Email this portion to the Auction committee or complete online at Please complete a separate slip for each article, and include a photo. Attach this portion to the auction item 2015 MCC ALBERTA CHARITY AUCTION & SALE Didsbury Sportsplex, June 5-6, 2015 2015 MCC ALBERTA CHARITY AUCTION & SALE Didsbury Sportsplex, June 5-6, 2015 AUCTION IDENTIFICATION SLIP – PART A Email to: Mary Lynn Retzlaff [email protected] Ph: 403-936-7827 or mail to: Mary Lynn Retzlaff 52 Nesbitt Close Langdon AB T0J 1X1 Article:___________________________________________________ Handwork Quilts/Comforters Other Articles Embroidery Printed Top Woodwork Crochet Pieced Artwork Knitting Appliqued Craft Other____________ Hand Quilted Professional Services Machine Quilted Other_____________ Professionally Quilted Materials: 100% Cotton Color: ________________________ 100% Wool Mixed Fiber Cost of Materials: ______________ Other___________ Size: ________________________ AUCTION IDENTIFICATION SLIP - PART B Important instructions to register your auction item: 1. The auction catalogue will be printed prior to the sale. 2. Submit all ID slips to the auction committee by May 22, 2015. 3. Include a Photo of the article with Part A of the ID slip to facilitate cataloguing and promotion of the auction. Please email a photo even if the item is only partially complete at the time of the photo. 4. Deliver auction items to the MCC office (210, 2946 – 32 St NE, Calgary) by Monday, June 1 or larger or perishable items to the Didsbury Sportsplex before noon on Friday, June 5. Quilt Auction: 1. Quilts to be delivered to the MCC Office at 210, 2946 – 32 St NE, Calgary by May 22, 2015 to facilitate sorting and cataloguing. 2. All quilts received after this date, including the weekend of the sale, may be retained for the 2016 MCC Relief Sale or sold by silent auction at the discretion of the Auction Committee. Article:_____________________________________________________ Estimated Value $____________ Please fill in your best estimate of the market Color:_________________________ Size: _______________________ (selling) value. Per CRA guidelines, charitable donation receipts will be based on fair market value as determined by the Relief Sale Appraisal Committee. Donated by:_________________________________________________ Receipt Required: Yes Address: ___________________________________________________ No Donated by:_______________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________ Email: _____________________________Phone: _______________ Email: ________________________Phone: ______________________ • • • All donated items become the property of Mennonite Central Committee Alberta. Donated professional services (ie. maid services, house painting) are gratefully accepted, but unfortunately do not qualify for donation receipts per CRA guidelines. The auction committee will determine if items will be sold by silent or live auction. Please DO NOT include my name in the sales catalogue as the donor. For office use only: FMV____________ I.D.#____________ For office use only: I.D.#____________
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