22? d ANNUAL McGregor Area Lakes Fishing Tournament *5,000 GUARANTEED* SAT, JUNE 6, 2015 • 9 am to 3 pm BASED ON 100 ENTRIES NORTHERN &- WALLEYE CATEGORIES TOTAL WEIGHT BY STRINGER PER TEAM 1st Prize $1200 2nd Price $600 • 3rd Prize $400 1st Largest Single $200 • 2nd Largest Single $100 FISH ONE OR BOTH SPECIES Sponsored by the McGregor Area Chamber of Commerce BI& SANDY LAKE & LAKE MMIEWAWA CONTEST WILL B E HELD REGARDLESS OF WEATHER Two person team per boat. Legal limit per boat according to M N Law. Contest will be patrolled by boat and shore spotters. Walleye total weight by stringer, PLEASE NOTE: due to new Return to same point of departure no later than 3 p.m. for Weigh-In. NO EXCEPTIONS. Qualifying Weigh-in will be done at your check point. One weigh-in per team. DNR regs: 14-18", one over 26". Both Lakes. See your checkpoint official if your catch is top three! Northern total weight by stringer (no minimum length) Top 3 qualifiers (of each species) from each check point will be accompanied by a Check-In Saturday, June 6, from 8:00 a.m.-9 a.m. Departure time 9:00 a.m. Tournament Official to the FINAL weigh-in held at the Minnewawa Sportsmen's No registration after 9:00 a.m. Club at 4 p.m. Lake choice is final at check-in time. Disqualification for qualifying teams arriving atfinalweigh-in without a Contestants are responsible for their own bait. Tournament Official. State of Minnesota DNR Commissioners Order 1939, Sec. 6 Reads: A contest participant must make a decision, when a fish is caught, whether to reduce it to possession or return it to the water. Prize Monies based on 100 Team Entries. No boat can touch a dock or land except in specified areas during the contest. Participants may get no closer than one boat length to another boat during the contest. Fishing Contest organizers are not eligible. A L L JUDGES DECISIONS A R E FINAL FOR INFORMATION: (21£) 76S-3692 • EMAIL: [email protected] Additional Registration forms available on our website: www.McfiregorMN.com E N T R Y F E E : $75 per team 4:00 ($951 team on day of Tournament) Find us on Facebook A D V A N C E E N T R Y M U S T B E R E C E I V E D AT T H E C H A M B E R OFFICE B Y P M O N M A Y 15TH T O Q U A L I F Y F O R E A R L Y B I R D R A F F L E . .St., TEAM ENTRY FORM 1 s t McGregor Area Chamber of Commerce is not responsible for any accidents or injuries. CIRCLE THE LAKE YOU ARK GOING TO FISH: TEAM MEMBER Name: MINNEWAWA Address: City: Phone: State: Zip: Email*: 2 n d TEAM MEMBER • Bann's • GROWLERS • Zorbaz • Hillcrest Resort Mail Entry Form, Fee and Self Addressed Stamped Envelope to: MCGREGOR A R E A C H A M B E R OF C O M M E R C E PO Box 68, McGregor, M N 55760 Name: Address: City: Phone: UNDECIDED CIRCLE WHERE YOUR ARE GOING TO CHECK-IN: Check-points: Cell: BIG S A N D Y State: Zip: 1. By initialing at the left we acknowledge that we have read the rules and understand our responsibilities as participants in the McGregor Area Lakes Fishing Tournament. 2. We also understand the McGregor Area Chamber of Commerce is not responsible for any accidents or injuries. Cell: Email*: *Your Email will only be used to notify you of Chamber Events! McGregor ea Lakes Fishing Tournament 2015 CHECKPOINTS You must choose one to Check In/Out of on the lake that you are fishing. PLACES TO EAT Bann's Bar & Restaurant (Check-Point) Goshawk St/Co Rd 6 . 218-426-3450 SAVANNA 55l Big Sand Bar 51866 224th Place, State Hwy. 65 North 218-426-3011 Big Sandy Lodge & Resort BIG SANDY LAKE 20534 487th St • 218-426-5040 1. Zorbaz on Big Zandy Fireside Inn 48760 State Hwy. 65 Gas, Launch & Parking Available Free Drink @ Check-in 218-426-3665 2. Hillcrest Resort 20612 498th Lane Breakfast served 8 am 218-426-3323 State Hwy 65 North • 218-768-2818 Fisherman's Bay State Hwy 65 North . 218-426-4662 • Drink Specials • GROWLERS (Check-Point) Goshawk St/Co Rd 6 . 218-426-3647 Hillcrest Resort (Check-Point) 20612 498th Lane . 218-426-3323 LAKE MINNEWAWA 3. GROWLERS Goshawk Street/ Co Rd 6 Launch at Pubic Access Food 8t Drink Specials Ltd. Edition Event Souvenir 8-9 am Parking Available Horseshoe Lake Inn Co Rd 6 or 14 to Lilly Ave (Co Rd 40) 218426-3029 McGregor Dairy Queen Jet of State Hwy. 65 8(210 . 218-768-2050 Zorbaz on Big Zandy (Check-Point) State Hwy. 65 North . 218-426-3665 4. Bann's Bar & Restaurant Goshawk Street/ Co Rd 6 Launch at Pubic Access Breakfast served 7 am 218-426-3450 PLACES TO STAY Big Sandy Lodge & Resort 20534 487th St . 218-426-5040 Country Meadows JctofSUteHwy.65&210 • 218-768-7378 Hillcrest Resort (Check-Point) 20612 498th Lane . 218-426-3323 Larson's Barn & Campground CoRd232 . 218426-3648 Sandy Lake Recreation Area Campground NOTICE: The following area are EXCLUDED from the contest area and will be controlled by spotters: A. The channel between Aitkin Lake and Big Sandy Lake. B. Points beyond Prairie River Bridge on the East side of Big Sandy Lake. C. The body of water West of the bridge at Zorbaz on Big Sandy Lake. D. The channel between Lake Minnewawa and Horseshoe. Army Corp of Engineers (LibbyDam) State Hwy. 65 North . 218426-3482 Savanna Portage State Park CoRdl4 . 218-426-3271 pnrciiffloxOnn[sy pajjnbay u o j p a u o o s s a t p p v 091S9 m 'Jo6eJ90|/\| 99 x o g od
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