PROJECT OVERVIEW The Aldermuir Neighbourhood Development 560/570 Laburnum Road, Qualicum Beach Prepared by: LiveWell Cohousing Developments Ltd. (the “Applicant”) 1645 West 5th Avenue, Vancouver, BC Contact: Gary Morrison [email protected] 604-729-2445 April 6, 2015 1|P a g e EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Project Overview document summarizes the proposed development at 560/570 Laburnum Road, Qualicum Beach. It specifically addresses some questions raised during the Advisory Planning Commission meeting of April 1, 2015, and includes additional information to assist the public and interested parties to understand the proposed plans for the site. THE PROPERTY The property is shown below. The Property: Legal Address: Size: Current Zoning: Current Use: 560/570 Laburnum Road, Qualicum Beach, BC. Lt 9, PL 2212, DL 78, NEWCASTLE DISTRICT EXCEPT THAT PART IN PLAN VIP 70080 (PID 006-419-771) 19.88 acres RR1 Two (2) residential homes, cell phone antenna & wetland. 2|P a g e PROPOSED SUBDIVISION & REZONING APPLICATION The development proposal is to subdivide and rezone the Property to accommodate three residential clusters plus dedicated green space. The development clusters have been configured to integrate and respect the green space and features of the site. The clusters are: 1. Westerly green space dedication (+/-6 acres). 2. A 28-home residential area to accommodate a cohousing community (strata, +/-7 acres including 2.6 acres of green space). 3. A 25-lot cluster of single-family homes (standard fee simple, +/-5 acres). 4. An 8-home “pocket neighbourhood” clustered around a central green space using shared parking (strata, +/-1.8 acres). The residential portions of the site will be developed into three separate clusters with integrated pathways and a common design aesthetic. The goal is to provide a diversity of housing options while using similar design features to create a visually cohesive neighbourhood (see next page). 3|P a g e 4|P a g e KEY FEATURES OF THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 1. Diversity of Housing Options. This whole Project is designed to meet the needs of a broad demographic and socioeconomic profile – from those seeking purely independent smaller single-family homes, to those seeking some sharing and interpersonal interactions (pocket), to those people seeking regular social and neighbourly connections (cohousing). All within a vital and healthy natural environment. 2. Sustainability. The proposal is designed to be sustainable along two dimensions: a. Environmental: respect, preservation and enhancement of green spaces.; reduction of road infrastructure; promotion of smaller home sizes; energy efficient construction; sharing of resources (within cohousing) b. Social: creating neighbourly connections and a supporting network for people who live in the community. 3. Family Friendly. The community will be open to all ages and will actively encourage and recruit families. The proximity to Qualicum Beach Elementary School will further enhance the attractiveness of this community to families. 4. Local. The cohousing portion of the development plan has been designed through a workshop process by local residents who wish to live in this community. Local designers and consultants have been utilized by LiveWell Cohousing to move the project forward. LiveWell is committed to engaging with the local community….and economy. A total of 61 homes are anticipated for the neighbourhood, over 19.88 acres. The overall neighbourhood would accommodate +/-120 adults and +/-20 children. INTEGRATED PLAN The complexities of the site require a fully integrated approach to design and development. It is difficult for any individual part of the plan to move forward independently of the other parts due to the cost of on-site infrastructure. We have conducted extensive planning on this site since August 2014 and have developed a coherent overall plan that meets diverse interests including community needs, Town, green space, and economic viability. We 5|P a g e strongly believe the proposed plan is the best overall use of the site, and best way to move forward. BENEFITS TO THE COMMUNITY LiveWell Cohousing is proposing a variety of community amenities as part of this application. The current proposal provides the Town with more benefits than any recent development. Bike Path Contribution Affordable Housing Contribution Paving Claymore Road Parkland Dedication Subdivision Requirement QB Parkland in lieu Extra Contribution by Project $ $ $ 100,000 122,000 96,000 $ $ $ $ 60,000 122,000 178,000 360,000 Green Building (EnerGuide 85) LED Street lights cost not included cost not included TOTAL AMENITY CONTRIBUTION Contribution per Unit $ $ Town's Target Range Historical precedents $2,000 to $5,000 per unit Lower 496,000 8,131 5% of site $2,000 per unit 25% extra contribution (only includes "extra" parkland contribution) 61 It is notable that our proposed contribution is $3,000 (60%) higher than other developments. We are also proposing to pay full Development Costs Charges to the Town and the Regional District (except for the credit for our parkland contribution). We are contributing our fair share to the broader community. VALUE OF LAND UPLIFT While there is an uplift in land value through rezoning, there is also a substantial cost to servicing rural sites such as ours (commensurate with the uplift). The net result is a land development proforma profit of +/-$817,000 (representing 14.9% of costs). LiveWell will also earn fees during the development process (in-line with market rates charged by other 6|P a g e professional development consultants). The project will have a significant and expensive "soft cost component", which includes other mostly local design consultants, environmental and geotechnical consultants, engineers, project management and construction management expertise. The amenity contribution of $496,000 represents 61% of the land profit portion of the development, and adds 9% to the fully serviced cost of land. Summary of Recent Contributions by Other Developments 7|P a g e EXTENSIVE PUBLIC CONSULTATION LiveWell Cohousing has hosted extensive public consultations and meetings to build interest in the proposed community. The following meetings and events have occurred so far. PAST EVENTS 1. September 22, 2014. Public open house and free kick-off presentation by architect and author Chuck Durrett to discuss cohousing on the site (Community Hall, QB). 2. October 5, 2014, project launch announcement at Civic Centre (advertised in PQB News). 3. Free site tours open to public (advertised in local HarbourLiving Event calendar): a. November 23rd, 2014. b. January 4th, 2015. c. February 22, 2015. d. March 28, 2015. 4. Free Project Information Session, Civic Centre, November 23rd, 2014. 5. Free family information session, Qualicum Rotary Club, December 22, 2014. 6. Qualicum Parent Advisory Council presentation, December 2014. 7. Free information meeting on cohousing, Civic Centre, February 13, 2015. 8. Town Advisory Planning Commission, April 1, 2015. 9. Plans and renderings of cohousing posted on community Facebook page ( and community website 10. Video of cohousing planning process posted on Facebook and Website. UPCOMING PUBLIC EVENTS: 11. Public Information Session April 8th, Civic Centre. 12. Council information session April 9th, Town Hall. 13. Second APC presentation (date TBD). 14. Council 1st reading – April 13th 15. Council 2nd reading – April 27th 8|P a g e 16. Second Public Information Session – May 3rd 17. Council 3rd reading – tentatively May 11th EXTENSIVE COHOUSING COLLABORATION A important and unique aspect of this development proposal is the community involvement in the planning of the cohousing community. This design was *not* prepared by LiveWell Cohousing. It was designed by a group of four households (eight people) who are interested in living in the new community. The future residents led the design process. This is an essential part of cohousing – we strongly believe the community must be designed by those who will live there. The role of LiveWell was to facilitate these design sessions and assemble a team of professionals to assist the group. We are extremely proud of the design work – and believe the quality and livability of the community is clear. This project has a significant following in the community. We have over 340 people following us on Facebook, over 150 people signed up for our mailing list, and six households have paid to attend workshops and participate in the design and planning process. There is clearly significant support for cohousing in Qualicum Beach, and we are very pleased with our progress so far. HOME PRICES At this early stage home prices have not been finalized, however for planning purposes LiveWell is assuming the following price points: 1. Single Family Lots. Likely similar to Westridge (home prices +/-$499,000). 2. Pocket Neighbourhood. Smaller homes expected to be $350,000 to $450,000 per home range. 3. Cohousing Community: hoping to achieve 1-bedroom units in 4-plex starting in the $250,000 to $275,000 range1 We note this is a bold goal and will depend on a number of factors including the level of finishes selected by owners and timing of their participation in the project. 1 9|P a g e 3-bedroom around $335,000 4-bedroom around $420,000 These prices are reflective of our land costs, infrastructure development costs and construction costs. As noted above this includes $8,000 per unit which is $3,000 more than any other project in area. PHASING PLAN We do not plan a phased subdivision implementation. These cluster neighbourhoods will move forward in parallel. The sequencing of the roll-out of clusters will generally be as follows: 1. Subdivide four lots as follows: i. ii. iii. iv. Dedication of the westerly green space to Town. Cohousing parcel. Single family parcel. Pocket neighbourhood parcel. 2. Project remains in abeyance at 3rd reading until all lots are serviced in a manner acceptable to Town Engineering and Approving Officer. 3. Site infrastructure is installed to allow subdivision (including storm water management works). 4. Work commences, in parallel, on single family lots and the cohousing community. 5. Work commences on the pocket neighbourhood in 2020 after the antenna is removed. STORM WATER MANAGEMENT We understand storm water management is an extremely important aspect of this plan to the Town and surrounding neighbours. It is also a priority for us and we have conducted detailed investigations into such storm water management plans to confirm feasibility. Upon approval by the Town of our plans, we will perform the servicing work as quickly as 10 | P a g e possible working in collaboration with a development partner for the single family lots. This work may commence in summer 2015. Timing is subject to availability of contractors. Upon completion of the storm works, the installation will be certified by the engineer of record and as-built documentation will be deposited with the Town. FUNDING OF SITE INFRASTRUCTURE Like many other projects of this scale, we will use a combination of bank funding and development partners to fund the infrastructure works. We have received unsolicited inquiries to partner on the single family lots, and are very optimistic of the demand for single family lots in Qualicum Beach. LiveWell is backing up this optimism and will fully invest its own resources to acquire the land and pay for the early planning and design work. WHAT IS THE ROLE OF LIVEWELL COHOUSING DEVELOPMENTS? LiveWell aims to fast-track development of cohousing communities. We bring professional development management to projects and focus on two key areas where cohousing groups have struggled to launch: (i) securing land rights, and (ii) funding adequate due diligence on the land. We also help the “seed” cohousing group build momentum and membership through hosting events in the community to attract people interested in this style of neighbourhood. We note that LiveWell’s business is to “de-risk” sites for cohousing groups, allowing the group to move forward with their project with a high degree of confidence such land can be developed quickly. Cohousers do not speculate on land, and it is important the land is ready for development before they invest money. LiveWell takes these risks and manages the risks moving forward. TRAFFIC IMPACT NEGLIABLE The traffic impact of this community will be negligible. We are aligned with the Town’s recent discussions that roundabouts work best when traffic from all directions is equal (not 11 | P a g e the case for our development at Laburnum and Claymore). The best option for safety remains leaving traffic plans as is. COHOUSING OVERVIEW This inter-generational residential cohousing neighbourhood will be composed of 28 homes plus a shared common house amenity building for social events and occasional shared dining. Homes are a mix of duplex and 4-plex structures. The design of this innovative form of housing facilitates and encourages interactions among neighbours. Cohousing communities are small-scale neighbourhoods created with the active involvement of the future residents. Homes are often clustered together with an emphasis on local walking/biking, while the on-site parking is pushed to the periphery to allow walkability, social connectivity and safe play areas for children. Neighbours often get to know each other before move-in during the planning process, are co-creators of the project, and continue to work closely together after they move in. An important aspect of living in a cohousing community is the balance between personal privacy and life in a close-knit community of neighbours. In cohousing, individual homes are privately owned or rented and are self-sufficient with a complete kitchen, dining area, bedroom, bathroom, etc. In addition, members enjoy convenient access to shared amenities, including a community-owned club house or Common House which may include a large kitchen, multi-purpose dining area, multi-media space, workshop for shared tools and bike repair, rooms for overnight friends and family, a sitting area/library and laundry facilities. Privacy is always available to homeowners, and neighbours also have the option of participating in formal and informal community life. 12 | P a g e Layout of the Cohousing portion of the site You can learn more about cohousing at 13 | P a g e Single Family Lots Overview 2 These residential lots will have a minimum size of 465 m and accommodate single or twostory homes on each lot, ranging from 1,400 Square Feet to 2,400 Square Feet with a single car garage. Careful attention to overall neighbourhood design has been paid to provide residents with a sense of place within the surrounding green space, plus easy access to a bike path and trails as well as existing Town amenities like Qualicum Beach Elementary School and the Civic Centre. A narrower than standard road way width is used to further enhance the sense of rural integration of the cluster (the access road off Claymore Road has a width of 7.5m. Roadways are 6.5m wide within the cluster). Pocket Neighbourhood Overview These 8 residential lots have a 2 minimum area of 360 m and are clustered around a shared green space horseshoe “pocket” formation. This in a configuration is also designed to encourage neighbourly interactions, however without a common amenity building. Single-family homes will range from 1000 Square Feet to 1500 Square Feet with on-site parking contained at the southern periphery of the site. This cluster is not anticipated to be developed until the existing Telus antenna has been relocated. Space opened by the removal of the antenna could allow for a small commercial space of up to 1,000 Square Feet for retail/commercial activity, or an additional strata lot. Final decision will be made in consultation with the Director of Planning at the subdivision stage. 14 | P a g e Layout of the Single Family and Pocket Neighbourhood portion of the site 15 | P a g e Green Space & Sustainability Smaller lots and homes are inherently more sustainable and energy efficient. Homes are to be designed to achieve an EnerGuide rating of 85 or better (or equivalent Built Green standards) through a combination of high insulation values, careful attention to air leakage, high-quality windows, and efficient heating systems and heat recovery ventilation. The proposed park dedication plus other on-site green space will protect the mature forested area at the west of the site. Green space in the centre of the site will enhance the overall sense of place of all clusters developed on the site. Enhanced Wetland for Amphibian Breeding Finally, we are very proud of our plans to enhance the wetland portions of the site. Our plan for storm water management includes creating a water retention system of connected ponds and new artificial wetland breeding habitat suitable for native lentic amphibians (living in still water) in close proximity to good quality “core’ (or non-breeding) forest habitat. We are not only preserving extensive wetland areas on the site, we are also enhancing such areas for future amphibian support. 16 | P a g e
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