OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS CATHOLIC CHURCH 6442 PELHAM, TAYLOR ~ 313-381-3000 MARCH 29, 2015 Palm Sunday — March 29 Normal Mass Schedule: 4:00 PM, 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, & 12:00 PM 3:00 PM — Prayer Concert in Church Holy Thursday — April 2 7:00 PM — Mass of the Lord’s Supper Followed by Adoration until formal closing at 10:00 PM 9:00 — 9:30 PM — Special prayers of Adoration Good Friday — April 3 12:00 PM — Facing the Shadows presentation by the Youth Group 12:15 PM — Rosary 12:45 PM — Stations of the Cross 1:30 PM — Solemn Liturgy Holy Saturday — April 4 1:00 PM — Blessing of Food 8:00 PM — Easter Vigil Mass (Followed by Hospitality) Easter Sunday — April 5 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, & 12:00 PM — Mass PALM SUNDAY CONCERT The Our Lady of the Angels Choir presents a prayerful evening of music and scripture depicting the life of Christ from His Nativity to His Crucifixion. Please join us This Sunday, March 29, Palm Sunday afternoon, at 3:00pm. at Our Lady of the Angels Catholic Church Page 2 THE SANCTUARY LAMP BURNS THIS WEEK FOR THE SPECIAL INTENTIONS OF: OUR PARISH FAMILY MASS INTENTIONS Monday, March 30 †John Strachan 8 :45am (Mother, Marvel) Tuesday, March 31 8:45am †Robert & Virginia Kirkpatrick (Family) †Robert Budai (Family) Wednesday, April 1 NO MASS OR PRAYER SERVICE Holy Thursday, April 2 †Frank Gregonara (Ray & Pauline Powers) 7:00pm Good Friday, April 3 Solemn Liturgy 1:30pm HOLY THURSDAY 7:00PM LECTORS: Darlene Szczepanski Mike Kava LECTORS: MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST: Cindy Resovsky, Elaine Jacek, Bennie Belknap, Mary Vermette, Gerry Lefteroff, Cheri Antonnicola ALTAR SERVERS: 1:30PM Sue Urbiel Bennie Belknap MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST: Cindy Resovsky, Gloria Tamoshunas ALTAR SERVERS: Lucas Eccleton, William Clark, Trevor Kimes, Kevin Begic, Joe Boncher Kate Eccleton, Holly Kimes, April Dean, Hannah O’Brien, Joe Boncher, Jim Kerrigan 9pm: Thirty minute period of adoration with group prayers and hymns before the Blessed Sacrament SCHEDULES FOR WEEKEND OF APRIL 4 & 5 EASTER VIGIL 8:00PM LECTOR READINGS: 1) Darlene Szczepanski 2) Bennie Belknap 3) Sue Urbiel Holy Saturday, April 4 8:00pm †Robert & Virginia Kirkpatrick (Family) †Susan Boskey (Virginia Fretenborough) †Ruth Ann Garbacz (Family) †Paul, Randy, Debra Pikus (Kerrigan Family) Easter Sunday, April 5 8:00am †Jeannette Dupuis (Mike Shoniker) †Josephine Witkowski (Pat Gibson) †Agatha Buhia (Pat Gibson) †Vivian Scranlin (Pat Gibson) †Sylvia Wilson (Pat Gibson) †Edward Gibson (Pat Gibson) †Chester Kapelanski (Family) †Richard Chorian (Family) 10:00am †Gerald Thome (Deacon Bill) †Rich & Carol Jakacki (Family) †Richard Gdowski (Gdowski Children) †Bob Kimes, Sr. †Helen Mancos (Family) 12:00pm †Josephine Huminski (Dolores Bergin) †Gertrud LaMonica (Husband, Jerry) †Bill Kobza (Susi & Catherine Rejefski) MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST: Pat Ackerman, Elaine Jacek, Cindy Resovsky, Pat & Bob Schierschmidt, Diane Balikowski ALTAR SERVERS: Jeremy Wilson, Alan Davis, Zane Liss, Jesse Dean, Joe Boncher, Jim Kerrigan USHERS: Ben Bazanski EASTER SUNDAY MASSES LECTORS 8:00AM Sue Vokal Len Vokal 10:00AM Mary Jane Budai Kevin Begic 12:00PM Jerry LaMonica MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST Anna Marie Fiscelli Len Vokal Ines Young Bill Ehred Marianne Alabastro Mike Kava Ines Young Suzanne Foucher Dave Foucher Volunteer Barbara Parish Jerry LaMonica Mark Luecke Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer If you are filling a Volunteer space check with the Sacristan to see if you are needed ALTAR SERVERS Lucas Eccleton William Clark OUR RETURN GIFT TO GOD SUNDAY, March 22, 2015 COLLECTION . . . . . TO MEET BUDGET . . . . GOOD FRIDAY $8,970.00 $10,482.00 Dan Lai Nathan Williams Anthony Williams Shaun Kerrigan Michael Boncher Joe Boncher Mariel Luecke Lisa Luecke USHERS NUMBER OF ENVELOPES 341 PLEASE REMEMBER OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS IN YOUR WILL Sebastian Escamilla Ron McCombe Dominick Savona Page 3 A few words from Fr. Dariusz I would like to take this opportunity to thank those who took time to come to our Parish Mission. I hope those who attended Fr. George’s sessions have grown in their relationship with God. I hope that his talks inspired you to learn more about God and His love for us. Thanks to those who made this Parish Mission successful. I would like to thank Stella and John Mosella and their teams for organizing refreshments during the Mission. I am grateful to our Worship Commission for setting up things that Fr. George requested for his preaching. In a special way I would like to thank those who cooked dinners and delivered them to the rectory. This was wonderful and saved me and Fr. George a lot of time. I greatly appreciate your support and prayers. This week, all over the world, Christians are celebrating the great mystery of Christ’s love for us. The Gospel for Procession proclaims that ‘Greater love no man has that he who lays down his life for his friends.’ This is the week Christ lived out the truth of these words. He took on Himself our sins and the sins of the entire world. In the Gospel Reading, Jesus enters Jerusalem as a humble king and gentle Messiah, and is greeted joyfully by His disciples. In the First Reading, Isaiah suffers in carrying out his mission, but is sustained by the firm belief that God will not abandon him. We think of Jesus as we listen to this reading. In the Second Reading, St. Paul says that because Jesus took on Himself our human condition, and accepted death on a cross, the Father has raised Him up and made Him Lord of heaven and earth. In the Gospel, St. Mark stresses the crude trail and shocking details of Jesus’ suffering. The reading tells us that the final act in the drama of Jesus has come. The Son of Man must suffer many things. Mark has Jesus die in total isolation deserted by His disciples, taunted by His enemies, derided by those who hung with Him, and worst of all, abandoned by God. The reading of the curtain of the temple signifies that the privilege of Israel has ended. From now on access to the divine presence is open to all. The reply to the question which has dominated Mark’s Gospel (Who, then, is this?) is found in the words of the centurion: “Truly, this man was the Son of God.” I hope this week each one of us will find time to thank God for sending His Son to save us. I also hope that each one of us will find time to thank Jesus for His love for us and His willingness to suffer and die for our salvation. God bless you all, Fr. D ALTAR SERVER NOTES Mass attendance Report Sunday Liturgy (March 7-8) 100% Paschal Candle Beginning next Sunday morning (Easter) and until Pentecost Sunday, May 24th the Paschal Candle should be lighted when the Altar Server lights the regular altar candles before Mass. The Paschal Candle is the large decorative candle in its own stand. Use the large snuffer to put it out after Mass. If you can’t get it lit please tell the priest before Mass. Red Cassocks Beginning on Easter red cassocks will be worn each weekend until Pentecost Sunday, May 24th. There is a limited supply so please be careful when pulling the snaps when you take the cassock off. NOTE - NO CONFESSIONS AT 3:00PM ON SATURDAY, APRIL 4TH. STATIONS OF THE CROSS WILL BE AT 12:45PM ON GOOD FRIDAY AND NOT AT 7:00PM “GEE, I DIDN’T KNOW THAT!” Calvary, the place where Jesus was crucified is also known as “Golgotha” an Aramaic word meaning “Skull”. The hill was so called because it resembled a head or skull. This area was near Jerusalem and was the place where criminals were normally executed. Scrabble Last week’s Scrabble word had nine letters and the clue was: “Reserved for God alone.” A D O R A T I O N This week there are two words and the clue is: “It’s here.” _ O _ _ _ E _ _ REMEMBER NO MEAT ON GOOD FRIDAY AND IT IS ALSO A DAY OF FASTING. The law of fasting binds those between the age of 18 and 59 to limit themselves to one full meal with two smaller meals in between. Abstaining means “NO MEAT” on Good Friday from ones 15th birthday and extends through out their lives. ? Page 4 We Can Use Your Help! Thank you to all who have donated in the past. Your generosity is much appreciated, but we are asking for your help again. On Saturday, April 4th, the Christian Service Organization will be hosting a reception for our newest Parish members, families, and all who would like to join from our OLOA. Therefore, we greatly appreciate any dish you can donate. A few suggestions would be salads, fruit, veggies & dip, crackers & cheese, meat rollups or any baked item. I also will be looking for volunteers to help with the reception! If you can do any of the above, please contact me (Marie G d o w s ki ) a t 3 1 3 - 3 8 1 - 3 0 0 0 o r [email protected]. God Bless, Marie Gdowski SMALL BOTTLES WITH THE NEWLY BLESSED HOLY WATER WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR YOU TO TAKE HOME AND BLESS YOURSELF AT YOUR EASTER DINNER. You are invited to come forward after Mass and fill the bottle with the newly blessed Easter Water. NOTE: Holy Water fonts are available in the Parish Office. This would be a perfect time during the Easter Season to have a font in your bedroom and bless yourself each morning and evening. The Youthful Corner Youth Group Calendar March 29 ~ Youth Group 6:30-8pm ~ PC April 3 ~ Good Friday 12pm ~ Facing the Shadows April 5 ~ Happy Easter ~ No Youth Group Quote of the Week: “ Do not be depressed. Do not let your weakness make you impatient. Instead, let the serenity of your spirit shine through your face. Let the joy of your mind burst forth.” - - St. Peter Damian Ready, Willing, Unable: What if our weaknesses were listed and exposed. No seriously, what if they were exposed for everyone to read. Except instead of being used against us they were used to help us get through them or over them. I always hated the interview question that wanted to know what my weakness was. As if I was supposed to say “I’m horrible at organizing paperwork but you should hire me anyway.” Because in truth we spend our whole lives attempting to hide our weakness, pretending they don’t exist or attempting to overcome them by ignoring them. But I say, confront them, take them out, face them down. Make a list of your weaknesses, rank the big ones and then start turning them into strengths. Or at the very least start making them casual observers to your life. And taking it one step further, what if we attempted to help the other people in our lives. What if we went to a job interview where the person from behind the desk said, “wow that’s my weakness too!!! And we’re going to help you with that and get it squared away.” Do you know how less complicated the world would be if we handled so many of our situations with that sort of honesty. With the clarity of vision to know that someone is struggling and may need your help. Because what is life, but a learning curve, a lesson, a struggle to make things right. Wouldn’t it be awesome if we started treating it as such without the bravado, without the pretend atmosphere of perfection that none of us really have. So what’s your weakness? No seriously what is it. Because I guarantee you, you’re not alone. Ever. An Open Invitation: Are you awesome? Have you always been awesome? Do you wish you could meet other awesome people just like you? Well look no further then Our Lady of Angels Youth Group. We are the keepers of awesomeness. But we need you to stop by and add to this amazing phenomenon. So if you are between the ages of 10 to 18 and looking for great friends, good people, lots of fun and amazing events then stop by the Youth Loft Sunday nights from 6:30 to 8pm. And begin your awesome journey into fulfilling your faith. See you there! If You have any questions please feel free to contact Youth Leaders: Tom Kupovits, (313-229-1197) or Monica Alabastro (734-306-1086) ChristNet Meeting Monday, April 13th 7:00pm St. Ann’s Room The Christian Service Organization is constantly looking for people who would love to be involved with the hospitality of OLOA Outreach Services! If you feel this could be you please call Marie Gdowski at 313-381-3000 or e-mail me at [email protected] . God Bless Please pray for the Youth of our parish Congratulations to S. Lapham who was the $50 winner of our incentive drawing, last weekend. OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS 8TH SUMMER PARISH FESTIVAL 2015 - JUNE 19, 20 & 21 COUNTDOWN TO THE PARISH FESTIVAL — 12 WEEKS AWAY The countdown to our 8th Annual Summer Parish Festival has started and we know you don’t want to miss being there. It is only 3 months away. We all know how quickly time flies so now is the time to set aside that June weekend to be part of the festivities. There will be Music, Dancing, Food, Games, Raffles and much more. Donating your time and talent during those three Festival days will be a tremendous help to our parish, so please keep these dates open. Help will also be needed in Setting-Up the week of June 7 before the Festival as well as the Clean-Up the week after the Festival. So remember those dates, decide when and where you want to volunteer and be ready to enjoy a great weekend in June. Sign-Up time is coming soon! Remember to SPREAD THE WORD! Call Jerry or Marge Ziemba 313-295-4985 to volunteer your services. Page 5 SCRIPTURE READING WEEK OF MARCH 29, 2015 FOOD PANTRY UPDATE Sunday ~ Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Mk 11:1-10 or Jn 12:12-16; Is 50:4-7; Ps 22; Phil 2:6-11; Mk 14:1—15:47 or 15:1-39 Monday Is 42:1-7; Ps 27; Jn 12:1-11 Tuesday ~ Is 49:1-6; Ps 71; Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 Wednesday ~ Is 50:4-9a; Ps 69; Mt 26:14-25 Holy Thursday ~ Chrism Mass: Is 61:13a, 6a, 8b-9; Ps 89; Rv 1:5-8; Lk 4:16-21 Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14; Ps 116; 1 Cor 11:23-26; Jn 13:1-15 Good Friday ~ Friday of the Passion of the Lord Is 52:13—53:12; Ps 31; Heb 4:14-16, 5:7-9; Jn 18:1—19:42 Saturday ~ Holy Saturday Easter Vigil: Gn 1:1—2:2 or 1:1, 26-31a; Ps 104; or 33; Gn 22:1-18 or 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18; Ps 16; Ex 14:15—15:1; Ex 15; Is 54:5-14; Ps 30; Is 55:1-11; Is 12; Bar 3:9-15, 31—44; Ps 19; Ez 36:16-17a, 18-28; Ps 42 or Is 12 or Ps 51; Rom 6:3-11; Ps 118; Mk 16:1-7 Sunday ~ Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Acts 10:34a, 37-43; Ps 118; Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8; Jn 20:1-9 or Mk 16:1-7 Number of people fed during January & February: 716 Thank you for your great generosity in responding to our request for food donations. As you can see, our pantry fed a lot of people during the first two months of 2015. We were able to do that because of your contributions that keep our pantry supplied and help us meet the needs of those who come to us for help. Although we are open for less than 2 hours a day, 3 days a week, we still have many people coming to the pantry asking for help. Neither the cold nor the snow prevents them from coming to us because people know we will be there and not turn anyone away. We interview the adult family members to determine the family size and needs and distribute food on that basis. Your contributions help keep our pantry supplied so we can continue providing nutritional food to those who come to us for help. We urge you to continue providing nutritional food to those who come to us for help. We urge you to continue to keep the pantry in mind and add a few extra items when you do your grocery shopping. We need all forms of food, staples and house cleaning items. As mentioned before, if you take advantage of the Buy 1, Get 1 Free or 10 Items for $10 sales, please consider giving some of those items to our pantry. We greatly appreciate your care and concern, as do those who come to us for food. Please remember all perishable foods such as milk, butter, eggs, etc. should be brought to the Parish Office so they can be refrigerated. We are very grateful for your support and sincerely thank all of you for your charity and concern for the hungry. Food Pantry Committee We would also request that all food donations be checked for the expiration dates because our policy is not to give food that has expired. THE FOOD PANTRY IS IN NEED OF: HAMS TO HAND OUT FOR EASTER IN THE JOURNEY BOOK FOOD PANTRY DONATIONS For Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord, March 29th. Readings are on #898. Cash and checks are needed to buy perishable items. Checks should be made out to: Our Lady of the Angels SVdP Food Pantry. All monetary donations should be brought to the Parish Office or put in the Collection Basket. For Holy Thursday, April 2nd. Readings are on #899. For Good Friday, April 3rd. Readings are on #900. For Easter Vigil April 4th. Readings are on #901. For Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord, April 5th. Readings are on #902. Our Stone Soup was a great success this past weekend! Thank you to all who helped dish out and serve the soup. A special thanks goes to our head soup maker Tim Brooks! It takes great team effort to realize such a wonderful project. We made approximately $850 dollars, which will go toward our Soup Kitchen Outreach Centers. God Bless, Marie Gdowski RELIGIOUS ED CLASS NEWS FACEBOOK PAGE Our Facebook page is up and running. Please friend us at: Our Lady of the Angels-Faith Formation This page is designed for both Religious Education and RCIA information. Page 6 PRAYER REQUEST LIST We believe in the power of prayer! The names submitted will continue on the list for approximately one month. If you wish to extend that period, please call the parish office. Dear God, We place our worries in Your hands. We place our sick under Your care and humbly ask that You restore Your servants to good health once more. . . Shawn Adams, Sue & Roy Aho, Suzanne Aloe, Florence Ames, Louise Ames, Lois Bauer, Mary Becker, Bobby Belknap, Nancy Bellok, Virginia Biggott, Rita Bosh, Patrick Brennen, Dorothy Bruhn, Diane Bruno, Kevin Burke, Lois Burke, Stella Butkiewicz, Cecile Byrne, Madeline Carpenter, Bill Clark, Robert Colasinski, Carmela Conflitti, Ron Coogan, Gloria Criss, Lynn Cross, William Cupp, Jennifer D’Agustino, Connie Dadabbo, Jodi Daniels, Grace Dean, Ron Dean, Luke Demonge, Annmary Demyan, Peggy Derrick, Louise Dushefski, James Ellsworth, Frances Erickson, Nancy Evanego, Kim Fecker, Mike Ferguson, Leona Flatley, Caroline Florez, William Garbacz, Lindy Giacomantonio, Tom Gillen, Mary Gollash, Lindsey Gossett, Cindy Grassa-Caron, Darlene Gregurich, Frances Ann Griffith, Wanita Hamel, Tim Hellrung, Harold Hiensberger, Angela Honeycutt, Gerald Honeycutt, Michael Hornyak, Jr., Raymond Jarczak, Don & Cesidia Johnson, Don Jones, Laurie Juleff, Lillian Kapera, Lisa Kastl, Peter & Maria Kiliaris, Daniel Kirksey, Lucy Korval, Mary Alice Krzyzaniak, Ernest Kuczajda, Dennis LaBelle, Greg Lahiff, Suzanne Lakkis, Mary Lapinski, Patrice Lessnay, Marge Ligenza, Dolores Locher, Collin Lovely, Rose Machowicz, Mary MacLellan, Jeanne Manard, Frank Mancina, George Mancos, Tom Marcero, D. Martin, Michael Martin, Al Martinez, Jerry McFee, Lisa Menna, Bob Merriman, Audrie Meszaras, Norm Mietkiewicz, Helen Miller, Karen Mitchell, Donald Modrzynski, Margaret D. Molnar, Liam Morley, Mary Morris, Rosemarie Mulka, Joseph O’Donnell, Anna & Joseph Nowak, Rita Oleksiak, Elaine Oswald, Michael Paillon, Marty & Mary Lou Pakledinaz, Gary Pearce, Canuta Perez, Sonya Peterson, Angelo Pizzo, Del Poirier, Pete Poirier, Lisa Powaser, Ann Putz, Charles Quinn, Michael Radocaj, Jr., Marge Raymond, Maxine Raymond, Tamra Ream, Rowan Reinhard, Sally Reithel, Deloris Reminder, Priscilla Reminder, Mary Reynolds, Myrna Richardson, Lauren Riker, Charles Risch, Dan Robb, Rick Roy, Ryan Robertson, Lisa Sant, Dominick & Angelina Savano, Mary Ann Savanyo, Mary Schiffert, Carl Schleicher, Kenneth Schmidt, Gloria Schratz, John Scorzelli, Leona Scott, Lucy Senech, Georgian Shasko, Pat Sheridan, Daniel Paul Smith, Diane Smith, Margaret Snyder, George Steele, Pattie Stevens, Edna Stokes, Jameson Sullivan, Edith Supanich, Joseph Sweetman, Eddie Switaj, Mary Jo Terry, Dan & Madeline Tesin, Ron & Elaine Thibeault, Elizabeth Toppi, Debra Tucker, Terri Tunney, Harold & Florence Vallad, Conrad Valle, Gary Valley, George Van Denberg, Eleanor Vereb, James Vickroy, Elizabeth Vivoda, James Walcott, Barbara Walega, Ruth Williams, Fr. Gene Wojtewicz, Donna Wood Celebrate Holy Week and Easter with EWTN Learn more about your Faith during the holiest time of the year with EWTN’s first -rate movies, documentaries, musicals, children’s programs, and much more! Join in the celebration of Mass at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome or at the majestic Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. Get program details at www.ewtn.com and visit www.ewtn.com/channelfinder to find a station near you! NURSE MINISTRY NOTES This Sunday is Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week. Have you asked yourself “how did this Season of Lent pass so quickly and what have I done to improve myself for God?” There is still the opportunity this week to participate in the many services being offered, beginning with the choir presentation on Sunday afternoon. Please read this week’s parish bulletin and make a sincere effort to attend as many services as you can. It is still not to late to experience the beauty of this Easter Season and the reason for our salvation.. A meeting of OLOA Parish Nurse Ministry will take place this Sunday, March 29, 2015 at 11:15am in the St. Elizabeth Room. We urge all members to attend this important meeting of planning. BUDDY’S PIZZA “SLICE FOR LIFE” Fundraiser For the Capuchin Soup Kitchen Monday, April 13 (11:00am to 10:00pm) Feed your family while supporting the Capuchin Soup Kitchen! All the 2topping pizza and salad you can eat at all Metro Detroit Buddy’s Pizza locations (dine-in only). Carry-out available. Tickets: $15 adults; $7 children under 10. Tickets available in advance by calling 313-579-2100 ext. 170 or purchase at the Door on April 13. WORSHIP COMMISSION We are in need of 1 volunteer for a three year term At Large position to replace Marilyn Mowrer whose term has ended. Please call the Parish Office @ 313-3813000 if interested and submit your name. COMING SOON — HOLY SPIRIT SEMINAR The Holy Spirit is often the least understood member of the Blessed Trinity. Come and be part of our annual Holy Spirit Seminar, and learn more about the Spirit’s gifts and how to grow closer to Jesus through prayer and personal conversion. We will discuss ways to better understand Scripture and apply the lessons to your daily life. At the end of the course we will pray with you for a greater infilling of the Holy Spirit in your life. Classes will be held: Wednesdays 6:30-8:00pm - April 15 to May 27 St. Constance Church, 21555 Kinyon St., Taylor 48180 There is a one time fee of $5.00 for 2 booklets. Any questions call: Jerry LaMonica 313-561-7706 or Mary Brua 734-282-3337 Page 7 Saturday, April 18, 2015 10am — 12 noon What if you Could outsmart Alzheimer’s Presented by Carol Waarala, MSW, LMSW Alzheimer’s disease. . . Researchers have been working for years to find a cure with no success. No one knows when it starts — or why — or how to stop it. Dementia of the Alzheimer’s type is NOT part of normal aging; but the number one risk of getting it is ADVANCING IN AGE. We can’t stop getting older, but we can protect our brain in many ways. While researchers race to find a cure, there are things we can do to reduce our risk, slow down the onset of the disease, or maybe even prevent it. This presentation will look at many ideas for reducing your risk for developing dementia and exploring your risk for developing dementia and exploring healthy lifestyle choices that can protect your brain and body. Hosted by: St. Joseph Parish, 2565 Third St., Trenton 48183 Contact: Scott Anastasia at 734-6769082 or [email protected] The Cross and the Light Concert Experience is a two-hour production of the greatest story of all time. Experience who Jesus is, what He did for us, and how we are called to live. This deeply moving musical journey through Christ’s Passion to Pentecost uses the latest projection technology to transform the walls of the Church into a virtual canvas that surrounds and immerses the audience into the story. The music tells the story and the story changes lives! Five Weeks - Five Convenient Locations: St. Hugo of the Hills in Bloomfield, April 16-18, 2015 St. Patrick Parish of White Lake, April 23-25, 2015 Our Lady Star of the Sea in Grosse Pointe Woods, April 30-May 2, 2015 St. Frances Cabrini in Allen Park, May 7-9, 2015 St. Isidore in Macomb, May 14-16, 2015 For performance schedules and to purchase tickets online go to www.crossandlight.com or call 734-788 -7073. DAY OF RETREAT, APRIL 18, 2015 Praying with others, a day of retreat and prayer will be held on Saturday, April 18, 2015 at Gesu School in Detroit, MI. The address of Gesu School is 17139 Quincy in Detroit, MI 48221-3087. Parking is available between the church and the school. Please enter through the glass doors on the middle of the school which says gymnasium over the door. Follow the signs to where we will be. Registration begins at 8:30AM. The morning begins at 9AM with a praise and worship service and will close approximately 3PM. Ms Arlene Apone from the Diocesan Charismatic Renewal Office will be our retreat master. The retreat is being sponsored by the Michigan and Northern Ohio area of ACTheals. We were formerly known as the Association of Christian Therapists. All members, those who work in the healing professions such as physicians, nurses, physical/occupational/speech/recreational therapists, social workers, clergy and religious, nursing home administrators, laboratory technicians and radiology staff, intercessory prayer team members, and any interested persons are encouraged to attend. Cost is $10.00 per person. Please bring a sack lunch. Coffee, tea and a cold beverage will be provided. All are welcome. If you have any questions, please contact by calling Antoinette at 313-255-9676 or emailing Kris, the Regional Coordinator for Michigan and Northern Ohio, at: [email protected] We look forward to seeing you on April 18th. EASTER FRIDAY PILGRIMAGE OF EIGHT DETROIT HISTORIC CHURCHES On April 10th, you are welcome to join Prayer Pilgrimages as we are scheduled to visit, with informative talks: Assumption Grotto, St. Bonaventure Monastery, St. Albertus, Old St. Mary’s, St. Hedwig, Ste. Anne, Sweetest Heart of Mary, & St. Joseph Churches with closing 7PM Mass. All of these Churches will be specially decorated for Easter. Deluxe motorcoach local departures from Oakland Mall in Troy, Levagood Park in Dearborn, & Sears Lot in Lincoln Park. Total cost per person, including full course catered meal, is $50. To reserve & more information: Michael Semaan at (248) 250-6005 or visit www.prayerpilgrimages.com. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Father is looking for Volunteers to do a Prayer Service or Rosary at the Funeral Home when we have a Funeral. If you are interested, please call the Parish Office and leave your name and phone number. Our Lady of the Angels Parish Family offers our prayers and sincere sympathy to the families and friends of: MARION M. PRZYTULSKI age 79. A Funeral Mass was held on Saturday, March 21, 2015 at 12:00pm by Fr. Rick Hartman. New Health Department Requirements Any food brought to Parish functions must be brought in throw-away containers. If you are missing a container it’s being held in our Parish kitchen, please pick it up or it will be thrown out. Per Health Department RECONCILIATION The Archdiocese of Detroit has given us a two page booklet entitled “Reconciliation A Short Guide.” If you are going to Confession during this Lenten Season, they are in the Narthex. Page 8 OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS 2015 CHURCH DIRECTORY RIGHT TO LIFE - LIPESPAN A new directory with parishioner’s contact information will be published. Each family will receive a copy of this useful directory at no charge. LIFESPAN’s 2015 Resource Book Please complete the following and return in an envelope marked “Church Directory” in the collection basket or you may bring it to the Parish Office. DID YOU KNOW? Each year, LIFESPAN publishes a Resource Book (“Book of Life”) which includes LIFESPAN’s history, educational information, legislative efforts, policy statements, voting statistics, suggestions for pro-life involvement, etc., all of which are funded by advertisements. This Resource Book provides extensive information about everything pro-life and is used all around the Metro Detroit area. For as little as $10, you can contribute to this trusted resource on pro-life issues. For more information, call LIFESPAN: 734-422-6230. NAME: ______________________________________________________________ (Please Print) DO NOT INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IN THE 2014 DIRECTORY () NAME () ADDRESS () TELEPHONE # _______________________________________________ ___ Update your contact information if you are a parishioner who has moved or changed your telephone number: NAME: ____________________________________________________________________ NEW ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________ NEW TELEPHONE #: _______________________________________________________ CSA-FUNDED EVENTS BLACK CATHOLIC MINISTRIES “Your Grace is Enough for Me,” the 2015 Black Catholic Women’s Conference, will be held at Sacred Heart Major Seminary on Saturday, April 18. WWME—A weekend of Discovery . . A LIFETIME OF LOVE!! POST LENTEN SPECIAL The Black Catholic Women’s Conference provides an opportunity for women of faith to come together and support one another through workshops, worship, and prayer experiences that use the gifts and the lens of the African American woman. The 2015 event will feature Kaffy Babineaux Belvin of Lafayette, Louisiana, as keynote speaker, as well as tracks for adults, young adults, and youth. After you’ve completed your sacrifices during Lent you deserve to treat yourself to an upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. The next weekend is April 17-19th at the Holiday Inn Express in Troy Your gifts to the Catholic Services Appeal support Black Catholic Ministries Office, which is part of the Department of Evangelization, Catechesis and Schools. Call: 888-322-9963 For more information about CSA-funded ministries, programs, and services, please go to www.aod.org April 17-19th To apply and more information wwme-detroit.org (Application Fee: $75) June 26-28* - St. Joan of Arc St. Clair Shores Sept. 25-27 - Holiday Inn Express, Troy Oct. 23-25 - Holiday Inn Express, Troy Dec. 4-6 - Holiday Inn Express, Troy * In Parish Weekends, Couples go home at night. All other weekends are at a hotel. Holy Thursday, April 2nd at 9:00pm All Altar Servers and their families are invited to attend a 30 minute Period of Adoration at 9:00pm, April 2nd. This is an annual event for the past 40 years so please make every effort to attend. This thirty minutes of prayer is in memory of the time Jesus spent in prayer the night before He died. Consider this the same as a regular Mass assignment and sign the attendance sheet when you arrive. 30 Minute Period of Adoration Holy Thursday Evening at 9:00pm, April 2nd. An invitation is extended to all parishioners to attend this special adoration period commemorating the time Jesus spent in The Garden of Olives the night before He died. Service will consist of selected hymns, the rosary and litany of the Sacred Heart. I would like to thank Fr. Dariusz for anointing me before my procedure and for all the prayers and good wishes from everyone. Jerry McFee Page 9 CATHOLIC SCHOOL GRANT & SCHOLARSHIPS QUESTIONS CHILDREN ASK ABOUT GOD, HEAVEN AND ANGELS With answers from the Bible for busy parents As many of you may remember for several years now we have been awarding grants and scholarships to participating parishioners. Many families have taken advantage of this program and I believe it is successful in making Catholic education more affordable. The deadline for applying for the Archdiocese of Detroit grants and Our Lady of the Angels is April 7, 2015. This application is now online. Q: WHY CAN’T WE GO TO HEAVEN AND JUST SEE IT AND THEN COME BACK? A: This question is like asking, “Can I become a teenager and then come back to my age right now?” It’s impossible because you have to grow into your teens; you can’t simply jump there and back. In the same way, heaven is more than a place you can visit. It’s a time at the end of life, and God has to make us ready to go there. In fact, we have to change in order to go there. We know that heaven exists because God has told us so in His Word, the Bible. And Jesus promised to “prepare a place” so that we can live with Him forever (John 14:2). Once we get there, we won’t want to come back. As we have done in the past, we are offering three High School Scholarships. The three scholarships and the details are: Q: WILL I HAVE MY SAME NAME IN HEAVEN? 1. A: When we get to heaven, we will see our friends and family members who have died and gone there before us. They will recognize us, and we will know them. The Bible says that when we trust Christ as Savior, our names are written in the “Book of Life.” That’s God’s list of who gets into heaven. 2. 3. The Father Carlson A. Robideau Scholarship - This scholarship will be awarded a student who otherwise might not attend a Catholic High School. It will be a $1,000 scholar ship for four years or as long as they are in a Catholic High School and maintains at least a 2.0 grade point average. The Deacon William A. Thome Scholarship - This scholarship will be awarded to a student who goes out of their way to serve the Lord. This scholarship will be a $1,000 scholarship for four years or as long as they are in a Catholic High School and maintains at least a 2.0 grade point average. The Our Lady of the Angels Usher Club Service Scholarship - This scholarship is funded by Our Lady of the Angels Usher Club and will be awarded annually to that student who demonstrates outstanding service to the parish. This will be a one year scholarship. The student must attend a Catholic High School and maintains at least a 2.0 grade point aver age. We are excited to be able to offer these grants and scholarships to Our Lady of the Angels parishioners. The key is that all those who seek to receive a grant and / or scholarship must apply for them. Applications are available in the parish office. The deadline for both the Archdiocese Grant and Our Lady of the Angels is April 7, 2014. You must apply to the Archdiocese of Detroit grants. Q: WHY IS HELL DARK IF THEY HAVE FIRES? A: The Bible uses a lot of pictures to give us an idea of what heaven and hell are like. Fire means burning and pain. Do you remember having a fever? You felt like you were burning up, but there was no flame. Darkness means loneliness. Can you imaging anything more lonely than sitting by yourself in total darkness? What God is telling us is that hell is a terrible place. We certainly don’t want to go there. NOTE TO PARENTS: Children hear conflicting descriptions of hell. They hear that hell is a dark place (Matthew 8:12) and yet a lake of fire (Revelation 19:20). (They may also have heard that it is cold.) Instead of grasping the meanings of these metaphors, the child is taking the images concretely. Q: WHO ENDS UP IN HELL? A: Hell is the place where God will punish Satan and his followers—and all those who refuse to follow God. We don’t know exactly who will go there because we don’t make that judgment, God does. But God has made it possible for everyone to escape punishment in hell. He gives everyone the opportunity to go to heaven. That’s why He sent Jesus to die on the cross. When Jesus suffered and died, He took our place—He paid the penalty for our sins. So if we trust in Jesus, we can escape hell and go to heaven. It sure would be great if all our friends, family, and neighbors would end up in heaven. Let’s tell them how to get there. Q: WHAT DO ANGELS REALLY LOOK LIKE? A: The word angel means “messenger.” Angels are God’s messengers. They can also be God’s warriors. In the Bible we read about people who saw angels. Sometimes the people knew thy were angels, and sometimes they didn’t. Some angels described in the Bible have wings. Those angels are called cherubim. But most of the angels in the Bible stories looked like regular people. We don’t know what angels look like in heaven. Q: WHY IS THE DEVIL AFTER US? A: Satan is God’s enemy, so he is against anyone who is on God’s side. Satan is jealous of our friendship with God—he can’t stand it when we spend time with the Lord. And he wants to stop us from obeying God and from doing good. The devil hates God, so he hates us because we love God. Fr. Dariusz (taken from the book 205 Questions Children Ask about God, Heaven and Angels) Page 10 ATTENTION ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY MEMBERS Dear Lord Jesus and Mary, Mother of God, hold all these brave souls in the palm of your hand; comfort them and their families. Send angels of protection, love and comfort to all the service men and women still at war. Bring them home safely and comfort to all the service men and women still at war. Bring them home safely and comfort their families. We ask this through Christ, Our Lord. Amen. Petty Officer, Patrick C. Dauphinais SSG Lepine, Christopher COL. David Fleckenstein ~ Army LT. Michael A. Molnar ~ Navy Daniel J. Lyson ~ Navy CPT. Glen Dowling MST. Sgt. Brian Dimock Joshua Maloney ~ Australian Army David Maloney ~ Australian Army Justin Dean ~ Marines SSG Andrew Guingona Sp. Airman Matthew Atton ~ Air Force CPL Gregory Ruoss ~ Marines Joseph Galbraith Pvt. Joseph Kimes ~ Army Samuel Stahl ~ U.S. Marines Sr. Wilson, Andrew C. ~ Navy Donald Johnson ~ Korea There will NOT be a Corporate Communion on Easter Sunday, April 5th. Our meeting will be Wednesday, April 8th at 6:30pm in the St. Joseph Room. EASTER CANDY Please consider Donating any variety of Easter Candy or Easter novelties so we can prepare Easter baskets for 35+ kids from needy, area families. Bring to Church or our Parish Office marked “Easter Candy”. We could use some Easter grass and Large Easter Baskets. If you know a family who could use Easter baskets for their children, please call Marie Gdowski 313-381-3000. *We want to include individually wrapped tooth brushes & toothpaste too. VORAN FUNERAL HOME St. Alfred Parish MEGA RAFFLE Only 500 tickets to be sold! Ticket price $100 each $10,000 GRAND PRIZE 2nd prize $1,000 ~ 3rd prize $500 Drawing Date: Saturday, May 2, 2015 10-11PM All Saints Knights of Columbus Hall 24900 Brest Rd., Taylor (Need not be present to win) Order forms available at: St. Alfred’s Parish Office 24175 Baske Street, Taylor 313-291-6464 We are a family owned funeral home looking for two permanent associates to join our team. We are seeking a Funeral Home Support Associate/ Greeter and also a Hearse Driver that displays professionalism towards the families we service while supporting staff and Funeral Directors. Standard Greeter work shifts are usually 3pm-9pm with some 9am-3pm shifts available. Hearse driver shifts should be days only, times will vary depending on funerals. Must be able to work weekends and holidays. Please contact the Voran Funeral Home 313-928-2300 ~ Eleana Voran Keding for further details. Events and Activities PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD March 29 Masses: 8:00am, 10am, 12 noon 10am ~ Pre-School (Rooms 9 & 10) 11am-12:30pm ~ RCIA 11:15am ~ Nurses mtg. ~ St. Elizabeth 3pm Prayer Concert ~ Ch Monday, March 30 8:45am - Mass 10-11:45am ~ Food Pantry 7pm ~ Altar Service Practice ~ Ch 7pm ~ Bible Study ~ St. Jos 7:30pm ~ Men’s Prayer Group ~ St. Ann Tuesday, March 31 8:45am~ Mass 9:30am ~ Bible Study ~ St. Jos 10:30am ~ Chair Fitness ~ St. Ann 4:30-5:45pm ~ Rel. Ed. ~ Sch 6-7:15pm ~ Rel. Ed. ~ Sch 7pm ~ Altar Server Practice ~ Ch Wednesday, April 1 NO MASS OR PRAYER SERVICE 1-2:45pm ~ Food Pantry 6:30pm ~ RAS mtg. ~ St. Jos 7pm ~ Altar Service Practice ~ Ch 7pm ~ RCIA Easter Vigil ~ Ch 7pm ~ Choir 7pm ~ Rainbows ~ PC Holy Thursday, April 2 NO ADORATION 10:30am ~ Chair Fitness ~ St. Ann PARISH OFFICE CLOSES AT 12pm 7:00pm ~ Mass ~ Ch-PC Adoration ending 10pm Good Friday, April 3 PARISH OFFICE CLOSED 12pm ~ Facing the Shadow presentation by the Youth Group 12:15pm ~ Rosary 12:45pm ~ Stations of the Cross 1:30pm ~ Solemn Liturgy Holy Saturday, April 4 1pm ~ Blessing of Food ~ Ch 8:00pm ~ Easter Vigil Mass ~ Ch Followed by Hospitality ~ PC Page 11 QUILT RAFFLE The Christian Service Organization along with the Charity Stitchers is going to raffle off a beautiful homemade Quilt! Tickets will be sold after all Masses on the weekends of April 18th & 19th, April 25th & 26th, May 2nd and 3rd and of course May 9th & 10th with the drawing to be held immediately following the 12:00pm Mass! Good Luck to All God Bless, Marie Gdowski Christian Service Coordinator RON’S HANDYMAN SERVICE Electrical, Plumbing or Carpentry Kitchen and Bath Remodel Ron Maniaci, Parish Member Reasonable Rates Call for FREE Estimate cell: 313-410-8233 [email protected] BULLETIN BOARD St. Frances Cabrini Elementary School Mom2Mom Sale Saturday, April 18, 2015 8:00am - 1:00pm Set-up is Friday, April 17th 7:00 - 8:30pm Table rental is as follows: $20.00 / Table or 2 Tables / $30.00 $3.00 Rack Space Must supply own rack Large Items $1 / per Item Contact: Kathy Atkinson Phone: 313-310-6053 Or [email protected] THE IRISH PALLOTTINE FATHERS 50th Annual Downriver Dinner Dance Friday, April 24, 2015 @ Crystal Gardens - Southgate Cocktail hour @ 6:00pm w/ music by Colin Paige; Family-style-dinner @ 7:00pm; Dancing @ 8:30pm featuring Robert Kolo & The Misty Blues $35.00 per person includes: dinner & open bar For tickets, call the Mission House 734-285-2966 All proceeds to aid their East African Missions *SCLERODERMA SUPPORT GROUP* Meets the Third Friday of Every Month at 11am-1pm. *Guest Speakers +Refreshments + Handouts. *Support Group Leader - Annie Valle [email protected], 313-291-2055 *Meeting Location: Our Lady of the Angels Church 6442 Pelham, Taylor, MI 48180. *Join us!
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