THE DAM Phone: (07) 882 8555 Fax (07) 882 8556 [email protected] CITYADVERTISER Produced By: Mangakino Community Agency T H U R S DAY 1 9 M A R C H 2 0 1 5 Mihi aroha ki te whanau o DAVE DICK I te wa pouri nei. “Pukatokato ana te ngakau o tangata” Mangakino Community Agency MotoX track Keys for the track are now available for pick up and return at the Hui Hut, Rangatira Drive, Mangakino in addition to the Dam Café in Whakamaru. Please feel free to collect and pay for your key at either location but be sure to return it to the same place please. Waiora Community Trust Taupo Inc Taupō District Council Social Services Grant Scheme Notice is given that the April allocation round for the 2014/15 financial year from the Taupō District Council Grants Scheme, administered by Waiora Community Trust (Taupo) Inc is now open. Community Social Service Groups in the Taupō, Kaingaroa and Mangakino areas (excluding Turangi) seeking funds should apply by 3pm Monday, 31 March 2015. No late applications will be accepted. For more information please contact: Deb DePetris, Trust Administrator, Telephone (07) 378-0953 or email [email protected] Application forms are available 01 March from Waiora Community House, 129 Spa Road, Taupō, Taupō District Council office & website and the Mangakino Community Agency (TDC office) – Telephone (07) 882-8555 REMINDER Please have your advertisements in to this office by noon Wednesdays FOR SALE 21 Wrapped Bales $100 2 Steers Jersey X $400 o.n.o. 1 Bull Jersey $400 o.n.o. Phone 0274533883 Hayz Friday Don’t be LATE!!! 5.30pm - 8.30pm EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST – Mangakino Community Broker Mangakino Community Led Development Leadership Group is asking for Expressions of Interest for the position of Community Broker for the Leadership Group. This is a fixed term contract finishing 30 June 2016 20 hours per week (negotiable) Hourly rate will be dependent on experience Register your interest including a brief outline of your experience addressed to “Community Broker”, Mangakino CLD Leadership Group, Mangakino Service Centre, Rangatira Drive, Mangakino or email to [email protected]. Job Description is available from the Mangakino Service Centre – phone 07 8828191 Closing date 27 March 2015. For further information contact Tina Jakes 0274 360 944 Mangakino Spiritual & Healing Group Sunday 22nd March 2pm St John Hall Guest Speaker Denise Palmer, Clairvoyant from Tauranga Gold Coin Donation Raffle Tickets $2.00 Everyone Welcome DOG GROOMING DISCOUNT ON FIRST GROOM NOW $45 Free Daycare included if required Phone Jeanette 882 8432 or 0212228715 ST PAUL’S The Church on the Corner Worship @ 10.00am Every Sunday Everyone Welcome AIM GARDEN SERVICES LAWNMOWING Mower/Catcher, Ride On Weed Eating/Path Edging Home/Commercial EST 2007 For Quotes, Call/Txt 021 864 254 MANGAKINO COMMUNITY AGENCY POST CENTRE 2 Commerce Street Mangakino Phone: 882 8555 Fax: 882 8556 Email: [email protected] BillPays: KCE, Genesis, Just Energy, Energy OnLine Telecom, Vodafone, 2 Degrees, Call Plus, St John Ambulance, Fairfax Media, State Insurance, WorldxChange plus many more. Motor Registration: Re-Licencing, Change of Ownership, Vehicle Exemptions etc Postage: Letters Parcels - tracked and courier Bags & Boxes for sending (NZ & Worldwide) Envelopes, Writing Pads, Pens etc P O Box Rentals: Secure your personal or your business mail with one of these Hold your mail, do your Redirections when you shift Cheque Service: You may purchase a cheque for a $1. Supply: 18+ forms, passport forms available. Services: Photocopying, Faxing, Emailing And now, INTERNET BANKING Dam City Advertiser: If you need any information on how to put in an advertisement just give us a call If you need any information at all we will do our best to help you Police Community Report – March 19th 2015 During the past 2 weeks we have taken a number of opportunities to deal with people causing problems in our community. Since then we have dealt with 2 car crashes, 2 disqualified drivers, a drunk driver, a family violence offender and those involved in the cannabis cultivation trade. A number of people are facing charges in court as a result of their criminal activity. It is no surprise that we located drugs last week in houses that were raided. There are a number of charges stemming from these raids including cultivation of cannabis, supplying cannabis and offering to supply. It is the people involved at this end of the trade that ruin people in the community. Drugs ruin families by taking your money, taking your brain cells, taking your motivation, taking your future and taking your lives. This is why we will continue to hunt down the scum who ruin the lives of others through the drug trade. Hazardous road conditions are nearing us and what we find is that poorly prepared or inattentive drivers will crash anywhere at anytime. Drivers need to ensure that vehicles are safe & roadworthy and that they are driven safely for the conditions at the time. The speed limit is not a target; sometimes we need to go slower than the limit to be safe. Remember if you see anything suspicious or wish to let us know about vehicles with unrestrained children, you can do so anonymously by calling crime stoppers on 0800 555 111. To call our office it is 07 882 9070 (office hours only). For all noise complaints call 882 8700 (during office hours) or 0800 275 832 (after hours). In emergencies dial 111. For traffic complaints call *555. Until next week, stay safe. Senior Constable Wayne Dickson Beat burglary by visiting CONCRETE SOLUTIONS 2007 LTD FREE QUOTES! Kevin Brown 0274 221 309 07 372 8222 Pumps, pipes, fittings & filters. Servicing deep well bores Pressure & submersible pumps Water meter installations Welding repairs UV treatment and filtration 30 kVa generator and wood splitter for hire TOKOROA AND DISTRICT VETERINARY SERVICES HOURS: 8.30am - 4.30pm weekdays Veterinary Surgeon in attendance by appointment Phone Mangakino 882 8094 AT ALL OTHER TIMES TOKOROA 886 6119 OUR NEW FUEL STOP IS OPEN AT 3 WAIPAPA ROAD, MANGAKINO Open 24 hours / 7 days Unmanned Pay N’ Pump for your convenience Eftpos and credit card facilities available Commercial rates with Waitomo Fuel Card Discounted Unleaded 91 and Diesel Phone Paul Easton 021 804 891 NO JOB TOO SMALL! Plain & Coloured Concrete Exposed Aggregate Imprint Concrete Driveways, Footpaths, Farmwork, Tilt Panels, Vehicle Crossings, Garage Floors & Patios Phone 027 452 8580 or A/H (07) 377 4744 Email [email protected] Web HARVEY WORLD TRAVEL TOKOROA DAVIES PROPERTY CARE LTD DPC Steve Davies Licensed Builder Building Mobile: 021 989 782 Gutter Cleans Phone: 07 372 8494 Lawn Mowing Email: [email protected] Rubbish Removal 308 Marotiri Road, RD1, Mangakino, Marotiri 231 Leith Place, Tokoroa Ph Fax (07) 886 6258 (07) 886 6256 Email [email protected] WEEKEND DR ROSTER CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE TO HOW PATIENTS ACCESS WEEKEND AFTER HOURS CARE FOR THE SOUTH WAIKATO WHICH INCLUDES MANGAKINO HEALTH SERVICES. The after-hours Duty Dr is now based at the ‘GP FAST TRACK CLINIC’ based at the Main Entrance of the Tokoroa Hospital. SATURDAY ONLY: HOURS ARE FROM 10AM - 4PM. NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY Sunday after-hours are covered by Tokoroa Hospital Emergency Department. Patients registered at Mangakino Health Services can phone 07 882 8299 to speak to a triage nurse out of usual hours. If you need urgent assistance from the emergency ambulance service phone 111 Whakamaru Energy Centre Phone 882 8817 OPEN 7 DAYS - SUMMER HOURS: 7am - 7.00pm Monday - Saturday 7.30am - 7.00pm Sunday FAST, FRIENDLY, EFFICIENT SERVICE WOF’S (INCLUDING MOTORBIKES) 6 DAYS A WEEK CALL FOR BOOKINGS Workshop is open for Mechanical Repairs, Welding, Petrol and Diesel Services, Tyre Repairs, Balancing, Wheel Alignments etc. WINZ quotes available Show your GOLD CARD and get 5c off a Litre GASOLINE ALLEY 100% NEW ZEALAND OWNED AND OPERATED QUALITY HOME-KILL MANGAKINO HOMEKILL RAKAUNUI RD TAUPO PH 07 377 4235 All Beef hung for two weeks Bacon & Sausages are very popular 2015 1/2 price Beast Killing Fee for local residents (conditions apply) QUALITY SMALL GOODS We also specialize in Salamis (traditionally smoked) 314 Tihoi Road Mangakino Phone NOT HAPPY - NO CHARGE 07 882 8575 or 027 696 5223 A Free and Confidential Counselling Service Are Drinking and Drugs taking over? Mobile Young People’s Service Reducing the harm caused by alcohol and drugs in our community. To assist with issues surrounding the use or abuse of Drugs and/or Alcohol For yourself, family, whanau or friends For further information or to make an appointment please call 0800 227 5272 Why young people come to us: Want some information or help Want to Korero/Talk Worried Getting into trouble because of Alcohol & Drugs Hanging out / Craving for Alcohol & Drugs Alcohol & Drugs causing problems at home, school or work Using Alcohol & Drugs to cope with stress or strong feelings Office: Text or phone: Taupo:07 377 0817 Dave: 021 948 296 Website: MICK FINCHAM 027 372 0244 07 376 7480 a/h LOCAL SCRAP METAL DEALER Anything Metal, Brass, Copper, Batteries 730 Whangamata Road KINLOCH Weekend & After Hour Collections by arrangement TRUCK HIRE: 7 Ton Truck with 3 Ton Crane THE PAINTER For All Painting Outside / Inside / Roofs (Includes all prep cleaning) ALAN FIELDSEND 27 Wairenga Road Mangakino 020 40 111 194 Wallpapering House Washing Roof / Gutter / Cladding And Water Blasting Glenys 027 480 4761 TYRE SALES TRAILER HIRE BATTERY SALES WOF INSPECTIONS ELECTRICAL REPAIRS MECHANICAL REPAIRS 12 to 20 tonne excavators Tree Harvesting, marketing, slash removal & clean up. General farm supplies, silage, hay & machinery cartage. All aspects of rural maintenance & construction All work is guaranteed & insured Local family owned and operated, Call us for a free quote. Jarrod & Dannii Lowe M: 02777 01122 E: [email protected] Did you know Brandon Compain Couriers (027 272 0839) offer RD1 Pick up and Delivery Service and can pick up and deliver your bikes for servicing ? Craig Stevens Motorcycles Limited 30 Main Road, Tokoroa Ph 07 886 1014 Fax 886 1015 [email protected] A&T GLASS WILL TRAVEL TO YOU TO SATISFY YOUR GLAZING & BUILDING NEEDS. ONCE WE HAVE COORDINATED ENOUGH WORK WE WILL SPEND THE DAY IN MANGAKINO AT A DISCOUNTED RATE. CONTACT A&T GLASS (CHAINSAW) ON 07 3789140. WE CAN HELP YOU WITH: ALL GLAZING REQUIREMENTS BUSH MACHINES HOME AND OFFICE SECURITY PRODUCTS ALL TYPES OF BLINDS BALUSTRADING MIRRORS AWNINGS SHOWERS INSECT SCREENS WARDROBE DOORS AND ORGANISERS Contracting BASED IN WHAKAMARU, WE ARE OFFERING THE FOLLOWING SERVICES AT COMPETITIVE RATES: Full Cultivation Roll Seed rolling Direct Drilling Round Baling, Wrapped Silage and Hay Pit or Stack Silage, with loader wagons Digger, Scraper, Bulldozer Specialists In: Silage Chopper ‘BIG X’ Maize, Grass & Cereal Wrap Bales Big Squares & Rounds Hay Big Squares & Rounds Cultivation Discing, Power Harrowing & Roll Seeding Direct Drilling Pneumatic delivery of seed & fertiliser PHONE BOB ON 027 244 9039 OR SAM ON 022 026 3564 All enquiries please contact Philip 0274 724 760 A/H (07) 882 8500 J D EARTHWORKS EFFLUENT POND PUMPING Truck & Digger Hire $90 per hour Phone Jeremy 073783476 or 0273576394 AFTERHOURS LOCKSMITH At Normal Prices Keys Locks Padlocks Deadlocks Automotive Repair & Replacement For all your locking needs Phone or Text 027 633 1818 or 882 8108 We will quote on your ponds - stirrer supplied so phone 0274 573674 or 07 3781211 REGISTERED VALUATIONS ROBERT DWANE ELECTRICAL ESTABLISHED 1972 14 TANEKAHA TERRACE , MANGAKINO Email: [email protected] Phone/Fax 07 8828493 Robert 027 298 3441 Andrew 027 498 3245 Specialists in all farm and water installations Domestic Commercial and Industrial Installations Electrical Inspections Appliance Testing and Tagging Installers of Toshiba Heat Pumps Licenced Security Alarm Installers Installation Monitoring and Consultation All work to AS/NZ 3000/2007 Standards which is the “Wiring Rules” P & B BUILDERS Est 1992 Alterations, Extensions, New Buildings, Decks, Fences, Roofing, Concrete, Window Replacement, Glazing, Kitchens & Bathrooms Phone Phil 0274 381 017 or 882 8240 Vehicle Repairs Phone 886-7061 Whitu Karauna TCB ROOFING 2011 LTD CRAFTSMAN PLUMBER Specalists in all types of Long Run roofing Residential & Commercial Plumbing Reasonable Rates Excellent Service 19 Moana Crescent, Mangakino Phone (07) 8828523 or 027 493 4498 [email protected] Ph 07 846 6390 Fax 07 846 6395 Taylor Classic Gutter, Re-roofs, Butynol, All types of flashings, ¼ Round Gutter , Roof Inspections & New House Roofing A Member of the Roofing Association, New Zealand
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