F.No. 9-2/2015 MDM 2·1 Government of India Ministry of Human Resource Development Department of School Education & Literacy MDM Division **************** Shastri Subject: Minutes of the meeting held on 27.03.2015. of Programme Approval Shawan, New Delhi Dated 18th May, 2015. Soard - Mid Day Meal The meeting of Programme Approval Board Mid-Day Meal to consrder the Annual Work Plan & Budget 2015-16 in respect of State of Chhattisgarh was held on 27.03.2015 at New Delhi under the Chairpersonship of Secretary (SE&L), Department of School Education & Literacy, Ministry of Human Resource & Development. 2. A copy of the minutes of the above meeting is enclosed for information & necessary action. ~~ Under Secretary 1. Senior Advisor (Education) NITI Aayog, Yojana Bhawan, New Delhi. 2. Shri Yogendra Tripathi, Joint Secretary & Financial Advisor, Ministry of HRD, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi. 3. Joint Secretary (ICDS), Ministry of Women & Child Development, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi 4. Shri Deepak Kumar, Joint Secretary, Department of Food & Public Distribution, Ministry of Agriculture, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi 5. Joint Secretary. Ministry of Labour Shram Shakti Bhawan New Delhi. 6. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Rural Development, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi. (RajeJv Kumar) to the Govt. of India Tel. 011-23386169 Fax: 011-23382394 • 7. Joint SecretalY, Ministry of Development of North-Eastern States, Vigyan Bhawan, Annexe, New Delhi- 110003. 8. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Tribal Affairs, 7thFloor, Shastri Bhavan New Delhi. 9. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Shastri Bh9jlan, NeltW Delhi. • 10. Shri Subrat Sahoo, Secretary, Department of Education, Govt. of Chhattisgarh. 11. Vice Chancellor, NUEPA, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi. 12. Economic Advisor (Education), SE&L, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi. 13. Shri Mayank Warwade, Director, Mid Day Meal Govt. of Chhattisgarh. 14. Director NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi. 15. Dr (Mrs) Prema Ramchandran Director, Nutrition Foundation of India, C-13, Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi- 110016. 16. Shri Biraj Patnaik, Principal Advisor, Office of Supreme Court Commissioner, B-68, 2nd Floor, Sarvodaya Enclave, New Delhi - 110001. 17. Dr. Uma Aiyyar, Reader, Food & Nutrition Unit, M.S. University of Baroda, Pratapgunj, Vadodara - 390002. 18. Shri O.P. Dani, Chief General Manager (Sales), Food Corporation of India, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi. 19. Shri J.H.Panwal, Joint Technical Advisor, Food & Nutrition Board, Ministry of Women & Child Development, Jeevandeep Building, New Delhi. 20. Dr. T. Vijaya Kumar, Associate Professor, National Institute of Rural Development, Panchayati Raj, Hyderabad. 21. Shri P.N. Khorwal, Manager (Accounts), FCI, New Delhi. Copy also to: 1. PPS to Secretary(SE&L). 2. PPS to Joint Secretary(EE.I). 3. Dir (GP) / DS(BDS) / DS(VKN) / DS(HK). 4. US(SA) / US(AD) / SO(SS) / SO(NR) / SO(RKJ). • GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL EDUCATION& LITERACY MID-DAY MEAL SCHEME ************** Minutes of the Programme • Approval on ?ith March, 2015 to consider • Board for Mid-Day Meal (PAB-MDM) meeting held the Annual Work Plan & Budget 2015-16 of Chhattisgarh. The meeting of the Programme Approval Board for Mid-Day Meal Scheme was held in New Delhi on 27th March, 2015 under the Chairpersonship of Ms. Vrinda Sarup, Secretary, Department of Education and Literacy (SE&L), Government of India. The agenda before ihe PAB-MDM was to: a) Review the status and progress of the implementation of Mid-Day Meal (MDM) Scheme for the State of Chhattisgarh b) Consider the Annual Work Plan and Budget (AWP&B) 2015-16 proposal of Chhattisgarh for MDM Scheme. The list of participants of the meeting is enclosed at Annexure-I. 2. Secretary (SE&L), Government of India welcomed the members of PAS-MDM and other participants. The representatives of the State Government were asked to highlight the achievements in the implementation of the scheme during 2014-15, best practices followed in the State, constraints if any, in the implementation of the programme and their proposals for 2015-16. 3. Shri Subrat Sahoo, Secretary, Education, Gov!. of Chhattisgarh members on the highlights of the scheme. briefed the PAS He made a presentation on the performance of Mid Day Meal Scheme in the State and the initiatives taken by the State Government to improve its effectiveness. Shri Gaya Prasad, Director, Government analysis of the performance of the State in the implementation of India presented an of Mid-Day Meal Scheme during the first three quarters of the year 2014-15 i.e. April to December, 2014 . .i. 4. Performance of the Scheme during last three years The below given radar charts are a summary of performance of State on important parameters under Mid Day Meal Scheme during last 3 years. 10.0 I ns1;itl..ltion 9.6 10.0 Toilet Facility 1~ Dnnl<ing 9.7 10.0 Monthl." Children ~~ - VVat:c-r D ' I '_ ~ s.O, \ InSpeCtion", 7.1 $choclHealth 7.1 C / :t " ,",".' . . . / -. - .. ~ Dnys . ,\"Odl!.rain "'-""~-'--:-> _ 9.0 9 5 \Norking 'e .. Annual 0 E '\ .:...:; ~~ 7.0 8.4 --.............' j UW. p~vrne"'t 'to NAN 10.0 Cool<'''g Co•• 6.2 ·PayrnenttoCCH Kit:chenDevice/ B.1 Kitchen-store .1 \ _ 'MME 6.2 6.7 8.1 TA 7.1 L 10 Fund flow 7.8 Toilet Facility,." ....•.. 9.4 Institution 10 ~dren 8.2 .' .,Working Days 9 '" 5 Drinking Water/ 9.6 / ' f - ., ..; " Monthly D E 10 AnnualDE' ' 1 0 Inspection ~ "1:" 5 School.Health V ! \ Kitchen-store \. - Payment to CCH \. 9.0 Institution 10.0 Toilet Facilili:~.O ~~_Children Drinking water .... " \/ I '-.~orking 10.0 Monthly Annual . DKE DEl . 6 5 InspectIon' \. I 5 e",_.' ~ " .0.0. ---I Kitchen Devices I..' I 7.0 of funds Uti!. Payrnentto ,,-I Cooking Cost "., \ Days 9.1 \1 Foodgrain ~_ \ 8.7 '\Release . '. , 1(\\'/ ~"-. -J<" 4.4 School Health \.,... '\' 6.5 TA' ......--i 10.0 .. 5.1 4.0 .. MME TA 6.0 5.7 5.8 5.7 '_/"'Cookingcost .//\ 5.7 -': Payment to NAN10 > 0 ~,;~;,;:_':'=" '_ \ 9.2 '\ Foodgrain Uti!. \ \ 5.7 NAN 10.0 5.8 '- Payment to CCH 5.4 MME 2.8 Kitche n-curn-store 8.1 It is clearly evident from the graph that the performance of State has improved over the years in the area of coverage of children & working days, Food grain utilization, cooking cost, payment to cook-cum-helpers, MME, Transport Assistance, School Health Drinking Water and Toilet facility. At the same time the performance has gone down on vital parameters like construction of kitchen-cum-stores and inspections from the last year. Secretary (SE&L) requested the State Government to take corrective measures on the poorly performing indicators for improving the performance of the scheme. 4.1 Areas of Concern: i) The appraisal has revealed the following areas of concern Delay in the release of funds to schools ii) NABL denied to test the cooked mid day meal. iii) Less coverage of working days (9 Days) iv) Quality of rice is not good. 'A' grade rice is not supplied • 5. Issues discussed i) during the meeting: Fund Flow Mechanism There is a delay of three months in the release of central assistance to the implementing Secretary, agencies/schools Education, Government submit advance year of of Chhattisgarh informed of one month to all cooking a certificate cooking 2014-15 provision Government Government has issued orders to all the districts cost in advance also by the to state cost is released State Finance in the month of April, office to cooking Department to release agencies. every Chhattisgarh. month 2014 in anticipation made that officers one During month financial 45% of budget of central Therefore, fund flow to the schools has been streamlined State the cooking All districts agencies. has that But assistance. and the scheme is implemented smoothly without any interruption for want of funds, ii) Less coverage of children Director (MOM) informed that about observed 20% less coverage against enrolment at primary stage in the Baloda bazar, Bilaspur, districts. Similar was Durg and Mugeli less coverage 0(20% or more was observed in Baloda bazaar, Bemetara, Bilaspur, Durg, Koria, Mungeli, Raipur, Rajnandgaon and Sarguja, was observed the under primary stage. Secretary, Government of Chhattisgarh informed that if the trend of the last three years is observed, the percentage of the less coverage both at primary and upper primary stage has started declining during the last three years. He agreed that it is still around 20% but State Government is focusing its efforts on reducing the less coverage. Joint Secretary (EE-I), MHRD, Government of India mentioned that Monitoring Institute reported in its report for the period from 1st April to 30th September, 2014, that there was Interruption in the serving of Mid Day Meal in 10-15% school In Bemetara and Balodabazar districts. MI has further reported that most of the children are not properly eating the mid day meal supplied by the centralized Kitchens located in Durg and Korba because it is not suitable to the local food habits. Secretary, Education, Government Government of Chhattisgarh officials had visited the Centralised that State Kitchens which have been advised to prepare meal as per the liking of the students. has not received any information/comp~int mentioned The State Government frono.the students in this regard . • iii) Construction of kitchen-cum-stores The non-recurring central assistance of Rs. 32339.95 lakh has so far been made available to the State during 2006-07 to 2010-11 for the construction kitchen-cum-stores. of 47266 The State Government has constructed 38216 kitchen-cum- stores and construction is in progress for 7103 units. However, the work for the construction of 1947 kitchen-cum-stores is yet to start. These kitchen-cum-stores were sanctioned during 2011-12 on plinth area norms. Secretary (SE&L) advised the State Government to start the construction work for 1947 kitchen-cum-stores immediately and complete them December, 2015. Secretary, Education, Government of Chhattisgarh assured to do the needful. iv) Committed liability of the State Government The State Government informed that it has no committed liability for the previous years. v) Quality of Food Grains The Monitoring Institute has mentioned in its report for the period from 1st April to 30th September, 2014 that the Quality of rice is not good. 'A' grade rice is not supplied to MOM of schools. Director (MOM) informed that as per MOM Guidelines, Fair Average Quality (FAQ) food grain is to be supplied to the schools. Earlier, food grain of FAQ was supplied under MOMS by Food Corporation of India to the State. But Chhattisgarh is now following the De-Centralised Procurement (DCP) Scheme of Department of Food & Public Distribution. Under this scheme, the State Government procures locally produced food grain and supplies it to the schools under MOMS. Therefore, the onus of maintaining FAQ of food grain lies with the State Government. He advised that State should ensure supply of FAQ food grain under MOMS. Secretary, Education, Government of Chhattisgarh assured that he would take up the matter with the concerned department of the State Government for ensuring supply of FAQ food grain under MOMS. vi) Technological •• intervention Secretary (SE&L) mentioned that this department is in process of Introduction of IVR.S based monitoring mechanism. She advised the State Government to meanwhile collect the mobile numbers of all the teachers in the State. Secretary, Education Department, Govt. of Chhattisgarh assured to collect the mobile numbers of teachers in one month. Secretary, Education, Government of Chhattisgarh informed a representative from Bihar shared the MIS and IVRS system with Chhattisgarh. that the above system will be adopted capturing information on with enhanced the number of beneficiaries He mentioned scope of work for under MOMS, date of increment of teachers, maintenance of leave account of teachers and details of their transfers vii) etc. Thus, MIS and IVRS would have multipurpose utility. Social Audit of the Scheme Secretary, Education, Government of Chhattisgarh informed that any member of SMC's, parent, guardian, any community member can monitor the Mid Day Meal Scheme observations in the school regarding cooked food. Mothers and also make implementation note in register about his of the scheme. They can taste the can watch the preparation of meal and check the condiments being used in MOMS. The community is also associated with the tasting of meal in the schools before it is served to the children. Thus the Social audit is being carried out through the community. The State Government has fixed two dates i.e. 2 Oct. and 14th April for social audit MidDay Meal scheme in the schools. 5 viii) Training of Cook-cum-helpers The State Government representatives informed PAS that training programmes were organised for cook cum helper in all districts during 201415. The training for Cook-cum-he[pers is given at Sanku[ level by the 155 Master Trainers who were trained by AKSHYA PATRA FOUNDATIONS in collaboration with MHRD. These trainings focus on the preparation of nutritious mid day meal in hygienic and safe environment. Department of School Education has also 'fllade ~ documentary/video film of 30 minutes on the o training of cooks. One day state level consultation was organised on January 13, 2015 on "status of implementation & possibilities for improvement under Mid-Day Meal Scheme" by the Department of School Education, Govt. of Chhattisgarh in collaboration with UN[CEF to review the status of implementation of the MDM scheme, for improving its effectiveness to contribute towards child nutrition, hygiene, health etc. ix) Social Equity Secretary, Education Department Gov!. of Chhattisgarh informed that no case of discrimination on the basis of caste, gender or religion in cooking, serving and eating of MDM has been reported in the State. x) Tasting of meals by Teachers and 'Community members Secretary, Education, Government SMC's, parents, guardians, food. The Teachers, of Chhattisgarh informed that members of any community member can taste the cooked Cook-cum-helpers are required to taste the food on rotational basis. In addition, community is also associated with the tasting of meal in the schools before it is served to the children. xi) Testing of Meal by NABL accredited labs Secretary, Education, Government of Chhattisgarh informed that the food samples were sent for testing to accredited laboratory in Mumbai. Secretary (SE&L) desired to know whether the State has any NAB accredited laboratory. Joint Secretary (EE-I) clarified that there is State Food Testing Laboratory in Raipur which may be utilized for testing of meals. 6 6. PAS-MOM approval for the year 2015-16 Director (MOM), Govt. of India informed that the State has proposed to cover 18,61,355 children in primary and 29,79,097 children in upper primary. He further added that these numbers are the average number of children who availed MOM during the year, and quarter wise analysis reveals that the State has covered more children during the second and third quarters. After discussions with State officials and based on the achievement during 2014-15, the PAS-MOM approved the following number of children, number of school days etc. for quantifying the " Central assistance for Chhattisgarh:State's Proposal for FY 2015- Details No Approved 16 1 No. of Children A Primary PAB & Institutions No. of Children No. of institutions Govt. + Govt. aided + LS schools No. of Children No. of institutions 33452 1849894 33452 1849894 149 11461 33601 1861355 33601 0 0 0 0 STC 0 0 0 0 Total 0 0 0 0 14076 1117742 14076 1117742 STC 33 1418 33 418 Total 14109 1119160 14109 1119160 49710 2979097 20354 2979097 STC TOTAL (A) S by MOM- 11461 149 1861355 Primary with Upper Primary Govt. + Govt. aided + LS schools C Upper Primary Govt. + Govt. aided + LB schools GRAND (S)+(c) TOTAL (A) • ... 2 No. of Working days 1---. --- . 2.1 Primary 240 240 2.2 Upper Primary 240 240 2.3 NCLP 303 303 3 No. of Cook-cum 3.1 Approved 99235 99235 0 0 99235 99235 Helpers for 2014-15 3.2 • Additional 2015-16 •• • proposal for Total cook-cum-helpers for 2015-16 4 Kitchen Devices 4.1 New Nil Nil 4.2 Replacement Nil Nil 7. Submission children of proposals for additional requirement of funds for covering over and above PAS-MOM approval for 2015-16 It was clarified that the quantification of resources is only an estimate for release of Central Assistance during 2015-16 under the MOM Scheme. The MOMS provides that every child attending the eligible institution is to be covered under the Scheme and shall be served mid-day meal on all school days. In case the State Govt. finds that the average number of children availing mid-day meal and the working days are more than the approved numbers by PAB-MOM, they may approach the GOI at any time with justification for additional Central Assistance. 8. Dissemination of the approvals by State Government The State is advised to disseminate the approvals of the resources to ali the field functionaries in the State and districts, so as to enable ali the eligible institutions to ensure that every child attending the eligible school must be served hot cooked mid day meals on ali school days irrespective of the approvals of PAB-MOM. In case if the district is covering more children over and above PAB-MOM approval, they may be advised to submit their proposal for enhancing the resources, for MOMS if needed to their higher authority for onward transmission to Ministry of HRO. s 9. Admissible Allocation of resources The release of Central Assistance for the financial year 2015-16 would be as per the funding pattern under the Mid Day Meal Scheme. Total outlay of Rs. 48894.15 Lakh (including both Central and State share) for Chhattisgarh for the Financial Year 2015-16 has been worked out on the basis of number of children & number of working days approved by the PAS-MOM and as per • • proposed revised norms after revision of cooking cost by 7.5% w.e.f 1st April, 2015. The order for revision of cooking cost by 7.5% or any other enhancement for the financial year 2015-16 will be issued separately after approval of the Competent Authority. Thus, the present rate of cooking cost will continue till further orders. The component-wise approval of funds for 2015-16 can be seen at Annexure-II. Annexure-/ List of Participants 1. Ms. Vrinda Sarup, Secretary (SE&L), Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Shavan, New Delhi. 2. • • Shri Subrat Sahoo, Secretary, Department of Education, Chhattisgarh. 3. Shri J. Alam, Joint Secretary (EE.I), Ministry of Human Resource Development, D~~artment of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Shavan, New Delhi . 4. Shri Gaya Prasad, Director (MDM), Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Shavan, New Delhi. 5. Shri Mayank Warwade, DPI, Education, Directorate of Public Instructions, Indravati Shavan, New Raipur, Chhattisgarh. 6. Shri Anil Kakria, Deputy Secretary (Finance), Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Shavan, New Delhi. 7. Shri SD. Shivani, Development, Delhi. Deputy Department Secretary (MDM), Ministry of Human Resource of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Shavan, New 8. Shri VK Nayyar, Deputy Secretary (Finance), Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Shavan, New Delhi. 9. Shri Arnab Dhaki, Under Secretary (MDM), Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Shavan, New Delhi. 10. Shri Rajeev Development, Delhi. 11. Shri K.L Kumar, Ahuja, Development, Delhi. Under Department Section Department Secretary (MOM), Ministry of Human Resource of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Shavan, New Officer (MDM 2-1), Ministry of Human Resource of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Shavan, New 12. Shri M. K. Nayak, Assistant Director. 13. Dr. T Vijaya Kumar, Associate Professor, National Institute of Rural Development, Panchayati Raj, Hyderabad. 14. Shri PH Khorwal, Manager (Accounts), FCI, New Delhi. 10 Annexure-II STATE: CHHATTISGARH QUANTIFICATION (as per revised OF CENTRAL ASSISTANCE norms after revision FOR 2015-16 of cooking cost by 7.5% w.e.f. 1st April, 2015) $ No. of Children No. of Wor!<in g days Wheat Rice Total Food grains /SI.No. Stage • Quantity • in MTs . 1 Primary (@ 100 gms per child per school day) 1860905 240 0 44661.72 44661.72 2 Up. Primary (@150 gms per child per school day) 1119160 240 0 40289.76 40289.76 3 NCLP 450 303 0 20.45 20.45 84971.93 84971.93 TOTAL C ost a f F 00 dloralns 2980515 C 00k'InO cost SI. No. Component/norm 1 I) Primary 1 2 3 4 5 . T ransport A sSlstance 2 H on. t 0 CCH an d MME Amount admissible (Rs. in lakhs) 3 Cost of Food grains @Rs. 5650/- per MT for rice per MT for 44661.72 of rice Unit Cooking Cost- 3.86 per day / per child for 1860905 children for 240 days Transportation Cost @ Rs. 750.00 Per MT food grains (1860905x240days x 0.0001 MT x Rs.750.00) Honorarium for cook cum Helper (99235x RS.1000x 10 months) (Primary+Upper Primary) Management Monitoring and Evaluation (MME) 1.8% of cost of foodgrains, cooking cost and cost of transportation and Honorarium to cook-cum-Helpers) TOTAL - {1+2+3+4+5} 2523.39 17239.42 334.96 9923.50 417.75 30439.02 II) Upper Primary 1 2 3 4 Cost of FoodQrains @Rs. 5650/- per MT for 40289.76 MT Unit Cooking Cost 5.78 per day / per child for 1119160 children for 240 days Transportation cost @ Rs. 750.00 Per MT food grains (1119160x 240 days x 0.00015 x 750) Management Monitoring and Evaluation (MME) 1.8% of cost of foodgrains, cooking cost and cost of transportation) TOTAL - {1+2+3+4} 2276.37 15524.99 302.17 256.24 18359.77 Ii -- - 1/1) NCLP 1 2 3 4 Cost of Foodgrains @Rs. 5650/- per MT for 20.45 MT Unit Cooking Cost 5.78 per day / per child for 5350 children for 300 days 1.16 92.77 Transportation cost @ Rs. 750.00 Per MT food grains (450x 303 days x 0.00015 x 750) Management Monitoring and Evaluation (MME) 1.8% of cost of foodgrains, cooking cost and cost of transportation) TOTAL - {1+2+3+4} • 0.15 1.28 95.36 48894.15 Grand Total (Primary + Upper Primary + NCLP) : NIL : NIL C. Drought D. Non-recurring E. Total Requirement of Funds for 2015-16 As per existing Component Recurring Normal 48894.15 Drought 0.00 Non- recurring (Rs. In /akh) norms 0.00 48894.15 Total $: Subject to approval of enhancement of cooking cost by 7.5% by competent authority. The release of Central Share of Annual Work Plan & Budget 2015-16 would be as per the fund sharing pattern under Mid-Day Meal Scheme. --000-- 12
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