APRIL 2015 THE LIGHT Monthly Newsletter—Lions Club Port Fairy-Belfast “WE SERVE” (Vol 17 No 10 Issue 201) Issue 2014/15– 10 April 2015 Best District Bulletin 2000-/2001:2003/2004:2008/2009; Merit Award 2006/2007 APRIL 2015 5-13 -LIONS FAMILY WEEK 22—EARTH DAY 26-30 WORLD IMMUNISATION WEEK SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT ’ 1 Dinner Meeting 5 6 12 13 19 26 7 8 14 15 2 3 Good Friday Appreal 9 10 11 16 17 18 24 25 Belfast House Mens Visit Board Meeting 20 21 22 23 27 28 28 30 Zone Tailtwist PORT FAIRY—BELFAST LIONS CLUB Inc Club Number 34322 1110th Australian Club Chartered 18/07/1977 POSTAL ADDRESS PO Box 48 Port Fairy Vic 3284 Email– [email protected] PRESIDENT Lion Peter Down (Gail) 55682006 0428648364 E-mail—[email protected] SECRETARY Lion PDG Jeffrey Sproal 55681520 0412615429 E-Mail [email protected] TREASURER Lion Nibia Lemke 55683062 0434330102 E-mail [email protected] BULLETIN EDITOR Lion Jim Kent 55682837 0428508219 E-mail [email protected] Easter Fair Convention Meeting WHAT’S COMING UP 1st DINNER MEETING 3rd GOOD FRIDAY APPEAL 4th EASTER FAIR AND AUCTION 14th Men’s Visit Belfast House 15th BOARD MEETING 16th CONVENTION MEETING 20th ZONE TAILTWIST KOROIT - 4 THE LIGHT— 1 Newsletter Lions Club Port FairyBelfast Dinner meeting WEDNESDAY APRIL 1 7.00PM FOR 7.30PM SENIOR CITIZENS CLUB ROOMS Tonight is a very special night as we will be Inducting and Welcoming as new members -Susan Barnes, Cherie Firth, Chris Hetherington, Geoff Hodgkinson, Gail McGregor and Suzanne (Sue) Scott. Lion Zone Chairman Bill Addinsall will be the Inducting Officer Please be there to welcome the newest members to our Lions Family It is essential that you book in with Lion Peter [email protected] ZONE TAILTWIST Koroit Club Rooms Monday 20th April 7.00pm for 7.30p—Supper to follow. Be sure to come along to this super fun night and support our Tailtwister against the best from out other three Zone Clubs— and tell him plenty of tales on your fellow Lions to ensure that he has plenty of ammunition to fire a big salvo Tailtwist Rules—A Maximum of 10 minutes for each tail twister with a warning bell at 9 minutes. - 20 cent fines only with a maximum of 3 fines per Lion. - Tailtwisting and jokes to fonform with Lion Purposes and Ethics. Judging will be based on Entertainment Value; Delivery, Use of available time, ánd relativity to he best spirit of Lions International tail twisting. SPECIAL THIS MONTH Instead of the “”serious” comment at the top of most pages of The Light we are displaying part of a new range of bumper stickers for the retired!!!! Many Hands Make Work Easy BOARD MEETING Wednesday 15th April 7.00pm for 7.30p Senior Citizens Club Rooms This will be Lion Peter’s Last night chairing a Board Meeting and an opportunity for us to say thanks for a job well done. Important Issues Tonight Change over and Instalation Dinner Zone Tailtwist Report on Easter Fair Convention Update. Apologies would be appreciated if you cannot attend—Lion Peter at pfbelfastlions@gmail,com KEEP IT FREE Wednesday 3rd June (Our Normal Dinner Meeting ) Club Changeover and installation of office bearers When we say thank you to Lion Peter and his team and to welcome Lion Keith and his band of merry men Details Later THE LEADERSHIP TEAM 2015/16 President—Lion Keith Gibson Secretary—Lion Peter D Ryan Treasurer—Lion Tony Goode Asst Treasurer—Lion Geoff Scott First VP—Lion Peter Ridout Second VP—Lion Rohan Campbell Third VP—Lion Keith Dawson Tailtweister—Lion Bob Towler Lion Tamer—Lion Anne Maree Marslen Membership Chairman Lion Henry Toller-Bond Directors Lion Heather Templeton Lion John Errey Congratulatiohns all Our new team will be installed at our change over night on June 3rd THE LIGHT—2 Monthly Newsletter Lions Club Port FairyBelfast MANY HANDS MAKE WORK EASY LIONS AT WORK 23/2—Red Cross driving Melbour ne ( Collins St and Moonee Ponds) via Cobden—12 hours 24/2- Lion Assist smoke alar m batter y changeover . Tony and Ken attending Fortnight starting 23/2—Lots of Lions assisting with the Folkie construction 24/2—last night Corporate Bowls—Both Lions teams survived!!! 24/2—The Light completed and deliver ed. 1/3—Jim and Bernice attended the Interzone Youth of Year final—Our candidate the winner ( see page 5) 2/3—Three payments collected fr om tar dy Ar t Show Sponsors. 3/3 Additional Meals on wheels—1.5 m/hours 6-9th Another great folkie effort by members at the instrument store. 526 man ( and women) hours . Ther e were the usual few little hassles but none that we couldn’t handle and any criticisms will be as they should be, discussed in the review. This year again proved how difficult it is to set an effective roster, with one of the busier periods of the last two years very quiet this year and some of the periods noted as quiet last year were almost bedlam this year. Great to see our prospective members so completely involved too 142 artists stored a total of 813 instruments and made 1066 visits to the booking desk with the total movement of instruments in and out 4507. 181 bookings were lodged at the transport section resulting in 334 internal and 49 external transportations. There were a number of other transportations made to assist stage management and other official personnel. Lion Heather allocates another transport job. The transport of instruments to and from venues was again a great team effort—well done. Lion Geoffrey ver y busily or ganising the Easter Fair and Auction. Promotion posters prepared for distribution. 13/3—Red Cross transportation Port Fairy— Geelong (Melbourne patient) and return 11 hours Public Relations certainly put Lions on a high pedestal at the folkie—with lots of thanks and appreciations received for our services from the musos.’Here Lion Geoff shares a joke with one regular visiting entertainer who reckons we’re the greatest ever. 16/3 Red Cross transportation Hamilton 3.5 hours 16/3 –20/3—Meals on Wheels Lion Roster—10 teams 16 manhours—Beaut to see our newer members involved. 18/3—Meeting with Community Market organisers re Easter Fair, Inspection of kindergarten 19/3—Convention BBQ and working Meeting. Good turnout with PDG Terry Uniacke and three Macarthur Lions also in attendance. Easter Fair— Lion Geoff busy with his organisation and promotions while other Lions collecting goodies for the auction—including a big effort in a particular shed Other Lions too have been busy pr epar ing for the auction and fair. And it looks as though it will be another winner with the jumping castle, pony rides, dancing girls ( of the Irish/Scottish variety— sorry chaps), SES Barbecue, spinning wheel and wood raffle, books sales etc, town crier, car boot sales and of course both our Community and Farmer Markets. A complete community\ effort to raise funds for community health and welfare programs. WELL DONE all who have assisted. 24/3—Red Cross Emergency driving—Ballarat via Scotts Creek and Colac and home the same way. 1o man hours and an ear ache!!! THE LIGHT—3 Monthly Newsletter Lions Club Port Fairy -Belfast After the completion of the impr omptu questions at the Interzone Youth of the Year final MC Lion Pat Howman asked if any attending Lions would care to respond to the questions. There were no takers! Heard—that our good Lion Friend Reg Harry was up to his neck in something smelly recently. Skinny dipping in the sewer when t here’s so much ocean all around us???? No shoes and shorts—winter’s still a long way off, says Lion Macca, seen paddling early one morning at the South Beach.. Biscuits this year as well as THOSE Lollies, fr om Lion Ann Maree at the instrument store. Why was Lion Henry taking or der s for Pie and chips at the March dinner meeting? That bloody Scotsman’s dog at the folkie—liberally sprayed a golf buggy then turned the “hose” onto one of our not so quick to move Lions. A BIG THANKYOU to those Lions and par tner s who so unselfishly assisted at the instrument store when for some reason or another a member couldn’t be there, especially Peter and Gail and Jeanette And a HUGE thankyou too to those Lions who came along to assist with the clean up. ONE WONDERS ABOUT MEDIA REPORTS— according to the police reports in the local press the streets were quiet at night—they certainly weren't when Bernice and I walked home at 2am, Back to that convention “Dog”- I believe Lion Gray also copped a spray. *When do we expect all the Convention hospitality books in by? Someone asked at the Convention Meeting, Quick as a flash our PDG Jeffreys response ( and probably from experience) “The day before the convention!’ *PDG Terry Uniacke tells me that the Rail tr am at Portland made a killing during the recent visit by the Cruise ship, and they expect another three or four visits in the future. Can we widen the Moyne? Lion outgoing President Peter and Lions Lady Gail off overseas in early July. We certainly hope they have a great trip and bring back a lot of wonderful memories. *Talk about tripping—I believe a district tour was conducted by Lion Keith for Lion Geoff during Easter Fair and other Lion duties—Koroit, Kirkstall and Port Fairy all figured along the way.”You do come home sometimes,”remarked Lion Mary when Geoff finally returned. *Lion Macca, I hear , gr ows mighty pumpkins—and they make great Pumpkin soup according to Lion Keith Dawson. *Also enjoying a few days away—Lion Craig and Lions Lady Beth. Craig is a very observant man and always has something interesting to report after his trips—like the YOUNG senior citizens Club rooms! *Nice to see Lions Lady Pat out and about again, Good on you, Pat—you can’t hold a good man—or woman– back. * Don’t forget— Lion Bob is looking for some good fines for, and your support at, the Zone Tailtwist. About Members Very casually, at our March Dinner Meeting, Lion Macca admitted that he had the winning ticket in the raffle Six new members will be inducted at the Apr il Dinner meeting by Lion Zone Chairman Bill Addinsall. Please make these new members of the Lions Family welcome and wanted. Lion Secretary Peter and Lions Lady Jane in New Zealand following a family bereavement. Our since and heart felt sympathies go out to them OUR deepest Sympathies ar e also extended to Lion PDG Stewart Pyers on the loss of his wife, Carol. Both Stewart and Carol were both visitors and friends to our club and Carol will be sadly missed. We are also saddened to hear of the death of PDG Gordon Williams and our sympathies have been extended to Lions Lady Helerne The Birthday Book Like April showers the birthdays are tumbling down for the current month… Lion Bernice Kent starts the ball rolling on the 5th while Lions Lady Denise Adamson celebrates on the 7th. Lion Ryan O’Dwyer finding Melbourne a lot different to Port Fairy kicks up his heels on the 10th trailed by Lion Tony Goode another year older on the 12th. Lion Roy Pollock will blow out a candle or two on the 22nd and then we have three of our ladies celebrating Lions Ladies Jenny Stephens (23rd) Lions Lady Mary Scott (27th) and Lions Lady Nicki Campbell ( A day off for Nicki, Rohan) also on the 27th. Wedding Anniversaries in April for two top Lions and their partners— Lion Henry Toller Bond and his lady Jeanette on the 8th and Lion Peter Ryan and Lions Lady Jane on the 13th, Congratulations all… By the way—the birthday/Anniversary sheet is still doing the rounds and remains to be checked by some Lions. AND BEWARE—Lion Bob will be informed the names of those Lions who have either incorrectly or not at all recorded their partners’ birthdays, or their wedding anniversary date. Bob’s Banter THE LIGHT—4 Monthly Newsletter Lions Club Port FairyWhile walking down the street one day a Member of Parliament is tragically hit by a truck and dies. His soul arrives in heaven and is met by St. Peter at the entrance. 'Welcome to heaven,' says St. Peter. Before you settle in, it seems there is a problem. We seldom see a high official around these parts, you see, so we're not sure what to do with you.' 'No problem, just let me in,' says the man. 'Well, I'd like to, but I have orders from higher up. What we'll do is have you spend one day in hell and one in heaven. Then you can choose where to spend eternity.' 'Really, I've made up my mind. I want to be in heaven,' says the MP. 'I'm sorry, but we have our rules.' And with that, St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he went down, down, down to hell. The doors open and he found himself in the middle of a green golf course. In the distance is a clubhouse and standing in front of it are all his friends and other politicians who had worked with him Everyone is very happy and dressed in evening dress. They run to greet him, shake his hand, and reminisce about the good times they had while getting rich at the expense of the people.hey played a friendly game of golf and then dined on lobster, caviar and champagne. Also present is the devil, who really is a very friendly & nice guy who has a good time dancing and telling jokes. They are having such a good time that before he realizes it, it's time to go. Everyone gives him a hearty farewell and wave whilst the elevator rises.... The door opens in heaven where St. Peter is waiting for him. 'Now it's time to visit heaven.' So, 24 hours pass with the MP joining a group of contented souls moving from cloud to cloud, playing the harp and singing. They have a good time and, before he realizes it, the 24 hours have gone by and St. Peter returns. 'Well, then, you've spent a day in hell and another in heaven. Now choose your eternity.' The MP reflects for a minute, then he answers: 'Well, I would never have said it before, I mean heaven has been delightful, but I think I would be better off in hell. So St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down down to hell. When the doors open he's in the middle of a barren land covered with waste and garbage. He sees all his friends, dressed in rags, picking up the trash and putting it in black bags as more trash falls from above. The devil comes over to him and puts his arm around his shoulder. ' I don't understand,' stammers the MP. 'Yesterday I was here and there was a golf course and clubhouse, and we ate lobster and caviar, drank champagne, danced and had a great time. Now there's just a wasteland full of garbage and my friends look miserable. What happened? ' The devil looks at him, smiles and says, ' Yesterday we were campaigning.. A doctor addressing a large audience in Oxford "The material we put into our stomachs should have killed most of us sitting here, years ago. Red meat is full of steroids and dye. Soft drinks corrode your stomach lining. Chinese food is loaded with MSG. High trans-fat diets can be disastrous and none of us realizes the longterm harm caused by germs in our drinking water. But, there is one thing that is the most dangerous of all and most of us have, or will eat it. Can anyone here tell me what food it is that causes the most grief and suffering for years after eating it?" After several seconds of quiet, a 70-year-old man in the front row raised his hand, and softly said, "Wedding Cake"............ The Deaf Italian Bookkeeper A Mafia Godfather finds out that his bookkeeper, Guido, has cheated him out of $10,000,000.00. His bookkeeper is deaf. That was the reason he got the job in the first place. It was assumed that Guido would hear nothing and would therefore never have to testify in court. When the Godfather goes to confront Guido about the missing $10 million, he takes along his lawyer, who knows sign language The Godfather tells the lawyer, "Ask him where the money is." The lawyer, using sign language, asks Guido, "Where's the money?" Guido signs back, "I don't know what you are talking about." The lawyer tells the Godfather, "He says he doesn't know what you are talking about." The Godfather pulls out a pistol, puts it to Guido's head and says, "Ask him again or I'll kill him!" The lawyer signs to Guido, "He'll kill you if you don't tell him." Guido trembles and signs back, "OK! You win! The money is in a brown briefcase, buried behind the shed at my cousin Bruno's house." The Godfather asks the lawyer, "What did he say?" The lawyer replies, "He says you don't have the balls to pull the trigger." Don't you just love Lawyers !!! He walks like a duck and talks like a duck! You must be drunk—duck’s can’t talk!!! A child asked his father, "How were people born?" So his father said, "Adam and Eve made babies, then their babies became adults and made babies, and so on." The child then went to his mother, asked her the same question and she told him, "We were monkeys then we evolved to become like we are now." The child ran back to his father and said, "You lied to me!" His father replied, "No, your mom was talking about her side of the family." Instead of "the John," I call my toilet "the Jim." That way it sounds better when I say I go to the Jim first thing every morning. I’m not a bird expert but I believe this nest contains four females and one male! THE LIGHT—5 Monthly Newsletter Lions Club Port Fairy—Belfast OUR GABRIELLE WINS INTERZONE YOUTH OF YEAR FINAL Gabrielle Good, the winner of our Youth of the Year Club Final, won the Interzone final at Portland on Sunday 1st March Gabrielle came up against a strong field of contestants representing Koroit. Macarthur, Warrnambool, Portland and Heywood. In addition to an interview with the panel of judges Gabrielle effectively answered two impromptu questions—one relating to tariffs and the other seeking an opinion of Capital punishment, - and then delivered a splendid five minute speech about the future in the hands of today’s youth. The best prepared speech was won by Koroit’s Angela Kenna The Judge’s said that they were impressed by all six candidates and that they left them with no doubt that our future was in good hands. The Interzone final was organised by Zone Chairmen Bill Addinsall and Ralph Kelly with MC Lion Pat Howman Gabrielle will now contest the District final to be held in Horsham on 28 March. Photo’s above—Alex Jones ( Macarthur) Declan Primmer (Warrnambool) Angela Kenna (Koroit) Gabrielle Good (Port Fairy-Belfast) Sarah Cottier (Portland) and Eamon Crossley( Heywood) The second photo includes the judges named above. The opinions of our Youth of the Year contestants, although we sometimes don’t agree with them, are well researched and often very thought provoking—and well worth listening to At our Interzone final we had some excellent discussion concerning Shark Culling, American gun laws, The future in the hands of youth, the death penalty, and renewable energy. A couple of comments worth repeating were— “The American Constitution is interesting—the first amendment provides for the freedom of speech, the second amendment provides the right to bear arms— so can you shoot someone if you don’t agree with what they say!!!” “The Death Penalty is murder by the Government.” “6400 young Australians are in aged care facilities…..” Our Regional Zone Chairmen at the Interzone Youth of the Year Final—Lion Bill Addinsal (above ) and Lion Ralph Kelly ( left) THE LIGHT—6 Monthly Newsletter Lions Club Port Fairy-Belfast MARCH DINNER MEETING Because of the demands of the Folkie on our usual Caterer our March Dinner Meeting was held at Charles on East Our guest speaker was Community Bank Manager ASHLEY KING who after telling us a little about himself provided us with an interesting history of horse racing in Port Fairy . Ashley was introduced by President Peter and thanked by Lion Henry Toller-Bond who also expressed the clubs thanks for Ashley ;s continued support of our Melbourne Cup Eve Fun Night, Henry also mentioned that the Annual Port Fairy Race Day meeting at Warrnambool was a great day even for those who weren't really into racing, commenting on the friendship and good fellowship there. GUEST SPEAKER ASHLEY KING Introducing the Guest Speaker— Lion President Peter It was pleasing to see some of our prospective members again at the dinner and their willingness to be involved was certainly proven with their names appearing on both the Folkie and meals on Wheels rosters. They will be inducted by Zone Chairman Bill Addinsal at our April Dinner Meeting; In the absence of Lion Tail Twister Bob some fines were solicited from the floor while Lion MACCA won the raffle. And we still want to know who took the Lion’s Banner home! Thanking the Guest Speaker—Lion Henry STOP PRESS—FROM THE SECRETARY A copy of a letter from the Fire Brigade forms part of this email. I should have had it for the last meeting but it Somehow got lost in the system and I had to have it resent. If you can help the Fire Brigade, which the Lions Cl;ub has done for many years please ring the numbers listed. We are writing to you today regarding the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal. The Port Fairy Urban Fire Brigade has supported the Royal Children's Hospital Good Friday Appeal for over 30 years. In 2014, our community raised over $11,000 and with your help, we are hoping to top that this year! We are looking for volunteers from the local community to help with doorknocking/collecting to ensure the ongoing success of contributions to the Hospital. We would love for you to join us and support the kids! We will meet at the Port Fairy CFA Station at 9am on Friday 3 rd April, 2015. From there, all volunteers will be allocated a part of town to carry out doorknocks. Once all groups have returned to the station, join us for hot cross buns and a cold drink while the official counters tally up the results! If you would like to join us this year, please notify us by calling Myra on 0458 866 737 prior to March 30th Re: Monies collected under the Vanuatu Umbrella The LCI/LCIF Bank entry must be "LCI/LCIF Disaster Relief Fund" for the donation to be eligible for the Melvin Jones Fellowship and Progressive Melvin Jones Fellowship programs. All cheques must be sent to 201V2 Cabi- net Treasurer, PDG John Greenwood, PO Box 184, Leopold 3224 Due to the magnitude of the Vanuatu Disaster and how widespread are the islands there will be a need for further funds from LCIF to assist the Port Vila Lions and the 7 Lions Clubs from New Caledonia to help the thousands of affected people. The first immediate LCIF Emergency Grant of US$10,000 to Port Vila Lions will help, but there is so much more to do and your Lions can be assured their donation to LCI/LCIF Disaster Relief Fund will be needed in Vanuatu. THE LIGHT—7 Monthly Newsletter Lions Club Por t Fairy-Belfast FROM the KOROIT LIONS CLUB The Lions Club of Koroit has opened an “ ÓP SHOP” at 88 High St Koroit next door to the CFA. The shop is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10a—4p\ Saturday 10am to 1pm If any of your members, family and friends have items to dispose of please think of us . Any Lions member who would consider doing an hour or two in the shop –partners welcome—we would like to hear from. ART SHOW\ All but one $30 sponsorship have now been received, Thanks to a great job by Lion Geoff Scott we received a total of $1650 in sponsorships which provided for our total prize pool of $1550. The profit figurer for the Art Show was $5656, well up on last year, although there may be still some small accounts from Brookes Hardware to be debited to my records. I am in the process of developing a simpler system of recording entries as they are received which will enable other members to take on this role. With art show entries for next year coinciding with the convention there is no doubt that we are going to need more member involvement in the receipt and recording of entries and the procuring of sponsors. This should be a great fund raiser and funds could flow on to a Zone Project if one was to come up ( eg Hart Walker) Yours in Lionism—Bruce Lowenthal A US 10, 000 emergency donation to Port Vila Lions Club will provide essential items for people whose lives have been devastated by Cyclone Pam. The donation has been provided by the Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) and will be spent on food, clothing, toiletries, water, and baby items. Emergency Grants provide up to US $10,000 for districts impacted by a natural disaster, including events such as cyclones, bushfires, floods and tsunamis. The Australian Coordinator for LCIF Nigel Jeny said that people on Vanuatu are in desperate need of basic items such as food, clothing and drinking water. “With concerns about possible contamination of the water supply and with no electricity in many communities the need for clean water, food and clothing could not be more urgent,” Mr Jeny said. “One of the key purposes of the LCIF is so that, when natural disasters strike, Lions Clubs can access disaster relief grants and funds. “Through this donation Port Vila Lions Club will be able to provide life-saving support and help for people in desperate need of emergency disaster relief”. LCIF typically awards more than US$2 million in Emergency Grant funding each year.A US 10, 000 emergency donation to Port Vila Lions Club will provide essential items for people whose lives have been devastated by Cyclone Pam. The donation has been provided by the Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) and will be spent on food, clothing, toiletries, water, and baby items. The World Health Organization (WHO) has renewed Lions' status as an NGO in Official Relations. WHO collaborates with and relies on nongovernmental organizations for crucial emergency and humanitarian action. This status renewal means that Lions will continue to aid WHO's global efforts to fight unnecessary blindness. Between 2007 and 2014, the Lions-WHO partnership established 45 national centers for the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of childhood blindness and visual impairments. To date, this partnership has impacted more than 140 million children in 30 countries. THE LIGHT—8 Monthly Newsletter Lions Club Por t Fairy-Belfast All Folked Out!! Lions Lady Gail registers another performer instruments into the store. Above and Below The acceptance and recording of instruments kept our table people busy. The recording a far cry from the notebook and pencil used our first time 14 years ago 526 man hours—and quite a few more in organising, preparing notices etc—813 instruments recorded and stored for 142 artists who made 1066 visits to the store to retrieve and return instruments, 4507 instrument movements ( in and out) overall. 334 transportations of instruments were made to and from arena venues ( some ivolving two buggies and drivers) and 49 externally. It was another very successful activity from members, partners and friends and a special thanks to all who were involved, especially those who worked additional time to cover for absenteeism. A great job also clearing up after the event and again thank you to those who came along to assist. A few good ideas coming from the weekend will be discussed shortly The Transportation Area was kept busy with the white boards listing transport bookings on an hour by hour basis Shift Team Leader Lion Jeffrey discusses procedures with the table crew. THE LIGHT—9 Monthly Newsletter Lions Club Port FairyBelfast More Folkie Pictures The store room shelves quickly filled with instruments of types The above pictures show various loadings of instruments for transportation. The buggies and the drivers did a great job The final photo shows lion Keith’s innovative system to keep the intermittent rain drops off musical instruments THE LIGHT—10 Monthly Newsletter Lions Club Port FairyBelfast CONVENTION REPORT An excellent working meeting in March following a barbecue, In addition to most of our committee we also had the pleasure of the company and input from District Convention Rep PDG Terry Uniacke and a team from Macarthur Lions Club, the latter who will be assisting us by organising the Sunday Barbecue. * Lion PCC Bob Gilchrist’s offer of the loan of a 6m x 6m tent was accepted and appreciated. Contact is to be made with Bob re collection ( and erecting instructions!!) * Survey results from clubs re Saturday afternoon entertainment for partners are slow coming in but to date most appear to favour the proposed historic or art walks ( and browsing the shops!) * What a great job by Lion Keith Gibson in organising the convention centre. His presentation of detailed scale drawings of the convention centre for each of the primary functions was well appreciated by committee members. Keith has done a sterling job and his efforts will not only ensure a smooth running convention but will also greatly assist in the organisation of other activities such as catering and registration. *A colour sketch as well as a computer image of the proposed convention pin was presented by Lion Jeffrey and was approved by the committee. 150 pins are to be ordered * Lion Henry showed us a mock up of the proposed convention satchel and his proposed design has been accepted and satchels will be ordered following some liaison with the Folk Festival Committee. * 8 Urns has been suggested as necessary for the various convention refreshment areas, 4 will be rented from party suppliers while the remainder will be sourced locally. Members were adamant that town water would not be used and arrangements are being prepared for a more acceptable water supply. *The suggestion of the singers that accompanied Arty Hoey’s “gig”at the folk festival will be considered to also accompany the band on our banquet night, To be followed up. *Lion Peter Ridout, catering team leader, updated the committee on catering arrangements. The Hub will cater for the Friday Night Informal Reception and samples of what will be on offer will be offered to a later committee meeting. The meeting vetoes Sushi and chicken but agreed on a cold collation that should be easily served and acceptable to conventioneers. The high cost of renting eating utensils from suppliers ( 40c each utensil) was discussed and alternative supplies will be explored. * In addition to the use of our art boards as a barrier between the aisle and convention area and as a hanging area for club banners two additional art boards will be placed for the display of Peace Posters. *The Macarthur Lions club will organise and present the Sunday Barbecue. Their support is recognised and appreciated by the committee. *Lion Henry will be the team leader for the proposed Saturday Morning Street March. * The required national anthems to be played for the Friday night Flag ceremony were discussed but the final decision will depend on the operation friendship visitors country and the District Governor. Apparently not all national anthems are played, only a selection. *The committee has been advised that a portion of Southcombe Park Caravan Park will be opened for the convention weekend. *Lion Keith presented a draft budget which will be discussed in full at the April meeting to be attended by District Treasurer PDG John Greenwood. * The promised computer program used for the Geelong convention has not been received. A follow up is to be made but if not received a local program will be used. * A letter is to be prepared and despatched to all community business people advising of the convention and suggesting that shop window displays with a Lion Theme be considered for the weekend. *While the TIC has a sheet advising local eating houses a Lion Brochure will be prepared providing more detail. The obtaining of the finer details from eating places will also provide a worthwhile public relations exercise promoting the convention. *An action plan format has been prepared for use by the team leaders preparing the various convention activities. These will ensure a fluid continuity if a team leader inadvertently becomes unavailable *The convention is already creating interest in the community, with a bank considering items for our satchels and a local business house considering some sort of fashion display as a partner activity *The committee expressed their gratitude to Lion Peter Ryan Junior who took care of the barbecue and barbecuing for the meeting. * Our nest meeting will be 16th April and will commence with a review of the Sports Stadium at 7pm .Members are reminded that while the Convention is a district activity we are the host club and your support and assistance is essential to ensure its success. Out team leaders will be looking for support during the planning and preparing processes and we will need a full team effort during the convention weekend. In future issues of the Light, and in our regular Convention newsletter to members, we will be highlighting those areas of need, including some where rostering will be necessary. We gave our District Lions a great Port Fairy welcome in 1998—they still talk about that convention—let’s make the 2015 convention even greater. THE LIGHT—11 Monthly Newsletter Lions Club Port FairyBelfast NEWS AND NOTES FROM THE MARCH BOARD MEETING. Hi Lions, The following is a list of important information from the Board Meeting held on Wednesday 18 th March. Lions Assist phone is now with Tony Goode Visits to Belfast House will resume in April. These visits are on a monthly basis on the 2nd Tuesday and start at 2:00pm. Lions talk with the male clients of Belfast House one of which is Lion Roy Pollock. The first visit is Tuesday 14th April 2:00pm. Easter Fair is Saturday 4th April. Roster will be at the April dinner meeting – we need about 16 Lions to be present on day. Books and CDs for Easter Fair needed. Also goods for sale. See Gazette advert. New Board for 2015-2016 is President Keith Gibson, Secretary Peter Ryan, Treasurer Tony Goode, Assistant Treasurer Geoff Scott, Membership Chairman Henry Toller-Bond, 1st VP Peter Ridout, 2nd VP Rohan Campbell, 3rd VP Keith Dawson, Lion Tamer Ann Maree Marslen, Tail Twister Bob Towler, Club Directors Heather Templeton and John Errey. At our next at the dinner meeting on Wednesday April 1st Zone Chairman Bill Addinsall will induct 6 new Lions into the Club. This will be a big night and one to look forward to as it will be a great night for the Club. Just to let you know Lions. Secretary Peter and LL Jane are in New Zealand at the moment. LL Jane’s mother has passed away. Our sympathy is extended to LL Jane and Lion Peter. Many thanks to those Lions, partners and friends who helped with the Instrument Storage over the Folk Festival weekend. We had a very profitable and successful time. A number of comments have been received and if you have any further comments, please let Secretary Peter know. Impending events: Murray to Moyne: Sunday 29th March Zone Tail Twist – Mon 20th April, 7 for 7:30, Koroit Lions Shed. Supper CLUB CHANGEOVER WEDNESDAY JUNE 3RD. District Changeover meeting – Hamilton 11 July Next Zone Meeting: 18th June, Koroit J Sproal . Acting Secretary THE LIGHT –12 Monthly Newsletter Lions Club Port FairyBelfast From Lion Henry At our April Dinner Meeting we will welcome zo new members to our Lions Family And welcome Susan Barnes, Cherie Firth, Chris Hetherington, Geoff Hodgkinson, Gail McGregor and Suzanne Scott. . All six have already been involved in our activities, including the folkie and meals on wheels, and have attended meetings so they are not strangers to us. Please make them welcome. We also have to say a sad goodbye to Lion Nibia who is moving interstate. Lion Nibia involvement with the club and her fellowship has been exceptional and she will be sadly missed. All the very best for the future, Nibia. Be sure to advise me whenever a member is ill, suffers a family bereavement, or has some special occasion. Don’t leave it until the next meeting to tell me,. Great to see the Belfast Men’s Visit are to be recommenced. . They old fellas look forward to our company and can tell some great stories. They’ll be on the second Tuesday of each month with the first on 14th April. COMMENTS/QUESTIONS TO NOTE/PONDER We need members because of the work we, Lions, do. The mysterious people in all our Lions Club – Somebody will do it, Somebody said, Somebody ……… !! Open ourselves up in our Club and embrace all people. KNOWLEDGE BECOMES WISDOM ONLY AFTER IT HAS BEEN PUT TO PRACTICAL USE The key to anything is preparation. Ask yourself the question, When did you become a Lion? Think tank – how many people/organizations/services involved in serving a meat pie? Does your Club have a Mission Statement? Play the Lions Membership Game. Club itinerary/program (meeting agenda) – every Club should have one. Join the Lions Worldwide Week of Service in May Is your club hosting a Lions Worldwide Week of Service project in May? Lions around the world are planning their service projects for May 16-22. This year, President Preston made serving children in need a priority, so consider joining the Centennial celebration by sponsoring a service activity benefitting youth in your community. LIONS—WE SERVE ...Health & Research activities Lions Australia has a proud history in Medical Research, including the bionic ear and cervical cancer vaccine, Gardisil. We also inspired a young Fred Hollows and continue to provide funding for a range of research initiatives involving diabetes and autism. Celebrate Family and Friends Month in April! Let's show family and friends how much they mean to us, and how much your Lions club means to the community. This April, invite your family and friends to learn, serve and celebrate with your club at a special event. Organize a service project, plan an open house, host a lunch or even a picnic—you decide how to introduce family and friends to your club. Start planning your Family and Friends Month event today! Protect the Environment and Be part of the Centennial Service Challenge Each April, Lions around the world to focus on Protecting Our Environment. Your club can get involved in the Centennial Service Challenge and celebrate Earth Day on April 22 by organizing special projects throughout the month that raise awareness and protect our planet. Ideas include planting trees, organizing a beach or roadside clean -up, establishing a recycling program, and hosting an environment-related seminar or workshop. Environmental projects are a great way to engage the entire community in hands-on volunteer work that makes a big impact. Start planning today for a greener tomorrow! THE LIGHT—13 Monthly Newsletter Lions Club Port FairyBelfast The Fun Page AUSTRALIAN TRIVIA ANSWERS ** Mt Kòsciusko ( 2228 metres) is on the Australian Mainland—Mt McClintock is in the Australian Antarctic Territory) 5. 6. 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 18% Every five years The Eastern Highlands Australian Capital Territory 6 Sydney Mt Mclintock 3490 metres ** The Murray River Wallaman Falls Steep Point 8222 Tasmania 13. Western Australia Pacific Sixth Coober Pedy Great Barrier Refef. Hunting—Returning—Cross Original Aboriginal tucker. THIS MONTH’S ODD WORDS 1. Anencephalous - Absence of a br ain Brouhaha - Upr oar or noisy r esponse Discombobulate – Confuse someone Absequatulate - Leave quickly Mabscoot - Happy Xanthippe - Ill-tempered woman Gamophobia - Fear of Marr iage BRAINTEASERS 1. You are in a cabin and it is pitch black. You have one match on you. Which do you light first, the newspaper, the lamp, the candle or the fire? 2. The maker doesn't need it, the owner doesn't want it, the user doesn't know he's using it what is it 3. Imagine you are in a room, no doors windows or anything, how do you get out? 1. The Match—2. A Coffin 3. Stop Imagining! What percentage of Australia's mainland is desert? 2 On average, major earthquakes measuring greater than magnitude 6 occur in Australia how often? 3. The Great Dividing Range of Australia is part of what land form division? 4. The two major mainland territories of Australia are the Northern Territory and...? 5. Australia consists of how many states? 6. The largest city by population in Australia is? 7. The highest mountain in Australia is? 8. The longest river in Australia is? 9. Australia's tallest waterfall with a fall of nearly 300 metres is? 10. The westernmost point of Australia is located at? 11. Australia has how many islands within its maritime borders? 12. What is the largest island within Australia's maritime borders?` 13. Which state within Australia is the largest? 14. Australia is located in Oceania between the Indian Ocean and which other ocean? 15. Australia is the _____ largest country in the world. 16. Where do 3500 Australians live in abandoned mines underground 17. What Australian formation can be seen from space by astronauts? 18. Name three types of Boomerang 19. What is bush tucker? 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. AUSTRALIAN TRIVIA 1. This is an IMPORTANT Communication for— “THE LIGHT” Lions Club Port Fairy—Belfast “ Serving the Community” PO Box 48 PORT FAIRY VIC 3284 “THE LIGHT” IS THE OFFICIAL Bulletin of the Lions Club of Port Fairy—Belfast Lions District 201V2 Prepared monthly and distributed to all club members, Zone Clubs, District Personnel, and other clubs, Lions where a request is received. Contributions, from members, partners and other clubs are welcome Every accomplishment begins with a person deciding to try what dreams and vision that they may have in their hearts.
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