Go W ifi existing G O manhole existing m Enemalta Feeder Pillar 1 anhole Joint to existing WSC Mains finish finish f re COLOUR CODES MELITA AND GO RELATED SERVICES ELECTRICAL INSTAL. RELATED SERVICES ELECTRICAL AND ENEMALTA RELATED SERVICES FOUNTAIN RELATED SERVICES IRRIGATION RELATED SERVICES WSC RELATED SERVICES DRAINS RELATED SERVICES finish er cable warning tape ta de s il ducts ducts n io t ec 750mm 750mm B refer detail se ducts concrete ducts concrete Enemalta cables sand Enemalta cables sand lean concrete 750mm cable protection slab sand Enemalta cables ction B 800mm 800mm 800mm SECTION DETAIL A SECTION DETAIL B SECTION DETAIL C LEGEND Manhole 1m x 1m Electrical Installation Manhole 0.2 x 0.2m refe r de Manhole 0.2 x 0.2m nA Go W ifi tail sec tion covered culvert Joint to existing WSC Mains existing GO manhole nA tio D1-2 ail s Lighting Feeder Pillar LFP with Manhole 0.8 x 0.4m below A ion eta il s A ect c se on il ta de ecti nA tio er ref det Decorative Pole Type D2 r refe ref er de tai ls ec covered culvert Fountain pump room Valve Decorative Pole Type D1 r fe re t de B C Castille Square Lighting Distribution Board Feeder Pillar tio ec ls ai de tai ls ec t io Manhole 1.2 x 0.9m n ref er Manhole 1.5 x 0.75m Joint to existing WSC Mains A Ex i En sting e Su mal t bs tat a ion n io ct se il ta Manhole 1 x 1m de Manhole .2 x .2m Enemalta Feeder Pillar 4 r fe re ex eq isting uip W me SC nt Concrete pedestal 0.3x0.3m with Manhole 0.08 x 0.08m Shrubs: Vitex & Cheirolophus crassifolius ec tio n A ref e rd refer detail section A re fe rd et ai ls D1-1 D2-1 manho le size when fo to be d undatio etermin ns are d e esigned d 1:60 TO EXISTING DRAINAGE GALARY [EXACT GALARY LOCATION TO BE IDENTIFIED] t seo al rvi low ce W to SC ho to rse p dr rov aw ide nc a ab s D2-2 D13 LFP3 D14 ion B D1-4 fe re LFP1 D16 n on A tio secti ec deta il Joint to existing WSC Mains s il BSdeta CArefer rd D15 refer A irrigation n io ct e pump roometail s E Enemalta Feeder Pillar 2 RS sect 1:60 TO EXISTING DRAINAGE GALARY HO deta il D1-3 2 refer manho when fole size to be d undatio etermin ns are d e esignedd B e a bs id ca ovwn r p a toe dr SCors Wh ow to all ice toerv s LFP2 Joint to existing WSC Mains ls ai et rd fe section A re refer detail Enemalta Feeder Pillar 3 n tio ec C to existing Barrakka to existing Barrakka Enemalta Substation irrigation system 2.5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Mts Scale 1:200 Cyan Engineering Limited 6/4 Triq il- Qares Mosta Tel. (00356) 2142 3761 Fax. (00356) 2142 3761 [email protected] 2/4/2015 Summary FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT: SCHEDULE OF RATES 1 1 1 1 File No.: RD 15/15 Project : Civil works at Castille Square, Valletta 1 Contract No: CT 2003/2013/4061 1 1 1 1 Contract Summary Sheet Item 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000 5.000 6.000 7.000 8.000 9.000 10.000 12.000 13.000 15.000 Amount (€) Bid Amount (€) inclusive of VAT, Eco-Contribution and all other/taxes as may be applicable inclusive of VAT, Eco-Contribution and all other/taxes as may be applicable Description € 36,550.84 € 74,267.39 € 45,790.16 € 3,459.71 € 21,092.92 € 92,945.90 € 23,283.99 € 1,340.46 € 24,070.42 € 206.91 € 211,572.58 € 2,220.00 € 15,636.50 € 552,437.78 General Site Clearance & Demolition Works Earthworks & Road Formation Trench Excavation & Backfilling Works Installation of Buried Infrastructure (Electrical) Installation of Buried Infrastructure (Potable Water / Waste Water) Service Utilities Storm Water Network Kerbs & Paving Wall Construction Works Asphalt Works Structural Concrete Works Miscellenous Works Structural Repair Works TOTAL : 1 1 Traffic Management & Site Safety : % 1 As per drawings attached with this "Contract Allocation". 6% % € 33,146.27 1 1 GRAND TOTAL : Page 1 of 11 € 585,584.05 Print date : 2/4/2015 Traffic Management + Site Safety FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT: SCHEDULE OF RATES ITEM DESCRIPTION Expected Level of Traffic Management and its compensation, shall be as indicated in the “Contract Allocation” and subsequent “Work Orders”. Payments shall be carried out as per cl. 4.2.1 - Volume 4. The below list indicates Traffic Management and Site Safety equipment which the contractor is expected to have at his availability to accomodate the Traffic Management and Site Safety requirments requested by the Contracting Authority. 0.000 Traffic Management & Site Safety 1 A Vertical Signage : The rate shall include for the graphical design and related submissions to the requirements as described herein. The graphical design details shall comply Note : with the equivalent diagram number of the UK TSRGD / TSM (or to an equivalent reputable national traffic sign regulation of an EU member state. This 2 0.001 3 0.001 a. 0.001 b. 0.001 c. 0.001 d. 0.001 e. 0.001 f. 0.001 g. 0.001 h. 0.001 i. 0.001 j. 0.001 k. 0.001 l. 0.001 m. 0.001 n. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 0.002 18 0.002 a. 0.002 b. 0.002 c. 0.002 d. 0.002 e. 0.002 f. 0.002 g. 0.002 h. 0.002 i. 0.002 j. 0.002 k. 0.002 l. 0.002 m. 0.002 n. 0.002 o. 0.002 p. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 B equivalent regulation must be declared and submitted to Transport Malta for approval prior to the fabrication of the signs). Retroreflective triangular, round or octagonal traffic signs, Class RA3 (microprismatic DIN 67520-4, Table 3 or equivalent). Rate shall include for the temporary supporting posts (height as required) weighted to balance as necessary. Rate applicable to Signs as per item (a.) to (n.) below : "Men at Work" Triangular Sign Size 900mm; "No Entry" Round Sign Size 600mm; "No Entry" Round Sign Size 900mm; "No Left Turning" / "No Right Turning" Round Size 600mm; "No Left Turning" / "No Right Turning" Round Size 900mm; "White on Blue Arrow" Round Sign Size 900mm; "Loose Chippings" Triangular Sign Size 900mm; "Lane Narrows" Triangular Sign Size 900mm; "STOP" Octagonal Sign Size 900mm; "SLOW" Round Sign Size 900mm; "Speed Limit" Round Sign Size 900mm; "No U Turn" Circular Sign 900mm; "Height Limit" Round Sign 900mm; "No Parking" Circular Sign 900mm. Retroreflective rectangular / square, Class RA3 (microprismatic DIN 67520-4, Table 3 or equivalent). Rate shall include for the temporary supporting posts (height as required) weighted to balance as necessary. Rate applicable to Signs as per item (a.) to (p.) below. "25m", "50m", "100m", "200m" (supplementary plate) distance sign 0.27m x 0.80m "No Entry Except for Residents & to Render Service" Size 0.60m x 0.9m (minimum dimensions) "No Entry Except for Public Transport" Size 0.60m x 0.9m (minimum dimensions) "Road Works Ahead, Reduce Speed Now" Sign Size 0.6m x 0.9m (minimum dimensions) "Construction Site Keep Out" Sign 0.6m x 0.9m (minimum dimension), drawing ref FM 19 "Site Safety" Sign 0.6m x 0.9m (minimum dimension), drawing ref FM 19 "RAMP" Sign, drawing ref FM 19 "STOP Road Closed" Sign 0.6m x 0.9m (minimum dimension), drawing ref FM 19 "Traffic Control Ahead" Red Sign 0.6m x 0.9m (minimum dimensions) "Diversion" (including left/right arrow) Yellow Sign "Pedestrians" (including left / right arrow) Blue Sign "Road Works Ahead" Yellow Sign 0.6m x 0.9m (minimum dimensions) "Temporary Traffic Lights Ahead" Yellow Sign 0.6m x 0.9m (minimum dimensions) "Road Construction Ahead" Red Sign 0.6m x 0.9m (minimum dimensions) "Find Alternative Route" Yellow Sign 0.6m x 0.9m (minimum dimensions) "Pedestrian Crossings" white on blue Sign TRANSPORT MALTA SIGNS 2.00m x 1.25m "This Road was Resurfaced by Transport Malta" Sign, inclusive of supporting posts (height as required) weighted to balance as necessary, 35 0.003 36 0.004 37 0.005 38 0.006 2.00m x 1.25m TM / Contractor Sign, inclusive of supporting posts (height as required) weighted to balance as necessary, drawing ref FM 18. 39 40 50 51 0.018 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 17. 2.00m x 1.25m "Bini ta' Toroq Residenzjali" Sign, inclusive of supporting posts (height as required) weighted to balance as necessary, drawing ref FM 18. 0.007 Supply, transport, install and remove Site Specific Sign to a maximum size of 2.00m x 1.25m. Wording on sign as directed by Officer in Charge. C 0.008 0.009 0.010 0.011 0.012 0.013 0.014 0.015 0.016 0.017 41 drawing ref FM 17. 2.00m x 1.25m "This is a Transport Malta Project" Sign, inclusive of supporting posts (height as required) weighted to balance as necessary, drawing ref FM Traffic Safety & Control Equipment Reflective Cone with base, minimum height 18". Orange Safety Fence Barrier with posts, 1.20m high minimum. Caution red and white tape (LDPE), 3" - 6" wide, fixed to posts as necessary. Parade Barricade (plastic or metal). D Cell Flasher with Battery (Amber). Temporary metal hoarding fence (minimum height 2.10m). Including supporting posts. Covering to hoarding with green netting. Rate is to include removal at completion and maintenance as necessary. Red / White (alternate) Plastic barriers. Delineator strips with reflectors. Concrete Jersey Barriers. Temporary Mobile Traffic Light Set (Red / Amber / Green) in working order including electrical supply / power source and mounting arrangement. Page 2 of 11 Print date : 2/4/2015 Traffic Management + Site Safety FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT: SCHEDULE OF RATES 52 D 56 Note : 0.019 0.020 0.021 57 0.022 58 0.023 0.024 0.025 53 54 55 59 60 61 E Horizontal Signage Measure, temporarily mark, set out, supply and lay retroreflective road markings for temporary purpose. 100mm wide white / yellow line marking temporary road tape. 100mm wide double yellow line marking. 100mm wide yellow / white line marking. Apply roadmarkings for temporary Pedestrian Crossing to the UK Zebra, Pelican and Puffin Pedestrian Crossings Regulations and General Directions (inc. Amendments) and Transport Malta specification Series 1200 to the typical layout as shown in the UK TSM 5 - Figure 15-1. Diag. 1002.1 (Stop line), 400 mm wide. "STOP", 1600mm as per UK TSRGD, Schedule 13.VI. Diag. 1022, "SLOW", 1600mm as per UK TSRGD, Schedule 13.VI. Miscellenous Temporary pedestrian bridge with railing, at least 1.0m wide. Temporary metal plate to take traffic loading, maximum dimension 2.0m x 2.0m. Light Scarify over existing surface to remove horizontal signage Paint in black over existing surface Supply and apply hazard marker paint (yellow / black) on structures (tunnel portals, columns, arches) TSRGD Diagram 530.2 in yellow (retroreflective > 65 0.026 0.027 0.028 0.029 66 0.030 100mcd) and black bands to the dimensions indicated. Rate to include for the surface preparation, minor edge repairs (infilling with proprietary high 67 0.031 69 i ii. 0.032 0.033 0.034 62 63 64 70 77 78 78 strength concrete repair mortar) priming of surface and lifting / hoisting / working platform. Portable LED VMS Sign Outdoor Usage inclusive of Electrical Supply / Power Source in either character / line and or full matrix (pictorial message) at one time to EN 12966 as below, including mounting arrangements : Single colour line or character matrix Fixed LED pictogram and text FLOOD LIGHTS including necessary hauling and lifting equipment. Cross over existing sign with red adhesive tape and remove as necessary. Safety Cover existing sign with leather bag (any size) and remove as necessary. SUB - TOTAL 0 (CARRIED TO SUMMARY SHEET) 0 Page 3 of 11 0.00 0 Print date : 2/4/2015 Framework Agreement CT 2003 / 2013 Project : Civil works at Castille Square, Valletta FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT: SCHEDULE OF RATES MAX. RATE ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT Max. Amount 1.000 General Site Clearance & Demolition Works 1.002 a. b. 1.007 a. b. 1.008 1.009 1.010 Take up existing street furniture including road signs and dispose of as directed : < 2.00m height. 3.00 > 2.00m height. 1.00 Uproot plants / shrubs / trees and store aside to be replanted as indicated on site. Replanting to be mesured separately. plants up to 1m height. 2.00 shrubs / trees exceeding 1m but not exceeding 5 m height. 2.00 Cut down shrubs/trees; Maximum tree height 5.00m. 2.00 Excavate any material from landscaped areas including breaking of any 1048.00 existing small structures/features. Excavate agricultural soil and cart away from site to store as directed. 560.00 no. no. 20.00 250.00 60.00 250.00 no. no. no. 20.00 50.00 20.00 40.00 100.00 40.00 cu m 18.00 18864.00 cu m 7.50 4200.00 m run 20.00 200.00 m run 4.01 4411.00 m run 2.75 275.00 1472.00 sq m 4.79 7050.88 100.00 cu m 9.53 953.00 2.00 cu m 19.06 38.12 1.20 cu m 57.37 68.84 Euro 36550.84 cu m 24.50 2450.00 cu m 20.66 67332.59 cu m 18.74 2248.80 cu m 15.80 1896.00 sq m 1.50 15.00 no. 65.00 325.00 Euro 74267.39 33.50 19895.65 Excavate in any type of ground to uncover existing service 1.012 pipes/ducts/cables diameter not exceeding 500mm, take up same and 10.00 dispose of as directed. Breaking up of existing concrete kerbs including concrete footing and 1.013 1100.00 backing. Break up existing masonry kerb including concrete footing and backing. 1.014 100.00 1.015 Breaking up of existing concrete paving / blocks / slabs in footways. 1.017 Demolition and/or Removal softstone/hollow concrete blockwalls. Demolish existing masonry / concrete block wall, including removal / 1.019 cutting of reinforcement as necessary. Demolish reinforced concrete suspended slab; attached and/or isolated 1.021 reinforced concrete beams, including all necessary temporary propping /shuttering. Total Bill 1.000 to Summary Sheet : 2.000 Earthworks & Road Formation Excavation Works Oversite excavation in any type of ground using planar equipment to 2.001 100.00 reduce levels . Oversite excavation in any type of ground using mechanical equipment to 2.002 3259.08 reduce levels. B Filling Works Type 1 Sub-base material as per series 800, cl. 803; Nominal grain size A 2.003 37.5mm, hardstone (>50KN on 10% fines value in wet condition), in filling to make up levels, leveling and compacting in layers (max. thickness 120.00 300mm) as required. Material is to be compacted at omc. Type 1D Fill Material as per series 600, cl. 601(i) Table 6/1, Table 6/2 Class 1D; Nominal grain size 37.5mm; in filling to make up levels, leveling 2.004 120.00 and compacting in layers (max. thickness 300mm) as required. Material is to be compacted at omc. Level and compact existing material to achieve an EV2 value of > 120 / > 2.007 10.00 100 as required. Modifying &/or Raising/Lowering the level of Gratings and Manhole 2.010 5.00 Covers and the respective frames. Total Bill 2.000 to Summary Sheet : 3.000 Trench Excavation & Backfilling Works Trench Excavation Works Excavate trench in any type of material; width exceeding 300mm, depth 3.001 not exceeding 2500mm, including working around existing buried 593.90 infastructure. A Page 4 of 11 cu m Bid. RATE Bid . Amount (inclusive of VAT, Eco- (inclusive of VAT, Eco- (inclusive of VAT, Eco- (inclusive of VAT, EcoContribution and all Contribution and all Contribution and all Contribution and all other/taxes as may be other/taxes as may be other/taxes as may be other/taxes as may be acceptible) acceptible) acceptible) acceptible) Print date : 2/4/2015 Framework Agreement CT 2003 / 2013 Project : Civil works at Castille Square, Valletta FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT: SCHEDULE OF RATES MAX. RATE ITEM DESCRIPTION 3.005 3.006 B 3.006 a 3.008 QTY UNIT Excavate pit in any type of material; depth not exceeding 2500mm, 0.90 including working around existing buried infrastructure. Excavate by hand tools or compressor in any type of material, to any 80.00 depth, including working around existing buried infastructure. Trench Backfilling Works Backfill trenches/pits with Type 1A / Type 1D material up to the required 1.50 level, including leveling and compacting in layers. C 7.5 0.60 Backfill trenches/pits with Lean Mix High-Flow Trench Backfill to TM Series 2600, clause 2607 Type E (Excavatable) Mix, 1.5 N/mm2; up to the 624.70 required levels, including leveling, compacting and finishing off. Max. Amount cu m 35.00 31.50 cu m 68.85 5508.00 cu m 16.84 25.26 cu m 45.00 27.00 cu m 32.50 20302.75 Euro 45790.16 m run 2.89 1040.40 m run 1.24 12.40 m run 3.52 1654.40 m run 1.37 630.20 no. 32.98 65.96 m run 22.54 56.35 Euro 3459.71 Total Bill 3.000 to Summary Sheet : 4.000 Installation of Buried Infrastructure (Electrical) A Cable Network CABLES TO BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS. Lay Only and position properly, cable less than or equal to 35mm in diameter in trenches, including the provision and laying of two layers of 4.001 80mm thick fine hard crushed stone (sand) with particle size not 360.00 exceeding 5mm as surround to cable. Rate is also applicable for cable uplifting works. Lay Only, position and tie cable equal to or less than 35mm in diameter 4.002 properly on cable supports above a height of 1.5 metres from existing 10.00 ground level. Lay Only and position properly, cable greater than 35mm in diameter but less than or equal to 80mm in diameter in trenches, including the 4.004 provision and laying of two layers of 80mm thick fine hard crushed stone 470.00 (sand) with particle size not exceeding 5mm as surround to cable. Rate is also applicable for cable uplifting works. B Warning Slabs Concrete or franka cable warning slabs laid in trench. The rate is per 4.014 460.00 linear metre of each row of slabs laid. E Miscellenous 4.019 Boring of holes for stay rods 1.2m x 5cms including grouting. 2.00 Boring of earth holes for earth rods exceeding 50m deep, including 4.022 2.50 grouting; earth rod to be supplied and installed by others. Total Bill 4.000 to Summary Sheet : Installation of Buried Infrastructure (Potable Water / 5.000 Waste Water) A Potable Water Mains Network CEMENT LINED PIPES AND FITTINGS PROVIDED BY OTHERS. Lay Only and connect in trenches, ductile iron cement lined pipes as 5.001 instructed by the Engineer-in-Charge, including collecting from store, load, transport to site and unload; of the following diameters: b. 80mm diameter c. 100 mm diameter f. 300 mm diameter Lay Only and connect ductile iron fittings (sluice valves, butterfly valves, air valves, fire hydrants, control valves, flanged pipes, bends and meters 5.002 etc) in trenches as instructed by the Engineer-in-Charge, including collecting from store, load, transport to site and unload; Fittings of the following diameter: b. 80mm diameter c. 100 mm diameter 19.00 170.00 67.00 m run m run m run 4.08 4.26 9.18 77.52 724.20 615.06 5.00 40.00 no. no. 9.93 11.19 49.65 447.60 Page 5 of 11 Bid. RATE Bid . Amount (inclusive of VAT, Eco- (inclusive of VAT, Eco- (inclusive of VAT, Eco- (inclusive of VAT, EcoContribution and all Contribution and all Contribution and all Contribution and all other/taxes as may be other/taxes as may be other/taxes as may be other/taxes as may be acceptible) acceptible) acceptible) acceptible) Print date : 2/4/2015 Framework Agreement CT 2003 / 2013 Project : Civil works at Castille Square, Valletta FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT: SCHEDULE OF RATES MAX. RATE ITEM DESCRIPTION Max. Amount UNIT 15.00 no. 28.21 423.15 8.00 no. 27.05 216.40 2.00 no. 2.50 5.00 24.00 m run 26.19 628.56 8.00 3.00 2.00 no. no. no. 30.86 68.75 97.50 246.88 206.25 195.00 16.00 m run 4.15 66.40 10.00 no. 7.89 78.90 1.00 no. 43.55 43.55 1.00 no. 43.55 43.55 5.00 no. 19.25 96.25 0.00 m run 6.56 0.00 4.00 no. 188.71 754.84 20.00 m run 7.28 145.60 5.016 including all necessary fittings, accessories, pipes and supply and laying of 2.00 no. 364.71 729.42 concrete surround and backfilling. 5.017 Saddles to connections including all necessary fittings. 5.018 Y-branches to connections including all necessary fittings. 2.00 2.00 no. no. 37.46 51.75 74.92 103.50 f. 300 mm diameter B Potable Water House Services POLYETHYLENE PIPES AND FITTINGS PROVIDED BY OTHERS. Excavation around pipe perpendicular to the trench for installation of tapping. Installation of tapping to be carried out by others. 5.004 Installation of tapping ferrule on water mains. Excavate trench by pneumatic hammer for house service between water 5.003 main and house frontage. If applicable works are also to include for the cutting of bituminous road surface to its full depth, (on both sides of trench) with straight edges parallel to line of trench and for edge sealants for any extra length of cut. Collect pipes, fittings and stop cock covers 5.005 from store, load, transport to site and unload and lay PE (polyethylene) pipes for house service inclusive of fittings. Rate also includes for the construction of stopcock chamber complere including the fixing of cover and frame. Chase in wall along consumer's premises and plaster after installation of service pipe. Supply, ram and compact lean concrete (as per Series 2600, Clause 2603) around water main up to support pipe and to road formation level over trench/pits for house service. 5.006 Shift Only water meters, excluding pipework. b. 100mm e. 300mm Extra Over the installation of house services to allow for additional work 5.008 C invloved in pipe sleeving of house services, inclusive of ducting sleeve. Temporary Potable Water Supply POLYETHYLENE PIPES AND FITTINGS PROVIDED BY OTHERS. 5.009 5.010 5.011 5.012 D 5.013 5.014 5.015 E Lay Only and connect temporary PE pipes and fittings above ground to existing water main, including collecting from stores, load, transport to site and unload; disconnect and remove temporary supply on completion. Excavate for connection or disconnection of existing network connection of temporary water main, backfill and reinstate in temporary reinstatement. Excavate pit, blank off existing tapping etc…. Sluice Valve chamber, complete including 5" diameter uPVC pipe over sluice valve, concrete surround and cover, all as directed by engineer. (Cast iron covers to be supplied by others and collected from stores by contractor). Waste Water Network Lay Only and connect 200mm diameter pipes in trenches as directed, including collecting from store, load, transport to site and unload, align, level and join. Connection to existing sewer manhole including all works as necessary, including rendering/sealing of connection. Provision of a CCTV report and video evidence of the newly constructed main sewers complete with photographs of each manhole constructed. These are to be presented to the Engineer. Repair/connect to newly laid main sewer, broken household connections, Waste Water uPVC pipes and fittings Page 6 of 11 Bid. RATE Bid . Amount (inclusive of VAT, Eco- (inclusive of VAT, Eco- (inclusive of VAT, Eco- (inclusive of VAT, EcoContribution and all Contribution and all Contribution and all Contribution and all other/taxes as may be other/taxes as may be other/taxes as may be other/taxes as may be acceptible) acceptible) acceptible) acceptible) QTY Print date : 2/4/2015 Framework Agreement CT 2003 / 2013 Project : Civil works at Castille Square, Valletta FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT: SCHEDULE OF RATES MAX. RATE ITEM DESCRIPTION Max. Amount UNIT 1122.00 10.00 10.00 m run m run m run 9.35 28.22 31.51 10490.70 282.20 315.10 2.00 no. 725.36 1450.72 2.00 no. 952.50 1905.00 2.00 no. 62.50 125.00 4.00 no. 100.00 400.00 8.00 no. 19.00 152.00 Euro 21092.92 m run m run 6.00 5.80 18948.00 8688.40 m run 500.00 2500.00 no. 140.00 21280.00 no. 60.00 120.00 uPVC pipes and fittings to BS EN 140-1:1998 Type UNI 303/2 and with 5.019 Class Rigidity SN4 SDR 51, in trenches, laid to the proper gradient and alignment with suitable approved joints; b. 150mm diameter c. 200mm diameter d. 250mm diameter F Waste Water Manholes & Covers Manhole – Type I, complete all as per Drawing ; including but not limited to excavation in any type of ground, support, backfilling, reinforced concrete base, walls and cover slab inlcuding formwork and 5.020 reinforcement, concrete benching to main and branch pipe; step iron. Internal walls finished smooth. Rate includes for any internal constructions and/or provision and fixing of fittings to adapt as a drop manhole. Cast iron cover and frame measured separately. Manhole – Type II, complete all as per Drawing ; including but not limited to excavation in any type of ground, support, backfilling, reinforced concrete base, walls and cover slab inlcuding formwork and 5.021 reinforcement, concrete benching to main and branch pipe; step iron. Internal walls finished smooth. Rate includes for any internal constructions and/or provision and fixing of fittings to adapt as a drop manhole. Cast iron cover and frame measured separately. Install Only cast iron manhole cover and frame, including collecting from 5.024 store, load, transport to site and unload, leveling and finishing off; a. size not exceeding 600mm x 600mm, rectangular / circular. Modify existing house intercepting trap chamber by lowering or raising the Reinforced concrete slab to the required site levels, including all 5.025 necessary works and the provision of new precast reinforced concrete cover slabs size approximate 300mm x 600mm x 75mm thick when required. Precast reinforced concrete cover slabs, complete including 5.026 reinforcement, size approximate 300mm x 600mm x 75mm thick, including the taking up of existing broken slabs where applicable. Total Bill 5.000 to Summary Sheet : 6.000 Service Utilities A Ducts and Culverts 6.010 1 x 50mm diameter HDPE flexible pipe cast in footpaths. 6.012 1 x 110mm diameter upvc light gauge cast in footpaths. 3158.00 1498.00 Precast reinforced concrete 'U' units walk through service culvert as per 5.00 drawing RCD 500/61, complete. B Drawpits & Covers Steel B125 junction boxes including cover and frame, size 400mm x 400mm and not exceeding 750mm deep cast in footways, including all 6.016 152.00 necessary excavtion in any type of ground, 150mm thick C20 concrete surround, formwork and backfilling. B125 cover and frame size not exceeding 400mm x 400mm to existing 6.017 junction boxes, including the taking up and cart away of existing dmaged 2.00 cover and making good as necessary. 6.013 Page 7 of 11 Bid. RATE Bid . Amount (inclusive of VAT, Eco- (inclusive of VAT, Eco- (inclusive of VAT, Eco- (inclusive of VAT, EcoContribution and all Contribution and all Contribution and all Contribution and all other/taxes as may be other/taxes as may be other/taxes as may be other/taxes as may be acceptible) acceptible) acceptible) acceptible) QTY Print date : 2/4/2015 Framework Agreement CT 2003 / 2013 Project : Civil works at Castille Square, Valletta FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT: SCHEDULE OF RATES MAX. RATE ITEM DESCRIPTION Max. Amount UNIT 5.00 no. 500.00 2500.00 30.00 no. 570.00 17100.00 23.00 2.00 15.00 no. no. no. 206.50 530.00 1000.00 4749.50 1060.00 15000.00 1.00 no. 250.00 250.00 10.00 no. 75.00 750.00 Euro 92945.90 Draw pit, complete all as per details on drawings FM - 01 & 02, including but not limited to excavation in any type of ground, support, backfilling 6.018 and step iron. Internal walls finished smooth. Rate includes for any internal constructions and/or provision and fixing of fittings to adapt as a c. d. 6.019 b. c. d. drop pit. Cast iron cover and frame measured separately. size 900mm x 900mm and not exceeding 1500mm deep internally. Ref. Drwg. FM - 01 + 02. size 1500mm x 750mm and not exceeding 1500mm deep internally. Ref. Drwg. FM - 01 + 02. Cast Iron manhole cover and frame to draw pits, D400; size 600mm x 600mm size 900mm x 900mm size 1500mm x 750mm Manholes & Covers Manholes complete as per drawings FM03 & FM04 including but not limited to all necessary excavation in any type of ground, backfilling, 6.020 internally smooth; Cast iron manhole cover and frame measured separately. size 900mm x 600mm and not exceeding 1000mm deep, internally C a. Cast iron locable cover and frame D400 for Festa poles, including all necessary excavation in any type of ground, 200mm diameter upvc 6.021 sleeve x 400mm deep, C20 concrete surround and making good as necessary disturbed area. Total Bill 6.000 to Summary Sheet : 7.000 Storm Water Network A uPVC pipes and fittings uPVC pipes and fittings to BS EN 140-1:1998 Type UNI 303/2 and with 7.001 Class Rigidity SN4 SDR 51 in trenches, laid to the proper gradient and alignment with suitable approved joints; with the following diameters: a. 110mm diameter b. 125mm diameter c. 150mm diameter d. 200mm diameter e. 250mm diameter f. 315mm diameter Gully, Manholes, Gutters, Gratings and Covers Storm water Gully, complete all as per details on drawings FM - 03 & 04, including but not limited to excavation in any type of ground, support, 7.003 backfilling and internal walls finished smooth, including pipe branch connection to main pipe and finishing off. Gully grating and frame measured seperately. a. size 700mm x 900mm, depth not exceeding 1000mm to pipe crown. 5.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 2.00 44.00 m run m run m run m run m run m run 6.50 7.73 9.35 28.22 31.51 32.63 32.50 38.65 93.50 141.10 63.02 1435.72 29.00 no. 280.00 8120.00 6.00 no. 650.00 3900.00 5.00 37.00 2.00 m run no. no. 280.00 171.79 144.30 1400.00 6356.23 288.60 B b. 7.007 a. b. c. size 1200mm x 1050mm, depth not exceeding 1500mm to pipe crown. Ductile Iron Grating and frame (double triangular type) heavy duty D400 to EN 124 to be hinged, lockable, sealed, and certified non-rocking, including the casting of the Logo. size 600mm wide Grating and Frame size 600mm x 600mm Grating and Frame size 450mm x 450mm Grating and Frame Page 8 of 11 Bid. RATE Bid . Amount (inclusive of VAT, Eco- (inclusive of VAT, Eco- (inclusive of VAT, Eco- (inclusive of VAT, EcoContribution and all Contribution and all Contribution and all Contribution and all other/taxes as may be other/taxes as may be other/taxes as may be other/taxes as may be acceptible) acceptible) acceptible) acceptible) QTY Print date : 2/4/2015 Framework Agreement CT 2003 / 2013 Project : Civil works at Castille Square, Valletta FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT: SCHEDULE OF RATES MAX. RATE ITEM DESCRIPTION Cast iron manhole cover and frame heavy duty D400 to EN 124 to be hinged, lockable, sealed, and certified non-rocking. c. size 600mm x 600mm Soakaways Graded filter material complying to series 500 table 5/5 - Type B; in pits. Max. Amount UNIT 2.00 no. 206.50 413.00 5.00 cu m 8.00 40.00 10.00 sq m 2.00 20.00 1.00 sum 300.00 300.00 0.50 sq m 83.33 41.67 2.00 no 300.00 600.00 Euro 23283.99 7.008 C 7.012 Geotextile material that allows water to flow through it, in either 7.013 direction. Geotextile should be wrapped and overlapped as directed. D Miscellenous Works Carry out the necessary modifications to connect new storm water 7.015 system to existing culvert / ducting / reservoir. Precast reinforced concrete C25 slabs size approximately not exceeding 0.2square meters x not exceeding 150mm thick, to take pedestrian 7.017 traffic, laid to levels over existing culvert, bedding and including the taking up of existing broken slabs. Precast reinforced concrete C25 manhole roofing slab size approximately not exceeding 2.50square meters x not exceeding 300mm thick, with 7.018 opening (any size) to receive manhole cover, to take vehicular traffic loading, laid to levels over existing manhole, bedding and including the taking up of existing broken slabs. Total Bill 7.000 to Summary Sheet : 8.000 Footpath Works A 8.001 8.003 8.004 8.005 8.006 8.007 a. b. c. Kerbs & Paving Precast concrete kerb 255mm high x 1000mm long, laid straight or curved on plan to a radius exceeding 12m, including all necessary saw cutting and excavation or trenching as necessary in existing ground, bedding and backing with insitu unreinforced concrete grade C15, pointing of joints, complete all as per detail RCD 1100/1. Cast in-situ C20 concrete in gutter 200mm wide x 150mm deep, straight or curved to any radius including all necessary formwork and ancillary works, finished smooth. Additional width to gutter over 200mm wide. Cast insitu C20 concrete in footpaths, 100mm thick; laid to levels, falls and/or cross falls, including expansion joints at 5m centres brush surface finish and including making up levels with infill material and compacted, all as per RCD 1100/5. Cast in situ "Pattern Imprinted Concrete" Grade C30, 150mm thick with proprietary fibre reinforcement; levelling and compaction to refusal of substrate to a regularity of +/- 12mm; Supply and placing of proprietary separation membrane 1.2mm thick including vertical faces and upstands; Colour dyes (as indicated by the officer in charge) with surface hardener in 3 passes (up-down/side-side, diagonal at a min. rate of 1.5kg/m2); Release agent and colour enhancer; modular imprint mats to the pattern selected by the officer in charge; Wash-down jetting; Crack control sawcut 3mm x 45mm joints every 5.0m filled with polysulphide filler; Acrylic sealant. Spill protective sheeting and cleaning. Paving slabs, average thickness 50mm, to match existing and/or as specified, laid to proper allignment and levels, falls and/or crossfalls, bond as directed by officer in charge, including grouting, compaction, cutting and forming borders around projections, covers and fixtures. Bedding measured seperately. concrete tiles (grey type) concrete tiles (colour type red) concrete blocks (grey type) 5.00 m run 17.05 85.25 5.00 m run 5.89 29.45 3.00 sq m 18.50 55.50 10.00 sq m 14.18 141.80 2.20 sq m 55.00 121.00 2.00 2.50 1.50 sq m sq m sq m 20.74 22.22 27.34 41.48 55.55 41.01 Page 9 of 11 Bid. RATE Bid . Amount (inclusive of VAT, Eco- (inclusive of VAT, Eco- (inclusive of VAT, Eco- (inclusive of VAT, EcoContribution and all Contribution and all Contribution and all Contribution and all other/taxes as may be other/taxes as may be other/taxes as may be other/taxes as may be acceptible) acceptible) acceptible) acceptible) QTY Print date : 2/4/2015 Framework Agreement CT 2003 / 2013 Project : Civil works at Castille Square, Valletta FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT: SCHEDULE OF RATES MAX. RATE ITEM DESCRIPTION d. concrete blocks (colour type red) Tactile blister or corduroy paving buff, red or grey colours; laid to proper allignment and levels, falls and/or crossfalls, bond as directed by officer in charge, including grouting, compaction, cutting and working around 8.008 projections, covers and fixtures. All ramps formed in tactile surface are to satisfy requirements set by KNPD. Ref drg RCD110 - 11 to 14. Bedding measured seperately. C Miscellaneous Works Galvanised steel grating class B125, 120mm wide in footpaths, including 8.020 pvc U-channel, cast in concrete and C20 concrete surround as necessary. Stainless steel / aluminum recessed cover tray and frame to EN124, 8.021 600mm x 600mm laid in footpaths. Max. Amount UNIT 0.90 sq m 29.91 26.92 1.50 sq m 35.00 52.50 10.00 m run 35.00 350.00 2.00 no. 170.00 340.00 Euro 1340.46 Total Bill 8.000 to Summary Sheet : Bid. RATE Bid . Amount (inclusive of VAT, Eco- (inclusive of VAT, Eco- (inclusive of VAT, Eco- (inclusive of VAT, EcoContribution and all Contribution and all Contribution and all Contribution and all other/taxes as may be other/taxes as may be other/taxes as may be other/taxes as may be acceptible) acceptible) acceptible) acceptible) QTY 9.000 Wall Construction Works C Standard Sized Block Walls Softstone Walls 230mm thick softstone walls, quarry faced both sides, bedded and 9.008 jointed in 1:1:6 cement/sand/'xahx' mortar; below DPC. Double wall comprising 2 skins x 230mm thick softstone, tied adequately 9.010 with chainblocks as per trade, fairfaced both sides, bedded, jointed and 2.50 sq m 17.30 43.25 136.80 sq m 32.00 4377.60 sq m 19.23 10768.80 sq m 8.50 42.50 sq m 8.75 8764.88 cu m 293.57 73.39 Euro 24070.42 pointed in 1:1:6 cement/sand/'xahx' mortar; above DPC. 230mm thick softstone walls fairfaced both sides, bedded, jointed and 560.00 pointed in cement:xahx mortar; above DPC. Miscellaneous Works C15 concrete infill to precast hollow concrete blockwalls, 230mm single 9.022 5.00 density. Measured per skin. 9.025 DPC membrane, horizontal and/or vertical to walls. 1001.70 D Coping Works Cast insitu reinforced C25 concrete coping, having throuting and drip 9.012 9.028 checks and smooth finish to all exposed surfaces; laid straight or curved 0.25 on plan, including all necessary formwork and reinforcement. Total Bill 9.000 to Summary Sheet : 10.000 Asphalt Works Note: All Road Pavement shall comply to series 700 and 900; in general, unless otherwise specified. Surface tolerances shall be according to table 7/1. Regularity and maximum permitted number of tolerances are to be read with tables 7/3 and 7/4. Construction Class and Road Type are as indicated on Works Order. Asphalt road paving works and trench reinstatement Cut existing road surface using rotary saw, depth not exceeding 100mm. 10.001 m run 5.04 15.00 75.60 A 10.004 Working around projections. Penetration grade bitumen as joint sealant to open joints as directed by 10.006 the engineer or other approved equivalent: a. up to 25mm wide 2.00 no. 15.00 m run Total Bill 10.000 to Summary Sheet : 43.23 86.46 2.99 44.85 Euro 206.91 61.08 83.68 104.09 134.72 26.88 2602.39 111632.24 31807.39 12.000 Structural Concrete Works A 12.001 a. b. c. e. Cast insitu concrete Cast insitu concrete, generally, including laying, compacting and finishing off for the following grades: C 10 0.44 C 15 31.10 C 20 1072.50 C 30 236.10 cu.m cu.m cu.m cu.m Page 10 of 11 Print date : 2/4/2015 Framework Agreement CT 2003 / 2013 Project : Civil works at Castille Square, Valletta FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT: SCHEDULE OF RATES MAX. RATE ITEM DESCRIPTION Max. Amount UNIT 12.002 waterproofing additive, product is to be used as per manufacturer's 2.50 cu m 6.00 15.00 instructions. Quantity measured per cu m of concrete. Precast concrete d. span not exceeding 6.50m with a minumum safe load of 4,500 kg / m2 1.50 sq m 75.00 112.50 69.00 sq m 18.71 1290.99 282.50 99.00 66.00 25.00 kg kg kg kg 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 395.50 138.60 92.40 35.00 906.30 7005.00 797.30 sq m sq m sq m 10.26 5.20 6.58 9298.64 36426.00 5246.23 1132.08 m run 11.00 12452.83 Euro 211572.58 7.50 2220.00 Euro 2220.00 Extra over cast insitu concrete of any grade for integrateded B Formwork 12.005 Formwork, generally. D Reinforement Bar reinforcement, including, cutting, bending, and fixing and all ancillary 12.006 works and materials, like tying wire and spacers; all as detailed as per specifications: b. T25 d. T16 e. T12 f. T10 BRC Fabric Reinforcement including cuting, bending, and fixing and all 12.007 ancillary works and materials, like tying wire and spacers and all necessary lapings. a. A 503 b. A 252 e. C 503 C E Worked Finishes and Miscellanous Works 12.010 Chase expansion joint in concrete and infill with proprietary filler. Total Bill 12.000 to Summary Sheet : 13.000 Miscellenous Works 13.004 Lay Only Agricultural Soil including collecting from store, load, transport 296.00 to site and unload, spreading and level as required . cu m Total Bill 13.000 to Summary Sheet : 15.000 Structural Repair Works Pipework E uPVC pipes and fittings with suitable approved joints, manufactured to BS EN 140-1:1998 Type UNI 303/2 and with Class Rigidity SN4 SDR 51 with the following dimensions. a. 80mm diameter 2843.00 Total Bill 15.000 to Summary Sheet : 15.010 Page 11 of 11 l.m. Bid. RATE Bid . Amount (inclusive of VAT, Eco- (inclusive of VAT, Eco- (inclusive of VAT, Eco- (inclusive of VAT, EcoContribution and all Contribution and all Contribution and all Contribution and all other/taxes as may be other/taxes as may be other/taxes as may be other/taxes as may be acceptible) acceptible) acceptible) acceptible) QTY 5.50 15636.50 Euro 15636.50
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