MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FOR THE YEAR 1 APRIL 2015 TO 31 MARCH 2016 CATEGORY GRADE CODE Qty AMOUNT Club Membership plus Athletics Waikato BOP and Athletics NZ Membership Men/Women 20 years plus (SM or SW: MM or MW) $80.00 ___ $___________ (The above fee applies to all aged 20 years and above including Running/Walking Clinic members) Men/Women 20 Men/Women 17 Boys/Girls Boys/Girls/Tiny Tots 18, 19 yrs 15, 16, 17 yrs 7 -14 yrs 2 - 6 yrs (JM or JW) (B or G - boy/girl) (B or G) (B or G) Honorary (elected by LCAC) Apparel $63.00 $63.00 $45.00 $30.00 HO Adults Walkers Tee (short sleeves) Adults Runners Singlets Adults Track Suit Sets (M-XXL) Juniors Runners Singlets (Size 4-14) Junior Track Suit Sets (Size XXS-M) ___ ___ ___ ___ $___________ $___________ $___________ $___________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ $___________ $___________ $___________ $___________ $___________ Nil $35.00 $35.00 $90.00 $15.00 $50.00 Total including GST $___________ Paid by (circle one) Cheque / Cash / Internet Banked date, name, and ref: ________________________________ Please circle – The primary area of the club I/we are interested in participating in is: Children’s summer athletics / Teens and adults (12 years plus) summer athletics / Walking / Running clinic / Running in general RUNNING CLINIC: For first-time members, your membership will cover you from the Clinic start being the 3rd week of January, through to and including the full financial year in which the Rotorua Marathon takes place. Recommended GP health check visit for the purposes of Marathon training (circle one) - Done / No / Will do What distance events have you completed before ( circle one) - Marathon / Half Marathon / 10km / 5km / None ----------------------------------- Cut here and hand in top section----------------------------------- GENERAL NOTES: 1) Those aged 14 and under will be issued with a Colgate “flash” to be sewn onto the left shoulder of your Club uniform. All other members will receive a Lake City Athletic Club Inc membership card once your membership payment has been processed. You should allow the Club at least two weeks to process your application. 2) Athletics New Zealand age grades: Age grades for Children (up to 14yrs) are based on age as at 31st December in the year of Membership shown above. Grades for Men & Women (15-34yrs) is age as at 31st December of the calendar year you are currently in (will change at the beginning of each year). Grades for masters (ages 35+) competing in Masters Athletics events, grade is determined by age on the day. 3) Please pay your membership by cheque payable to The Lake City Athletic Club Inc, or the exact cash amount, or pay by internet transfer to the club’s Westpac bank account # 03-1552-0095487-00. You must record your name (first and surname) as a reference on the transfer. No matter which method of payment is used this form completed and signed must be forwarded to the Club by postal mail (P O Box 2136, Rotorua, 3040), or scanned and emailed to [email protected] before your application can be processed. If a 3rd party is paying for you it is extremely important that there is indication that the payment is on your behalf. PTO PO Box 2136, Rotorua Membership Form - (Please print neatly and ensure that all fields below have been completed). Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 First Name Surname Age Date of Birth Male/Female (Circle) New Member? Y/N Person 4 Age Male/Female Age New Member? Y/N Male/Female Person 5 New Member? Y/N Person 6 First Name Surname Age Date of Birth Male/Female (Circle) New Member? Y/N Age Male/Female Age New Member? Y/N Male/Female New Member? Y/N ADDRESS (Street etc) Town/City / Postal code Phone Numbers (all) Email Address(es) Parent/Guardian Names Occupations (optional) Privacy Act 1993 I hereby apply to join the Lake City Athletic Club (Inc) and agree to abide by its rules as stated in its Constitution. I also agree, in compliance with the Privacy Act 1993, that my personal details as outlined in this Application Form be made available to Athl etics New Zealand either through Athletics Waikato Bay of Plenty or direct, for the purpose of its administration of the sport of athletics in New Zealand. I acknowledge the Club’s lawful right to periodically take photographs at club night activities and/or other events for ongoing marketing purposes on its website, Facebook, and other media. However, the Club will remove any photo(s) that I specify, that may cause me harm or is offensive in nature. All persons age 16 and over to sign below separately Signed: - .............................................……................…………............................. Date:-……………………………. Signed: - .............................................……................…………............................. Date:-……………………………. ------------------------------------ Cut here and hand in top section---------------------------------GENERAL NOTES continued… 3) The Club Uniform: For Adults is either the blue walker’s tee shirt with short sleeves, or the runner’s singlet in blue, white and black. The club uniform for Children is the children’s running singlet in blue, white and black. These must be worn with plain black shorts or plain black lycra legging shorts. Club uniforms can be purchased by arrangement with Nikki Mitchell Ph 027 4648546 or Sarah Wiwarena 027 2483874. Please make arrangements for purchase well before you require it. Club members are encouraged to wear club uniform during all events (e.g. club nights, half marathon, and publicity photos) and must be worn in inter-club events when determined necessary (e.g. Ribbon Days, and relay events like NZ Road Relays). 4) Some of the Club’s activities are: Children’s athletics (2 years to 11 years inclusive) – these weekly Tuesday evening activities are held at the No 2 Ground of the International Stadium, Devon Street West, from 5.10pm commencing early October through to the end of March Teens and adults athletics (12 years and above) - these weekly Wednesday evening activities are held at the No 2 Ground of the International Stadium, Devon Street West, from 6.00pm commencing late October through to the end of March Running clinic – for runners wishing to train in the company of others with the aim of completing the full Rotorua Marathon, the Rotorua Half Marathon or 5km and 10km on marathon day. This Clinic commences mid-January and builds up to the annual Rotorua Marathon in early May Walkers clinic - for walkers wishing to train in the company of others with the aim of completing either the full Rotorua Marathon, the Rotorua Half Marathon or 5 and 10km on marathon day. This Clinic commences early November and builds up to the annual Rotorua Marathon in early May Winter activities - running/walking for all ages (Harriers) - Club events are held in Rotorua most Saturday afternoons from mid-April to mid-October. There are also Tuesday and Thursday evening and Sunday morning group runs and walks. 5) Cancellations: The clubs winter activities and the teens and adults summer athletics rarely cancel, even if it’s raining. The running and walking clinics go ahead regardless of the weather. The children’s athletics section only cancels if it is heavy rain – please contact the children’s convenor or check the cancellation notices on or the clubs Facebook page For further information on the Clubs activities visit the website below PO Box 2136, Rotorua
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