OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS CATHOLIC CHURCH 6442 PELHAM, TAYLOR ~ 313-381-3000 APRIL 19, 2015 RCIA ~ EASTER VIGIL The Parish of Our Lady of the Angels welcomes our new members to our parish family. Besides our 5 RCIA adults, they also brought forth their family members. Please keep them all in your prayers during this Easter Season as they grow and deepen their Catholic faith. These are our RCIA Candidates that were received into the Church at the Easter Vigil Mass. From left to right: the adults are Stephanie Cupp, James Hamilton, Kerry Crysler, Tasha Clelland &Catherine Devine. The children from left to right are: Iyana Feala, Madison & Lacey Clelland, & Aria Devine-Atwater. FACEBOOK PAGE Parents and Grandparents I need your help . . . . . . . Please, LIKE US on our Facebook Page. Our Lady of the Angels-Faith Formation This page is designed for both Religious Education and RCIA Information. Page 2 PARISH DIRECTORY OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS 6442 PELHAM RD. ~ TAYLOR, MI 48180 (313) 381-3000 Fax (313) 381-5528 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: http://loacc.org Office Hours: Mon. - Thur.: 9am - noon, 1-8pm ~ Fri: 9am - noon, 1-3pm Rev. Dariusz Strzalkowski Pastor Daniel Hurley William Thome Deacon Deacon Order of Masses Saturday 4 pm ~ Sunday 8 am, 10 am,12 pm Mon., Tues., Thurs., & Fri. ~ 8:45 am Wednesday: No Mass or Prayer Service Holy Days: As Announced Eucharistic Adoration: Thursdays 9:15 am - 6 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 3 pm ~ and by appointment Dir. of Faith Formation & Pastoral Minister: Karen Kerr ~ Tues. 4:30-5:45pm ~ 6-7:15pm Religious Ed Secretary: Maria G. Valdez Christian Service Coordinator: Marie Gdowski Music Ministry Leader: Nick Urbiel Parish Nurse Ministry: Mary Catherine Wright Youth Ministry: Tom Kupovits Office Staff Patty Baringer ~ Bookkeeper Sally Turczyn, Maria G. Valdez Rose Zakrzewski Custodians: George Collins, Greg Leja Parish Council Members: Fr. Dariusz, Deacon Bill Thome, Bob White (Chairperson), Rodger Rowley (Co-Chairperson), Monica Alabastro, Vic Alabastro, Cheri Antonnicola, Bennie Belknap, Rose Campbell, Bill Ehred, Jerry LaMonica, Rose Rotunda, Suzanne Starr, Sue Vokal, Jerry Ziemba Baptisms: Infants and young children are baptized at 1:00 pm on Sundays throughout the year or by special appointment. Parents must attend a Baptism Preparation Class prior to Baptism. Please call Karen Kerr. Marriages: Couples who wish to be married at OLOA will meet with Fr. Dariusz to discuss their plans and set their marriage date. Prior to the wedding, the couple attends an engaged couples workshop. Please contact Fr. Dariusz to schedule your pre-marriage appointment at least 8 months in advance of your wedding date. New Parishioners: Register at Parish Office Change of Address: Notify Parish Office Our Mission Statement Reflects our Spirit “Our Lady of the Angels is a worshipping community dedicated to the education and spiritual growth of the whole parish family. With guidance from the Holy Spirit we extend our Christian love to the community we serve. We proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord with all our hearts and we welcome all to join us on our journey in following Him.” THE SANCTUARY LAMP BURNS THIS WEEK IN LOVING MEMORY OF: PAUL & ROSEMARY KOLLAR SCHEDULES FOR APRIL 25& 26 MASS INTENTIONS Monday, April 20 †Gertrude LaMonica (Husband, Jerry) 8 :45am Tuesday, April 21 †Marion Przytulski (Betty Lovely) 8:45am Wednesday, April 22 NO MASS OR PRAYER SERVICE Thursday, April 23 8:45am †Robert & Virginia Kirkpatrick (Family) †Wojciech Nowak (Granddaughter, Mary Jane Jones) †Chester Kapelanski (Family) Friday, April 24 8:45am †Dec. members of the Drzewiecki Family (Family) Saturday, April 25 4:00pm †Jack Doute (Robert & Shirley Williams) †Frank Fregonara (Ada & Harriet Monticello) †James Kasuba, Sr. (Family) †Chuck Wencel (Theresa & Jerry Sheehan) †Susan Boskey (Shirley Doom) †Elaine Buzanowski (Dave & Joyce Buzanowski) Sunday, April 26 †Larry MacEachern (Lori MacEachern & Family) †Marion Przytulski (Don & Sally Turczyn) †Ben Yousif (Cooper Family) 4:00PM: Bill Wencel & Eric Szor 8:00AM: Susan Goldsmith David Zyczynski & 10:00AM: Kevin Begic Devon Frosheiser & 12:00PM: Jerry LaMonica MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST Mary Jourdan, Cindy Clark, 4:00PM: Deb Skinner-Clos, Cindy Resovsky, Pat Ackerman, Cathay Czerwonka 8:00AM: Nanette Sabell, Bill Ehred, Gloria Tamoshunas, Anna Marie Fiscelli Elaine Jacek, Ray & Ilene 10:00AM: Fleszar, Bennie Belknap, Barb Zub Marianne Alabastro 12:00PM: Mark Luecke, Jeanette Richter, Barbara Parish, Cathy Elliott, Sylvia Vella ALTAR SERVERS 4:00PM: Kristina Yaczik Kate Eccleton 8:00AM: Shaun & Jim Kerrigan 10:00AM: Haley Rasmussen Emily Lovasz & 12:00PM: George Hardy Justin Goel & 8:00am 10:00am †Victor Goscinski (Family) †Jack Doute (Ames Family) †Frank Fregonara (John & Stella Mosella †Marion Przytulski (Bennie Belknap) †Mary Gollasch (Mary Ann Kimes) 12:00pm †Gertrud LaMonica (Husband, Jerry) †Randy Pikus (Kerrigan Family) †Mark Glynn (Jill Johnston) LECTORS & USHERS 4:00PM: Ben Bazanski 8:00AM: Sebastian Escamilla 10:00AM: Ron Mc Combe 12:00PM: Dominick Savona OUR RETURN GIFT TO GOD SUNDAY, APRIL 5, 2015 COLLECTION . . . . . TO MEET BUDGET . . . . $8,680.00 $10,482.00 NUMBER OF ENVELOPES 341 PLEASE REMEMBER OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS IN YOUR WILL Page 3 A few words from Fr. Dariusz I would like to take this opportunity to thank those who were involved in our Holy Week and Easter preparations and participation. Thank you for cleaning and decorating the Church. As always it looked beautiful. The music was amazing. Thank you for the time you spent rehearsing for those holy liturgies. I would like to thank our Altar Servers for taking seriously your responsibilities and making sure that everything was in place and on time. Our wonderful ushers once again proved that when there is a need they are ready to provide undivided help. I would like to thank our RCIA leaders for preparing new candidates to join our Church. I would like to thank Karen, Maria, and Marie for organizing a wonderful evening of refreshments after the Easter Vigil. I would like to welcome those who responded to the call of the Holy Spirit to become full members of the Roman Catholic Church. Finally I want to thank you all since it is impossible to mention all those who were involved before and after the Holy Week and Easter Sunday. I would also like to thank Erica for organizing a Holy Hour of Divine Mercy which was pretty well attended. In the First Reading Peter shows great courage when he confronts the people with their part in the death of Jesus. He goes on to excuse them on the grounds that they acted in ignorance. We can assume that he used the words spoken by the Lord while He was dying on the cross. “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.” He urges them to repent, assuring them that if they do, their sins will be forgiven. In the Second Reading, we read that Jesus is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world. In the Gospel St. Luke’s primary interest is to show that the Risen Jesus is the same person the apostles had known prior to the crucifixion. He emphasizes the reality of Jesus’ bodily Resurrection, but makes it clear that the Resurrection is not a return to earthly life. Jesus has risen to a new life beyond death. St. Luke tells us that Jesus also gives them a mission which is the proclamation of repentance and forgiveness of sins. This mission can only be achieved by the grace of God the Father and the power of the Holy Spirit in the Most Holy Name of Jesus. As we continue our journey towards our heavenly kingdom let us keep in mind that Jesus suffered in our place for the forgiveness of our sins. Let us call upon the Spirit of Christ to teach us to perceive the atoning sacrifice of Jesus, the tremendous love that Jesus has for each of us. God bless you, Fr. D ALTAR SERVER NOTES Mass Attendance Report Sunday Liturgy (March 28-29) 100% Investiture Date Set The formal installation of our newer Altar Servers will be at the 10:00am Mass on Sunday, May 24th. At this Investiture Mass the servers will receive a Certificate of Remembrance of their First Mass and a Religious Medal and Chain. Light The Paschal Candle Remember to light the Paschal Candle before Mass when you light the other altar candles. Be sure to put it out after Mass. If you can’t get it lit tell the priest before Mass starts. “GEE, I DIDN’T KNOW THAT!” The language Jesus spoke was “ALAMAIC”. These words of Jesus appear in the Bible when He cured the daughter of Jarius when He said, “TALITHA KUOM” which means, “I SAY, LITTLE GIRL, GET UP.” Scrabble Last week’s Scrabble word had eight letters and the clue was: “It means “PRAISE GOD” A L L E L U I A This week’s word has six letters and the clue is: “Besides “SPRING” it is also this Season.” _ A _ _ E _ Our Lady of the Angels Holy Water Fonts For The Home New Supply Just Arrived! Do you have a Holy Water Font in your bedroom. A perfect place for it would be next to the door, and bless yourself each morning and evening. Holy Water Fonts are available in the Parish Office. A perfect Font has the Blessed Mother with the Child Jesus and three angels in the background, it could easily be titled “OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS” this Font is $7.00. In addition to the Font we have Holy Water bottles in two sizes, (2 oz.) $2.00 and (8 oz.) $3.00. There is a large Holy Water container in the Church near the cry room so you can fill these smaller containers anytime you come to Church. Page 4 RELIGIOUS ED CLASS NEWS Classes are winding down for the year. We will celebrate this with a Closing Mass on Tuesday, April 28th at 5:30pm for both sessions. All parents and students should come to the Church for 5:30pm Mass. There will be a light social in the parish center following Mass. We are asking if parents can donate cookies for the social. If you are able to, please contact the RE office to let us know. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION On Saturday, May 2nd, at 11:30am we will celebrate the sacrament of First Holy Communion. Rehearsal will be on Wednesday, April 30th at 6pm in the Church. Parents and students must attend; this will be the only rehearsal we will have. If you have any questions, please contact the RE office. Karen Kerr The Youthful Corner Youth Group Calendar April 19 ~ Youth Group 6:30-8pm ~ PC April 26 ~ NO YOUTH GROUP May 3 ~ Youth Group 6:30-8pm ~ PC May 10 ~ Youth Group 6:30-8pm ~ PC May 17 ~ Youth Group 6:30-8pm ~ PC Quote of the Week: “I’m trying to do the best on (the) local level - - to have an open ear to what the Church and world are experiencing. To see how we can today respond to those needs. I want people to see me, and the Church, as an open heart to grow together. Not a Church that’s imposing - - we have nothing to impose - - we have someone to propose: the Lord Jesus and His Gospel.” - - Cardinal Gerald LaCroix, 57-yearold priest presides at the Basilica Cathedral of Notre Dame in Quebec City. Taste And See: Have you ever invited someone to Church? Or to prayer? Or to God? Have you broken secular ranks and decided to talk about religion at the dinner table, at the office, at your favorite restaurant, with your family. Can you evangelize without sending someone into a complete meltdown. There are ways to do these things without upsetting the balance of everything around you. Sometimes it’s your willingness to simply say grace in front of everyone else. Sometimes it’s a simple prayer said for the person who is with you. And sometimes it’s an understanding ear that offers up prayer and Church at a later date. I’ve heard the experience likened to sprinkling salt on your steak or chicken as opposed to inadvertently dumping the whole shaker on top of it...and then still attempting to eat it. At that point nothing is going to taste good. These things take time. So give them the time they need. And do it slowly, sprinkle gently. Everything taste better in moderation. Especially when your trying things for the first time. If You have any questions please feel free to contact Youth Leaders: Tom Kupovits, (313-229-1197) or Monica Alabastro (734-306-1086) Please pray for the Youth of our parish Celebrating The National Counsel of Catholic Women’s 95th Anniversary ? SPRING CARD PARTY Sponsored by: The Rosary Altar Society Wednesday, May 20th 7:00pm - 9:30pm Our Lady of the Angels Parish Center 6442 Pelham Rd., Taylor Card Game of Your Choice 50/50 Raffle ~ Door Prizes Refreshments All women of Our Lady of the Angels Parish are cordially invited to join us in celebrating the 95th Anniversary of the founding of the NCCW by the U.S. Catholic Bishops. The federation was formed to be an umbrella for Catholic Women’s groups to support, empower and educate all Catholic Women in Spirituality, Leadership and Service. The celebration will be on Sunday, April 26, 2015, the Feastday of Our Lady of Good Counsel, NCCW Patroness. It will begin with the rosary at 10:00am, followed by Mass at 10:30am, with celebrant Fr. Steve Koehler, our Spiritual Advisor, at St. Rene Goupil Parish, located at 35955 Ryan Road, Sterling Heights. Coffee, cake and fellowship will be provided in the Parish Center after the Liturgy. We thank your parish for being a loyal affiliate and your members who are individual members of CCW/AD and NCCW. For more information please contact President Grace Ruffin at 313-491-5649 or Lorraine McFee at 313-563-1734 or at [email protected]. To continue our celebration all women are also invited to attend the CCW/AD Rosary, Liturgy and May Crowning at Blessed Sacrament Cathedral on Saturday, May 2. Rosary will be recited at 9:30am followed by the Liturgy at 10:00am and reception following. For more information or to RSVP please contact Kathleen Penno at 586-7721976 or [email protected] SPAGHETTI DINNER PLAV POST 16 TICKETS Pre-purchase - $7 At the Door - $8 Post 16 Polish Legion of American Veteran’s invites you to a Spaghetti Dinner to be held at 25222 W. Warren (Between Telegraph & Beech Daly) in Dearborn Heights. For more information or to reserve tickets, contact: Linda Cable (313) 291-7328 (after 4pm) or Rose Rotunda (313) 291-5372 ALL ARE INVITED TO ATTEND Dinner includes: Spaghetti with PHIL WILK’s Meat Sauce, Bread, Salad, Dessert, Coffee, and Pop. Mark your calendar’s for Sunday, April 26, 2015 Between the hours of 12PM-5PM The cost is $10.00 for adults and $4.00 for children under 10 years of age. Carry-out orders will be available! Proceeds will benefit the Post’s General Fund and will be Used for Veteran’s Hospitals. Page 5 SCRIPTURE READING WEEK OF April 19, 2015 Sunday ~ Third Sunday of Easter Acts 3:13-15, 17-19; Ps 4; 1 Jn 2:1-5a; Lk 24:35-48 Monday ~ Acts 6;8-15; Ps 19; Jn 6:22-29 Tuesday ~ Saint Anselm, Bishop and Doctor of the Church Acts 7:51—8:1a; Ps 31; Jn 6:30-35 Wednesday ~ Acts 8:1b-8; Ps 66; Jn 6:35-40 Thursday ~ Saint George, Martyr; Saint Adalbert, Bishop and Martyr Acts 8:26-40; Ps 66; Jn 6:44-51 Friday ~ Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Priest and Martyr Acts 9:1-20; Ps 117; Jn 6:52-59 Saturday ~ Saint Mark, Evangelist 1 Pt 5:5b-14; Ps 89; Mk 16:15-20 Sunday ~ Fourth Sunday of Easter Acts 4:8-12; 1 Ps 89; Mk 16:15-20 IN THE JOURNEY BOOK FOOD PANTRY During the first quarter of the year, our pantry had over 317 visitors and fed over 1,172 people. This includes the Easter baskets and hams that were given out during Holy Week. How do we do it? We can do it because of your wonderful support and generous donations. By working together, we are the families that help many other families cope in these hard economic times but we could not do it without you — our parish members. You keep our pantry going from week to week, month to month and year to year. Our pantry serves an essential need in the surrounding communities that help feed the hungry but we cannot meet those needs without your help. Those who come for food are amazed at the variety we give them and appreciate every single item they receive. We can use all things from canned to fresh to boxed, to bagged, etc. as well as paper supplies, cleaning products and anything else used around the house. We have a need for the following items all year long so if you are able to donate some of them from time to time, they will be greatly appreciated. Cereal, Juice, Peanut Butter, Jelly, Canned Milk, Macaroni & Cheese, Spaghetti Sauce, Spaghetti Noodles, Spaghetti-O’s, Canned Meat, All Varieties of Soups, Canned Fruit, Pancake Mix & Syrup, Pork & Beans, Sloppy Joe Mix, Canned Vegetables, Items such as Laundry Detergent, Bar Soap, Toothpaste, Toilet Paper, Baby Food, Diapers, are also needed because they cannot be purchased by those using food stamps and bridge cards. Monetary donations are a wonderful aid that make it possible for us to buy meats and other perishable items. You can drop off your food donations in the large tub in the Narthex, in the office or bring them to the food pantry during pantry hours. Please remember all perishable foods such as milk, butter, eggs, etc., should be brought to the Parish Office so they can be refrigerated. We are very grateful for your care and concern to help the hungry. For the Third Sunday of Easter. Readings are on #905. Food Pantry Committee For the Fourth Sunday of Easter. Readings are on #908. We would also request that all food donations be checked for the expiration dates because our policy is not to give food that has expired. FOOD PANTRY DONATIONS Cash and checks are needed to buy perishable items. Checks should be made out to: Our Lady of the Angels SVdP Food Pantry. All monetary donations should be brought to the Parish Office or put in the Collection Basket. The Christian Service Organization is constantly looking for people who would love to be involved with the hospitality of OLOA Outreach Services! THE FOOD PANTRY IS IN NEED OF: SHAMPOO If you feel this could be you please call Marie Gdowski at 313-381-3000 or e-mail me at [email protected] . Father Dariusz is asking if there is someone who could volunteer to bring a woman to Church on Sunday for the 8:00am Mass? God Bless If interested please call Marie Gdowski at (313) 381-3000. CSA-funded Ministries, Programs and Services ~ PARISH NURSING THOROUGHLY MODERN MILLIE Parish and faith community nurses and health care ministry teams from across the Archdiocese of Detroit will gather for a retreat at the Capuchin Retreat Center in Washington, MI, next week, April 23-24. The retreat will feature Nancy Clancy, who will offer a presentation on personality and prayer, and Fred Cavaiani, whose keynote address will focus on “health care minister as caregiver.” Your gifts to the Catholic Services Appeal support parish nursing, which is a program of the Office of Christian Service and Health Care Ministries. Parish nurses encourage the faithful to care for themselves and others as an expression of God’s love. They serve as pastoral staff members, as well as spiritual caregivers, health counselors and educators, and health resources and advocates. For more information about CSAfunded ministries, programs, and services, please go to www.AOD.org. TRENTON VILLAGE THEATRE 2447 W. Jefferson/Trenton/MI Friday, April 24 @ 7:00pm Sunday, April 16 @ 2:00pm Preferred Seating ~ $15 Adults ~ $12 Seniors / Students ~ $10 Purchase online @ www.dypac.com or Call 734-771-7945 Page 6 PRAYER REQUEST LIST We believe in the power of prayer! The names submitted will continue on the list for approximately one month. If you wish to extend that period, please call the parish office. Dear God, We place our worries in Your hands. We place our sick under Your care and humbly ask that You restore Your servants to good health once more. . . Shawn Adams, Sue & Roy Aho, Suzanne Aloe, Florence Ames, Louise Ames, Bill Baraboll, Lois Bauer, Mary Becker, Bobby Belknap, Nancy Bellok, Virginia Biggott, Rita Bosh, Patrick Brennen, Dorothy Bruhn, Diane Bruno, Kevin Burke, Lois Burke, Stella Butkiewicz, Cecile Byrne, Madeline Carpenter, Bill Clark, Robert Colasinski, Carmela Conflitti, Ron Coogan, Gloria Criss, Lynn Cross, William Cupp, Jennifer D’Agustino, Connie Dadabbo, Jodi Daniels, Grace Dean, Ron Dean, Luke Demonge, Annmary Demyan, Peggy Derrick, Louise Dushefski, James Ellsworth, Frances Erickson, Nancy Evanego, Mike Ferguson, Leona Flatley, Caroline Florez, William Garbacz, Lindy Giacomantonio, Pat Gibson, Tom Gillen, Lindsey Gossett, Cindy Grassa-Caron, Darlene Gregurich, Frances Ann Griffith, Wanita Hamel, Tim Hellrung, Harold Hiensberger, Angela Honeycutt, Gerald Honeycutt, Michael Hornyak, Jr., Raymond Jarczak, Don & Cesidia Johnson, Don Jones, Laurie Juleff, Sylvia Kapelanski, Lillian Kapera, Lisa Kastl, Peter & Maria Kiliaris, Daniel Kirksey, Lucy Korval, Mary Alice Krzyzaniak, Ernest Kuczajda, Dennis LaBelle, Greg Lahiff, Suzanne Lakkis, Mary Lapinski, Patrice Lessnay, Marge Ligenza, Dolores Locher, Collin Lovely, Rose Machowicz, Mary MacLellan, Jeanne Manard, Frank Mancina, George Mancos, Tom Marcero, D. Martin, Michael Martin, Al Martinez, Jerry McFee, Lisa Menna, Bob Merriman, Audrie Meszaras, Norm Mietkiewicz, Helen Miller, Karen Mitchell, Donald Modrzynski, Margaret D. Molnar, Liam Morley, Mary Morris, Rosemarie Mulka, Joseph O’Donnell, Anna & Joseph Nowak, Rita Oleksiak, Elaine Oswald, Michael Paillon, Marty & Mary Lou Pakledinaz, Gary Pearce, Canuta Perez, Sonya Peterson, Angelo Pizzo, Del Poirier, Pete Poirier, Lisa Powaser, Ann Putz, Charles Quinn, Michael Radocaj, Jr., Marge Raymond, Maxine Raymond, Tamra Ream, Rowan Reinhard, Sally Reithel, Deloris Reminder, Priscilla Reminder, Mary Reynolds, Myrna Richardson, Lauren Riker, Charles Risch, Dan Robb, Rick Roy, Ryan Robertson, Lisa Sant, Dominick & Angelina Savano, Mary Ann Savanyo, Mary Schiffert, Carl Schleicher, Gloria Schratz, John Scorzelli, Leona Scott, Lucy Senech, Georgian Shasko, Pat Sheridan, Daniel Paul Smith, Diane Smith, Margaret Snyder, Ryan Sparks, George Steele, Pattie Stevens, Edna Stokes, Jameson Sullivan, Joseph Sweetman, Eddie Switaj, Mary Jo Terry, Dan & Madeline Tesin, Ron & Elaine Thibeault, Deacon Bill Thome, Elizabeth Toppi, Debra Tucker, Terri Tunney, Harold & Florence Vallad, Conrad Valle, Gary Valley, George Van Denberg, Eleanor Vereb, James Vickroy, Elizabeth Vivoda, James Walcott, Barbara Walega, Ruth Williams, Fr. Gene Wojtewicz, Donna Wood ISLAND PARADISE PRESENTED BY OUR LADY OF THE SCAPULAR PARISH Saturday, May 9, 2015 at 6:00pm ~ Doors Open @ 5:30pm FEATURING “THE BOX ON FAMILY BAND” ~ GRAND PRIZE $2,000.00 Entertainment & Auction Event with Reverse Raffle $40.00 ADVANCE / $50.00 AT THE DOOR Our Lady of the Scapular Parish Activity Center at St. Stanislaus Kostka Site Capuchin Retreat’s 15th Annual Golf Outing ~ Friday, May 8, 2015 (8 AM) Gather your foursomes and join Capuchin Retreat at Greystone Golf Club, 67500 Mound Rd. Washington. The $125 event fee includes 18 holes of golf (shotgun start will feature a scramble format), a continental breakfast, golf, cart, drink tickets, and a hot dog. At 4:30pm prime rib and chicken dinner for golfers. Non-golfers are invited to the dinner ($30 per person) Dinner will be held at Capuchin Retreat. To register for the event, call 248-651-4826 or www.CapRetreat.org. NURSE MINISTRY NOTES April is designated as alcohol awareness month. Eight-eight thousand deaths are annually attributed to excessive alcohol use. Long-term alcohol use can cause serious health implications affecting every organ in the body, including the brain. It can lead to damaging your emotional stability, finances, career, impact your family, friends and the people you work with. Alcoholism includes the following four symptoms: craving, loss of control, physical dependence, and tolerance, according to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence. If you choose to drink, have only a moderate (limited) amount. This means no more than one drink a day for women and no more than two drinks a day for men. One drink is: a 12 ounce bottle of beer, a 5 ounce glass of wine, or 1.5 ounces (a shot) of liquor. If you have a heavy drinking problem see your doctor for assistance with goals, strategies and resources to help you on your way to choosing not to drink. Take charge for yourself and your family. The next meeting of OLOA Parish Nurse Ministry is scheduled for Sunday, April 26, 2015 at 11:15am in the St. Elizabeth Room. We ask all members to make an effort to attend and welcome anyone with information or inquiries about our Health and Wellness Fair planned for September 20, 2015 to join us. The Women’s Guild Salad Luncheon Join us for our 17th annual luncheon celebrating… St. Joseph Parish’s 165th anniversary. Wonderful variety of salads, desserts, and beverages. Door prizes, basket raffles, and 50/50 drawings. (Need not be present to win) Only $8.00 per person ~ Carryouts available. Friday, May 8 from 11:00am until 1:00pm. Admittance only after 10:30am. Located in the Parish Activity Center at Third Street between St. Joseph Church and St. Joseph School. Advanced tickets available at the parish office. Mon-Thurs 9am until 3:30pm and Fri 9am until 12pm For more information please call Meg Butkowski at 734-676-3145. Page 7 Saturday, May 16, 2015 10am — 12 noon Almost Home The End of the Alzheimer’s Journey Presented by Carol Waarala, MSW, LMSW Wanting to “go home” may be an instinctive feeling to reconnect — a longing, a wandering, a desire for that place where one feels “at home” . . SAFE, SECURE, and FAMILIAR. Perhaps it is a place we have known before we were born, but none of us really remembers. Wanting to go home may represent a determination or strength that is stronger than the disease itself; a mandate to reconnect to what was before our cognitive self. Come and learn about the end-of-life process, and how to accompany your loved one to their resting place with God. Hosted by: St. Andre Bessette Parish 4250 W. Jefferson, Ecorse 48229. Contact: Pat Szymecko at 313-383-8514 or [email protected] Sponsored by The Downriver Vicariate Dementia Ministry 734-283-1366 x 114 [email protected] * www.stcyprian.com SEAWAY CHORALE & ORCHESTRA OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS 8TH SUMMER PARISH FESTIVAL 2015 JUNE 19, 20 & 21 COUNTDOWN TO THE PARISH FESTIVAL — 9 WEEKS TO GO! The 8th Annual Our Lady of the Angels Parish Festival is getting closer each week. It’s the time for a great weekend of Fun, Food, Music, Games, Raffles and so much more. It’s the time to get together as a parish family and enjoy a great weekend for everyone. And it’s also time to enjoy the great events the committee has planned for you. We hope you are well on the way to selling your raffle tickets because there are a lot of great prizes waiting to be won. The $12,000 first prize is a great incentive to sell them to your relatives, friends and co-workers and the price is only $1.00 a ticket. Anyone can win. Selling those tickets is important to having a successful Festival that will help us reach our goal and benefit the parish. We also need your help to keep everything running smoothly during that June weekend. Donating your time and talent during those three Festival days will be a tremendous help to our parish budget, so please keep these dates open. Help will also be needed in Setting-Up the weekend of June 15th before the Festival as well as the Clean-Up the week after the Festival. So remember those dates, decide when and where you want to volunteer and be ready to enjoy a great weekend. REMEMBER EVERY PARISHIONER IS IMPORTANT Call Jerry or Marge Ziemba 313-295-4985 to offer your help. under the direction of Anthony Lai present . . . . NIFTY FIFTIES SPREAD THE WORD! Friday, May 8, 2015 Saturday, May 9, 2015 At 7:30pm OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS 2015 CHURCH DIRECTORY Flat Rock Community High School Auditorium 25600 Seneca, Flat Rock www.seawaychorale.org TICKETS ON SALE NOW! 734-675-2459 ~ 734-675-3548 Adults $10 / Students $6 Prices good through April 25, 2015. Adults $12 / Students $6 Prices after April 24, 2015 at the door or showtix4cu.com 1-866-9678167. A new directory with parishioner’s contact information will be published. Each family will receive a copy of this useful directory at no charge. Please complete the following and return in an envelope marked “Church Directory” in the collection basket or you may bring it to the Parish Office. NAME: _______________________________________________________________ (Please Print) DO NOT INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IN THE 2015 DIRECTORY ( ) NAME ( ) ADDRESS ( ) TELEPHONE # FUNERAL LUNCHEON PROGRAM ------------------------------------------------------------- If you are interested in our Funeral Luncheon Program, to cook, bake or volunteer your time, we are going to have a meeting on Monday, April 20th at 10:30am. Update your contact information if you are a parishioner who has moved or changed your telephone number: We will be discussing the new changes in our Luncheon Program! NEW ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________ All Are Welcome! NAME: _____________________________________________________________ NEW TELEPHONE # _________________________________________________ Page 8 RIGHT TO LIFE - LIFESPAN The Pain-Capable Unborn (pre-born) Child Protection Act DID YOU KNOW? That at the beginning of the fifth month of life, a pre-born child is fully formed, and moving about in the womb. Cartilage has formed into bone, and the limbs are growing ever stronger. By this point, the baby may even be able to hear mother’s heartbeat and recognize her voice. The baby can also feel pain. Most nations provide legal protection for the baby at this point based on the well-established scientific knowledge about the development of the child in the womb. Sadly, on this issue of human rights, the USA joins Canada, China, and North Korea in allowing abortion for any reason or no reason at all throughout the entirety of a pregnancy. Thankfully, a number of states have successfully passed legislation banning abortions after twenty weeks on the basis that the child can feel pain at this point in its development. For more information, call LIFESPAN: 734422-6230. The Annual Celebration of Life Dinner is May 5th … RSVP today! ONE ROSARY A DAY FOR LIFE PRAY A ROSARY DAILY TO END ABORTION. OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS MARRIAGE ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Sunday, May 17th ~ 10:00 a.m. Liturgy Celebrant Fr. Dariusz Strzalkowski For couples, celebrating their 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, 30th, 35th, 40th, 45th, 50th, 55th, 60th Anniversaries (or any year past 60) A reception will follow the Mass. Name of Couple: ___________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________ Years of Anniversary: ______________ Phone # ______________________ How many in your immediate family will attend in your honor ____________ Please respond by May 1st . Fill out and place form in the collection basket or call the Parish Office For Info contact: Rose Rotunda - 291-5372 or Marie Gdowski 381-3000 Please Help Raise Money for Fish & Loaves Food Pantry!!! Fish & Loaves is the largest Client Choice Food Pantry in Michigan! It is Located in Taylor and services families from Allen Park, Brownstown, Dearborn Heights, Romulus, Southgate, Taylor and Woodhaven. Fish & Loaves assisted 16,460 clients in 2014 by distributing 1,798,241 pounds of food. The Fish & Loaves Pantry is funded through grants, donations and fundraising efforts such as the Meijer Simply Give Campaign. What: Meijer 2015 Spring Simply Give Campaign When: March 29th — May 11th, 2015 Where: Taylor Meijer — 14640 Pardee Rd., Taylor, MI St. André Bessette 3rd Annual SALAD LUNCHEON Wednesday, May 6, 2015 11:00am until 1:00pm St. Andre Bessette Parish Center 4250 W. Jefferson Ave - Ecorse (located on the corner of Outer Dr & W. Jefferson Ave.) TICKETS: $7.00 Includes a varied assortment of fresh salads, light desserts, and beverage Tickets can be purchased in the Parish Office at any time during regular business hours. Tickets will also be available after the weekend Masses. For more information please call the Parish Office - 313-383-8514 How Does It Work? During the dates listed above, customers present a Meijer Simply Give card to the cashier and purchase it for $10. Once purchased Meijer will convert the donation card into a Meijer food-only gift card and donate it directly to Fish & Loaves. Fish & Loaves will benefit ONLY if our supporters purchase the cards at the Taylor Meijer on Pardee. Where Do I Get A Card? Meijer Simply Give cards will be placed on kiosks throughout the Taylor Meijer store so that customers may pick them up while they shop. How Can We Help? You can help support Fish & Loaves in this campaign by spreading the word about the Meijer Simply Give Program. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! The Michigan Catholic Choir We are currently forming a 100 voice, statewide, Catholic Choir. This choir will plan two large concerts a year, one being a Christmas Festival of Music and the other, a Patriotic Concert. Throughout the year, the choir will also be available to sing at special liturgical events. For complete information, please visit www.TheMichiganCatholicChoir.org or call 810-820-6191 x/101. Page 9 Dear Lord Jesus and Mary Mother of God, hold all these brave souls in the palm of your hand; comfort them and their families. Send angels of protection, love and comfort to all the service men and women still at war. Bring them home safely and comfort to all the service men and women still at war. Bring them home safely and comfort their families. We ask this through Christ, Our Lord. Amen. Petty Officer, Patrick C. Dauphinais SSG Lepine, Christopher COL David Fleckenstein ~ Army LT Michael A. Molnar ~ Navy Daniel J. Lyson ~ Navy CPT Glen Dowling MST Sgt Brian Dimock Joshua Maloney ~ Australian Army David Maloney ~ Australian Army Justin Dean ~ Marines SSG Andrew Guingona Sp. Airman Matthew Atton ~ Air Force CPL Gregory Ruoss ~ Marines Joseph Galbraith PVT Joseph Kimes ~ Army Samuel Stahl ~ U.S. Marines SR Wilson, Andrew C. ~ Navy Donald Johnson ~ Korea Two Seminars Address Challenges of Aging St. Paul of the Cross Passionist Retreat & Conference Center, Detroit, will host two seminars on aging in May. Jane Thibault, MD, a clinical gerontologist specializing in the spiritual dimension of aging, will speak on “Pilgrimage Through the Later Years,” designed specifically for healthcare professions from 7 — 9pm, May 5th (Tuesday). The second seminar, “Navigating the Terrain in Later Life” from 9am — 3pm on May 6th (Wednesday) is designed for all those interested in learning to live satisfying and meaningful lives in later life. To register for either seminar, call 313/286-2802 or online at www.stpaulretreat.org . The cost for “Pilgrimage Through the Later Years” is $20; “Navigating the Terrain in Later Life” is $35 and includes lunch. St. Paul of the Cross Passionist Retreat & Conference Center is located at 23333 Schoolcraft, Detroit, on the south side of the I-96 service drive. Page 10 This Week in our Parish Events and Activities 3rd Sunday of Easter April 19 Masses: 8:00am, 10am, 12 noon 10am ~ Pre-School ~ Rooms 9 & 10) 11am ~ RCIA ~ St. Ann 6:30-8pm ~ Youth Group mtg. ~ PC April 25-26 Monday, April 20 8:45am - Mass 10-11:45am ~ Food Pantry 1:30pm ~ S.V.d.P. meeting ~ St. Ann 7:30pm ~ Men’s Prayer Group ~ St. Ann Tuesday, April 21 8:45am~ Mass 10:30am ~ Chair Fitness ~ St. Ann 4:30-5:45pm ~ Rel. Ed. ~ Sch 6-7:15pm ~ Rel. Ed. ~ Sch 6:30pm ~ Finance meeting ~ S.H. 7pm ~ Worship meeting ~ St. Jos Wednesday, April 22 NO MASS OR PRAYER SERVICE 9:30am-12pm ~ Charity Stitchers ~ Rm 4 1-2:45pm ~ Food Pantry 7:00pm ~ Choir practice ~ Ch COMING TO OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS APRIL 25-26 BAKE SALE IN OUR PARISH CENTER AFTER ALL MASSES! It is that time of year that our Rope Bakers will be here selling their yummy baked goods again. They will be selling their goods after all Masses on Saturday, April 25th and Sunday, April 26th! Please join us in getting their wonderful goodies! Thursday, April 23 9:15am-6pm ~ Adoration ~ Ch 10:30am ~ Chair Fitness ~ St. Ann 6-7:30pm ~ Folk Group practice ~ Ch Friday, April 24 9:30-11am ~ Women Of Prayer ~ St. Ann 10-11:45am ~ Food Pantry Saturday, April 25 3pm ~ Confession 4pm ~ Mass Quilt Raffle Tickets ~ Narthex Rope Bakers after Mass ~ PC St. Alfred Parish MEGA RAFFLE Only 500 tickets to be sold! Ticket price $100 each Prayer for the Beatification of Venerable Solanus Casey The Fr. Solanus Guild members invite the faithful of the Archdiocese of Detroit to pray for the advancement toward the beatification of Venerable Solanus Casey. The Official “Prayer” is as follows: O God, I adore you. I give myself to You. May I be the person You want me to be, and may Your will be done in my life today. I thank you for the gifts You gave to Father Solanus. If it is Your Will, bless us with the Beatification of Venerable Solanus so that others may imitate and carry on his love for all the poor and suffering of our world. As he joyfully accepted Your divine plans, I ask You, according to Your Will, to hear my prayer for … (your intention) through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Blessed be God in all His designs. $10,000 GRAND PRIZE 2nd prize $1,000 ~ 3rd prize $500 Drawing Date: Saturday, May 2, 2015 10-11PM All Saints Knights of Columbus Hall 24900 Brest Rd., Taylor (Need not be present to win) Order forms available at: St. Alfred’s Parish Office 24175 Baske Street, Taylor 313-291-6464 Page 11 Bethany South SPRING FLING SINGLES DANCE BULLETIN BOARD Saturday, May 2, 2015 9 ~ 11:30pm Our Lady of the Angels Church 6442 Pelham Road, Taylor (Between I-94 and Ecorse Rd) DJ Mike Dance lesson from 7:30-8pm with Lowell $12 admission includes snacks and nonalcoholic beverages. Please bring a nonperishable food item for the Church Food Pantry. Call Judy 313-389-4730 or Chris 313-561-9721 for more information. HOLBROOK’S ROOFING Co, Inc. VORAN FUNERAL HOME We are a family owned funeral home looking for two permanent associates to join our team. We are seeking a Funeral Home Support Associate/ Greeter and also a Hearse Driver that displays professionalism towards the families we service while supporting staff and Funeral Directors. Standard Greeter work shifts are usually 3pm-9pm with some 9am-3pm shifts available. Hearse driver shifts should be days only, times will vary depending on funerals. (734) 675-3456 Must be able to work weekends and holidays. (888) 705-ROOF Please contact the Voran Funeral Home 313-928-2300 ~ Eleana Voran Keding for further details. THE IRISH PALLOTTINE FATHERS 50th Annual Downriver Dinner Dance Friday, April 24, 2015 @ Crystal Gardens - Southgate Cocktail hour @ 6:00pm w/ music by Colin Paige; Family-style-dinner @ 7:00pm; Dancing @ 8:30pm featuring Robert Kolo & The Misty Blues $35.00 per person includes: dinner & open bar For tickets, call the Mission House 734-285-2966 All proceeds to aid their East African Missions *SCLERODERMA SUPPORT GROUP* Meets the Third Friday of Every Month at 11am-1pm. *Guest Speakers +Refreshments + Handouts. *Support Group Leader - Annie Valle [email protected], 313-291-2055 *Meeting Location: Our Lady of the Angels Church 6442 Pelham, Taylor, MI 48180. *Join us!
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