La Verne Online Office Hours Monday – Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm Phone 800.695.4858 Fax 909.971.2295 Summer 2015 Schedule La Verne Online Academic Advisors: Cindy Saunders (A-J) [email protected] 800.695.4858 x4973 Vivian Medrano (K-Z) [email protected] 800.695.4858 x4946 June 8 – August 16 La Verne Online Coordinator Barbara Colley [email protected] 800.695.4858 x4944 Student Accounts 888.788.2455 Fax: 909.392.2830 Financial Aid 800.649.0160 *For financial aid eligibility, you must be admitted to the University and be enrolled as a part-time student.* Order textbooks at least two weeks prior to the start of class at You will need to provide the CRN number and campus when ordering. ***IMPORTANT*** • Access to a computer 24/7 is required for all online courses. • Blackboard is required for all online courses. Please refer to for more information. • Online students must be Computer Literate (i.e., experienced with email, Internet, and MS Word). Students who have not taken an online course at La Verne are encouraged to take the “self-test” to determine if online course instruction is the right avenue for you. To access the “self-test” please refer to the following site: GE Track II General Education Courses Track II is for students who were matriculated (admitted & enrolled) before September 1, 2009. Please contact your Academic Advisor to verify General Education fulfillment. CRN 1402 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 DEPT BIOL HIST HIST HUM HUM INTD MUS NASC PHIL PLSC PSY PSY CRS # Title Prerequisite(s) 101/101L Life Science: The Human Environment 110 U.S. History and Culture 351 History of Latin America 305 Values and Critical Thinking Eng. Comp. II 313* World Civilization through Art/Theatre 317 Song and Spirit: Music and Religion Eng. Comp. II 358 American Music (fulfills Fine Arts) 102/102L Physical Science: Human Environment Math GE 110 Introduction to Philosophy 301* American Govt. & Politics (Min. enrollment of 7 students) 101 Principles of Psychology 407 Life-Span Development Fulfills Units Instructor Life Science & Lab 4 Prof. R. Good Soc. Sci. – Pol./Hist. or CORE 2B 4 Dr. Sayles CORE 2b 4 Dr. Johnson CORE 300 4 Dr. Campana Fine Arts or Humanities Inter. Area 4 Dr. Clark Human Condition 4 Dr. Hanawalt/Prof. Harrison Fine Arts 4 Dr. Hanawalt Phys. Sci. & Lab 4 Prof. Morgan Humanities Phil./Rel. Area 4 Dr. Campana Soc. Sci. – Pol./Hist. 4 Dr. Gelm Soc. Sci. – Bhv. Sci. 4 Dr. Gonchar Soc. Sci. – Bhv. Sci. 4 Dr. Gonchar GE Track I General Education Courses Track I is for students who were admitted with less than 28 semester units prior to September 1, 2009 or who were matriculated (admitted and enrolled) after September 1, 2009. Please contact your Academic Advisor to verify General Education fulfillment. CRN 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 DEPT BIOL CS HIST HIST HUM HUM INTD MUS NASC PHIL PLSC PSY PSY CRS # Title Prerequisite(s) 101/101L Life Science: The Human Environment 305* Learning Through Community Service 110 U.S. History and Culture 351 History of Latin America 305 Values and Critical Thinking CSWB 313* World Civilization through Art/Theatre 317 Song and Spirit: Music and Religion CSWB 358 American Music 102/102L Physical Science: Human Environment CSQR 110 Introduction to Philosophy 301* American Govt. & Politics (Min. enrollment of 7 students) 101 Principles of Psychology 407 Life-Span Development Fulfills ANSL & ALAB UVCS AHHT AHHT AHPR ACAE or AHIA INTD AHFA ANSP & ALAB AHPR ASPS ASBH ASBH Units Instructor 4 Prof. Good 1 Dr. Houston 4 Dr. Sayles 4 Dr. Johnson 4 Dr. Campana 4 Dr. Clark 4 Dr. Hanawalt/Prof. Harrison 4 Dr. Hanawalt 4 Prof. Morgan 4 Dr. Campana 4 Dr. Gelm 4 Dr. Gonchar 4 Dr. Gonchar ***Please refer to page 3 for special course instructions.*** 5/05/2015 Page 1 of 3 La Verne Online Summer 2015 Schedule June 8 – August 16 Business Administration (BA), Organizational Management (OM) and Public Administration (PA) Undergraduate Program Courses CRN 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 DEPT ACCT BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS MGMT MGMT MGMT MGMT MGMT MGMT MGMT MGMT MGMT MGMT CRS # 203 274 330 343 343 346 360 410 300 354 355 358 359 360 388 455 459 496 Title Prerequisite(s) Financial & Managerial Accounting Applied Quantitative Analysis Pre-Algebra recommended Business Finance BUS 270, ACCT 203 & ECON 228 Foundations of Business Ethics CSWA Foundations of Business Ethics CSWA Written Business Communication CSWA Principles of Marketing CSWB & ECON 228 Management Information Systems CSWB Principles of Management CSWB Oral Communication in Organizations CSWB Leadership in Organizations CSWA Culture & Gender Issues in Management CSWA Management of Change and Conflict Financial Management & Budgeting Statistics (fulfills PADM 388 requirement for PA students) Inter. Algebra Managing Human Resources MGMT 300 Organizational Behavior: Theory and Application MGMT 300 Seminar in Management ***OM students only*** All Core Classes & Grad App. Units 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Instructor Dr. Kyte Instructor Gurtovoy Instructor Hasse Prof. San Juan Instructor Biggers Dr. Davis Instructor Louie Dr. Beheshtian Dr. Furutan Dr. Davis Dr. K. Park Dr. Yousof Dr. De Long Dr. Yousof Dr. Young Dr. Ghazzawi Dr. Furutan Dr. MacDonald Units 4 4 4 4 4 Instructor Dr. Hanawalt Prof. Best Dr. D. Redman Dr. Kennedy Dr. Hayes Undergraduate Electives and Other Courses CRN 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 DEPT SOC EDUC EDUC EDUC EDUC CRS # 334 306 310 350 390 Title Prerequisite(s) Women’s Experience in America (not a Criminology course) Writing for Educators (Max enrollment of 15 students) CSWA Foundations of Education (Min. enrollment of 8 students) CSWA Child Psychology and Development CSWB Science for Elementary Teachers ANSP or ANSL MBA Graduate Program Courses CRN 1438 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 DEPT BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS CRS # 500B 500C 516 517 536 567 586 635 635 655 655 665 665 Title Economics for Decision-Making Quantitative and Statistical Analysis E-Business Cyber Law International Financial Management Management/Marketing Services Leadership in the Future Managing Financial Resources Managing Financial Resources Designing Effective Organizations Designing Effective Organizations Strategic Marketing Management Strategic Marketing Management • Undergraduate Students • Graduate Students Prerequisite(s) BUS 635 BUS 665 BUS 500A, C, D BUS 500A, C, D BUS 500 A, C, F BUS 500 A, C, F Units 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Instructor Dr. Gonyung Park Dr. Kung Dr. Beheshtian Dr. Barrett Dr. G. Park Instructor Fialho Dr. Sawyer Staff Dr. D. Park Dr. Ghazzawi Dr. Ghazzawi Dr. Badovick Dr. Badovick Application for Graduation Please submit an Application for Graduation, along with the graduation fee, three terms prior to the anticipated completion date. Please submit an application for Advanced Standing, along with the Application for Graduation and graduation fee, at least one term prior to taking BUS 695. Graduate students must have completed 21 units, or 18 units with 3 in progress, including completion of all of the foundation courses. • La Verne Online Students Please submit the above forms directly to your academic advisor by fax: (909) 971-2295, or by mail to: La Verne Online, Attn: Cindy Saunders (Last name A-J) or Vivian Medrano (Last name K-Z), 1950 Third Street, La Verne, CA 91750. • Graduation Forms All forms and instructions on how to pay the graduation fee can be found at 5/05/2015 Page 2 of 3 La Verne Online Summer 2015 Schedule June 8 – August 16 **Special Course Instructions** GE Courses: *CS 305: requires 20 hours of community service. *HUM 313: requires independent fieldtrips to 6 museums and 4 plays. No text book is required for this course. HUM 313 Attendance Policy. In keeping with the “Class Attendance” policy contained in the University’s catalog, students who do not submit the first week's assignment by midnight of Sunday, June 14, will be administratively dropped from HUM 313 online on by Tuesday, June 16. This assignment, a report on a museum visit or on attendance at an approved performance of drama, dance, music, or opera, is due at midnight on Sunday of the first week of classes (June 14), and the last day to drop (or be administratively dropped) from Summer Term 2015 courses with a 100% refund is Tuesday, June 16, 2015. *PLSC 301: requires the midterm and final exam to be proctored at a remote location of your choice. For more information on any of the above courses, please refer to the course syllabi located under the Current Student section of the La Verne Online website: 5/05/2015 Page 3 of 3
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