SPHO Endless Summer Show Sunday, August 23, 2015 8:30am (rain/snow/shine) Cumberland Fairgrounds Affiliations: MHA Rated D Judge: Jen Grady, Whitefield, ME Steward: Sylvia Corbett, Gorham, ME Manager: Ricky Drew, 41 Gore Road, Raymond, ME 04071 (207) 272-0082 Ring Master: Robyn Cuffey, Buxton, ME Secretary: Mary Field, 477 Bishop Hill Rd, Leeds, ME 207 576-3641 [email protected] Vet: Annabessacook Equine Clinic On call 207-933-6424 Farrier: Jen Flanigan, Gorham, ME Rules & Regulations: Single Class Entry Fee $12 (based on rider), Championships $15. Day Pass $85 (unlimited classes) (SPHO Members $75) Office Fee included. (Day pass excludes MHA Medallion Class) Office Fee $15 (includes MHA Trophy fee & # fee) $15 late fee (per horse) postmarked after August 15, 2015 PRE-ENTRIES SAVE YOU MONEY!!!!!!!! You must enter all classes prior to the class in the office. This is a pointed show for SPHO-ME & MHA. All entries in a class without entering in the office prior to the class are subject to a $10 bandit fee. Any entries incurring bank fees will be charged $50 plus cost of the fee. Refunds will be made upon receipt of a vet certificate (or Dr.) & must be received by show manager before end of show. Every Class recognized by MHA will be conducted and judged under the current rules of MHA. Six (6) ribbons awarded per class. A Food Vendor will be on grounds. The SPHO-ME Show Committee, MHA or their agents or employees, and/or the Cumberland Fairgrounds will not be responsible for any accident which may occur to rider, groom, attendant, spectator, animal, or equipment at the show. Nor will any of the aforementioned be held responsible for loss or destruction of any property or equipment or damage to or by animals at the Show or on the grounds. Post entries must be made a minimum of 3 classes prior to the entered class. No dogs on the show grounds unless kept on a leash away from the ring. No alcoholic beverages will be permitted on the show grounds. PROOF of current rabies, negative Coggins and registration papers (breed classes) will be required to show. WARNING: Under Maine State Law an equine professional has limited liability for an injury or death resulting from the inherent risks of any equine activities. Exhibitors in championship classes must have been entered, shown and judged in at least one class listed in ( ). SPHO Summer Solstice Horse Show, June 6th, 8:30am, Cumberland Fairgrounds Lunch Break tba 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Adult Showmanship Open (Handlers 18 and over) Youth Activity Showmanship Open (Handlers under 18 yrs) English Horse in Hand Standardbred in Hand Open Halter, Junior Handler Color Breed Model Horse Quarter Horse Halter Western Horse in Hand Open Halter Championship* (3-8) To be conducted the same as Classes 3 & 8, & judged on the respective merits of the type/breed as represented by turnout. 10. Miniature Horse in Hand, Stallions and Geldings 11. Miniature Horse in Hand, Mares 12. Miniature Horse in Hand Championship (10 or 11) 5 minute break 13. Miniature Horse Obstacles 5 minute break 14. Open Pleasure Driving Horse 15. Standardbred in Harness 16. Miniature Horse Driving 17. Road Hack Horse 18. Quarter Horse Hunter Under Saddle 18.5 Open Show Hack 19. Walk Trot Pleasure Horse or Pony, Open, 11 & over For horse (pony)/rider combinations who do not canter/lope in shows or other competitive disciplines. Alternate gait allowed. No limitation as to status of rider. Horse/pony may canter/lope with a different rider; rider may canter/lope on a different horse/pony. Horse (pony)/rider combinations in this division may not compete in any class at any show/competitive discipline (recognized or not) during the current show season requiring a canter or lope. To be shown at a walk and trot/jog/alternate gait only both ways of the ring. To be judged on manners, suitability of horse/pony to rider, and performance. Must reverse at a walk. 20. 21. 22. 23. Bridle Path Horse Standardbred Two Gait Pleasure Standardbred Three Gait Pleasure Walk Trot Equitation Horse or Pony, Open, 11 & over Open to Junior and Amateur Adult riders 11 years and older who have not cantered/loped in any show or other competitive discipline, recognized or not, in the past three years. No person entered may compete in any other class requiring entries to canter or lope during the current show year. Alternate gait allowed. To be shown at a walk, trot/jog/alternate gait both ways of the ring. Will be asked to reverse at the walk. To be judged on basic principles of horsemanship. . 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Walk Trot Pleasure Horse or Pony, Open, 10 & under Costume Class Miniature Horse Jumping Walk Trot Pleasure Horse/Pony Championship, 10 yrs. & under (24) Lead Line Equitation, Open, 7 Yrs. & under Lead Line Pleasure Horse or Pony, Open, 7 Yrs. & under Lead Line Pleasure Horse or Pony Championship (29) MHA Medallion Pleasure Horse or Pony (open to members & non-members) Hunter Pleasure Horse 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Quarter Horse Hunter Under Saddle Championship (18) Standardbred Two Gait Pleasure Championship (21) Standardbred Three Gait Pleasure Championship (22) MHA Pleasure Horse, English (Must be owned by Maine Resident) Hunter Seat Pleasure Equitation (Amateur Adults & Juniors) Adult Equitation, Open Walk Trot Equitation, Open, 10 & under Walk Trot Command, Open* To be conducted the same as the MHA command class but Walk-Trot only. Alternate gait allowed. Open to all ages. This is open to all riders and all horses, no restrictions. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. Hunter Pleasure Horse Championship (32) Junior Exhibitor Hack, Horse/Pony Standardbred Two Gait Equitation Standardbred Three Gait Equitation MHA Pleasure Horse, Western (Must be owned by Maine Resident) Quarter Horse Western Pleasure Open Walk Trot Pleasure Horse or Pony, Open, 11 & over Championship (19) Youth Activity Pleasure Horse/Pony, Open MHA Western Pleasure Horse Championship (45) Quarter Horse Western Pleasure Championship (46) *Indicates class not MHA rated (#) indicates you must have entered, shown and been judged in class # 2nd Annual Cumberland Competition Series We changed it up for 2015 There will be Series Champions and Reserve Champions awarded at the final show of the series in each divisions below. There is NO membership requirement. You must simply show at all 3 of the shows below. (A double-judged show counts as one show for eligibility.) All shows you exhibit at will count toward your series-end point total. Here’s the “Twist” – Not only are the awards by divisions rather than classes, but the Series Final standings are scored uniquely. Here’s how it works: At each show, for each division, points in each designated class will be awarded for first through sixth place (10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1 pt respectively including Champs if offered). Total points from each show will be added together for the Series Championship. Series point ties will be broken by the numbers of firsts, then seconds, all the way until 6ths as needed. At a double-judged show, each judge’s pinning’s will be counted separately. The Divisions: High Point Miniature Horse: All Miniature Horse classes at each show will be pointed for the series. High Point Standardbred Horse: All Standardbred classes will be pointed for the series. High Point Halter Horse: One qualifying class (English Horse in Hand, Western Horse in Hand, Open Halter Junior Handler) AND Open Halter Championship, if offered, will count. If you show in multiple qualifier classes, then your highest placing will be the only one that counts. High Point Hunter: Hunter Pleasure Horse, Hunter Pleasure Horse Championship, High Point Western: MHA Western Pleasure, Western Horse in Hand High Point Junior Exhibitor: Junior Exhibitor Hack, Youth Activity Pleasure, Open Halter Junior Handler The shows: SPHO Summer Solstice Show – Saturday, June 6, 2015 Highview Riding Club Show – Saturday, July 11, 2015 SPHO Endless Summer Show – Sunday, August 23, 2015 Directions FROM THE NORTH: From I-95 - Take exit 63, turn right off of exit. Keep right at the fork, toward Rt-100 and Rt-26 South Turn right at Rt-100/Rt-26/Portland Rd. follow 4.9 mi. Turn left at Skillin Rd., follow for 0.9 mi. Turn right at Blanchard Rd., follow for 0.9 mi. Destination Cumberland Fairgrounds, 197 Blanchard Rd. Directions FROM THE SOUTH: From I-95, Exit 53 for Me-26/Me-100 toward Falmouth Turn left on Gray Rd/Me-100/Me-26, follow 4.5 mi Turn right at Range Rd., Follow 0.6 mi Turn left at Bruce Hill Rd., Follow 1.1mi Turn left at Blanchard Rd., follow for 0.3 mi Destination Cumberland Fairgrounds, 197 Blanchard Rd. SPHO Endless Summer HORSE SHOW Sunday, August 23, 2015 - 8:30 A.M. Pre-Entries Close Saturday, Aug 15, 2015 Late Entry Fee: $15 per horse Mail to: Mary Field 477 Bishop Hill Rd, Leeds, ME 04263 207 576-3641 [email protected] ENTRY FEES: $12.00 Regular Classes; $15 Championship Classes $85.00 all-day pass ($75 SPHO-ME members)* $15.00 Office Fee per Horse (includes # & $4 MHA Fee) Make checks payable to SPHO-ME. *(Day pass includes office fee) Rider’s Classes Name of Horse or Pony Reg. No. Sex Exhibitor’s Name Age Rider’s Seat Every entry at an affiliated event shall constitute an agreement that the person making it, owner, lessee, trainer, manager, agent, coach, driver, rider and the horse, shall be subject to the Bylaws and the Rules of the Association, the rules and regulations of the show, and that every horse, rider and/or driver is eligible as entered and that the owner and any of his representatives are bound by the Bylaws and Rules of the MHA, Inc., the SPHO-ME, Inc, and the affiliated event, accept as final the decision of the MHA, Inc., the SPHO-ME, Inc, or committee thereof on any question arising under said rules and agree to hold the affiliated event, the MHA, Inc., SPHO-ME, Inc., their officials, directors and employees, harmless for any action taken. The constitution or application of MHA, Inc. SPHO-ME, Inc., rules is governed by the Laws of the State of Maine. All users of the Cumberland Fairgrounds understand that the fairgrounds are to be held harmless for all events and issues resulting from or associated with the use of the grounds. These events or issues include, but are not limited to, the cost of loss, damage, accidents or legal expenses. Owners Name & Address TOTAL ENTRY FEES All day pass $15.00 LATE ENTRY FEE $15 Office Fee includes NUMBER & MHA Trophy Fee TOTAL FEES PAID WARNING Under Maine Law an equine professional has limited liability for an injury or death resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities Owner’s Signature & Complete Address Minor’s Name Parent/Guardian Signature (If the exhibitor is a minor, a parent/guardian must sign the entry form before the entry will be accepted) Trainer’s Signature & Complete Address (If NO Trainer, the Owner must sign this line) Fees Sponsorships NEEDED!!! This show benefits SPHO of Maine, dedicated to promoting Standardbreds, before, during and after harness racing careers. Class sponsorships, session sponsorships, signature (division) sponsorships, and corporate sponsorships are greatly appreciated. Class sponsor: $10 regular class: $20 Championship Class: $25 Combination Corporate Sponsor $250 (signage middle ring for all blue ribbon pictures!) Division Sponsor $100 Name Telephone # Class #(s) to Sponsor Division to Sponsor Corporate Sponsor Name You can add this to your show bill. Please include this form with your entry and check yes or no below: Yes Add to my showbill. No Check is enclosed. Make checks payable to SPHO-ME, 110 Totten Rd., Gray, ME 04039. THANK YOU!!!
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