Sciknow Publications Ltd. AJCSE 2015, 2(2):11-15 DOI: 10.12966/ajcse.04.01.2015 American Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering ©Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) Strength Prediction Models for Laterized Concrete Incorporating Used Engine Oil as Admixture Olekwu Benjamin Elah 1,*, Gabriel Amode1, and Egbe-Ngu Ntui Ogork2 1 Department of Building, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria Department of Civil Engineering, Bayero University, Kano 2 *Corresponding author (E-Mail: [email protected]) Abstract - This paper presents the findings of a research on the strengths of laterized concrete admixed with used engine oil (UEO) and strength prediction models of the concrete. The compressive and splitting tensile strengths of UEO-laterized concrete grade 30 (1:1.5:3 mix) were investigated at admixture levels of 0, 0.075, 0.15, 0.30 and 0.60% of UEO, respectively, at curing ages of 7, 21, 28, 56, and 90 days in accordance with standard procedures. The strengths of UEO-laterized concrete were also modelled using Minitab statistical software to establish regression models. Results of the investigation showed that the 28 days compressive strength of laterized concrete without UEO was 28.78 N/mm 2 which is less than that required for grade 30 normal concrete. It was found that the compressive strength and splitting tensile strength of laterized concrete decrease with increase in UEO content. The highest reduction in the 28 days compressive strength of UEO-Laterized concrete was 15.88% of control at UEO content of 0.60%. For structural application, 0.3% UEO should be used as the optimum percentage replacement in laterized concrete to act as chemical retarder suitable for hot weather concreting and long haulage of ready mixed laterized concrete. Regression models for UEO-laterized concrete for compressive strength and splitting tensile strength were developed with R 2 values of 0.899 and 0.925 respectively and considered to be good for prediction of laterized concrete strengths. Keywords - Admixture, Laterized Concrete, Prediction Models, Strength, Used Engine Oil 1. Introduction The current trends globally is research into the used of by-products and waste products that can be recycled or used as raw materials in the construction industry to reduce cost and maintain ecological balance. Some of these by-products or waste products can be used as aggregates, a portion of aggregate, as components of concrete binder or ingredients in manufactured aggregates. Some waste can also be used as chemical admixtures and additive that can alter the fresh and hardened properties of concrete. Used engine oil (UEO) has been identified in the literature as a waste material which less than 45% is being collected worldwide while the remaining 55% is thrown into the environment by the end user (Gamal, 2013). Also a study by Bilal et al. (2003), on the effect of used engine oil on properties of conventional concrete has been carried out on a concrete mix contained 0.075, 0.15 and 0.30% used engine oil by weight of cement. The result shows that used engine oil acted as a chemical plasticizer improving the fluidity and almost doubling the slump of the concrete mix. Furthermore, used engine oil also increased the air content of the fresh concrete mix (almost double), whereas the commercial chemical air-entraining admixture almost quadrupled the air content. They also found that used engine oil maintained the concrete compressive strength whereas the chemical air-entra ining admixture caused a loss of approximately 50% compre ssive strength at all ages. Oyinuola (2009) carried out a research on the influence of diesel oil and bitumen on compressive strength of concrete and found that both diesel oil and bitumen contaminated cubes have their compressive strength increased up to 58 day and 88 day respectively and reduced thereafter. He discovered that the higher the percentages of diesel and bitumen in sand the lower the concrete compressive strength obtained. He explained that the strength reduction was because the surface areas of sand particles were coated with oil, such that, physical bond formation between cement paste and fine aggregate was hindered. In the construction industry, strength is a primary criterion in selecting a concrete for a particular application (Ogork et al., 2014). The strength of laterized concrete will depend on the contents of used engine oil in the mix and the age of curing. The gain in strength of concrete takes a long period of time after casting. According to Ogork et al. (2014) reliable prediction for strength of concrete is important, because it provides the chance to carry out necessary adjustment on the mix proportion used so as to avoid the situation where the concrete does not reach the target design strength. Hence, a 12 American Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering (2015) 11-15 reliable strength prediction for laterized concrete will also be important. According to Ogork et al. (2014) prediction of concrete strength has been an active area of research and a considerable number of studies have been conducted on prediction of strength of concrete at various ages with high level of accuracy. But all this while, concentration has been on conventional concrete. It is against this background that this paper is aimed at producing strength models for laterized concrete for design prediction. 2. Materials and Methods 2.1. Materials Ordinary Portland cement produced in Nigeria (Dangote brand), with a specific gravity of 3.14 was used. Sharp Sand was obtained from Gidan-kwano area of Niger State, Nigeria, with a specific gravity of 2.61, bulk density of 1416.67Kg/m3; moisture content of 10.02% was used. The particle size distribution of the sand shown in Figure 1 indicates that it is within the grading limits specified by BS 882: 1992 and therefore acceptable as standard sand for making concrete. The lateritic material use was obtained from Julius Berger borrow pit at Maikunkele in Niger State, Nigeria. The specific gravity is 2.62, moisture content is 20.42% and bulk density is 1250Kg/m3. The coarse aggregate was crushed granite of nominal size of 20 mm with a specific gravity of 2.54, moisture content of 21.94%, and bulk density of 1260.56Kg/m3, obtained from Tri-Acta Quarry in Minna, Niger State, Nigeria. The particle size distribution shown in figure 2 also indicates that it is within the grading limits specified by BS 882: 1992. 2.2. Mix Design A mix of 1:1.5:3 (cement, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate) corresponding to concrete grade 30 was used for this research because it is the most suitable mix for structural application (Balogun & Adepegba, 1982). The percentage replacement of sand with laterite is 0% and 20% substitute of fine aggregate and 0.65 water/cement ratio was used. The 0% replacement serves as the control. Quantities of used engine oil added as admixture to the concrete were 0%, 0.075%, 0.15%, 0.30%, and 0.60% of the weight of cement. Again 0% UEO addition serves as control. The Absolute Volume method was adopted for the computation of the quantities of materials required. Table 1 gives the materials batch weights for the five mixes for 20% of laterite substitution for fine aggregate. Table 1. The Weight of Constituent Material for Each Batch with 20% Laterite (%) of UEO Mix proportion W/C Ratio Cement (kg) Sand (kg) Laterite (kg) Coarse agg. (kg) Water (kg) UEO (kg) 0 0.075 0.15 0.30 0.60 1:1.5:3 1:1.5:3 1:1.5:3 1:1.5:3 1:1.5:3 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 43.95 43.95 43.95 43.95 43.95 56.02 56.02 56.02 56.02 56.02 14.01 14.01 14.01 14.01 14.01 135.42 135.42 135.42 135.42 135.42 28.50 28.50 28.50 28.50 28.50 0 0.033 0.066 0.132 0.264 2.3. Compressive and Splitting Tensile Strength Tests on UEO-Laterized Concrete Mixtures The compressive and splitting tensile strengths of laterized concrete admixed with UEO were carried out in accordance with BS 1881 Part 116 (1983) and BS 1881 Part 117 (1983) respectively. The samples were cast in steel moulds of 100 mm cubes and 150 mm diameter by 150 mm long cylinders for compressive and splitting tensile strength respectively. They were cured in water for 7, 21, 28, 56 and 90 days. A total of 150 samples were tested for both compressive and splitting tensile strength tests and at the end of every curing cycle, 3 samples were crushed using the ELE 2000 KN capacity mechanically operated hydraulic compression testing machine. 2.4. Statistical Modeling of the UEO-Laterized Concrete Mixtures Statistical models were developed from experimental data using MINITAB software to predict strength behavior of UEO-Laterized concrete at 20 % laterite replacement of sand. In developing the compressive strength and splitting tensile strength prediction models of the laterized concrete, two effects were considered; (i) influence of used engine oil content and (ii) influence of curing on the laterized concrete strength. The software generates model equations and graphs that would best fit the experimental data. A comparison is then made between the experimental data and data generated by the models and the error difference evaluated. 3. Results and Discussion The results of the investigations are presented and discussed below: 3.1. Compressive and Splitting Tensile Strengths The compressive and splitting tensile strength development of UEO-concrete is illustrated in Figures 1 and 2 respectively. American Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering (2015) 11-15 13 Similarly, it is also observed in Figure 2 that the splitting tensile strength increased with age of curing but decrease with increase in UEO content. The splitting tensile strength of control laterized concrete was higher than that of UEO-Laterized concrete at all ages. The 28 days splitting tensile strength of the control was 1.76N/mm2 while the reduction in the strength of UEO-laterized concrete ranged from 0.56 – 6.48% of control, with laterized concrete containing 0.075 and 0.60% UEO content having the least and maximum strength reduction respectively. 3.2. Regression Models for UEO-Laterized Concrete The regression equations generated for compressive and splitting tensile strengths of UEO-Laterized Concrete models are given in equations 1and 2, respectively. Figure 1. Compressive Strength Development of UEO-Laterized Concrete Figure 2. Splitting Tensile Strength Development of UEO-Laterized Concrete It can be observed in Figure 1 that compressive strength increase with age of curing but decrease with increase in UEO content at all ages. The 28 days compressive strength of laterized concrete without UEO was 28.78 N/mm2 which is less than 30 N/mm2 (the characteristic strength for grade 30 for normal concrete) but more than 25N/mm2 (the characteristic strength for grade 25 for normal concrete). This means that grade 30 normal concrete is equivalent to grade 25 laterized concrete. And since the 28 days compressive strength of UEO-laterized concrete with up to 0.3% UEO content exceeded the characteristic strength of 25N/mm2 for grade 25 laterized concrete, 0.3% UEO would be considered as the optimum percentage replacement. The reduction in the 28 days compressive strength of UEO-Laterized concrete ranged from 0.07 – 15.88% of control at UEO content of 0.075 – 0.60%, with the highest reduction occurring at 0.60%. The decrease in compressive strength of laterized concrete could be due to the fact that the surface areas of the binder (cement) were coated with oil, such that physical bond formation between cement paste and the aggregates (sand, laterite and coarse aggregates) was hindered thereby slowing down the rate of strength development especially at the early ages (Oyinuola, 2009). fc = 9.03 - 0.85 UEO + 6.25 A (1) ft = - 0.12 - 0.10 UEO + 0.71 A (2) Where; fc is laterized concrete compressive strength, ft is laterized concrete splitting tensile strength, UEO and A are Used Engine Oil content and curing age of samples, respectively. At 0.05 level of significance, from the regression analysis, P-value = 0.001 for UEO content and 0.000 for age of curing of laterized concrete, and shows that both variables are highly significant (P < 0.05) and indicates that the variation in the laterized concrete compressive strength is caused by UEO content and age of curing. In the case of splitting tensile strength of laterized concrete, the regression analysis shows P-value = 0.000 for both UEO content and age of curing of laterized concrete, and also indicates that both variables are very significant and influence the variation of splitting tensile strength of laterized concrete. The coefficient of determination, (R2) is 0.899 and 0.925 for compressive strength and splitting tensile strength, respectively and implies that the variation of laterized concrete strengths is significantly dependent on the variations of UEO content and age of curing. The residual and normality plots (Figures. 3 and 4 5 and 6) were drawn for the compressive and splitting tensile strengths of laterized concrete to further examine how well the models fit the data used. It was observed that there were few large residuals (Elinwa & Abdulkadir, 2011) and limited apparent out-lier (Razak & Wong, 2004). This confirms that the models are adequate for strength prediction. 14 American Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering (2015) 11-15 Figure 3. Residual Versus Fittde Values for Compressive Strength of UEO-Laterized Concrete Figure 4. Normal Probability of Residuals for Compressive Strength of UEO-Laterized Concrete Figure 5. Residual Versus Fitted Valuse for Splitting Tensile Strength of UEO-Laterized Concrete American Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering (2015) 11-15 15 Figure 6. Normal Probability of Residuals for Splitting Tensile Strength of UEO-Laterized Concrete 4. Conclusion I.The compressive strength and splitting tensile strength of laterized concrete decrease with increase in UEO content. The highest reduction in the 28 days compressive strength of UEO-Laterized concrete was 15.88% of control at UEO content of 0.60%. II. For structural application, 0.3% UEO should be used as the optimum percentage replacement in laterized concrete to act as chemical retarder suitable for hot weather concreting and long haulage of ready mixed laterized concrete. III. The regression models for UEO-laterized concrete with R2 values of 0.899 and 0.925 for compressive strength and splitting tensile strength respectively were good for prediction of laterized concrete strengths. References Balogun, L. A., & Adepegba, D. (1982). Effect of Varying Sand Content in Laterized Concrete, International Journal of Cement Composites and Lightweight Concrete, 4, 235-241. Bilal, S. H., Ahmad, A. R., & Muttassem E. (2003). Effect of used engine oil on properties of fresh and hardened concrete, Elsevier Science Ltd, Construction and Building Materials, 311-318. BS (1983). Method of determination of compressive strength of concrete cubes. British Standard Institution, London, 1881, Part 116. BS (1983). 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