Principal’s Message by Linda Beaudet What a month, so many things to celebrate in our school. Our 7 teams that participated in Destination Imagination made the school very proud as all of them placed between first and third place. Our badminton season is doing very well, many wins for St. Mary’s. Earlier in the month we had teams that won at our local Science Fair and then went on to participate in the regional fair in Fairview. We have three teams that won some cash because of their great performance to the Bear Cave (kind of a Dragon’s Den). They also won the privilege of a unique invitation to an entrepreneur mentorship dinner meeting. Congratulation to these teams: Ryan Kosa and Cadence Nelson, Scott-Isaac Flewwelling and Tim Schmidt, and Rebecca Debre. Rebecca also came second in the regional Science fair and now has the privilege to compete in the National Science Fair in Fredericton. Our elementary students went swimming and did very well in trying to pass their levels and earn their badges. Our choir started this month for Grade 4 to 6. Atomic Volleyball for Grade 4 to 6 also started and the Grade 1 to 6 students that registered for District Floor Hockey tournament are now practising during lunch. As you can see, we are still very busy. APRIL 2015 Grande Prairie Catholic School District Sexsmith, AB Our Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten registration night was held on March 12 th. If you were unable to make it, please come down to the school as soon as possible and register. The Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Sacrament of Confirmation was also celebrated this month. Congratulations and blessings to all of our students that received sacraments. Our Grade 5 class led us in the Stations of the Cross last week and we will have our Holy Thursday celebration this Thursday led by Grade 4. As we conclude Lent and head into the Easter break, I wish you all a Happy Easter and enjoy the break! Mme Linda MARCH TRIPLE P: Easter Break April 2nd to April 12th. Classes resume April 13th. Positive Participation Program - Students Succeed Grade 8: Emily MacDonald, Gracie Smith, Jacob Hiebert Grade 10: Brianna Schroer, Montgomery Smith, Bryce Somerville Grade 11: Kaitlyn Almeida VIRTUE Of the Month Justice GOLDEN GARBAGE CAN WINNERS FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH: Ms Nightingale & her Grade 6 Class!! The staff of St. Mary’s would like to wish everyone in our school community a blessed Easter! Attention Parents! Student safety is of utmost concern at St. Mary’s and we have had a few issues recently with students darting out in between busses and cars. There are simply too many parent vehicles to fit in our current parent parking zone. So as of April 13th, the bus parking zone and the parent pick up zone will be switched. This will give more space for parents to park and a safer way for busses to load and leave the school. Parents will now need to go to the end of the road on the East side of the school and park along the sidewalk only (the previous bus parking zone). Students that are being picked up will exit the school from the entrance closest to the new parent parking zone. Only students getting on to busses will be exiting the school from the side entrance. This should ensure that no students are walking out in front of vehicles and busses to get to parent vehicles and will allow more space for parent parking. As always, please drive with caution when passing busses and do NOT park in the buss parking zone or on the street opposite the bus parking zone. Thank you in advance for your co-operation! ST. MARY’S BADMINTON TEAM Alex Schroer Daniel Hagen Travis Cunnington High School Registration Is happening this month on Thursday the 23rd at 7 pm in the gathering area. Only our current grade 9 students and their parents need to attend this meeting, along with any NEW Grade 10, 11 & 12 students. Our current grade 10 & 11 students will register for their grade 11 & 12 school year, at the school during the day at a later date. Jaedyn Johnson Kiera Kruger Brynna Nelson Caleb Standring Matthew Debre Wolfgang Schleiter Ashley Brady Gracie Smith Jordanna Kachmarski Ryan Kosa Josh Pohl Damian Braun Cadence Nelson Monty Smith Bryce Somerville Dmitri Kruger Faith Series - “Our Easter Soil” The joy of the Resurrection is most complete when the offer of love the Jesus made in giving his life for others’ lives on in the hearts of all of God’s people. The message of Easter is truly a victory over death and a sharing of God’s life and love for everyone. No one is left out of this most awesome miracle. Pope Francis says it this way: “The love of God is not generic. God looks with love upon everyone man and women, calling them by name.” p.3 Catholic Update. March 2014. The Soil (our students and staff) we are working with and celebrating this month has now been enriched more than ever as there is no place that love cannot touch, no wall that love cannot break down, or any into our world and setting it free. Let us pray that in this beautiful time of Easter, we may become what we believe. If we did become this type of person than, as St. John Chrysostom once said, “Nonbelievers would be more astonished at our lives than at miracles”. Russ Snoble, Religious Education Consultant wrong that cannot be forgiven. The power of the Resurrection means that the kingdom of God is breaking COURAGE VIRTUE AWARD WINNERS for the Month of March Kindergarten Skyler Gauthier Grade 6 Quintara Anderson Andrea Caissie Brooklynne Russell Cruz Seniantha Elizabeth Wasowicz Libee Edgson Vanessa Sarcinella Grade 1D Rhylo Lambert Grade 7 Travis Cunnington Julius Cooke Taylan Seal BayLee Srala Kassidy Bond Grade 1H Mason Walker William Ireland Willeim Vromans Grade 8 Tristin Cunnington Grade 2 Luke Lillico Quentin Spiers Christian Schwemler Lyle Rombough Bobby Nelson Grade 9 Mikayla Anderson Grade 2/3 Kye Robinson Mackenzie Cooke Cadence Lockhart Davis Hewko Lea Willmore Grade 3 Haydn Deines Grade 10 Bryce Somerville Breanne Gibbs Rhett Seely Courtney Ferguson Abigail Munn Grade 11 Drayton Coward Tahlia Nelson Grade 4 Eric Ouellet Trace Griffin Noah Pryde Olivia Georges Grade 12 Grade 5—Ethan Doble Navaria Seniantha Tyran Pack Morgan Campbell Christabel Hagen Charlee Benn DID YOU KNOW????? REMINDER TO JR & SR HIGH PARENTS Measles You can access your child’s marks, attendance, In addition to fever, rash and other symptoms, about one in 3 persons will have more complications, including diarrhea, ear infections, pneumonia, inflammation to the brain and seizures. Measles can also lead to death. Although complications are common among children under five years of age, individuals 20 years of age and older and those with compromised immune systems, even healthy people are at risk of complications. In fact, about 1 in 10 people need hospital treatment. and projects due through the POWERSCHOOL PARENT PORTAL at Let the office know if you need your login information sent to you again. JUNIOR HIGH & HIGH SCHOOL ACHIEVEMENT PRINCIPAL’S LIST - 90% and up Gr. 7 Gr. 8 Gr. 9 Gr. 10 Gr. 11 Alex Schroer Emily McDonald Ryan Kosa Rebecca Debre Skyler Deines Danielle Vavrek Drayton Coward Ashley Brady Gr. 12 Matthew Maguffee Tim Schmidt Brianna Schroer HONOR ROLL - 80% and up Gr. 7 Gr. 8 Gr. 9 Gr. 10 Gr. 11 Gr. 12 Travis Cunnington Gracie Smith Cadence Nelson Monty Smith Kaitlyn Almeida Annette Boily Justine Brady Brynna Nelson Tiana Loiselle Scott-Isaac Flewwelling Bjorn Benoit Shade Cooke Jacob Hiebert Mikayla Anderson Bryce Somerville Deanna Braun Kiera Kruger Damian Braun Siara Krupinski Christabel Hagen Tristin Cunnington Nicholas Schwemler Kali Gordey Andrea Schmidt Tyson Penner Josh Pohl Abigail Munn Lea Katuski Improvement of 5%-Jordanna Kachmarski Gr. 9 Improvement of 10%-Bailey Jones Gr. 9 Improvement of 35%-Wolfgang Schleiter Gr. 8 April 2015 Virtue of the Month: Justice Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 Holy Thursday Celebration @ 11am in the gym 5 6 7 8 Thu 2 Day off in Lieu of PTI’s 9 Fri 3 Sat 4 GOOD FRIDAY 10 11 17 18 Sunday Mass @ 11:00 am EASTER BREAK– April 2nd-April 12th 12 Sunday Mass @ 11:00 am 19 Sunday Mass @ 11:00 am 13 Classes Resume 14 STAFF MeetingEarly out 20 15 16 Mathematica Exam 9:00 am Reading Power Block 5 GRADE 10 RETREAT Menchies Treat Day $ Due 21 22 Subway Hot Lunch $ Due School Council Mtg @ 6:15pm 23 24 25 High School Registration @ 7:00pm Menchies Treat Day Floor Hockey Tournament Gr 1-9 Science Fair Gr. 4-6 1:00 pm 30 Hour Famine 26 Sunday Mass @ 11:00 am 27 28 29 30 Subway Hot Lunch Virtue Awards @ 11am St. Mary’s Mission Statement: We are a Catholic Faith community that reflects the teachings of Christ. We cultivate a compassionate environment that values the uniqueness of all individuals by striving to create and inspire confidence, success and the ability to achieve life-long learning as students, staff and community. Date of Menchies: Friday, April 24th Date for Money and Order in: Friday, April 17th One form per order please *COST* $4.00 Date of Hot Lunch: Wednesday, April 29th Deadline for Money and Order in: Wednesday, April 22nd Pizza-$3.25 Chips-$1.00 Ham-$3.25 Apple Slices-$1.25 Veggie-$3.25 2 Cookies-.75 Cold Cut-$3.25 Juice Box-.50
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