene Foundation By Patty Weegar Board Member Testimonial When my husband and I moved to the valley many years ago, I knew the type of school district in which I wanted to work. After doing my research, I found Kyrene would be the place for me, due to its strong commitment to its students and staff. I retired after serving 30+ years as an educator several years ago, yet I continued to feel a strong connection to my Kyrene family and am now fortunate to be able to help support the Kyrene Foundation as a Board member. Parent Supports the Kyrene Foundation By Mom of 2nd grade student Kyrene de la Paloma Parent Testimonial “I was finally able to get my own place with my daughter and when I had signed a lease, I lost my job before the first rent payment was due. I was able to get another job but I would have lost the apartment without the help from the Kyrene Foundation. I want to thank the Foundation so much for their efforts in helping me to keep my apartment, it means so much to me and my daughter to be able to stay in our own place. Thank you!” We need your help! For more information on how to volunteer, donate money or items, contact the Kyrene Foundation at [email protected] The Kyrene Foundation Origin Foundation Board members Kelly Alexander (left) and Patty Weegar (right) As a principal, I often turned to the Family Resource Center as a resource to my families in crisis. As excellent as Kyrene teachers are, it is hard to teach a child who is hungry, without appropriate clothing, or who is worried about where he/she might sleep that night. Time and time again, I saw the Foundation’s support assist families as they struggled to get back on their feet. Now, I am so lucky to be able to work with a group of caring individuals who give their time to help Kyrene Kids learn by providing the basics. I strongly urge community members who have the same passion to consider supporting the Foundation with their volunteerism. We are always looking for individuals who would like to donate a few hours of time for special projects or who are interesting in joining the Board as we determine goals and how to meet them. My personal reward is knowing that for each child/ family we assist, teachers are better able to provide the quality education that each student rightly deserves. Secretaries and Shoes Socorro Slater, a Kyrene secretary, learned of a family whose five children shared only one pair of shoes. As a result, each child attended school just one day per week! So, she took it upon herself to gather donations of gently used clothing and shoes which she distributed from the trunk of her car. Later she was assisted by Diane Newman, and eventually they helped create the Kyrene Foundation, a formal program to assist families in need. Their work has evolved into our Family Resource Center located on the Kyrene de los Niños campus. Hundreds of community volunteers, supportive businesses, students and teachers at our schools support the work of the Resource Center in providing food, clothing, hygiene items, holiday assistance and other programs so that EVERY student in Kyrene has what they need to come to school ready to learn. The Slater Newman award is given to students for their excellence in community service in honor of two secretaries who started helping students almost 30 years ago. Meet The Teacher 2014 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Kyrene Schools Points of Pride* Ahwatukee Kyrene Akimel A-al Michael Deignan, (480) 541-5800 • Earned an “A” from AZ Department of Education • A+ School of Excellence* • Student alumnus is a Flinn Scholar recipient • 2013 Mix-it-up Model School for Tolerance Efforts • AZ Education Foundation Teacher of Year Top 5 Kyrene Altadeña Nancy Corner (480) 541-6000 • Earned an “A” from AZ Department of Education • A+ School of Excellence* • The only middle school in the state recognized as a higher performing school based on AIMS data in all subject areas. Kyrene Centennial Jocelyn Sims (480) 541-6400 • Earned a “B” from AZ Department of Education • STEM school designated by the Science Foundation Arizona for the 4th year • Two student alumni are Flinn Scholar recipients • Tempe Diablos Excellence in Education recipients Kyrene de los Cerritos Darcy DiCosmo (480) 541-2200 • Leadership Academy • Earned an “A” from AZ Department of Education • A+ School of Excellence* • 27th school to be globally recognized as one of the 1,149 Franklin Covey Leader in Me Lighthouse Schools Kyrene de la Colina Kelley Brunner (480) 541-2600 • Earned a “B” from AZ Department of Education • Two student alumni are Flinn Scholar recipients • 2013 National ACE Educator of the Year • Excellence in Aerospace Education Award (AEX) Kyrene de la Esperanza Cheryl Greene (480) 541-2800 • Earned an “A” from AZ Department of Education • A+ School of Excellence* • Tempe Diablos Excellence in Education recipients • Energy Bus for Kids, principles and concepts for behavior Kyrene de la Estrella Michael Lamp (480) 541-3000 • Earned an “A” from AZ Department of Education • Kindergarten Pilot of iPads • After school orchestra and band • Average classroom teacher experience – 16+ years Kyrene de los Lagos Ana Gomez del Castillo (480) 541-3200 • Dual Language Academy • Earned a “B” from AZ Department of Education • Tempe Diablos Excellence in Education recipients • Student Peace Ambassadors and Principal/Student Advisory Team Kyrene de las Lomas Brian Gibson (480) 541-3400 • Earned a “B” from AZ Department of Education • Beat The Odds Gold and Silver Award winner: implements six keys to success in schools • Connecting to Serve: Lomas volunteers tutoring program • Annual Read with Me literacy event Kyrene del Milenio Carrie Furedy (480) 541-4000 • Earned an “A” from AZ Department of Education • Home to 5 National Board Certified Teachers • Tempe Diablo Excellence in Education recipients • 4th and 5th grade Student Safety Patrol Kyrene Monte Vista Helene Zimmerman (480) 541-4400 • Earned an “A” from AZ Department of Education • 100 Acts of Kindness Project started global reaction • Implemented a Student Safety Ambassador program • Gifted self-contained classrooms (Grades 2-5) Kyrene de la Sierra Lisa Connor (480) 541-5200 • Earned an “A” from AZ Department of Education • Tempe Diablos Excellence in Education recipients • Recognized as an NCEA Higher Performing School (2013) • First Kyrene School with Watch D.O.G.S., a father involvement group Chandler Kyrene Aprende Jim Verrill, (480) 541-6200 • Earned an “A” from AZ Department of Education • Tempe Diablos Excellence in Education recipients •P artnered with Brisas Elementary to create the ABC Mentoring Program (Aprende Brisas Cares) • AZ Education Foundation Teacher of Year Top 10 Kyrene del Pueblo Sheryl Houston (480) 541-6800 • Earned an “A” from AZ Department of Education • Partnership with ASU iTeachAZ • ASU Engineering Program Partner • Science teacher awarded Outstanding Teacher Candidate Achievement Award • Action-Brain Connection campus Kyrene de las Brisas Christie Winkelmann (480) 541-2000 • Earned an “A” from AZ Dept. of Education • A+ School of Excellence* • Partnered with Aprende to create the ABC Mentoring Program (Aprende Brisas Cares) Kyrene del Cielo Tina Nicks, (480) 541-2400 • Earned an “A” from AZ Department of Education • Thinking Maps School - visual teaching tools that foster and encourage lifelong learning • Gifted self-contained classrooms (Grades 3-5) Kyrene de la Paloma Janet Tobias (480) 541-5000 • Earned a “B” from AZ Department of Education • Partnership with ASU iTeachAZ • P.E. teacher named Arizona Health and Physical Education Teacher of the Year Kyrene de la Mirada Nancy Branch, (480) 541-4200 • Earned an “A” from AZ Department of Education • Partnership with ASU iTeachAZ • Leader in Me School • Gifted self-contained classrooms (Grades 2-3) Kyrene Traditional Academy Sureño Campus Marianne Lescher (480) 541-5400 • Traditional instructional model • Earned an “A” from AZ Department of Education • Tempe Diablos Excellence in Education recipient • E xemplary Program Award from Arizona Educational Foundation for after school “Club Heat” Tempe Kyrene Middle School Jama Nacke (480) 541-6600 • College Preparatory Academy • Home of Kyrene Prep Program • Earned a “B” from AZ Department of Education • Tempe Diablos Excellence in Education recipients • Student alumnus is a Flinn Scholar recipient Kyrene de las Manitas Dan Langston (480) 541-3600 • Earned a “B” from AZ Department of Education • Beat The Odds Gold and Silver Award winner: implements six keys to success in schools • Manitas Steel D.R.U.M. Ensemble • Manitas Minstrel’s Chorus Kyrene de la Mariposa Spencer Fallgatter, (480) 541-3800 • Earned an “A” from AZ Department of Education • A+ School of Excellence* • Tempe Diablos Excellence in Education recipients Kyrene de los Niños Tonja Yalung (480) 541-4600 • College Bound Dual Language Academy • Earned a “B” from AZ Department of Education • Four students won the AZELLA Art Contest • Lunchtime D.R.U.M. Club Kyrene del Norte Tracey Pastor (480) 541-4800 • Earned a “B” from AZ Department of Education • 21 staff members completed Anti-Defamation League training: A Classroom of Difference • No Place for Hate School C.I. Waggoner Lisa Gibson (480) 541-5600 • Earned an “A” from AZ Department of Education • Teachers in grades K-5 have received training from a staff developer from the Teachers College of Reading and Writing Project for the past 4 years • All teachers trained to integrate Thinking Maps into their content areas. Kyrene Preschool Program Taught by certified, early childhood educators: Brisas, Cielo, Cerritos, Esperanza, Estrella, Lomas, Milenio, Manitas, Mirada, and Paloma Kyrene School District Governing Board Members Ross Robb, President Bernadette Coggins, Vice President Michelle Hirsch, Member John King, Member Beth Brizel, Member What is Kyrene? • Well-rounded education including art, music, library & P.E. • Technology-rich curriculum • Gifted self-contained classrooms: 3 locations in 2014-15 • Advanced placement grades 4-8 • High school level courses in cooperation with Tempe Union High School District • Kyrene Prep Program (test-in requirements) • Dual Language Academy: 2 locations • Leadership Academy: 2 locations • Traditional Academy: 1 location • Athletics: Intramurals 3-8, Middle School cut and non-cut sports • Middle School Electives: Spanish, fine and performing arts,multi-media, theater, band, chorus, orchestra • Elementary: after-school fine arts studio classes include orchestra, band, visual arts 18,000 Students • Preschool to eighth grade • 12 schools in Ahwatukee • 6 schools in Tempe • 7 schools in Chandler Teacher Experience and Qualifications Higher percentage of National Board Certified Teachers than any district in the state. All teachers are certified and statedesignated Highly Qualified. School tours by appointment Call (480) 541-1000 to be connected to a school of your choice or visit *Letter grades are for the 2012-2013 school year. Kyrene District Office Ben Furlong Education Center 8700 S. Kyrene Road, Tempe AZ 85284 (480) 541-1000 *A+ School of Excellence is a trademark of the Arizona Educational Foundation and is used by permission. 18 Now through December 31st, 2014 Mark your calendars for our next Annual Charity Golf Classic in June 2015, held once again at the beautiful Whirlwind Golf Resort. It’s an event you won’t want to miss! Tax Credit Donation Campaign Kyrene Foundation Support the Kyrene Foundation and reduce your taxes. Win-Win! Save the Date! February 1st – March 31st 2015 Upcoming Events Collecting new school supplies, summer fun activities, card games and more. Contact us to see what we are in need of for our homeless student Summer Activity Kits. Looking to support the Kyrene Foundation? Attend one of our signature fundraiser events or volunteer at one of our annual events. October 10, 2014 The Kyrene Softball Classic There will be something for everyone at our inaugural softball classic fundraiser! If you are not up to joining a team or starting your own, come cheer on the players and enjoy raffles, auctions, food and drink! November 1st – 15th Thanksgiving Food & Change Drive Host a food drive or collect donations to support our Thanksgiving Food Box event where we provide over 300 complete Thanksgiving food boxes. Time away from school is time away from reliable meals for some of our Kyrene students. This holiday meal program helps reduce the risk that students miss meals over the holiday break. Thursday November 19, 2014 Hunger Games Movie Fundraiser Be a Grand Champion buy a ticket to this premier screening of Mocking Jay. Tickets sell out fast, do not delay! November 21st – December 9th, 2014 Winter Wonderland Toy Drive Collecting 2000 new toys and gifts takes a whole community and we need your help! Collect in your neighborhood or at the office. Spread the Joy, donate a Toy! Saturday, December 13, 2014 Winter Wonderland Event Serving over three hundred families at our annual hallmark holiday gift event. Be one of many individuals that make this day magical for so many families and volunteer your time. Taste of Kyrene Drive for Summer – Activity Kit Supplies Friday, February 20, 2015 The Taste of Kyrene Fundraiser Every year gets bigger and better! Join us for our 5th annual Taste of Kyrene. Sip, snack, bid and mingle! It is an evening of fun at the beautiful Foothills Country Club. April 1st – 30th, 2015 Wishes Come True Dress Drive Do you have a gently used semi-formal dress or accessories taking up space in your closet? Love hitting the sales for spring dresses? Collecting gently used and new semi-formal dresses and accessories for 8th grade promotion. Thursday, May 7th, 2015 Wishes Come True Event Every girl deserves a little pampering now and then. Volunteer at this boutique style event for 8th grade girls in need to select a promotion dress and accessories, get a mini-makeover, and other beauty treatments. Ladies only please. June 2015 Annual Charity Golf Classic at the Whirlwind Golf Resort A first class golf event and one of our biggest fundraisers! Two courses full of sponsored hole contests, prizes and FUN! Contact us about sponsorship, buy a foursome or join in with others. June 17 – July 17, 2015 Stuff the Bus Collecting new school supplies and backpacks to provide over 700 students with the supplies they need to start school “ready to learn”. Stuff the Bus keeps our Family Resource Center stocked with school supplies year-round so that students in need always have what they need to do homework at home. 19 Signature Fundraisers Kyrene Softball Classic “Champions Play as One” The inaugural Kyrene Softball Classic will be held in October 2014 at Tempe Sports Complex. This new event is nearly sold out and geared at providing a fun competitive atmosphere while supporting a great cause. Assemble a full team, or combine forces with a business partner to see if you have what it takes to be Kyrene’s First Softball Classic Champion. Team slots have filled quickly for this corporate event taking place Friday, October 10th. Contact Ted Gonzalez at 480-541-1513 to reserve your spot. Batter’s Up! Join us for an evening of tastes and treats at the lovely Foothills Country Club. Many local restaurants offer tastings and the silent auction is HUGE! What could be more fun than enjoying an evening with friends, music, beverages and delicious foods while raising money to support our Kyrene students! Thank you to the Kyrene community for supporting the 4th Annual Taste of Kyrene! With your support, the Kyrene Foundation raised $46,000 to provide invaluable resources for Kyrene School District students, their families and teachers. Save the Date for 2015 Taste of Kyrene! Friday, February 20, 2015 at the Foothills Golf Club. Kyrene Foundation Annual Golf Classic The Kyrene Foundation held its Annual Charity Golf Classic at the beautiful Whirlwind Golf Resort this June 2014. It was a fun-filled day for more than 250 golfers complete with great prizes, contest holes, ending with a first class luncheon. To purchase event tickets and find out more information about our events, go to: Interested in volunteering for an event or at our Kyrene Family Resource Center? For more information contact [email protected] The United Way number for supporting the Kyrene Foundation is 1984. The Kyrene Foundation non-profit Tax ID # is 86-0607130. Kyrene is Your Top-Rated Public School District. “A” Rated by Arizona Department of Education AIMS Scores exceed the State: reading, science and math Advanced technology for learning and operations Stem incorporated into schools and after school programs Low administrative costs and more dollars in classroom A premier education for all students 25 Schools in Ahwatukee, Chandler and Tempe • • 480-541-1000
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