94th Annual MARSHALL PUTNAM FAIR Henry, Illinois "BARN IN THE U.S.A-FAIR" JULY 8- 12, 2015 FUN FOR ALL AGES TABLE OF CONTENTS OFFICERS & DIRECTORS ............................................................................................................................. 3 SUPERINTENDENTS OF DEPARTMENTS ................................................................................................... 4 REGULATIONS AND GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS ..................................................................................... 5 OFFICE HOURS ............................................................................................................................................. 9 STATE OF ILLINOIS ANIMAL HEALTH REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................... 11 LIVESTOCK SCHEDULE .............................................................................................................................. 17 DEPARTMENT A - BEEF CATTLE ............................................................................................................... 18 DEPARTMENT A1 - OPEN STEER .............................................................................................................. 20 DEPARTMENT B - DAIRY CATTLE ............................................................................................................. 22 DEPARTMENT F - SHEEP ........................................................................................................................... 25 DEPARTMENT G - SWINE ........................................................................................................................... 27 DEPARTMENT G1 - OPEN MARKET GILTS & OPEN MARKET BARROWS ............................................. 29 DEPARTMENT H - JUNIOR DEPARTMENT LIVESTOCK ........................................................................... 33 RULES AND REGULATIONS ....................................................................................................................... 33 DEPARTMENT H 1 - JUNIOR BEEF DIVISION............................................................................................ 34 DEPARTMENT H 2 - JUNIOR DAIRY DIVISION .......................................................................................... 37 DEPARTMENT H 3 - JUNIOR SHEEP DIVISION ......................................................................................... 39 DEPARTMENT H 4 - JUNIOR GOAT DIVISION ........................................................................................... 41 DEPARTMENT H 5 - JUNIOR SWINE DIVISION ......................................................................................... 43 DEPARTMENT I-1 - POULTRY .................................................................................................................... 47 DEPARTMENT I-2 - RABBITS ...................................................................................................................... 50 DEPARTMENT J - AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS ....................................................................................... 52 DEPARTMENT K - HORTICULTURE ........................................................................................................... 54 DEPARTMENT L - FLORICULTURE ............................................................................................................ 55 DEPARTMENT M1 - FINE ARTS .................................................................................................................. 59 FINE ARTS - PHOTOGRAPHY..................................................................................................................... 63 DEPARTMENT M2 - TEXTILES.................................................................................................................... 65 DEPARTMENT O - DAIRY, APIARY AND CULINARY ................................................................................. 72 DEPARTMENT P 1 - JUNIOR DEPARTMENT GRAIN, VEGETABLES & FRUIT ........................................ 77 DEPARTMENT P 2 - JUNIOR DEPARTMENT FLORICULTURE ................................................................. 79 DEPARTMENT P 3 - JUNIOR DEPARTMENT FINE ARTS ......................................................................... 80 DEPARTMENT P 4 - JUNIOR DEPARTMENT TEXTILES ........................................................................... 83 DEPARTMENT P 5 - JUNIOR DEPARTMENT DAIRY, APIARY & CULINARY ............................................ 85 DEPARTMENT Q1 - TRACTOR PULLS ....................................................................................................... 88 DEPARTMENT Q2 - TRUCK PULLS ............................................................................................................ 90 DEPARTMENT R - LIGHT HORSE............................................................................................................... 92 DEPARTMENT S - HARNESS RACES ........................................................................................................ 94 DEPARTMENT U - PYGMY GOATS ............................................................................................................ 96 DEPARTMENT Z - RODEO ........................................................................................................................ 101 LIVESTOCK ENTRY FORM........................................................................................................................ 102 LIVESTOCK FEES FORM .......................................................................................................................... 103 NON-LIVESTOCK ENTRY FORM .............................................................................................................. 105 LIGHT HORSE SHOW EXHBITOR REGISTRATION FORM ..................................................................... 107 LIGHT HORSE SHOW CLASS ENTRY FORM........................................................................................... 108 2 OFFICERS & DIRECTORS Marshall-Putnam Fair Association, Inc. Organized for the purpose of holding a Fair annually at Henry, Illinois, in the interests of Marshall and Putnam Counties Fair Office Phone - (309) 364-2814 FAX - (309) 364-2952 Speed Office Phone (309) 364-3385 E-mail address: [email protected] Website: www.marshallputnamfair.org President, Robert J. Stadel, (309) 238-2597 Office Manager, Di Ann Kuehn Asst. Office Manager, Lyn Smith 2015 OFFICERS President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robert J. Stadel, Magnolia, IL Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dave Braun, Lacon, IL Board Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Josh Holmbeck, Granville, IL Co-Treasurers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JoVonna Kocher, Henry, IL Michelle Monier, Sparland, IL Corresponding Secretary . . . . . . .Laurie Glenn, Magnolia, IL BOARD OF DIRECTORS Terms Expiring in 2015 Darren Brown (3), Magnolia Craig Jessen (5), Hennepin Steve Kocher (4), Henry Mark Nave (3), Henry Bob Salisbury (6), Henry Brandi Dunphy (6), Lacon Nick Klein (5), Sparland Bud McAllister (27), Lacon Ned Ransom (6), Henry Bill Williams (13), Henry Terms Expiring in 2016 Eric DeWeerth (7), Henry Scott Kelly (11), Sparland Michelle Monier (12), Sparland Laurie Glenn (14), Magnolia JoVonna Kocher (31), Henry Kyle Schumacher (14), Lacon Terms Expiring in 2017 Dave Braun (7), Lacon Bette Hulin (12), Henry Rod Rumbold (17), Henry Josh Holmbeck (12), Granville Larry Kuehn (21), Lacon Robert J Stadel (16), Magnolia () indicates number of years served on Board, including current year 3 SUPERINTENDENTS OF DEPARTMENTS 2015 Department A - Beef Cattle - Superintendent: Jay Kocher; Assistant Superintendent: Doug Toepper Department B - Dairy Cattle – Superintendent: Tom Scoon; Assistant Superintendent: Cindy Scoon Department F - Sheep - Superintendent: Bob Salisbury; Assistant Superintendent: Kenny Kuehn Department G - Swine - Superintendent: Kurtis Kolb; Assistant Superintendent: Mitch Wilson, Ryan Nenne, & Barry Stutzman Department H - Junior Department Livestock - Superintendents: Jay Kocher, Tom Scoon, Bob Salisbury, Karen Hepner, and Kurtis Kolb Department I - Poultry, Rabbits, and Ratites - Superintendents: (Poultry) Megan Monier; Assistant Superintendent: Stevone Hardin; Superintendent: (Rabbits) Lisa Kull Department J - Agricultural Products - Superintendents: Mike & Debbie Skowera Department K - Horticulture - Superintendents: Mike & Debbie Skowera Department L - Floriculture - Superintendent: Department M1 - Fine Arts - Superintendents: Lori DeWeerth and Michelle Rolando Photography only - Crystal Johnson Department M2 - Textiles - Superintendents: Marsha Ahlstrom and Jane Fountain Department O - Dairy, Apiary, and Culinary - Superintendents: Anna Mae Kocher and Bernice Forney; Assistant Superintendents: Carol Keller and Carol Kocher-Monier Department P - Junior Department Other Than Livestock - Superintendents: Mike and Debbie Skowera, Lori DeWeerth, Michelle Rolando, Crystal Johnson, Marsha Ahlstrom, Jane Fountain, Anna Mae Kocher and Bernice Forney Departments Q1 & Q2 - Tractor Pulls and Pick-up Truck Pulls - Committee (PPL Pulls): Scott Kelly, Josh Holmbeck, Kyle Schumacher, Nick Klein and Eric DeWeerth. Committee (Farm Stock Pulls): Nick Klein (Chairman) Scott Kelly, Eric DeWeerth, Bob Salisbury, and Craig Jessen Department R - Light Horse and Western Department-Equine Events - Superintendent: Jill Louis Department S - Harness Races - Superintendent: Michelle Monier; Track Man: Bud McAllister Department U - Goats and Llamas - Superintendent: Karen Hepner; Assistant Superintendents: Carol Hepner 4 REGULATIONS AND GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS The 94th Annual Marshall-Putnam Fair will be held at the Fairgrounds in Henry, Illinois, Wednesday, July 8th through Sunday, July 12th. **** PLEASE NOTE - All entries must be postmarked no later than JUNE 24, 2015. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER MUST BE ON ENTRY FORM AND RELEASE SIGNED. ALL EXHIBITORS MUST COMPLETE THE W-9 FORM SECTION OF THE ENTRY FORM BEFORE PREMIUMS WILL BE PAID. Address entries to: Marshall-Putnam Fair, P.O. Box 114, Henry, Illinois 61537. 1. Walk-in entries will be accepted in the fair office from June 17 thru June 19 (9 am – 4 pm) and June 22 thru June 24 (9 am - 6 pm). Entries may also be mailed, but must be postmarked no later than June 24, 2015. Entries will not be accepted unless accompanied by the exhibitor's social security number, proper release form signatures, and payment of entry fees, stall/pen fees, and exhibitor permits. 2. The Marshall-Putnam Fair Association reserves the right to request exhibitors to produce an acceptable copy or original of their Social Security card, if requested. The Fair Association also reserves the right to request proof of age of any junior exhibitor. 3. The management reserves the right to reject any person's entry deemed unsatisfactory. 4. All exhibitors/participants will be required to sign a Release and Waiver of Liability and Indemnity Agreement. Anyone under the age of 18 will need a parent's signature on the form. Failure to sign this release automatically voids your entry. RELEASE FORM IS FOUND ON PAGES 104 & 106 OF THE PREMIUM BOOK. 5. Entries can be made by mail by giving name, address, social security number, phone number, age, Department, Section number, and Class number they wish to enter. Entries will be determined by class number given on entry form. Entry forms may be photocopied if additional space is needed. Signatures on Release form (mentioned in #4 above) must also be included. Entry fees, stall/pen fees, and exhibitor's permit fees must be included and will not be refunded. Entry will not be accepted without social security number. NO ENTRY TAGS WILL BE MAILED. PLEASE PICK UP ENTRY TAGS AT THE FAIR OFFICE PRIOR TO THE FAIR OR UPON CHECKING IN TO THE FAIRGROUNDS. 6. Each exhibitor making an entry must purchase an exhibitor's permit. 7. Neither the office personnel nor any other director of the Association shall disclose to competitors, or to any other person, what entries have been made. Only office personnel and other officials of the Association including superintendents, shall be allowed to know what entries have been made before the entries close. 8. Exhibitors will receive an article identification tag for each article entered in Depts. J, K, L, M, O, and P. This tag specifies the Department, Section, and the Class number of the entry. The tag must be attached and remain attached to the article. These tags must be picked up in the fair office prior to checking articles in for judging. 9. No animal or article will be entitled to a place on the grounds until entry has been made as stated above and no animal shall be exhibited for premium unless the exhibitor engages and occupies a stall for the same, except in cases of emergency, and then at the discretion of the President. 10. Exhibitors will at all times give their necessary personal attention to whatever they have on exhibition, and at the close of the Fair, take charge of the same. 11. In Departments M, O, and P, no articles purchased in a store made in a factory, or borrowed, can compete for premiums in these departments (except where noted). All articles must be the work of the exhibitor. 12. Articles or exhibits in all Departments at the Marshall-Putnam Fair will be released according to the rules stated in each department. 13. Leaving before release time will mean forfeiture of premium checks. 14. All livestock judging times are listed in the Livestock Schedule. The Annex, Art Hall, and Commercial Building will be open to the public EXCEPT when judging is in progress. 15. Riding or driving on the track by person or persons during the exhibition hours, except, when competing for premiums, is strictly forbidden. 5 16. The Board of Directors will take practical care of stock and articles after their arrangement on the grounds but will not be responsible for any loss or damage that may occur to any person, stock, or article. 17. An efficient security force will be on the grounds to maintain order. 18. To operate an "off-road" motorized vehicle (ex. - golf carts, ATVs, etc.) on the fairgrounds, all requirements must be met. Permit Applications and rules are located on our website under Fair Book and Fair Forms. 19. No exhibitor/participant of our fair will be paid a premium/monetary award until a completed W-9 form (located on entry form) is on file in our fair office. 20. All checks written for premiums, judges, winners, any other fair expenses MUST be cashed within 60 days of issue. 21. Camping facilities which include water and electricity are available on the fairgrounds for $20 per day per space (including tent camping). Spaces are $25 per day for 240 volt electrical hook-ups (very limited number). All camping spaces must be reserved ahead of time. Please complete and return camping form found under Fair Forms on our website. AWARDS 1. The judges shall be selected as needed by the Superintendent of various departments. 2. No person shall act as judge in any class in which he may be an exhibitor or agent of an exhibitor. 3. Where there is no competition, the animal or article shall receive first premium and ribbon. Any article deemed unworthy by the judge, however, will be disqualified. 4. Any exhibitor attempting to interfere with the judges during their adjudication will be promptly excluded from competition. 5. (a). All protest concerning entries in any department must be made in writing, accompanied by an affidavit setting forth the grounds for the protest. The affidavit must be filed with the Superintendent of the department at least four (4) hours before the awards are made. Such protests will be considered before the hour of judging by a Grievance Committee of three persons appointed by the President of the Association. 5. (b). Protests concerning an award must be filed within six (6) hours after the award was made. The protest must be submitted in writing to the Superintendent of the Department along with written evidence to substantiate the protest. All protests must be accompanied by a deposit of $50.00. Final decision will be made by a grievance Committee consisting of three persons appointed by the President of the Association. The deposit will be returned if the protest is sustained. Interested parties will be notified, and an opportunity given them to submit evidence. 6. In all cases where protests are entered for improper or malicious purposes, or where there is evidence of fraud on the part of the exhibitor, the Board will exclude the parties practicing such fraud from exhibition on its grounds for two years thereafter; and in all cases where fraud has been practiced on the Board by misrepresentation or false entry, and the same may not be found out until the premiums are paid, the Association holds the right to recover the amount of premiums at any time within six months after closing of the Fair. 7. Any exhibitor who interferes with the displays or the judging process, or who insults a judge, shall forfeit all premiums. 8. Should any doubt arise as to the regularity of entry or any other important matter which the Judge feels incompetent to decide, he shall at once report the same to the Superintendent of the proper Department for decision. 9. Judges are instructed that if they shall have good reason to believe that any exhibitor, by false entry or otherwise, attempts to deceive the judge or the public and obtain a premium by misrepresentation, they shall report the fact at once to the Superintendent of the Department, who shall immediately instruct the Judge that such exhibitor is henceforth excluded from competition in the fair of 2016. 10. Placings in the Judges' books must be entered in plain, legible handwriting, and in the proper space, as the premiums will be paid on the authority of these entries only. 11. The books must be returned by the Superintendent of each Department to the Fair office as soon as the awards are completed. 6 12. When ribbons are awarded, superintendents will be particular to observe the following rules (except in horses): Blue ribbons are designed for first premium, Red ribbons for second premium; White ribbons for third premium; Royal Purple ribbons for champions, which will be affixed at the time of the awards. 13. An exhibitor can win only two premiums per class number. 14. No exhibitor/participant of our fair will be paid premium/monetary award until a completed W-9 form is on file in our fair office. 15. Decision of the Judge shall be final, except in case of fraud or protest. RULES APPLICABLE TO ANIMALS 1. All entries must be in the office by June 24, 2015 or mailed to Marshall-Putnam Fair, P.O. Box 114, Henry, IL 61537, post-marked by June 24, 2015 (two weeks before the start of the fair). Walk-in entries accepted beginning June 17, 2015. 2. ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, RELEASE FORM SIGNATURES, AND PAYMENT OF EXHIBITOR PERMIT, ENTRY FEES, STALL/PEN FEES. 3. No money covering entry fees, stall/pen fees, and exhibitor's permits will be refunded. 4. All animals shown must be entered for competition in the name of the owner.* 5. All livestock must be owned by the party in whose name they are exhibited and satisfactory proof of such ownership must be furnished to the awarding committee.* 6. A single animal may also be entered as one of a group class and in sweepstakes, but shall not otherwise be entered in more than one class. 7. If it is ascertained that an animal is entered in a ring in which it does not properly belong, it is the duty of the Superintendent of the Department to instruct the committee not to award a premium. 8. ALL PUREBRED LIVESTOCK MUST HAVE REGISTRATION PAPERS IN ORDER TO EXHIBIT. ALL REGISTRATION PAPERS WILL BE CHECKED AND MUST BE IN THE EXHIBITOR'S POSSESSION DURING THE FAIR. IF ANY EXHIBITOR IS FOUND TO BE IN VIOLATION, THEY WILL BE DISQUALIFIED IMMEDIATELY. Swine, see your rules. 9. All health papers must be turned in to the Fair Office upon arrival where they will be checked by the Vet and then returned to the exhibitor before the end of the Fair. 10. In order to qualify for premiums, entries must be shown. 11. The Bureau of County Fairs require that all exhibits are to be on the grounds at least 72 hours, except one-day shows. See each department rules for arrival and release times. 12. Animals are not allowed to run at large on the fairgrounds. 13. Animals are to be washed only at the wash racks. 14. No animals shall be allowed a place on the grounds, nor the owner permitted to exhibit the same, if said animal shall be suffering from any contagious disease. The Board further reserves the right to exclude any class of animals when, in their judgment, the interest of the community demands such action. 15. No paper bedding may be used. The Swine Department will not allow straw bedding SHAVINGS ONLY. Shavings will not be available for purchase from the Fair Association. 16. FAN RULE: All fans for livestock must be caged and hung out of the aisle. NO BUTT FANS. Exception for any livestock in tents: Normal household fans may be used with the approval of the Superintendent. 17. Extension Cords: All extension cords for fans must be outdoor approved - heavy gauge. 18. Appropriate space will be provided for the parking of livestock trailers near the west end of the fairgrounds (off the west entrance road). Those improperly parked will be towed at the owner's expense. * one day horse shows are governed by their sanctioning organization 7 PLEASE READ All Open Market Barrow and Open Market Gilt exhibitors MUST come to the Fair office by 9 pm on Wed., July 8 to check the accuracy of their entries as reported in our computers. No changes will be made at the show ring. If your entry is not listed in the judge's book - you will not show in that class. All Open Steer exhibitors MUST come to the Fair office by 11 am on Thurs. July 9 to check the accuracy of their entries as reported in our computers. No changes will be made at the show ring. If your entry is not listed in the judge's book - you will not show in that class. All Beef, Dairy, Sheep, Goats, Swine, Poultry, and Rabbit exhibitors MUST come to the Fair office by 9 pm on Thurs. July 9 to check the accuracy of their entries as reported in our computers. No changes will be made at the show ring. If your entry is not listed in the judge's book - you will not show in that class. SUPERINTENDENTS OF DEPARTMENTS 1. Each Superintendent of Department will have the arrangement and supervision of all articles or animals on exhibition in their department and be responsible to the Board for their management of the same. 2. They shall afford the judge every facility of examination; will affix ribbons under the direction of the Judges; shall have charge of the books, and when awards are finished, return the books to the Fair office. 3. They will give such instructions to the Judge before entering upon the performance of the duties as will enable them to decide all questions that may come up for their consideration in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Board. 4. All Superintendents are asked to make a written report within 90 days following the close of the Fair, to the Board of Directors for their consideration, of any suggestions for improvements in their respective departments. PREMIUMS 1. The premium list has been carefully revised and the offerings are as liberal as the Association can afford. 2. Premium winners are advised that no payment will be made until such time as a complete check of all receipts of the Fair has been made, and the condition of the treasury fully ascertained. 3. The Department of Agriculture shall use its best efforts to secure sufficient appropriations to fund premiums. In any year for which the General Assembly of the State of Illinois fails to make an appropriation sufficient to pay such premiums, premium amounts may not be accurately reflected in the premium book. 4. The Association reserves the right, in the event the receipts of the Fair are not sufficient to pay all premiums in full, to pay premium monies on a percentage basis. 5. No exhibitor will be paid a premium until a completed W-9 form is on file in our fair office. W-9 form is located on the entry form. 6. All premium checks MUST be cashed within 60 days of issue. CONCESSIONS The Concession Chairmen will lease all privileges, locate all tents, stands, and concessions, and may annul any permit at any time, for any cause unsatisfactory to the Chairmen. PRIVILEGES MUST BE PAID IN FULL AT THE FAIR OFFICE ON FAIRGROUNDS BEFORE SETTING UP. All privileges not paid for according to this rule will be forfeited. All food stands must pass health inspection and provide a current Certificate of Food Liability before operating. A Concession Contract will provide more details. To obtain a copy, which includes the Rules and Regulations and current space rental fees and electrical hook-up rates, please contact the Fair Office (309364-2814). 8 ATTENTION 1. No alcoholic beverage will be allowed on the fairgrounds except in designated areas. 2. All pets must be on a leash and leash in hand. All pets on our fairgrounds MUST have proof of rabies vaccination with them and available to the Fair Association upon request. No pets (except service animals) allowed in grandstand/infield seating areas. 3. No skateboards or roller blades/skates allowed on fairground property. All bikes entering our fairgrounds must be left in a designated area by the front gate. M-P Fair Assoc. is not responsible for stolen or damaged bikes or other property brought on to our fairgrounds. 4. See the "Off-Road" Motorized Unit Permit Application for information on the use of "Off-Road" Motorized Units (ex. - golf carts, ATVs, etc.) on the fairgrounds. Permit Applications are located on our website under Fair Book and Fair Forms. 5. No one under the age of 21 will be allowed in the Activity Building after 9:00 pm on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights and after 10:00 pm on Sunday night (even if accompanied by a parent or guardian). 6. Because we care about your health . . . remember to wash your hands before eating and especially after contact with animals. Thank you for your cooperation. OFFICE HOURS Monday, June 1st thru Friday, June 5th Saturday, June 6th & Sunday, June 7th Monday, June 8th thru Friday, June 12th Saturday, June 13th & Sunday, June 14th Monday, June 15th thru Friday, June 19th Saturday, June 20th & Sunday, June 21st Monday, June 22nd thru Wednesday, June 24th Thursday, June 25th & Friday, June 26th Saturday, June 27th & Sunday, June 28th Monday, June 29th, thru Thursday, July 2nd Friday, July 3rd Saturday, July 4th & Sunday, July 5th Monday, July 6th & Tuesday, July 7th Wednesday, July 8th & Thursday, July 9th Friday, July 10th & Saturday, July 11th Sunday, July 12th Monday, July 13th Tuesday, July 14th Wednesday, July 15th Thursday, July 16th Friday, July 17th thru Sunday, July 19th Monday, July 20th thru Thursday, July 23rd Friday, July 24th thru Sunday, July 26th Monday, July 27th thru Friday, July 31st 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Closed 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Closed 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Closed 9:00 am - 6:00 pm 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Closed 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Closed Closed 9:00 am - 5:00 pm 8:00 am - 9:00 pm (FAIR) 8:00 am - 9:00 pm (FAIR) 8:00 am - 9:00 pm (FAIR) 9:00 am - 1:00 pm 9:00 am - Noon Closed 9:00 am - Noon Closed 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Closed 9:00 am - 3:00 pm 9 PLEASE NOTE 1. The Department of Agriculture shall use its best efforts to secure sufficient appropriations to fund premiums. In any year for which the General Assembly of the State of Illinois fails to make an appropriation sufficient to pay such premiums, premium amounts may not be accurately reflected in the premium Book. 2. The Association reserves the right, in the event the receipts of the Fair are not sufficient to pay all premiums in full, to pay premium monies on a percentage basis. 3. Premium checks will be handed out at the Fair Office on Sunday, July 12 for winners in Departments A, B, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, O, P, and U. 4. The person winning the premium is asked to please sign for and pick up the check. If that person is not available, a family member or friend may sign for and pick up the check. Please pick up checks before leaving the fairgrounds. PREMIUM CHECKS WILL NOT BE MAILED. 5. When picking up checks please enter and leave through the back door of the Fair Office. 6. Checks will be handed out on the following schedule: Depts. J, K, L, M, O, P - 5:00 pm (not before 5:00 pm) Dairy, Swine, Poultry, & Rabbits - 7:00 pm (not before 7:00 pm) Beef, Sheep, Pygmy Goats - 7:30 pm 7. Premium checks will NOT be handed out until a W-9 form is on file in the Fair Office. W-9 form is found on the entry blank. Taxpayer Identification Numbers (social security number or Employer Identification number) must match the name and address listed on the entry form. Premium checks MUST be cashed within 60 days of the issue date. NON-LIVESTOCK ARTICLES MAY BE REMOVED FROM BUILDINGS AT 5:00 PM (This includes Depts. J, K, L, M1, M2, O, & P) ALL LIVESTOCK MAY LEAVE THE FAIRGROUNDS AT 7:00 PM (Exception to these release times are "one-day" shows in Depts. A1, G1, R, and S) PREMIUM CHECKS WILL NOT BE MAILED. 10 STATE OF ILLINOIS ANIMAL HEALTH REQUIREMENTS ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Animal Health State Fairgrounds, P.O. Box 19281, Springfield, Illinois 62794-9281 Phone (217) 782-4944 2015 EXHIBITION LIVESTOCK HEALTH REQUIREMENTS - COUNTY FAIRS GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Exhibitors are required to familiarize themselves with all rules applicable to their exhibits. 2. All out-of-state animals shall require an entry permit. Permits are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling (217) 782-4944. 3. All animals, except as noted, shall be accompanied by a Certificate of Veterinary Inspections (CVI) which shows that the animal meets all health requirements for the State of Illinois. CVIs shall be made available to Bureau of Animal Health Personnel on request, CVI means a legible record made on an official form from the state of origin which has been issued, signed and dated by an accredited veterinarian and which shows the name and address of the animals' owner or exhibitor and the results of all required tests or vaccinations. A CVI shall list only one animal identification per line; shall be presented on the form on which it was initially issued; and shall not be corrected, changed, or altered in any manner. 4. All animals shall be officially identified. The animal(s) official identification shall be recorded on the CVI. 5. If animals are from tuberculosis accredited, brucellosis certified, pseudo rabies qualified, or brucellosis validated herds, the identifying herd number(s) along with the date of the last herd test(s) shall appear on the CVI. 6. CVI for out-of state livestock shall be void thirty (30) days after issuance. 7. CVI for Illinois-origin livestock shall be void ninety (90) days after issuance. 8. All livestock shall be subject to examination upon entry to any Illinois fair or exhibition. Any animal showing evidence of infectious, contagious, or communicable diseases shall be immediately withdrawn and held in quarantine at the owner's risk and expense until properly treated and recovered, or until the animal is released to return to the owner's premise. Any livestock infected with scabies, mange, active lesions of ringworm, sore mouth, or multiple warts which are easily visible without close examination shall not be permitted to exhibit and are subject to quarantine or removal from the fairgrounds. Sheep and goats with caseous lymphadenitis as evidenced by draining abscesses shall not be exhibited and are subject to immediate quarantine or removal from the fairgrounds. 9. Illinois Department of Agriculture personnel or designee may collect blood, tissue, milk, or urine samples from any animal being exhibited and/or raced at any Illinois fair to test for the presence of illegal drugs or banned substances. New examination techniques, such as ultrasound, may also be used at anytime while the animals are on the grounds of an Illinois fair or exhibit. The Illinois Department of Agriculture or designee may collect urine, blood, tissue or other test samples from exhibition animals at the time of slaughter. 10. All exhibitors of animals at any Illinois fair or exhibition shall comply with the provisions of the Illinois Humane Care for Animals Act. If violations are observed, the animal(s) will be excused from exhibition and ordered removed from the grounds with all awards being forfeited. Any practice or deviation from normal, accepted care, including physical, medical, or mechanical application, shall constitute a violation of show rules and may result in the animal(s) disqualification and removal from the fairgrounds. 11. Any Illinois cattle, bison, cervidae, or goats being exhibited in non-accredited free states must be isolated from the remainder of the herd/flock upon return to Illinois and retested for tuberculosis 60120 days post-entry. 11 CATTLE Identification Individual identification of each animal shall be either a fully healed and legible tattoo, official metal ear tag, registration number (can only be used if the tattoo is recorded on the registration certificate or for breeds where pictures are acceptable), or individual brands, if brand is recorded on the registration certificate. Illinois Cattle Brucellosis Illinois is a Bovine Brucellosis Class Free State. Brucellosis testing is not required for Illinois cattle. Tuberculosis Illinois is an Accredited Tuberculosis-Free State. Tuberculin testing is not required for Illinois cattle. Please note: Illinois calves under 6 months of age, and Illinois steers are not required to have a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection. Out-of-State Cattle Permit 1. All out-of-state cattle are to be accompanied by an entry permit. 2. Permits are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling (217) 782-4944. Brucellosis 1. Female cattle six(6) months of age and older and bulls eighteen (18) months of age and older shall be negative to an official test for brucellosis within thirty (30) days prior to entry, unless exempt by one (1) of the following: a. Originals directly from a certified brucellosis-free herd. b. Official vaccinates of dairy breeds under twenty (20) months of age or official vaccinates of beef breeds under twenty-four (24) months of age. c. Animal originated from a "Class Free" state (if entire state is so classified). d. Steers and spayed heifers are not required to be tested for brucellosis. 2. The negative brucellosis test shall be conducted at a state or federal laboratory within 30 days prior to exhibition. Tuberculosis 1. Accredited Tuberculosis Free States No tuberculin test required. All cattle, including steers, originating from an Accredited Tuberculosis Free State, may enter Illinois for exhibition when accompanied by a CVI issued by accredited veterinarian within 30 days. 2. Non-Accredited Tuberculosis free Areas or States (Not TB Free) A. Cattle must originate from a herd where a complete herd test was conducted within the past year. B. The individual animals entering Illinois must be negative to additional tuberculin test conducted within 30 days prior to exhibition. C. Cattle that enter Illinois for exhibition and remain Illinois (animal does not return to the state of origin within 30 days) must be isolated and retested for TB 60-120 days from the last official TB test date. SWINE ILLINOIS SWINE Identification 1. Swine shall be identified by an official ear tag, tattoo, or recognized breed ear notch. 2. Ear notch identifies acceptable for barrows, crossbred gilts and breeding swine. (Note: Ear notch identification of crossbred swine does not satisfy USDA identification requirements for brucellosis and pseudo rabies testing.) Brucellosis Brucellosis testing is not required for Illinois swine. Pseudo rabies 12 All exhibition swine are required to be tested for pseudo rabies as described below. 1. Swine of all ages shall be negative to an official test for pseudo rabies conducted with 90 days prior to exhibition; or swine shall originate immediately and directly from a qualified pseudo rabies negative herd. 2. Barrows and females in market classes must meet the same requirements as breeding swine. Additional Requirements 1. Swine consigned to terminal market classes must meet the same test requirements as exhibition swine if these classes are held in conjunction with "exhibits not in intended for slaughter". 2. When terminal classes are held on a day when no other livestock are present, these animals are exempt form all test requirements and do not need a CVI. All swine terminal classes must be identified by a site tattoo prior to movement to slaughter. 3. Swine from pseudo rabies-quarantined herds are not allowed to exhibit regardless of whether or not the show is terminal or non-terminal. 4. The Illinois and DuQuoin State Fairs are not classified as terminal shows. Out-of-State Swine Permit 1. All out-of-state swine are to be accompanied by an entry permit. 2. Permits are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling (217) 782-4944. Identification 1. Individually identified by an official ear tag, tattoo, or recognized breed ear notch. 2. Ear notch identification is not acceptable for crossbred animals. Brucellosis 1. Breeding swine 4 months of age and older shall be negative to an official test for brucellosis within 30 days prior to exhibition unless exempt by one (1) of the following: A. Originate immediately and directly from a brucellosis-free herd. B. Originate directly from a validated brucellosis-free state. 2. Swine brucellosis tests for exhibition shall be conducted at a state or federal laboratory. Pseudo rabies All exhibition swine are required to be tested for pseudo rabies as described below. 1. Swine shall be negative to an official test for pseudo rabies conducted within the past thirty (30) days prior to entry or originate immediately and directly form a qualified pseudo rabies negative herd. 2. Barrows and females in market classes must meet the same requirements as breeding swine. 3. The Illinois and DuQuoin State Fairs are not classified a terminal shows. SHEEP Identification Individual identification of each animal shall be by an ear tattoo or official metal or plastic tag. A microchip ID is acceptable if the owner provides the reader. Ear tattoos may be used when a registration certificate, listing the tattoo number, accompanies the animal. When using ear tags, the tag must indicate the premises ID and state of origin. The tag number must be assigned by a state or APHIS representative and recorded in the Scrapie Record Database. Market Lambs All wethers must be slick shorn (show ring ready) before weigh-in so that show lamb fungus can be identified. Illinois Sheep 1. Sheep originating from a flock that has previously been classified as either an infected or source flock can be exhibited in Illinois upon the completion of an approved flock plan. 2. For any animal born after 1/1/2002, the CVI must include the flock of birth and the flock of origin, if different. 13 Out-of-State Sheep 1. All out-of-state sheep are to be accompanied by an entry permit. Permits are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling (217) 782-4944. 2. Sheep originating from a flock that has previously been classified as either an infected or source flock can be exhibited in Illinois upon the completion of an approved flock plan. 3. For any animal born after 1/1/2002, the CVI must include the flock of birth and the flock of origin if different. GOATS Identification Individual identification of each animal shall be by an ear tattoo or official metal or plastic tag. A microchip ID is acceptable if the owner provides the reader. Tattoos may be used when a registration certificate, listing the tattoo number, accompanies the animal. When using ear tags, the tag must indicate the premises ID and state of origin. The tag number must be assigned by a state or APHIS representative and recorded in the Scrapie Record Database. Ears should be used for tattooing when possible. If there is no space in the ear, the flank or tail fold may be used. Illinois Goats 1. Goats originating from a herd that has previously been classified as either an infected or source herd can be exhibited in Illinois upon the completion of an approved herd plan. 2. For any animal born after 1/1/2002, the CVI must include the flock of birth and the flock of origin, if different. Out-of-State Goats 1. All out-of-state goats are to be accompanied by an entry permit. Permits are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling (217) 782-4944. 2. Goats originating from a herd that has previously been classified as either an infected or source herd can be exhibited in Illinois upon the completion of an approved herd plan. 3. Tuberculosis - Goats from areas or states that are not Accredited Bovine Tuberculosis Free, must be accompanied by a CVI indicating that the goats originated from a herd where a complete negative herd test has been conducted within the past twelve (12) months and the individual animals are negative to a tuberculin test conducted within thirty (30) days prior to entry. For any animal born after 1/1/2002, the CVI must include the flock of birth and the flock of origin, if different. HORSES, PONIES, MULES, AND OTHER EQUIDAE Illinois Equine 1. All horses and other equidae, twelve (12) months of age and older attending an advertised equine event, shall be accompanied by a negative test for equine infectious anemia (EIA) conducted within the last twelve (12) months. A copy of this test shall accompany the animal. 2. AGID (Coggins) or ELISA tests are accepted. 3. An advertised equine event means a show, rodeo, sale, auction, exhibition, trail ride, or horse fair that is posted or media promoted. 4. A CVI is not required for Illinois equine. Out-of State Equine 1. All out-of-state equine are to be accompanied by an entry permit. Permits are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling (217) 782-4944. 2. All horses and other equidae entering Illinois that are twelve (12) months of age or older, shall be accompanied by a negative test for equine infectious anemia (EIA) conducted within the last twelve (12) months. A copy of this test shall accompany the animal. 3. AGID (Coggins) or ELISA tests are accepted. 4. All horses and other equidae shall be accompanied by a CVI issued within thirty (30) days prior to entry. 14 POULTRY 1. All entries (except waterfowl, i.e., domesticated fowl that normally swim, such as ducks and geese) in a show or exhibition shall have originated from a U.S. Pullorum-Typhoid Clean or equivalent hatchery or flock OR have a negative pullorum-typhoid test within 90 days prior to exhibition. Exhibitor shall show proper information as to name and address of owner or exhibitor, name and address of the authorized testing agent, date of the testing, and the number, breed, and species of those tested. 2. Prior to being used to transport poultry to a show, all crates, boxes, containers, and vehicles shall be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. 3. Any poultry vaccinations must be performed at least 4 weeks prior to delivery to the show. 4. Upon admission to a show, all entries shall be examined by the official county fair veterinarian or qualified state personnel who shall also receive and examine all certificates necessary for admission of birds to a show. Birds not in show condition will be excused from exhibition and removed from the premises. Any fowl showing signs of illness during the fair will be removed from the exhibition grounds. 5. All out-of-state turkeys must originate from flocks that are officially classified as U.S. Mycoplasma Gallisepticum Clean in accordance with the provisions of the National Poultry Improvement Plan or be negative to a test Mycoplasma Gallispeticum within 30 days prior to entry. 6. A permit is also required for out-of-state poultry. A permit may be obtained by calling (217) 782-4944. Please note: These poultry exhibition requirements do not apply to 4-H and FFA 1-day poultry shows where the entries are taken to the show and returned home the same day. However, a permit is required for out-of-state poultry. CERVIDAE (Deer, Elk, Reindeer, Caribou, Moose, Red Deer, and Other Related Species) Identification All animals shall be individually identified with an approved tag, microchip, or tattoo. Elk are required to have two official/approved unique identifiers. Illinois Cevidae Chronic Wasting Disease For cevidae changing ownership or moving within the State, the owner must obtain a permit issued by the Department prior to movement and the cervid must originate from a herd that is enrolled in the Certified Monitored Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Program or the Contained Monitored Chronic Wasting Disease Program. The permit shall be obtained no more than 72 hours in advance of the movement of the cervids by providing the following information: A) Name and complete mailing address of person exhibiting the cervids; B) Certified Monitored Chronic Wasting Disease or Contained Monitored Chronic Wasting Disease Herd number; C) Name and complete mailing address of location where the animals will be exhibited; D) Number of animals and unique identification of the animals. Tuberculosis Illinois is an Accredited Tuberculosis-Free State. Tuberculin test is not required for Illinois cervidae. Out-of-State Cervidae Chronic Wasting Disease 1. All cervidae entering Illinois must be in compliance with the Illinois Wildlife Code (520 ILCS 5). For more information contact the Illinois Department of Natural Resources at 217/782-6384. 2. All cervidae entering Illinois must be accompanied by a permit from the Department and a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection that: a. has been issued by an accredited veterinarian of the state of origin or a veterinarian in the employ of the United States Department of Agriculture; b. Is approved by the Animal Health Official of the state of origin; 15 c. shows that the cervidae are free from visible evidence of any contagious, infectious or communicable disease or exposure thereto, do not originate from a CWD endemic area (any county and surrounding counties where CWD has been diagnosed in the past five years); d. shows that the cervidae are not originating from a herd under quarantine for any contagious, infectious, or communicable disease; e. shows that the animals originate from a herd that has been monitored for at least 5 years under a state-approved CWD certification program. 3. A permit number can be obtained by calling (217) 782-4944. Applicant for permit shall furnish the following information to the Department: a. Name and post office mailing address of Illinois destination; b. Name and post office mailing address of the consignor and/or source herds; c. Name and post office mailing address of the herd veterinarian; d. Number and unique identification of cervidae in shipment. Brucellosis Cervidae six (6) months of age and older must have a negative brucellosis card or PCFIA test within sixty (60) days prior to entry. Tuberculosis 1. Accredited Tuberculosis Free State All cervidae twelve (12) months of age and over shall be negative to two (2) single cervical tests for bovine TB no less than ninety (90) days apart with the second test conducted within ninety (90) days prior to entry. These animals shall be isolated from all other members of the heard during the testing period unless they originate from an accredited, qualified, or monitored herd. A. Cervidae from an accredited herd may be moved into Illinois without further TB testing provided that a certificate stating that such cervids originated from an accredited herd accompanies them. B. Cervidae originating from qualified or monitored herds may enter with a negative test within ninety (90) days prior to entry and a certificate stating that animal originate from a monitored herd. 2. Non-Accredited Tuberculosis Free Areas or States (Not TB Free) A. All cervidae shall originate from a herd where a complete herd test was conducted within the past year. B. The individual animals entering Illinois must be negative to two (2) additional tuberculin tests conducted within 180 and 30 days prior to entry or exhibition. RATITES (Ostriches, Emus Rheas, Cassowaries, and Kiwis) Illinois Ratites There are no requirements governing the movement of ratites within Illinois. Out-of-State Ratites 1. Must be accompanied by a CVI and permit number. 2. Individually identified by leg band or microchip. 3. Negative test for Avian Influenza within 10 days prior to entry. PIGEONS There are no requirements governing the movement of pigeons within or into Illinois. RABBITS There are no requirements governing the movement of rabbits within or into Illinois. LLAMAS There are no requirements governing movement of llamas within Illinois. A permit and health certificate are required for out-of-state llamas. A permit may be obtained by calling (217) 782-4944. 16 LIVESTOCK SCHEDULE WEDNESDAY JULY 8 PYGMY GOATS RABBITS 4 pm: Jr Steers weigh 8:30 am: Open & Jr Dairy Show 7 pm: Sheep must be in place SHEEP 8 am: Open Sheep Show 7 pm: Pygmy Goats must be in place 6:30 pm: Open Barrows and Open Market Gilts must be in place Approximately 6 pm Open Barrow and Open Market Gilts weigh SATURDAY JULY 11 1 pm (Approx): Open Beef Cattle Show 7 pm: Dairy Cattle must be place DAIRY POULTRY FRIDAY JULY 10 9 am: All open steers must be in place 9-10 am: Weigh open steers 12 noon: Open Steer Show 7 pm: All Beef Cattle must be in place BEEF SWINE THURSDAY JULLY 9 8 am: Open Barrows and Market Gilt Show 7 pm: All other Swine must be in place 7 pm: Poultry must be in place 7 pm: Rabbits must be in place 17 9 am: Jr Pygmy Goat Show 9 am: Open Pygmy Goat Show SUNDAY JULY 12 10 am: Jr Heifers and Jr Steer Show 7 pm: Beef released 7 pm: Dairy released 9 am: Jr Sheep Show 7 pm Sheep released 9 am: Open Pygmy Goat Show 7pm: Pygmy Goats released 8 am: Open Breeding Show Following Show: Jr Barrow & Jr Market Gilts weigh 11 am: Poultry Judging 8 am: Jr Swine Show 7 pm: Swine released 7 pm: Poultry released 2 pm: Rabbit Show 7 pm: Rabbits released DEPARTMENT A - BEEF CATTLE Superintendent - Jay Kocher Asst. Superintendents - Doug Toepper Show - Saturday, July 11 - 1:00 pm or 1/2 hour after the conclusion of the swine show Total Premiums Offered - $2,555.00 Stall - $8.00 per head Entry Fee - $6.00 per entry Exhibitor's Permit - $10.00 All entries must be in the Fair office, postmarked marked on or before JUNE 24, 2015. ALL EXHIBITORS MUST COME TO THE FAIR OFFICE BY 9 PM ON THURS., JULY 9 TO CHECK THE ACCURACY OF THEIR ENTRIES AS REPORTED IN OUR COMPUTERS. No changes will be made at the show ring. If your entry is not listed in the judges' book - you will not show in that class. ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY EXHIBITOR'S SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, RELEASE FORM SIGNATURES, AND PAYMENT OF ENTRY FEES, STALL FEES, AND EXHIBITOR'S PERMIT. No exhibitor will be paid a premium until a completed W-9 form is on file in our fair office. W-9 form is located on the entry form. No money covering entry fees, stall fees, and exhibitor's permit will be refunded. All exhibitors MUST check-in to the fair office no later than 9 pm, Thursday, July 9 to receive all necessary paperwork. Free admission and free parking to the fairgrounds. Superintendents will assign ALL stalls. All beef cattle must be stalled in the beef barn. All animals to be entitled to a premium must be entered in their class and must be registered and shown in show arena. FANS - Hanging caged fans will be the only fans allowed in the Beef Barn. NO BUTT FANS. Each exhibitor will be allowed one fan for each three animals. Anyone using a generator must specify this on the entry form. If electricity is available, additional fans will be charged at the rate of $10 per day per fan. All extension cords for fans must be outdoor approved - heavy gauge. Trimming/grooming chutes will be allowed to set up in the barn ONLY on the day the exhibitor is showing. No paper bedding may be used. See health requirements governing exhibits in the department. All health papers must be turned in to the Fair Office upon arrival where they will be checked by the Vet and then returned to the exhibitor before the end of the fair. Beef cattle MUST be on the grounds by 7 pm, Thursday, July 9. Release time will be 7 pm, Sunday, July 12. Leaving before release time will mean forfeiture of premium checks. No one can leave the fairgrounds before their stated release time EXCEPT 4-H members who have met the 72-hour rule and have a letter written and signed by their County Extension Advisor stating that they must leave early to attend their own County 4-H Show. This letter must accompany their entry. All animals over two years of age must give satisfactory evidence to the judge of being breeders, or be expelled from competition. Superintendents will strictly enforce this rule. All animals over six months of age are to be registered. ALL PUREBRED LIVESTOCK INCLUDING AOB HIGH & LOW MUST HAVE REGISTRATION PAPERS IN ORDER TO EXHIBIT. ALL REGISTRATION PAPERS WILL BE CHECKED AND MUST BE IN THE EXHIBITOR'S POSSESSION DURING THE FAIR. IF ANY EXHIBITOR IS FOUND TO BE VIOLATION THEY WILL BE DISQUALIFIED AllINexhibitors in this department must purchase an IMMEDIATELY. Exhibitor's permit. An exhibitor can win only two premiums per class number. No refunds to non-winner. 18 No entry fee needs to be paid for CHAMPION or RESERVE classes. Only first prize winners will be eligible to show in Champion classes. Show order will be determined by the Superintendent and posted in the show ring. ENTRY FORMS- Entry must be made in name of owner. Exhibitor's name must match social security number given. Entry will be determined by class number given on entry form, so carefully select the correct class number. Entry forms may be photocopied. BREEDING CLASSES *ATTENTION AOB EXHIBITORS: All AOB heifers must have registration papers. Please enter all AOB heifers as Low % Females. Prior to the show, the Beef Committee will split the AOB females into two groups - High % & Low % Show order will be determined by Superintendent. Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4* Section 5* Section 100 Class Number SECTION 1 - SHORTHORN AND POLLED SHORTHORN SECTION 2 - ANGUS SECTION 3 - POLLED & HEREFORD SECTION 4 - ALL OTHER BREEDS - HIGH %* SECTION 5 - ALL OTHER BREEDS - LOW %* 1 21 41 61 81 April/May Yearling Heifer and younger, 4-1-14 and younger $35 $30 $20 $15 2 22 42 62 82 March Yearling Heifer, 3-1-14 to 3-31-14 $35 $30 $20 $15 3 23 43 63 83 January/February Yearling Heifer, 1-1-14 to 2-28-14 $35 $30 $20 $15 6 26 46 66 86 Champion Heifer $50 Ribbon 7 27 47 67 87 Reserve Champion Heifer $40 Ribbon 88 Grand Champion Heifer $200 Rosette 89 Reserve Grand Champion Heifer $150 Rosette 90 3rd Place Overall Heifer $100 Rosette 91 4th Place Overall Heifer $75 Rosette 92 5th Place Overall Heifer $50 Rosette 93 Best of Show Marshall-Putnam Resident $30 Rosette 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Please Note: ENTRY FORMS - Entry must be made in name of owner. Exhibitor's name must match social security number given. Entry will be determined by class number given on entry form, so carefully select the correct class number. Entry forms may be photocopied, if needed. 19 DEPARTMENT A1 - OPEN STEER Superintendent - Jay Kocher Asst. Superintendents - Doug Toepper One Day Show - Thursday, July 9 - 12:00 noon Total Premiums Offered - $2,555.00 Stall - $8.00 per head Entry Fee - $10.00 per entry Exhibitor's Permit - $10.00 All rules for Dept. A - Open Beef that are applicable to this department are to be followed, along with those listed below. All entries must be in the Fair office, postmarked on or before JUNE 24, 2015. ALL EXHIBITORS MUST COME TO THE FAIR OFFICE BY 11 AM ON THURS., JULY 9 TO CHECK THE ACCURACY OF THEIR ENTRIES AS REPORTED IN OUR COMPUTERS. No changes will be made at the show ring. If your entry is not listed in the judges' book - you will not show in that class. ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY EXHIBITOR'S SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, RELEASE FORM SIGNATURES, AND PAYMENT OF ENTRY FEES, STALL FEES, AND EXHIBITOR'S PERMIT. No exhibitor will be paid a premium until a completed W- 9 form is on file in our fair office. W-9 form is located on the entry form. No money covering entry fees, stall fees, and exhibitor's permit will be refunded. All steers must have a calf mouth (all baby teeth) with no permanent teeth showing or evidence thereof. All steers must have been dropped on or after January 1, 2014. Open class steers MUST be in place by 9 am Thursday, July 9, 2015. Open steers showing only in the one day show on Thursday, will be released when checks are ready on Thursday. Open class steers will weigh on Thursday, July 9th, 9 am - 10 am. The committee will determine which class steers shall show in and their decision is final. ALL PUREBRED LIVESTOCK MUST HAVE REGISTRATION PAPERS IN ORDER TO EXHIBIT. ALL REGISTRATION PAPERS WILL BE CHECKED AND MUST BE IN THE EXHIBITOR'S POSSESSION DURING THE FAIR. IF ANY EXHBITOR IS FOUND TO BE IN VIOLATION, THEY WILL BE DISQUALIFIED IMMEDIATELY. PUREBRED STEERS WILL SHOWN BY STATE FAIR RULES AND PAPERS WILL BE CHECKED AT WEIGH-IN. Open class steers will be assigned stalls. In the Top 3 steers overall, 1 must be a purebred steer. FANS - Hanging caged fans will be the only fans allowed in the Beef Barn. NO BUTT FANS. Each exhibitor will be allowed one fan for each three animals. Anyone using a generator must specify this on the entry form. If electricity is available, additional fans will be charged at the rate of $10 per day per fan. All extension cords for fans must be outdoor approved - heavy gauge. All Beef cattle must be stalled in the beef barn. 20 *ENTER STEERS IN THE FOLLOWING CLASSES: Shorthorn: Dept. A1, Section 98, Class 1A Angus: Dept. A1, Section 98, Class 1B Hereford: Dept. A1, Section 98, Class 1C AOB: Dept. A1, Section 98, Class 1D Crossbred: Dept. A1, Section 98, Class 1E After weigh-in, steers will be divided into the following classes: DO NOT ENTER STEERS IN THESE CLASSES, ENTRY CLASSES ARE LISTED ABOVE. SECTION 8 - SHORTHORN SECTION 9 - ANGUS SECTION 10 - HEREFORD SECTION 11 - ALL OTHER BREED (must have papers) SECTION 12 - CROSSBRED (no papers required) SECTION 100 - CHAMPIONS Section 100 Class Number Show order will be determined by Superintendent. Section Section Section Section Section Section 8 9 10 11 12 100 160 165 170 175 180 161 166 171 176 162 167 172 163 168 164 169 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Lightweight Steer $35 $30 $20 $15 181 Mediumweight Steer $35 $30 $20 $15 177 182 Heavyweight Steer $35 $30 $20 $15 173 178 183 Champion Steer $50 Ribbon 174 179 184 Reserve Champion Steer $40 Ribbon 185 Grand Champion Steer $200 Rosette 186 Reserve Champion Steer $150 Rosette 187 Third Place Overall Steer $100 Rosette 188 Fourth Place Overall Steer $75 Rosette 189 Fifth Place Overall Steer $50 Rosette 190 Best of Show Marshall-Putnam Resident $30 Rosette 21 DEPARTMENT B - DAIRY CATTLE Superintendent - Tom Scoon Asst. Superintendent - Cindy Scoon Show - Saturday, July 11 - 8:30 am Total Premiums Offered - $4,630.00 Stall - $8.00 per head Entry Fee - $5.00 per entry Exhibitor's Permit - $10.00 All entries must be in the Fair office, postmarked on or before JUNE 24, 2015. ALL EXHIBITORS MUST COME TO THE FAIR OFFICE BY 9 PM ON THURS., JULY 9 TO CHECK THE ACCURACY OF THEIR ENTRIES AS REPORTED IN OUR COMPUTERS. No changes will be made at the show ring. If your entry is not listed in the judges' book - you will not show in that class. ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY EXHIBITOR'S SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, RELEASE FORM SIGNATURES, AND PAYMENT OF ENTRY FEES, STALL FEES, AND EXHIBITOR'S PERMIT. No exhibitor will be paid a premium until a completed W-9 form is on file in our fair office. W-9 form is located on the entry form. All exhibitors must purchase an exhibitor's permit. No money covering entry fees, stall fees, and exhibitor's permit will be refunded. All exhibitors MUST check-in to the fair office no later than 9 pm, Thursday, July 9 to receive all necessary paperwork. Free admission and free parking to the fairgrounds. ENTRY FORMS- Entry must be made in name of owner. Exhibitor's name must match social security number given. Entry will be determined by class number given on entry form, so carefully select the correct class number. Entry forms may be photocopied. See FAN RULE and extension cord notice in General Rules and Regulations. NO PAPER BEDDING MAY BE USED. All health papers must be turned in to the Fair Office upon arrival where they will be checked by the Vet and then returned to the exhibitor before the end of the fair. Without the proper health papers, the animals will not be allowed to show and must not be on the grounds. See health requirements governing exhibits in this department. The date for computing ages of Dairy Cattle is fixed as September 1 for Senior classes and March 1 for Junior classes. Should any exhibitor exhibit a heifer under 24 months of age, in milk, same must be entered in cow class 2 years old and under 3. No calf under three months of age shall be eligible to compete in any class. All animals over six months of age are to be registered. All animals must show as a single before they can show as a group. All groups will show. ALL PUREBRED LIVESTOCK MUST HAVE REGISTRATION PAPERS IN ORDER TO EXHIBIT. ALL REGISTRATION PAPERS WILL BE CHECKED AND MUST BE IN THE EXHIBITOR'S POSSESSION DURING THE FAIR. IF ANY EXHIBITOR IS FOUND TO BE IN VIOLATION THEY WILL BE DISQUALIFIED IMMEDIATELY. Open Dairy Show Only: Exhibitors from the same family may share animals to form group classes, where the herd is registered in the name of different members of a family residing on one farm and where the herd is one unit. Please list all group class entries only on one family member's entry form. 22 Class Descriptions: PRODUCE OF DAM: Group to consist of two animals, the produce of one cow, any age. JUNIOR BEST THREE: Group to consist of three animals under two years of age. SENIOR BEST THREE: Group to consist of three animals 2 years of age or older. An exhibitor can win only two premiums per class number. No refund to non-winners. Awards made by a single expert judge. All dairy MUST be in place by 7:00 pm on Thursday, July 9, 2015. Release time will be 7:00 pm Sunday, July 12, 2015. LEAVING BEFORE RELEASE TIME WILL MEAN FORFEITURE OF PREMIUM CHECKS. No entry fee needs to be paid for any CHAMPION classes. Class Number OPEN AND JUNIOR SHOWS WILL BE SHOWN ON SAME DAY. SHOW ORDER WILL BE DETERMINED BY SUPERINTENDENT. Section Section Section Section 1 2 3 4 200 220 240 260 201 221 241 202 222 203 1st 2nd Junior Heifer Calf, 3-1-15 and after $30 $25 261 Intermediate Heifer Calf, 12-1-14 to 2-29-15 $30 $25 242 262 Senior Heifer Calf, 9-1-14 to 11-30-14 $30 $25 223 243 263 Summer Yearling Heifer, 6-1-14 to 8-31-14 $30 $25 204 224 244 264 Junior Yearling Heifer, 3-1-14 to 5-31-14 $30 $25 205 225 245 265 Intermediate Yearling, 12-1-13 to 2-28-14 $30 $25 206 226 246 266 Senior Yearling, 9-1-13 to 11-30-13 $30 $25 207 227 247 267 Junior Best Three $30 $25 208 228 248 268 Cow, 2 years and under 3 $30 $25 209 229 249 269 Cow, 3 years and under 4 $30 $25 210 230 250 270 Cow, 4 years and over $30 $25 211 231 251 271 Produce of Dam $30 $25 212 232 252 272 Dam and Daughter $30 $25 213 233 253 273 Senior Best Three, 2 years and older $30 $25 Champion Classes listed on following page. 23 Section 100 214 234 254 274 215 235 255 275 216 236 256 276 Junior Champion Female $50 Ribbon Senior Champion Cow $75 Ribbon Grand Champion Female $100 Ribbon 280 Jr. Best Three Females Over All $150 Rosette 281 Sr. Best Three Females Over All $150 Rosette 282 Best Dam & Daughter Over All Breeds $75 Rosette 283 Best Produce of Dam Over All Breeds $75 Rosette 284 Supreme Champion Female Over All (only Grand Champion Female from each breed to compete) $200 Rosette Corresponding Junior Dairy class will show immediately after the Open Dairy class has left the show ring so please have Junior entries ready and waiting outside the show ring. (Example of show order - Open Dairy Department, Jersey Junior Heifer Calf, class #200, followed by Junior Dairy Department, Jersey Junior Heifer Calf, class #1100) OPEN CLASSES SECTION 1 - JERSEY SECTION 3 - BROWN SWISS SECTION 2 - ALL OTHER REGISERED BREEDS SECTION 4 - AYRSHIRE Show order will be determined by Superintendent. REMEMBER - All dairy must be in place by 7:00 pm on Thursday, July 9, 2015. All exhibitors must come to the fair office by 9:00 pm on Thursday, July 9th to check the accuracy or their entries as reported in our computers. Show order will be determined by Superintendent. 24 DEPARTMENT F - SHEEP Superintendent - Bob Salisbury Asst. Superintendent - Kenny Kuehn Show - Saturday, July 11 - 8:00 am Total Premiums Offered - $8,160.00 Pen Fee - $3.50 per head Entry Fee - $3.50 per entry Exhibitor's Permit - $10.00 All entries must be in the Fair office, postmarked on or before JUNE 24, 2015. ALL EXHIBITORS MUST COME TO THE FAIR OFFICE BY 9 PM ON THURS., JULY 9 TO CHECK THE ACCURACY OF THEIR ENTRIES AS REPORTED IN OUR COMPUTERS. No changes will be made at the show ring. If your entry is not listed in the judges' book - you will not show in that class. ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY EXHIBITOR'S SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, RELEASE FORM SIGNATURES, AND PAYMENT OF ENTRY FEES, PEN FEES, AND EXHIBITOR'S PERMIT. No exhibitor will be paid a premium until a completed W-9 form is on file in our fair office. W-9 form is located on the entry form. All exhibitors must purchase an exhibitor's permit. No money covering entry fees, stall fees, and exhibitor's permit will be refunded. All exhibitors MUST check-in to the fair office no later than 9 pm, Thursday, July 9 to receive all necessary paperwork. Free admission and free parking to the fairgrounds. ALL PUREBRED LIVESTOCK MUST HAVE REGISTRATION PAPERS IN ORDER TO EXHIBIT. ALL REGISTRATION PAPERS WILL BE CHECKED AND MUST BE IN THE EXHIBITOR'S POSSESSION DURING THE FAIR. IF ANY EXHBITOR IS FOUND TO BE IN VIOLATION, THEY WILL BE DISQUALIFIED IMMEDIATELY. No paper bedding may be used. All health papers must be turned in to the Fair Office upon arrival where they will be checked by the Vet and then returned to the exhibitor before the end of the fair. See health requirements governing exhibits in this department. All animals entitled to a premium must be entered in their class and must be a registered purebred. All animals must be clean and fitted or they will be forbidden to show. An exhibitor can win only two premiums per class number. No refund to non-winners. All animals must show as a single before they can show as a group. Exhibitors may not share animals to form group classes. Only first place winners will be eligible to show in Champion class. No entry fee needs to be paid for any CHAMPION classes. See FAN RULE and extension cord notice in General Rules and Regulations. ABSOLUTELY NO DOGS ALLOWED IN THE SHEEP BARN - NO EXCEPTIONS. All animals MUST be in place by 7 pm Thursday, July 9, 2015. Release time will be 7:00 pm Sunday, July 12, 2015. No one can leave the fairgrounds before their stated release time EXCEPT 4-H members who have met the 72-hour rule and have a letter written and signed by their County Extension Advisor stating that they must leave early to attend their own County 4-H Show. This letter must accompany their entry. 25 ENTRY FORMS- Entry must be made in name of owner. Exhibitor's name must match social security number given. Entry will be determined by class number given on entry form, so carefully select the correct class number. Entry forms may be photocopied. PLEASE CAREFULLY READ GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS. Show order will be determined by the Superintendents and will not necessarily be book order. OPEN CLASSES SECTION 1 - HAMPSHIRE SECTION 7 - CORRIEDALE & ALL SECTION 2 - OXFORD & ALL OTHER MEAT BREEDS OTHER WOOL BREEDS SECTION 3 - SHROPSHIRE SECTION 8 - SOUTHDOWN SECTION 4 - SUFFOLK SECTION 9 - MONTADALE SECTION 5 - COLUMBIA SECTION 100 - CHAMPIONS SECTION 6 - DORSET Show order will be determined by Superintendent. Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 400 420 440 460 480 500 520 540 560 401 421 441 461 481 501 521 541 561 402 422 442 462 482 502 522 542 562 403 423 443 463 483 503 523 543 563 Champion Ram $10 & Ribbon 404 424 444 464 484 504 524 544 564 Yearling Ewe, 1 year old and under 2 $22 405 425 445 465 485 505 525 545 565 Pair Yearling Ewes, 1 year old and under 2 406 426 446 466 486 506 526 546 566 407 427 447 467 487 507 527 547 567 408 428 448 468 488 508 528 548 568 409 429 449 469 489 509 529 549 569 410 430 450 470 490 510 530 550 570 411 431 451 471 491 511 531 551 571 575 576 SECTION 100 577 578 Sr. Ram lamb, born between 9-1-14 and 12-31-14 Jr. Ram lamb, born on or after 1-1-15 Pair of Ram Lambs (Sr. , Jr., or Combination) Sr. Ewe lamb, born between 9-1-14 and 12-31-14 Jr. Ewe lamb, born on or after 1-1-15 Pair of Ewe Lambs (Sr., Jr., or Combination) Champion Ewe Pen of Three Lambs 1 Ram & 2 Ewes (Sr., Jr., or Combination) *ONLY ONE ENTRY Breeder's Flock One Ram lamb (Sr. or Jr.) One Yearling Ewe, Two Ewe Lambs (Sr., Jr., or Combination) *ONLY ONE ENTRY Grand Champion Ewe Over All Breeds Reserve Grand Champion Ewe Over All Breeds Grand Champion Ram Over All Breeds Reserve Grand Champion Ram 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th $22 $20 $18 $15 $12 $22 $20 $18 $15 $12 $22 $20 $18 $15 $12 $20 $18 $15 $12 $22 $20 $18 $15 $12 $22 $20 $18 $15 $12 $22 $20 $18 $15 $12 $22 $20 $18 $15 $12 $10 & Ribbon $22 $20 $18 $15 $12 $22 $20 $18 $15 $12 $50 & Rosette $25 & Rosette $50 & Rosette $25 & Rosette * ONLY ONE ENTRY ALLOWED PER EXHIBITOR FOR PEN AND FLOCK CLASSES. 26 DEPARTMENT G - SWINE Superintendent – Kurtis Kolb Asst. Superintendents – Mitch Wilson, Ryan Nenne, & Barry Stutzman Show - Friday, July 10 - 8:00 am Total Premiums Offered - $3,732.00 Pen Fee - $4.50 per head Entry Fee - $3.50 per entry Exhibitor's Permit - $10.00 All entries must be in the Fair office, postmarked on or before JUNE 24, 2015. ALL EXHIBITORS MUST COME TO THE FAIR OFFICE BY 9 PM ON THURS., JULY 9 TO CHECK THE ACCURACY OF THEIR ENTRIES AS REPORTED IN OUR COMPUTERS. No changes will be made at the show ring. If your entry is not listed in the judges' book - you will not show in that class. ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY EXHIBITOR'S SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, RELEASE FORM SIGNATURES, AND PAYMENT OF ENTRY FEES, STALL FEES, AND EXHIBITOR'S PERMIT. No exhibitor will be paid a premium until a completed W-9 form is on file in our fair office. W-9 form is located on the entry form. All exhibitors in this department must purchase an exhibitor's permit. No money covering entry fees, stall fees, and exhibitor's permit will be refunded. All exhibitors MUST check-in to the fair office no later than 9 pm, Thursday, July 9 to receive all necessary paperwork. Free admission and free parking to the fairgrounds. ALL swine must have health certificates and negative SN test for pseudo rabies. All health papers must be turned in to the Fair Office upon arrival where they will be checked by the Vet and then returned to the exhibitor before the end of the Fair. See health requirements governing exhibits in this department. See FAN RULE and extension cord notice in General Rules and Regulations. No straw bedding may be used (ONLY SHAVINGS). Shavings are NOT available for purchase from the fair. Be sure to state on the entry form the total number of swine you are bringing and the number of pens requested. Pens will be assigned only by the Superintendents. Due to lack of space in the barns, pens will be assigned to 2 pigs per pen. Exhibitors will be allowed to separate pigs within the pens, but must provide their own gate. EXHIBITORS MAY NOT SHARE ANIMALS TO FORM GROUP CLASSES. An exhibitor can win only two premiums per class number. No refund to non-winners. ALL PUREBRED LIVESTOCK MUST HAVE REGISTRATION PAPERS IN ORDER TO EXHIBIT. ALL REGISTRATION PAPERS WILL BE CHECKED AND MUST BE IN THE EXHIBITOR'S POSSESSION DURING THE FAIR. IF ANY EXHIBITOR IS FOUND TO BE IN VIOLATION THEY WILL BE DISQUALIFIED IMMEDIATELY. No entry fee needs to be paid for CHAMPION classes. Registration papers must be brought to the show ring. NO PAPERS - NO MONEY. All animals to be entitled to a premium must be entered in their class, must be purebred and recorded. 27 Animals MUST be in place by 7 pm, Thursday, July 9. EXCEPT OPEN MARKET BARROWS & MARKET GILTS. Open market barrows & market gilts must be in place by 6:30 pm Wednesday, July 8, 2015. Release time will be 7 pm, Sunday, July 12. Barrow and gilts showing only in the one day show on Thursday will be released when checks are ready on Thursday. LEAVING BEFORE RELEASE TIME WILL MEAN FORFEITURE OF PREMIUM CHECKS. No one can leave the fairgrounds before their stated release time EXCEPT 4-H members who have met the 72-hour rule and have a letter written and signed by their County Extension Advisor stating that they must leave early to attend their own County 4-H Show. This letter must accompany their entry. ENTRY FORMS- Entry must be made in name of owner. Exhibitor's name must match social security number given. Entry will be determined by class number given on entry form, so carefully select the correct class number. Entry forms may be photocopied. PLEASE NOTE: YOU CANNOT SHOW THE SAME GILT OR BARROW IN THE BREEDING SHOW AND IN THE MARKET SHOW. See Dept. G1 - Open Market Gilts & Open Market Barrows for entry information in these classes. BREEDING CLASSES SECTION 1 - BERKSHIRE & HEREFORD SECTION 2 - CHESTER WHITE & LANDRACE SECTION 3 - DUROC JERSEY SECTION 4 - HAMPSHIRE SECTION 5 - POLAND CHINA SECTION 6 - SPOTTED POLAND CHINA SECTION 7 - YORKSHIRE SECTION 100 - CHAMPIONS Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Show order will be determined by Superintendent. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 100 801 811 821 831 841 851 861 802 812 822 832 842 852 803 813 823 833 843 804 814 824 834 805 815 825 806 816 826 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Gilt farrowed 1-1-15 to 1-15-15 $28 $24 $19 $14 $12 862 Gilt farrowed 1-16-15 to 1-31-15 $28 $24 $19 $14 $12 853 863 Gilt farrowed 2-1-15 to 3-15-15 $28 $24 $19 $14 $12 844 854 864 Pair of Gilts - Jan. Gilts $28 $24 $19 $14 835 845 855 865 Pair of Gilts Feb. and/or March Gilts $28 $24 $19 $14 836 846 856 866 Champion Gilt 895 Section 100 896 897 Grand Champion Pair of Purebred Gilts Grand Champion Gilt, Over All Purebred Breeds Reserve Grand Champion Gilt, Over All Purebred Breeds 28 $50 & Ribbon $50 and Rosette $80 and Rosette $25 and Rosette DEPARTMENT G1 - OPEN MARKET GILTS & OPEN MARKET BARROWS Superintendent – Kurtis Kolb Asst. Superintendents – Mitch Wilson, Ryan Nenne, & Barry Stutzman One Day Show - Thursday, July 9 - 8:00 am Total Premiums Offered - $3,973.00 Pen Fee - $4.50 per head Entry Fee - $6.00 per entry Exhibitor's Permit - $10.00 All entries must be in the Fair office, postmarked on or before JUNE 24, 2015. ALL EXHIBITORS MUST COME TO THE FAIR OFFICE BY 9 PM ON WED., JULY 9 TO CHECK THE ACCURACY OF THEIR ENTRIES AS REPORTED IN OUR COMPUTERS. No changes will be made at the show ring. If your entry is not listed in the judges' book - you will not show in that class. All rules in Dept. G - Swine that are applicable to this department are to be followed, along with those listed here. ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY EXHIBITOR'S SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, RELEASE FORM SIGNATURES, AND PAYMENT OF ENTRY FEES, STALL FEES, AND EXHIBITOR'S PERMIT. All exhibitors in this department must purchase an exhibitor's permit. No money covering entry fees, stall fees, and exhibitor's permit will be refunded. ALL PUREBRED LIVESTOCK MUST HAVE REGISTRATION PAPERS IN ORDER TO EXHIBIT. ALL REGISTRATION PAPERS WILL BE CHECKED AND MUST BE IN THE EXHIBITOR'S POSSESSION DURING THE FAIR. IF ANY EXHIBITOR IS FOUND TO BE IN VIOLATION THEY WILL BE DISQUALIFIED IMMEDIATELY. Registration papers will be checked at the time of weigh-in. No exhibitor will be paid a premium until a completed W-9 form is on file in our fair office. W-9 form is located on the entry form. No straw bedding may be used (ONLY SHAVINGS). Shavings are NOT available for purchase from the fair. Open market barrows & market gilts must be in place by 6:30 pm Wednesday, July 8, 2015. Release time will be when checks are ready on Thursday. LEAVING BEFORE RELEASE TIME WILL MEAN FORFEITURE OF PREMIUM CHECKS. CHECKS WILL NOT BE MAILED. Open market barrows & market gilts will weigh Wednesday, July 8 beginning at approximately 6:00 pm and will be divided equally. Weight limit on all market barrows & market gilts is 185 - 295 lbs. Market barrows and market gilts shown in Junior Show will use same weight from open show. No reweighs. Free admission and free parking to the fairgrounds. ALL swine must have health certificates and negative SN test for pseudo rabies. All health papers must be turned in to the Fair Office upon arrival where they will be checked by the Vet and then returned to the exhibitor before the end of the Fair. See health requirements governing exhibits in this department. Be sure to state on the entry form the total number of swine you are bringing and the number of pens requested. Pens will be assigned only by the Superintendents. Due to lack of space in the barns, pens will be assigned to 2 pigs per pen. Exhibitors will be allowed to separate pigs within the pens, but must provide their own gate. ENTRY FORMS- Entry must be made in name of owner. Exhibitor's name must match social security number given. Entry will be determined by class number given on entry form, so carefully select the correct class number. Entry forms may be photocopied. 29 PLEASE NOTE: YOU CANNOT SHOW THE SAME GILT OR BARROW IN THE BREEDING SHOW AND IN THE MARKET SHOW. An exhibitor can win only two premiums per class number. No refund to non-winners. SECTION 10 - MARKET GILTS *ENTER ALL MARKET GILTS IN DEPT. G1, SECTION 98, CLASS 1 F All gilts will be divided after they are weighed. Gilts will be paint numbered. All breeds and crossbreds will show together. All first and second place gilts are eligible for class numbers 943 and 944. Section Class 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 10 940 Market Gilt $40 $30 $25 $20 $15 $12 10 941 Market Gilt $40 $30 $25 $20 $15 $12 10 942 Market Gilts $40 $30 $25 $20 $15 $12 100 943 Champion Market Gilt $200 & Trophy Rosette 100 944 Reserve Champion Market Gilt $100 & Trophy Rosette 30 SECTION 11 - MARKET BARROWS - PUREBRED AND CROSSBRED *** PLEASE NOTE FOR OPEN MARKET BARROWS*** There will be a light and heavy weight class for the purebred breeds of Duroc, Hampshire, and Yorkshire. There will be a lightweight and heavyweight class where all other purebred breeds will show together. There will be six crossbred barrow classes. TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR THE PUREBRED BARROW CLASSES, ALL EXHIBITORS MUST SUBMIT ORIGINAL REGISTRATION PAPERS (NOT COPIES) AT THE TIME OF WEIGHING OR THEY WILL SHOW AS CROSSBRED. IN THE TOP 4 BARROWS OVERALL, ONE MUST BE A PUREBRED. *ENTER ALL MARKET BARROWS THE FOLLOWING CLASSES: ALL OTHER PUREBREDS: Dept. G1, Section 98, Class 1A DUROC: Dept. G1, Section 98, Class 1B HAMPSHIRE: Dept. G1, Section 98, Class 1C YORKSHIRE: Dept. G1, Section 98, Class 1D CROSSBRED: Dept. G1, Section 98, Class 1E All barrows will be divided after they are weighed. Show order will be determined by Superintendent. PUREBRED BARROWS SECTION CLASS 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 11 950 Lightweight All Other Purebred Barrow $40 $35 $25 $18 $12 11 951 Heavyweight All Other Purebred Barrow $40 $35 $25 $18 $12 100 952 Champion All Other Purebred Barrow 100 953 Reserve Champion All Other Purebred Barrow $20 Ribbon 11 954 Lightweight Duroc Barrow $40 $35 $25 $18 $12 11 955 Heavyweight Duroc Barrow $40 $35 $25 $18 $12 100 956 Champion Duroc Barrow $30 & Ribbon 100 957 Reserve Champion Duroc Barrow $20 & Ribbon 11 958 Lightweight Hampshire Barrow $40 $35 $25 $18 $12 11 959 Heavyweight Hampshire Barrow $40 $35 $25 $18 $12 100 960 Champion Hampshire Barrow $30 & Ribbon 100 961 Reserve Champion Hampshire Barrow $20 & Ribbon 11 962 Lightweight Yorkshire Barrow $40 $35 $25 $18 $12 11 963 Heavyweight Yorkshire Barrow $40 $35 $25 $18 $12 100 964 Champion Yorkshire Barrow $30 & Ribbon 100 965 Reserve Champion Yorkshire Barrow $20 & Ribbon 31 $30 & Ribbon Enter all crossbred barrows in Dept. G1, Section 98, Class 1E SECTION CLASS 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 11 970 Crossbred Barrow $40 $35 $30 $25 $20 $12 $10 11 971 Crossbred Barrow $40 $35 $30 $25 $20 $12 $10 11 972 Crossbred Barrow $40 $35 $30 $25 $20 $12 $10 11 973 Crossbred Barrow $40 $35 $30 $25 $20 $12 $10 11 974 Crossbred Barrow $40 $35 $30 $25 $20 $12 $10 11 975 Crossbred Barrow $40 $35 $30 $25 $20 $12 $10 SECTION 100 - CHAMPIONS SECTION CLASS 100 980 Grand Champion Barrow 100 981 Reserve Grand Champion Barrow $200 & Rosette 100 982 3rd Barrow Over All $125 & Rosette 100 983 4th Barrow Over All $100 & Rosette 100 984 5th Barrow Over All $50 & Rosette $500, Rosette & Trophy PLEASE NOTE - All Champion and Reserve Champion Purebred class winners and 1st and 2nd place Crossbred class winners (classes 970-975) are eligible to compete in class numbers 980-983. IN THE TOP 5 BARROWS OVERALL CLASS (980-984), ONE (1) MUST BE A PUREBRED. 32 DEPARTMENT H - JUNIOR DEPARTMENT LIVESTOCK RULES AND REGULATIONS All entries must be in the Fair office, postmarked by JUNE 24, 2015. ALL EXHIBITORS MUST COME TO THE FAIR OFFICE BY 9 PM ON THURS, JULY 9, 2015 TO CHECK THE ACCURACY OF THEIR ENTRIES AS REPORTED IN OUR COMPUTERS. No changes will be made at the show ring. If your entry is not listed in the judges' book - you will not show in that class. ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, RELEASE FORM SIGNATURES, AND PAYMENT OF ENTRY FEES, STALL/PEN FEES, AND EXHIBITOR'S PERMIT. No money covering fees and permits will be refunded. All exhibitors MUST check-in to the fair office no later than 9 pm, Thursday, July 9 to receive all necessary paperwork. Free admission and free parking to the fairgrounds. AGE RULING: Open to boys and girls who are eight (8) years of age or in the third grade and not yet nineteen (19) years of age on or before September 1 of the year previous to the fair. All animals (i.e., individual, herd or flock classes) shown in junior classes must be the property of the boys or girls showing them. If the same animals are shown in both the open classes and junior classes, they shall be shown under the same exhibitor's name (for example, the father is not permitted to show an animal in the open class and the son or daughter show the same animal in the junior classes). ALL EXHIBITORS MUST BE PRESENT TO SHOW THEIR OWN ANIMALS. No exhibitor will be paid a premium until a completed W-9 form is on file in our fair office. W-9 form is located on the entry form. ALL PUREBRED LIVESTOCK MUST HAVE REGISTRATION PAPERS IN ORDER TO EXHIBIT. ALL REGISTRATION PAPERS WILL BE CHECKED AND MUST BE IN THE EXHIBITOR'S POSSESSION DURIN THE FAIR. IF ANY EXHIBITOR IS FOUND TO BE IN VIOLATION, THEY WILL BE DISQUALIFIED IMMEDIATELY. (Swine see Dept. G - Open Swine rules) No paper bedding may be used. See FAN RULE and extension cord notice in General Rules and Regulations. All animals must meet the state health rulings required in the open class exhibits. Please see Health Requirements for official rules. All Health Papers must be turned in to the Fair Office upon arrival where they will be checked by the Vet and then returned to the exhibitor before the end of the fair. Livestock MUST be on the grounds by 7 pm, Thursday, July 9. Release time will be 7 pm, Sunday, July 12. LEAVING BEFORE RELEASE TIME WILL MEAN FORFEITURE OF PREMIUM CHECKS. No one can leave the fairgrounds before their stated release time EXCEPT 4-H members who have met the 72 hour rule and have a letter written and signed by their County Extension Advisor stating that they must leave early to attend their own County 4-H show. This letter must accompany their entry. An exhibitor can win only two premiums per class number. No refund to non-winners. No entry fee needs to be paid for CHAMPION, RESERVE, or SHOWMANSHIP classes. Any Junior exhibitor who wishes to show in open classes may do so by complying with open class rules. Pay stall/pen fee only once if entering animal in both the Open and Junior Show. See ENTRY FORM info on each open department general info pages. PREMIUM CHECKS WILL NOT BE MAILED. 33 DEPARTMENT H 1 - JUNIOR BEEF DIVISION Total Premiums Offered - $3,330.00 Superintendent - Jay Kocher Assistant Superintendents - Doug Toepper Show - Sunday, July 12, 2015 - 10:00 am SECTION 1 - JUNIOR HEIFER SHOW Total Premiums Offered (Heifer Show) - $1,590.00 Stall Rent - $8.00 per head Entry Fee - $3.00 per entry Exhibitor's Permit - $10.00 All entries must be in the Fair office, postmarked by JUNE 24, 2015. ALL EXHIBITORS MUST COME TO THE FAIR OFFICE BY 9 PM ON THURS, JULY 9, 2015 TO CHECK THE ACCURACY OF THEIR ENTRIES AS REPORTED IN OUR COMPUTERS. No changes will be made at the show ring. If your entry is not listed in the judges' book - you will not show in that class. ALL PUREBRED LIVESTOCK MUST HAVE REGISTRATION PAPERS IN ORDER TO EXHIBIT. ALL REGISTRATION PAPERS WILL BE CHECKED AND MUST BE IN THE EXHIBITOR'S POSSESSION DURING THE FAIR. IF ANY EXHIBITOR IS FOUND TO BE IN VIOLATION, THEY WILL BE DISQUALIFIED IMMEDIATELY. ATTENTION AOB EXHIBITORS: All AOB heifers must have registration papers. Please enter all AOB heifers as Low % Females. Prior to the show, the Beef Committee will split the AOB females into two groups - High % & Low % SHORTNORN ANGUS HEREFORD ALL OTHER BREEDS HIGH % ALL OTHER BREEDS LOW % Section 100 Class Number Show order will be determined by Superintendent. 1000 1005 1010 1015 1020 April/May Yearling Heifer and younger, 4-1-14 and younger $22 $18 $15 $13 1001 1006 1011 1016 1021 March Yearling Heifer, 3-1-14 to 3-31-14 $22 $18 $15 $13 1002 1007 1012 1017 1022 January/February Yearling Heifer, 1-1-14 to 2-28-14 $22 $18 $15 $13 1025 1027 1029 1031 1033 Champion Heifer $30 & Ribbon 1026 1028 1030 1032 1034 Reserve Champion Heifer $15 & Ribbon 1035 Grand Champion Heifer Overall $100 Trophy & Rosette 1036 Reserve Grand Champion Heifer Overall $75 Trophy & Rosette 1037 Third Place Heifer Overall $50 and Rosette 1038 Fourth Place Heifer Overall $40 and Rosette 1039 Fifth Place Heifer Overall $30 and Rosette 1040 Best of Show - Junior Heifer Show (awarded to a Marshall-Putnam Resident) $50 and Rosette 34 1st 2nd 3rd 4th DEPARTMENT H 1 - JUNIOR BEEF DIVISION SECTION 3 - JUNIOR STEER SHOW Total Premiums Offered (Steer Show) - $1,740.00 Stall Rent - $8.00 per head Entry Fee - $6.00 per entry Exhibitor's Permit - $10.00 All entries must be in the Fair office, postmarked by JUNE 24, 2015. ALL EXHIBITORS MUST COME TO THE FAIR OFFICE BY 9 PM ON THURS, JULY 9, 2015 TO CHECK THE ACCURACY OF THEIR ENTRIES AS REPORTED IN OUR COMPUTERS. No changes will be made at the show ring. If your entry is not listed in the judges' book - you will not show in that class. ALL PUREBRED LIVESTOCK MUST HAVE REGISTRATION PAPERS IN ORDER TO EXHIBIT. ALL REGISTRATION PAPERS WILL BE CHECKED AND MUST BE IN THE EXHIBITOR'S POSSESSION DURIN THE FAIR. IF ANY EXHIBITOR IS FOUND TO BE IN VIOLATION, THEY WILL BE DISQUALIFIED IMMEDIATELY. Junior steers will be weighed at 4:00 pm on Saturday, July 11, 2015. *ENTER STEERS IN THE FOLLOWING CLASSES: Shorthorn: Dept. H1, Section 98, Class 1A Angus: Dept. H1, Section 98, Class 1B Hereford: Dept. H1, Section 98, Class 1C AOB: Dept. H1, Section 98, Class 1D Crossbred: Dept H1, Section 98, Class 1E After weigh-in, steers will be divided into the following classes: DO NOT ENTER STEERS IN THESE CLASSES, ENTRY CLASSES ARE LISTED ABOVE. ANGUS HEREFORD ALL OTHER BREED CROSSBRED 1050 1055 1060 1065 1070 Lightweight Steer $22 $18 $15 $13 $10 1051 1056 1061 1066 1071 Mediumweight Steer $22 $18 $15 $13 $10 1052 1057 1062 1067 1072 Heavyweight Steer $22 $18 $15 $13 $10 CHAMPIONS SHORTHORN Class Number NOTE: STEERS ENTERED IN ALL OTHER BREED CLASSES MUST HAVE REGISTRATION PAPERS; THOSE ENTERED IN CROSSBRED CLASSES DO NOT NEED REGISTRATION PAPERS. Show order will be determined by Superintendent. Champion classes listed on next page 35 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th SECTION 100 - CHAMPIONS SECTION 99 - SHOWMANSHIP CLASSES 1053 1058 1063 1068 1073 Champion Steer $30 & Ribbon 1054 1059 1064 1069 1074 Reserve Champion Steer $15 & Ribbon 1075 Grand Champion Steer $100 Trophy & Rosette 1076 Reserve Grand Champion Steer $75 Trophy & Rosette 1077 Third Place Overall Steer $50 & Rosette 1078 Fourth Place Overall Steer $40 & Rosette 1079 Fifth Place Overall Steer $30 & Rosette 1080 Best of Show - Junior Steer Show: (awarded to a Marshall-Putnam Resident) $50 & Rosette 1081 Junior Showmanship* (Open to any exhibitor 8 through 12 years of age, except previous winners, having entries in any of the classes in the Beef Division.) Award 1082 Intermediate Showmanship* (Open to any exhibitor 13 through 16 years of age, except previous winners, having entries in any of the classes in the Beef Division.) Award 1083 Senior Showmanship* (Open to any exhibitor 17 through 18 years of age, except previous winners, having entries in any of the classes in the Beef Division.) Award *SEE AGE RULING IN JUNIOR LIVESTOCK RULES. Additional Event: An additional Pee Wee showmanship event will be offered for children under 8 years of age. There is no entry fee. Contestants must provide their own calves. 36 DEPARTMENT H 2 - JUNIOR DAIRY DIVISION Superintendent - Tom Scoon Asst. Superintendents Show - Saturday, July 11 - 8:30 am Total Premiums Offered - $1,520.00 Stall - $8.00 per head Entry Fee - $3.00 per entry Exhibitor's Permit - $10.00 All entries must be in the Fair office, postmarked on or before JUNE 24, 2015. ALL EXHIBITORS MUST COME TO THE FAIR OFFICE BY 9 PM ON THURS., JULY 9 TO CHECK THE ACCURACY OF THEIR ENTRIES AS REPORTED IN OUR COMPUTERS. No changes will be made at the show ring. If your entry is not listed in the judges' book - you will not show in that class. ALL PUREBRED LIVESTOCK MUST HAVE REGISTRATION PAPERS IN ORDER TO EXHIBIT. ALL REGISTRATION PAPERS WILL BE CHECKED AND MUST BE IN THE EXHIBITOR'S POSSESSION DURING THE FAIR. IF ANY EXHIBITOR IS FOUND TO BE IN VIOLATION THEY WILL BE DISQUALIFIED IMMEDIATELY. Bureau of County Fairs, Department of Agriculture Ruling: All animals (i.e., individual, herd, or flock classes) shown in junior classes must be the property of the boys or girls showing them. If the same animals are shown in both the open classes and junior classes, they shall be shown under the same exhibitor's name (for example, the father is not permitted to show an animal in the open class and the son or daughter show the same animal in the junior classes). OPEN AND JUNIOR SHOWS WILL BE SHOWN ON SAME DAY. Corresponding Junior Dairy class will show immediately after the Open Dairy class has left the show ring so please have Junior entries ready and waiting outside the show ring. (Example of show order - Open Dairy Department, Jersey Junior Heifer Calf, class #200, followed by Junior Dairy Department, Jersey Junior Heifer Calf, class #1100) Show order will be determined by Superintendent. The Junior exhibitor must show to receive Junior premiums. ALL DAIRY MUST BE IN PLACE BY 7:00 PM ON THURSDAY, JULY 9. JERSEY ALL OTHER REGISTERED BREEDS BROWN SWISS AYRSHIRE Class Number SECTION 1 - JUNIOR DAIRY SHOW 1100 1120 1140 1160 Junior Heifer Calf, 3-1-15 and after $17 $15 1101 1121 1141 1161 Intermediate Heifer Calf, 12-1-14 to 2-28-15 $17 $15 1102 1122 1142 1162 Senior Heifer Calf, 9-1-14 to 11-30-14 $17 $15 1103 1123 1143 1163 Summer Yearling Heifer, 6-1-14 to 8-31-14 $17 $15 1104 1124 1144 1164 Junior Yearling Heifer, 3-1-14 to 5-31-14 $17 $15 37 1st 2nd Class Number SECTION 100 -CHAMPIONS SECTION 99 Showmanship Classes 1105 1125 1145 1165 Intermediate Yearling, 12-1-13 to 2-28-14 $17 $15 1106 1126 1146 1166 Senior Yearling, 9-1-13 to 11-30-13 $17 $15 1107 1127 1147 1167 Cow, 2 years and under 3 $17 $15 1108 1128 1148 1168 Cow, 3 years and under 4 $17 $15 1109 1129 1149 1169 Cow, 4 years and over $17 $15 1110 1130 1150 1170 Junior Champion Female under 2 years $20 & Ribbon 1111 1131 1151 1171 Senior Champion Cow $20 & Ribbon 1112 1132 1152 1172 Grand Champion Female $20 & Ribbon 1175 Junior Dairy Showmanship, 13 an under* Show Halter 1176 Senior Dairy Showmanship, 14 and over* Show Halter * To be eligible for showmanship, the exhibitor must be entered and have shown in the Junior Dairy Show. There will be two divisions: Junior - 13 and under, and Senior - 14 and over. SEE AGE RULING IN JUNIOR LIVESTOCK RULES. 38 DEPARTMENT H 3 - JUNIOR SHEEP DIVISION Superintendent - Bob Salisbury Asst. Superintendent - Kenny Kuehn Show - Sunday, July 12, 2015 - 9:00 am Total Premiums Offered - $2,646.00 Pen Fee - $3.50 per head Entry Fee - $2.00 per entry Exhibitor's Permit - $10.00 All entries must be in the Fair office, postmarked on or before JUNE 24, 2015. ALL EXHIBITORS MUST COME TO THE FAIR OFFICE BY 9 PM ON THURS., JULY 9 TO CHECK THE ACCURACY OF THEIR ENTRIES AS REPORTED IN OUR COMPUTERS. No changes will be made at the show ring. If your entry is not listed in the judges' book - you will not show in that class. ALL PUREBRED LIVESTOCK MUST HAVE REGISTRATION PAPERS IN ORDER TO EXHIBIT. ALL REGISTRATION PAPERS WILL BE CHECKED AND MUST BE IN THE EXHIBITOR'S POSSESSION DURING THE FAIR. IF ANY EXHBITOR IS FOUND TO BE IN VIOLATION, THEY WILL BE DISQUALIFIED IMMEDIATELY. All exhibitors must be present to show their own animals. Exhibitors may not share animals to form group classes. ABSOLUTELY NO DOGS ALLOWED IN THE SHEEP BARN - NO EXCEPTIONS. Show order will be determined by the Superintendents and will not necessarily be book order. HAMPSHIRE OXFORD & ALL OTHER MEAT BREEDS SHROPSHIRE SUFOLK COLUMBIA DORSET CORRIEDALE & ALL OTHER WOOL BREEDS SOUTHDOWN MONTADALE SECTION 1 - JUNIOR SHEEP SHOW 1200 1210 1220 1230 1240 1250 1260 1270 1280 Sr. Ram lamb, born between 9-1-14 and 12-31-14 $14 $12 $9 $7 1201 1211 1221 1231 1241 1251 1261 1271 1281 Jr. Ram lamb, born on or after 1-1-15 $14 $12 $9 $7 1202 1212 1222 1232 1242 1252 1262 1272 1282 Pair of Ram Lambs (Sr., Jr., or Combination) $14 $12 $9 $7 1203 1213 1223 1233 1243 1253 1263 1273 1283 Champion Ram 1204 1214 1224 1234 1244 1254 1264 1274 1284 Sr. Ewe lamb, born between 9-1-14 and 12-31-14 $14 $12 $9 $7 1205 1215 1225 1235 1245 1255 1265 1275 1285 Jr. Ewe lamb, born on or after 1-1-15 $14 $12 $9 $7 1206 1216 1226 1236 1246 1256 1266 1276 1286 Pair of Ewe Lambs (Sr., Jr., or Combination) $14 $12 $9 $7 1207 1217 1227 1237 1247 1257 1267 1277 1287 Yearling Ewe, 1 year old and under 2 $14 $12 $9 $7 1st 39 2nd 3rd 4th Ribbon 1208 1218 1228 1238 1248 1258 1268 1289 SECTION 100 CHAMPION CLASSES 1290 1291 1292 1278 1288 Champion Ewe Grand Champion Ram Over All Breeds Reserve Grand Champion Ram Over All Breeds Grand Champion Ewe Over All Breeds Reserve Grand Champion Ewe Over All Breeds Ribbon Trophy & Rosette Trophy & Rosette Trophy & Rosette Trophy & Rosette 1293 Junior Showmanship, 13 years and under* Award 1294 Senior Showmanship, 14 years and over* Award SECTION 99 SHOWMANSHIP CLASSES *SEE AGE RULING IN JUNIOR LIVESTOCK RULES. Showmanship classes are open to all exhibitors in the Junior Show excluding last year's winner. 40 DEPARTMENT H 4 - JUNIOR GOAT DIVISION Junior Pygmy Goat Show Superintendent - Karen Hepner Asst. Superintendents - Carol Hepner and Rhonda Johnson Show - Friday, July 10, 2015 - 9:00 am Total Premiums Offered - $358.00 Pen Fee - $3.50 per head Entry Fee - $2.00 per entry Exhibitor's Permit - $10.00 This is a sanctioned pygmy goat show. All entries must be in the Fair office, postmarked on or before JUNE 24, 2015. ALL EXHIBITORS MUST COME TO THE FAIR OFFICE BY 9 PM ON THURS., JULY 9 TO CHECK THE ACCURACY OF THEIR ENTRIES AS REPORTED IN OUR COMPUTERS. No changes will be made at the show ring. If your entry is not listed in the judges' book - you will not show in that class. ALL PUREBRED LIVESTOCK MUST HAVE REGISTRATION PAPERS IN ORDER TO EXHIBIT. ALL REGISTRATION PAPERS WILL BE CHECKED AND MUST BE IN THE EXHIBITOR'S POSSESSION DURING THE FAIR. IF ANY EXHBITOR IS FOUND TO BE IN VIOLATION, THEY WILL BE DISQUALIFIED IMMEDIATELY. See Health Requirements. Please read carefully. Pens are $3.50 per head. This is a one-time fee. If you enter the open show and pay pen rent for that, do not pay pen rent again for the junior show. All goats must be in place by 7:00 pm, Thursday, July 9, 2015. An exhibitor's permit must be purchased with your entries unless you have already purchased one for the open show. The permits are $10.00. All goats in the junior show must be registered in the junior exhibitor's name. Those same goats shown in the open show must also be entered under the same junior exhibitor's name. Release time will be 7:00 pm, Sunday, July 12, 2015. LEAVING BEFORE RELEASE TIME WILL MEAN FORFEITURE OF PREMIUM CHECKS. SECTION 1 - REGISTERED 2ND 3RD 4TH 1300 Wether, under 1 year $8 $7 $5 $4 1301 Wether, 1 year to under 3 years $8 $7 $5 $4 1302 Wether, 3 years and older $8 $7 $5 $4 1303 Grand Champion Wether $10 & Rosette 1304 Reserve Grand Champion Wether $5 & Rosette 1305 Junior doe, baby kid, 0 to 6 months SECTION 1 SECTION 1 1ST SECT 100 CLASS NUMBER 1306 1307 SECT 100 1308 Junior doe, intermediate kid, 6 months to under 9 months Junior doe, senior kid, 9 months to under 12 months Junior doe, unfreshened yearling, 12 months to under 24 months $8 $7 $5 $4 $8 $7 $5 $4 $8 $7 $5 $4 $8 $7 $5 $4 1309 Junior Champion Doe $10 & Ribbon 1310 Reserve Junior Champion Doe $5 & Ribbon 41 SECTION 1 SECTION 100 SECT 99 1311 Senior doe, freshened yearling, 12 months to under 24 months $8 $7 $5 $4 1312 Senior doe, two-year-old $8 $7 $5 $4 1313 Senior doe, three year-old $8 $7 $5 $4 1314 Senior doe, four year old $8 $7 $5 $4 1315 Senior doe, five years and older $8 $7 $5 $4 1316 Senior Champion Doe $10 & Ribbon 1317 Reserve Senior Champion Doe $5 & Ribbon 1318 Grand Champion Doe $15 & Rosette 1319 Reserve Grand Champion Doe $10 & Rosette 1321 Junior Showmanship 8 - 12 years* Trophy 1322 Teen Showmanship 13 - 18 years* Trophy SECTION 99 - SHOWMANSHIP Showmanship classes are open to exhibitors having entries in any of the classes in the Pygmy Goat Division. No entry fee needed for these classes (1321 & 1322). *SEE AGE RULING IN JUNIOR LIVESTOCK RULES. "HEARTLAND SPECIAL" The Heartland Pygmy Goat Club is sponsoring a sanction show to be held on Friday, July 10, 2015 at the M-P Fairgrounds. All NPGA and M-P Fair rules apply. All entries must also be shown in the 2015 Marshall-Putnam junior or open shows. Contact Karen at [email protected] with any questions and to request an entry form. Separate entry forms will be sent out from the club. DO NOT CONTACT THE FAIR OFFICE OR SEND ENTRY FORM TO THE FAIR OFFICE CONCERNING THIS HEARTLAND SPECIAL SHOW. 42 DEPARTMENT H 5 - JUNIOR SWINE DIVISION Superintendent – Kurtis Kolb Asst. Superintendents – Mitch Wilson, Ryan Nenne, & Barry Stutzman Show - Saturday, July 11, 2015 - 8:00 am Pen Fee - $4.50 per head Total Premiums Offered - $4,879.00 Entry Fees Breeding Show $3.00 per entry Market Gilt & Barrow Show $5.00 per entry Exhibitor's Permit - $10.00 All entries must be in the Fair office, postmarked on or before JUNE 24, 2015. ALL EXHIBITORS MUST COME TO THE FAIR OFFICE BY 9 PM ON THURS., JULY 9 TO CHECK THE ACCURACY OF THEIR ENTRIES AS REPORTED IN OUR COMPUTERS. No changes will be made at the show ring. If your entry is not listed in the judges' book - you will not show in that class. Be sure to state on entry form the total number of swine you are entering and the number of pens you are requesting. Pens will be assigned only by Superintendents. Due to lack of space in the barns, pens will be assigned to 2 pigs per pen. Exhibitors will be allowed to separate pigs within the pens, but must provide their own gates. Please Note: YOU CANNOT SHOW THE SAME GILT OR BARROW IN THE BREEDING SHOW AND IN THE MARKET SHOW. ALL PUREBRED LIVESTOCK MUST HAVE REGISTRATION PAPERS IN ORDER TO EXHIBIT. ALL REGISTRATION PAPERS WILL BE CHECKED AND MUST BE IN THE EXHIBITOR'S POSSESSION DURING THE FAIR. IF ANY EXHBITOR IS FOUND TO BE IN VIOLATION, THEY WILL BE DISQUALIFIED IMMEDIATELY. SECTION 1 1371 1361 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th $28 $24 $18 $14 $11 $28 $24 $18 $14 $11 $11 6th 7th $10 $9 YORKSHIRE 1366 SPOTTED POLAND CHINA POLAND CHINA 1356 HAMPSHIRE CHESTER WHITE & LANDRACE 1351 DUROC JERSEY BERKSHIRE & HEREFORD SECTION 1 - BREEDING SHOW Registration Papers must be brought to the show ring. NO PAPERS - NO MONEY. Show Order will be announced by the Superintendents. 1376 1381 Gilt, farrowed on or after 1-1-15 and before 2-1-15 1352 1357 1362 1367 1372 1377 1382 Gilt, farrowed on or after 2-1-15 $28 $24 $18 $14 1353 1358 1363 1368 1373 1378 1383 Pair of Gilts, Born on or after 1-1-15 $28 $24 $18 $14 Champion Classes are listed on next page. 43 CHESTER WHITE & LANDRACE DUROC JERSEY HAMPSHIRE POLAND CHINA SPOTTED POLAND CHINA YORKSHIRE 1354 1359 1364 1369 1374 1379 1384 SECTION 100 BERKSHIRE & HEREFORD Section 100 - Champion Classes Champion Gilt Ribbon 1405 Grand Champion Gilt Overall $70 Rosette & Trophy 1406 Reserve Grand Champion Gilt Overall $25 and Rosette 1407 Grand Champion Pair of Gilts Overall $50 Rosette & Trophy SECTION 2 - MARKET GILT SHOW All gilts will be divided after they are weighed. Junior market gilts will weigh Friday, July 10, 2015, after open breeding show. Weight limit on market gilts is 185 - 295 pounds. All breeds and crossbreds will show together. MARKET GILTS WILL BE SHOWN AFTER THE BREEDING SHOW. No straw or paper bedding may be used (ONLY SHAVINGS). No shavings will be available for purchase from the fair. Please Note: YOU CANNOT SHOW THE SAME GILT IN THE BREEDING SHOW AND IN THE MARKET GILT SHOW. SECTION 100 SECTION 2 ENTER ALL MARKET GILTS IN DEPT. H 5, SECTION 98, CLASS 1F 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 1425 Market Gilt $40 $30 $25 $20 $17 $12 1426 Market Gilt $40 $30 $25 $20 $17 $12 1427 Market Gilt $40 $30 $25 $20 $17 $12 1428 Champion Market Gilt $100 Trophy & Rosette 1429 Reserve Champion Market Gilt $50 Rosette 44 SECTION 3 - MARKET BARROW SHOW ALL PUREBRED LIVESTOCK MUST HAVE REGISTRATION PAPERS IN ORDER TO EXHIBIT. ALL REGISTRATION PAPERS WILL BE CHECKED AND MUST BE IN THE EXHIBITOR'S POSSESSION DURING THE FAIR. IF ANY EXHBITOR IS FOUND TO BE IN VIOLATION, THEY WILL BE DISQUALIFIED IMMEDIATELY. Registration Papers must be brought to the show ring. NO PAPERS - NO MONEY. Junior market gilts will weigh Friday, July 10, 2015, after open breeding show. Weight limit on market barrows is 185 - 285 pounds. No straw or paper bedding may be used (ONLY SHAVINGS). No shavings will be available for purchase from the fair. *** PLEASE NOTE *** There will be a light and heavy weight class for the purebred breeds of Duroc, Hampshire, and Yorkshire. There will be a light weight and heavyweight class where all other purebred breeds will show together. There will be five crossbred barrow classes. TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR THE PUREBRED BARROW CLASSES, ALL EXHIBITORS MUST SUBMIT ORIGINAL REGISTRATIO PAPERS (NOT COPIES) AT THE TIME OF WEIGHING, OR THEY WILL SHOW AS CROSSBRED. *ENTER ALL MARKET BARROWS IN THE FOLLOWING CLASSES: ALL OTHER PUREBREDS: Dept. H 5, Section 98, Class 1A DUROC: Dept. H 5, Section 98, Class 1B HAMPSHIRE: Dept. H 5, Section 98, Class 1C YORKSHIRE: Dept. H 5, Section 98, Class 1D CROSSBRED: Dept. H 5, Section 98, Class 1E All barrows will be divided after they are weighed. PUREBRED BARROWS (classes continued on next page) SECTION CLASS 3 1435 3 1436 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Lightweight All Other Purebred Barrow $40 $30 $25 $17 $12 Heavyweight All Other Purebred Barrow $40 $30 $25 $17 $12 100 1437 Champion All Other Purebred Barrow $10 & Ribbon 100 1438 Reserve Champion All Other Purebred Barrow 3 1439 Lightweight Duroc Barrow $40 $30 $25 $17 $12 3 1440 Heavyweight Duroc Barrow $40 $30 $25 $17 $12 100 1441 Champion Duroc Barrow 100 1442 Reserve Champion Duroc Barrow 3 1443 Lightweight Hampshire Barrow $40 $30 $25 $17 $12 3 1444 Heavyweight Hampshire Barrow $40 $30 $25 $17 $12 Ribbon $10 & Ribbon 45 Ribbon 100 1445 Champion Hampshire Barrow $10 & Ribbon 100 1446 Reserve Champion Hampshire Barrow 3 1447 Lightweight Yorkshire Barrow $40 $30 $25 $17 $12 3 1448 Heavyweight Yorkshire Barrow $40 $30 $25 $17 $12 100 1449 Champion Yorkshire Barrow 100 1450 Reserve Champion Yorkshire Barrow 100 1451 Champion Purebred Barrow 100 1452 Reserve Champion Purebred Barrow Ribbon $10 & Ribbon Ribbon $50 & Rosette Rosette Enter all crossbred barrows in Dept. H 5, Section 98, Class 1E All barrows will be divided after they are weighed. SECTION CLASS 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 3 1457 Crossbred Barrow $40 $35 $25 $20 $17 $12 $10 3 1458 Crossbred Barrow $40 $35 $25 $20 $17 $12 $10 3 1459 Crossbred Barrow $40 $35 $25 $20 $17 $12 $10 3 1460 Crossbred Barrow $40 $35 $25 $20 $17 $12 $10 3 1461 Crossbred Barrow $40 $35 $25 $20 $17 $12 $10 100 1462 Champion Crossbred Barrow $50 and Rosette 100 1463 Reserve Champion Crossbred Barrow Rosette PLEASE NOTE - Class winners only from classes (1451, 1452, 1462, and 1463) will compete for Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Barrow Over All. 100 1464 Grand Champion Barrow Over All Breeds $150, Trophy & Rosette 100 1465 Reserve Grand Champion Barrow, Over All Breeds $100, Trophy & Rosette SECTION 99 - SHOWMANSHIP 99 1468 Junior Showmanship Award, ages 8 through 10 years* Award 99 1469 Intermediate Showmanship Award, ages 11 through 13 years* Award 99 1470 Senior Showmanship Award, ages 14 and over* Award Showmanship classes are open to exhibitors having entries in any of the classes in the Swine Department. No entry fee needed for these classes (1468, 1469, & 1470). *SEE AGE RULING IN JUNIOR LIVESTOCK RULES. 46 DEPARTMENT I-1 - POULTRY Superintendent - Megan Monier Asst. Superintendent - Stevone Hardin Show - Friday, July 10, 2015 - 11:00 am Total Premiums Offered - $707.00 Cage Fee - $0.15 per bird Entry Fee - $0.60 per entry Exhibitor's Permit - $10.00 All entries must be in the Fair office, postmarked on or before JUNE 24, 2015. ALL EXHIBITORS MUST COME TO THE FAIR OFFICE BY 9 PM ON THURS., JULY 9 TO CHECK THE ACCURACY OF THEIR ENTRIES AS REPORTED IN OUR COMPUTERS. No changes will be made at the show ring. If your entry is not listed in the judges' book - you will not show in that class. ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, RELEASE FORM SIGNATURES, AND PAYMENT OF ENTRY FEES, CAGE FEES AND EHIBITOR'S PERMIT. No money covering entry fees and exhibitor's permit will be refunded. All exhibitors MUST check-in to the fair office no later than 9 pm, Thursday, July 9 to receive all necessary paperwork. Free admission and free parking to the fairgrounds. No paper bedding may be used. An exhibitor can win only two premiums per class number. No refund to non-winners. No exhibitor will be paid a premium until a completed W-9 form is on file in our fair office. W-9 form is located on the entry form. Exhibitor is to bring own feed and feed pans. All poultry must meet health requirements set forth by the Illinois Department of Agriculture - Bureau of Animal Health. Please see Health Requirements governing exhibits in this department. All proper papers must be shown to the superintendent prior to unloading of poultry. Those not having papers will not be allowed to show and all entry fees will be forfeited. This is a state regulation and all those in show must comply. Anyone needing blood-testing should contact the Fair office for a list of private poultry testers authorized by the Illinois Department of Agriculture. Poultry MUST be on the grounds by 7 pm, Thursday, July 9. Judging will begin at 11 am on Friday, July 11, and the birds will be released Sunday, July 12 at 7 pm. Premium checks MUST be picked up at the Fair Office at 7 pm on Sunday, NO CHECKS WILL BE MAILED. The American Standard of Perfection will be the guide for judging poultry. No entry fee needs to be paid for Champion classes. ENTRY FORMS - Entry must be made in name of owner. Exhibitor's name must match social security number given. Entry will be determined by class number given on entry form, so carefully select the class number. Entry forms may be photocopied, if needed. As of June 5, 2015, the Illinois Department of Agriculture (IODA) has restricted Poultry shows in the state of Illinois be limited to ONLY Illinois birds. NO out-of-state birds will be allowed to exhibit at the 2015 Marshall-Putnam Fair. 47 STANDARD 1st 2nd 3rd AOV Rock $3 $2 $1 1507 Rhode Island Red $3 $2 $1 1510 1511 AOV Wyondott $3 $2 $1 1513 1514 1515 AOV American $3 $2 $1 1516 1517 1518 1519 AOV Leghorn $3 $2 $1 1520 1521 1522 1523 AOV Mediterranean $3 $2 $1 1524 1525 1526 1527 AOV Cochin $3 $2 $1 1528 1529 1530 1531 AOV Brahma $3 $2 $1 1532 1533 1534 1535 AOV Asiatic $3 $2 $1 SECTION 4 ENGLISH CLASS 1536 1537 1538 1539 AOV English $3 $2 $1 SECTION 5 POLISH CLASS 1540 1541 1542 1543 AOV Polish $3 $2 $1 SECTION 6 ALL OTHER VARIETIES CLASS 1544 1545 1546 1547 AOV $3 $2 $1 1st 2nd 3rd SECTION 1 AMERICAN CLASSES SECTION 2 MEDITERRANEAN CLASSES SECTION 3 ASIATIC CLASSES Cock Hen Cockerel Pullet 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1508 1509 1512 BANTAMS SECTION 7 AOV FEATHERLEGGED CLASSES SECTION 8 CLEANLEGGED CLASSES Cock Hen Cockerel Pullet 1548 1549 1550 1551 AOV Cochin $3 $2 $1 1552 1553 1554 1555 AOV Silkie $3 $2 $1 1556 1557 1558 1559 AOV Brahma $3 $2 $1 1560 1561 1562 1563 AOV Featherlegged $3 $2 $1 1564 1565 1566 1567 AOV Japanese $3 $2 $1 1568 1569 1570 1571 Rhode Island Red $3 $2 $1 1572 1573 1574 1575 AOV Cornish $3 $2 $1 1576 1577 1578 1579 AOV Rosecomb $3 $2 $1 1580 1581 1582 1583 AOV Rock $3 $2 $1 1584 1585 1586 1587 AOV Leghorn $3 $2 $1 1588 1589 1590 1591 AOV Wyondott $3 $2 $1 1592 1593 1594 1595 AOV Cleanlegged $3 $2 $1 48 1596 1597 1598 1599 AOV Old English $3 $2 $1 1600 1601 1602 1603 AOV Modern English $3 $2 $1 SECTION 9 GAME CLASSES SECTION 100 STANDARD/BANTAM CHAMPIONS 1604 Champion Standard $10 & Ribbon 1605 Champion Bantam $10 & Ribbon MALE FEMALE 1st 2nd 3rd 1606 1607 AOV Heavy Duck $3 $2 $1 1608 1609 AOV Medium Duck $3 $2 $1 1610 1611 AOV Light Duck $3 $2 $1 1612 1613 Bantam Duck $3 $2 $1 SECTION 10 WATERFOWL SECTION 100 WATERFOWL CHAMPION 1614 Champion Waterfowl SECTION 100 CHAMPION 1615 Best Bird in Show 49 $15 & Ribbon Rosette & Award DEPARTMENT I-2 - RABBITS Superintendent - Lisa Kull Show - Sunday, July 12, 2015 - 2:00 pm Total Premiums Offered - $289.00 Entry Fee: Single Rabbit - $1.10 per entry Meat Pen - $3.00 per entry Single Fryer - $1.50 per entry Exhibitor's Permit - $10.00 SHOW RULES All entries must be in the Fair office, postmarked on or before JUNE 24, 2015. ALL EXHIBITORS MUST COME TO THE FAIR OFFICE BY 9 PM ON THURS., JULY 9 TO CHECK THE ACCURACY OF THEIR ENTRIES AS REPORTED IN OUR COMPUTERS. No changes will be made at the show ring. If your entry is not listed in the judges' book - you will not show in that class. 1. The Marshall - Putnam Fair Association's non-sanctioned show will be Sunday, July 12, 2014 at 2:00 pm. ALL ENTRY FORMS MUST HAVE EAR NUMBERS LISTED FOR RABBITS BEING SHOWN, ALONG WITH THE SECTION AND CLASS NUMBER. 2. The Fair Association reserves the right to reject any entries from any exhibitor. 3. ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, RELEASE FORM SIGNATURES, PAYMENT OF ENTERY FEE, AND EXHIBITOR'S PERMIT. PLEASE CHECK IN AT THE FAIR OFFICE BY 9 PM, THURSDAY, JULY 9 TO RECEIVE ALL NECESSARY PAPERWORK. No money covering entry fees and exhibitor's permit will be refunded. 4. ALL RABBITS MUST BE IN PLACE BY 7:00 PM, THURSDAY, JULY 9, 2015. 5. Any rabbit entered in fur class MUST also be entered in paid open class. 6. Rabbits will be released at 7:00 pm on Sunday, July 12, 2015. 7. No exhibitor will be paid a premium until a completed W-9 form is on the file in our fair office. W-9 form is located on the entry form. 8. LEAVING BEFORE RELEASE TIME WILL MEAN FORFEITURE OF PREMIUM CHECKS. 9. All rabbits must be permanently and legibly earmarked in left ear. Substitution will be allowed in the same class and variety, and entry form must show that ear number. 10. Meat pens and single fryers must weigh 3.5 - 5.0 pounds. 11. Breeding Rabbits must be shown in breeding classes and cannot be shown in market classes. 12. No shipped-in rabbits will be accepted. 13. Any animal showing signs of illness will be removed from fairgrounds. 14. No paper bedding may be used. Rabbits will be in all wire coops. 15. Please bring your own food. 16. No breeding on fairgrounds without owner and superintendent's permission. 17. No entry needs to be paid for BEST OF BREED, BEST OPPOSITE SEX, BREED FUR, OR SECTION 100 (CHAMPIONS) CLASSES. 18. Please read the General Rules and Regulations for further information. 19. ENTRY FORMS - Entry must be made in name of owner. Exhibitor's name must match social security number given. Entry will be determined by class number given on entry form, so carefully select the correct class number. Entry forms may be photocopied, if necessary. ALL RABBITS MUST HAVE PEDIGREE PAPERS IN ORDER TO EXHIBIT. ALL PEDIGREE PAPERS WILL BE CHECKED AND MUST BE IN THE EXHIBITOR'S POSSESSION DURING THE FAIR. IF ANY EXHIBITOR IS FOUND TO BE IN VIOLATION, THEY WILL BE DISQUALIFIED IMMEDIATELY. 50 PREMIUMS CLASS SECTION 1 CALIFORNIAN 1750 1751 1752 1753 SECTION 2 MINI REX SECTION 3 ALL OTHER BREEDS Single Fryer $15.00 $14.00 $12.00 $10.00 1772 Meat Pen Best In Show $18.00 $17.00 $15.00 $14.00 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 SECTION 100 - CHAMPIONS SECTION 4SINGLE FRYER SECTION 5 MEAT PEN SECTION 100 - CHAMPIONS 4TH 1771 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1769 1773 $4.50 $4.50 $4.50 $4.50 3RD 1770 1755 1761 SECTION 100 - CHAMPIONS 2ND Senior Buck Senior Doe Junior Buck Junior Doe Best of Breed Best Opposite Sex Breed Fur Senior Buck Senior Doe Junior Buck Junior Doe Best of Breed Best Opposite Sex Breed Fur Senior Buck Senior Doe Junior Buck Junior Doe Best of Breed Best Opposite Sex Breed Fur 1754 SECTION 100 - CHAMPIONS 1ST $3.50 $3.50 $3.50 $3.50 $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 $3.50 $3.50 $3.50 $3.50 $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 $3.50 $3.50 $3.50 $3.50 $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 $6.00 & Ribbon $4.00 & Ribbon Ribbon $4.50 $4.50 $4.50 $4.50 $6.00 & Ribbon $4.00 & Ribbon Ribbon $4.50 $4.50 $4.50 $4.50 $6.00 & Ribbon $4.00 & Ribbon Ribbon Rosette & Award 51 DEPARTMENT J - AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS Superintendents - Mike and Debbie Skowera Total Premiums Offered - $444.00 Exhibitor's Permit - $6.00 No entry fee required GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS Exhibitors please take notice and observe carefully. Exhibitors may make as many entries in each class number as they wish, but can win only two premiums per class number. ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, RELEASE FORM SIGNATURES, AND PAYMENT OF EXHIBITOR'S PERMIT. **Please Note** ENTRY FORMS MUST BE IN THE FAIR OFFICE BY 6:00 PM, WED., JUNE 24, 2015 or POSTMARKED BY JUNE 24, 2015. Walk-in entries will be accepted in the fair office from June 17 thru June 19 (9 am – 4 pm) and June 22 thru June 24 (9 am - 6 pm). Articles to be exhibited must be brought to the Commercial Building from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm on Tuesday, July 7, 2015 Article identification tags will be printed on the computer. Bring or mail your entry forms in early to avoid waiting in line. No exhibitor will be paid a premium until a completed W-9 form is on file in our fair office. W-9 form is located on the entry form. ENTRY FORMS - Exhibitor's name must match social security number given. Entry will be determined by class number given. Entry forms may be photocopied, if needed. All exhibits in this department must be grown by exhibitor, and selected from the present year's crop, with exception of corn, clover seed, and other seeds which do not mature before the fair. Where quantity is specified, exhibits must conform to requirements. All exhibits not listed will be accepted, judged and awarded ribbons. No refunds to non-winners. Release time will be 5:00 pm Sunday, July 12, 2015. All exhibits are to be removed then, unless otherwise authorized. Leaving before release time will mean forfeiture of premium checks. 52 SECTION 1- VEGETABLES SECTION CLASS White Potatoes, 6 $5 $3 $2. Red Potatoes, 6 $5 $3 $2. 1952 White Onions, 5 $5 $3 $2. 1953 Any Other Onions, 5 $5 $3 $2. 1954 Red Beets, 5 $5 $3 $2. 1955 Turnips, 5 $5 $3 $2. 1956 Carrots, 5 $5 $3 $2. 1957 Red tomatoes, 3 $5 $3 $2. 1958 Yellow Tomatoes, 3 $5 $3 $2. 1959 Miniature tomatoes, 10 $5 $3 $2. 1960 Cabbage, one head $5 $3 $2. 1961 Garlic, 3 bulbs $5 $3 $2. 1963 Any Summer Squash, 2 $5 $3 $2. 1964 Any Winter Squash, 2 $5 $3 $2. 1965 Bell Peppers, 3 $5 $3 $2. 1966 Any Other Peppers, 3 $5 $3 $2. 1967 Eggplant, 1 $5 $3 $2. 1968 Slicing Cucumbers, 3 $5 $3 $2. 1969 Pickling Cucumbers, 5 $5 $3 $2. 1970 Chinese Cabbage, 1 $5 $3 $2. 1971 Green Snap Beans, 10 pods $5 $3 $2. Yellow Wax Snap Beans, 10 pods $5 $3 $2. $5 $3 $2. $5 $3 $2. $25 $15 $10 $17 $10 $7 1975 Section 2VEGETABLE DISPLAYS 3RD 1951 1974 SECTITON 3 - GRAIN AND FORAGES 2ND 1950 1972 SECTION 100 AWARDS 1ST 1976 1977 Garden Novelty - Any garden product such as cauliflower, broccoli, etc., not listed above Garden Freak - Any garden produce of odd size, shape, or outlandish growth Display of Garden Products - quality and number of varieties considered Minestrone - A display of fresh and dried vegetables from your garden used to make vegetable soup. Display will be judged for quality of products used and artistic appearance. Entries are encouraged to use a functional, decorative cooking pot and utensil. 1978 BEST OF SHOW 1990 Yellow Corn, 5 Ears $5 $3 $2. 1992 Shelled Yellow Corn Sample, 1 gallon $5 $3 $2. 1993 Sweet Corn, 5 Ears $5 $3 $2. 1994 Indian Corn, 5 Ears $5 $3 $2. 1995 Popcorn, 5 Ears $5 $3 $2. 1996 Winter Wheat Sample, 1 gallon $5 $3 $2. 1997 Oats Sample, 1 gallon $5 $3 $2. 1999 Soybeans Sample, 1 gallon $5 $3 $2. 2000 Bundle of Oats, 4 inches in diameter $5 $3 $2. 2001 Bundle of wheat, 4 inches in diameter $5 $3 $2. 2002 Slice of Alfalfa Hay $5 $3 $2. 2003 Slice of Mixed Hay $5 $3 $2. 53 Ribbon DEPARTMENT K - HORTICULTURE Superintendents - Mike and Debbie Skowera Total Premiums Offered - $168.00 Exhibitor's Permit - $6.00 No entry fee required GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS Exhibitors please take notice and observe carefully. Exhibitors may make as many entries in each class number as they wish, but can win only two premiums per class number. ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, RELEASE FORM SIGNATURES, AND PAYMENT OF EXHIBITOR'S PERMIT. **Please Note** ENTRY FORMS MUST BE IN THE FAIR OFFICE BY 6:00 PM, WED., JUNE 24, 2015 or POSTMARKED BY JUNE 24, 2015. Walk-in entries will be accepted in the fair office from June 17 thru June 24, 2015. Articles to be exhibited must be brought to the Commercial Building from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm on Tuesday, July 7, 2015. Article identification tags will be printed on the computer. Bring or mail your entry forms in early to avoid waiting in line. No exhibitor will be paid a premium until a completed W-9 form is on file in our fair office. W-9 form is located on the entry form. ENTRY FORMS - Exhibitor's name must match social security number given. Entry will be determined by class number given. Entry forms may be photocopied, if needed. All articles in the class must be correctly named and labeled and must have been grown or produced by the exhibitor. A plate of fruit to consist of not less than five specimens, and only one plate of each variety of fruit will be permitted to compete for the same premium. Fruit competing for the same premium must be arranged together and separate samples must be furnished for each entry. Not less than five specimens of each must be exhibited, unless specified. No refunds to non-winners. Release time will be 5:00 pm Sunday, July 12, 2015. All exhibits are to be removed then, unless otherwise authorized. Leaving before release time will mean forfeiture of premium checks. SECTION 1 - FRUIT SECTION SECTION 2 HONEY SECTION 100 AWARDS CLASS 1ST 2ND 3RD 2050 Largest and best display of fruit and not less than five varieties $25 $20 $15 2051 Plate of Apples, 3 $5 $4 $3 2052 Plate of Pears, 3 $5 $4 $3 2053 Plate of Crab apples, 3 $5 $4 $3 2054 Plate of Plums, 3 $5 $4 $3 2055 Plate of Grapes, 2 bunches $5 $4 $3 2056 Plate of Peaches, 3 $5 $4 $3 2057 Fruit Novelty (any fruit not listed above) $5 $4 $3 2058 Honey, in comb $5 $4 $3 2059 Honey, strained $5 $4 $3 2060 Best of Show - Fruit and Honey Department Ribbon 54 DEPARTMENT L - FLORICULTURE Superintendent Total Premiums Offered - $342.75 Exhibitor's Permit - $6.00 No entry fee required GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS Exhibitors please take notice and observe carefully. 1. Exhibitors may make unlimited entries in every class number, but may win only two premiums per class number. 2. ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, RELEASE FORM SIGNATURES, AND PAYMENT OF EXHIBITOR'S PERMIT. 3. "Please Note" ENTRY FORMS MUST BE IN THE FAIR OFFICE BY 6:00 PM WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 2015 OR POSTMARKED BY JUNE 24. Article identification tags will be printed on the computer. The fair office is open for "walk-in" entries beginning June 17. Bring or mail your entry forms in early to avoid waiting in line. 4. No exhibitor will be paid a premium until a completed W-9 form is on file in our fair office. W-9 form is located on the entry form. 5. ENTRY FORMS - Exhibitor's name must match social security number given. Entry will be determined by class number given on entry form. Entry forms may be photocopied, if needed. 6. Article identification tags must be filled in with COMPLETE information and attached to entry in an inconspicuous place. Name to be taped to bottom of containers. Containers must be clean and plants well groomed. Please identify plants. 7. All entries in plant division must have been grown and owned by exhibitor for at least sixty days. 8. Flowers or greenery from a florist are not allowed. 9. No artificial flowers or foliage may be used. 10. No entry can be exhibited more than once, if it has been exhibited in previous years and won. 11. Floriculture entries may be placed in the department area on Tuesday, July 7, 2015, between 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. or on Wednesday, July 8, 2015, between 7:00 – 10:00 a.m. (We encourage exhibitors to bring entries Wednesday morning so flowers and plants are fresh for judging). 12. Every exhibit entered for competition shall be under the control of the Superintendents and staged at their and the committee's direction. The committee reserves the right to stage all categories and place all entries in correct class number. 13. Exhibitors may be present during judging. Critique and comments will be given after judging is completed if judge(s) wish to comment. Judge(s) may desire to give written comments. Judging will take place on Wednesday, July 8, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. 14. Exhibits will be maintained during the fair, but the Fair Association and committee in no way assumes responsibility for them. 15. The will be no storage space available for boxes etc. 16. No refunds to non-winners. 17. Exhibits must be removed on Sunday evening, July 12 at 5 pm. Leaving before release time will mean forfeiture of premium checks. SECTION 100 - AWARDS SECTION 100 AWARDS SECTION CLASS AWARD 2098 Best of Show - Section 1 Ribbon 2099 Best of Show - Section 2 Ribbon 2100 Best of Show - Section 3 Ribbon 2101 Sweepstakes Award Presented to exhibitor receiving the most blue ribbons in the department $10 & Rosette 55 SECTION 1 - POTTED PLANTS (NO ACCESSORIES) ALL entries must be grown by exhibitor for at least 60 days. Pot size MUST be 15” or less. Potted plants MUST have an identification plant marker or tag visible to the viewer. Potted plants will be judged on Condition, Uniformity, Stem and Foliage, Color and Size, Quality/Quantity of flowers if any. SECTION 1 - POTTED PLANTS SECTION CLASS 1st 2nd 3rd 2102 Succulents/juicy tissue (1 plant per container) $3.50 $2.50 $2 2103 Potted Herb (1 plant per pot) $3.50 $2.50 $2 2104 Cactus (1 plant per pot) $3.50 $2.50 $2 2105 Geranium – blooming (1 variety per pot) $3.50 $2.50 $2 2106 Any other flowering potted plant – NO annuals (1 plant per pot) $3.50 $2.50 $2 2107 Any other non-flowering potted plant – NO annuals (1 plant per pot) $3.50 $2.50 $2 2108 Hanging basket – flowering (1 plant per basket) $3.50 $2.50 $2 2109 Hanging basket – non-flowering (1 plant per basket) $3.50 $2.50 $2 SECTION 2 – PERENNIAL CUT SPECIMENS (NO ACCESSORIES) MUST present in CLEAR GLASS vase 12” or less. MUST have an identification label visible to the viewer. Will be judged ONLY for quality of specimen. SECTION 2 PERENNIAL CUT SPECIMENS SECTION CLASS 1st 2nd 3rd 2112 Coreopsis (1 stem) $2.00 $1.50 $1.25 2113 Coneflower (1 stem, 1 bloom) $2.00 $1.50 $1.25 2114 Fern (1 stem) $2.00 $1.50 $1.25 2115 Lilium (1 stem, NOT Daylily) $2.00 $1.50 $1.25 2116 Rose – any Hybrid Tea or Grandiflora $2.00 $1.50 $1.25 2117 Rose – any shrub or climber $2.00 $1.50 $1.25 2118 Hosta – Dwarf & Miniature less than 1 inch across (l leaf) $2.00 $1.50 $1.25 2119 Hosta – Small 1 to 3 inches across (1 leaf) $2.00 $1.50 $1.25 2120 Hosta – Medium 3 to 6 inches across (1 leaf) $2.00 $1.50 $1.25 2121 Hosta – Large & Giant greater than 6 inches across (1 leaf) $2.00 $1.50 $1.25 2122 Hemerocallis – any Daylily (1 stem) $2.00 $1.50 $1.25 56 SECTION 3 – ANNUAL CUT SPECIMENS (NO ACCESSORIES) Must present in CLEAR GLASS vase 12” or less. MUST have an identification label visible to the viewer. Entries will be judged ONLY for quality of specimen. SECTION 3 – ANNUAL CUT SPECIMENS SECTION CLASS 1st 2nd 3rd 2130 Zinnia – Large, 1 bloom, minimum 2 ½” bloom, 1 stem $2 $1.50 $1.25 2131 Zinnia – Small, 1 bloom, less than 2 ½” bloom, 1 stem $2 $1.50 $1.25 2132 Petunia – single or double, 1 spray $2 $1.50 $1.25 2133 Marigold – French, 1 stem $2 $1.50 $1.25 2134 Marigold –Giant, 1 stem $2 $1.50 $1.25 2135 Daisy – any variety, 1 stem $2 $1.50 $1.25 2136 Sunflower – any variety, 1 stem $2 $1.50 $1.25 2137 Coleus – any variety, 1 spray $2 $1.50 $1.25 2138 Any other annual, 1 bloom $2 $1.50 $1.25 SECTION 4 - DECORATIVE CONTAINERS AND ARRANGEMENTS – MAY ACCESORIZE SECTION 4 DECORATIVE CONTAINERS AND ARRANGEMENTS SECTION CLASS 1st 2nd 3rd 2141 DOWN ON THE FARM - Annual Mix using at least 3 different annual flowers 20” maximum container $3.75 $3 $2 2142 BLAME IT ALL ON MY ROOTS - Arrangement using 3 different succulents, 18’ maximum container $3.75 $3 $2 2143 CHORE TIME – Kitchen garden using 3 different herbs, 18” maximum container $3.75 $3 $2 2144 SHADOWS OF A HEARTLAND – Dish garden/Terrarium using living plants, 18: maximum container $3.75 $3 $2 2145 HARVEST MOON – Arrangement flowers of Yellow and Orange flowers incorporating a galvanized container, provided by exhibitor $5 $3.75 $3 2146 BARN SWEET BARN – Arrangement of ALL red flowers, incorporating a small straw bale, provided by exhibitor $5 $3.75 $3 2147 GONE TO MARKET – Arrangement of ALL purple flowers, incorporating a farm animal, provided by exhibitor $5 $3.75 $3 2148 BARN SCOOTIN’ BOOGEY – Arrangement of FRESH garden flowers, incorporating a boot, provided by exhibitor $5 $3.75 $3 2149 COUNTRY LANE – Arrangement of FRESH roadside flowers, incorporating a basket provided by exhibitor $5 $3.75 $3 57 SECTION 5 – CREATIVE DESIGN Flower arrangement is the art of organizing the elements and principles of design to attain beauty, simplicity, expression and harmony. A good design is in good proportion to background. Background material and accessory may be used if desired. Scale of Points - Design 25, Conformation to Schedule 20, Color 15, Relationship of Components 15, Distinction 15, Condition 10 - Total Points 100. SECTION CLASS SECTION 5 CREATIVE DESIGN 2151 2152 2153 HOMESTEAD – Pedestal – Fairy garden, exhibitor’s choice of plant material, maximum 18’ container. LIMITED TO THE FIRST 4 ENTRIES TO THE FAIR OFFICE AND ONLY 1 ENTRY PER EXHIBITOR. Pedestal provided, dimensions – 41” high with 18” square top WHERE THE GREEN GRASS GROWS – Windowsill – display using exhibitor’s choice of plant material, window covering, incorporating barnyard item. LIMITED TO THE FIRST 4 ENTERIES TO THE FAIR OFFICE AND ONLY 1 ENTRY PER EXHIBITOR. Windowsill dimensions 1 ft. by 3 ft. Windowsill provided. GOOD HOME COOKIN’ – Table – display using exhibitor’s choice of plant material, service for four. NO FLATWARE OR PAPER MATERIAL. NO ARTIFICIAL OR REAL FOOD. LIMITED TO 1 CARD SIZE TABLE, furnished by exhibitor. LIMITED TO THE FIRST 4 ENTRIES TO THE FAIR OFFICE AND ONLY 1 ENTRY PER EXHIBITOR 58 1st 2nd 3rd $12.50 $7.50 $5 $12.50 $7.50 $5 $15 $10 $5 DEPARTMENT M1 - FINE ARTS Superintendents - Lori DeWeerth and Michelle Rolando (Sections 1-10) Crystal Johnson (Sections 11 & 12) Total Premiums Offered - $897.00 Exhibitor's Permit - $6.00 No entry fee required Exhibitors can win only two premiums per class number. Exhibitors may make one entry with each article. Entries shall be entered under one exhibitor only. ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, RELEASE FORM SIGNATURES, AND PAYMENT OF EXHIBITOR'S PERMIT. "Please Note" ENTRY FORMS MUST BE IN THE FAIR OFFICE BY 6:00 PM WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 2015 OR POSTMARKED BY JUNE 24. Article identification tags will be printed on the computer. Bring or mail your entry forms in early to avoid waiting in line. Articles to be exhibited must be brought to the Commercial Building from 2 pm to 6 pm on Tuesday, July 7, 2015. ENTRY FORMS- Exhibitor's name must match social security number given. Entry will be determined by class number given on entry form. Entry forms may be photocopied, if needed. All articles must be the work or property of the exhibitor. No exhibitor will be paid a premium until a completed W-9 form is on file in our fair office. W-9 form is located on the entry form. Sections 1, 2 and 3: All pictures must have securely fastened wires or cords for hanging. No saw tooth hangers will be accepted. No cardboard or poster board frames. "Number" pictures not eligible. All pictures being submitted for entry must be no more than 2 years old. Sections 11 and 12: Limit of 3 entries per class. All photos must be as follows: Picture maximum 8" x 10"; minimum 5” x7"; any pictures less than this will not be accepted. Mounting margin: 1". Picture must be mounted on white poster board. This applies to all classes in these categories. Pictures in frames will not be accepted. All pictures being submitted for entry must be no more than 2 years old. Double entries are not allowed. The superintendent reserves the right to disqualify both entries without notification to the exhibitor. If any article is judged unworthy, the premium will not be awarded. First prize winnings in 2015 may not be re-entered in this department in future years. No refund to non-winners. Every effort will be made to protect property on exhibit, but the Fair Association will not be responsible for loss or damage. Exhibits must be removed Sunday, July 12, 2015 at 5:00 pm. Removal of exhibits before release time will mean forfeiture of premium checks. 59 SECTION CLASS SECTION 1 - ACRYLIC OR OIL PAINTINGS SECTION 1 - ACRYLIC OR OIL PAINTINGS All entries must be framed. No cardboard or poster board frames. No saw tooth hangers. All entries must be original work and not copied from other pictures, unless otherwise noted. 2200 SECTION 100 AWARDS 1st 2nd 3rd Land, Sea, or City Scape $5 $4 $3 2201 Floral $5 $4 $3 2202 Animal or bird $5 $4 $3 2203 Portrait $5 $4 $3 2204 Design $5 $4 $3 2205 Marshall-Putnam County Scene, photograph must accompany the entry $5 $4 $3 2206 Best of Show (first place winners from Section 1 compete) $10 & Ribbon SECTION CLASS SECTION 2 - WATER COLOR PAINTINGS SECTION 2 - WATER COLOR PAINTINGS All entries must be matted and framed. No cardboard or poster board frames. No saw tooth hangers. All entries must be original work and not copied from other pictures unless otherwise noted. 2207 SECTION 100 AWARDS 1st 2nd 3rd Land, Sea, or City Scape $5 $4 $3 2208 Floral $5 $4 $3 2209 Animal or bird $5 $4 $3 2210 Portrait $5 $4 $3 2211 Design $5 $4 $3 2212 Marshall-Putnam County Scene, photograph must accompany the entry $5 $4 $3 2213 Best of Show (first place winners from Section 2 compete) $10 & Ribbon SECTION 3 - SKETCHING AND OTHER MEDIA OR TECHNIQUE INK, CHARCOAL OR PENCIL All entries must be framed. No cardboard or poster board frames. No saw tooth hangers. All entries must be original unless otherwise noted. SECTION 3 SKETCHING AND OTHER MEDIA OR TECHNIQUE INK, CHARCOAL OR PENCIL SECTION SECTION 100 AWARDS CLASS 1st 2nd 3rd 2214 Land, Sea, or City Scape $5 $4 $3 2215 Floral $5 $4 $3 2216 Animal or bird $5 $4 $3 2217 Portrait $5 $4 $3 2218 Design $5 $4 $3 2219 Marshall-Putnam County Scene, photograph must accompany the entry $5 $4 $3 2220 Best of Show (first place winners from Section 3 compete) 60 $10 & Ribbon SECTION 4 - COPYWORK Must be framed. No saw tooth hangers. Original picture must accompany the entry. No tracing allowed. SECTION SECTION 4 COPYWORK CLASS 2221 Any subject, photo must accompany entry, no tracing allowed 1st 2nd 3rd $5 $4 $3 1st 2nd 3rd SECTION 5 - ARTS, CRAFTS, AND HOBBIES Kits not recommended, as creativity is usually judged higher than kits. SECTION 5 ARTS, CRAFTS, AND HOBBIES SECTION SECTION 100 AWARD CLASS 2222 Decorative Painting – Birdhouse, box, plate, rock, etc. $4 $3 $2 2223 Stained Glass/Blown Glass $4 $3 $2 2224 Basket Weaving, includes reed and natural materials $4 $3 $2 2225 Tie-Dye $4 $3 $2 2226 Recycled Art $4 $3 $2 2227 Wreath made from natural material, wood or other material (no size limit) must be a wall hanging $4 $3 $2 2228 Woodworking Craft - any article $4 $3 $2 2229 Candle making $4 $3 $2 2230 Scrapbooking (maximum - 2 sheets) $4 $3 $2 2231 Best of Show (first place winners from Section 5 compete) 1st 2nd 3rd $10 & Ribbon SECTION CLASS SECTION 6 CHILDREN'S ARTS, CRAFTS, AND HOBBIES SECTION 6 - CHILDREN'S ARTS, CRAFTS, AND HOBBIES For children ages 4 through 7 years of age 2232 Artwork using crayons, water colors, colored pencils, etc. $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 2233 Collection of Pez Dispensers (maximum of 6) on a tray $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 2234 Collection of Barbie Dolls *max. of 6) on a tray $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 2235 Nature Collection - Insects, Butterflies, Leaves, Rocks, etc. (mounted on 12”x12” poster board or cardboard and titled and labeled $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 2236 Legos (original design) $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 2237 Fast Food Toys from Kid’s Meals (max. of 6) on a tray $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 2238 Collection of Hot Wheels, Matchbox, etc. (max of 6) on a tray $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 1st 2nd 3rd SECTION CLASS SECTION 7 SCULPTURE SECTION 7 - SCULPTURE (must be original work) 2239 Wood Carved Animal $4 $3 $2 2240 Wood Carving, any article other than a animal $4 $3 $2 2241 Ceramics/Pottery/Clay $4 $3 $2 2242 Best of Show (first place winners from Section 7 complete) SECTION 100 AWARD 61 $10 & Ribbon SECTION 8 - COLLECTIONS - (NOT ANTIQUES) SECTION 8 COLLECTIONS SECTION CLASS 1st 2nd 3rd 2243 Coins/Stamps $4 $3 $2 2244 Knives/Pocket Watches (max. of 6) $4 $3 $2 2245 Toy Tractors/Farm (max. of 4) $4 $3 $2 2246 Shot glasses (max. of 6) $4 $3 $2 2247 Belt Buckles (max. of 6) $4 $3 $2 2248 Teapots (max. of 4) $4 $3 $2 2249 Miniatures (max. of 8) $4 $3 $2 2250 Canes/Umbrellas (max. of 3) $4 $3 $2 2251 Miscellaneous Collection (max. of 6) $4 $3 $2 1st 2nd 3rd SELECTION 9 - ANTIQUES SECTION 9 ANTIQUES SECTION CLASS 2252 Candy Dishes (max. of 3) $4 $3 $2 2253 Cookbooks (max. of 4) $4 $3 $2 2254 Shaving Mug Set $4 $3 $2 2255 Old Documents (wedding, baptism, awards, report cards, etc) $4 $3 $2 2256 Kitchen Scale $4 $3 $2 2257 Telephones $4 $3 $2 2258 Perfume Bottles (max. of 4) $4 $3 $2 2259 Doll with wardrobe $4 $3 $2 2260 Military/Scouting Collections $4 $3 $2 2261 Jam Jars (max. of 6) $4 $3 $2 1st 2nd 3rd SECTION 10 - FAIR THEME SECTION 10 FAIR THEME SECTION CLASS 2262 Horse Bits $4 $3 $2 2263 Barn Nails/Pulleys $4 $3 $2 2264 Barn Wood Creation $4 $3 $2 2265 Barn in the U.S.A. jewelry $4 $3 $2 62 DEPARTMENT M1 - FINE ARTS - PHOTOGRAPHY Superintendent – Crystal Johnson email: [email protected] Photography Premiums Offered - $248.00 Exhibitor's Permit - $6.00 No entry fee required RULES: 1. Maximum of 3 entries per class. Maximum of two cash prizes per class are allowed. 2. Picture maximum 8” x 10”; minimum 5” x 7”, any pictures less than this will not be accepted. 3. Mounting margin must be 1”. Picture must be mounted on white poster board. 4. Picture mounting must be able to withstand the heat. No photo corners unless there is also adhesive behind the photo. 5. No foam core, lightweight paper or construction paper or matting/framing. 6. All pictures being submitted for entry must be no more than 2 years old. 7. Photos which haven’t won a ribbon may be shown again 8. Exhibitors may enter only one entry per class and the same entry cannot be shown in different categories (exp: the same print cannot be entered in black and white, and color prints.) 9. Entry tags must be affixed to the bottom right corner (tape is preferred). 10. Advanced photographers are those who have more experience and shouldn’t be competing against amateurs. Advanced photographers are not eligible to compete in the amateur classes after they have moved up to the advanced division. 11. Once an exhibitor has won two (2) best of shows, they are required to move up to advanced. 12. All photographs must be the work of the exhibitor. 13. Please refer to Dept. M1 – Fine Arts for additional entry rules and regulations. SECTION CLASS SECTION 11 AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHY: BLACK & WHITE SECTION 11 - AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHY: BLACK & WHITE 2266 SECTION 100 AWARDS 1st 2nd 3rd Landscape $4 $3 $2 2267 People $4 $3 $2 2268 Architecture $4 $3 $2 2269 Nature $4 $3 $2 2270 Open: Exhibitor's Choice (any topic not listed) $4 $3 $2 2271 Best of Show (First Place Winners in classes 2266-2270 compete) 1st 2nd 3rd $10 & Ribbon SECTION CLASS SECTION 12 ADVANCED PHOTOGRAPHY: BLACK & WHITE SECTION 12 - ADVANCED PHOTOGRAPHY: BLACK & WHITE 2272 Landscape $4 $3 $2 2273 People $4 $3 $2 2274 Architecture $4 $3 $2 2275 OPEN: Exhibitor's Choice (any topic not listed) $4 $3 $2 2276 Best of Show (First Place Winners in classes 2272-2275 compete) SECTION 100 AWARDS 63 $15 & Ribbon SECTION 13 - AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHY: COLOR SECTION 13 AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHY: COLOR SECTION SECTION 100 AWARDS CLASS 1st 2nd 3rd 2277 Landscape $4 $3 $2 2278 People $4 $3 $2 2279 Nature $4 $3 $2 2280 Architecture $4 $3 $2 2281 Marshall-Putnam County $4 $3 $2 2282 Creative or Abstract $4 $3 $2 2283 Open: Exhibitor's Choice (any topic not listed) $4 $3 $2 2284 Best of Show (First Place Winners in classes 2277-2283 compete) 1st 2nd 3rd $10 & Ribbon SECTION CLASS SECTION 14 ADVANCED PHOTOGRAPHY: COLOR SECTION 14 - ADVANCED PHOTOGRAPHY: COLOR 2285 Landscape $4 $3 $2 2286 People $4 $3 $2 2287 Nature $4 $3 $2 2288 Architecture $4 $3 $2 2289 Creative or Abstract $4 $3 $2 2290 Open: Exhibitor's Choice (any topic not listed) $4 $3 $2 2291 Best of Show (First Place Winners in classes 2286-2290 compete) SECTION 100 AWARDS 64 $15 & Ribbon DEPARTMENT M2 - TEXTILES Superintendents - Marcia Ahlstrom (309-364-2406 or email: [email protected]) Jane Fountain (email: [email protected]) Total Premiums Offered - $870.00 Exhibitor's Permit - $6.00 No entry fee required Competition is OPEN to all. ENTRY FORMS: Entry forms MUST BE IN THE FAIR OFFICE by 6:00 pm Wednesday, June 24, 2015 or POSTMARKED by June 24 Entries WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED unless accompanied by SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, RELEASE FORM SIGNATURES, AND PAYMENT OF EXHIBITOR'S PERMIT. Exhibitor's name MUST MATCH Social Security number given. Entry forms may be photocopied, if needed. NO EXHIBITOR WILL BE PAID A PREMIUM UNTIL A COMPLETED W-9 FORM IS ON FILE IN THE FAIR OFFICE. W-9 form is located on entry form. ENTRIES: Entries will be determined by class number given on the entry form. Articles to be exhibited must be brought to the Art Hall Building on Tuesday, July 7, 2015, from 12 noon to 6 pm. All departments do not have the same check-in times, so please read carefully. Article identification tags will be printed on the computer. MAIL OR BRING YOUR ENTRY FORMS IN EARLY TO AVOID WAITING IN LINE. Walk-in entries will be accepted in the fair office from June 17 thru June 19 (9 am – 4 pm) and June 22 thru June 24 (9 am - 6 pm). Exhibitors must refer to individual SECTION NUMBERS for limitation of entries per class number, per exhibitor. Entries must be current, having been completed within the last 2 years. All entries must be COMPETITION READY. Competition ready is defined as follows: articles must be CLEAN, FRESHLY PRESSED (where pressing is appropriate) and in EXCELLENT CONDITION. Items that are soiled, stained, torn or show signs of wear will not be considered for judging. Articles to be exhibited must be the work of the exhibitor. No purchased items, except where listed, will be considered for judging. In the case of quilts, the entire quilt must be the work of the exhibitor, except where stated otherwise. Wall hangings/pictures need to be appropriately framed and/or ready to hang. Professional framing is allowed. It is not necessary to include a hanging rod for large quilted wall hangings, as the textile department will provide display hardware. Garments must be submitted on appropriate hangers. Exceptions to this rule include knitted and crocheted garments or any garment where hanging would be undesirable and cause damage to the article. Plastic coverings for articles are not required. Articles will be displayed without plastic, in most cases, unless the exhibitor specifically requests that articles remain wrapped for display. Hangers and plastic coverings should be labeled to ensure proper return to owners. EXHIBITS WILL BE CAREFULLY MAINTAINED during the fair, however the Fair Association and committee in NO WAY ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR LOSS OF OR DAMAGE TO ANY ARTICLES. ENTRIES THAT DO NO MEET THE ABOVE CRITERIA WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED FOR JUDGING OR PREMIUM AWARDS. Entries exhibited and awarded blue ribbon premiums in previous Marshall-Putnam Fair competitions are not eligible for re-entry. 65 Entries will be under the control of the Superintendents and staged as committee is directed. The committee reserves the right to place all entries in correct class number. JUDGING: Judging will be held on Wednesday, July 8, 2015. JUDGING IS NOT OPEN TO EXHIBITORS OR GENERAL PUBLIC. Any entry determined unworthy by the judges will be disqualified. Decisions of the judges are final. PREMIUMS/NON-CASH PRIZES: Exhibitors can win only 2 premiums per class number. Purple ribbons and a cash prize will be awarded for Best of Show in all sections. Ribbons only will be awarded for 3rd place, except in Sections 4, 9, and 10. A one-year membership to the Central Illinois/Peoria Chapter of the American Sewing Guild will be awarded to the Best of Show winner in Section 6. The LuVerne Gallup Memorial Award will be given by her family in memory of LuVerne Gallup, who exhibited at the Marshall-Putnam Fair her entire adult life until her death in 2000 at the age of 85. This award will be presented to the Best of Show crocheted article as chosen by the judges. All crocheted articles in both the Open and Junior Departments are eligible. A Judge’s Choice Award will be presented to one entry under Section 1 Quilts and one entry under Section 1 Smaller Quilted Items. These awards are sponsored by Marshall-Putnam Quilters Guild. No refund to non-winners. REMOVAL OF ENTRIES: Exhibits may be removed Sunday, July 12, 2015 at 5 pm. LEAVING BEFORE RELEASE TIME WILL MEAN FORFEITURE OR PREMIUM CHECKS. 66 SECTION 1 - QUILTS, PIECEWORK, & QUILTED ARTICLES Each exhibitor is limited to 2 entries per class number. ATTENTION: If any exhibit displays a name tag which has been sewn or somehow affixed to the article, whether front or back - the tag MUST BE REMOVED OR COVERED. If the tag is exposed and readable, the article WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED FOR JUDGING. However, the article can still be displayed as is. SECTION 1 - QUILTS SECTION SECTION 100 CLASS 1st 2nd 3rd 2300 Quilt, embroidered, by hand, any size $6 $5 Ribbon 2301 Quilt, embroidered by machine, any size $6 $5 Ribbon 2302 Quilt, appliqué, machine or hand-quilted, any size $6 $5 Ribbon 2303 Quilt, patchwork, machine or hand-quilted, any size $6 $5 Ribbon 2304 Quilt, completely quilted by hand, machine pieced, any size $6 $5 Ribbon 2305 Quilt, mixed medium, machine or hand-quilted, any size - Be Creative! $6 $5 Ribbon 2306 Quilt, Star or Log Cabin, machine or hand-quilted, any size $6 $5 Ribbon 2307 Quilt, modern minimalist, any size $6 $5 Ribbon 2308 Quilt, any pattern, machine-assisted quilted, any size $6 $5 Ribbon 2309 Quilt, group project, any pattern, any quilting method, any size $6 $5 Ribbon 2310 Quilt, hand-pieced, hand quilted, any pattern, any size $6 $5 Ribbon 2311 Best of Show $20 & RIBBON SMALLER QUILTED ITEMS SECTION 1 - QUILTS SECTION SECTION 100 CLASS 1st 2nd 3rd 2312 Table Runners $5 $4 Ribbon 2313 Placemats, centerpiece mats, candle mats $5 $4 Ribbon 2314 Quilt, baby, crib, or child size $5 $4 Ribbon 2315 Wall hangings, larger than 25" x 25" but no larger than 40" x 40" $5 $4 Ribbon 2316 Miniature quilts 25" x 25" or smaller $5 $4 Ribbon 2317 Piecework/Art Quilts, larger than 25" x 25" but no larger than 40" x 40" $5 $4 Ribbon 2318 Best of Show $20 & RIBBON 67 SECTION 2 - COUNTED CROSS STITCH Wall hangings should be framed and ready to hand. No limit on number of entries per class number. SECTION 2 - COUNTED CROSS STITCH SECTION SECTION 100 CLASS 1st 2nd 3rd 2319 Counted cross stitch, sampler $4 $3 Ribbon 2320 Counted cross stitch, landscape/scenic/building $4 $3 Ribbon 2321 Counted cross stitch, still life $4 $3 Ribbon 2322 Counted cross stitch, birds/birdhouses, animals, flowers, nature $4 $3 Ribbon 2323 Counted cross stitch, Christmas $4 $3 Ribbon 2324 Counted cross stitch, holiday and patriotic (does not include Christmas) $4 $3 Ribbon 2325 Counted cross stitch, scripture, quotations, announcements $4 $3 Ribbon 2326 Counted cross stitch, 5" x 7" or smaller, any category $4 $3 Ribbon 2327 Counted cross stitch, linen or similar cloth, any category $4 $3 Ribbon 2328 Best of Show $20 & RIBBON SECTION 3 - NEEDLEWORK / EMBELLISHMENT Pillow cases do not need to be exhibited as a pair. No pieced, quilted, kitted or crocheted items in this section. No limit on number of entries per class number. SECTION 3 - NEEBLEWORK / EMBELLISHMENT SECTION SECTION 100 CLASS 1st 2nd 3rd 2329 Pillow Case, any type handwork, embellishment, including hand worked edging (edgings may be crocheted) $4 $3 Ribbon 2330 Embroidery, floss/yarn, any article except clothing $4 $3 Ribbon 2331 Dresser scarf, table runner/buffet cover/tablecloth; decorative handwork $4 $3 Ribbon 2332 Place mat/candle mat/centerpiece mat; decorative handwork $4 $3 Ribbon 2333 Needlepoint, any article $4 $3 Ribbon 2334 Punch needle embroidery, any article except clothing $4 $3 Ribbon 2335 Any needlework not listed $4 $3 Ribbon 2336 Best of Show $20 & RIBBON 68 SECTION 4 - CROCHET Each exhibitor is limited to 2 entries per class number. SECTION 4 - CROCHET SECTION SECTION 100 CLASS 1st 2nd 3rd 2337 Doily/centerpiece mat/candle mat/placemats $5 $3.50 $2 2338 Afghan $5 $3.50 $2 2339 Afghan, baby or crib $5 $3.50 $2 2340 Sweater/vest/shawl/cape/wrap $5 $3.50 $2 2341 Hat/mittens/slippers/scarves $5 $3.50 $2 2342 Handbags and totes, no felting $5 $3.50 $2 2343 Crocheted doll clothes or soft toy $5 $3.50 $2 2344 Any crocheted item not listed above $5 $3.50 $2 2345 LuVerne Gallup Award RIBBON & AWARD SECTION 5 - KNITTING Each exhibitor is limited to 2 entries per class number. SECTION 5 - KNITTING SECTION SECTION 100 CLASS 1st 2nd 3rd 2346 Afghan $4 $3 Ribbon 2347 Afghan, baby or crib $4 $3 Ribbon 2348 Vest or sweater $4 $3 Ribbon 2349 Knitted garment; no vests or sweaters $4 $3 Ribbon 2350 Hat/mittens/slippers/scarves $4 $3 Ribbon 2351 Handbags and totes, no felting $4 $3 Ribbon 2352 Child's article, any kind $4 $3 Ribbon 2353 Knit doll clothes or soft toy $4 $3 Ribbon 2354 Best of Show $20 & RIBBON 69 SECTION 6 - SEW CHIC FASHIONS Garment ensembles must be entered as a single unit, if appropriate class is listed. No limit on number of entries per class number. SECTION 6 - SEW CHIC FASHIONS SECTION SECTION 100 CLASS 1st 2nd 3rd 2355 Infant/child casual wear $4 $3 Ribbon 2356 Infant/child dressy wear includes Christening clothes $4 $3 Ribbon 2357 Casual skirt, pants, slacks $4 $3 Ribbon 2358 Casual jumper/dress $4 $3 Ribbon 2359 It's a wrap: outerwear coat, jacket, cape, poncho $4 $3 Ribbon 2360 Haute Couture, tailored ensemble or single article $4 $3 Ribbon 2361 Doll clothes for any doll $4 $3 Ribbon 2362 Costumes, any theme, any holiday. Let's have fun! $4 $3 Ribbon 2363 Best of Show $20 & RIBBON SECTION 7 - SEW CREATIVE WEARABLE AND ACCESORIES Be Original & Creative! No limit on number of entries per class number. SECTION 7 - SEW CREATIVE WEARABLE AND ACCESORIES SECTION SECTION 100 CLASS 1st 2nd 3rd 2364 Jacket or vest, create an original design from scratch (may use commercial pattern) $5 $3 Ribbon 2365 Designer Embellishment: embellish any denim jacket, vest, jumper, blue jeans or other denim garment (denim garment may be purchase) $5 $3 Ribbon 2366 Tote, 14" x 12" (closure not required) $5 $3 Ribbon 2367 Tote, smaller than 14" x 12" (closure not required) $5 $3 Ribbon 2368 Felted handbag, tote, accessories, wearables $5 $3 Ribbon 2369 Machine-appliquéd sweatshirt, chambray or denim shirt (shirt may be purchased) $5 $3 Ribbon 2370 Embellished sweatshirt, T-shirt, chambray or denim shirt, any medium (shirt may be purchased) $5 $3 Ribbon 2371 Machine/computerized embroidered sweatshirt, chambray or denim shirt (shirt may be purchased) $5 $3 Ribbon 2372 Machine/computerized embroidery, any article not listed in Class # 2371, must be article of clothing or accessory $5 $3 Ribbon 2373 Best of Show $20 & RIBBON 70 SECTION 8 - HOME DÉCOR AND MORE Each exhibitor is limited to 2 entries per class number. No Quilts. SECTION 8 - HOME DÉCOR AND MORE SECTION SECTION 100 CLASS 1st 2nd 3rd 2374 Rugs, any medium $4 $2 Ribbon 2375 Wall hanging or picture, any medium not listed $4 $2 Ribbon 2376 Pillow Talk, any type pillow $4 $2 Ribbon 2377 Felted dolls, sculptures, toys $4 $2 Ribbon 2378 Soft sculptures including dolls, toys, bears $4 $2 Ribbon 2379 Holiday décor, including Christmas, any textile, any fiber medium $4 $2 Ribbon 2380 Household linens, kitchen/bath towels, any medium to embellish $4 $2 Ribbon 2381 Kitchen wear, apron, pot holders/oven mitts, single item or set $4 $2 Ribbon 2382 Weaving, any article $4 $2 Ribbon 2383 Best of Show $20 & RIBBON SECTION CLASS SECTION 9 BED, BATH & BISTRO SECTION 9 - DECORATE YOUR SPACES: KITCHEN, BEDROOM, LIVING ROOM Use originality, creativity and craftsmanship to create 3 items for the kitchen, bedroom, or living room. Small props may be used to create the display. The items must be hand crafted, stitched or embellished by the exhibitor & may be any textile medium. Display space will be approximately 2.5 sq. ft. Limited to the first four (4) entries in each class. Each exhibitor is limited to 2 entries per class number. 2384 SECTION 100 1st 2nd 3rd The Kitchen - attractively display 3 hand crafted items $7 $5 $3 2385 The Bedroom - attractively display 3 hand crafted items $7 $5 $3 2386 The Living Room - attractively display 3 hand crafted items $7 $5 $3 2387 Best of Show $20 & RIBBON SECTION 10 - SEWING ROOM ESSENTIALS Create a display of articles found in the sewing room. Must include 3 items created or embellished by exhibitor. Example: pincushion, scissor cover, needle case. Display space approximately 20" square. Limited to the first six (6) entries. Each exhibitor is limited to 2 entries per class number. SECTION SECTION 10 - SEWING ROOM ESSENTIALS CLASS 2388 Sewing Room Essentials SECTION 100 2389 Best of Show 1st 2nd 3rd $7 $5 $4 $20 & RIBBON 71 DEPARTMENT O - DAIRY, APIARY AND CULINARY Superintendents - Anna Mae Kocher and Bernice Forney Assistant Superintendents - Carol Kocher-Monier and Carol Keller Total Premiums Offered - $636.00 Exhibitor's Permit - $6.00 No entry fee required Exhibitors may make as many entries in each class number as they wish, but may win only two premiums per class number. ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, RELEASE FORM SIGNATURES, AND PAYMENT OF EXHBITIOR'S PERMIT. "Please Note** ENTRY FORMS MUST BE IN THE FAIR OFFICE BY 6:00 PM WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 2015 or POSTMARKED BY JUNE 24. Walk-in entries will be accepted at the fair office starting Wednesday, June 17, 2015. Exhibitors may make but one entry with each article. ENTRY FORMS - Exhibitor's name must match social security number given. Entry will be determined by class number on entry form. Entry forms may be photocopied if needed. ARTICLE IDENTIFICATION TAGS WILL BE PRINTED ON THE COMPUTER. BRING OR MAIL YOUR ENTRY FORMS IN EARLY TO AVOID WAITING IN LINE. ARTICLE IDENTIFICATION TAGS MUST BE SECURED ON EACH ENTRY BEFORE DELIVERING TO CULINARY DEPARTMENT. Articles to be exhibited must be brought to the Art Hall from 12 noon to 5:00 pm on Tuesday, July 7, 2015. Exhibits must be labeled true to name. Variety or kind and date of canning must be placed on all glass containers. REMEMBER - Exhibits must be exhibitor's own work and made within the last year. No mixes allowed, except where specified. No bread machine bread, except where specified. BAKED GOODS MUST BE ENTERED USING PAPER, PLASTIC, OR STYROFOAM CONTAINERS AND COVERED WITH CLEAR PLASTIC OR BAGGIES. PLEASE NO GLASS CONTAINERS. DO NOT BRING ITEMS THAT NEED TO BE REFRIGERATED. Exhibitors are not permitted to enter the exhibit area at any time to help place or remove any of the exhibits but only as they are waited upon by assistants appointed for that purpose. In entering and removing entries the exhibitors should have their entries and article identification tags in order as the entry numbers are arranged in their respective order on the shelves and in the cases. Competition in this department is open to residents of Illinois and must be the work of the exhibitor. No exhibitor will be paid a premium until a completed W-9 form is on file in our fair office. W-9 form is located on the entry form. Competent judges will be secured. Their decisions will be considered final. This is not a public judging. Judges are instructed that, if they have reason to believe that an exhibitor falsified an entry or made other attempts to deceive and obtain an award by misrepresentation; said exhibitor shall not be awarded any prizes. No refund to non-winners. Any article deemed unworthy by the judge will be disqualified. Purple ribbons will be awarded to winners of outstanding exhibits. Red Star Yeast will be donating additional prizes for yeast bread categories in both open and junior departments. A special award will be presented to open class baked goods only for the largest number of points to an individual based on ribbons awarded. Blue - five points, red - three points, white - one point. Last year's winner is not eligible for the special award this year. Exhibitors can remove their bread, pies, and cakes with the exception of decorated cakes, tea rings, and displays on Wednesday after 9:00am. All other exhibits will be released at 5:00 pm Sunday, July 12, 2015. Leaving before release time will mean forfeiture of premium checks. All entries will be under the care the Superintendent and aides. Every care will be taken to prevent damage, but in no event will the Superintendent or Fair Board be responsible for any injury or loss that may occur. 72 We advise all exhibitors to read the suggested USDA guidelines for fairs and competitive judging events. This guideline can be found online at www.uga.edu/nchfp/publications/nchfp/tech_bull/0Judging_Preserved_full.pdf or contact our fair office at 309-364-2814 and we will mail one to you. SECTION 1 - BREAD AND ROLLS (USING YEAST) SECTION 1 - BREAD AND ROLLS (USING YEAST) SECTION CLASS 1st 2nd 3rd 2500 White Bread (loaf) $3.50 $2 $1 2501 Whole Wheat Bread (loaf) $3.50 $2 $1 2502 Rye Bread (loaf) $3.50 $2 $1 2503 Sour Dough Bread $3.50 $2 $1 2504 Miscellaneous Yeast Bread (anything not listed) $3.50 $2 $1 2505 Swedish Tea Ring decorated with confectioner's icing $4.50 $3 $1.50 2506 Cinnamon Rolls, iced, half dozen $3.50 $2.50 $1 2507 Dinner Rolls, half dozen $3.00 $2 $1.50 2508 Novelty Bread Dough Item $8 $5 $2 1st 2nd 3rd SECTION 2 - QUICK BREAD SECTION 2 - QUICK BREAD SECTION CLASS 2509 Miscellaneous Bread (anything not listed) $3 $2 $1.50 2510 Zucchini Bread (loaf) $3 $2 $1.50 2511 Banana Bread (loaf) $3 $2 $1.50 2512 Pumpkin Bread $3 $2 $1.50 2513 Apricot Bread $3 $2 $1.50 1st 2nd 3rd SECTION 3 - CAKES SECTION 3 - CAKES SECTION CLASS 2514 Angel Food, no icing $5.50 $3.50 $2.50 2515 Pound Cake $5.50 $3.50 $2.50 2516 Sponge Cake, no icing $5.50 $3.50 $2.50 2517 White Cake, iced $5.50 $3.50 $2.50 2518 Applesauce Cake, iced $5.50 $3.50 $2.50 2519 Chocolate Cake, iced $5.50 $3.50 $2.50 2520 Variation Cake Mix Cake $5.50 $3.50 $2.50 2521 Carrot Cake $5.50 $3.50 $2.50 2522 Miscellaneous Cakes (anything not listed) $5.50 $3.50 $2.50 73 SECTION 4 - DECORATED DESSERTS Decorated cakes not to exceed 15 inches in height. Forms may be used. SECTION 4 DECORATED DESSERTS SECTION CLASS 1st 2nd 3rd 2523 Decorated Cake $13 $9.50 $6 2524 Decorated Cupcakes, six $3 $2 $1.50 2525 Display of Cookies, six $4 $3 $2 2526 Decorated "”Barn in the U.S.A-Fair” cake (form may be used) $13 $9.50 $6 SECTION CLASS (SECTION 5 - PASTRIES SECTION 5 - PASTRIES (Use disposable pie pans and place in clear plastic bag with twister.) 1st 2nd 3rd 2527 Cherry Pie, double crust $5.50 $3.50 $2.50 2528 Apple Pie, double crust $5.50 $3.50 $2.50 2529 Pecan Pie, single crust $5.50 $3.50 $2.50 2530 Miscellaneous Pastries, not listed $2.50 $1.50 $1 2531 All Other Double Crust Fruit Pies $5.50 $3.50 $2.50 1st 2nd 3rd SECTION 6 - COOKIES SECTION 6 - COOKIES SECTION CLASS 2532 Sugar Cookies, 4 cookies $3.00 $2 $1.50 2533 Oatmeal Cookies, 4 cookies $3.00 $2 $1.50 2534 Chocolate Drop Cookies, 4 cookies $3.00 $2 $1.50 2535 Chocolate Chip Cookies, 4 cookies $3.00 $2 $1.50 2536 Chocolate Brownies, 4 pieces $3.00 $2 $1.50 2537 Miscellaneous Cookies, 4 cookies (anything not listed) $3.00 $2 $1.50 1st 2nd 3rd SECTION 7 - CANDY (Four pieces on plate unless specified.) SECTION 7 - CANDY SECTION CLASS 2538 Chocolate Fudge $3.50 $2.50 $1.50 2539 Divinity, drop $3.50 $2.50 $1.50 2540 Caramels, light, omit nuts $3.50 $2.50 $1.50 2541 Peanut Brittle, (clear covered glass container) $3.50 $2.50 $1.50 2542 Any other Miscellaneous Candy $4.00 $3.50 $2.00 74 SPECIAL FOOD PRESERVATION AWARDS Special awards will be presented in two canning areas only. One award for Preserves -Jams - Jellies and one award for Fruits - Vegetables - Pickles - Relishes. Awarded by the largest number of points to an individual, based on ribbons awarded. Blue - 5 points, Red - 3 points, White - 1 point. Last year's winner is not eligible for special award this year. SECTION 8 - PRESERVES SECTION 8 PRESERVES SECTION CLASS 1st 2nd 3rd 2543 Strawberry Preserves $3.50 $2.50 $1.50 2544 Cherry Preserves $3.50 $2.50 $1.50 2545 Apple Butter $3.50 $2.50 $1.50 2546 Miscellaneous Preserves (anything not listed) $3.50 $2.50 $1.50 1st 2nd 3rd SECTION CLASS SECTION 9 - JAMS SECTION 9 - JAMS 2547 Raspberry Jam, red $3.50 $2.50 $1.50 2548 Raspberry Jam, black $3.50 $2.50 $1.50 2549 Peach Jam $3.50 $2.50 $1.50 2550 Miscellaneous Jam (anything not listed) $3.50 $2.50 $1.50 1st 2nd 3rd SECTION 10 - JELLIES SECTION 10 - JELLIES SECTION CLASS 2551 Grape Jelly $3.50 $2.50 $1.50 2552 Raspberry Jelly, red $3.50 $2.50 $1.50 2553 Raspberry Jelly, black $3.50 $2.50 $1.50 2554 Blackberry Jelly $3.50 $2.50 $1.50 2555 Apple Jelly $3.50 $2.50 $1.50 2556 Miscellaneous Jelly (anything not listed) $3.50 $2.50 $1.50 75 SECTION 11 - PICKLES AND RELISHES (No artificial coloring.) SECTION 11 - PICKLES AND RELISHES SECTION CLASS 1st 2nd 3rd 2557 Cucumber Pickle, sweet $2 $1.50 $1 2558 Bread and Butter (cucumber chip) $2 $1.50 $1 2559 Dill Pickles $2 $1.50 $1 2560 Beet Pickles $2 $1.50 $1 2561 Tomato Catsup $2 $1.50 $1 2562 Chili Sauce $2 $1.50 $1 2563 Piccalilli $2 $1.50 $1 2564 Miscellaneous Pickles, Relish, or Sauce (not listed above) $2 $1.50 $1 2565 Salsa $2 $1.50 $1 1st 2nd 3rd SECTION 12 - CANNED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES (No artificial coloring.) SECTION 12 - CANNED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES SECTION CLASS 2566 Cherries, red sour, pitted $2 $1.50 $1 2567 Blackberries $2 $1.50 $1 2568 Peaches $2 $1.50 $1 2569 Pears $2 $1.50 $1 2570 Raspberries, black $2 $1.50 $1 2571 Raspberries, red $2 $1.50 $1 2572 Beans, green $2 $1.50 $1 2573 Beets $2 $1.50 $1 2574 Carrots $2 $1.50 $1 2575 Tomatoes $2 $1.50 $1 SECTION 13 - COLLECTIONS Uniformity and appearance of jars to be considered in judging as well as appearance of the product. SECTION 13 COLLECTIONS SECTION CLASS 1st 2nd 3rd 2576 Collection of at least six jars of Canned Fruits $3.50 $2.50 $1.50 2577 Collection of at least six jars of Canned Vegetables $3.50 $2.50 $1.50 2578 Collection of at least six jars of Pickles and Relishes $3.50 $2.50 $1.50 2579 Collection of at least six jars of Jellies (in jelly glasses) $3.50 $2.50 $1.50 2580 Collection of at least six jars of Preserves $3.50 $2.50 $1.50 76 DEPARTMENT P - JUNIOR DEPARTMENT OTHER THAN LIVESTOCK AGE RULING - Open to boys and girls who are eight (8) years of age or in the third grade and not yet nineteen (19) years of age on or before September 1 of the year previous to the fair. DEPARTMENT P 1 - JUNIOR DEPARTMENT GRAIN, VEGETABLES & FRUIT Superintendents - Mike and Debbie Skowera Total Premiums Offered - $250.00 Exhibitor's Permit - $3.00 No entry fee required There is no entry fee. After purchasing an Exhibitor's Permit, each exhibitor may enter as many classes as they wish, but they may only win two premiums per class number. ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, RELEASE FORM SIGNATURES, AND PAYMENT OF EXHIBITOR'S PERMIT. **Please Note** ENTRY FORMS MUST BE IN THE FAIR OFFICE BY 6:00 PM WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 2015 or POSTMARKED BY JUNE 24th. Articles to be exhibited must be brought to the Commercial Building from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm on Tuesday, July 7, 2015. Exhibits must be removed Sunday, July 12, 2015 at 5:00 pm. Leaving before release time will mean forfeiture of premium checks. See ENTRY FORM info on each open department general information pages. Article identification tags will be printed on the computer. Bring or mail your entry forms in early to avoid waiting in line. The fair office will open for "walk-in" entries beginning June 18. No exhibitor will be paid a premium until a completed W-9 form is on file in our fair office. W-9 form is located on the entry form. Rules listed in Dept. J - Agricultural Products and Dept. K - Horticulture, along with those listed in Rules and Regulations that are applicable to this department are to be followed, along with those listed here. DEPARTMENT P 1 - SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION CLASS VEGETABLES 1st 2nd 3rd 2600 Potatoes, 3 $5 $3 $2 2601 Onion, 5 $5 $3 $2 2602 Beets, 5 $5 $3 $2 2603 Carrots, 5 $5 $3 $2 2604 Tomatoes, 3 $5 $3 $2 2605 Cabbage, one head $5 $3 $2 2606 Squash, 1 $5 $3 $2 2607 Peppers, 3 $5 $3 $2 2608 Slicing Cucumbers, 3 $5 $3 $2 2609 Green Snap Beans, 10 pods $5 $3 $2 2610 Yellow Wax Snap Beans, 10 pods $5 $3 $2 2611 Garden Novelty, any garden vegetable not listed above $5 $3 $2 77 CLASS 2612 VEGETABLE DISPLAY Display of Garden Products SECTION 1 CLASS GRAIN 1st 2nd 3rd $25 $15 $10 1st 2nd 3rd 2614 Shelled Yellow Corn Sample, 1 gallon $5 $3 $2 2615 Soybeans Sample, 1 gallon $5 $3 $2 2616 Oats Sample, 1 gallon $5 $3 $2 1st 2nd 3rd CLASS FRUIT 2621 Plate of Apples, 33 $5 $3 $2 2622 Plate of Pears, 3 $5 $3 $2 2623 Plate of Plums, 3 $5 $3 $2 2624 Plate of Grapes, 2 bunches $5 $3 $2 2625 Plate of Peaches, 3 $5 $3 $2 78 DEPARTMENT P - JUNIOR DEPARTMENT OTHER THAN LIVESTOCK AGE RULING - Open to boys and girls who are eight (8) years of age or in the third grade and not yet nineteen (19) years of age on or before September 1 of the year previous to the fair. DEPARTMENT P 2 - JUNIOR DEPARTMENT FLORICULTURE Superintendent Total Premiums Offered - $64.75 Exhibitor's Permit - $3.00 No entry fee required There is no entry fee. After purchasing an Exhibitor's Permit, each exhibitor may enter as many classes as they wish, but they may only win two premiums per class number. ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, RELEASE FORM SIGNATURES, AND PAYMENT OF EXHIBITOR'S PERMIT. **Please Note** ENTRY FORMS MUST BE IN THE FAIR OFFICE BY 6:00 PM WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 2015 or POSTMARKED BY JUNE 24th. Floriculture entries may be placed in the department area on Tuesday, July 7, 2015, between 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. or on Wednesday, July 8, 2015, between 7:00 – 10:00 a.m. (We encourage exhibitors to bring entries Wednesday morning so flowers and plants are fresh for judging). Exhibits must be removed Sunday, July 12, 2015 at 5:00 pm. Leaving before release time will mean forfeiture of premium checks. See ENTRY FORM info on each open department general information pages. Article identification tags will be printed on the computer. Bring or mail your entry forms in early to avoid waiting in line. The fair office will open for "walk-in" entries beginning June 18. No exhibitor will be paid a premium until a completed W-9 form is on file in our fair office. W-9 form is located on the entry form. Rules listed in Dept. L, along with those listed in Rules and Regulations that are applicable to this department are to be followed, along with those listed here. All arrangements MUST be personal work of exhibitor. DEPARTMENT P 2 - FLORICULTURE CLASS 2650 Best of Show, Department P 2 - Floriculture RIBBON 2651 Sweepstakes Award - Presented to the exhibitor receiving the most blue ribbons in this department $10 & ROSETTE SECTION CLASS SECTION 1 DECORATIVE DESIGN SECTION SECTION 100 Flower arrangement is the art of organizing the elements and principles of design to attain beauty, simplicity, expression and harmony. A good design is in good proportion to background. Background material and accessory may be used if desired. Scale of Points: Design - 25 points, Conformation to Schedule - 20 points, Color - 15 points, Relationship of components - 15 points, Condition - 10 points. Total Points - 100. AWARDS DECORATIVE DESIGN 1st 2nd 3rd 2652 BARN TO BE WILD – Fairy garden, maximum 18” container $5 $3.50 $2.25 2653 I TIP MY HAT – An arrangement with yellow/orange ALL fresh flowers, incorporating a hat, provided by the exhibitor $5 $3.50 $2.25 2654 TAKE ME OUT TO THE BARNYARD – Annual Mix using at least 3 different annual flowers – 20” maximum container $5 $3.50 $2.25 2655 COUNTRY FIXIN’S – TABLE – ONE place setting for lunch, staged on a single cloth placemat (any color), furnished by the exhibitor. All FRESH material. NO tables. NO FLATWARE OR PAPER MATERIAL. NO ARTIFICIAL OR REAL FOOD. $10 $7.50 $5 79 DEPARTMENT P - JUNIOR DEPARTMENT OTHER THAN LIVESTOCK AGE RULING - Open to boys and girls who are eight (8) years of age or in the third grade and not yet nineteen (19) years of age on or before September 1 of the year previous to the fair. DEPARTMENT P 3 - JUNIOR DEPARTMENT FINE ARTS Superintendents - Lori DeWeerth and Michelle Rolando (Sections 1-10) Crystal Johnson (Sections 11 & 12) Total Premiums Offered - $336.00 Exhibitor's Permit - $3.00 No entry fee required There is no entry fee. After purchasing an Exhibitor's Permit, each exhibitor may enter as many classes as they wish, but they may only win two premiums per class number. ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, RELEASE FORM SIGNATURES, AND PAYMENT OF EXHIBITOR'S PERMIT. **Please Note** ENTRY FORMS MUST BE IN THE FAIR OFFICE BY 6:00 PM WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 2015 or POSTMARKED BY JUNE 24th. Articles to be exhibited must be brought to the Commercial Building from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm on Tuesday, July 7, 2015. Exhibits must be removed Sunday, July 12, 2015 at 5:00 pm. Leaving before release time will mean forfeiture of premium checks. See ENTRY FORM info on each open department general information pages. Article identification tags will be printed on the computer. Bring or mail your entry forms in early to avoid waiting in line. The fair office will open for "walk-in" entries beginning June 19. No exhibitor will be paid a premium until a completed W-9 form is on file in our fair office. W-9 form is located on the entry form. Rules listed in Dept. M1 - Fine Arts, along with those listed in Rules and Regulations that are applicable to this department are to be followed, along with those listed here. Please note: Photography classes # 2719 & 2720, as well as classes #2735 & 2736 are limited to 3 entries per exhibitor. All photos must be as follows: Picture maximum 8" x 10"; minimum 3 1/2" x 3 1/2"; any pictures less than this will not be accepted. Mounting margin: 1". Picture must be mounted on white poster board. This applies to all classes in these categories. Pictures in frames will not be accepted. Pictures may not be altered by computer. All pictures being submitted for entry must be no more than 2 years old. Double entries are not allowed. The superintendent reserves the right to disqualify both entries without notification to the exhibitor. CHILDREN AGES 4-7, PLEASE REFER TO DEPT. M1, SECTION 6, FOR AVAILABLE CLASSES. 80 DEPARTMENT P 3 - FINE ARTS - Division A Open to 8 through 13 years old See Age Ruling Above SECTION 1 SECTION CLASS Division A 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 2700 Tie Dye $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 2701 Models/Kits (not Legos or Knex, etc.) $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 2702 Clay Sculptures (ages 8-10 years) $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 2703 Legos – original design (ages 8-10 years) $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 2704 Puppets-no sewing (ages 8-10 years) $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 2705 Clay Sculptures (ages 11-13 years) $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 2706 Legos – original design (ages 11-13 years) $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 2707 Puppets-no sewing (ages 11-13 years) $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 2708 Miniature Farm Vehicles on a tray or board (max. of 6) $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 2709 Farm Vehicles, on a tray or board (max. of 4) $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 2710 Rock Collection on a tray or mounted on a board, poster board or cardboard (max. of 12) , ages 8-10 years $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 2711 Rock Collection on a tray or mounted on a board, poster board or cardboard (max. of 12) , ages 11-13 years $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 2712 Miniature Figurines Collection on a tray, Ages 8-10 $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 2713 Miniature Figurines Collection, Ages 11-13 $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 2714 Painting, oil or acrylic, freehand $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 2715 Painting, watercolor, freehand $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 2716 Sketching: charcoal, pencil, pastels, ink or felt tip, free hand, Ages 8-10 $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 2717 Sketching: charcoal, pencil, pastels, ink or felt tip, free hand, Ages 11-13 $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 2718 Cartooning-no tracing allowed $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 2719 Photography - black & white photo $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 2720 Photography - color photo $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 2721 Scouting Collectibles $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 2722 Vacation Souvenirs ( max. of 6), Ages 8-10 $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 2723 Vacation Souvenirs (max. of 6), Ages 11-13 $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 2724 Beaded Jewelry $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 2725 Recycled Art $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 2726 Scrapbooking (max. of 2 pages) $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 2727 Barn Wood Creation $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 81 DEPARTMENT P 3 - FINE ARTS - Division B Open to 14 through 18 years old See Age Ruling Above SECTION 1 SECTION CLASS Division B 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 2728 Beaded Jewelry $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 2729 Tie Dye $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 2730 Scrapbooking (max. of 2 pages) $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 2731 Painting, oil or acrylic, freehand $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 2732 Painting, watercolor, freehand $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 2733 Copywork. Original must accompany the entry - no tracing allowed $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 2734 Sketching: charcoal, pencil, pastels, ink or felt tip, free hand $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 2735 Photography - black & white photo $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 2736 Photography - color photo $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 2737 Clay Sculptures $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 2738 Recycled Art $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 2739 Scouting Collectibles $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 2740 Cartooning – no tracing allowed $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 2741 Barn Wood Creation $3.75 $2.75 $1.50 Ribbon Ribbon 82 DEPARTMENT P - JUNIOR DEPARTMENT OTHER THAN LIVESTOCK AGE RULING - Open to boys and girls who are eight (8) years of age or in the third grade and not yet nineteen (19) years of age on or before September 1 of the year previous to the fair. DEPARTMENT P 4 - JUNIOR DEPARTMENT TEXTILES Superintendents - Marcia Ahlstrom (309-364-2406 or email: [email protected]) Jane Fountain (email: [email protected]) Total Premiums Offered - $164.00 Exhibitor's Permit - $3.00 No entry fee required There is no entry fee. After purchasing an Exhibitor's Permit, each exhibitor may enter as many classes as they wish, but they may only win two premiums per class number. ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, RELEASE FORM SIGNATURES, AND PAYMENT OF EXHIBITOR'S PERMIT. **Please Note** ENTRY FORMS MUST BE IN THE FAIR OFFICE BY 6:00 PM WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 2015 or POSTMARKED BY JUNE 24th. All entries will be received in the Art Hall from 12 noon to 6:00 pm on Tuesday, July 7, 2015. Exhibits must be removed Sunday, July 12, 2015 at 5:00 pm. Leaving before release time will mean forfeiture of premium checks. See ENTRY FORM info on each open department general information pages. Article identification tags will be printed on the computer. Bring or mail your entry forms in early to avoid waiting in line. The fair office will open for "walk-in" entries beginning June 19. No exhibitor will be paid a premium until a completed W-9 form is on file in our fair office. W-9 form is located on the entry form. Rules listed in Dept. M2 - Textiles, along with those listed in Rules and Regulations that are applicable to this department are to be followed, along with those listed here. The LuVerne Gallup Memorial Award will be awarded to the Best of Show crocheted article as chosen by the judges. This will include all crocheted articles from Junior and Open Departments. DEPARTMENT P 4 - DIVISION A Limited to Juniors 8 through 13 years of age See Age Ruling above SECTION 1 SECTION SECTION 100 AWARDS CLASS Division A 1st 2nd 3rd 2750 Any sewn garment $5 $4 $3 2751 Any embellished garment (may be purchased garment) $5 $4 $3 2752 Tote, purse, backpack - hand crafted by exhibitor, any fabric $5 $4 $3 2753 Any home decoration item or pillow, any textile or fabric medium $5 $4 $3 2754 Dress-A-Bear; clothing items MUST be hand crafted; bear can be purchased or hand crafted $5 $4 $3 2755 Wall hanging or picture, including small quilts (quilts 24" x 24" or smaller), any textile or fabric medium $5 $4 $3 2757 Best of Show $10 & Ribbon 83 DEPARTMENT P 4 - DIVISION B Limited to Juniors 14 through 18 years of age See Age Ruling above SECTION 1 SECTION SECTION 100 AWARDS CLASS Division B 1st 2nd 3rd 2760 Any sewn garment $5 $4 $3 2761 Any embellished garment (may be purchased garment) $5 $4 $3 2762 Tote, purse, backpack - hand crafted by exhibitor, any fabric $5 $4 $3 2763 Any home decoration item or pillow, any textile or fabric medium $5 $4 $3 2764 Dress-A-Bear; clothing items MUST be hand crafted; bear can be purchased or hand crafted $5 $4 $3 2765 Wall hanging or picture, including small quilts (quilts 24" x 24" or smaller), any textile or fabric medium $5 $4 $3 2767 Best of Show $10 & Ribbon 84 DEPARTMENT P - JUNIOR DEPARTMENT OTHER THAN LIVESTOCK AGE RULING - Open to boys and girls who are eight (8) years of age or in the third grade and not yet nineteen (19) years of age on or before September 1 of the year previous to the fair. DEPARTMENT P 5 - JUNIOR DEPARTMENT DAIRY, APIARY & CULINARY Superintendents - Anna Mae Kocher and Bernice Forney Assistant Superintendents - Carol Kocher-Monier and Carol Keller Total Premiums Offered - $241.00 Exhibitor's Permit - $3.00 No entry fee required There is no entry fee. After purchasing an Exhibitor's Permit, each exhibitor may enter as many classes as they wish, but they may only win two premiums per class number. ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, RELEASE FORM SIGNATURES, AND PAYMENT OF EXHIBITOR'S PERMIT. **Please Note** ENTRY FORMS MUST BE IN THE FAIR OFFICE BY 6:00 PM WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 2015 or POSTMARKED BY JUNE 24th. All entries will be received in the Art Hall from 12 noon to 5:00 pm on Tuesday, July 7, 2015. Exhibits must be removed Sunday, July 12, 2015 at 5:00 pm. Leaving before release time will mean forfeiture of premium checks. See ENTRY FORM info on each open department general information pages. Article identification tags will be printed on the computer. Bring or mail your entry forms in early to avoid waiting in line. The fair office will open for "walk-in" entries beginning June 18. No exhibitor will be paid a premium until a completed W-9 form is on file in our fair office. W-9 form is located on the entry form. Rules listed in Dept. O - Dairy, Apiary, and Culinary, along with those listed in Rules and Regulations that are applicable to this department are to be followed, along with those listed here. 85 DEPARTMENT P 5 - DIVISION A Limited to Juniors 8 through 13 years of age See Age Ruling above SECTION 1 SECTION SECTION 100 AWARDS CLASS Division A 1st 2nd 3rd 2800 White Bread (loaf) $2 $1 $.50 2801 Whole Wheat Bread (loaf) $2 $1 $.50 2802 Biscuits (half dozen) $2 $1 $.50 2803 Quick Mix Coffee Cake, sugar and cinnamon topping $1.50 $1 $.50 2804 Banana Bread (loaf) $1.50 $1 $.50 2805 Corn Bread (four pieces) $1.50 $1 $.50 2806 Chocolate Chip Cookies (4 cookies) $1.50 $1 $.50 2807 Chocolate Brownies, omit nuts and icing (4 pieces) $1.50 $1 $.50 2808 Peanut Butter Cookies (4 cookies) $1.50 $1 $.50 2809 Oatmeal Cookies (4 cookies) $1.50 $1 $.50 2810 Decorated Cookies, any kind (6 on a plate) $2 $1.25 $.75 2811 Apple Muffins (4 muffins) $2 $1.50 $1 2812 Oatmeal Muffins (4 muffins) $2 $1.50 $1 2813 Jackpot Cookies, no raisins, dates, or nuts (4 cookies) $1.50 $1 $.50 2814 Rice Krispies Squares (4 pieces) $1.50 $1 $.50 2815 Apple Pie, double crust $3 $2 $1 2816 Cherry Pie, double crust $3 $2 $1 2817 Decorated Cupcakes (six) $3 $2 $1 2818 Decorated Theme Cake: "Barn in the U.S.A-Fair" $6 $4 $2 2819 Decorated Cake, any kind and shape $6.50 $4 $2 2820 Junior Champion Cook $15 & Ribbon 2821 Junior Reserve Champion Cook $10 & Ribbon 86 DEPARTMENT P 5 - DIVISION B Limited to Juniors 14 through 18 years of age See Age Ruling above SECTION 1 SECTION SECTION 100 AWARDS CLASS Division B 1st 2nd 3rd 2825 White Bread (loaf) $2 $1 $.50 2826 Whole Wheat Bread (loaf) $2 $1 $.50 2827 Banana Bread (loaf) $1.50 $1 $.50 2828 Sugar Cookies (4 cookies) $1.50 $1 $.50 2829 Chocolate Chip Cookies (4 cookies) $1.50 $1 $.50 2830 Peanut Butter Cookies (4 cookies) $1.50 $1 $.50 2831 Oatmeal Cookies (4 cookies) $1.50 $1 $.50 2832 Chocolate Brownies (4 pieces) $1.50 $1 $.50 2833 Decorated Cookies, any kind (6 on a plate) $3 $2 $1 2834 Apple Pie, double crust $3 $2 $1 2835 Cherry Pie, double crust $3 $2 $1 2836 Chocolate cake, with icing $3 $2 $1 2837 Decorated Theme Cake: "Barn in the U.S.A-Fair" $6.50 $4 $2 2838 Decorated Cake, any kind and shape $6.50 $4 $2 2839 Any Canned Vegetable - must follow open class canning rules (see Dept. O) $3 $2 $1 2840 Any Canned Fruit - must follow open class canning rules (see Dept. O) $3 $2 $1 2841 Any Canned Pickle or Relish - must follow open class canning rules (see Dept. O) $3 $2 $1 2842 Any Canned Jelly, Jam, or Preserves - must follow open class canning rules (see Dept. O) $3 $2 $1 2843 Senior Champion Cook $15 & Ribbon 2844 Senior Reserve Champion Cook $10 & Ribbon 87 DEPARTMENT Q1 - TRACTOR PULLS Total Premiums Offered - $27,599.93 AMERICA'S PULL - PPL NATIONAL CHAMPIONS TOUR Saturday, July 11, 2015 For information contact: Scott Kelly (309) 361-2031 Total Premiums Offered (PPL Tractor Pull) - $25,199.93 SECTION 1 - SATURDAY PPL TRACTOR PULL 6:00 PM CLASS 2900 2901 2902 2903 2904 Lightweight Super Stock Tractors Super Stock Diesel Trucks Unlimited Super Stock Tractors Limited Pro Stock Tractors Mini Rods 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th $1,200 $900 $700 $575 $375 $325 $275 $250 $200 $199.99 $1,500 $1,000 $700 $600 $450 $400 $399.99 $350 $300 $299.99 $1,600 $1,200 $800 $600 $500 $450 $400 $350 $300 $299.99 $1,000 $775 $550 $425 $325 $300 $250 $200 $199.99 $175 $900 $650 $450 $350 $250 $200 $199.99 $175 $174.99 $150 88 DEPARTMENT Q1 - TRACTOR PULLS Total Premiums Offered - $27,599.93 FARM STOCK TRACTORS Sunday, July 12, 2015 Total Premiums Offered (Farm Stock Tractors) - $2,400.00 For information contact: Nick Klein email: [email protected] or call Fair Office at 309/364-2814 Entry Fee: $25.00 per hook SECTION 2 - SUNDAY FARM STOCK PULL 3:00 PM Pit gate open at 10:00 a.m. Weigh-in at 12:00 noon on the fairgrounds CONTEST RULES: Puller will supply a large twist or flat ring clevis to hook to. Maximum 20" drawbar height, minimum 18" behind center of rear axle. Rear tire size width and diameter limited to maximum of 18.4 - 42 or 20.8 - 38. No cut tires allowed. Farm Stock tractor turbo limitation: 2.31" at the inlet flange of the compressor. Stock appearing pump and turbo. 10% over OEM or maximum of 2,800 engine RPM's for all classes. No aftermarket engine inner coolers. Stock fuel only. No water injection. One turbo limit. OEM style manifolds for all NA classes. Stock ignition systems for all NA classes. OEM draft carburetion for all NA classes. All tractors may be tested for high idle after a pull. Tractors over the high idle limit will be disqualified. Track judge may disqualify any contestant operating in an unsafe manner. All drivers will sign an insurance liability waiver form. If under 18 years of age, a parent or guardian must also sign. Must be at least 16 years of age to compete. Drivers ages 16 & 17 must have a signed parental consent form. Order of pull will be determined by drawing. Changes made day of event take precedence over any printed rules. Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated. All decisions made by flagmen are final. Any tractor that enters a stock class cannot enter a hot farm class. Any tractor that enters a hot farm class cannot enter a stock class. Classes may not pull in the order listed below. Trophies will be awarded to the top three winners in each class. CLASS 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th $100 $80 $60 $35 $125 $100 $80 $60 $35 $125 $100 $80 $60 $35 $125 2910 2911 2912 2913 2914 5,500 lb NA Farm Stock 7,000 lb NA Farm Stock 10,500 lb NA Farm Stock 12,500 lb Turbo Farm Stock 12,000 lb Hot Farm Stock $125 $100 $80 $60 $35 $125 $100 $80 $60 $35 2915 14,000 lb Hot Farm Stock $125 $100 $80 $60 $35 89 DEPARTMENT Q2 - TRUCK PULLS Total Premiums Offered - $13,749.97 AMERICA'S PULL - PPL NATIONAL CHAMPIONS TOUR Saturday, July 11, 2015 For information contact: Scott Kelly (309) 361-2031 Total Premiums Offered (PPL Truck Pull) - $10,999.97 SECTION 1 - SATURDAY PPL TRUCK PULL 6:00 PM CLASS 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 2920 Pro Modified 4WD $1,500 $1,000 $700 $600 $450 $400 $399.99 $350 $300 $299.99 2921 Super Stock Diesel Trucks $1,200 $900 $700 $575 $375 $325 $275 $250 $200 $199.99 90 DEPARTMENT Q2 - TRUCK PULLS Total Premiums Offered - $13,749.97 FARM STOCK TRUCKS Total Premiums Offered (Farm Stock Trucks) - $2,750.00 For information contact: Nick Klein email: [email protected] or call Fair Office at 309/364-2814 Sunday, July 12, 2015 Entry Fee: $35.00 per hook SECTION 2 - SUNDAY FARM STOCK TRUCK PULL 3:00 PM Pit gate open at 10:00 a.m. Weigh-in at 12:00 noon on the fairgrounds CONTEST RULES: Rules may be found at www.rivercitydiesel.com Classes may not pull in the order listed below. Trophies will be awarded to the top three winners in each class. CLASS 2925 2926 2927 2928 Street Gasoline Work Stock Diesel 2.6 Turbo Diesel Open Diesel and Gas 91 1st 2nd 3rd 4th $200 $100 $50 - 5th - $275 $175 $100 $75 $50 $275 $175 $100 $75 $50 $400 $300 $200 $100 $50 DEPARTMENT R - LIGHT HORSE EQUINE EVENTS Superintendents - Jill Louis or Wendy Louis Total Premiums Offered - $2,155.00 Entry Fee - $5.00 per entry for each class No entry fee for classes 3004 Ground Fee - $5.00 per horse Show - Sunday, July 12, 2015 - 8:00 am SHARP HEALTH REQUIREMENTS Illinois Equine 1. All horses and other equine, twelve (12) months of age and older attending an advertised equine event, shall be accompanied by a negative test for equine infectious anemia (EIA) conducted within the last twelve (12) months. A copy of this test shall accompany the animal. 2. AGID (Coggins) or ELISA tests are accepted. 3. An advertised equine event means a show, rodeo, sale, auction, exhibition, trail ride, or horse fair that is posted or media promoted. 4. A CVI is not required for Illinois equine. Out-of-State-Equine 1. All out-of-state equine are to be accompanied by an entry permit. Permits are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling (217) 782-4944. 2. All horses and other equidae entering Illinois that are twelve (12) months of age or older, shall be accompanied by a negative test for equine infectious anemia (EIA) conducted within the last twelve (12) months. A copy of this test shall accompany the animal. 3. AGID (Coggins) or ELISA tests are accepted. 4. All horses and other equidae shall be accompanied by a CVI issued within thirty (30) days prior to entry. RULES THIS IS A ONE DAY SHOW ALL PUREBRED HORSES MUST HAVE REGISTRATION PAPERS IN ORDER TO EXHIBIT. ALL REGISTRATION PAPERS WILL BE CHECKED AND MUST BE IN THE EXHIBITOR'S POSSESSION DURING THE FAIR. IF ANY EXHIBITOR IS FOUND TO BE IN VIOLATION, THEY WILL BE DISQUALIFIED IMMEDIATELY. 1. All horse trailers must enter and exit through the Fair's west gate, located on Western Road. Horse show arena is located west of the track. Horse trailers must park in designated area only. 2. Show begins at 8:00 am sharp. Exhibitors are to be ready in advance. Timed tack changes allowed, if necessary. 3. Rosettes will be awarded to 5th and 6th place winners in each class. 4 5. Social Security Number MUST be included on entry form and Waiver MUST be signed (parent's signature required if under 18 years old). 6. No exhibitor will be paid a premium until a completed W-9 form is on file in our office. W-9 form is located on the entry form. 7. Entry forms can be completed and mailed prior to the show day or completed the day of the show at the show arena. Entry forms are located on our website under Entry Forms. No refunds on entry fees and stall/ground fees. 8. Entries close when the previous class enters the ring. Entry Fee - $5.00 per entry for each class No refund on entry fees and stall/ground fees. Entry forms can be completed and mailed prior to show. Look on website under Entry Forms. Entries will also be taken on the day of the show at the show arena. CLASSES LISTED ON NEXT PAGE. 92 SECTION 1 - LIGHT HORSE SHOW CLASS SCHEDULE CLASS 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 3000 Youth Halter - 18 yrs & under $50 $35 $25 $15 Rosette Rosette 3001 Open Halter $75 $45 $35 $10 Rosette Rosette 3002 Showmanship - 18 yrs. & under $50 $35 $25 $15 Rosette Rosette 3003 Showmanship - 19 yrs. & over $50 $35 $25 $15 Rosette Rosette 3004 Leadline Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette 15 Minute Break 3005 Huntseat Pleasure $50 $35 $25 $15 Rosette Rosette 3006 2 & 3 yr. Old Snaffle Bit Western Pleasure $50 $35 $25 $15 Rosette Rosette 3007 Open Walk/Trot - 18 yrs & under $50 $35 $25 $15 Rosette Rosette 3008 Open Walk/Trot - 19 yrs & over $75 $45 $35 $10 Rosette Rosette 3009 Jr. Horse Western Pleasure - Horse 5 yrs & under $50 $35 $25 $15 Rosette Rosette 3010 Sr. Horse Western Pleasure - Horse 6 yrs & over $50 $35 $25 $15 Rosette Rosette 3011 Open Pleasure $75 $45 $35 $10 Rosette Rosette 3012 Color Breed Western Pleasure (REG. PAPERS IN HAND) $50 $35 $25 $15 Rosette Rosette 3013 Western Pleasure - 18 yrs & under $50 $35 $25 $15 Rosette Rosette 3014 Western Pleasure - 19 yrs & over $50 $35 $25 $15 Rosette Rosette 3015 Horsemanship $50 $35 $25 $15 Rosette Rosette 3016 Second Chance Open Pleasure - No 1st or 2nd place riders (from today) allowed $55 $45 $35 $25 Rosette Rosette 93 DEPARTMENT S - HARNESS RACES Superintendent - Michelle Monier Track Man - Bud McAllister Official Veterinarian - Dr. Alan McCully ENTRIES TAKEN BY THE NICA: 309-738-3415 or 309-738-3302 MARSHALL-PUTNAM SPEED OFFICE: 309-364-3385 MARSHALL-PUTNAM FAIRGROUND MAIN OFFICE: 309-364-2814 Total Premiums Offered - $21,000 (est.) MEMBER OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS COLT ASSOCIATION Overnight Entry Fees - $20.00 All Other Entry Fees - $100.00 Maintenance Fee - $25.00 for all horses NORTHERN ILLINOIS COLT ASSOCIATION 2015 GENERAL CONDITIONS Nominations to close March 15, 2015 Payments to the Illinois Department of Agriculture 3 Day Box ENTRY PAYMENT: All events are governed by a 3-day (72 hour) box; $100 entry fee for all races. $25.00 Maintenance Fee for all horses. $20.00 Entry Fee for all overnight events. IMPORTANT: To enter a fair racing in the Northern Colt Association Circuit, call 309-738-3415 or 309-738-3302. PLAN OF RACING: USTA, Department of Agriculture, County Fair and Northern Illinois Colt Association Rules to govern when not covered in the following conditions. All races are two (one-mile) dashes unless otherwise specified. When a race program is canceled for reasons beyond control of said Fair, and the program can be raced the following day, the Fair reserves the right to race as many of the canceled events as can be programmed without interfering with previously scheduled entertainment. The Fair reserves the right, as time permits, to race on a one or two heat plan. Fields will be divided by colts and fillies where possible. However, in no case shall extra divisions for fillies be made, nor shall short fields be started to accommodate fillies. When raced as eliminations, the elimination heats will race for 60% of the estimated purse and the final heat race for 40%. Published purses estimated. Distribution of purses will be: 50%, 25%, 12%, 8%, and 5% for five finishers. In all Northern Illinois Colt Association Stake events when a race is caused to be divided the purse will be equally divided among all of the divisions, except in the case of separate colt and filly divisions where the March 15 payments will follow the sex. The Northern Illinois Colt Association supports any drug testing done by the Illinois Department of Agriculture or any other agency. Overnight events contested on the Northern Illinois Colt Association circuit: When an overnight event is split into more than one division, the Fair reserves the right to race on a oneheat plan. Right is reserved by the Fairs to retain that part of the purse not raced for in all of the overnight races. In all overnight races right is reserved to require 5 to enter and 4 to start. Where the entries are more than can start in one race, the race will be divided. The Fair will add 50% of the original purse and race in divisions. Each division will race for an equal share of the total purse. 94 All County Fairs are strongly encouraged to display their USTA license on the race office wall so that the license will be visible to anyone who enters the race office. Anyone who requires to be licensed must be able to prove to race officials that they are currently licensed by USTA at time of race. Drivers who do not hold a current USTA license are not eligible to drive in County Fair Races. Fair reserves the right to assign stalls on a first come basis. Horsemen racing on the Northern Illinois Colt Association are responsible for carrying their own driver-accident insurance. HEALTH REQUIREMENTS Illinois Equine 1. All horses and other equine, twelve (12) months of age and older attending an advertised equine event, shall be accompanied by a negative test for equine infectious anemia (EIA) conducted within the last twelve (12) months. A copy of this test shall accompany the animal. 2. AGID (Coggins) or ELISA tests are accepted. 3. An advertised equine event means a show, rodeo, sale, auction, exhibition, trail ride, or horse fair that is posted or media promoted. 4. A CVI is not required for Illinois equine. Out-of-State-Equine 1. All out-of-state equine are to be accompanied by an entry permit. Permits are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling (217) 782-4944. 2. All horses and other equidae entering Illinois that are twelve (12) months of age or older, shall be accompanied by a negative test for equine infectious anemia (EIA) conducted within the last twelve (12) months. A copy of this test shall accompany the animal. 3. AGID (Coggins) or ELISA tests are accepted. 4. All horses and other equidae shall be accompanied by a CVI issued within thirty (30) days prior to entry. The determination of which horses are out-of-state should be on the horse, not the owner. SPEED PROGRAM WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 2015 - 5:00 PM (Rain Date: THURSDAY, JULY 9, 2015 - 11:00 AM) PACE – 2 Year Old NICA TROT – 2 Year Old NICA PACE – NW $5,000 LT TROT - 3 Year Old NICA PACE - 3 Year Old NICA *PACE - IHHA Est. $4,500 Est. $4,500 Est. $1,000 Est. $4,500 Est. $4,500 Est. $2,000 TOTAL OFFERED (Est.) - $21,000 Overnight Entry Fee - $20.00 IHHA Entry Fee - $50.00 Maintenance Fee - $25.00 $100.00 Entry Fee for all other races 72-HOUR ENTRY BOX - Closes at 10:00 am Entries - NICA Office - 309/738-3415 or 309/738-3302 Speed Office - 309/364-3385 Emergency ONLY 309/238-4633 - NO ENTRIES *IHHA Race Entry Fee will be added to purse; there will be no money added if the race splits into divisions. The owners, trainerss, and drivers must ALL be IHHA members. IHHA race is subject to availability of funds. Races will feature Pick-A-Winner ~~SPONSORED BY KENYON'S PLACE RESTAURANT~~ Blanket awarded each heat. 95 DEPARTMENT U - PYGMY GOATS Fifteenth Annual Marshall-Putnam County Fair Pygmy Goat Show Superintendent - Karen Hepner Asst. Superintendents - Carol Hepner and Rhonda Johnson Show - Saturday, July 11, 2015 - 9:00 am Show - Sunday, July 12, 2015 - 9:00 am Both shows will be sanctioned by the National Pygmy Goat Association. NPGA rules to govern and take precedence over all others. Total Premiums Offered - $2,472.00 Pen Fee - $3.50 per goat Entry Fee - $3.50 per entry Exhibitor's Permit - $10.00 All entries must be in the Fair office, postmarked on or before JUNE 24, 2015. ALL EXHIBITORS MUST COME TO THE FAIR OFFICE BY 9 PM ON THURSDAY, JULY 9 TO CHECK THE ACCURACY OF THEIR ENTRIES AS REPORTED IN OUR COMPUTERS. No changes will be made at the show ring. If your entry is not listed in the judges' book - you will not show in that class. ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, RELEASE FORM SIGNATURES, AND PAYMENT OF ENTRY FEES, PEN FEES, AND EXHIBITOR'S PERMIT. No money covering entry fees, pen fees, and exhibitor's permit will be refunded. All exhibitors MUST check-in to the fair office no later than 9 pm, Thursday, July 9 to receive all necessary paperwork. Free parking and free admission to the fairgrounds. Exhibitor permits must be purchased with your entries for $10.00. There will be only one permit purchase per exhibitor. ENTRY FORMS - Entry must be made in name of owner. Exhibitor's name must match social security number given. Entry will be determined by class number given on entry form, so carefully select the correct class number. Entry forms may be photocopied. Mail entries to Marshall-Putnam Fair, P.O. Box 114, Henry, IL 61537 No exhibitor will be paid a premium until a completed W-9 form is on file in our fair office. W-9 form is located on the entry form. Pen fees are $3.50 per head for the weekend. This includes the junior show. The pen fee is a one-time fee. See Health Requirements. Please read carefully. All health papers must be turned in to the Fair Office upon arrival where they will be checked by the Vet and then returned to the exhibitor before the end of the fair. Registration papers are required for all registered goats, except wethers. You must have original registration certificate or original registration certificates with transfer of ownership less than 90 days old. ALL PUREBRED LIVESTOCK MUST HAVE REGISTRATION PAPERS IN ORDER TO EXHIBIT. ALL REGISTRATION PAPERS WILL BE CHECKED AND MUST BE IN THE EXHIBITOR'S POSSESSION DURING THE FAIR. IF ANY EXHIBITOR IS FOUND TO BE IN VIOLATION THEY WILL BE DISQUALIFIED IMMEDIATELY. Straw may be available for purchase. No paper bedding may be used. See FAN RULE and extension cord notice in General Rules and Regulations. Age of the animal will be computed as of the day of the show, not the date of entries. An exhibitor can win only two premiums per class number. No refund to non-winners. All goats must be in place by 7:00 pm Thursday, July 9, 2015. Release time will be 7:00 pm Sunday, July 12, 2015. LEAVING BEFORE RELEASE TIME WILL MEAN FORFEITURE OF PREMIUM CHECKS. No entry fee needs to be paid for CHAMPION or RESERVE classes. 96 SECTION 1 - SATURDAY SHOW (Sanctioned) SECTION 1 SECTION 100 SECTION 1 SECTION CLASS SECTION 100 SECTION 1 SECTION 100 3rd 4th 5th Wether, under 1 year $14 $11 $10 $8 $6 4001 Wether, 1 year to under 3 years $14 $11 $10 $8 $6 4002 Wether, 3 years and older $14 $11 $10 $8 $6 4003 Grand Champion Wether $15 & Rosette 4004 Reserve Grand Champion Wether $10 & Rosette 4005 Junior doe, baby kid, 0 to under 3 months $14 $11 $10 $8 - 4006 Junior doe, junior kid, 3 months to under 6 months $14 $11 $10 $8 $6 $14 $11 $10 $8 $6 $14 $11 $10 $8 $6 $14 $11 $10 $8 $6 $14 $11 $10 $8 $6 4007 4008 4010 SECTION 1 2nd 4000 4009 SECTION 100 1st Junior doe, intermediate kid, 6 months to under 9 months Junior doe, Senior kid, 9 months to under 12 months Junior doe, unfreshened yearling, 12 months to under 18 months Junior doe, unfreshened advanced yearling, 18 months to under 24 months 4011 Champion Junior Doe $15 & Ribbon 4012 Reserve Champion Junior Doe $5 & Ribbon 4013 Senior doe, freshened yearling, 12 months to under 24 months $14 $11 $10 $8 $6 4014 Milking doe $14 $11 $10 - - 4015 Senior doe, two-year old $14 $11 $10 $8 $6 4016 Senior doe, three-year old $14 $11 $10 $8 $6 4017 Senior doe, four year and older $14 $11 $10 $8 $6 4018 Champion Senior Doe $15 & Ribbon 4019 Reserve Champion Senior Doe $5 & Ribbon 4020 Grand Champion Doe $20 & Rosette 4021 Reserve Grand Champion Doe $10 & Rosette 4022 Junior Buck, baby kid 0 to under 3 months $14 $11 $10 $8 - 4023 Junior Buck, kid, 3 mos. to under 6 months $14 $11 $10 $8 $6 4024 Junior buck, senior kid, 6 months to under 9 months $14 $11 $10 $8 - 4025 Junior buck, senior kid, 9 months to under 12 months $14 $11 $10 $8 - 4026 Champion Junior Buck $15 & Ribbon 4027 Reserve Champion Junior Buck $5 & Ribbon 97 SECTION 1 SECTION 100 4028 Senior buck, junior yearling, 12 months to under 18 months $14 $11 $10 $8 $6 4029 Senior buck, senior yearling, 18 months to under 24 months $14 $11 $10 $8 $6 4030 Senior buck, two-year olds $14 $11 $10 $8 - 4031 Senior buck, three-year olds $14 $11 $10 $8 - 4032 Senior buck, four-years & older $14 $11 $10 $8 - 4033 Champion Senior Buck $15 & Ribbon 4034 Reserve Champion Senior Buck $5 & Ribbon 4035 Grand Champion Buck $20 & Rosette 4036 Reserve Grand Champion Buck $10 &Rosette 98 SECTION 2 - SUNDAY SHOW (Sanctioned) SECTION 2 SECTION 100 SECTION 2 SECTION CLASS SECTION 100 SECTION 2 SECTION 100 3rd 4th 5th Wether, under 1 year $14 $11 $10 $8 $6 4101 Wether, 1 year to under 3 years $14 $11 $10 $8 $6 4102 Wether, 3 years and older $14 $11 $10 $8 $6 4103 Grand Champion Wether $15 & Rosette 4104 Reserve Grand Champion Wether $10 & Rosette 4105 Junior doe, baby kid, 0 to under 3 months $14 $11 $10 $8 - 4106 Junior doe, junior kid, 3 months to under 6 months $14 $11 $10 $8 $6 $14 $11 $10 $8 $6 $14 $11 $10 $8 $6 $14 $11 $10 $8 $6 $14 $11 $10 $8 $6 4107 4108 4110 SECTION 2 2nd 4100 4109 SECTION 100 1st Junior doe, intermediate kid, 6 months to under 9 months Junior doe, Senior kid, 9 months to under 12 months Junior doe, unfreshened yearling, 12 months to under 18 months Junior doe, unfreshened advanced yearling, 18 months to under 24 months 4111 Junior Champion Junior Doe $15 & Ribbon 4112 Reserve Champion Junior Doe $5 & Ribbon 4113 Senior doe, freshened yearling, 12 months to under 24 months $14 $11 $10 $8 $6 4114 Milking doe $14 $11 $10 - - 4115 Senior doe, two-year old $14 $11 $10 $8 $6 4116 Senior doe, three-year old $14 $11 $10 $8 $6 4117 Senior doe, four year and older $14 $11 $10 $8 $6 4118 Champion Senior Doe $15 & Ribbon 4119 Reserve Champion Senior Doe $5 & Ribbon 4120 Grand Champion Doe $20 & Rosette 4121 Reserve Grand Champion Doe $10 & Rosette 4122 Junior Buck, baby kid 0 to under 3 months $14 $11 $10 $8 - 4123 Junior Buck, kid, 3 mos. to under 6 months $14 $11 $10 $8 $6 4124 Junior buck, senior kid, 6 months to under 9 months $14 $11 $10 $8 - 4125 Junior buck, senior kid, 9 months to under 12 months $14 $11 $10 $8 - 4126 Champion Junior Buck $15 & Ribbon 4127 Reserve Champion Junior Buck $5 & Ribbon 99 SECTION 2 SECTION 100 4128 Senior buck, junior yearling, 12 months to under 18 months $14 $11 $10 $8 $6 4129 Senior buck, senior yearling, 18 months to under 24 months $14 $11 $10 $8 $6 4130 Senior buck, two-year olds $14 $11 $10 $8 - 4131 Senior buck, three-year olds $14 $11 $10 $8 - 4132 Senior buck, four-year & older $14 $11 $10 $8 - 4133 Senior Champion Buck $15 & Ribbon 4134 Reserve Champion Senior Buck $5 & Ribbon 4135 Grand Champion Buck $20 & Rosette 4136 Reserve Grand Champion Buck $10 & Rosette 100 DEPARTMENT Z - RODEO Superintendent – Rob Stadel Thursday, July 9, 2015 - 7:00 pm Total Premiums Offered - $4,000.00 Added Money - $1,000 for Team Roping and $500 for all other classes Entry Fee - $50.00 7 EVENTS Bareback Riding Tie Down Roping Steer Wrestling Saddle Bronc Riding Cowgirl’s Barrel Race Team Roping Bull Riding ENTRY FEES Each entry is $50 per contestant per event All entries must be paid to the Rodeo contractor prior to the event. PURSE SPLIT FOR EACH CLASS . 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 40% 30% 20% 10% ENTRIES TAKEN ONLY ON MONDAY, JULY 6, 2015 FROM 8 am TO 5 pm PHONE: 1-800-639-9002 CST For Questions Contact: Broken Horn Rodeo 4489 Tyler Road Ripley, OH 45167 (937) 392-4608 [email protected] 101 For office use only: Check # ___________ Cash EXHIBITOR'S NUMBER LIVESTOCK ENTRY FORM □ Paid in Full □ MARSHALL-PUTNAM FAIR _____________ Use for Depts. A, B, F, G, H, I, and U W-9 FORM Please Print W-9 FORM Total fees due: ________ Amount Paid: _________ Birthdate Exhibitor's Legal Name: ________________________________ Balance Due: _________ (one name per entry form) Waiver signed Address: _____________________________________________ W-9 form ___/___/___ Must provide if entering Jr. Dept. (complete mailing address) ______________________________________ Stalled (city) Posted _____________ (state) (zip) Telephone: ____________________ Cell: ______________ Tags/Passes Email: _______________________________________________ Campers and livestock trailers will be in designated areas only. Please complete & return a camping form. Entry forms may be photocopied if needed. Mail entries to: M-P Fair PO Box 114 Henry, IL 61537 ENTRIES CLOSE JUNE 24 Exhibitor's Social Security No. __ __ __ - __ __ - __ __ __ __ No premiums will be paid if social security number is not included. I certify the above information is correct. Signature:_________________________________________ Date _________________ Walk-in entries accepted beginning June 17 ALL PUREBRED LIVESTOCK must have registration papers in order to exhibit in purebred classes. All papers will be checked and must be in the exhibitor's possession during the Fair. If any exhibitor is found to be in violation, they will be disqualified immediately. All Exhibitors MUST sign and return Release and Waiver of Liability and Indemnity Agreement Note: Livestock Registration Form is two pages this year. Please complete both pages. EACH EXHIBITOR CAN WIN ONLY TWO PREMIUMS PER CLASS Example Dept. Section Class Description F 1 400 Sr. Ram Lamb (Hampshire) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 102 Rabbit Ear # Premises ID # (Not required) LIVESTOCK FEES FORM This page must accompany previous page when making entries. Beef Check box if exhibitor will be using a generator. Total Head Total Stalls _____ _____ X $8.00 = _______ # of Open Beef Entries # of Open Steer Entries # of Junior Heifer Entries # of Junior Steer Entries Dairy _____ _____ _____ _____ X $6.00 = X $10.00 = X $3.00 = X $6.00 = _______ _______ _______ _______ Total Head _____ Total Stalls # of Open Dairy Entries # of Junior Dairy Entries Sheep _____ _____ _____ X $8.00 = X $5.00 = X $3.00 = _______ _______ _______ # of Pens Requested Total Head _____ _____ Pen fees are charged per head. X $3.50 = _______ # of Open Sheep Entries _____ X $3.50 = _______ # of Junior Sheep Entries _____ X $2.00 = _______ Swine * Due to lack of space in barns, pens will be assigned 2 pigs per pen. Pen fees are charged per head. # of Pens Requested* _____ Total Head # of Open Breeding Swine Entries _____ _____ X $4.50 = X $3.50 = _______ _______ # of Open Market Gilts Entries # of Open Market Barrows Entries # of Jr. Breeding Swine Entries # of Jr. Market Gilts Entries # of Jr. Market Barrows Entries Poultry _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ X $6.00 = X $6.00 = X $3.00 = X $5.00 = X $5.00 = _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ # of Poultry Entries # of Poultry Rabbits _____ _____ X $0.60 = X $0.15 = _______ _______ # of Single Rabbit Entries # of Rabbit Meat Pen Entries # of Single Fryer Rabbit Entries Goats _____ _____ _____ X $1.10 = X $3.00 = X $1.50 = _______ _______ _______ # of Pens Requested Total Head # of Open Goat Entries (Saturday) # of Open Goat Entries (Sunday) # of Junior Goat Entries Exhibitor's Permit # of Nights Camping _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __1__ _____ Pen fees are charged per head. X $3.50 = X $3.50 = X $3.50 = X $2.00 = $10.00 X $25.00 or $30.00 _______ _______ _______ _______ $10.00 _______ $20.00 per night for 120 volt or $25.00 per night for 240 volt - Please complete and return a camping application. TOTAL FEES DUE __________ All Exhibitors MUST sign and return Release and Waiver of Liability and Indemnity Agreement (located on next page) 103 Release and Waiver of Liability and Indemnity Agreement Marshall-Putnam Fair Association In Consideration of being permitted to enter for any purpose any part of the property of the MarshallPutnam Fair Association, and/or in consideration of being permitted to compete, officiate, observe, work for, or for any purpose participate in any way in any events being conducted at the Marshall-Putnam Fair Association. EACH OF THE UNDERSIGNED, for himself, his personal representatives, heirs, and next of kin, acknowledges, agrees and represents that he has, or will immediately upon entering any part of such property, and will continuously thereafter, inspect such property and all portions thereof which he enters and with which he comes in contact, and he does further warrant that his entry upon such property and his participation, if any, in the event constitutes an acknowledgment that he has inspected such property area and that he finds and accepts the same as being safe and reasonably suited for the purposes of his use, and he further agrees and warrants that if, at any time he is in or about such property and he feels anything to be unsafe, he will immediately advise the officials of the Marshall-Putnam Fair Association of such and will immediately leave the area. In further consideration of the foregoing, the undersigned agrees as follows: 1. THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY RELEASES, WAIVES, DISCHARGES AND COVENANTS NOT TO SUE the promoter, participants, racing association, sanctioning organization or any subdivision thereof, track operator, track owner, officials, car owners, drivers, pit crew, any persons in any restricted area, promoters, sponsors, advertisers, owners and lessees of premises used to conduct the event and each of them, their officers and employees, the Marshall-Putnam Fair Association, or its directors, officers, or employees, all for the purposes herein referred to as "releases", from all liability to the undersigned, his personal representatives, assign, heirs, and next of kin, for any and all loss or damage, and any claim or demands therefore on account of injury to the person or property of or resulting in death of the undersigned, whether caused by the negligence of the releases, or otherwise, while the undersigned is in or upon the aforesaid areas, and/or, competing, officiating in, observing, working for, or for any purpose participating in any of said events. 2. THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND SAVE AND HOLD HARMLESS the releasees and each of them from any loss, liability, damage, or cost they may incur due to the presence of the undersigned in or upon the area or in any way competing, officiating, observing or working for, or for any purpose participating in any event and whether caused by the negligence of the releases or otherwise. 3. THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY ASSUMES FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR AND RISK OF BODILY INJURY, DEATH OR PROPERTY DAMAGE due to the negligence of releases or otherwise while in or upon the said areas and/or while competing, officiating, observing, or working for or for any purpose participating in any event. EACH OF THE UNDERSIGNED EXPRESSLY ACKNOWLEDGES and agrees that the activities of the event are very dangerous and involve the risk of serious injury and/or death and/or property damage. Each of the undersigned further expressly agrees that the foregoing Release, Waiver, and Indemnity Agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by the law of the State of Illinois and that if any portion thereof is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS READ AND VOLUNTAIRLY SIGNS THE RELEASE AND WAIVER OR LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT, and further agrees that no oral representation, statements or inducements apart from the foregoing written agreement have been made. Signature Print Name Parent Signature (If entrant is under 18 years) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Failure to sign this release automatically voids your entry. 104 For office use only: Check # ___________ Cash EXHIBITOR'S NUMBER □ Paid in Full □ NON-LIVESTOCK ENTRY FORM MARSHALL-PUTNAM FAIR Total fees due: ________ Use for Depts. J, K, L, M1, M2, O, and P W-9 FORM Please Print W-9 FORM Amount Paid: _________ Balance Due: _________ Exhibitor's Legal Name: ________________________________ Waiver signed (one name per entry form) W-9 form Address: _____________________________________________ Posted ____________ _ Birthdate __/___/___ Must provide if entering Jr. Dept. (complete mailing address) ______________________________________ Tags/Passes (city) _____________ (state) (zip) Telephone: ____________________ Cell: ______________ Entry forms may be photocopied if needed. ENTRIES CLOSE JUNE 24 Email: _______________________________________________ Exhibitor's Social Security No. __ __ __ - __ __ - __ __ __ __ No premiums will be paid if social security number is not included. I certify the above information is correct. Mail entries to: M-P Fair PO Box 114 Henry, IL 61537 Walk-in entries accepted beginning June 17 Signature:_________________________________________ Date _________________ All Exhibitors MUST sign and return Release and Waiver of Liability and Indemnity Agreement (located on next page) EACH EXHIBITOR CAN WIN ONLY TWO PREMIUMS PER CLASS Dept. Section Class Description Exhibitor's Permit Fees 1. Exhibitor's Permit for Depts. J, K, L, M1, M2, and O Exhibitor's Permit for Depts. P 2. 3. 4. $6.00 $3.00 Exhibitors entering in Depts. A, B, F, G, H, I, and U do not need to pay a 2nd permit fee. Camping 120 volt, $20.00 per night $____ Camping 240 volt, $25.00 per night $____ # of nights camping _______ Please return camping form also. * 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED $___________ 12. 13. Please indicate the number of articles you will be exhibiting in each department. 14. 15. DEPT. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 105 # OF ENTRIES J Ag Products K Horticulture L Floriculture M1 Fine Arts M2 Textiles O Culinary P1 Jr. Ag/Horticulture P2 Jr. Floriculture Release andJr.Waiver P3 Fine Artsof Liability P4 Jr. Textiles P5 Jr. Culinary and Release and Waiver of Liability and Indemnity Agreement Marshall-Putnam Fair Association In Consideration of being permitted to enter for any purpose any part of the property of the MarshallPutnam Fair Association, and/or in consideration of being permitted to compete, officiate, observe, work for, or for any purpose participate in any way in any events being conducted at the Marshall-Putnam Fair Association. EACH OF THE UNDERSIGNED, for himself, his personal representatives, heirs, and next of kin, acknowledges, agrees and represents that he has, or will immediately upon entering any part of such property, and will continuously thereafter, inspect such property and all portions thereof which he enters and with which he comes in contact, and he does further warrant that his entry upon such property and his participation, if any, in the event constitutes an acknowledgment that he has inspected such property area and that he finds and accepts the same as being safe and reasonably suited for the purposes of his use, and he further agrees and warrants that if, at any time he is in or about such property and he feels anything to be unsafe, he will immediately advise the officials of the Marshall-Putnam Fair Association of such and will immediately leave the area. In further consideration of the foregoing, the undersigned agrees as follows: 1. THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY RELEASES, WAIVES, DISCHARGES AND COVENANTS NOT TO SUE the promoter, participants, racing association, sanctioning organization or any subdivision thereof, track operator, track owner, officials, car owners, drivers, pit crew, any persons in any restricted area, promoters, sponsors, advertisers, owners and lessees of premises used to conduct the event and each of them, their officers and employees, the Marshall-Putnam Fair Association, or its directors, officers, or employees, all for the purposes herein referred to as "releases", from all liability to the undersigned, his personal representatives, assign, heirs, and next of kin, for any and all loss or damage, and any claim or demands therefore on account of injury to the person or property of or resulting in death of the undersigned, whether caused by the negligence of the releases, or otherwise, while the undersigned is in or upon the aforesaid areas, and/or, competing, officiating in, observing, working for, or for any purpose participating in any of said events. 2. THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND SAVE AND HOLD HARMLESS the releasees and each of them from any loss, liability, damage, or cost they may incur due to the presence of the undersigned in or upon the area or in any way competing, officiating, observing or working for, or for any purpose participating in any event and whether caused by the negligence of the releases or otherwise. 3. THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY ASSUMES FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR AND RISK OF BODILY INJURY, DEATH OR PROPERTY DAMAGE due to the negligence of releases or otherwise while in or upon the said areas and/or while competing, officiating, observing, or working for or for any purpose participating in any event. EACH OF THE UNDERSIGNED EXPRESSLY ACKNOWLEDGES and agrees that the activities of the event are very dangerous and involve the risk of serious injury and/or death and/or property damage. Each of the undersigned further expressly agrees that the foregoing Release, Waiver, and Indemnity Agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by the law of the State of Illinois and that if any portion thereof is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS READ AND VOLUNTAIRLY SIGNS THE RELEASE AND WAIVER OR LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT, and further agrees that no oral representation, statements or inducements apart from the foregoing written agreement have been made. Signature Print Name Parent Signature (If entrant is under 18 years) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Failure to sign this release automatically voids your entry. 106 MARSHALL-PUTNAM FAIR ASSOCIATION P.O. BOX 114 HENRY, IL 61537 PHONE (309) 364-2814 FAX (309) 364-2952 E-MAIL ADDRESS: [email protected] LIGHT HORSE SHOW EXHIBITOR REGISTRATION FORM Please fill out one exhibitor registration form (pink form) for each exhibitor and a class entry form for each class you are entering. This form MUST be completed by each person that will be receiving a premium check today. CHECK WRITTEN TO: ________________________________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________ STREET ADDRESS OR PO BOX _____________________________, ______________ _________________ CITY STATE ZIP TELEPHONE NUMBER: __________________________ cell: ______________________________ SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER _____________________ - ___________ - __________________ (THIS SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER MUST BELONG TO THE PERSON TO WHOM THE CHECK WILL BE WRITTEN.) □ Yes, I have shown the committee my valid coggins test paper. I certify that the above information is correct. ___________________________________________________________ Signature ______________________ Date HORSES THAT WILL BE SHOWN UNDER MY NAME TODAY: HORSES # HORSE NAME Thank you for attending the Marshall-Putnam Fair Light Horse Show. 107 MARSHALL-PUTNAM FAIR ASSOCIATION P.O. BOX 114 HENRY, IL 61537 PHONE (309) 364-2814 FAX (309) 364-2952 E-MAIL ADDRESS: [email protected] LIGHT HORSE SHOW CLASS ENTRY FORM Please fill out one class entry form for each class you plan to enter. In addition each exhibitor must complete an exhibitor's registration (pink) form. CLASS NUMBER ENTERED __________________ HORSE NUMBER _________________ HORSE NAME ___________________________________________________ HORSE SHOWN BY: ______________________________________________ CHECK WRITTEN TO: _____________________________________________ □ □ □ □ ENTRY FEE PAID ($5.00 each class - except class 3004) HORSE REGISTRATION FEE PAID. COGGINS PAPERS CHECKED. EXHIBITOR REGISTRATION FORM (PINK FORM) COMPLETED Thank you for attending the Marshall-Putnam Fair Light Horse Show. 108
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