LISTING PAPERWORK INSTRUCTIONS 1. Step 1 Information about Brokerage Services: □ Read it and sign it. 2. Step 2 Seller's Disclosure: □ We cannot coach, explain or write on this form. You need to fill it out to the best of your ability as honestly as possible. Disclose anything you are aware of that is a problem, has been a problem, or may be a problem. □ Put the property address on the top of each page. □ Initial at the bottom of pages 1-4. □ Sign at the top of page 5; the buyer will sign the bottom of page 5 when they submit an offer. □ We do not need this for: leases, new construction or lots/land. 3. □ □ □ Step 3 Contact Information and Showing Instructions: Check courtesy call or appointment required. If you are using a combo lockbox, make sure to write in a 4 digit code. If you are using security, please put in the appropriate codes. 4. □ □ □ □ Step 4 Exclusive Right to Sell Listing Agreement: Read the entire form and make sure you understand and agree to it before you sign it. Fill in your name, list price, & property address. If you are not offering 3%, please write in the amount you are offering, either % or dollar amount. Fill in the date you want the listing to start, and expiration date according to the plan you purchased, 6 month, 1 year or list until sold (fill in 3 year expiration for the last plan) and sign the agreement. All owners must sign this form. 5. Step 5 Home Information forms: □ You only need to fill out one "Step 5 form", the one that pertains to your area. □ Fill it out completely, as most of the sections are required info. If there is something that you do not know, leave it blank. □ If the room dimensions are ask for on the form we must have them, do not give square footage of rooms, I need the dimensions, please round them. For a room 14.7 x 15.4 write in 15 x 15. □ If you have an appraisal with the square footage, please fax that one page only, with your forms otherwise we use the tax database for square footage. □ If you are listing land/lot or for lease please contact us for the proper forms. PHOTO INSTRUCTIONS: 1. All photos need to be in .jpeg format attached as attachments. We will not go to outside sites such as Dropbox, Shutterfly or any other site to obtain your photos. 2. The order of the photos: You need to number them accordingly. Otherwise we will put your photos in a logical order. Label them: streetname1.jpg, streetname2.jpg, etc.... 3. Size of photo. They can be no larger than 800 X 600 pixels & need to be rotated properly, do not send in photos sideways. 4. New Photos: We cannot use any photos that have been on any prior MLS listing; they must be your photos and have never been posted on the MLS. MLS Austin MLS Corpus Christi MLS Houston MLS North Texas MLS San Antonio MLS Tyler MLS Waco MLS Number of Photos required to start listing 1 1 6 0 1 1 1 Number of photos allowed 40 max 19 max 32 max 25 max 25 max 25 max 15 max Once completed please fax all 5 steps to 817-886-2556 Or scan and email them to [email protected] and send your photos as well. Once we have you listed we will email you with your MLS number
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