M.C.E. Society’s M. A. RANGOONWALA COLLEGE OF DENTAL SCIENCES & RESEARCH CENTRE, PUNE COLLEGE ENTRANCE TEST – 2015 For Admission to 1st Year BDS IMPORTANT INFORMATION AT A GLANCE Sale of Information Brochure and Application forms .......... 01st April 2015 to 08th May 2015 Submission of application forms (on or before) ........................ 08th May 2015 Last Date to receive admit card by the candidate .................. 09th May 2015 Date of Examination .................................................................. Sunday 10th May 2015 Centre of Examination ABEDA INAMDAR JUNIOR COLLEGE FOR GIRLS, AZAM CAMPUS, CAMP, PUNE - 1. Schedule of Examination. a) Entry in Examination Hall .......................................................... b) Distribution of answer sheets .................................................. c) Examination commences ......................................................... d) Last entry permitted in examination hall .................................. e) Examination concludes ............................................................. Declaration of Results & Provisional Merit List…………....…… Last date of representation ……………………………...……… f) Verification of marks or any other details with prescribed fees Declaration of Final Merit List ......................................................... Declaration of the first round admission ....................................... Last date of joining the college after the first round ....................... Declaration of the second round admission .................................. Last date of joining after second round ......................................... Filling of vacant seats if any by the college ................................... Cut-off-date of admission process for 1st Year BDS course as per regulation of the Dental Council of India ........................... Note : - (i) 1.30 p.m. 1.50 p.m 2.00 p.m. 2.00 p.m. 5.00 p.m. 13th July 2015 15th July 2015 20st July 2015 13th Aug.2015 20th Aug 2015 22nd Aug.2015 29th Aug.2015 31st Aug.2015 30th September 2015 Material to be brought on the day of examination: Admit card, Receipt-cum Identity Card, Card Board/Clip Board, Black ball point pens. (ii) Certificates/Documents to be brought at the time of admission to the college all original certificates and one set of attested photocopies. (iii) College Entrance Test 2015 Mark Sheet; Nationality Certificate; SSC Certificate, HSC Certificate; Admit Card; Receipt-cum-Identity Card; Medical Fitness Certificate. (iv) Full fee & bank guarantee for remaining four years fee from the Nationalized or Co-operative bank acceptable to the College authorities. (A) M.C.E. Society’s M. A. RANGOONWALA COLLEGE OF DENTAL SCIENCES & RESEARCH CENTRE, PUNE. COLLEGE ENTRANCE TEST 2015 Sr.No CONTENTS Pg. No. 1 PREAMBLE 1 2 DEFINITIONS 2 3 CONDUCT OF COLLEGE ENTRANCE TEST 2014 3 4 AVAILABILITY OF FORMS 4 5 ELIGIBILITY 4 6 DISTRIBUTION OF SEATS 7 7 APPLICATION 8 8 REVALUATION OF HSC (OR EQUIVALENT) MARKS 9 9 PREPARATION OF MERIT LIST 9 10 SELECTION PROCESS 10 11 DISQUALIFICATION FOR ADMISSION 11 12 CONDUCT AND DISCIPLINE 11 13 RAGGING BAN 12 14 INSURANCE SCHEME 12 15 ANNEXURE “A” – CERTIFICATE OF MEDICAL FITNESS 13 16 ANNEXURE “B” – SPECIMEN COPY OF APPLICATION FORM 14 -15 17 ANNEXURE “C” – APPLICATION FOR INTERNATIONAL ADMISSION 16 - 17 18 ANNEXURE “D” – SPECIMEN COPY – ANSWER SHEET 18 19 ANNEXURE “E” – RECEIPT CUM-IDENTITY CARD 19 20 ANNEXURE “F” – APPLICATION FOR – VERIFICATION OF MARKS 20 21 ANNEXURE “G” – SPECIMEN COPY STATEMENT OF MARKS 21 22 ANNEXURE “H” – DRAFT OF UNDERTAKING 22 - 24 (TO BE FURNISHED BY THE STUDENTS & PARENTS) 23 INSTRUCTION TO THE CANDIDATE (B) 25 M.C.E. Society’s M. A. RANGOONWALA COLLEGE OF DENTAL SCIENCES & RESEARCH CENTRE, PUNE. COLLEGE ENTRANCE TEST 2015 PREAMBLE The M.A. Rangoonwala College of Dental Sciences & Research Centre situated at Pune, is a Recognized college by the Central Government, permitted by the State Government & is affiliated to the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik. This college is established from the Academic year 2001- 2002 & is situated in Cantonment Area of Pune City. This College is a part of an huge campus where several professional & other colleges are also established & administered by the parent society i.e. The Maharashtra Cosmopolitan Education Society, Pune. The college has all infrastructural facilities such as building, furniture, fixtures, equipments, machinery required for the B.D.S. course. There are separate boys & girls hostels provided for the students. College has fully qualified & well-experienced faculty & the University examination results of the college for the previous years are excellent. After the Judgment dated 31st Oct. 2002 of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in the case of T.M.A. Pai Foundation & Others versus State of Karnataka & others and after order dated 14th August 2003 of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in the case of Islamic Academy & Others Vs. State of Karnataka & Others, our college had filed SLP (C) bearing No. 9932 of 2004 in the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India. After hearing State Government & us, the Division bench of the Hon’ble Supreme Court consisting of Hon. Justice Mrs. Ruma Pal & Hon. Justice Mr. B.N. Agarwal was pleased to pass interim orders on 28th May 2004 allowing our college to conduct Entrance Test. Again our Special Leave Petition was heard by the Division Bench of the Honorable. Supreme Court of India on 16-7-2004 consisting of Mrs. Ruma Pal & Mr.Arun Kumar J. J. and it was ordered that our SLP be referred to a larger bench of the Honorable Supreme Court. The case known as P. A. Inamdar V/s. State of Maharashtra, the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in its judgment dated 12/8/2005, has laid down the Law that the Government Quota and its Reservation Policy in Unaided Minority Educational Institution cannot be enforced and further that Minority Educational Institutions are entitled to admit Non-Minority and N.R.I. candidates. Also that the college can admit Muslim students from outside State based on this judgment, this year admissions will be carried out. Further Hon. Bombay High Court by its order dated 13/04/2007 in W.P. No. 2401 of 2007 has allowed our college to hold college entrance test. This decision of the Hon. Bombay High Court was challanged by the Govt. of Maharashtra through special leave petition No. 9309 of 2007 before the Hon. Supreme Court of India. In the said SLP an interim order was sought however the Hon. Supreme Court has declined to stay order of the Hon. Bombay High Court dated 13/04/2007 in Writ Petition No 2401 of 2007. The said SLP (C) No. 9309 of 2007 is ordered to be taged with the pending SLP (C) No. 9652 of 2006. By order of 16/05/2007 the Hon. Supreme Court has adimited the (1) SLP (C) No. 9652 of 2006 and the said SLP is still pending. For the acedemic year 2013 decision of the Hon Pravesh Niyantran Samiti refusing College Entrance test to one Medical College and one Dental College was challenged before Hon. Bombay High Court by Writ Petitions No. 1970 of 2013 and 2190 of 2013. Both these Writ Petitions by two orders. Dated 4-9-2013 & they have been allowed to conduct their College Entrance Test. This may also be noted. Based on this every year our college is conducting College Entrance Test. This test is held under the supervision of the Maharashtra Pravesh Niyantran Samity as per approved Rules Time table and procedure. For Acedemic year 2014-2015 our college had sought permission of Pravesh Niyantran Samiti Mumbai. However the Samiti declined such permission vide meeting dated 22-11-2013 item No. 5 (f) & letter dated 3-12-2013. This decision of the Samiti was challenged by our college before the Hon. Bombay High Court by Writ Petition No. 2335 of 2014. The Hon. Bombay High court by order dated 3-4-2014 permitted our college to conduct the College Entrance Test. Accordingly the CET-2014 is being conducted. The College Entrance Test shall be conducted under the supervision of the Pravesh Niyatran Samiti, Maharashtra State Mumbai. The admissions through College Entrance Test 2015 shall be for Muslim Minority Quota seats. As regards admission of 25% of Non-Minority students, the first preference will be given to MHT-CET-2015 passed candidate on the basis of inter-se-merit. After exhausting MHT-CET-2015 candidates next preference shall be given to Asso - CET 2015 candidates on the basis of inter-se-merit and who apply to the College Foreign Muslim students are included in Muslim Quota and have to appear for College Entrance Test. (CET 2015). However, N.R.I. Students need not go through CET. Admission in N.R.I. Quota seats shall be on merit. College Entrance Test 2015 will be in the form of multiple – choice questions. The admission will be on the basis of merit in this College Entrance Test 2015. This brochure for College Entrance Test 2015 contains single application form for entrance examination. It also contains Rules for admission, process of selection etc. These Rules are applicable only for the Academic year 2015-2016. 1. DEFINITION “The Competent Authority” The Competent Authority is an authority appointed by the College to conduct College Entrance Test 2015 and to declare the result, supervise and control the selection process. The members of the competent authority are also Grievance Redressal Authority who will take care of all complaints pertaining to the College Entrance Test 2015. The Chairman of the Competent Authority shall be an Appellate Authority. Further the Competent Authority will issue necessary executive instructions for implementation and provide relevant information to be published or communicated. The Competent Authority shall consist of Chairman and two Members, who are 1) Dr. R. D. Joseph, Chairman 2) Dr. M.G. Mulla, Member 3) Dr. Bhushan Patil, Member “Council” Council means Dental Council of India, New Delhi. (2) 2. CONDUCT OF COLLEGE ENTRANCE TEST 2015 2.1 College Entrance Test 2015 and CAP shall be conducted by the Competent Authority appointed by the M.A. Rangoonwala College of Dental Sciences & Research Centre, Pune in fair and transparent manner. Candidates should go through the contents of this Brochure & Rules carefully and for any clarification and genuine doubts / difficulties approach the Competent Authority. Further information of admission process will be updated and published regularly on the College official Website : www.mardentalcollege.org 2.2 College Entrance Test 2015 will be conducted at the following centre. ABEDA INAMDAR JUNIOR COLLEGE FOR GIRLS 2390 K.B. HIDAYATULLA ROAD, AZAM CAMPUS, CAMP, PUNE – 411 001. Due to unforeseen circumstances during the conduct of College EntranceTest 2015 at this Centre and in the contingencies like incidence of mass copying, leakage of question paper, entrance of unauthorized persons in the examination centers/ halls, natural calamities, riots, etc. rendering it impossible for the smooth conduct of College Entrance Test 2015, the Competent Authority may cancel the examination. It shall further notify on the official Website of the fresh program for conduct of College Entrance Test 2015. 2.3. Syllabus for the College Entrance Test 2015 will be same as for the current year for HSC Examination of HSC Board of Maharashtra or equivant Board for Physics, Chemistry and Biology syllabus as the case may be. 2.4. The College Entrance Test 2015 will consist of one common question paper in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Botany & Zoology) consisting of 200 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ’s) 50 in Physics, 50 in Chemistry & 100 in Biology. There is no choice among the questions. The candidate is expected to attempt all the 200 questions. Out of four circles provided for selection of answer against a question, the candidate should fill up one circle only. Each correct answer will be given one mark. 2.5. Duration of paper will be of 3 hours. The medium of examination shall be ENGLISH & URDU. 2.6. No candidate will be allowed to appear for College Entrance Test 2015 unless he / she holds valid admit card issued by the Competent Authority. 2.7. FUNCTIONS OF THE COMPETENT AUTHORITY The Competent Authority will conduct College Entrance Test 2015 and display the Provisional Merit list on the official Website of the College www.mardentalcollege.org on 13-7-2015. The competent Authority also will be grievance redressal authority, who will take care of all complaints of students/ parents during CET examination and admission process. The appellate authority to hear and decide and dispose of grievances against the decisions of said competent authority will be Principal of the college. CET will be conducted in fair and transparent manner and admission process will be done on the basis of merit. (3) Schedule of CET will be as per directives of the Supreme Courts of India. The Chairman of the Competent Authority the Appellate Authority hear and The Competent Authority will declare thewill finalbemerit list of candidates ontothe basis of College Test grievances 2011 on 21-7-2012 on College decideEntrance and dispose against the decisionwebsite. of said Competent Authority . 3. AVAILABILITY OF FORMS : CET will be conducted in fair, transperant manner and admission process will be done Application forms will be available at M. A. Rangoonwala college of Dental Sciences on the basis of merit. and Research Centre, Pune on payment of Rs. 750/- by D.D. drawn in favour of M.A. Rangoonwala of Dental & Research Centre, payable PuneThe & also the Schedule College of CET will be as Sciences per directives of the Supreme Court ofatIndia. Compeform tent can Authority be down loaded fromthe theprovisional website. However submitting form to college D.D. will declare merit listwhile on 13-07-2015 and the final merit list of Rs. 750/- has to be enclosed. of candidates on the basis of COLLEGE ENTRANCE TEST 2015 on 20-07-2015 on 4. ELIGIBILITY: College Website. ELIGIBILITY FOR ADMISSION TO HEALTH SCIENCE DEGREE COURSES 3. AVAILABILITY The Eligibility,OF TieFORMS breaker: and time schedule shall be at par with the rules of the MHTCET 2012 canducted DMER.at M. A. Rangoonwala college of Dental Sciences Application forms will by be the available 4.1. andThe candidate may Pune be anon Indian National within outside Maharashtra. Research Centre, payment of Rs. 750/-or and examination fees isPersons 750/- by of Indian Origin (PIO), Non Resident Indian (NRI), Foreingner or Overseas Citizen of India D.D. drawn in favour of M.A. Rangoonwala College of Dental Sciences & Research (OCI) are eligible. Centre, payable at Pune & also the form can be down loaded from the website. How4.2. The candidate must be born on or before 31st December 1995 to be eligible to ever submitting the Test form 2012. to college Rs. 750/- has to be enclosed. appear forwhile College Entrance The D.D. Birthofcertificate indicating the name of the candidate, Secondary School Certificate i.e. SSC or equivalent examination 4. ELIGIBILITY: certificate or School Leaving certificate endorsing the date of birth will constitute the FOR ADMISSION TO HEALTH SCIENCE DEGREE COURSES The valid ELIGIBILITY proof. Tie breaker and Schedule shallcriteria be as per theimplemented rules of the MHT-CET-2015 4.2.1.Eligibility, Upper age limit & number of attempts ( to be from entrance examination 2012. i.e. Govt. Academic Year 2012-2013. conducted by the DMER, of Maharashtra, and as applicable to the Minority Institu4.2.1.1 Upper age limit is 25 years as on 31st December of the year of the Entrance tions. Examination. Further provided that this upper age shall be relaxed by a period 4.1 The an Indian National to within or outsidereservation. Maharashtra. Persons of of candidate 5 years formay the be candidates belonging constitutional Indian (PIO), Non Resident Indian (NRI), Foreigner Overseas Citizen of India The Origin number of attempts which candidates can avail at or Entrance Examination (OCI) are shall beeligible. limited to 3(three) uniformly for all the candidates. 4.2 (i) He/She has completed age of 17 years at the time of admission or will complete the (4) age on or before 31st December of the year of his / her admission to the 1st year BDS and is an INDIAN 4.3 Course The candidate must beNATIONAL. medically fit and must submit a certificate of medical fitness as per The the Performa (Annexure – A) Birth certificate indicating the name of the candidate, Secondary School 4.4 Certificate A candidate must have passed the SSC or equivalent examination. i.e. SSC or equivalent examination certificate or school Leaving certifi4.5 The candidate must have passed the qualifying examination i.e. Higher Secondary cate endorsing the date of birth will constitute the valid proof. Certificate (HSC/12th Standard) or equivalent examination, (Please refer 4.6, 4.7 & 4.8 for 4.3exception) The Candidate mustPhysics, be medically fit andand must submit(Botany a certificate of Medical with English, Chemistry Biology & Zoology) at thefitness time ofas the Proforma (Annexure-A). admission those who apply under non-minority quota. 4.5.1 Eligibility criteria of Qualifying Examination for B.D.S course will be as per 4.4 The Candidate must have passed the S.S.C or equivalent examination. directives of the Dental Council of India . For BDS - For candidate belonging to Open category-must have obtained minimum 50% marks taken together in Physics, Chemistry & Biology at qualifying examination. A (4) candidate belonging to constitutional reservation must have obtained minimum 40% marks taken together in Physics, Chemistry and Biology at qualifying examination . 4.5 The candidates who are appearing for qualifying examination i.e. HSC (or equivalent exam.) in March 2015 are eligible to appear for College Entrance Test 2015, however they must fulfill the eligibility condition at the time of admission. 4.6 Exception for SSC (10th std. or equivalent examination) Candidate seeking under non-minority quota who has passed SSC or equivalent examination from an institute situated outside Maharashtra State and HSC or equivalent examination from within Maharashtra State is eligible for seeking admission to the courses in Health Sciences provided that he / she is DOMICILE of Maharashtra. 4.7 (i) Exception for SSC (10th) and HSC (12th) or equivalent examination: Children of employees of the Government of Maharashtra or its Undertaking : Children of employees of the Government of Maharashtra or its Undertaking posted on deputation or transfer to a place outside the State of Maharashtra, or transferred from Outside to a place situated within the State of Maharashtra:The children of such employees of Government of Maharashtra or its Undertaking who have joined service since beginning at a place situated outside of State of Maharashtra but who have been transferred to a place situated within the State of Maharashtra shall be eligible for admission even though such children might have passed the SSC(StdX) and / or H.S.C (Std. XII) or equivalent exam from the recognized Institutions situated outside the State of Maharashtra, provided that such an employee of Government of Maharashtra or its Undertaking must have been posted / transferred / deputed at a place of work located in the State of Maharashtra and also must have reported - for - duty i.e. joined the duty before the last date of admission. ii) The candidates belonging to the aforesaid category at (i) shall be required to produce the requisite Certificate from the Office at which such an employee of Government of Maharashtra or its Undertaking has reported for duty as a proof that such employees has joined the office and / or reported for duty before the cut off date for eligibility. The certificate should contain full name of the employee, designation, transfer / posting order number and date, date of joining and present status of posting. A copy of transfer / posting order should also be produced at the time of admission. iii) The children of such employees of Government of Maharashtra or its Undertaking who have been transferred or deputed to a place situated outside the State of Maharashtra or who have returned to the State of Maharashtra after initial transfer / deputation shall be elgible for admission even though such children might have passed the S.S.C. (std. X) and / or H.S.C (Std. XII) or equivalent examinations from the recognized Institutions situated outside the State of Maharashtra. iv) The candidates belonging to the aforesaid category at (iii) above shall be required to produce the requisite Certificate from the Office at which such an employee of Government of Maharashtra or its Undertaking has reported for duty. The certificate should contain full name of the employee, designation, transfer order number and date, date of joining and present status of posting. A copy of transfer order should also be produced at the time of admission. 4.8 Exception of SSC (10th) and HSC (12th) or equivalent examinations: Children of employees of Government of India or its Undertaking:- (5) i) The children of the employees of Government of India or its Undertaking shall be eligible provided he/she has passed exam from the recognized Institutions situated outside the State of Maharashtra, provided that such an employee of Government of India or its Undertaking must have been transferred / posted at a place of work, located in the State of Maharashtra and also must have reported for duty i.e. joined the duty before the last date of admission. ii) The candidates belonging to the aforesaid category (i) shall be required to produce the requisite Certificate from the Office at which such an employee of Government of India or its Undertaking has reported for duty as a proof of the fact that such employee has jointed the office and / or reported for duty before the cut off date for eligibility i.e. at the time of admission. The certificate should contain full name of the employee, designation, transfer / posting order number and date, date of joining and present status of posting. A copy of transfer / posting order should also be produced at the time of admission. 4.9. CET - Marks Eligibility for admission to BDS Course: A candidate belonging to open category must secure not less than 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry & Biology (PCB) taken together at Common Entrance Test i.e. College Entrance Test - 2015. A candidate belonging to constitutional reservation must secure not less than 40% marks in Physics, Chemistry & Biology (PCB) taken together in the College Entrance Test - 2015. 4.10 Cut off date for the eligibility: The eligibility of the candidate shall be determined and / or decided for all purposes including for applicability of all these Rules and Regulations by considering the last cut off date. It is made abundantly clear that if a candidate is found ineligible as on the last cut -off date, in terms of these Rules and Regulations, and if such an ineligible candidate acquires the requisite eligibility after the aforesaid cut off date, such subsequent acquisition of eligibility will not make an ineligible candidate eligible for any purpose whatsoever, much less for the purpose of admission. 4.11 The selected candidates who have cancelled their admission after the cut-off date declared by the respective central councils for the admission to Health Science Course in the year 2013-14 & 2014-15 by the Competent Authority (College Entrance Test - 2013 and College Entrance Test-2014 ) are not eligible to appear at College Entrance Test 2015. Not withstanding anything stated in the rule here-in above, a candidate who was allotted a seat in any course under MUHS Nashik in previous year (s) and who vacates / abandons it after availing the said seat, has completed such a period of course which would result into lapse of the said seat, will not be eligible for appearing at College Entrance Test examination and admission for the next two years. 4.12.1 All those candidates who have passed the S.S.C (Std. X) and / or H.S.C. (Std. XII) or equivalent examinations from an Institutions situated outside the State or country are ELIGIBLE to appear at College Entrance Test 2015 examination and subsequent admission to Health Science course, except those granted exceptions under Rule 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 4.12.2 Penalty for lapse of seat BDS Course : Any candidate responsible for lapse of BDS seat will have to pay a penalty of Rs. 10,00,000/- (Rupee Ten Lacs Only). This penalty is applicable to all those candidates who cancel a seat after last round of admission. This (6) penalty is also applicable to the candidate resigning a seat after cut off date for BDS course or also fails to complete the course. 4.13 Admission to Health Science Course is subject to the grant of eligibility by Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik. 4.14 ADMISSION TO BDS COURSE A candidate must secure not less than 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology (PCB) taken together at College Entrance Test 2015. Based on the Hon’ble Supreme Court order in P. A. Inamdar case, admission quota and category in this unaided M.A. Rangoonwala College of dental Sciences & Research Centre will be as follows: DISTRIBUTION OF SEATS (i) 60 Percent Muslim Minority Quota: For Muslim Candidates from the State of Maharashtra as well as the candidates from the other States and Countries College Entrance Test 2015 shall be the basis for preparing Merit list within this 20 (Twenty) candidates can be Foreign Students. (ii) 25 Percent Non-Minority Quota: Non-minority admission will be carried out on the basis of inter-se- merit. First preference will be given to the candidates from MHT - CET 2015 / there after Asso-CET – 2015 conducted by AMUPMDC marks who apply to the college. (iii) 15 Percent NRI Quota: NRI Quota means as defined by the Hon’ble Supreme Court in P.A. Inamdar V/s. State of Maharashtra case or as would be defined by State Act or Court orders. For NRI candidates, there will be no CET. However NRI quota Merit list will be prepared on inter-se merit basis. If sufficient candidates in one of the above Three category are not available, then seats will be made available to other category as referred to above. Based on above, counseling will be carried out at College Level at Pune and vacancies will be filled up from the open category or reserve category or foreign students on the basis of College Entrance Test 2015 / MHT-CET 2015 or Asso. CET 2015. Note : Pravesh Niyantran Samiti Mumbai has directed that, the admission without CET cannot be approved and no candidate can be admitted without having passed any one CET, except for NRI as defined by the Hon.ble Supreme Court of India, New Delhi and respective Authorities. 4.15 FEE STRUCTURE For Academic Year 2015-2016 candidates, new fee structure as approved by Fee Regulatory Committee, Maharashtra will apply. This fee structure will be approved in due course of time by the committe for 2015 & 2016. Therefore, the fee structure provisional will be same as that of last year i.e. Rs. 1.80 lacs subject to change after decision of the Shikshan Shulk Samiti, Maharashtra. The student has to pay the difference if any. (7) 4.16 MANAGEMENT QUOTA Management quota is 100% Out of this, 15% seats for N.R.I. Quota and 25% seats for Non-minority students and 60% seats for Muslim Minority Students. Non-minority & Minority students from Maharashtra & Foreign countries & all other States of India can apply. 4.17 PAYMENT OF FEES The candidate shall be admitted only on payment of full fees & after furnishing bank guarantee for 3 years remaining fee. 4.18 REFUND OF FEES AFTER CANCELLATION i) As per the directions issued from the Pravesh Niyantran Samiti it has been decided that, if a candidate cancels his/her admission before the cut - off date then college / Institute has to deduct only Rs. 1000/- as administrative charges and balance amount of fees paid by a student be refunded, within two days otherwise the same amount to profiteering and charging of capitation fees. The samiti further directed that the college should also return the original documents/ certificates collected from the students within two days. ii) The samiti further also directed that, if a candidate expires within three months from the date of admission, full refund shall be made after deducting Rs. 1,000/- as administrative charges, iii) After prescribed cut off date no refund shall be made except (ii) above 5. APPLICATION 5.1 Prescribed application forms can be obtained from the M. A. Rangoonwala College of Dental Sciences & Research Centre, Pune. against DD/Pay order drawn on any Bank in the name of the M.A. Rangoonwala College of Dental Sciences & Research Centre, payable at Pune for Rs. 750/- ( Rupees Seven Hundred & Fifty Only.) during office hours or can be downloaded from the website & submitted with D. D. of requisite amount. 5.2 The application must be filled by the candidate in his/her own handwriting using black ballpoint pen. The application form complete in all respect shall be submitted along with DD/ Pay order drawn on any Bank for the Examination Fee of Rs.750 (Rupees Seven Hundred & Fifty Only) in the name of the M.A. Rangoonwala College of Dental Sciences & Research Centre, payable at Pune on or before 09th May 2015 prescribed for the same. Those candidates who down load application from website have to pay Rs. 1500/- by two D.Ds of Rs. 750/- each for application & examination fee purpose respectively. Duly completed form can also be submitted on line and requisite fees can be credited in the Account No. 501049188 of I.C.I.C.I Bank. (Bund Garden Branch) 5.3 Incomplete application form will be rejected. 5.4 The authorized official accepting the Application Form shall issue Receipt Cum Identity Card attesting the Photograph of the candidate with his signature and stamp. (8) 5.5 Candidate will receive the Admit Card in person or Regd. Post / Speed Post. In case the candidate does not receive Admit Card on or before prescribed date he/she should approach the office with the Receipt Cum Identity Card and passport size photograph for Duplicate Admit Card. The Candidate is required to preserve the Receipt Cum Identity Card and Admit Card for all future references. 5.6. The candidate shall submit one and only one application form. In case candidate submits more than one application form, he/she be disqualified for appearing for College Entrance Test 2015. 6. REVALUATION OF HSC (or equivalent) MARKS. If the marks of a candidate at HSC (or equivalent) examination have been revised on reevaluation, the eligibility of the candidate may be altered. The candidate will be permitted to avail the benefit of revised marks subject to his/her representation to that effect to the Competent Authority and production of necessary proof to the satisfaction of the Competent Authority. The candidates must note that the Competent Authority will not be responsible for late declaration of result of such revaluation or late submission of proof due to any reason whatsoever and request to consider/reconsider the claim of the candidate arising out of such revaluation shall not be entertained. 7. PREPARATION OF MERIT LIST 7.1 BASIS OF SELECTION Marks obtained by the Candidate at the College Entrance Test 2015 will form the basis of selection. 7.2 TIE – BREAKERS In case of equal marks at the College Entrance Test 2015, the following procedure shall be adopted for deciding inter-se-merit. which is as per MHT-CET-2015 / Asso-CET 2015 rules First level : A candidate with higher total of marks in Physics, Chemistry Biology at the College Entrance Test 2015 Examination shall be preferred, if the tie still persists then: Second level : A Candidate with higher marks in Biology at the College Entrance Test 2015 Examination shall be preferred, if the tie still persists then: Third level : A candidate with higher marks in Chemistry at the College Entrance Test 2015 Examination shall be preferred, if the tie still persists then: (9) Fourth level : A candidate with higher percentage of aggregate marks at the S.S.C. (or equivalent) Examination shall be preferred, if the tie still persists then Fifth level : An older candidate shall be preferred over a younger Candidate. 7.3 The candidates will receive the mark sheet from the College. 7.3.1 The mark sheet will contain details regarding marks obtained by the candidate and merit number. Candidates are requested to take note of the contents of the mark sheet carefully. In case any deficiencies are noticed, he / she should contact the competent Authority within 48 hours from the declaration of the result for corrections, if any. 7.3.2 Duplicate Mark Sheet In case of loss of original College Entrance Mark Sheet a duplicate Mark Sheet can be obtained with a plain paper application addressed to the College along with a D.D of Rs. 1000/- in favour of M. A. Rangoonwala College of Dental Sciences & Research Centre, Pune payable at Pune. 7.3.3 VERIFICATION OF MARKS If candidate wishes to verify the Answer sheet a written representation in prescribed Performa (Annexure F) should be submitted to the Competent Authority within 3 days of declaration of results along with DD / Pay order of Rs. 1000/- drawn on any bank in favor of M.A. Rangoonwala College of Dental Sciences & Research Centre, payable at Pune. The candidate will be given photocopy of the answer sheet and model answer key after verification. 8. 8.1 SELECTION PROCESS College Entrance Test 2015 Provisional Merit list will be displayed on the website of the College on 13-7-2015. 8.2 After re-verification/re-totaling of marks the Final merit list will be displayed on the College Website on 20-7-2015. 8.3 The selection to be made on the basis of merit in College Entrance Test 2015. 8.4 On completion of First round admission, the vacant seats will be filled in by conducting second round. The last date for joining after 2nd round candidates will be 29-8-2015. For remaining vacancies after second round on the basis of College Entrance Test 2015, the vacant seats will be filled in. In case of vacancy after this stage on the basis of Criteria mentioned above, admissions shall be carried out of available students from either of the three catagories mentioned at Rule 4.14 ( i to iii) Note: The candidate is advised to refer to the official Website of the College for change in dates if any. (10) Instructions: While deciding the tie, tie breaker rule 7.2 will be applied. The candidate must produce following original certificates along with a set of attested photocopies of all the certificates at the time of reporting to the College. Nationality Certificate College Entrance Test 2015 mark list HSC (or equivalent) examinations mark sheet SSC (or equivalent) passing certificate and SCC (or equivalent) statement of marks Medical fitness certificate in the prescibe formet. College Entrance Test 2015 Admit card. College Entrance Test 2015 receipt cum Identity card. The candidate who has taken admission elsewhere should bring letter from the Principal stating that the original certificates are retained by that Institution. However, the candidate must produce the attested copies of all original certificates. 9. DISQUALIFICATION FOR ADMISSION 9.1 Any candidate himself or his Authorized Proxy if found obstructing the admission process or trying to influence it by unlawful manner or creating nuisance the candidate shall be liable for disqualification from the admission process. The decision taken by the College Authority shall be final and binding. 10. Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik shall take the decision regarding granting of the eligibility of selected candidates. 11 CONDUCT AND DISCIPLINE 11.1 The student while studying in the Health Sciences Courses if found indulging in anti national activities, unlawful activities or ragging in any form, contrary to the provisions of Acts and Law enacted by the Government, will be liable to be expelled from the college by the Principal of the College. 11.2 Failure of the candidate in making full and correct statements in the application form and/or suppression of any information will be liable for disqualification of the candidate at later date. Such a candidate will be debarred from the entire selection process and pursuing the course of studies. 11.3 It is the responsibility of every candidate to submit proper documents. Any attempt to submit documents, which are not genuine, will lead to cancellation of the admission of the candidate, forfeiture of the fees, deposits and expulsion of the candidate from the college by the Competent Authority or by his authorized official. The name of such candidate/s shall be deleted from the State Merit List and he/she will not be eligible for further rounds of the selection process and will be debarred from the selection process. If deemed fit even criminal (11) proceeding may be initiated by the Competent Authority or his authorized official against such candidates/their parent. 11.4 RAGGING BAN Pursuant to the order in W.P.(Civil) No. 656 of 1999, Hon’ble Supreme court of India, has directed the Department of Human Resources Development and Education, Govt. of India to take all necessary steps to curb the menace of ragging and take severe action against the students involved in such activities. These guidelines are strictly implemented Since inception no incidence of ragging is reported in this college. 11.5 As per the provision of Maharashtra Act XXXIII known as “ Maharashtra Prohibition of Ragging Act of 1999”, students indulging in ragging can be punished under the Act resulting in suspension, expulsion from the college and imprisonment. 11.6 Every student and their parent have to furnish the undertaking as per Hon’ble. Supreme Court directions to curb the menace of ragging as per draft (ANNEXURE- H) attached herewith. 11.6 Any issue not dealt herein above will be dealt with when arising fully and finally by the competent authority & College. 12. INSURANCE SCHEME. In accordance with GR.No. MED-100/880/CR-123/EDU-1, dated 23/10/2003 “Amartya Shiksha Yojana”, as insurance scheme has been introduced by Govt. of Mahrashtra. The details about this scheme shall be known to the candidate at the time of admission. 13. THE GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL. The Competent Authority will be Grievance Redressal Authority who will take care of all complaints of students / parents during CET Examination and admission process Principal will be a appellate Authority to hear and decide and dispose off grievance against the decision of the said Competent Authority. Sd/Competent Authority College Entrance Test 2015 Place : Pune Date : (12) ANNEXURE – A CERTIFICATE OF MEDICAL FITNESS A candidate must be medically fit to undergo the professional course applied for. The medical fitness must be certified by a Registered Medical Practitioner in the prescribed proforma, as given below on Letter head: CERTIFICATE OF MEDICAL FITNESS This is to certify that I have conducted clinical examination of Mr. / Ms. ___________________________________________________________ who is desirous of admission to Course in Health Sciences. He/She has not given any personal history of any disease incapacitating him/her to undergo the professional course. Also on clinical examination it has been found that he/she is medically fit to undergo the professional course. Certified further, that he/she has not shown any evidence of major defects of posture, locomotion, vision, hearing or any other systemic disorder. Though, following deviations have been revealed, in my opinion, these are not impediments to pursue a career as a Dental Practitioner. 1. 2. 3. Address of the Registered Medical Practitioner Signature Name Registration No. Seal of Registered Medical Practitioner Date : Place: Seal of the College Signature of Receiving Authority (13) ANNEXURE – B Application Form No. M.C.E. Society’s M. A. RANGOONWALA COLLEGE OF DENTAL SCIENCES & RESEARCH CENTRE, PUNE. APPLICATION FORM FOR COLLEGE ENTRANCE TEST 2015 gyMZm INSTRUCTIONS 1. hm AO© ^aÊ`mnydu gmo~V Agcoë¶m ‘m{hVrnwñVH$mVrc gd© gyMZm H$miOrnyd©H$ dmMmì¶mV. 2. AOm©Vrc ‘m{hVr R>iH$ B§J«Or Ajao d B§J«Or AmH$S>çm§‘ܶoM H$miçm ~m°cnoZZo Mm¡H$moZmÀ¶m H$S>m§Zm ñne© Z H$aVm ^amdr. 3. AOm©da BVaÌ Hw$R>ohr IwUm H$é Z¶oV. 4. AOm©cm nrZ / Q>mMUr cmdy Z¶o VgoM AO© H$moU˶mhr àH$mao Iam~ hmoUma Zmhr ¶mMr H$miOr ¿¶mdr. 5. cmJw Agcoë¶m ‘m{hVr g§~§YrMo dVw©i d Ago g§nyU© ^amdo. O O A Ago ^é Z¶o. 1. Read all the instructions in the Brochure before Filling up this form. 2. Write with BLACK ball point pen in boxes using English capital letters or Enlgish numerals without touching the outline of the box. 3. Do not make any stray marks on this sheet. 4. Do not staple, pin, wrinkle, scribble, tear, wet or fold this sheet. 5. Shade the appropriate circles liekt his A Not like this O O A 3. Contact Telephone Number 1. Name of the Candidate ( Write within the boxes ) First Name STD Code - Telephone Number o 4. Date of Birth Mother’s Name DATE MONTH / Father’s / Middle Name YEAR / 4. Percentage of marks obtained at SSC (or equivalent) . Surname / Last Name % 5. Percentage of marks obtained at HSC (or equivalent) . 2. Name & Address of the Institute at HSC (or equivalent) % 6. Percentage of Marks in PCB Physics Chemistry Biology Total % Write the appropriate Alpha-Number in the box (eg. A1 or B2 etc. ) 7. Sex 8. Nationality A1. Male B2. Female A1. Indian B2. Foreigner 9. SSC passed from school situated A1. In Maharashtra B2. Outside Maharashtra 10. HSC (or equivalent) passed / appeared from School / Jr. College A1. In Maharashtra B2. Outside Maharashtra PIN 11. I want to have the question paper in English Urdu 12. Candidate’s Name & complete Address ( Write with BLACK ball point pen in BLOCK letters within the box only ) 13. Signature of Candidate (within the Box only) 14. PHOTOGRAPH Paste a 3.5cm x 4.5 cm. size Black & White Photograph only. Photograph must not be larger than this box. Not to be attested PINCODE : (14) 14. Declarations by the candidate 1. I hereby solemnly and sincerely affirm that the statements made and information given by me in the application form is true and correct. 2. I have not concealed any material information, however if any information submitted herein is fraudulent, incorrect, or untrue, I understand that I am liable to criminal prosecution and I also agree to forgo my seat in Dental college. Further that the selection and admission to the course is liable to be cancelled. 3. I agree to abide by the Rules and Regulations as contained in the Information Brochure. 4. At present I am not a student of Health Science course any where in Maharashtra. 5. I undertake to submit all the required certificates at the time of my selction during admission process as per the rules, failing which my claim for selection shall not be granted. Date : Place : Signature of the Candidate 15. Declaration by the Parent / Guardian I have fully read the information furnished by my son / daughter / ward and affirm that it is true and if it is proved that the information is fraudulent, I am liable for criminal prosecution. Date : Place : Signature of Father / Mother / Guardian FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) (15) ANNEXUR - C M.C.E.Society’s M. A. RANGOONWALA COLLEGE OF DENTAL SCIENCES & RESEARCH CENTRE, PUNE (Recognised by the Government of India) (Affiliated to Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik) 2390-B, K.B.Hidayatullah Road, Azam Campus, Camp, Pune-411001. Tel.No.020-26430959/60/61 Fax: 020-26430692 Email:[email protected] Website: mardentalcollege.org. APPLICATION FOR INTERNATIONAL ADMISSION (TO BE FILLED IN BLOCK LETTERS) Dully filled in application form along with necessary documents and application fee of US$ 50/- or Rs 3200/- in favour of ‘M.A.Rangoonwala College of Dental Sciences and Research Centre Pune should be sent to office of the Registrar, ‘M.A.Rangoonwala College of Dental Sciences and Research Centre Pune-411001, Maharashtra , INDIA. For additional information, kindly email to info@ mardentalcolleg.org or refer to our website: www. mardentalcolleg.org Category : Attach recent passport size photograph Foreign / NRI / NRI Sponsored (Please tick the appropriate Course ) BDS Candidate’s Information: NAME:________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Last Middle First DATE OF BIRTH ____________________________________________________________Sex_:___Male Day Month Year /_Female_ PLACE OF BIRTH_________________________________________________________________________________ City State Country COUNTRY OF CITIZENSHIP ________________________________________________________________________ NAME OF THE PARENT ___________________________________________________________________________ IF SPONSORED, NAME OF THE SPONSOR___________________________________________________________ Relation with the candidate CURRENT POSTAL/CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS:______________________________________________________ (Complete address with telephone numbers) __________________________________________________________________________Ph.No__________________ FOREIGN ADDRESS ( PARENTS/ SPONSORS)_________________________________________________________ (Complete address with telephone numbers) __________________________________________________________________________Ph.No._____________________ TELEPHONE NUMBER : PARENT_________________________________________________________________________________________ (with area code) Home Office/Work EMAIL :_________________________________________________________________________________________ Student Parent (16) Academic Records Qualifying examinations: high school and college grades: Subjects Physics Marks%/Grade ………………….. Subjects* …………………… Marks/Grade …………………….. Chemistry ………………….. …………………… …………………….. Biology ………………….. …………………… …………………….. Mathematics ………………….. …………………… …………………….. English ………………….. …………………… …………………….. DECLARATION I hereby declare that all the particulars stated in this application form are true to the best of my knowledge Belief . I have read and understood all provisions of admissions and agree to abide by them. In the And event of submission of fraudulent, incorrect or untrue information or suppression or distortion of any fact like education qualification, marks, nationality, etc., I understand that my admission / degree is liable for cancellation . I further understand that my admission is purely provisional subject to the verification of the eligibility conditions , permission by the concerned authorities. I am also aware of the financial obligation of applying to and studying at this institution and I undertake to pay the tuition and other fee payable to the institution and to abide by all rules and regulations of the institution. Signature of the applicant:………………………………………………..…………… Date: ………….......................… Signature of parent/guardian: ………………………………………………………… Date: ………….........................… DOCUMENTS TO BE ENCLOSED (Photocopy) 1) Application fee of US$ 50/- or ‘ 3200.00/- in the form of a bank draft/cashier’s check in favour of‘M.A.Rangoonwala College of Dental Sciences and Research Centre Pune 411001. If paid in Indian rupees, then the draft should be payable at Pune. Maharashtra. 2) Certified copy (English translated) of the marks/grade sheet of the qualifying Examination. 3) Certified copy of the grade equivalence to marks by Boards/Schools. 4) Birth certificate or examination certificate showing date of birth. 5) Copy of Valid passport, Visa & Residential Permit. 6) Proof of NRI status of student/parents/sponsored. 7) 7 Passport size recent photograph. One full size photograph. 8) Permission from the Government of India. 9) Equivalency Certificate from the Association of Indian Universities New Delhi. 10) Migration Certificate from the concerned university. 11) Medical fitness Certificate. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY (17) ANNEXURE – D M.C.E. Society’s M. A. RANGOONWALA COLLEGE OF DENTAL SCIENCES & RESEARCH CENTRE, PUNE. COLLEGE ENTRANCE TEST 2015 ( USE BLACK BALL POINT PEN ONLY ) CET Seat Number ( In Numerals ) : CET Seat Number ( IN Words ) : Question Booklet Version : Answer Sheet Number Question Booklet Serial No. ( In Numerals ) : SIGNATURE AND NAME OF THE CANDIDATE Q.NO. SECTION “A”: PHYSICS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C PHYSICS D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D SIGNATURE OF THE INVIGILATOR Q.NO. SECTION “B”: CHEMISTRY Q.NO. SECTION “C”: BIOLOGY 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 CHEMISTRY TOTAL: B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C BIOLOGY CORRECT ANSWERS Signature of Examiner A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A (18) D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D Q.NO. SECTION “D”: BIOLOGY 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C BIOLOGY D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D ANNEXURE -E M.C.E. Society’s M. A. RANGOONWALA COLLEGE OF DENTAL SCIENCES & RESEARCH CENTRE, PUNE COLLEGE ENTRANCE TEST - 2015 RECEIPT - CUM - IDENTITY - CARD Received application from Mr/Ms._____________________________________________ for CET 2015 examination and admission to 1st year BDS Course for the 2015-2016 along with fee of Rs.750/- (Seven Hundred Fifty Only in Cash) Date: Place: Seal of the College Signature of Receiving Authority M.C.E. Society’s M. A. RANGOONWALA COLLEGE OF DENTAL SCIENCES & RESEARCH CENTRE, PUNE COLLEGE ENTRANCE TEST - 2015 RECEIPT Received Rs. 750/- (Seven Hundred Fifty Only) in cash from Mr./Ms.________________________________ for information brochure and application form for CET 2015. Date: Place: Seal of the College Signature of Receiving Authority (19) ANNEXURE – F APPLICATION FOR VERIFICATION OF MARKS Name:_________________________________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Telephone: ________________ Resi.___________________________ Mob.___________________________ College Entrance Test 2015 Seat No. _______________ Appl. No_________________ Merit No. ___________________ D.D. No _____________ Name of Bank ______________________Dated __________ of Rs. 1,000/- in favour of M. A Rangoonwala college of Dental Sciences & Research Centre payable at Pune. Date: _________________ Place: ________ Signature of Parent Signature of Candidate ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Received application for verifications of marks of College Entrance Test – 2015 along with DD of Rs. 1,000/- from Mr /Ms__________________________________________ College Entrance Test 2015 Seat No. ____________ Merit No. __________ Date : ____________________ Stamp & Signature of Receiving Authority (20) ANNEXURE – G SPECIMEN COPY OF STATEMENT OF MARKS M.C.E. Society’s M. A. RANGOONWALA COLLEGE OF DENTAL SCIENCES & RESEARCH CENTRE, PUNE COLLEGE ENTRANCE TEST 2015 Name of the Candidate:_________________________________________________ COLLEGE ENTRANCE TEST SEAT NUMBER Subject Max Marks Physics(P) 50 Chemistry (C) 50 Biology (B) 100 Total Marks 200 Correct Answer MERIT LIST NUMBER Marks Obtained Date: Place: Pune Competent Authority CET-2015 (21) ANNEXURE – H Affidavit (Undertaking) I__________________________________________S/o/D/o_______________________ Mr./Mrs/Ms____________________________________________________________ Age___________________R/at______________________________________________ _____________________________________________do here by solemnly affirm and declared an oath. 1) That I am a citizen of India. 2) That I have taken admission in first year B.D.S. Course/ Studying in ____________B.D.S. for A/Y __________ from M.A. Rangoonwala College of Dental Sciences and Research Centre, 2390- B K.B. Hidayatullah Road Azam Campus, camp Pune. That my Roll No. is ____________________ 3) That At the time of admission & discussion I have received the information procedure along with the copy of DCI Rules and Regulation on curbing the menace of Ragging. 4) That I can read , write and speak fluently and understand the English/ Hindi / Marathi. 5) That I can read and understood the directives of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India regarding ragging in any form is punishable under Court of law of Central/ State Government to curb the menace of ragging and take severe action against the students involved in such activities. That the contents of the undertaking or that the DCI Rules and Regulation have been explained by the college authority to me in the language that I understand. 6) That I have read and understood the punishment for those found guilty of ragging at the Institution level shall be any one or may be combination of the following. 1) Cancellation of admission. 2) Suspension from attending classes. 3) Withholding / Withdrawing scholarship/ fellowship and other benefits. 4) Debarring from appearing in any Test/Examination or other evaluation process. 5) Withholding results. (22) 6) Debarring from representing the Institution in any regional, National or International meet, tournament, youth festival etc. 7) Suspension/Expulsion from the hostel. 8) Rustication from the Institution for period ranging from 1 to 4 semesters. 9) Expulsion from the college and on subsequent debarring from admission to any other college. 10) Fine of Rupees 25000/11) Collective punishment, when the persons committing or abetting the crime of ragging are not identified, the college shall resort to collective punishment as a deferred to ensure community pressure on the potential raggers. 7) (A) (B) (C) 8) 9) 10) That I have not been found or charged for my involvement in any kind of ragging in the past. However, I undertake to disciplinary action, legal proceeding including expulsion is found to be untrue or the facts are concealed at any stage in future, I hereby undertake that, I will not indulge in any behaviors or act that may come under the definition of ragging. I will not participate in order to propagate ragging in any form. I will not hurt any one physically or psychologically socially, politically, economically, culturally and academic dimensions or cause any other harm That I shall not resort to ragging in any form at any place and shall abide by the rules and Regulation / Law prescribed by the Court, Government of India and the Institute authorities for the purpose from time to time. I hereby agree that if found guilty of any aspect of ragging, I may be punished as per the provision of the DCI Rules and Regulation and as per the law in force. I hereby affirm that I have not been expelled or debarred from admission by any Institution. I have signed this affidavit (Undertaking) voluntarily and am doing so without being under any undue influence, misrepresentation or coercion on ________day of _______________Month of 2015. Deponent Signature (______________________) (23) Undertaking By Parents/Guardian 1) I ___________________________ F/O, M/O, G/O______________ have carefully read and fully understood Hon’ble Supreme Court and the Central State Government in this regard as well as the DCI Rules and Regulation curbing the menace of Ragging in Dental College. 2) I assure you that my Son/Daughter/ Ward will not indulge in any act of ragging. 3) I hereby agree that if he/she is found guilty of any aspect of ragging he/she may be punished as per the provisions of the DCI Rules & Regulation mentioned as per the law in force, Signed this _______ day of __________month of 2015. Signature of Parent/Guardian Deponent Signature & Thumb Impression (24) INSTRUCTIONS TO THE CANDIDATE • Please read the information Brochure carefully, follow the instructions for filling up the application form. • Use BLACK ball point pen for filling the application form. • Make sure that you have darkened the appropriate circle properly. • Do not put any stray mark anywhere on the application form. • Your photograph, signature and address may be scanned. Please paste recent 3.5 x 4.5 cm photograph. Do not write anything on photograph. • The candidate should sign within the box. • Please do not fold, pin or staple the application form. • Candidate must preserve the receipt-cum-identity card and admit card carefully and bring the same to the examination hall and produce on demand. • Before submitting the application form please verify that it is signed by you, your parent/ guardian. • In case the admit card is NOT RECEIVED on or before the prescribed date, please contact the College Office immediately for duplicate admit card. • Photograph of the candidate on the application form, Receipt-cum-Identity card and duplicate Admit card should be taken from the same negative. • Please note that issue of Admit card is just a provision for appearing in College Entrance Test and does not imply that the candidate is eligible for admission. • Candidates should occupy the seat in the examination hall at least 30 minutes before the commencement of the examination. • Details such as College Entrance Test Seat Number, Question Paper Booklet Number and Version Code number must be entered carefully on the Answer Sheet. • All entries on the answer sheet must be made only with BLACK ball point pen. • Candidates should write College Entrance Test Seat Number and the Answer Sheet Number on the Question Booklet carefully. • No candidate will be allowed to leave the examination hall till the completion of examination. • Communication devices like Cellular Phone, pager etc are not allowed in the examination hall. (25)
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