Valhall l Viking June/July 2015 1912—2015 Number 5 Message from the President What a great Syttende Mai celebration we had at the lodge, chaired by Marc Schaeffer and his superb crew! The food was delish, and it was wonderful to see everyone there. VALHALL LODGE Meetings at the East San Diego Masonic Temple 7849 Tommy Drive San Diego, CA 92119-1799 Next Lodge Meeting Mon June 1, 2015 7:00 pm Newsletter Deadline: July 23, 2015 The next day Syttende Mai was celebrated at Balboa Park, and there was a very large turnout for the flag raising in the morning, and for the Children’s parade and lawn program in the afternoon. I met several high school foreign exchange students who found the celebration by Googling what was going on in San Diego for Syttende Mai! Yeah for technology! Hey, don’t forget those Trollfjell camperships! They are available through District 6 and through Valhall Lodge. Get your applications in via the District 6 website. You can also use that application form for Valhall by printing out the form and submitting it to me via snail mail. Send your application, and we will “Show you the money!!!” .June 1 will be our last meeting before the summer break. The social committee will be serving sandwiches, pie, and ice cream after the meeting, so come on down and enjoy the get-together. I will be finishing up my Master’s degree over the summer, and also enjoying some vacation (stay-cation, really), and I hope that you have some great plans for your summer too. We will meet again in September, so watch the newsletters for the dates and events. Vennlig hilsen, Susan Cody SON VALHALL LODGE 6-25 EAST S.D. MASONIC LODGE 7849 TOMMY DR., SAN DIEGO, CA 92119 JUNE 1st PLEASE JOIN US FOR OUR LODGE MEETING AND SANDWICHES & ICE CREAM SUNDAE SOCIAL MONDAY JUNE 1, 2015 BUSINESS MEETING AT 7:00 PM FOLLOWED BY DELICIOUS REFRESHMENTS ****************************** DONATIONS $3.00 Valhall Viking 2 June/July 2015 Sons of Norway’s Virtual Pilgrimage Going Strong into 2015 Lodge Officers for 2015 President Vice-President Counselor Secretary Assist. Secretary Financial Secretary Treasurer Social Director Assist. Social Director Cultural Director Marshal Assistant Marshal Greeter Historian Librarian Musician Editor Assistant Editor Foundation Director Publicity Director Youth Director Sports Director Trustee (3 years) Trustee (1 year) Trustee (2 years) Auditors: Sons of Norway’s Virtual Pilgrimage has taken our members by storm. The route follows King Olav Harraldson’s (995-1030, canonized St. Olav in 1031) journey from Oslo to Trondheim during his mission to spread Christianity in Norway in the early 11th century. After his death in the Battle of Stiklestad in 1030 people began to flock to the site of his death in Trondheim (then Nidaros). The number of pilgrims increased during the Middle Ages and became so popular that Nidaros Cathedral was the number one pilgrimage destination in Europe. Today, Norwegians and people from around the world continue to make pilgrimages to Trondheim. In fact, they are so popular that pre-planned trips with food, lodging and activities are available. Websites, Facebook pages and blogs feature pilgrims on their journey with pictures and stories. Towns along the route have welcomed pilgrims into their businesses with open arms for hundreds of years. It has been an exciting to hear about the different ways in which our members and lodges are implementing this new program. Some Sports Directors are placing maps of Norway up in their lodges and tracking each participant’s journey with thumb tacks. Some are making their very own pilgrimage passports and stamping each checkpoint on the route then presenting where each member is every month. Some members are simply following along on their own by walking and tracking their mileage while reading about the towns that fill the route from Oslo to Trondheim at home. 619-303-5220 858-880-5653 619-579-5447 858-484-3996 619-284-6221 619-443-0942 619-993-9113 858-271-6229 760-735-6171 619-275-1934 Rick Hausvik Sven Olsen Ellen Spitzer Ellen Spitzer Raymond Johnsen Joyce Oen Judy Sawyer Allen Johannesen Thelma Johannesen Sig Stautland 610-264-9486 619-287-6056 858-569-5960 619-465-7425 858-271-8709 619-988-2452 619-579-5447 760-735-6171 619-444-9077 619-444-9077 858-459-5430 858-217-6229 619-993-9113 858-452-1797 858-452-1797 619-299-9237 Andy Ueland Don Balmer Susan Cody 619-226-1946 619-466-2179 619-303-5220 Allen Johannesen Sigurd Stautland Aprell Bigler Rick Hausvik 858-452-1797 619-299-9237 619-284-6221 619-579-5447 Amelia Seeto-Murguia Corporation Directors What else are you doing? We want to hear more stories. Legs A through E are up and live on the website and our goal is to have Leg F up by February 1st. Leg F will take pilgrims through Otta and the mountains of Rondane National Park; Norway’s oldest national park established in 1962. You can start the pilgrimage at any time but in order to receive recognition you must complete the 387 miles by December 2015. To learn more the Virtual Pilgrimage log on to the Sons of Norway website and find the link under the Highlights section on the homepage. Remember you can “double dip” with the Sports Medal program in order to earn sports medal but your completion of the Virtual Pilgrimage will earn you a separate small gift of recognition, available in Spring 2015. Valhall Viking Susan Cody Marc Schaefer Rick Hausvik Janet Weber VACANT Aprell Bigler Millie Wright Judy Sawyer Joyce Oen Sven Olsen Steve Rawlinson Patrick Kearney Lou Coover Jean Shogren Else Ottesen Ragnhild Amble Arlene LaBree Corporation Officers President Vice President Secretary Treasurer 3 June/July 2015 Happy Birthday Gratulerer Med Dagen! Coming in 2015… June Birthdays 2 Marit Malarkey 5 Arletta J Jurasinski 10 Linda Sue Lotze 11 Stephen Rawlinson 11 Colette Ann Burgess 11 Ellen J Spitzer 11 Sara L Adams 16 Susan M Cody 18 Jeanette Rock 20 Oskar E Evensen 22 Donald H Lesney 23 Alan Svidal 26 Mary M Hinshaw 29 Raymond K Johnsen Barnas Klubb Crafts, Cooking, & Culture Valhall Lodge Kids Activities at Socials Genealogy Explorers 3rd Saturday of Month at 10:30 to 12:00 June 20 The Genealogy group is moving its meetings to the Family History Library at 4195 Camino Del Rio South, San Diego 92108. July Birthdays 6 Lucy C Leon 6 Bruce E Johnson 8 Mary B Stedham 9 Kari N Nyhammer-Collins 11 Christopher M Hausvik 12 Britt Brotemarkle 13 Betty A Luther 15 Edvard A Hemmingsen 15 Kari Karlsgodt Koskinen 16 Lavonne H Coover 21 Gloria Jean Oas 22 Erica I Lee 26 Oddvar K Hoidal 27 G David Murguia 29 Ruth V Vik 29 Rachel Erin Robinson 30 Maury D Lee 30 Shawneea M Pattee 30 Sharmane Estolano Valhall Viking The next meeting will be June 20th. The topic at the June 20th meeting will be Genealogy DNA trends. Even if you have already sent off for your DNA, come share your experiences. Your DNA test can show your ethnic mix and help you discover distant relatives. DNA can help you find new details about your unique family history and show you how Norwegian you really are! Questions? Contact Arlene LaBree at [email protected]. 4 June/July 2015 LOV NOTES May 2015 Next Meeting: June 6, 2015 at 9:00am. at Denny’s Restaurant in Fletcher Hills.Hostesses: Tam Stautland and Thelma Johnnesen My how time flies! Our hostesses’ table decorating theme this month was April Showers Bring Spring Flower. It is evident that spring has sprung and summer is just around the corner as one drives around San Diego these days. And, we all look forward to taking part in the various 17th of May activities this month. a genealogy journey beyond lists of births and deaths of my ancestors. The accumulation of information from a variety of resources turned lists into more interesting narratives about my family heritage. Our hostesses this month were Wilma Springer and Janet Michka. Happy smiles were witnessed as names were drawn to take home the spring flowers set in colorful candle holders. Dale Roybal, LOV President Our 25th Anniversary committee reported plans are well under way for the 2016 celebration. LOV’s 2015 revised Standing Rules were reviewed and approved. Tam Stautland reported that the Summer Book Club will be putting an emphasis on Jo Nesbo mysteries novels. The group will meet on August 1st at the House of Norway to discuss what makes his work so popular. She will provide more details at our June meeting. It was also reported that the Nordic Knitters planned to get together at Ingrid Lindgren’s home on May 5th and LOV ladies with be her guests sometime in July. SERVICES DIRECTORY Financial Benefits Counselor Pat Kelly (818) 986-7199 [email protected] Valhall Web Master Steve Rawlinson [email protected] Genealogy Group Arlene LaBree 858-271-8709 Linda Rawlinson (619) 275-1934 The Valhall Lodge’s Genealogy Explorers will not be meeting in May due to so many other May 17th activities. The topic at their June 20th meeting will be Genealogy DNA trends. Even if you have already sent off for your DNA, come share your experiences. The group meets at the Family History Center at 10:30am. For the cultural program portion of the day’s agenda, I gave a presentation on Sunshine Committee: Ingrid Lindgren (858) 277-3376 Blood Bank Representative David Murguia (619) 755-3297 Tubfrim Chairperson Susan Cody 619-303-5220 Rosemaling Classes Carmen Cleary (619) 922-6071 Dale Roybal, 2015 LOV President Valhall Viking 5 June/July 2015 Syttende Mai at Valhall Welcoming guests at the registration table were Millie Wright and Don Lesney. Sandra Yeoman demonstrating making Norwegian basket hearts to JoAnn and Jordan Khaleel. Friendly bartenders Ken and Barbara Paulovich/ Chairperson and Vice President Marc Schaeffer. Else Ottesen looking over the fabulous desserts. Valhall Viking Karin Brevig and Helen Moore enjoying the celebration. 6 June/July 2015 Valhall Celebrates Syttende Mai President Susan Cody and Cultural Director Sven Olsen MC-ing the event. Janet Weber and Solveig Fauskanger Furchner looking festive in their bunads. Joyce Olsen playing Norwegian National Athem as guests sang. Dean and Helen Seiler enjoying the evening. Chans Valdez accompanying Mannskorr. More Photos More photos are available on our website. Photos have been posted from the May 16th and 17th activities celebrating the Syttende Mai. The San Diego Mannskor provided entertainment for the evening. Valhall Viking 7 June/July 2015 Midsummer in Norway—Jonsok Historical Roots St. John’s Day or Jonsok is celebrated on June 24 and is a religious holiday commemorating the birth of St. John the Baptist. Prior to the introduction of Christianity to Norway, the date was used to celebrate of the summer solstice, the longest and brightest day of the year. Because of the dual history surrounding the date, the remaining Midsummer traditions are an amalgamation of both Pagan and Christian customs. Did you know? • The practice of lighting bonfires during Midsummer comes from the belief that fire “awakens” the ground for the next growing season and gives renewed strength to the sun. It was also believed to scare away evil supernatural spirits and witches who were thought to roam more freely this time of year. Norway’s Women in Military Norway’s compulsory military service is becoming gender neutral. Norway is preparing for a major change to its mandatory Armed Forces conscription policy. For the first time ever Norway is now requiring military service for women, which will see its first female recruits entering into service in 2016. This stems from an historic bill that was passed by the Storting in late 2014 that extended mandatory military service to women. The bill, which passed with a majority of 96 votes, is part of a nation-wide plan to promote gender equality. This means Commander Per-Thomas Bøe of the Norwegian Armed Services will now be sending out conscription letters to all 17-year-old women in Norway and then navigating all the logistical challenges of welcoming this new population into mandatory service. In other cases, it would probably be helpful if Norway could look to other countries and learn from their experi• According to folklore, medicinal plants and herbs were believed to be at their peak potency during the summer sol- ences, but this will be a first—not just for Norway, but for stice, lending support to the belief that supernatural beings Europe and NATO as well. “The Scandinavian countries were prone to scour the countryside collecting ingredients are very good at leading in gender equality, so it’s no surprise that Norway should pioneer female conscription,” for their potions at Midsummer. says Joanne Machowski, a researcher at the London mili• In the 19th century it was popular in western Norway for tary think tank RUSI, who specializes in gender issues. children to dress in bride and groom outfits and participate This move effectively doubles the pool of military conin mock weddings as a symbol of new life. scripts from 32,000 to 63,000 and Norway looks at this as • According to Christian legends, the crucifix at Rødal an opportunity to increase the overall competence of its stave church in Norway was believed to contain special military. powers. During Midsummer, the crucifix was said to sweat, giving off healing power to those who touched it. Devotees But don’t expect to see these new recruits fighting on the front lines anytime soon—Machowski notes, “we’ll be made annual pilgrimages to the church up until 1840. waiting a while to see firstly how women and society re• St. John’s Day was observed as a public holy day in Nor- spond to the changed policy, and secondly how many way until 1771. women make it from training out into combat,” she adds. • The most popular foods consumed on Midsummer’s Eve Even if Norway participated in an international military are fire roasted items like hot dogs or pølse and picnic fare mission, new conscripts would not be deployed. such as pickled herring, smoked salmon or open-faced sandwiches. Norwegian strawberries and rømmegrøt are also common treats. In celebration of Midsummer the Norwegian town of Ålesund constructed a massive bonfire of wooden palettes, topping out at 132 ft in 2010. Valhall Viking 8 September June/July 2015 2014 Social Committees May 16 Syttende Mai Celebration Chair: Marc Shaefer Else Ottesen Barbara Evje Susan & Chuck Hansen Chris & Robin Lelevier Meatballs with Gjetost Sauce Ingredients For the Meatballs 2 Lbs of Ground Beef 1 Tsp Salt ½ Tsp Pepper 2 Eggs - lightly mixed 1 Cup Milk or 1 Cup Beef Broth ½ Cup Flour or ½ Cup Fine Dry Breadcrumbs Don Lesney Barb Paulovich Anne & Oddvar Høidal Eldbjørg Backous Collette Burgess June 1 Ice Cream Social—follows lodge meeting Thelma & Alan Johannesen Kaarina Koskinen Kari Koskinen Lillian Jansen others may be added For the Sauce 2 Tbsp Butter 2 Tbsp Flour ¾ Cup Light Cream ½ Cup Chicken Broth 1 Cup Shredded Gjetost Cheese ¾ Cup Sour Cream 2 Tbsp Chopped Parsley or 2 Tbsp Fresh Dill July and August—no events Folk Art Competition Folk Art Competion/Exhibition District Six Convention 2016 June 19-22, 2016 in Colorado Instructions Making the Meatballs In a large bowl combine the ground beef, salt, pepper, eggs, milk or broth, flour or breadcrumbs using your hands or a electric mixer. Moisten your hands and shape the mixture into 3/4 inch meatballs. Which is your passion of our Norwegian cultural skills? I hope your project for the Folk Arts competition/exhibition is in the works by now. Only a year to go, and I know some of our skills take some time to get done – Please don’t tell me that you didn’t In a large frying pan at medium heat add 2 tbsp of oil. Add meatballs to the pan and shake the pan gently to have time to finish it when you get to Colorado for our 2016 District Convention… June 19-22, 2016! turn the meatballs. Cook the meatballs for about 10 minutes and then remove as they start to brown. We’ll be ready for you! – make sure you are ready to Set the meatballs on a plate lined with paper towels to show us what you love to do! Looking forward to a drain prior to serving. Save the pan and the cooked “bang-up“ competition and exposition display. on bits to make the sauce. Making the Sauce Remove as much of the oil from the pan. Blend the butter and flour in the pan and remove from the heat. Evenly stir in the light cream. Add the chicken broth, return the pan to your burner at medium heat and bring to a boil. Make sure to stir evenly until thickened. Reduce the heat to low and stir in the gjetost. Let’s not forget about our youth! Youth up to age 15 are invited to display their work. Ages 16-20 can compete in the Youth class. We would love to see youth interest in these wonderful skills passed on to us! Entry info will be coming out soon, but if you have questions in the meantime, give me a call – 720-283Mix a small amount of the sauce into your sour cream, 8592 – or send a note – [email protected] Looking forward to it! Crystal Sundet Folk Art return the sour cream to the pan of sauce. Now add Coordinator 2016 District Six Convention the chopped parsley or dill. Return the meatballs to the pan and simmer until they are heated through. Valhall Viking 9 June/July.2015 Svalbard’s Sea Monsters Skål to Aquavit Made in the USA Norway’s archipelago of the Arctic, Svalbard, is home to several animals—most notably the artic fox, reindeer and the polar bear—but did you know that the islands are also home to sea monsters? 245 to 147 million year old sea monsters. When you think of aquavit you probably think of Norway’s Linie Aquavit, the most widely available in the US, right? Well did you know there are several aquavits on the market that are distilled right here in the United States? Derived from the words aqua vitae, Latin for water of life, aquavit is a popular Scandinavian liquor and Norway’s national drink. Typically yellowish in tint and distilled with grain or potatoes, the liquor is spiced with a variety of herbs including caraway, cardamom, cumin, anise, fennel, and citrus peel. The two sea monsters in question are the plesiosaur and ichthyosaur. Commonly associated with the loch-ness monster, the plesiosaur ranged in size from 8-46 feet and had a short tail with a broad back and four flippers. The ichthyosaur averaged 6-13 feet in length and closely resembles the dolphin, with a snout, two flippers, a fin and fish-like tail. Since the turn of the century, Triassic and Jurassic period fossils have been found in Svalbard. In August of 2004, Dr. Jørn Harald Hurum, paleontologist with Oslo’s Natural History Museum, conducted his first search of Svalbard and found 10 separate specimens, including a partial plesiosaur skeleton and a complete ichthyosaur skull. Encouraged by these finds, Hurum and his team set out for a second Svalbard expedition in 2006. During the 11-day dig they discovered 28 new specimens, including six ichthyosaurs, 20 long-necked plesiosaurs and two shortnecked plesiosaurs (commonly called pliosaurs). Among the skeletons discovered and eventually unearthed in 2008 was an enormous pliosaur. Dubbed “Predator X” the pliosaur may be the largest ever found, measuring 49 ft in length, 49.5 tons and boasting 12” teeth. Conditions at the Svalbard fossil hotspot can be a bit problematic for excavation teams. The location is part of Svalbard’s high Arctic desert, which only thaws for a few weeks of the year. Teams must also brave the local wildlife, installing tension lines that set off flares if a polar bear approaches. To date, Hurum and his team continue to make expeditions to Svalbard each August to research the treasure trove of marine fossils they have found there. Hurum hopes that through a combination of intensive research and 3-D modeling paleontologists will be able to discover how these rare creatures lived and died. Here are four of the more prominent American made Aquavits: Vikre Øvrevann – Based in Duluth, Minnesota, Vikre Distillery creates their liquor with local grains and some Northwood’s love. Literally translated to upper water, Øvrevann is a light aquavit with strong caraway and cardamom flavors. Vikre says their “Rich and aromatic, Øvrevann Aquavit is piquant and refreshing to sip alongside smoked fish or to cut the fat after a heavy holiday meal.” To learn more visit their webpage at Dill Aquavit – Distilled in New Richmond, Wisconsin at the 45th Parallel Distillery for Gamle Ode based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. This spirit is Gamle Ode’s (Norwegian for old ode) most popular aquavit because of its unique refreshing flavor and versatile pairings options. Infused with fresh dill, caraway seed and juniper berry this aquavit is sure to catch you by pleasant surprise. Learn more at Aquavit – Private Reserve – Distilled by North Shore Distillery, just north of Chicago, Illinois, this private reserve aquavit is spicy and savory at all once. With a hint of the oak barrel it ages in, the yellowish spirit has been described as “Incredibly smooth and seductively aromatic” ( and “Rich, fullbodied and complex.” (Imbibe Magazine). Read more at Krogstad Aquavit – Distilled by House Spirits Distillery in Portland, Oregon’s famous Distillery Row, Krogstad Aquavit is crafted with ethically sourced ingredients. House Spirits Distillery crafts Krogstad so it can be enjoyed on its own, with ice, or in a cocktail. They even offer recipes for a Norwegian Bloody Mary or a Scandinavian Evening cocktail. Get the recipes at Each having their own distinct flavors, these distilleries are building up a Scandinavian tradition for America to adopt and enjoy. To learn more about Hurum’s expeditions to Svalbard and the sea monsters found there, look into National Geographic’s new documentary “Death of a Sea Monster” or visit to see pictures and clips from the documentary. You can also visit to learn more about Svalbard’s massive pliosaur fossil, Predator X. Have a safe and happy 4th of July! Valhall Viking 10 June/July 2015 Look to SONS OF NORWAY For Affordable Insurance and Great Annuities. All financial products are Guaranteed with no risk Estate Panning Retiremnt Planning Life and Term Insurance Literature Award Cultural director Sven Olsen presenting Literature 2 award to Sandra Yeoman. Congratulations, Sandra! Contact our FBC Financial Benefits Counselor For California: Pat Kelly: Tel: 818-986-7199 Cell: 818-667-6627 Fax: 818-905-5785 Email: [email protected] This is a service provided by Sons of Norway International for AMembers ONLY! You cannot find earnings rates as good as SOFN Offers in other major financial institutions The Syttende Mai celebrations on May 16th and 17th brought lots of visitors, many of Norwegian the House of Norway in Balboa Park There was a Norwegian flag raising, a parade and food and entertainment. More photos of this event are on the website at Sons of Norway Mission Statement The mission of Sons of Norway is to promote and to preserve the heritage and culture of Norway, to celebrate our relationship with other Nordic countries, and to provide quality insurance and financial products to its members. Pictured above is Elise Liljenstrand-Mjoen, a visitor to the House of Norway . Valhall Viking 11 June/July 2015 Valhall Viking NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID SAN DIEGO, CA PERMIT No. 960 Published Monthly by SONS OF NORWAY (Valhall Lodge) 25 Arlene LaBree, Editor 11128 Blythe Road San Diego, CA 92126-1103 DATED MATERIAL Please Deliver Promptly Valhall Viking June/July 2015 Calendar June 1 6 11 20 25 Mon Sat Thu Sat Thu Lodge Meeting Ladies of Valhall Rosemaling Genealogy Rosemaling Next newsletter is the August issue Deadline for the August Valhall Viking is July 23, 2015 E-Mail articles to: [email protected] or [email protected]
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