F.No. 9-212015 MDM 2-1 Government of India Ministry of Human Resource Development Department of School Education & Literacy MDM Division **************** Shastri Subject: Minutes of the meeting held on 20.02.2015. of Programme Approval Bhawan, New Delhi Dated 18th May, 2015. Board - Mid Day Meal • • The meeting of Programme Approval Board Mid-Day Meal to consider the Annual Work Plan & Budget 2015-16 in respect of State of Punjab was held on 20.02.2015 at New Delhi under the Chairpersonship of Secretary (SE&L), Department of School Education & Literacy, Ministry of Human Resource & Development. 2. A copy of the minutes of the above meeting is enclosed for information & necessary action. ~~ Under Secretary 1. Senior Advisor (Education) NITI Aayog, Yojana Bhawan, New Delhi. 2. Shri Yogendra Tripathi, Joint Secretary & Financial Advisor, Ministry of HRD, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi. 3. Joint Secretary (ICDS), Ministry of Women & Child Development, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi 4. Shri Deepak Kumar, Joint Secretary, Department of Food & Public Distribution, Ministry of Agriculture, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi 5. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Labour Shram Shakti Bhawan New Delhi. 6. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Rural Development, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi. (Rajeev Kumar) to the Govt. of India Tel. 011-23386169 Fax: 011-23382394 7. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Development of North-Eastern Vigyan Bhawan, Annexe, New Delhi- 110003. States, 8. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Tribal Affairs, 7'h Floor, Shastri Bhavan New Delhi. 9. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi. 10. Shri C. Roul, Principal Secretary, Department of Education, Govt. of Punjab. 11. Vice Chancellor, NUEPA, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi. 12. Economic Advisor (Education), SE&L, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi. 13. Shri Pradeep Kumar Agrawal, Director General cum State Project Director, Mid Day Meal Govt. of Punjab. 14. Director NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi. 15. Dr (Mrs) Prema Ramchandran Director, Nutrition Foundation of India, C-13, Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi- 110016. 16. Shri Biraj Patnaik, Principal Advisor, Office of Supreme Court Commissioner, B-68, 2nd Floor, Sarvodaya Enclave, New Delhi - 110001. 17. Dr. Uma Aiyyar, Reader, Food & Nutrition Unit, M.S. University of Baroda, Pratapgunj, Vadodara - 390002. 18. Shri O.P. Dani, Chief General Manager (Sales), Food Corporation of India, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi. • 19. Shri J.H.Panwal, Joint Technical Advisor, Food & Nutrition Board, Ministry of Women & Child Development, Jeevandeep Building, New Delhi. 20. Shri Prabha Charan Singh, General Manager, Mid Day Meal, Punjab. 21. Shri Jatinder Grover, Assistant Professl)r, Punja~ University, Punjab. -. 22.Dr. Padma Yadav, Associate Professor, DEE, NCERT. 23. Shri P.N. Khorwal, Manager (Accounts), FCI, New Delhi. Copy also to: 1. PPS to Secretary(SE&L). 2. PPS to Joint Secretary(EE.I). 3. Oir (GP) / OS(BOS) / DS(VKN) / OS(HK) 4. US(SA) / US(AO) / SO(SS) / SO(NR) / SO(RKJ). GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL EDUCATION& LITERACY MID-DAY MEAL SCHEME ************** Minutes of the Programme Approval Soard for Mid-Day Meal (PAS-MDM) meeting held on 20thFebruary, 2015 to consider the Annual Work Plan & Sudget-2015-16 of Punjab. • • The meeting of the Programme Approval Board for Mid-Day Meal Scheme was held In New Delhi on 20th February, 2015 under the Chairpersonship of Ms. Vrinda Sarup, Secretary, Department of Education and Literacy (SE&L), Government of India. The agenda before the PAB-MDM was: a) to review the status and progress of the implementation of Mid-Day Meal (MOM) Scheme for the State of Punjab b) to consider the Annual Work Plan and Budget (AWP&B) 2015-16 proposal of Punjab for MOM Scheme. 2. Secretary (SE&L), Government of India welcomed the members of PAB-MDM and other participants. The list of participants of the meeting is enclosed at Annexure-I. The representatives of the State Government were asked to highlight the achievements in the implementation of the scheme during 2014-15, best practices followed in the State, constraints if any, in the implementation of the programme and their proposals for 2015-16. 3. Shri C. Raul, Principal Secretary, Education, Govt. of Punjab briefed the PAB members on the highlights of the scheme. Shri Pradeep Kumar Agrawal, Director General Education, Gov!. of Punjab made a presentation on the performance of Mid Day Meal Scheme in the State and the initiatives taken by the State Government to improve its effectiveness.Shri Gaya Prasad, Director, Government of India presented an analysis of the performance of the State in the implementation of Mid-Day Meal Scheme during the first three quarters of the year 2014-15 i.e. April to December, 2014. 1 •• • 2013-14 10 10 5.2 I J 2012-13 9.5 Foodgrain 10 Uti!. Payl'Tle n1:to 5 6_3 FCI1 0 5.7 7.7 Kitchen --- 10 It is evident from the graph that the performance of State has improved over the years in the area of utilization of MME funds, construction of kitchen-cum-stores and monthly data entries in MIS web portal. At the same time the performance has gone down on vital parameters like working days and cooking cost from the last year. Secretary (SE&L) requested the State Government to take corrective measures on the poorly performing indicators for improving the performance of the scheme. 2 4.1 Areas of Concern: I. II. The appraisal has revealed the following areas of concern 3 months Delay in the release of central assistance to schools. Less coverage of working days (8 days) iii. Monthly Data entries in MIS web portal is incomplete iv. Negative closing balance of cooking cost on 31st December, 2014 with five districts namely Fatehgah Sahib, Pathankot, Patiala, SAS Nagar and Taran Taran. v. Surplus food grain with Sangrur (131%) and Firozel6ur (50%) <In 31st l!iecember, 2014. 5. Issues discussed i) during the meeting: Fund Flow Mechanism Joint Secretary ((EE-I) appreciated the procedure followed by the State Government for releasing funds directly to the schools from the Directorate however, mentioned of Education. He, that in-spite of this, there is a delay of three months in the release of central assistance to the schools. This delay has also been confirmed by the Monitoring Institutes in its half year report. The non-availability adverse impact on the implementation of funds has an of the scheme which is managed either on credit basis or the contribution made by the Teachers etc .. A team of auditors from the office of the Chief Controller of Accounts had also confirmed negative cooking cost balance at the schools. huge amount of This trend of negative unspent balance of cooking cost is continuing in some of the districts viz Fatehgarh Sahib and Pathankot (-2%), Patiala (-3%), SASNagar and Taran Taran (-1%) .. Joint Secretary (EE-I), therefore, advised the Secretary, Education, Government of Punjab to take necessary action for streamlining the procedure for release of funds to the schools. He further suggested that the State Government may release its share in advance in the beginning of the financial year. The State may also consider adopting Andhra Pradesh Governments are authorized to withdraw "Green Channel Scheme" in which schools one month's requirements of funds in advance. The timely release of funds at school level would help in the preparation of day meal containing required nutrition. Secretary, Education, Government assured PAB to look into this aspect 3 quality mid of Punjab ii) Less coverage of children The coverage under Primary and Upper Primary against enrolment respectively. Less coverage was observed Kapurthala, Mansa Government to look and Firozepur. in to corrective measures in Ludhiana, Joint Moga, Bhatinda , Mukatsar Secretary the low coverage to improve the coverage. is 86% and 84% (EE-I) against Secretary, advised the enrolment Education, the State and take Government of Punjab assured to do the needful. • •• ii i) Construction The non-recurring of kitchen-cum-stores central assistance of Rs. 11659.34 lakh has been released State for the construction of 18959 kitchen-cum-stores to the (18534 kitchen-cum-stores on unit cost norms @ RS.60,0001- during 2006-07 to 2008-09 and 524 on plinth area norms during 2009-10.).The State Government has constructed stores. The remaining 198 kitchen-cum-store are under construction. Secretary (SE&L) advised the State to construct these kitchen-cum-stores iv) Committed liability It was informed by State Government Technological Secretary IVRS (SE&L) based meanwhile by June, 2015 positively. of the State Government liability in respect of any components v) 18771 (98%) kitchen-cum- intervention mentioned monitoring representative that there is no committed of MOMS for the year 2013-14. in MDMS-IVRS that this department mechanism. She is in process advised the collect the mobile numbers of all the teachers of Introduction of Government to State in the State. Secretary, Gov!. of Punjab assured to collect the mobile numbers of teachers in one month. vi) Social Audit Secretary, of the Scheme Education Government been engaged for conducting viz. Sangrur and Ropar. since been conducted. of Punjab informed that Punjab University has the Social Audit of MOMS on pilot basis in 2 districts The meetings at State and District level meetings have The block and school level meetings are proposed to be held shortly. Joint Secretary (EE-I) advised the State to share the findings of the Social Audit with MHRD. 4 vii) Training of Cook-cum-helpers Secretary, Education, Government of Punjab informed that cook-cum-helpers are provided training through Ambedkar Institute of Hotel Management, Chandigarh, State Institutes of Holel Management at Bathinda and Hoshiarpur. The State Government organized Workshop on Food Safety, Quality and Personal Hygiene for Cook-cum-helpers working under Mid Day Meal Scheme. viii) . '. Social Equity Secretary, Govt. of Punjab informed"that no case of discrimination on the basis of caste, gender or religion in cooking, serving and eating of MOM has been reported in the State. ix) Tasting of meals by Teachers and Community members Secretary, Govt. of Punjab, informed that Mid Day Meal schools is regularly checked and tasted by mothers self helps groups. One member of School Management Committee regularly visits the school in the afternoon and tastes the Mid Day Meal. It is mandatory for each school to maintain a tasting register. The feedback/remarks are entered in the said register after tasting the meals by 2 Adults (one of them is a school teacher and another any community member). x) Testing of Meals Secretary, Education, Government of Punjab informed that mid day meals samples are collected by the Health Department from the schools as well from the centralized kitchen set up by the NGO's and are sent to Accredited Laboratories. xi) Submissions by the State Government a) Enhancing the honorarium to cook-cum-helpers b) Enhancing the cooking cost Secretary (SE&L) informed that many States are contributing their share toward the honorarium to cook-cum-helpers She, therefore, advised more under and cooking cost. the State to top up its contribution for the above components. 5 6. approval for the year 2015-16 PAS-MDM After discussions with State officials and based on the achievement during 2014-15, the PAS-MOM approved the following number of children, number of school days etc. for quantifying the Central assistance for Punjab:Details State's Proposal for FY 2015-16 by MDM- Approved PAB No 1 No. of Childreni,& ..ln~t.rtutions A Primary " No. of '" .'-il. No. of Children institutions Govt. + Govt. aided + LB 13535 No. of No. of institutions Children 1099692 13535 1100000 5350 1105042 107 5350 1105350 schools STC 1 TOTAL (A) B 13642 13642 Primary with Upper Primary Govt. + Govt. aided + LB 286 286 STC 0 0 Total 286 286 schools C Upper Primary Govt. + Govt. aided + LB 6426 697765 6426 0 0 0 698000 schools STC ", , . 1;ot;:i! =.. " ,.' . . .c" ,,=c .. " GRA~6 TOT~[ (f\")!(B),r.(c) 2' No. o~ "Y0r~ing !lJiys "~J~~ '.,,'~:20354 , '\. J97-7~§, >' ", ;'4,~0~07 "." .;o~ ,,': , , _i. . ',' - . 64.~~§ 20354 698000 1803350 , , 2.1 Primary 244 244 2.2 Upper Primary 244 244 2.3 NCLP 300 300 49449 49449 0 49449 0 49449 0 0 8652 8652 No. of Cook-cum Helpers 3 , " .•. ,;, •. A]'lprmled for lO14-15 3.1 " Additional 3,2 prop~6sal for - ,2015-16 3,3 Total cook-cum-l1elpers for 2015-16 ., 4. :, Kitchen !;levices , 4.~ New 4.2 Replacement 6 7. Submission children of proposals for additional over and above PAS-MOM approval It was clarified that the quantification Central Assistance of funds covering is only an estimate for release of under the MOM Scheme. the eligible institution for for 2015-16 of resources during 2015-16 that every child attending requirement The MOMS provides is to be covered and shall be served mid-day meal on all school days. under the Scheme In case the State Gov!. finds that the average number of children availing mid-day meal and the working days are • •• more than the approve·d numbers by PAB-MOM, they may approach time with justification 8. Dissemination for additional Central Assistance. of the approvals by State Government The State is advised to disseminate functionaries the GOI at any the approvals of the resources to all the field in the State and districts, so as to enable all the eligible institutions ensure that every child attending the eligible day meals on all school days irrespective to school must be served hot cooked mid of the approvals of PAB-MOM. In case if the district are covering more children over and above PAB-MOM approval, they may be advised to submit their proposal for enhancing needed to their higher authority for onward transmission 9. Admissible Allocation the resources, for MOMS if to Ministry of HRO. of resources The release of Central Assistance for the financial year 2015-16 would be as per the funding pattern under the Mid Oay Meal Scheme. Total outlay of Rs. 29173.471akh (including both Central and State share) for Punjab for Financial Year 2015-16 has been worked out on the basis of number of children & number of working days approved by the PAB-MOM and as per proposed revised norms after revision of cooking cost by 7.5% w.e.f 1st April, 2015. The order for revision of cooking cost by 7.5% or any other enhancement for the financial year 2015-16 will be issued separately after approval of the Competent Authority. Thus, the present rate of cooking cost will continue till further orders,. The component-wise 2015-16 can be seen at Annexure-II. 7 approval of funds for Annexure-I List of Participants 1. Ms. Vrinda Sarup, Secretary (SE&L), Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi. 2. Shri J. Alam, Joint Secretary (EE.I), Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi. 3. Shri C. Raul, Chandigarh. Principal Secretary, Gov!. of Punjab, Punjab Civil Secretariat, • 4. Shri Gaya Prasad, Director (MDM), Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi. 5. Shri Anil Kakria, Development, Delhi. 6. Shri B.D. Deputy Department Shivani, Development, Delhi. Secretary (Finance), Ministry of Human Resource of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Bhavan, New Deputy Department Secretary (MDM), Ministry of Human Resource of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Bhavan, New 7. Shri V.K. Nayyar, Deputy Secretary (MDM), Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi. 8. Shri Pradeep Kumar Agrawal, Director General cum State Project Director, Mohali, Punjab. 9. Dr. J. H. Panwal, Joint Technical Advisor, Ministry of Women & Child Development, Government of India, Shastri Bhavan. 10. Shri Rajeev Development, Delhi. 11. Shri Arnab· Development, Delhi. Kumar, Under Department Dhaki, (MDM), Ministry of Human Resource of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Bhavan, New Under Department Secretary Secretary (MDM), Ministry of Human Resource of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Bhavan, New 12. Shri K.L. Ahuja, Section Officer (MDM 2-1), Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi. 13. Shri PrabhaCharan Singh, General Manager, Mid Day Meal, Punjab. 14. Dr. Padma Yadav, Associate Professor, DEE, NCERT. 15. Shri P.N. Khorwal, Manager (Accounts), FCI, 16-20, Barakhamba Lane, New Delhi. 8 Annexure /I State: PUNJAB QUANTIFICATION (as per revised norms after Food grains ~I.No. revision • • OF CENTRAL ASSISTANCE FOR 2015-16 Stage of cooking cost by 7.5% w.e.f. st 1 April. 2015) $ .. ' No. of Children No. of Working days Quantity in MTs. Wheat Rice Total 1 Primary (@ 100 gms per child per school day) 1100000 244 13420.00 13420.00 1127084 2 Up. Primary ( @lS0 gms per child per school day) 698000 244 12773.40 12773.40 723790.8 3 STC 5350 300 120.38 120.38 5890.76 TOTAL 26313.78 1803350 C00 k'inC! cost. T ransport C ost 0 f F00 d JC!ralns 81. No. A sSlstance H on. to CCH an d MME Component/norm 1 52627.56 26313.78 2 Amount admissible (Rs. in lakhs) 3 I) Primary 1 2 Cost of Foodgrains @Rs. 56501- per MT forrice + 5% Vat & @ Rs. 41501- per MT for wheat +5% Vat Unit Cooking Cost- 3.86 per day / per child for 1100000 children for 244 days Transportation 3 4 for cook cum Helper(32247 x RS.1000x 10 months) Management 5 10360.24 Cost @ Rs. 750.00 Per MT food grains (1100000x 244days x 0.0001 MT x Rs.75000) Honorarium 1380.92 Monitoring 201.30 3224.70 and Evaluation (MME) 1.8% of cost of foodgrains, cooking cost and cost of transportation and Honorarium to 211.64 cook-cum-Helpers) TOTAL II) - {1+2+3+4+5} 15378.80 Upper Primary 1 2 3 4 Cost of Foodgrains @Rs. 56501- per MT forrice + 5% Vat & @ Rs. 41501- per MT for wheat +5% Vat Unit Cooking Cost 5.78 per day 1 per child for 698000 children for 244 days Transportation cost @ Rs. 750.00 Per MT food grains (698000x 244 days x 0.00015 x 750) Honorarium for cook cum Helper (17202 x Rs.1 OOOx 10 months) 9 1314.38 9844.03 191.60 1720.20 _.- - foodgrains, cooking cost and cost of transportation and Honorarium to cook-cum-Helpers) 13253.59 TOTAL - {1+2+3+4+5} II) NCLP 1 2 3 4 Cost of Foodgrains @Rs. 56501- per MT forrice + 5% Vat & @ Rs. 41501- per MT for wheat +5% Vat Unit Cooking Cost 5.78 per day 1 per child for 5350 children for 300 days 12.39 92.77 Transportation cost @ Rs. 750.00 Per MT food grains 1.81 (5350x 300 days x 0.00015 x 750) Management Monitoring and Evaluation (MME) 1.8% of cost of 1.51 foodgrains, cooking cost and cost of transportation) • TOTAL - {1+2+3+4} 28740.87 Grand Total (Primary + Upper Primary) C. Drought : NIL D. Non-recurring : 432.60 E. Total Requirement 108.48 of Funds for 2015-16 (Rs. In lakh) Component Recurring As per existing norms Normal 28740.87 Drought 0.00 Non- recurring 432.60 Total $: Subject to approval of enhancement 29173.47 of cooking cost by 7.5% by competent authOrity. The release of Central Share of Annual Work Plan & Budget 2015-16 would be as per the fund sharing pattern under Mid-Day Meal Scheme. --000-- 10 .'
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