MIDDLE SCHOOL NEWS May 2015 MASON PUBLIC SCHOOLS WEBSITE: http://mason.k12.mi.us PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE By Daniel R. McConeghy FIFTH GRADE NEWS: I wanted to take this opportunity to welcome our elementary fifth grade students and their parents to the middle school for the 2015-16 school year. In an effort to get you better acquainted with our building, staff and procedures, we have put together a special issue of our May newsletter just for you. In this issue, we have asked some of our teachers to write short articles about some of the interesting and fun things they do in their classrooms. Some of the articles are accompanied by adjoining pictures and photographs. We hope the topics and events are of interest to you. Overall, your fifth grade student has had a busy spring and we have tried to provide a number of events that will help them in the transition process from elementary to middle school. In March and April, our counselor, Ms. Bailey, visited each elementary building with a group of current sixth grade students to discuss what goes on at the middle school and to help relieve some of the anxiety that surely is felt by the students about coming over to a bigger school. All of you, by now, have read the “Paw Prints” newsletter that came early in February that kicked off our scheduling process. All of the students came over for visits the week of May 8-13. Orientation Night for parents and students will be held on May 13 at 7:00 p.m. in the gymnasium. Even though we have provided as much information as possible over the last several months, there are still many questions that you may have before school starts in the fall. Please don’t hesitate to call or contact my office if you have questions. We want all of you to be as successful as possible when you become a middle schooler. INCOMING 6TH GRADE BAND MEMBERS! Incoming band members are welcome to come to one (1) “Pre-Band” Experience and Orientation on Wednesday, August 26, 2015 from 7:00-7:45 p.m. OR Thursday, August 27, 2015 from 11:00 a.m.-11:45 a.m. in the Mason Middle School Band Room. It is not necessary to attend both sessions. During the orientation, students will be able see the band room, meet the directors, and receive a group lesson. Students should bring their instrument to the orientation. Parents are welcome and encouraged to stay for an informal parent meeting. These sessions are free and not required, but are highly recommended. Instrument fitters from Marshall Music will begin the instrument fitting process for incoming 6th grade students approximately August 17, 2015. They will call your home to set up an appointment to introduce your student to the possible instruments they can play in band. A letter explaining the entire recruitment process will go home with your student in May. If there are any questions about the experience, band, or the fitting process, please do not hesitate to call Ms. McRay, Beginning Band Director, at 676-6514 x437 or email [email protected] PURCHASING CLOTHES AND BOOK BAGS IMMUNIZATIONS REQUIRED FOR 2015-2016 We know that many of the parents are going to go clothes shopping over the summer in preparation for the upcoming school year. Another item of necessity to start school is a book bag for all of the student’s belongings. The following new immunization requirements that your student may need, have to be provided in writing from the doctor to our Student Services office by Friday, September 25, 2015 so we can provide them on time to the Michigan Department of Community Health: Book bags are also an item that causes some problems for students and parents. We already know that the book bags with wheels on them do not fit in the lockers. Please don’t purchase these book bags. Students are not allowed to bring their book bags to class. They need to put them in the lockers and take only their books to class. Most book bags will fit into lockers when the students take their books out of them to take to class. Parents should realize that if you purchase shorts for your student, middle school handbook rules state that they should be mid-thigh/finger tip length. Please adhere to this rule when purchasing shorts. Hopefully, these two tips on purchasing will help you out this summer and also save you some time and money. If you have any other questions, please contact the office at 676-6514. End of Year Field Trips June 3, Mrs. Weinberg’s class, Miller Farms, Eaton Rapids, leave at (TBD) June 4-5, 6th grade, Howe, Hammond, & Hyaduck’s class, Mackinaw City & Soo Locks, leave at 7:00 a.m. June 4, 6th grade, Buskirk, Dodendorf, McCoy, Marlan, Vondra, & Wells classes, Michigan Adventure, leave at 7:40 a.m. June 4, 7th grade, Craig’s Cruisers, leave at 8:00 a.m. June 4, 8th grade, Cedar Point, leave at 6:30 a.m. 1. of Required for all children 11-18 years age: Two (2) doses of varicella (Var) vaccine or proof of history of chickenpox disease in writing from parent or on immunization card One (1) dose of meningococcal (MCV4) One (1) dose of tetanus/diphtheria/acellular pettussis (Tdap) vaccine (If 5 years have passed since their last dose of tetanus/diphtheria vaccine – DtaP, Td or DT) Your child may have had all required immunizations at the time of entry into kindergarten however, the meningococcal vaccine and second dose of varicella were not mandatory at the time. Please review your child’s immunization record with your health care provider to ensure that your child meets all immunization requirements. Please send the updated immunization record to your child’s current school as soon as possible. CHOIR FESTIVAL Congratulations to our 7th and 8th grade Varsity Choir members who participated in District Choir Festival at Holt High School on Wednesday, March 25. These students prepared and memorized two songs, which they sang for four judges who evaluated them on several areas of their singing. They also had to show their skill at sight-reading music and were scored on that as well. They came away with a rating of "Excellent" and received a very high score in their Sight-Reading. Because of their high rating, they earned medals for their performance. Great job, singers! Participating in the festival were: Olivia Ashworth, Calysta Bailey, Charis Bauer, Briana Brown, Tessany Burton, Hazel CampbellCrawley, Randi Clifford, Leah Dack, Alaina Davis, Dessirae Erskine, Katelyn Franks, Sydney Hill, Taylor Little, Jayden Matteson, Kori McCarty, Amy Nguyen, Rhylee Owen, Lucy Petee, Hannah Rossi, Emily Sanders, Marissa Stevens, and Ashley Wassner. May 8 -9, 8th grade Band, Mackinac Island May 11, 6th grade Choir Concert, (Odd Day classes), 7 p.m., MMS Café B May 12, 6th grade Choir Concert, (Even Day classes), 7 p.m., MMS Café B May 20, 7th & 8th grade Choir Concert, 7:30 p.m., MHS Auditorium May 28, 8th grade Drama Class Performance, 7 p.m., MMS Café B June 2 , “Bandapalooza”, 6th – 8th grade band, 7 p.m., MHS Field House MS Bands Presents HEREMason WE COME!!! The end of the school year is fast approaching so that means another trip to Mackinaw City/Sault Ste. Marie for the students from Mrs. Hammond, Mr. Howe, and Mrs. Hyaduck’s class. A major portion of the Social Studies curriculum involves the study of Canada. We learn about the importance of the Great Lakes in the history of Canada and Michigan. We look at the St. Lawrence Seaway and the vital role it plays in Canada’s and the U.S. economy. Bandapalooza: Land, Air, and Sea On Thursday, June 4, we will leave the Middle School MayBridge 10, 2012 and travel north. We willThursday, stop at the Mackinac and stay in Mackinaw City. We will be attending a 7 PM Lumber Jack show where we will learn about the importance of lumbering to ourSchool region. There will Mason High Fieldhouse also be the ambience and bountiful buffet at the $2 suggested donation ‘Neath the Birches. On Friday, we will travel to Sault Ste. Marie, MI where we load an excursion boat and sail through the Soo Locks. We will get first-hand knowledge of how the Locks work. We will see a Canadian Lumber Mill, as well as the huge steel foundry located just west of the locks. After our excursion through the locks, we will return home. The trip is something the students talk about for years. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who participated in our car wash, through donations, materials, work, or just buying a ticket. We literally couldn’t do it without you. STUDENT GOVERNMENT NEEDS YOUR SUMMER SAVINGS Have an empty shoebox? Fill it with Boxtops for Education this summer! Student Government will gratefully accept your box of goodies at the Open House in August as we prepare for the 2015 – 2016 school year. For more information on this easy fundraising program, go to www.boxtops4education.com SPRING SPORTS Below is the list of seventh and eighth graders for Girls’ Track for the 2015 season: Leona Ahmeti, Faith Bahl, Gracie Baker, Rachel Bartlett, Katelyn Benson, Rachel Boertman, Dakota Booher, Fallyn Boston, Brianna Brown, Jadynn Brown, Sydney Buck, Katelyn Burchwell, Elayna Cady, Grace Casper, Randi Clifford, Elizabeth Colligan, Alma Cooper, Hannah Davis, Meghan Day, Alex Erbe, Hailee Ginter, Mackenzie Ginter, Corrin Graham, Kennedy Graham, Madison Gregurich, Bella Heathman, Greta Joneson, Elle Judge, Kayleigh Keast, Emily Mackley, Breanna Maltby, Sydney Martinez, Jhanna Mataya, Lydia Mulville, Amy Nguyen, Vy Nguyen, Lucy Petee, Avery Peters, Ashlyn Pifer, Haley Presley, Anika Ried, Macie Ries, Caitlin Schmidt, Alexis Seneca, Maggie Silcox, Lauren Sinnaeve, Jada Smith, Cecilia Stalzer, Aly Stid, Mackenzie Strickland, Kayla Therrien, Delaney Torrey, Anna VandenBussche, Allison Waggoner, Tiffany Wells & Chloe Winters Below is the list of seventh and eighth graders for Boys’ Track for the 2015 season: Jedian Accevedo, Matthew Agnew, Phillip Allen, Noah Anderson, Dalton Balyeat, Max Barton, Anthony Branson, Dillon Buck, Ethan Burt, Jacob Burt, Ryan Byars, Cody Cameron, Chandler Cheeks, Sam Connolly, Ben Darmofal, Garrett Day, Anthonie Dumbauld, Ethan Huisken, Kyle Fanson, Jacob Ferguson, Abe Gill, Jared Goedert, Zach Haynes, Andy Hebert, Owen Hiller, Garren Lattig, Jackson Lockwood, Kalon Luks, Nathan Madery, Richard Mayes, Jordan McCowan, Michael McGuire, (Cont’.) (Cont.’) Collin Meeuwenberg, Ethan Meeuwenberg, Michael Montalvo, Colin Moore, Devin Moore, Jadyn Morris, Paul Nguyen, Caelan Parker, Zane Perrault, Nick Phelps, James Pruitt, Jaquez Pruitt, Evan Raymond, Reid Parsons, Easton Rogers, Alex Seneca, Camren Shann, Addison Soule, Connor Stanley, Trent Stuewe, Nick Trout, Zach Whitford & Ladale Woods INGHAM COUNTY BACK-TO-SCHOOL HEALTH FAIR During the week of August 17, 2015, there will be screenings available for students entering and/or attending school fall of 2015, at the Ingham County Health Department. No cost and reduced cost health screenings include: *Immunizations (limited walk-ins) *Vision & Hearing *Lead Testing *Dental Screening & Varnish (Wed.-Fri. Only) *Pre-school Sign Up *Medical Coverage Information Week of August 17, 2015: Mon., Tues., Thurs. 9:00 am-4:00 pm Wed. 9:00 am-6:00 pm Fri. 9:00 am-12:00 pm (Screenings are closed for lunch each day 12-1 pm) Please call 517*887*4350 for Immunizations. Please call 517*887*4322 for Screenings, etc. Ingham County Health Department 5303 S. Cedar St. Lansing, MI 48911 MATH PLACEMENT FOR 2015-2016 th th All 6 and 7 grade students will be placed in an appropriate math class for the upcoming 2015-2016 school year. Your child’s math placement for next year will be dependent on their AIMSWeb MCAP/MCOMP scores, District Unit Test scores, and grades in class. Students will receive their math placement via a letter included with the end of the year report card. If you have any questions, please call the middle school office at 676-6514. ANNOUNCING! Mason Public Schools is now on Facebook!! Please search “Mason Public Schools” or click on the link below and “Like” us today! (Make sure you select the correct Mason Public Schools district as there are three in Michigan.) S.O.A.R. NEWS We are happy to close out our SOAR program for this school year after a great success! SOAR is open to all 6th-8th grade students and provides a fun and safe alternative for after school. This year, students participated in: Arts Unlimited Trip, Green Acres, Chess Club, Gardening, Painting, Bead Art, 6th gr. Lock-In, Bird Watching, Magic the Gathering Card Game, Bullfrog, Squid, Starfish, and Grasshopper Dissections, and many more great activities. Thank you to all of our staff for their support and supervising our program activities, and a thank you as well to our students for participating, inviting their fellow classmates, and demonstrating to our community and staff that they are great Mason students! Thanks again for another terrific year for our MMS SOAR program. We already have plans and activities in the works for next school year; the October SOAR packet will be available in September 2015. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mason -Public-Schools/1589441551301346 The district plans to use this page to promote the positives of our school district and communicate with our community. Jayden Hartsuff THE YEARBOOKS ARE COMING! Yearbooks will be distributed the last week of school. There may be additional yearbooks available for sale this year for $35.00. Please contact Ms. Bailey at 676-6514 or via email at [email protected] Courtney Bozung and Mr. Haney SEVENTH GRADE FRENCH FESTIVAL On February 12, 2015, the Mason French students presented the annual French Festival to all seventh grade social studies classes in the district – some two hundred and thirty students. The seventh graders played “Hangman” using the French alphabet, “Bingo” LATEusing BUSthe French numbers from one to ten, “Twister” using French wordsThefor Late bodyBusparts and colors, is available on Tuesdays, Thursdays, “Flyswatter” inMondays, which teams competed to hit and Fridays students who French words written on aforbed-sheet, and need made to stay after school to work with valentines – in French, of course! their teacher(s). Students must sign with the teacher are staying Here are someupcomments fromthey several of the with by 12:30 p.m. Students need seventh grade students: “I thought the festival to be out front of the Middle was pretty groovy,” (Koda Mumea). “I liked all School by 3:15 p.m. to be picked the people best. They were very kind and funny, up by the late bus. There are three and always there you needed it,” bussesto tohelp takeif students to the (Hazel C-C). “I liked the valentine card making elementary schools, where they because I like awill certain someone,” (anonymous). take a transfer bus to their “I liked the French festival I learned usual stop. For because more information another language and because was or questions, pleasemy callbrother the Middle at 676-6514. there,” (Sarah School Hammond). “I liked that we got an idea of what we will learn if we take French,” (Grant Schaberg). “Well, the thing I liked best MOVING? was the whole thing because I thought it was Parents/Guardians: Just a reminder fun,” (Noah Beeman). Mason MS Bands Presents that if you move at any time the 2008-2009 Based on thethroughout enthusiastic response school of the year, even though are still seventh graders, Mason’s Frenchyou students are living another in the festival Mason for school definitely planning next district, proof of residency for year! your student(s) is required in order to keep our information and records accurate, and in order for Thursday, May our school to 10, be2012 in compliance 7 PM with state law. Our records cannot Mason High School Fieldhouse be updated until proof of residency $2 suggested is received in donation our office. Bandapalooza: Land, Air, and Sea When you move, you will need to provide a copy of a utility bill, insurance form, voter’s registration, car registration, or lease/purchase agreement that "7th Graders enjoyshows a game your of Twister with ahome twist -address. it's in current French!" Only one of these documents is necessary to provide in order to comply with the state law. A driver’s license is no longer STUDENT MEDICATION This is a reminder that your son/daughter may have medication in Student Services that must be picked up by the parent/guardian after school has ended for the school year or the school will appropriately dispose of the medication. This includes prescriptions and over-the-counter medications. Your student may only transport empty containers home. The deadline to pick up medications at the end of the school year will be Friday, June 12, 2015, 3:00 p.m. If you have any questions, please contact Student Services at 6766514. Thank you! MEIJER REWARDS PROGRAM EVENING OF THE ARTS IF YOU DON’T HAVE Mason Middle School presented the 11th Annual YOUR MEIJER Evening of the Arts, on Monday, March 23, 2015. REWARDS PROGRAM There were several hundredPLEASE guests, parents, and NUMBER students who enjoyedSIGN all UP. of the art, interior design, band, choir, and drama presentations THESE FUNDS USEDjob was throughout the evening. An ARE awesome BY THE P.A.C. FOR THE 8TH GRADE done by our students and staff who worked so END OF YEAR ACTIVITY, hard to make event happen. TH this 6 , 7TH, AND 8TH GRADE ACTIVITY TIMES AND MUCH MORE. THE NUMBER IS 131047 STUDENT OF THE MONTH The following students were selected as March Student of the Month: SIXTH GRADE: Kaleigh Rowell, Gabe Williams, Ellen LaFleur, Olivia Hines, Bailey Anderson, Kendall Repins, Jack Marlan, Kyle Poe, Brianna Anderson, Jackson Lockwood, Claire Boynton & Julia Droscha ALL THAT JAZZ! Our Middle School Jazz Band, along with High School Jazz Bands 1 & 2, will be performing Thursday, May 21, at 6:00 pm on the Mason Courthouse lawn. Come and enjoy some awesome jazz music! This is a free event for all to enjoy. SEVENTH GRADE: Jack Gilchrist, Katelyn Franks, Sophia Hanover, Kayleigh Keast, Taylore Beach, Clarissa Roberts, Charles Corbett, Charis Bauer, Elizabeth Bush & Reagan Bercaw EIGHTH GRADE: Ann Walta, Phillip Allen, Jaydn Morris, Sylas Woll, Isabella Coe, Olivia Ashworth, Emily Bushey, Rebecca Guthrie & Lee Heaviland The following students were selected as April Student of the Month: SIXTH GRADE: Gavin Sutton, Joshua Harrison, Isabel Reemsnyder, Emily Rockhold, Coe Emens, Lauren Spencer, Emma Barnum, Madisyn Woodruff, Elizabeth Medlock & Caitlyn Brown SEVENTH GRADE: Catherine Showers, Jacob Burt, Amelia Harroff, Mason Miller, Emily Ferguson, Anna VandenBussche, James Pruitt, Elijah Radcliffe, Jenelle Trickey & Nyonda Brown EIGHTH GRADE: Katelyn Hendershot, Faith Bahl, Jared Goedert, Madison Droscha, Alison Waggoner, Alex Ferguson, Emily Wiles, Vance Barnes, Mikayla Therrien, Libby Rowlee, Kris DeBoer, Meghan Day, McKenzy Franklin & Jessie Spear CONGRATULATIONS! The winners for this year’s MDMEA Lugnuts Good Citizenship award at Mason Middle School are Ellen LaFleur and Jeremy King. The students were nominated by Mason staff members in recognition of their responsibility, respect, courtesy, cooperation, peer treatment, and community involvement. These two students will be receiving a certificate and a baseball from the Lansing Lugnuts, as well as tickets to the May 1st baseball game. Please join us in congratulating these students on their much deserved award! BANDAPALOOZA! TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 2015, 7:00 p.m. MASON HIGH SCHOOL FIELDHOUSE $2 SUGGESTED DONATION MASON MIDDLE SCHOOL MODEL UNITED NATIONS On March 21, 2015 ten Mason Middle School students attended the Red Cedar Model United Nations conference on the MSU campus as part of the SOAR after-school program. Isaac Bagley, Bella Heathman, Emma Gorrell, Ian Bennett, Luke Granger, Tristan von Gunten, Chase Cooley, Lita Weekly, Alex Mathews, and Anthony Branson did an awesome job representing our school. They each researched a topic and took a stand on a world problem. MASON MIDDLE SCHOOL HEALTH FAIR 2015 The Middle School Physical Education Department hosted the 8th Annual Physical Fitness/Health Fair on Friday, May 8th. Our goal was to give students an opportunity to learn more about their own physical fitness and health needs. This day allowed 7th and 8th grade students to attend informational sessions on topics such as: character education, healthy relationships, personal safety, self-defense, fitness and conditioning, nutrition, dental health, and drug prevention. The day concluded with a 5K Run/Walk to provide an opportunity to encourage physical activity and health among students. The following students worked very hard to earn their Presidential Awards: Katelyn Benson, Sophia Hanover, Greta Joneson, Tanner Miller, Zane Perrault, Connor Richardson, Easton Rogers, Noah Anderson, Matthew Agnew, Sydney Buck, Alma Cooper, Bailee Crandall, Kennedy Graham, Garren Lattig, Dylan MaGee, Haley Presley, Lucas Walburn, & Anna Walta. Alex and Luke received special recognitions for the roles they played at the competition! Great Job Everyone! “Model UN was very fun this year. I participated in a NGO summit on the humanitarian crisis in Syria. I had a lot of fun, met many interesting new people, and made some good decisions (also some bad ones). We made refugee camps along the border, overcame difficulties supplying them, and partially stopped ISIS recruiting. Overall, it was a very exciting, productive day and I’m glad I went!” -Isaac Bagley The top three winners for each grade level and group for the 5K Run/Walk and their winning times were: 7th gr. Girls: Lucy Petee 22:10 Bella Heathman 27:04 Elizabeth Colligan 28:50 7th gr. Boys: Zane Perrault 19:30 Nathan Madery 20:50 Easton Rogers 23:18 8th gr. Girls: Cecilia Stalzer 21:38 Alma Cooper 23:15 Lauren Sinnaeve 24:17 8th gr. Boys: Ben Darmofal 18:54 Trent Stuewe 18:55 Chandler Cheeks 19:30 7th Grade End-of-Year Incentive Trip Trip Details: Date: Thursday, June 4 Cost: $35 Due: Thursday, May 14 (give payment to your English teacher by this date) Busses will leave school at 8:00 a.m. Group will arrive at Craig’s Cruisers at 9:30 a.m. Possible activities (weather permitting): Indoor and Outdoor Go-Karts 2 Mini-Golf Courses Bumper Boats Laser Tag Bumper Cars Frog Hopper High Ropes Course Arcade Unlimited Lunch Buffet: drink, pizza, pasta, salad, and dessert buffet (included in $35 cost) Busses will leave Craig’s Cruisers at 1 p.m. Group will return to school at 2:30 p.m. You CAN participate in the Craig’s Cruiser’s Incentive if you do NOT have any of the following: An E in one or more classes as reported on Friday, May 22nd a “U” behavior grade in one or more classes as reported on Friday, May 22nd one or more suspensions during the fourth marking period two or more office referrals and/or lunchtime discipline issues during the fourth marking period Any student who does not attend the Incentive Trip will spend the day completing work or reading with a teacher at school. Summer Food Program If you are traveling around Michigan this summer you can receive free Breakfast and Lunches for your children. The locations offering this service can be found by visiting the web at www.Michigan.gov/Schoolnutrition CHOIR STUDENTS ATTEND "THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA" On Wednesday, April 1, sixty-five 6th, 7th, & 8th grade choir students and parent chaperones attended a performance of "Phantom of the Opera" at Wharton Center. The students enjoyed the fabulous music, and were impressed by all of the special effects that were used. This trip was open to all MMS choir students, with an opportunity to earn their ticket through the fall choir fundraiser. A wonderful time was had by all! 6th GRADE FIELD DAY! Sixth grade Field Day took place on Wednesday, May 6 at the high school. All of the sixth graders walked over to the high school to enjoy an afternoon of athletic activities. Some of the events included football toss, 1 mile relay, sack races, and golf chipping contests. A lot of fun was had by everyone! ~UPCOMING EVENTS~ May 12 END OF THE YEAR REMINDERS Please remind your students that the last date for checkout of library materials is Friday, May 22. All library materials should be returned to the library by Tuesday, May 26. Students who still have missing books, videos, or other library materials must return or pay for all library materials before they will be allowed to attend the end-of-the-year incentive trips (if eligible) during the last week of school. In addition, all students with library materials still missing in September will not receive textbooks or computer privileges. This includes current 8th graders entering the high school in the fall. If you have any questions about your student’s library record, please call Mrs. Hudgins at 676-6514, ext. 480. PLEASE RETURN ALL YOUR LIBRARY MATERIALS ON TIME! 8-9 11 13-17 13 20 25 28 June 2 3 4 4-5 4 4 5 MICHIGAN MUSIC TEACHERS ASSOCIATION The Capital Area Music Teachers Association sponsored the Michigan Music Teachers Association Student Achievement Testing (SAT) Program for school-age children (K-12) who study piano or voice. The SAT is a comprehensive music-testing program for which students are required to memorize three contrasting pieces that are performed for nonlocal judges. The students are graded on technique, sight-reading, aural awareness, and written theory. Students with high performance scores and overall scores above 90% compete in the semifinals. Selected finalists from western, eastern, and central semifinals proceed to finals. One of our students, 6th grader Julia Droscha, was able to participate in the SAT program. Congratulations, Julia! 8th gr Band Mackinac Island Trip Spring Choir Concert, 6th grade ODD Day classes, 7:00 p.m., MMS Spring Choir Concert, 6th grade EVEN Day classes, 7:00 p.m., MMS 8th gr. Wash. DC. Trip Incoming 6th gr. Parent/Student Orientation, Gymnasium 7:00 p.m. Spring Concert, MMS Chorus & Varsity Choir, 7:30 p.m., MHS No School-Memorial Day Drama class performance, 7:00 p.m., Middle School, Café B “Bandapalooza!”, HS Field House, 7:00 p.m. Miller Farms Trip, Weinberg’s class, (TBD) 6th gr. MI Adventure Trip (McCoy, Matthews, Vondra, Wells, Dodendorf, Buskirk, Marlan) 7:40 a.m.-7:00 p.m. 6th gr. Sault Ste. Marie Trip (Howe, Hammond, Hyaduck) 7:00 a.m. 8th gr. Cedar Point Trip, 6:30 a.m.-11:00 p.m. 7th gr. Craig’s Cruiser’s Trip, 8:00 a.m.2:30 p.m. Last Day of School, 6th-8th grade Half Day -7:40-10:55 a.m. End of the 4th Marking Period Trip to Japan Congratulations to Mrs. Hicks for being one of 10 teachers nationwide selected to travel to Japan this summer with the Japanese Society. She will have an opportunity to travel to Kyoto, Tokyo, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Fukushima. During her trip from June 28th to July 18th, she will visit with survivors from the atomic attack on Hiroshima. A tour of Fukushima is planned to visit with survivors and observe the destruction caused by the earthquake and tsunami. Mrs. Hicks is also excited about the homestay portion of the trip where she will have an opportunity to get to know a family from Japan. When Mrs. Hicks returns next school year she plans to set a date to share information learned in Japan with interested students, families, and community members.
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