10-348 ASF_SummerFall2010:10-348 AAAASF 9/16/10 9:19 AM Page 1 Asf souRce - suMMeR/fAll 2010 Latex Allergy – Prevention and Treatment Richard Greco, M.D. Prevention is always better than treatment. today, 3 to 6% of patients are found to be allergic to certain proteins found in latex. during recent years most patients have increased their environmental exposure to latex. Many health care workers have become allergic or sensitive to latex products because of occupational exposure to latex in the work environment. careful questioning of your patient’s reaction to the latex in their underwear, reaction to gloves in the dental office, restaurant modifications and any history of actual allergic reaction to latex can be obtained during the preoperative assessment and alert you to potential problems during the surgical procedure. All members of the operating room team should be aware of equipment in the facility that contains latex. Personnel should also be alert to signs, symptoms, and treatment of a latex reaction. latex product use should be avoided in patients with a significant history of latex reactions or individuals that alter their lifestyle due to a latex allergy. Patients who experience a latex reaction undergoing procedures with local anesthesia will often complain of itching, growing rash, watery eyes, sneezing and early signs of upper airway obstruction secondary to edema. the best treatment includes removing all latex from contact with the patient, irrigating the area with copious amount of water, intravenous benadryl and steroids. if the symptoms abate, one can proceed with latex-free equipment. Allergic reactions are often difficult to determine, when utilizing general or deep sedation anesthesia, because patients cannot complain of itching, and their rashes are often hidden from sight because of the surgical drapes. the first symptoms may be an unexplained drop of blood pressure, bronchospasm, hypoxemia, or a full-blown anaphylaxis reaction. if a latex reaction does occur during a surgical procedure, the operating team continued on page 10... latex Allergy-Prevention/treatment... 1 the AAAAsf board........................... 2 cMs deeming Authority Approval.... 3 legislative update............................ 4 AAAAsf President’s Message............ 5 AAAAsf international expands......... 7 Malignant hyperthermia................... 8 Anesthesia shortages continue......... 11 newly Accredited facilities.............. 12 surgical safety checklist................... 14 news you can use, fee schedule.....16 A PublicAtion of the AMeRicAn AssociAtion foR AccReditAtion of AMbulAtoRy suRgeRy fAcilities, inc. www.aaaasf.org 10-348 ASF_SummerFall2010:10-348 AAAASF 9/16/10 9:20 AM Page 2 american association for accreditation of ambulatory surgery facilities, Inc. Board Members 2010 EXECUTIVE CoMMITTEE President - lAWRence s. Reed, M.d. Vice President - hARlAn PollocK, M.d. secretary/treasurer - geoffRey R. Keyes, M.d. Past President - AlAn h. gold, M.d. VP of education - RichARd d'AMico, M.d. VP of standards - RichARd gReco, M.d. DIrECTors gary brownstein, M.d. bonnie g. denholm, Rn, Ms, cnoR Ronald e. iverson, M.d. John newkirk, M.d., Phd Jennifer K. Quicci, cRnA, Ms darrell Ranum, Mth, esq. edward s.truppman, M.d. hector Vila, M.d. david c. Watts, M.d. ® ® TrUsTEEs gustavo colon, M.d. daniel Morello, M.d. Robert singer, M.d. James A. yates, M.d. Michael f. Mcguire, M.d. Jeff Pearcy, MPA, cAe, executive director asf Editor Richard J. greco, M.d. Publications committee chairman asf Design/Production Director Jaime trevino - Marketing/communications director the Asf source is published on a tri-annual basis. contributions to the Asf source are welcome, but may be edited for clarity and placement purposes. All rights reserved. no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the full written permission from the publisher. the opinions expressed within are those of the contributors to the Asf source and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of the AAAAsf. aaaasf Mission statement: it is the mission of the Association to develop and implement standards of excellence for quality patient care through an accreditation system for ambulatory surgery facilities and to serve the public interest by providing accurate and timely information regarding surgery in ambulatory surgery facilities and Ascs. 2 aaaasf Patient safety Brochure order form $35 (Pkg. of 25) $100 (Pkg. of 100) Quantity ________ total cost $_________ View the brochure on line: www.aaaasf.org/ps.pdf facility name___________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________________ city___________________________________state______Zip____________ name on credit card_____________________________________________ credit card#____________________________________________________ exp. date_________signature______________________________________ faxes must include a credit card number (Visa, Mastercard, or American express), the card expiration date and signature to authorize the charge amount shown on the order form. MaIL: aaaasf, PoBoX 9500, gurnee, IL 60031 faX: 847-775-1985 10-348 ASF_SummerFall2010:10-348 AAAASF 9/16/10 9:20 AM Page 3 CMS Approves AAAASF As Deeming Authority on August 20, 2010 cMs posted in the federal Register their approval of the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory surgery facilities, inc. for continued deeming Authority for Ambulatory surgical centers (Ascs). cMs’ final notice announces its decision to approve without condition the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory surgery facilities (AAAAsf) request for continued recognition as a national accreditation program for ambulatory surgical centers (Ascs) seeking to participate in the Medicare or Medicaid programs. cMs conducted a comparison of AAAAsf’s accreditation requirements for Ascs to current Medicare conditions for coverage (cfcs) as outlined in the state operations Manual (soM). they also conducted a corporate onsite visit and survey observation to validate proper application of the requirements. the cMs review and evaluations of AAAAsf’s deeming application yielded the following: • AAAAsf’s survey files were complete, accurate, and consistent with the requirements at § 488.6(a). • AAAAsf’s data submissions are accurate, complete and timely in accordance with the requirements at § 488.4(b). • AAAAsf revised its accreditation decision letters to ensure they are accurate and contain all of the elements necessary for the Regional office to render a decision regarding the deemed status of an accredited Asc. • AAAAsf revised its policies to require its surveyors to use the surveyor tools thus ensuring accurate and complete survey files. • AAAAsf developed surveyor’s tools to include a medical record review sheet, personnel review sheet, and policy review to assist surveyors with accurate and complete documentation. • to meet the Medicare requirements related to unannounced surveys at 2700A of the soM, AAAAsf modified its policies related to the survey window in which organizations could receive an accreditation survey for deemed status. • to meet the survey process requirements in Appendix l of the soM, AAAAsf developed a policy outlining the minimum number of medical records that must be reviewed during a certification survey. • to meet the requirements at soM 2200f, AAAAsf revised its policies and procedures to ensure the documentation of deficiencies contains a regulatory reference, a clear and detailed description of the deficient practice, and relevant finding. life safety code surveys. • to ensure its surveyors were adequately trained, AAAAsf developed a website where surveyors could access a resource library of training webinars, interpretative guidelines, principles of documentation, standards, surveyor handbook, survey forms and other materials to assist surveyors in the field. Based on the review and observations, CMS has determined that AAAASF’s accreditation program for ASCs meets or exceeds CMS’ requirements... therefore, they have approved, without condition, AAAAsf as a national accreditation organization for Ascs that request participation in the Medicare program, effective november 27, 2009 through november 27, 2012. • to meet the requirements at 2728 of the soM, AAAAsf modified its policies regarding timeframes for sending and receiving a plan of correction (Poc) for 3 10-348 ASF_SummerFall2010:10-348 AAAASF 9/16/10 9:20 AM Page 4 AAAASF Legislative Update Thomas S. Terranova, M.A., Director of Legislative and External Relations the texas office based surgery and Ambulatory surgery center rules have, for some time, included AAAAsf as an approved accreditation organization. however, the application for Asc licensure has not always included AAAAsf as one of the named accreditation organizations on the form. the department of state health services recently revised the application form to accurately reflect the Asc rules in texas as including AAAAsf as part of the licensing regime. florida’s boards of Medicine & osteopathic Medicine continue to develop joint rules for the practice of Pain Management. the Joint committee has scheduled a meeting for september 10, 2010 in orlando. the meeting will define which accrediting agencies will be capable of performing inspections that exempt pain clinics from a state inspection. in illinois, the Worker’s compensation commission has filed emergency rules on July 6, 2010 to expand reimbursement of facility fees for procedures performed in accredited facilities. the language of the rules is currently under negotiation with interested parties and the rules are under review with the illinois Joint committee on Administrative Rules. the emergency rules are currently in effect temporarily and are in the process of being made permanent. the state of Washington Medical Quality Assurance commission (MQAc) has filed new rules for the use of anesthesia in office based settings that go into effect on september 2, 2010. the rules require that outpatient settings that provide surgical and medical services utilizing moderate sedation or analgesia, deep sedation or analgesia, or major conduction anesthesia, become accredited within 365 days of the effective date of the rules. the rules stipulate that the office based surgery (obs) practices be accredited by one of the three nationally recognized accrediting organizations. As states continue to develop new and evolving requirements for office based Practices and Ascs, AAAAsf will remain diligent in monitoring new regulations and providing expertise to the process. despite this organization’s commitment to assisting responsible oversight efforts, individual physicians and facilities remain the most valuable resource in identifying critical issues requiring attention. AAAAsf would like to encourage facilities to continue to be vigilant and to alert AAAAsf upon learning of new or developing requirements. Please email me at: [email protected] or call me at 888-545-5222. Visit the AAAASF website for Legislative Updates and News, www.aaaasf.org Take the Facility Fee Survey the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory surgery facilities (AAAAsf) remains committed to the advancement of patient safety and quality of care in outpatient settings. over the years, however, it has become apparent that private insurers and government reimbursement authorities do not uniformly recognize accreditation as sufficient to qualify for reimbursement. Many in the AAAAsf membership have voiced concerns with the current arrangement and have asked for information on the topic of reimbursement for covered procedures. to that end, AAAAsf is seeking to compile information on the frequency of facility fee payments to accredited facilities for covered procedures. if you are receiving facility fees, please take a few moments to answer this short survey to help AAAAsf better understand the way that payors treat procedures conducted in accredited facilities. the data from this survey will allow AAAAsf to work towards universal recognition of the accredited facility as a locus for high quality health procedures to be treated equally with other provider types. To take the survey, visit: http://www.zoomerang.com/survey/wEB22B6a736XYN 4 10-348 ASF_SummerFall2010:10-348 AAAASF 9/16/10 9:20 AM Page 5 AAAASF President’s Message in october, i turn over the presidency of AAAAsf to the very capable and deserving hands of dr. harlan Pollack of dallas, texas. he and i have worked together very closely over the past year, so he is well prepared and ready to assume this role. i have thoroughly enjoyed my two year stint as president of AAAAsf. i am extremely proud of all that we have achieved during my tenure and of all the projects which are currently in various stages of development and completion. imagine at the time. for over twenty years AAAAsf was run by a management company. As with all business decisions, this one had attendant risks associated with it. i am delighted to say, that even in the tough economic times in which we now live, AAAAsf is flourishing. the board envisioned an association that could spread throughout many disciplines beyond plastic surgery and one that included global expansion. this is no longer strategic planning, but reality. At this time, i must also single out the amazing We are moving forward in finalizing our position LawrENCE s. rEED, M.D. efforts of our international division under the PresidenT with the Rural health clinics and the leadership of dr. Ron iverson. AAAAsfi now Rehabilitation Agencies programs. Working has over 30 accredited clinics in six countries closely with members of the new york state society of oral with tremendous progress in costa Rica. and Maxillofacial surgeons, we have developed a focused standards manual for their specialty as they move towards We find ourselves as a leader in gastroenterology accreditawidespread accreditation of their numerous facilities. tion with significant gains across a multitude of disciplines. We are growing our business and enhancing our presence in the number of facilities accredited by AAAAsf has the industry. AAAAsf is staged to become the ”go to” increased dramatically to over 1400, representing a 57% accreditation association in healthcare. increase from 2008. the offices and Ascs which we accredit represent a wide range of medical/dental specialties. none of this would have been possible without the invaluable efforts of our board members, the chairmen of our comour well-established Medicare program has been finely mittees, their hard working committee members and our tuned to comply with the new and more stringent cMs stanexecutive committee. but in a larger sense, the anchor of dards and requirements. these enhancements have made this organization is our incredible executive staff under the our program better while improving our administration and inimitable and skillful leadership of our executive President, oversight of the program. Jeff Pearcy. it is safe to say that none of this could have been achieved without their efforts, their incredibly hard work having received our final approval from the cMs to continand their unswerving loyalty to our association and its prinue as deeming authorities for Ascs seeking participation in ciples. i must thank Pamela baker, theresa Rossi, Jaime the Medicare program, we are on the verge of instituting trevino, tom terranova, Jerome unger, charlene Martinez, similar policies to enhance our regular accreditation proJeanne henry, Adriana lomeli, chrissy deal, lindsey Perez gram which will mirror the improvements accomplished by and sonja Richardson for their tireless efforts and good will. the cMs review. the establishment of a more robust QA committee to systematically monitor and evaluate our i would like to now give a special thank you to Jeff Pearcy inspector’s program reflects many methods and policies with whom i have worked hand in hand and shoulder to established by the cMs review of our Medicare program. shoulder throughout these two years. it is a relationship that this new system of evaluation will make us a better organii will always treasure. Jeff is a superb leader and valued colzation and provide us with better data to make important league in arms. countless hours a week were spent meeting decisions concerning education and administration. the challenges, developing strategies, and selecting the right roads to take, but always with a common goal in mind...that in the early part of this decade, the AAAAsf board made an which is the best for AAAAsf. aggressive decision to open a new corporate office in order to expand our accreditation program in ways we could only thank you Jeff, for a exciting and wonderful two years. 5 10-348 ASF_SummerFall2010:10-348 AAAASF 9/16/10 9:20 AM Page 6 AAAASF Launches New Surveyor Website Theresa Griffin-Rossi, CAE Director of Education lawrence Reed, M.d., AAAAsf President and david Watts, M.d., AAAAsf education committee chair are pleased to announce the launch of a new surveyor’s website. the website was developed to help Quad A surveyors maintain certification and provide information critical to performing high quality surveys. surveyors will now have access to survey resources for all AAAAsf accreditation programs from their computers in “real time.” in Phase two of the website development, surveyors will be able to log on to access their individual homepage to use interactive tools to review upcoming survey assignments and track continuing education segments to maintain certification. “At every surveyor training session we ask participants to give us feedback on the quality of our current training components and comment on how Quad A can better support the surveyors to assist them throughout the survey process. the pertinent information gathered on the training evaluation is summarized and developed into recommendations by the education committee that is presented to the Quad A board of directors. the board has been very responsive to numerous surveyor requests and the genesis of the surveyor website is one of many projects born of those recommendations. in the near future, the website has great potential to transform the way survey findings are processed and reported back to the central office from surveyors out in the field. We continue to look at innovative ways to make the entire surveyor certification and survey process more comprehensive and seamless,” stated david c. Watts, M.d., education committee chair. Another feature of the surveyor website is an alert function on the home page. surveyors should check the site frequently for alert notifications and updates on standards or survey procedural changes and other updates essential to the survey process. time sensitive updates are also delivered to surveyors via e-blast to ensure timely dissemination of pertinent changes to the program. Visit the surveyor website at www.aaaasfsurveyors.org. this site is a work in progress that will continue to be developed over the next few months. Quad A wants to incorporate the tools and resources that will best serve our surveyors. send your comments to theresa griffin-Rossi, [email protected]. 6 10-348 ASF_SummerFall2010:10-348 AAAASF 9/16/10 9:20 AM Page 7 AAAASFI Expands International Accreditation Into New Markets Ronald Iverson, MD President of SFR surgery facilities Resources, inc. (sfR) is a subsidiary organization to the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory surgery facilities (AAAAsf), the “gold standard” for surgery facility accreditation in the united states. sfR was organized in 2005 to offer a program of accreditation internationally. in 2009 the sfR international accreditation program was renamed AAAAsfi (AAAAsf international) by the board of directors of sfR. the AAAAsfi name best represents who sfR is in international accreditation. there is significant interest in accreditation in latin American countries, especially costa Rica. currently, there are 40 AAAAsfi accredited surgery facilities worldwide of which belgium, serbia, south Africa, Australia, finland and costa Rica are represented. for a complete list of AAAAsfi accredited facilities, visit www.surgeryfacility.com. Past President Michael Mcguire, Md, and current President of sfR, Ronald iverson, Md have championed this program of international accreditation for the last five years by speaking at many prestigious global conferences on healthcare and medical tourism and inspecting surgery facilities around the world. Recently, Jeff Pearcy, executive Vice-President of sfR, attended the latin America congress on Medical tourism in costa Rica and spoke on a panel discussing accreditation and patient safety. geoffrey Keyes, M.d., AAAAsf secretary/treasurer, was a keynote presenter on the second day of the congress (shown below), presenting the latest study derived from the AAAAsf peer review system data. it was the only data driven presentation in the congress. the President of Pro-Med, an international medical group and a leader in the movement to create a safe environment for medical tourism in costa Rica, praised dr. Keyes’ presentation. Representatives from guatemala are in the process of working with Mr. oscar Molina, the AAAAsfi latin American representative working for sfR, to discuss the development of an accreditation program that mirrors the successful program in costa Rica. Many major guatemalan dental facilities have received our application materials in anticipation of accreditation. AAAAsfi has developed a special set of dental standards that more closely relate to surgical practices performed in dental clinics. Representatives from the dominican Republic, el salvador, and columbia government agencies have received our accreditation program materials and requested that we contact them for future development. A key contact for AAAAsfi is carlos enrique cardenas Rendon, Md, who is the director of a cluster of services for surgery and dentistry in columbia. dr. Keyes surgeryfacility.com or aaaasfi.org 7 Malignant Hyperthermia MH Effects in Surgery MH complications include a rise in heart rate, extreme temperature elevation, muscle breakdown and changes in body chemistry that can lead to excessive bleeding and the failure of organs and other body systems. The reaction can occur during any part of a procedure under general anesthesia or even in the recovery room, and in any surgical setting from office and ambulatory centers to hospitals. It can be treated with dantrolene sodium if the case is identified and treatment is administered very early in the onset of the condition. Unfortunately, it is possible that some cases of malignant hyperthermia can result in death even if proper treatment is administered. Detecting MH A very specialized muscle biopsy test, only available at a few institutions, is the most accurate test for malignant hyperthermia susceptibility. However, DNA testing can help provide answers for people who suspect they might be at risk. You can be assured that MH is an extremely uncommon condition, and your anesthesia professional and other surgical team members are welltrained for adverse reactions that can occur during procedures. Patient Responsibility To be sure you receive the highest level of care no matter what happens in the OR, it is critical that you request an anesthesia professional’s presence for any procedure involving anesthesia. This ensures the person giving you anesthesia is a fully trained licensed professional, and that you know you have the most highly trained anesthesia professional at your side to manage any complications that may arise. Prior to undergoing general anesthesia for surgery, patients concerned about malignant hyperthermia inform their anesthesia professional of any personal or family history of malignant hyperthermia, or adverse reactions to anesthetics. You also may ask if a supply of dantrolene is available in the facility where surgery will take place and whether treatment protocols are also available. MH Patient Registry While 95 percent of patients who experience malignant hyperthermia reactions survive it, the ASA-MHAUS* partnership still needs the public’s help to build a database of patients who are already aware they have the gene mutation that leads to malignant hyperthermia. Since its formation in 1981, MHAUS has been working through its growing member network of patients that are MH-susceptible and their family members, as well as anesthesia professionals and other health care providers, to educate the medical community and the public regarding the risks MH can unexpectedly pose in conjunction with some of the most commonly used anesthetics in hospital operating rooms, dental offices and surgical centers. *The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)and the Malignant Hyperthermia Association (MHAUS) of the United States have formed a partnership to increase resources about the disorder and bring patients together with the physicians. For more information on MH: www.mhaus.org 8 AAAASF Educational Foundation “The benefits of personal involvement in educational endeavors and supporting educational programs are measured exponentially in relation to the amount we choose to give.” - Robert Singer, M.D. Please help support the AAAASF Educational Foundation with a charitable donation. Your donation will help fund important educational programs specific to the needs of surgeons and their staff in accredited facilities. Your donation is tax deductible. AAAASF Educational Foundation Donation I wish to make a donation of $________ to: the AAAASF Educational Foundation. If donating by check, send to: AAAASF Educational Foundation POBOX 9500 Gurnee, IL 60031 Name: _________________________________________ Social Security Number Or Tax ID #: _________________________________________ Facility Name: _________________________________________ Mailing Address: _________________________________________ City, State and Zip: _________________________________________ Phone: __________________________________ Fax: _____________________________________ Email Address: _________________________________________ AAAASF Inspectors can request that all or a portion of their $500 honorarium be donated to The AAAASF Educational Foundation. After completing an inspection, contact Adriana at the AAAASF Office at: 888-545-5222. [email protected] 10-348 ASF_SummerFall2010:10-348 AAAASF 9/16/10 9:20 AM Page 9 Online Resource Guide Provides Links to Useful Web Sites and Products AAAAsf has created an updated online Resource guide to replace our old cd version. the new web version will allow for new resources and products to be included more easily and outdated information can be edited faster. if you have any resource or product that corresponds with a particular standard, or to promote a product or service, contact Jaime trevino for consideration. line listed resource links approved for publication are included at no charge. Paid advertising is available by contacting Jaime: 888-545-5222 or [email protected]. AAAASF RESOURCE GUIDE This Resource Guide includes a collection of supplemental resources that may enhance an area of interest for you as you review the AAAASF Regular Standards. They are provided as added educational information. To acheive accreditation, a facility must comply with current AAAASF Standards and abide by the strictest regulation required by local, state , federal laws or AAAASF standard. If you would like to submit a new resource to be considered for this guide, click here REGULAR STANDARDS VERSION 12 These resources are current as of the posting date however, you should always search for the most recently published guidelines issued by these organizations to ensure current access to the most current information. AAAASF does not have any financial interest in any of the companies that may be listed in this guide. Nor does AAAASF endorse one company or resource over another (listed or not listed here). You are not bound to use these companies in order to satisfy any standard nor does use of these products guarantee compliance of the standard (one may purchase a product listed but not use it according to manufacturer's recommendations for example). We encourage your participation in the gathering of resources that may be valuable to the education process for others, please use the link above to submit new resources or to report an outdated reference, link or other i RESOURCES EXAMPLE ADS GENERAL RESOURCES American Society of Anesthesiologists Federation of State Medical Boards of the 520 N. Northwest Highway United States, Inc. Park Ridge, IL 60068-2573 PO Box 619850 telephone: (847) 825-5586 Dallas, TX 75261-9850 fax: (847) 825-1692 Main Phone: (817) 868-4000 e-mail: [email protected] Publications And Outpatient_Surgery Services/standards www.aaaasf.org/pub/resourceguide.htm to submit resource links or advertising questions: [email protected] W Prevent Medical Errors, Monitor And Document Safe Surgical Practices, Ensure Ongoing Regulatory Compliance And Reduce Costs! www.surgimetrix.com 888-863-8749 9 10-348 ASF_SummerFall2010:10-348 AAAASF 9/16/10 9:20 AM Page 10 Latex Allergy...From Page 1 should consider the following treatments: 1.) stop the procedure and any further contact of latex contaminated products with the patient. irrigate with copious amounts of water. 2.) Resuscitate the patient with cardiovascular stabilization and airway control. 3.) Administer drug treatment for resuscitation and treatment of the anaphylaxis, which includes: a. epinephrine – releases the dilation of blood pressure and relaxing the airway muscles. b. diphenhydramine – a h 1 blocker and antihistamine – stops and reverses the effects of histamine release from an allergic reaction. c. Ranitidine and cimetadine – both are h 2 blockers and will reduce some of the symptoms from the histamine released. d. nebulized Albuterol – relieves the constriction of bronchospasm. e. dopamine – stimulates blood vessels constriction to increase blood pressure. f. glucocorticosteroids – reduces inflammation allergic reaction. 4.) if the patient is stabilized, change gloves and instruments to finish the surgery avoiding all latex products. if the patient does not stabilize, continue resuscitation, close wounds and finish surgery after the patient has been stabilized. Preoperative Patient Skin Antisepsis Course Available from AORN here is an outline of one of AoRn's confidence-based learning Modules available online at www.aorn.org. Preoperative Patient skin antisepsis - 1.2 contact hours introduction the goal of preoperative preparation of the patient's skin is to reduce the risk of postoperative surgical site infection by removing soil and transient microorganisms from the skin, reduce the resident microbial count to subpathogenic levels in a short period of time and with the least amount of tissue irritation, and inhibit rapid, rebound growth of microorganisms. in order to reduce the potential for a patient to develop a surgical site infection, it is essential for perioperative personnel to be knowledgeable regarding the process of preoperative skin preparation. Purpose the purpose of this activity is to provide perioperative nurses with a guideline for achieving skin preparation of the surgical site. objectives * describe the methods of preparing the patient's skin to decrease risk of surgical site infection. * identify the methods for removing soil and transient microorganisms from the skin. * describe why reducing the resident microbial count to subpathogenic level in a short period with the least amount of tissue irritation is critical. * define methods for inhibiting rapid rebound growth of microorganisms. 10 10-348 ASF_SummerFall2010:10-348 AAAASF 9/16/10 9:20 AM Page 11 Some Anesthesia Shortages Continue in 2010 According to the American society of Anesthesiologists’ web site, www.asahq.org, here is an update on succinylcholine and other drug shortages: the AsA Washington office has been in frequent communication with the fdA regarding ongoing difficulties obtaining succinylcholine. the Agency is very aware of the situation and is working collaboratively with AsA and manufacturers to address this problem, as well as other ongoing anesthesia drug shortage issues. According to the latest information from the fdA, sandoz, one of two manufacturers of succinylcholin, continues to release quantities of Anectine 20mg/ml 10 ml vials. the company is releasing quantities weekly but are not yet able to meet full demand. hospira, the other manufacturer, did release some Quelicin vials to wholesalers and they anticipate additional releases of 100mg/ml 10ml and 20mg/ml 10 ml vials by end of this month. both firms have been providing regular updates to the fdA but the agency does not have an exact date yet for when full demand will be met. the release of hospira's product at the end of the month should help the situation greatly, and hospira plans to continue releasing product from that point on. for the latest information on this or other drug shortages, please visit the following drug shortage websites: food and drug Administration www.fda.gov/Drugs/Drugsafety/Drugshortages American society of health-system Pharmacists www.ashp.org/Drugshortages/Current/ to report a drug shortage or difficulty obtaining any drug please email the fdA’s drug shortage division at: [email protected] According to the FdA: when did the propofol shortage begin? the propofol shortages began in the fall of 2009. two u.s.-based manufacturers of propofol halted distribution and recalled several lots of propofol products because of quality problems. this action left only one company to supply propofol to the entire united states. the two companies affected by the quality problems are working to restore full production of propofol, which is anticipated to occur by fall 2010. this timeline is reflective of the complex and often long lead-time necessary to manufacture sterile injectable drug products. How is fDa addressing this shortage in the U.s. propofol supply? fdA is working with the manufacturers of propofol products to address these shortages. fdA has temporarily allowed the importation of fresenius Propoven 1% (propofol 1%) into the united states. Although fresenius Propoven 1% is an unapproved drug product in the united states, it is currently approved in other countries. fdA has determined that it is comparable to the propofol used in the united states. it is important to note that there are some key differences in the formulation and labeling between the u.s. marketed propofol products and the international fresenius Propoven 1%. under specific circumstances, the fdA has the discretion to allow the importation, distribution, and use of unapproved drugs to address severe drug shortages and public health emergencies. fdA ensures the quality of these drugs through close inspection of the manufacturing facilities (these companies must meet current good manufacturing practices) and thorough evaluation of available safety and efficacy data. www.fda.gov/Drugs/Drugsafety/Drugshortages/ucm050792.htm 11 10-348 ASF_SummerFall2010:10-348 AAAASF 9/16/10 9:20 AM Page 12 Newly Accredited Facilities faCILITY DIrECTor CITY/sTaTE CLass sPECIaLTY ear nose throat and Plastic surgery Associates of the south sound nancy R. Juhlin M.d. Puyallup, WA c Plastic surgery stanley A. fox M.d. Massapequa, ny c-M internal Medicine csR outpatient Medical services, llc Park Avenue obs david P. Rapaport M.d. new york, ny c Plastic surgery south brooklyn Medical Practice Pc dmitry bronfman M.d. brooklyn, ny c-M obstetrics & gynecology Manalapan surgery center brian Weiner M.d. Manalapan, nJ c-M gastroenterology lake success surgical center Michael terrani M.d. lake success, ny c-M obstetrics & gynecology stony brook Womens health site b david shobin M.d. huntington station, ny c-M obstetrics & gynecology lexington Medical group Pllc steven e. fochios M.d. new york, ny c-M gastroenterology Joseph iwanicki Md fAcog Joseph iwanicki M.d. brooklyn, ny c-M obstetrics & gynecology Anna Arsenous Md Anna Arsenous M.d. glendale, ny c-M Plastic surgery sottile Megna Md Pc daniel Megna M.d. staten island, ny c-M gastroenterology Ambulatory Vascular care Jodumutt g. bhat M.d. new york, ny c-M Vascular & general surgery Agi Medical Pllc & Well life Physician consulting, Pc Pei ying Xiao M.d. brooklyn, ny c-M gastroenterology burton Way surgery center Robert o. Ruder M.d. beverly hills, cA c Plastic surgery Within head/neck ear nose and throat Associates of ny Pc gary snyder M.d. new hyde Park, ny A Plastic surgery Within head/ neck Reproductive center of central new Jersey eric Knochenhauer M.d. south Plainfield, nJ c-M obstetrics & gynecology May street surgi center steven hodes M.d. edison, nJ c-M gastroenterology Anglemeyer osteopathic family clinic Alfred J. schlorke d.o. nappanee, in b family Practice Winston c tom Md Pc Winston c. tom M.d. new york, ny c-M gastroenterology nyMhb fertility services Pc george d. Kofinas M.d. brooklyn, ny c obstetrics & gynecology garden state surgery center, llc barry e. dibernardo M.d. Montclair, nJ c-M Plastic surgery Kaufman surgery center daniel Kaufman M.d. brooklyn, ny c Plastic surgery & Pediatric dentistry Wetherington Plastic surgery center g. Marc Wetherington M.d. Rome, gA c Plastic surgery Mifflin county community surgery center Alan gordon M.d. lewistown, PA c ophthalmology Arizona Advanced surgery center, llc nathaniel Zoneraich M.d. scottsdale, AZ c Multiple-specialties samaritan ob/gyn, inc. stephen J. schuermann M.d. cincinnati, oh c-M obstetrics & gynecology Pioneer Medical care Pllc flushing 2 usha Krishnamurthy M.d. flushing, ny c-M gastroenterology Popp's ferry out Patient surgery center, llc gregory e. bertucci M.d. biloxi, Ms b ophthalmology Albany iVf Peter M. horvath M.d. Albany, ny b Reproductive endocrinology Manhattan interventional Radiology John h. Rundback M.d. new york, ny c Radiology Rockledge surgery center, inc. thomas c. yu M.d. bethesda, Md A Multi-specialty fremont surgery center Anmol Mahal M.d. fremont, cA c Multi-specialty Ayman farid, M.d., l.l.c. Ayman farid M.d. staten island, ny c-M cardiovascular disease West carver Medical Associates, A division of Prohealth care Associates, llP Alan M. schuller M.d. huntington, ny c-M gastro Pacific cataract and laser institute, inc. P.s. William gruzensky M.d. olympia, WA b ophthalmology Ace endoscopy david feldman M.d. new york, ny c-M gastroenterology five boroughs Medical Associates, Pc franco gallo M.d. Riverhead, ny c-M gastroenterology lee institute of Plastic surgery Richard K. lee M.d. Roseville, cA c-M Plastic surgery Mid hudson Medical group stuart Weinberger M.d. Poughkeepsie, ny c Multi-specialty delaware Valley Plastic surgery, P.A. evan sorokin M.d. cherry hill, nJ c Plastic surgery spring Valley surgery center, llc godwin o. Maduka Md las Vegas, nV c Pain Medicine conejo Valley surgery center Adebambo ojuri M.d. thousand oaks, cA c gastroenterology Advanced Pain Management of central ind. Randall J. franiak M.d. carmel, in b Pain Medicine Mccandless endoscopy center, llc Katie farah M.d. Pittsburgh, PA c-M gastroenterology Whitestone Ambulatory Medical, Pllc Medhat f. sami M.d. Whitestone, ny b gastroenterology Reliant surgical center Jamie R. Wisser M.d. east Windsor, nJ c Plastic & orthopedic surgery the gynecology center Ali behnam M.d. cumberland, Md A obstetrics & gynecology 12 10-348 ASF_SummerFall2010:10-348 AAAASF 9/16/10 9:21 AM Page 13 Newly Accredited Facilities faCILITY DIrECTor CITY/sTaTE CLass sPECIaLTY turning Pointe surgery center Karl b. hiatt M.d. Mesa, AZ c Plastic surgery Premier Plastic surgery James newman M.d. Palo Alto, cA c Plastic surgery & otolaryngology steven finkelstein M.d. new york, ny b gastroenterology Manhattans Physician group Plastic surgery specialists, M.d., P.c. Robert oliver Jr., M.d. birmingham, Al c Plastic surgery beverly hills south Pacific surgery center christos Kalatzis M.d. beverly hills, cA c Pain Medicine, general surgery o'neill Plastic surgery, P.A. Patrick J. o'neill M.d. daniel island, sc c-M Plastic surgery columbia nephrology Associates, P.A. Access center Michael d. cook M.d. columbia, sc b nephrology new york Park Avenue surgery Ramtin Kassir M.d. new york, ny c otolaryngology, dermatology boro Park surgery center samy lasheen M.d. brooklyn, ny c-M Pain Medicine spring Valley surgery center, llc godwin Maduka M.d. henderson, nV c Pain Medicine Vascular Radiology Associates ii, llP W. bruce tannehill M.d. Augusta, gA b Radiology eastside gynecology Ronald d. blatt M.d. new york, ny c-M obstetrics & gynecology integrated Medical Professionals, office based Procedures carl A. olsson M.d. north hills, ny c urology bend Plastic surgery Adam P. Angeles M.d. bend, oR c Plastic surgery cARe fertility Rudy Quintero M.d. glendale, cA c-M obstetrics & gynecology soler-baillo Plastic surgery Jose soler-baillo M.d. Miami, fl c Plastic surgery ny surgical and Anesthesia suites, P.c. brian haftel M.d. bronx, ny c-M Pain Management, Anesthesia Manhattan Medical Practice, P.c. Kiran bhat M.d. brooklyn, ny c-M gastroenterology Professional Medical services of Westchester, P.c. edward Ament M.d. White Plains, ny c-M gastroenterology Mount Kisco Medical group Putman hospital center office endo suite Abe levy M.d. carmel, ny c-M gastroenterology Advanced gastroenterology/endoscopy PcAli s. Karakurum M.d. Port Jefferson, ny c-M gastroenterology the hunstad center for cosmetic Plastic surgery, P.A. Joseph P. hunstad M.d., f.A.c.s. huntersville, nc c Plastic surgery Zwanger Pesiri Radiology llP steven l. Mendelsohn M.d. east setauket, ny c-M diagnostic Radiology Zwanger Pesiri Radiology llP steven l. Mendelsohn M.d. Medford, ny c-M diagnostic Radiology columbia university skin and laser center Monica l. halem M.d. new york, ny b dermatology east side endoscopy llc brett bernstein M.d. new york, ny c-M gastroenterology surgistar, lP John d. Wallace d.d.s., M.d. dallas, tX c oral & Maxillofacial surgery twin Rivers gastroenterology llP david h. brody M.d. Port Jervis, ny c-M gastroenterology Plastic surgery center of the carolinas terrance W. bruner M.d. spartanburg, sc c Plastic surgery innovative care center gregory e. Rauscher M.d. hackensack, nJ A Plastic surgery gastroenterology and nutrition, P.c. samuel davidoff M.d. forest hills, ny c-M gastroenterology Aster obgyn, P.c. farris fahmy M.d. new york, ny b obstetrics & gynecology neuro Pain consultants James honet M.d. bloomfield hills, Mi c-M Pain Medicine neuro Pain consultants James honet M.d. clarkston, Mi c-M Pain Medicine the gastro surgi center of new Jersey, llc Marvin lipsky M.d. Mountainside, nJ c gastroenterology osteon surgery center edwin haronian M.d. encino, cA c Multi-specialty Women's health care, P.c. Marshall howell M.d. newburgh, in b obstetrics & gynecology newport coast surgical institute luu Q. doan M.d. huntington beach, cA c Plastic surgery Palm beach Plastic surgery david Rankin M.d. Jupiter, fl c Plastic surgery galleria Pain Management suite, P.c. sanjay bakshi M.d. new york, ny c-M Pain Medicine gastroenterology specialists, P.c. / east Valley endoscopy John Papp, Jr. M.d. grand Rapids, Mi c-M gastroenterology Plastic surgery center of nc, inc. John A. fagg M.d. Winston-salem, nc c Plastic surgery oak tree surgical center, llc sharam daneshgar M.d. thousand oaks, cA c-M gastroenterology long island Magnetic Resonance imaging, Pc, long island Medical imaging, Pc, long island Medical diagnostic imaging, Pc, dba Zilkha Radiology Albert Zilkha M.d. east islip, ny c-M Radiology 13 10-348 ASF_SummerFall2010:10-348 AAAASF 9/16/10 9:21 AM Page 14 SURGICAL SAFETY CHECKLIST (FIRST EDITION) Before induction of anaesthesia SIGN IN PATIENT HAS CONFIRMED • IDENTITY • SITE • PROCEDURE • CONSENT Before skin incision TIME OUT PULSE OXIMETER ON PATIENT AND FUNCTIONING ANTICIPATED CRITICAL EVENTS DOES PATIENT HAVE A: SURGEON REVIEWS: WHAT ARE THE CRITICAL OR UNEXPECTED STEPS, OPERATIVE DURATION, ANTICIPATED BLOOD LOSS? DIFFICULT AIRWAY/ASPIRATION RISK? NO YES, AND EQUIPMENT/ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE RISK OF >500ML BLOOD LOSS (7ML/KG IN CHILDREN)? NO YES, AND ADEQUATE INTRAVENOUS ACCESS AND FLUIDS PLANNED NURSE VERBALLY CONFIRMS WITH THE TEAM: THE NAME OF THE PROCEDURE RECORDED ANAESTHESIA SAFETY CHECK COMPLETED KNOWN ALLERGY? NO YES SIGN OUT CONFIRM ALL TEAM MEMBERS HAVE INTRODUCED THEMSELVES BY NAME AND ROLE SURGEON, ANAESTHESIA PROFESSIONAL AND NURSE VERBALLY CONFIRM • PATIENT • SITE • PROCEDURE SITE MARKED/NOT APPLICABLE Before patient leaves operating room ANAESTHESIA TEAM REVIEWS: ARE THERE ANY PATIENT-SPECIFIC CONCERNS? THAT INSTRUMENT, SPONGE AND NEEDLE COUNTS ARE CORRECT (OR NOT APPLICABLE) HOW THE SPECIMEN IS LABELLED (INCLUDING PATIENT NAME) WHETHER THERE ARE ANY EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO BE ADDRESSED SURGEON, ANAESTHESIA PROFESSIONAL AND NURSE REVIEW THE KEY CONCERNS FOR RECOVERY AND MANAGEMENT OF THIS PATIENT NURSING TEAM REVIEWS: HAS STERILITY (INCLUDING INDICATOR RESULTS) BEEN CONFIRMED? ARE THERE EQUIPMENT ISSUES OR ANY CONCERNS? HAS ANTIBIOTIC PROPHYLAXIS BEEN GIVEN WITHIN THE LAST 60 MINUTES? YES NOT APPLICABLE IS ESSENTIAL IMAGING DISPLAYED? YES NOT APPLICABLE THIS CHECKLIST IS NOT INTENDED TO BE COMPREHENSIVE. ADDITIONS AND MODIFICATIONS TO FIT LOCAL PRACTICE ARE ENCOURAGED. AORN Ambulatory Surgery Center Infection Prevention Course Available this course provides Ambulatory surgery center (Asc) staff and administrators with information that will assist them in meeting cMs requirements for infection prevention control programs in ambulatory surgery centers. the four module course follows the cMs surveyor worksheet, focusing on the observations and assessments that will be made during an accreditation visit to your Asc. in addition to collecting information about how your Asc provides services such as anesthesia, environmental cleaning, linen, nursing, pharmacy, sterilization, reprocessing and waste management, the surveyor will make a determination on the basis and scope of your infection control program. the four modules of this course contain rationale and supporting evidence for the parameters of a successful infection control program. * Module one covers sterilization and high level disinfection. it also includes a section on reprocessing of single use devices. * Module two covers hand hygiene practices including monitoring and suggestions to improve compliance. * Module three is focused on critical environmental infection control practices. * Module four is devoted to practices related to point-of-care devices and injection practices. the course should be used by all Ascs who want to ensure that they have implemented a quality infection control program that results in safe patient outcomes. the course is appropriate for all staff, administrators and physicians who provide services in the Asc setting. students will have four (4) months to complete the course. this course is worth 6.8 contact hours. to earn the contact hours and print a certificate you must complete all the course modules and the final course evaluation. your record will be updated with your contact hours the month following the completion of the course. 14 10-348 ASF_SummerFall2010:10-348 AAAASF 9/16/10 9:21 AM Page 15 ASF Source Newsletter Submission Deadlines/Rates For Articles, Advertising and Photos - Winter 2010 Issue Deadline - October 30th, 2010 Articles on patient safety issues and quality care practices within the outpatient surgery environment are accepted any time throughout the year. Please email your articles or ideas for articles to Jaime trevino, communications director at [email protected] and you will be notified if the Publications committee decides to use your article. ASF Source Advertising 2010 Rates cAMeRA ReAdy b/W sPot coloR 4/coloR full page $700 $825 $1,350 1/2 page $450 $625 $850 1/4 page $225 $425 $550 1/8 page $110 $325 $450 Interested in Serving on an AAAASF Committee? We are also interested in getting more nurses and younger surgeons from our accredited facilities involved in all our committees in order to broaden our perspectives, get new ideas, and develop future leaders of the Association. if you are interested in participating on a committee, please complete this form and mail/fax to: aaaasf office - fax: 847-775-1985 P.o. boX 9500 • 5101 Washington street, suite 2f • gurnee, il 60031 name and title: _______________________________________________________________________________years in Practice: __________ AAAAsf facility name or #: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________city:_____________________state:____Zip:___________telephone: __________________ fax:______________________e-mail:_____________________________________________________________________________________ check the box next to the committee that you are interested in: if selected, you will be contacted by AAAAsf staff. thank you for your interest in serving as an AAAAsf committee member! standards technology Reimbursement education legislative Publications investigative inspectors Accreditation QA/Peer Review Request for a Newsletter if you wish to be included on our mailing list or you know of a medical specialist that has requested to be included, please complete this form and fax or mail to the AAAAsf office. name ________________________________________________________________________________________ title or specialty ________________________________________________________________________________________ facility name ________________________________________________________________________________________ facility Address ________________________________________________________________________________________ telephone ________________________________________________________________________________________ fax ________________________________________________________________________________________ e-mail fax to: 847-775-1985 or email all required information to: [email protected] 15 10-348 ASF_SummerFall2010:10-348 AAAASF 9/16/10 9:21 AM Page 16 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 195 LIBERTYVILLE, IL P.o. boX 9500 gurnee, il 60031 1-888-545-5222 (toll free) 847-775-1970 fax: 847-775-1985 ASF Source News You Can Use As proponents of Malignant Hyperthermia education, US WorldMeds, the makers of generic dantrolene sodium for injection, offer several value-added services including in-servicing vials and free online MH Training. Please visit: www.ds-iv.com/resources.htm for more information. specialists 1-2 3-5 3-5 6-9 6-9 10 10 aNNUaL fEEs for rEgULar aCCrEDITaTIoN CLass specialties a B, C, C-M 1 - 2 specialties $750 $1,105 1 - 2 specialties $1,045 $1,545 3 or more specialties $1,325 $1,820 1 - 2 specialties $3,390 $4,100 3 or more specialties $3,655 $4,360 1 - 2 specialties $4,785 $6,045 3 or more specialties $5,045 $6,885 specialists 1-2 3-5 3-5 6-9 6-9 10 10 aNNUaL fEEs for MEDICarE CErTIfICaTIoN CLass specialties B, C 1 - 2 specialties $1,655 1 - 2 specialties $2,095 3 or more specialties $2,370 1 - 2 specialties $4,625 3 or more specialties $4,885 1 - 2 specialties $6,570 3 or more specialties $7,410 inspection fees: $500 for *new facility (*new facility refers to a brand new location where no cases have been performed, this inspection is required in florida, california and new york for all facilities that currently do not hold state licensure or other accreditation at the time of application.), as well as $950 for regular or $2150 for Medicare inspections in addition to the annual fee schedule.
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