Final Report Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAs) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed Prepared for South Florida Water Management District October 2009 CERTIFICATION I hereby certify, as a Professional Engineer in the State of Florida, that the information in this document was assembled under my direct personal charge. This report is not intended or represented to be suitable for reuse by the South Florida Water Management District or others without specific verification or adaptation by the Engineer. This certification is made in accordance with the provisions of the Laws and Rules of the Florida Board of Professional Engineers under Chapter 61G15-29, Florida Administrative Code. Christopher H. Keller, P.E. Florida P.E. No. 54040 Wetland Solutions, Inc. 2809 NW 161 Ct. Gainesville, FL 32609 Certificate of Authorization No. 28785 Date: (Reproductions are not valid unless signed, dated, and embossed with Engineer’s seal.) WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed Contents Contents.......................................................................................................................................... i Executive Summary............................................................................................................... ES-1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................1 Analytical Approach ....................................................................................................................4 Variables ............................................................................................................................4 Equations ...........................................................................................................................5 Modeling Tools .................................................................................................................5 P-k-C* Model........................................................................................................5 DMSTA2 ...............................................................................................................6 Aspect Ratio.................................................................................................................................11 DMSTA2 Simulation Results ........................................................................................14 Cost Impacts....................................................................................................................19 Recommendations ..........................................................................................................19 Wetland Area...............................................................................................................................21 DMSTA2 Simulation Results ........................................................................................22 Cost Impacts....................................................................................................................24 Recommendations ..........................................................................................................24 Inflow Concentration and Mass Loading Rate .....................................................................25 DMSTA2 Simulation Results ........................................................................................25 Cost Impacts....................................................................................................................29 Recommendations ..........................................................................................................29 Water Depth.................................................................................................................................30 DMSTA2 Simulation Results ........................................................................................30 Cost Impacts....................................................................................................................31 Recommendations ..........................................................................................................31 Hydraulic Loading Rate ............................................................................................................32 DMSTA2 Simulation Results ........................................................................................32 Cost Impacts....................................................................................................................32 Recommendations ..........................................................................................................32 Hydraulic Residence Time .......................................................................................................34 DMSTA2 Simulation Results ........................................................................................34 Recommendations ..........................................................................................................35 Cell Compartmentalization ......................................................................................................36 DMSTA2 Simulation Results ........................................................................................36 Cost Impacts....................................................................................................................36 Recommendations ..........................................................................................................38 Deep Zones ..................................................................................................................................39 Sediment Accretion Rate and System Life Expectancy .......................................................41 Sediment and Phosphorus Accretion Processes ........................................................41 Sediment and Phosphorus Accretion Rates................................................................45 Sediment and Phosphorus Accretion Rates in Natural Wetlands..............45 Sediment and Phosphorus Accretion Rates in Treatment Wetlands .........47 Options for Management of Long-Term Sediment Accretion .................................51 WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed i Allow for Sediment Accretion in System Design..........................................52 Mechanical Removal .........................................................................................52 Drawdown/Consolidation ..............................................................................53 Drawdown/Burning.........................................................................................53 Summary..........................................................................................................................53 Levee Height Considerations ...................................................................................................56 DCM-2 Summary............................................................................................................56 High and Significant Hazard Potential ..........................................................56 Low Hazard Potential.......................................................................................57 STA Freeboard Design Examples....................................................................57 Wildlife Habitat and Public Use Features .............................................................................58 Vegetation........................................................................................................................59 Wildlife.............................................................................................................................60 Public Use ........................................................................................................................61 Plant Community Considerations...........................................................................................63 Description of the Target STA Wetland Plant Communities ...................................63 Emergent Plant Community ............................................................................65 Submerged Aquatic Plant Community ..........................................................70 Hydrologic Optima and Tolerance Ranges for Target STA Plant Communities ..71 STA Plant Community Studies........................................................................71 Analysis of STA Hydrologic Data...................................................................73 Development of a Preliminary STA Plant Community Assessment Tool 73 Summary and Recommendations ................................................................................76 STA Construction Costs ............................................................................................................78 STA Cost Effectiveness .............................................................................................................81 Cost Basis.........................................................................................................................81 Land.....................................................................................................................81 Levee Construction ...........................................................................................81 Deep Zone/Canal Construction......................................................................81 Cell Grading .......................................................................................................82 Water Control Structures..................................................................................82 Clearing and Grubbing.....................................................................................82 Pump Stations ....................................................................................................82 Operations and Maintenance...........................................................................82 Adjustment to Present Worth Costs ...............................................................82 Prototype STA Designs..................................................................................................82 Cost-Effectiveness vs. Aspect Ratio .............................................................................83 Cost-Effectiveness vs. Area ...........................................................................................84 Cost-Effectiveness vs. Inflow Phosphorus Concentration........................................85 Cost-Effectiveness vs. Phosphorus Mass Loading Rate............................................86 Cost-Effectiveness vs. Mean Depth..............................................................................87 Cost-Effectiveness vs. Hydraulic Loading Rate .........................................................88 Cost-Effectiveness vs. Hydraulic Residence Time.....................................................89 Cost-Effectiveness vs. Compartmentalization............................................................90 References ....................................................................................................................................92 Appendix A Appendix B WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed ii Executive Summary The purpose of this document is to demonstrate, through Dynamic Model for Stormwater Treatment Areas Version 2 (DMSTA2) modeling, the effects of various design criteria on the cost-effectiveness of phosphorus load reduction for STAs that could be constructed in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed. Review of fundamental design equations and interpretation of the modeling results demonstrate that many of the design variables are related and adjustments to one force responses in others. These responses may have positive or negative impacts on phosphorus removal. None of the DMSTA2 calibration data sets, including those located north of Lake Okeechobee, were for systems designed specifically for load rather than concentration reduction. Therefore, some of the model scenarios push DMSTA2 beyond its calibration limits for some design parameters (flow per unit width and mean depth) in order to explore how load reduction systems might perform. DMSTA2 should not be used for final design without the user’s full awareness of its strengths, limitations, and calibration boundaries. Efforts to further expand the DMSTA2 calibrations should be considered prior to standardizing its use for load reduction projects. Preliminary design criteria recommendations that can be drawn from the analyses summarized in this report include the following: • Aspect ratios in the range of 1:1 to 3:1 are appropriate as general design guidance. However, it is strongly recommended that STA designers focus more on maximizing hydraulic efficiency by promoting even flow distribution rather than targeting a specific aspect ratio. In all likelihood, an STA design will be forced to conform to the geometry of the available site and sub-divisions (cells) may be required based on topographic constraints. • Because land costs can be significant, the minimum area required to conservatively meet project objectives should be determined for each specific STA application. A full cost-benefit analysis will be required during the development of project alternatives, but it is clear that for any set of operating conditions, there is a break point in the area versus performance curve at which cost-effectiveness declines. • The modeling results show that for a fixed area, there is a benefit to increasing the mass loading rate. Because the source water phosphorus concentration can not be increased to achieve higher mass loading rates, the flow must be increased instead. Regardless of system scale, modeled load reduction rapidly increases as the HLR approaches about 5 to 7 cm/d. At these HLRs, for any given inflow concentration, mass removal rates are estimated to be effectively maximized. As a secondary conclusion, these results imply that if a choice is to be made between two potential projects with equal available area, priority should be given to the site with the highest inflow phosphorus concentrations. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed ES-1 • At present, and unless future calibration enhancements to the DMSTA2 show otherwise, there is no strong basis for the District to modify the current design control depth of approximately 40 cm. Site-specific detailed design calculations will be required to show that a particular STA will operate within a depth range that maximizes inundation of the wetland area without exceeding plant community tolerances. Plant community data indicate that emergent marshes dominate when average depths range from about 30 to 50 cm. • Considering the depth issues that can occur with increasing flow and HLR, and the range of potential STA sizes that could be constructed in the watershed, a long-term average HLR of about 6 cm/d is suggested as an upper limit for projects designed for maximum load reduction. • An STA should be designed so that the presumed HLR and water depth regime are reasonable. If these conditions are met, there is no need to attempt to achieve a particular nominal HRT. • As general design guidance, it is recommended that each STA project should have a minimum of 2 parallel treatment trains with serial cell construction as required based on topographic and hydraulic constraints. It should be noted, though, that the construction of serial cells guarantees a minimum system-wide N of at least 2. • Deep zones are effective for initial flow distribution and outlet collection. Internal deep zones may also improve performance, particularly when low outflow concentrations are required, as long as the fraction of deep zone area to total area is constrained. • Sediment accretion is a normal and important process in treatment wetlands that provides a long-term, stable repository for nutrients and other pollutants of concern. Typical long-term accretion rates that can be used in treatment wetland design range from 5 to 10 mm/yr, and at these rates, the effects on system life are expected to be minimal (about 30 to 60 years of system life per foot of levee freeboard). • Design approaches for levee height requirements are well described in DCM-2. For planning purposes, levee heights of about 7 feet should be sufficient for STAs constructed north of the Lake. • STAs, even when not designed with species-specific wildlife requirements in mind, provide valuable, high-quality habitat and offer tremendous opportunities for public recreation and education. • Emergent plant communities typically dominated by cattail but also with relatively high diversity of subdominant emergent plant species provide the overall preferred plant community option for STAs north of Lake Okeechobee due to their high carbon production and tested resilience to fluctuating and continuous water levels. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed ES-2 • Model results indicate that cost-effective phosphorus removal can be achieved between HLRs of 4 to 8 cm/d, regardless of STA scale. However, within this range, some simulations exceeded DMSTA2 calibration boundaries for flow per unit width (26 – 210 m2/d), mean depth (35 – 76 cm), and HLR (1.1 – 6.5 cm/d). By prioritizing projects to sub-watersheds with the highest inflow concentrations, cost-effectiveness can be further maximized. Based on the analyses presented in this document, the range of cost-effective phosphorus removal is about 75 to 125 $/kg (50-yr present worth basis). To aid future planning and preliminary STA sizing efforts for projects in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed, a series of tables are provided in Appendix A. These tables provide estimates of phosphorus load reduction as a function of treatment area (100 to 20,000 acres), hydraulic loading rate (3 to 8 cm/d), and inflow phosphorus concentration (100 to 800 ppb). The values in these tables have been constrained to ranges that were determined to maximize cost-effectiveness. All model runs assumed steady-state conditions (constant flow and constant inflow concentration) and the tabulated results likely over-estimate the removal that would be estimated using a highly dynamic (variable flow and variable inflow concentration) input data set. Load reduction estimates between steady-state and dynamic simulations may differ by as much as 20 to 40 percent (WSI 2003). These tables are intended to facilitate preliminary sizing efforts. Project design will still require the use of site-specific information and more complex analytical procedures. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed ES-3 Introduction The Taylor Creek and Nubbin Slough Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAs) are the prototype STAs being implemented north of Lake Okeechobee. Both STAs are fully constructed but only Taylor Creek is fully operational. Operation has not been initiated at the Nubbin Slough STA due to structural issues with the pump station. The Taylor Creek and Nubbin Slough STAs were estimated to remove a long-term average of 2.08 and 5.14 metric tons of phosphorus per year, respectively. Likewise, the Lakeside Ranch facility is nearing final design and is estimated to provide about 21 metric tons of phosphorus (P) removal per year. These estimates were developed using earlier versions of the Everglades STA design model, and may be optimistic for soils and loading rates included in the estimates. Simple input/output analysis found in the literature provides some general guidance relative to P loading rates and effluent P concentrations but they can not be accurately applied to a particular wetland without due consideration to site-specific conditions. Environmental conditions including soil properties, vegetation types, previous land uses, surface water total P concentrations, rainfall patterns, and hydraulic loads are significantly different north of the lake and may reasonably be expected to result in different development and performance of STAs constructed and operated in the Lake Okeechobee watershed. The implementation of the prototype STAs is important for demonstrating the effectiveness of the STA technology in areas north of the lake. Site specific information obtained from operation of these prototype treatment wetlands will help to improve design and operational guidance as additional STAs are planned in the watershed. The South Florida Water Management District’s (SFWMD or District) primary goal of the STAs north of the lake is to maximize the long-term mass removal of total phosphorus (TP) and to minimize operational costs per pound of TP removed. Unlike the STAs south of the lake, the STAs in the Lake Okeechobee watershed are not mandated to achieve a target outflow TP concentration. As such, the Okeechobee STAs offer greater flexibility in terms of design and performance goals or desired levels of treatment. Although there is no “cookbook” for successful implementation of STAs anywhere, it is assumed that these facilities if properly designed, constructed, and operated can provide predictable performance. The primary goal of this effort is to develop design criteria and guidelines specific to conditions north of the lake and to predict performance of future STAs in the Lake Okeechobee watershed with greater reliability and certainty. These design standards and guidelines are also intended to serve as a tool for making future land purchases in the watershed deemed suitable for STAs. A previous project document (Appendix B) was prepared to assess relevant site-specific conditions in the 21 basins comprising the northern Lake Okeechobee watershed WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 1 (Exhibit 1). The goal of that effort was to identify local environmental conditions that would be most conducive to the successful implementation of an STA and to allow interested parties to identify specific areas in each of the 21 individual basins that would be most appropriate for STA siting. This document has been prepared to provide a quantitative assessment of the effects of various STA design criteria on estimated TP mass load reduction and unit cost ($ per kilogram) for TP removal. Specific STA design parameters that were quantitatively evaluated include the following: • STA wetted area • TP inflow concentration and mass loading rates • Cell number and configuration • Water depth • Cell aspect ratio • Hydraulic loading rate (HLR) • Hydraulic residence time (HRT) • Volumetric efficiency (included as a component of the aspect ratio analysis) These design parameters are interdependent and one can not be adjusted without affecting the others to some extent. To the extent possible, these quantitative design variables have been evaluated independently using the Dynamic Model for Stormwater Treatment Areas Version 2 (DMSTA2; Walker and Kadlec 2008) and other tools when appropriate. DMSTA2 has been calibrated for areas north of Lake Okeechobee. Other design parameters that could not be directly evaluated with DMSTA2 were assessed in a semi-quantitative or qualitative manner. Those parameters include the following: • Deep zone sizing and locations • Sediment accretion rate and system life expectancy • Levee height considerations • Wildlife habitat and public use features • Plant selection WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 2 EXHIBIT 1 Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed Drainage Basins WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 3 Analytical Approach Treatment wetland (i.e., STA) design is not one-dimensional and multiple constraints must be met in order to create a successful project. Owners and operators of wetland systems frequently inquire as to the optimum value for any particular variable that is, more-or-less, under the designer’s control. The reality of wetland design and behavior is that all of the key design parameters are inter-related and any adjustment to one causes a response in one or more of the others. In many cases, the reaction of one variable to the manipulation of another is counteractive to water quality improvement processes. For example, increasing aspect ratio to presumably improve hydraulic efficiency and phosphorus removal effectiveness will, at some threshold inflow rate, increase frictional losses to the point that impacts the wetland vegetation and actually decreases phosphorus removal. At the other end of the spectrum, lowering hydraulic loading rates to levels that minimize outflow phosphorus concentrations could starve the wetland for water if evapotranspiration and seepage demands are not met. An understanding of the relationships between various design parameters can be gained by reviewing the common variables and equations used in the wetland design process. Variables A = wetted surface area Ci = inflow concentration Co = outflow concentration C* = background concentration Da = Damköhler number h = mean water depth k = first-order, area-based removal rate L = mean length of wetland N = number of tanks-in-series Q = wetland inflow rate q = hydraulic loading rate τ = nominal hydraulic residence time u = horizontal velocity V = wetland volume W = mean width of wetland WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 4 Equations A = LW EQ-1 V = Ah EQ-2 q= Q A EQ-3 τ= V h = Q q EQ-4 u= Q Wh EQ-5 Da = k kτ = q h EQ-6 Modeling Tools Two modeling tools are used in the following sections to explore the relationships between various design parameters and phosphorus removal performance. Each is briefly summarized below. P-k-C* Model Kadlec and Wallace (2009) promote the P-k-C* model as the preferred tool for sizing treatment wetlands and determining removal rate parameters from operational data. This model is a variant on the previously-published tanks-in-series (TIS) formulation of the first-order k-C* model (Kadlec and Knight 1996). The model equation is given below and incorporates the following key principals: • Wetland removal processes are area-based and follow first-order kinetics; • For some parameters, internal cycling results in non-zero background concentrations (C*); • Physical factors that influence the hydraulic efficiency of wetlands, including topography, wetland geometry, vegetation density and spatial distribution, and wind fetch lead to non-plug-flow conditions and should be included in calculations; and • Factors that describe pollutant mixtures or contaminant “weathering” should also be included in the model. ⎛ C o − C* ⎞ ⎛ k ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎟ = ⎜⎜1 + ⎟⎟ * ⎟ ⎝ C i − C ⎠ ⎝ Pq ⎠ −P EQ-7 Where: WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 5 P = apparent number of tanks-in-series In the earlier TIS model, the effects of hydraulic efficiency were described by the parameter N, the number of TIS. In the updated model, N has been replaced by P and combines the effects of hydraulic efficiency and pollutant mixtures or weathering such that P < N (Kadlec and Wallace 2009). DMSTA2 DMSTA Version 2 was developed to estimate the phosphorus removal performance of shallow reservoirs and treatment wetlands and is the primary tool used for design of the STAs. The DMSTA2 model was calibrated and tested against data from approximately 70 datasets derived from experimental platforms, field-scale test facilities, and full-scale treatment wetlands located in Florida. These data represent a variety of spatial scales, vegetation types, hydraulic regimes, and concentration regimes (up to 800 parts per billion, ppb). The model provides a flexible set of options for parameter selection, water balance issues, water flows and internal hydraulics, and cell configurations. The DMSTA2 model offers the following factors that are not included in previous generations of wetland design tools: • Temporal Variations in Inflow Volume, Load, Rainfall, and ET • Hydraulic Compartments (Cells, Internal Levees for Flow Redistribution) • Hydraulic Efficiency (Number of Stirred Tanks in Series) • Cell Aspect Ratio (Length/Width) • Water Level Regulation • Outflow Regulation (Discharge vs. Water Level) • Compartmentalization of Biological Communities • Dry-Out Frequency and Supplemental Water Needs • Bypass Frequency, Quantity, and Quality • Seepage Collection and Management The phosphorus component of the DMSTA2 model structure is summarized in Exhibit 2. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 6 EXHIBIT 2 DMSTA2 Phosphorus Cycling Model Construction (Walker and Kadlec 2008) Where: State Variables M Water Column P Storage mg/m2 S Temporary P Storage in Biota, etc. mg/m2 Z Water Column Mean Depth m Driving Variables L P Load, Including Atmospheric Deposition mg/m2/yr Q Outflow m/yr Parameter Values Fz Depth Multiplier for Gross Uptake dimensionless Fc Concentration Multiplier dimensionless K1 Maximum Uptake Rate m3/mg-yr K2 Recycle Rate m2/mg-yr K3 Burial Rate 1/yr WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 7 Of note in the model construction is the inclusion of a depth multiplier (Fz). Exhibit 3 shows that for marsh systems, the term Fz effectively reduces the phosphorus uptake rate at depths less than 40 centimeters (cm). In practical terms, Fz accounts for hydraulic effects such as increased short circuiting at shallow depths caused by incomplete inundation of the wetland. The depth multiplier is maximized between depths of 40 and 100 cm, but then has a negative effect on the uptake rate when the 30-day rolling average depth ranges between 100 and 200 cm. If the STA depth exceeds 200 cm (30-day rolling average), the net phosphorus settling rate is set to a value of 1 m/yr. The decline in removal rate at depths exceeding 100 cm corresponds to observations of vegetation stress and shearing in large-scale wetlands. EXHIBIT 3 DMSTA2 Depth Effects on Phosphorus Uptake Rate (Walker and Kadlec 2008) The concentration multiplier (Fc) reflects saturation of the phosphorus uptake rate at high inflow concentrations. As the inflow concentration increases, the removal rate effectively declines (see Exhibit 4). WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 8 EXHIBIT 4 DMSTA2 Concentration Saturation Effect (Walker and Kadlec 2008) DMSTA2 has been calibrated for the following aquatic ecosystem types: EMG_3 – Emergent marsh constructed on impacted soils. The median removal rate constant for this calibration is k = 16.8 m/yr. PEW_3 – Emergent marsh community in a pre-existing wetland area such as the Water Conservation Areas. The median removal rate constant for this calibration is k = 34.9 m/yr. SAV_3 – Submersed Aquatic Vegetation community. The median removal rate constant for this calibration is k = 52.5 m/yr. PSTA_3 – Periphyton dominated system with sparse emergent macrophytes. The median removal rate constant for this calibration is k = 23.6 m/yr. RES_3 – Reservoir or lake dominated by open water. The median removal rate constant for this calibration is k = 5.0 m/yr. The median rate constants for the PEW_3, SAV_3, and PSTA_3 system types are higher than that for the typical emergent marsh (EMG_3) in part because of relatively high background calcium concentrations (>75 mg/L) that facilitate co-precipitation of phosphorus with calcium carbonate. Only the EMG_3 calibration was used for the analyses included in this document. The model provides flag messages when results fall outside the ranges of the calibration data sets for inflow or outflow concentration (19.5 to 800 ppb), flow per unit width (26 to 210 m2/d), mean water depth (35 to 76 cm), and frequency of dryout (0 to 9%). WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 9 None of the DMSTA2 calibration data sets, including those located north of Lake Okeechobee, were for systems designed specifically for load rather than concentration reduction. Therefore, some of the model scenarios will push DMSTA2 beyond its calibration limits for some design parameters in order to fully investigate how load reduction systems might be expected to behave. DMSTA2 should not be used for final design without the user’s full awareness of its strengths, limitations, and calibration boundaries. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 10 Aspect Ratio The length-to-width (aspect) ratio has been theorized to positively correlate with pollutant removal efficiency (WPCF 1990). As the aspect ratio increases, the hydraulic behavior of a pond or wetland is presumed to approach the ideal plug-flow case where removal efficiency is maximized. However, tracer studies of operational wetlands with wide ranges in scale do not fully support this theory because the effects of wind mixing, vegetation density and spatial distribution, microtopography, and inlet/outlet location and design can not be separated from the effects of aspect ratio alone (Kadlec and Wallace 2009). Attention to inlet and outlet configuration, the use of spreader canals (deep zones) or other features that promote effective flow distribution, and constructing cells in series may be more likely to improve treatment performance than simply increasing aspect ratio. Although hydraulic performance may be improved, increasing the aspect ratio can have negative consequences that counteract pollutant removal performance and decrease cost-effectiveness: • For a given flow, increasing the aspect ratio increases horizontal velocities in the wetland. Velocities may increase to the point that frictional head losses yield water depths that will not support emergent vegetation communities. • Increasing the aspect ratio increases the perimeter levee requirements. For a given area, increasing the aspect ratio from 1:1 to 5:1 increases the levee perimeter by 34 percent. Increasing the aspect ratio from 1:1 to 10:1 increases the levee perimeter by 74 percent. Various researchers have modeled the theoretical effects of aspect ratio on ponds and, to a lesser extent wetlands, using two-dimensional hydrodynamic models that simulate flows and the transport of conservative tracers between the inlet and outlet (Thackson et al. 1987, Persson et al. 1999, Jenkins and Greenway 2005). However, the models used in these studies were not independently capable of evaluating velocity- or depth-related effects on plant community stability and composition. Therefore, the parameter definitions and results from these studies have been used to provide a quantitative basis for evaluating the competing effects of aspect ratio using DMSTA2 by varying the number of tanks-in-series (N) per cell. DMSTA2 accepts non-integer inputs for N up to a maximum value of 10. From Thackson et al. (1987): η= τm τn EQ-8 η = volumetric efficiency τm = mean hydraulic residence time (determined from tracer) WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 11 τn = nominal hydraulic residence time (V/Q) From Persson et al. (1999): λ= τp τn EQ-9 λ = hydraulic efficiency τp = time to tracer peak From Kadlec and Knight (1996): N= τm EQ-10 τ m −τ p By substitution of Equations 8 and 9 into Equation 10: N= η EQ-11 η −λ Jenkins and Greenway (2005) modeled unvegetated ponds (with point inlets and outlets) with aspect ratios ranging from 0.357:1 to 35.7:1 and estimated values for the volumetric (η) and hydraulic (λ) efficiencies. Exhibits 5 and 6 show the resulting data. The following regression equations were developed from the study data: η = 0.983(1 − e −0.307 L / W ) r2 = 0.99 EQ-12 λ = 0.445η 2 + 0.515η r2 = 0.99 EQ-13 For any aspect ratio, Equations 12 and 13 can be combined with Equation 11 to estimate N as a function of aspect ratio. Exhibit 7 shows a plot of the theoretical relationship between aspect ratio and N. Curve fitting gives the following regression equation: N= 20.907 1 + 9.15e −0.307 L / W r2 = 0.99 EQ-14 As noted, this approach was based on modeling primarily conducted for unvegetated ponds. Wetland vegetation will generally retard flow and increase mixing potentially yielding higher N values than equally sized open ponds. Further, each modeled pond had a single inlet and outlet. STA designers have routinely specified multiple inlet and outlet structures, as well as distribution channels, to improve hydraulic performance. Therefore, the N values used in the following DMSTA2 simulations are considered to be conservative. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 12 1.0 η (Effective Volume Ratio) 0.8 y = a(1 - e-bx) a = 0.983 b = 0.307 r2 = 0.99 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Aspect Ratio (L/W) EXHIBIT 5 Estimated Effective Volume Ratio as a Function of Aspect Ratio (data from Jenkins and Greenway 2005) 1.0 y = 0.4451x2 + 0.5146x r2 = 0.99 λ (Hydraulic Efficiency) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 η (Effective Volume Ratio) EXHIBIT 6 Estimated Hydraulic Efficiency as a Function of Effective Volume Ratio (data from Jenkins and Greenway 2005) WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 13 25 Tanks in Series (N) 20 y = a/(1 + be-cx) a = 20.907 b = 9.150 c = 0.307 r2 = 0.99 15 10 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Aspect Ratio (L/W) EXHIBIT 7 Estimated Number of Tanks-in-Series as a Function of Aspect Ratio DMSTA2 Simulation Results An array of DMSTA2 simulations were run for three STA sizes (100; 1,000; and 10,000 acres) at hydraulic loading rates (HLRs) of 3, 6, 12, and 30 centimeters per day (cm/d). These were steady-state simulations with a constant inflow TP concentration of 250 parts per billion (ppb). Average STA water depths were calculated using the DMSTA2 algorithms with a coefficient value (a) of 0.7 and exponent (b) of 3.5. These are approximate mid-range values based on the best calibration data sets (Walker and Kadlec 2008). In all cases, the outflow control elevation was set at 40 cm, generally consistent with SFWMD operational guidelines. Exhibit 8 shows the presumed values of N used in the simulations based on the numerical approach described above and the constraints of the DMSTA2. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 14 EXHIBIT 8 Modeled Value of N as a Function of Aspect Ratio Parameter Aspect Ratio 0.5:1 1:1 1.5:1 2:1 2.5:1 3:1 5:1 7.5:1 10:1 20:1 1 2.4 2.7 3.1 3.5 4.0 4.5 7.0 10.9 14.7 20.5 2 2.4 2.7 3.1 3.5 4.0 4.5 7.0 10 10 10 N N 1 N calculated from Equation 14 2 Revised N based on DMSTA2 maximum of N = 10 Exhibits 9, 10, and 11 show the estimated effects of aspect ratio on average STA water depth, TP load reduction, and TP load reduction efficiency. Mean water depths increase in response to increasing aspect ratio, increasing HLR, and increasing STA area. Two factors create this response: first, for a given area, increasing the aspect ratio reduces the STA width, increases the horizontal velocity, and increases vegetative friction losses; second, for a given HLR, velocity increases with increasing area. Because the DMSTA2 code includes a performance penalty when the 30-day average depth exceeds 100 cm, estimated TP removal increases with increasing aspect ratio until the combination of STA area and HLR cause the depth threshold to be met. At that point, removal rates measured in kilograms per year (kg/yr) begin to decrease (Exhibit 10). For larger STAs operating at high sustained HLRs, TP removal performance appears to rapidly decrease with increasing aspect ratio. Load reduction efficiency (Exhibit 11) follows the same general trends as estimated mass load reduction, however the relative magnitude of incremental change with increasing aspect ratio is not as dramatic. This is because the load reduction values result from generally decreasing reductions in TP concentration multiplied by increasing volumes of water. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 15 120 100 ac STA Mean Depth (cm) 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 12 14 16 18 20 12 14 16 18 20 Aspect Ratio (L:W) 160 1,000 ac STA Mean Depth (cm) 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Aspect Ratio (L:W) 250 10,000 ac STA Mean Depth (cm) 200 150 100 50 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Aspect Ratio (L:W) 3 cm/d 6 cm/d 12 cm/d 30 cm/d EXHIBIT 9 Estimated Mean Water Depth as a Function of Aspect Ratio, STA Area, and Hydraulic Loading Rate Depths calculated using DMSTA2 for constant flow conditions. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 16 1,000 Load Removed (kg/yr) 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 ac STA 100 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 12 14 16 18 20 12 14 16 18 20 Aspect Ratio (L:W) 10,000 Load Removed (kg/yr) 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 1,000 ac STA 2,000 1,000 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Aspect Ratio (L:W) 90,000 Load Removed (kg/yr) 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 10,000 ac STA 20,000 10,000 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Aspect Ratio (L:W) 3 cm/d 6 cm/d 12 cm/d 30 cm/d EXHIBIT 10 Estimated TP Load Reduction as a Function of Aspect Ratio, STA Area, and Hydraulic Loading Rate Load reduction estimated using DMSTA2 with constant flow rate and constant inflow TP concentration of 250 ppb. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 17 70% Removal Efficiency (%) 100 ac STA 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 12 14 16 18 20 12 14 16 18 20 Aspect Ratio (L:W) 70% Removal Efficiency (%) 1,000 ac STA 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 0 2 4 6 8 10 Aspect Ratio (L:W) 70% Removal Efficiency (%) 10,000 ac STA 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 0 2 4 6 8 10 Aspect Ratio (L:W) 3 cm/d 6 cm/d 12 cm/d 30 cm/d EXHIBIT 11 Estimated TP Load Reduction Efficiency as a Function of Aspect Ratio, STA Area, and Hydraulic Loading Rate Load reduction efficiency estimated using DMSTA2 with constant flow rate and constant inflow TP concentration of 250 ppb. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 18 Cost Impacts The effect of aspect ratio on capital cost can be approximately evaluated by examining the relationship to STA perimeter length. Ignoring the possibility of more complex geometries (circular, triangular and other polygonal shapes), and assuming that an STA will be constructed as a rectangle, the minimum perimeter occurs for a 1:1 (square) aspect ratio. Increases or decreases in aspect ratio elongate the polygon and increase perimeter berm requirements. Exhibit 12 shows the relationship between aspect ratio and perimeter length independent of area. For any size STA, increasing the aspect ratio from 1:1 to 3:1 increases the perimeter length by 15%. All other variables being equal, construction costs for embankments would follow the same general curve. 200% Percent Increase in Perimeter 150% 100% 50% 0% 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Aspect Ratio EXHIBIT 12 Percent Increase in Perimeter for Aspect Ratios Less than or Greater than 1:1 Recommendations Based on the DMSTA2 simulations described above, there appears to be little benefit in constructing STA cells with aspect ratios exceeding 3:1. Embankment quantities and costs could be expected to vary only by about 15% for aspect ratios ranging from 0.3:1 to 3:1. Kadlec and Wallace (2009) have recommended against very small aspect ratios presumably because there are increasingly fewer opportunities to correct or make up for short circuited flow when the overall flow length decreases. Thus aspect ratios in the range of 1:1 to 3:1 seem appropriate as general design guidance. However, it is strongly recommended that STA designers focus more on maximizing hydraulic efficiency by WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 19 promoting even flow distribution rather than targeting a specific aspect ratio. In all likelihood, an STA design will be forced to conform to the geometry of the available site and sub-divisions (cells) will be required based on topographic constraints. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 20 Wetland Area Water quality improvement processes in wetlands have been shown to follow first-order kinetics with rates that are highly dependent on the effective wetland area (Kadlec and Wallace 2009). This is because most of the processes occur within the biofilms attached to plants and at the sediment interface. Wetland outflow concentration versus area profiles plot as exponentially-declining curves that start at the inflow concentration (area = 0) and approach an asymptotic value equal to the background concentration observed in unimpacted systems. Exhibit 13 shows the general relationship between water quality improvement (estimated outflow concentration and load reduction) and treatment area for a fixed flow of 50 cfs, inflow phosphorus concentration (Ci) of 250 ppb, first-order removal rate (k) of 10 m/yr, background concentration (C*) of 3 ppb, and N = 3. The first-order, steady-state P-k-C* model (EQ-7) was used to generate these curves. The reader is cautioned that the P-k-C* model does not include performance penalties for high hydraulic loading rates and resulting high water depths. It is therefore possible to produce results with the P-k-C* model that are well outside the range of calibration and physically impractical. For this example and for areas less than 50 acres, the resulting HLRs meet or exceed the peak daily average HLRs measured in the EAA STAs. It should also be noted that the P-k-C* model is an estimator of long-term performance and presumes that the input parameters, including HLR, are representative of average rather than peak conditions. In spite of these limitations and caveats, the P-k-C* model was used here for illustrative purposes. As shown in Exhibit 13, performance increases dramatically as the area approaches about 4,000 acres (for this example) and then levels off as area continues to increase. Full capital costs need to be included to determine the “best” design area for this example. It may be very cost effective to increase area from 1,000 to 2,000 acres because the estimated load reduction increases by 39 percent and outflow concentrations improve from 115 to 63 ppb. However it is likely that the cost of increasing from 4,000 to 5,000 acres is not justified by a 3-percent increase in load reduction and a slight improvement in outflow concentration (26 to 19 ppb). WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 21 300 12 10 k= Ci = 10 m/yr 250 ppb * 3 ppb 50 cfs 3 C = Q= P= 200 8 150 6 100 4 50 2 0 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 Load Removed (Mt/yr) Outflow Concentration (ppb) 250 0 10,000 Area (ac) Concentration Load EXHIBIT 13 General Improvement in Water Quality as a Function of Treatment Area DMSTA2 Simulation Results There are different approaches that can be taken to select the wetland area for a given project. The maximum area can be established based on the available land for construction and the flow can be sized based on the area, or the designer can determine the flow to be treated (or desired load to be removed) and acquire the area needed to treat that flow and load. DMSTA2 simulations were run to further evaluate the relationship between wetland area and phosphorus removal performance. STA areas were varied from 100 to 10,000 acres. These were steady-state simulations with a constant flow of 100 cfs which resulted in HLRs ranging from 0.6 to 60.5 cm/d. Three groups of simulations were run with inflow TP concentrations of 200, 400, and 600 ppb, or inflow loads of 17.9, 35.8, and 53.7 Mtons/yr. Outflow control elevations were set at 40 cm. All configurations were assumed to consist of single STA cells with an aspect ratio of 1.5:1 and a presumed N = 3. These values for aspect ratio and N are maintained through the remainder of the simulations in this document. Exhibit 14 shows the results of the DMSTA2 simulations for variable wetland areas. These plots show that load reduction initially increases rapidly as area increases (and HLR decreases) and then reaches a plateau where incremental area increases do not result in proportional load reduction increases. The point of diminishing returns shifts to WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 22 the right (larger areas) as the inflow concentration increases. For the case of Ci = 200 ppb, 88 percent of the applied load was removed for an area of 6,000 acres, but expanding the area by 66.7 percent (to 10,000 acres) only increased the estimated load reduction to 95 percent of the inflow value. It is important to note that while only the area (length and width) were varied for each inflow concentration set of simulations, the HLR was forced to vary based on the assumption of a constant 100-cfs flow. In addition, there are corresponding effects on mean water depth, horizontal velocity, and HRT. The overall caveat is that, similar to the P-k-C* results, there are regions of these curves that are outside a reasonable design envelope. While the DMSTA2 penalties for sustained high water depths were included in these results, other than providing automated warning messages that indicate a simulation is outside the range of the calibration data sets, the model does not “break” based on pre-defined or user-defined hydraulic constraints. Load Removed (kg/yr) 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 Area (ac) 100% Removal Efficiency (%) 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Area (ac) TP = 200 ppb TP = 400 ppb TP = 600 ppb EXHIBIT 14 General Improvement in Water Quality as a Function of Treatment Area WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 23 Cost Impacts The effect of area on capital cost can be simply approximated as a linear function with the application of a reasonable unit area land cost. For the purposes of this analysis, an average land cost of $10,000 per acre was assumed. As shown in Exhibit 15, capital costs for land increase dramatically as STA area is increased. Construction costs also increase as the facility size increases. A more detailed cost benefit analysis is presented in another section of this document. 100 90 80 Land Cost ($Millions) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 Area (ac) EXHIBIT 15 Land Purchase Costs as a Function of Total Area Recommendations Because land costs can be significant, the minimum area required to conservatively meet project objectives should be determined for each specific STA application. A full costbenefit analysis will be required during the development of project alternatives, but it is clear that for any set of operating conditions, there is a break point in the area versus performance curve at which cost-effectiveness declines. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 24 Inflow Concentration and Mass Loading Rate In general, wetland nutrient removal rates are fairly well correlated with inflow phosphorus concentration but are strongly correlated with inflow mass loading rate (Kadlec and Knight 1996). The effects of inflow concentration and mass loading rate on mass and concentration reduction were explored in the following ways: • Estimate performance at a constant inflow rate (100 cfs) and inflow TP concentrations ranging from 100 to 800 ppb for a single-size STA. This approach provides results that are a function of variable concentration and variable mass loading rate. • Estimate performance for a single-sized STA at varying flow rates and varying inflow concentrations. DMSTA2 Simulation Results DMSTA2 simulations were conducted for a 1,000-ac STA with control depths set to 40 cm. All configurations were assumed to consist of single STA cells with an aspect ratio of 1.5:1 and a presumed N = 3. Exhibit 16 shows the results for DMSTA2 simulations with constant flows and variable inflow phosphorus concentrations. These plots show that as inflow concentration and mass loading rate increase, the total load removed also increased, but efficiency declined. For this example, an 8X increase in inflow concentration yielded approximately a 4X increase in load reduction with a 2X decrease in efficiency. Estimated outflow concentrations were reduced by decreasing fractions as the differential between the inflow concentration and assumed background concentration (3 ppb) decreased. Exhibit 17 shows the results of DMSTA2 simulations for a 1000-ac STA with varying inflow rates and inflow concentrations. For each inflow concentration curve, flows were varied from 15 to 300 cfs (HLR = 1 to 18 cm/d) to span a range of mass loading rates. These results show that for a fixed area, more load can be removed, but at a decreasing efficiency, by increasing the inflow rate (hydraulic loading rate). Load removal is also increased with increasing inflow concentrations. For larger STAs (for example, 10,000 acres), the depth penalty becomes a concern at HLRs exceeding about 9 cm/d (Exhibit 18). WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 25 Inflow Mass Loading Rate (kg/ha/yr) 0 20 0 100 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Load Removed (kg/yr) 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Inflow P Concentration (ppb) Removal Efficiency (%) Inflow Mass Loading Rate (kg/ha/yr) 0 20 0 100 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 600 700 800 900 Inflow P Concentration (ppb) Outflow P Concentration (ppb) 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Inflow P Concentration (ppb) EXHIBIT 16 Estimated Effect of Inflow Concentration and Mass Loading Rate for a 1,000-ac STA at Constant Flow WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 26 Load Removed (kg/yr) 16,000 9 cm/d 1 cm/d 14,000 18 cm/d 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Mass Loading Rate (kg/ha/yr) 100% Removal Efficiency (%) 90% 1 cm/d 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 9 cm/d 10% 18 cm/d 0% 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Mass Loading Rate (kg/ha/yr) Load Removal Rate (kg/ha/yr) 40 9 cm/d 1 cm/d 35 18 cm/d 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Mass Loading Rate (kg/ha/yr) 100 ppb 200 ppb 400 ppb 600 ppb 800 ppb EXHIBIT 17 Estimated Effect of Inflow Concentration and Mass Loading Rate for a 1000-ac STA at Variable Flow Rates WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 27 Load Removed (kg/yr) 160,000 9 cm/d 1 cm/d 140,000 18 cm/d 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Mass Loading Rate (kg/ha/yr) 100% Removal Efficiency (%) 90% 1 cm/d 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 9 cm/d 10% 18 cm/d 0% 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Mass Loading Rate (kg/ha/yr) Load Removal Rate (kg/ha/yr) 40 9 cm/d 1 cm/d 35 18 cm/d 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Mass Loading Rate (kg/ha/yr) 100 ppb 200 ppb 400 ppb 600 ppb 800 ppb EXHIBIT 18 Estimated Effect of Inflow Concentration and Mass Loading Rate for a 10,000-ac STA at Variable Flow Rates WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 28 Cost Impacts The modeling results summarized above indicate that total load reduction can be increased by either increasing the volume of water applied to a particular area or by increasing the size of the area so that lower outflow concentrations can be achieved. Cost impacts would then be a function of land area and/or pump station capacity. Recommendations The modeling results show that for a fixed area, there is a benefit to increasing the mass loading rate. Because the source water phosphorus concentration can not be increased to achieve higher mass loading rates, the flow must be increased instead. Regardless of system scale, modeled load reduction rapidly increases as the HLR approaches about 5 to 7 cm/d. At these HLRs, for any given inflow concentration, mass removal rates are effectively maximized. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 29 Water Depth Because wetland performance has been shown to be area-based, rather than volumebased, increasing the operational water depth, and therefore the nominal HRT (assuming flow is constant), does not necessarily result in lower outflow concentrations or greater mass removal (Kadlec and Wallace 2009). Increasing depth decreases contact between the applied water and the active surfaces in the wetland where removal processes occur. DMSTA2 Simulation Results Exhibit 19 shows the results of DMSTA2 simulations that were run for a 1000-ac STA with outflow control depths ranging from 10 to 250 cm and HLRs of 3, 6, and 12 cm/d (50, 100, and 200 cfs). The presumption of vegetatively-controlled head loss used in the DMSTA2 calculations resulted in effective mean depths that ranged from about 53 to 250 cm even when control depths were set lower. For a HLR of 3 cm/d, control depths of 10, 20, 30, and 40 cm each resulted in a mean operational depth of 53 cm. Mean operational depths were equal to the control depths for specified control depths of 60, 80, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, and 250 cm. Thus, on Exhibit 19, there are four data points at an x-axis value of 53 cm. At a HLR of 6 cm/d, the transition between vegetatively-controlled depth (i.e., friction) and outlet-controlled depth occurred at a mean depth of 64 cm. At a HLR of 12 cm/d, the transition occurred at 78 cm. The load reduction response to increasing operating depth follows the DMSTA2 depthdependent rate constant curve described earlier. For a constant flow or HLR, estimated load reduction is maximized and stable for operational depths of up to 100 cm. Performance then declines as the system presumably shifts from an emergent marsh community to open water (i.e., a pond or reservoir). WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 30 9,000 Load Removed (kg/yr) 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 200 250 300 Mean Operating Depth (cm) 100% Removal Efficiency (%) 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 0 50 100 150 Mean Operating Depth (cm) 50 cfs (3 cm/d) 100 cfs (6 cm/d) 200 cfs (12 cm/d) EXHIBIT 19 Effect of Mean Operating Depth on Load Reduction for a 1000-ac STA Cost Impacts The costs for STA construction that relate to increasing the target operational depth are associated with levee height considerations and perhaps a scale-up in structure dimensions to accommodate a wider range of stage control. Recommendations At present, and unless future calibration enhancements to the DMSTA2 show otherwise, there is no strong basis for the District to modify the current design control depth of approximately 40 cm. Site-specific detailed design calculations will be required to show that a particular STA will operate within a depth range that maximizes inundation of the wetland area without exceeding plant community tolerances (see Plant Community Considerations). WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 31 Hydraulic Loading Rate Increasing the HLR for a given STA size must increase the flow, water depth, and mass loading rate, while it decreases HRT and removal efficiency. Results from previous sections showed that increasing the mass loading rate to a fixed area also increases mass removal as long as average depths do not exceed 100 cm. DMSTA2 Simulation Results Exhibit 20 shows DMSTA2 results for a 1000-ac STA operating at HLRs ranging from about 1 to 18 cm/d. These results show that load removal does increase with increasing HLR but each curve (inflow concentrations of 200, 400, and 600 ppb) begins to level off when the HLR exceeds about 6 cm/d. These results do not extend to high enough HLRs to trigger depth concerns in the model. In the section discussing aspect ratios, Exhibit 10 showed that, for moderate aspect ratios (up to about 2:1), sustained HLRs between 6 and 12 cm/d did not degrade performance. Exhibit 10 also showed that the HLR threshold decreased with increasing STA size. Cost Impacts The costs for STA construction that relate to increasing the design HLR are primarily tied to pump station capacity but could also be associated with levee height considerations and perhaps a scale-up in structure dimensions. Recommendations The District’s existing STAs in the EAA have been operated at long-term average HLRs ranging from about 0.3 to 2.9 cm/d (SFWMD 2009). These projects are focused on concentration reduction and thus must be operated at more conservative HLRs than projects that have been and will be constructed in the NLO watershed. The only operational STA in the NLO watershed is the Taylor Creek STA. Between June 2008 and February 2009, it was operated at an average HLR of about 6 cm/d and has removed about 30 percent of the applied phosphorus load (SFWMD unpublished data). An attempt was made to model the observed performance of the Taylor Creek STA with DMSTA2, but was unsuccessful because the system was operating under start-up conditions. DMSTA2 was constructed to model long-term dynamic performance after the development of a stable vegetative community. Considering the depth issues that can occur with increasing flow and HLR, and the range of potential STA sizes that could be constructed in the watershed, a long-term average HLR of up to about 6 cm/d is recommended for projects designed for maximum load reduction. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 32 Load Removed (kg/yr) 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 14 16 18 20 Hydraulic Loading Rate (cm/d) 100% Removal Efficiency (%) 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Hydraulic Loading Rate (cm/d) TP = 200 ppb TP = 400 ppb TP = 600 ppb EXHIBIT 20 Effect of HLR on Load Reduction for a 1000-ac STA WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 33 Hydraulic Residence Time Stormwater treatment design guidance documents positively-correlate increased load reduction efficiency with an increase in nominal HRT (Harper and Baker 2007). Gross load reduction, however, does not follow the same relationship. The nominal HRT of an STA can be increased by decreasing the inflow rate or increasing the volume (by increasing the area or depth). For a given area, decreasing the flow rate or increasing the depth will decrease the total load reduction. Conversely, if flow is held constant and area is allowed to increase (so that volume also increases) the total load reduction will increase. DMSTA2 Simulation Results Results from the same model runs described in the previous section (Hydraulic Loading Rate) were used to evaluate the effects of the nominal HRT on load reduction and load removal efficiency (Exhibit 21). Because these simulations were run for a fixed STA size (1,000 ac), HRT varied in response to the changing inflow HLR and its related effect on operational depth. These results show that load removal was maximized at low HRTs when inflow HLR and MLR was maximized. Conversely, removal efficiency increased with increased HRT. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 34 Load Removed (kg/yr) 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 35 40 45 50 Hydraulic Residence Time (d) 100% Removal Efficiency (%) 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Hydraulic Residence Time (d) TP = 200 ppb TP = 400 ppb TP = 600 ppb EXHIBIT 21 Effect of Nominal HRT on Load Reduction for a 1000-ac STA Recommendations An STA should be designed so that the presumed HLR and water depth regime are reasonable. If these conditions are met, there is no need to attempt to achieve a particular nominal HRT. The mean HRT (tracer-determined) can be maximized by maximizing the hydraulic efficiency of the system. For load reduction projects where there remains a substantial differential between treated outflow concentrations and irreducible background concentrations, the incremental benefit of improving the mean HRT is not significant. If mass removal efficiencies are required to be extremely high (or outflow concentrations are required to be near background), improvements in mean HRT can lead to significant improvements in performance. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 35 Cell Compartmentalization The subdivision of an available area into multiple cells is based on the following circumstances: • Existing topography may make it more cost-effective to terrace an area into multiple cells-in-series than to grade a larger cell to a consistent elevation. Terracing, however, may increase seepage rates between cells. The induced seepage could increase operational costs such as pumping to maintain water in the cells with higher ground elevations, or it could result in some cells experiencing more frequent or longer dryouts. • The need for uninterrupted operations may require multiple parallel treatment trains that allow for individual cells to be taken off line without shutting down the entire facility. • If trying to achieve very low outflow concentrations or very high removal efficiencies, the incremental performance improvement that can be gained by constructing cells-in-series may offset the added cost of additional levees and water control structures. • Compartmentalization may facilitate future conversions of some cells to a different vegetative community (such as SAV) if higher removal rates can be demonstrated. DMSTA2 Simulation Results DMSTA2 simulations were conducted for a hypothetical 1,000-ac site with an initial aspect ratio of 1.5:1. For simplicity, it was assumed that 1,000-ac of effective area would remain independent of how many cell subdivisions were made. Exhibit 22 shows the modeled cell configurations. For an inflow rate of 100 cfs and an inflow concentration of 250 ppb, the simulation results (Exhibit 23) show little difference in total load reduction, final outflow concentration, and removal efficiency. The primary reason for this apparent lack of effect is that performance is not very sensitive to the N value if the overall removal efficiency is not extremely high. Presuming that each cell has N=3 further dampens the benefit of serial compartmentalization in this case. Because each cell would be designed with attention to inflow distribution and outflow collection patterns, N was not varied as a function of the resulting aspect ratios. The sensitivity of model estimates to the type and degree of compartmentalization increases as the target outflow concentration decreases. Cost Impacts Compartmentalization increases costs in several ways. First, there is additional levee construction required to sub-divide the project site. There is also a proportional increase in the quantities associated with inflow and outflow distribution channel construction WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 36 and flow control structures, although for parallel cell configurations, the unit cost per structure may decrease. Q Q/2 Q/2 Area = 0.5A Width = 0.5W L:W = 3:1 Area = 0.5A Width = 0.5W L:W = 3:1 Q/2 Q/2 Area = 0.5A Width = W L:W = 0.75:1 Area = 0.25A Width = 0.5W L:W = 1.5:1 Area = 0.25A Width = 0.5W L:W = 1.5:1 Area = 0.5A Width = W L:W = 0.75:1 Area = 0.25A Width = 0.5W L:W = 1.5:1 Area = 0.25A Width = 0.5W L:W = 1.5:1 a) b) Area = A Width = W L:W = 1.5:1 Q c) d) EXHIBIT 22 Possible STA Cell Configurations for a 1,000-ac Site WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 37 EXHIBIT 23 Estimated Performance for Varying STA Cell Configurations for a 1,000-ac Site Cell Configuration Performance Measure Single Cell 2 Cells-in-Series 2 Parallel Cells 2 Parallel trains of 2 Cells-in-Series Load Removed (kg/yr) 7,618 7,763 7,618 7,763 Outflow P (ppb) 165 163 165 163 Removal Efficiency 34 35 34 35 Recommendations As long as the entire available wetland area remains in operation, parallel cell construction alone would not be expected to enhance overall system performance unless the individual cell geometries were drastically improved (for example, increasing aspect ratio from <<1:1 to 1:1). However, for reasons of increasing operational flexibility and in order to be able to continue to treat water if the need arises to take a flow path offline, at least two parallel trains should be considered during the design process. Serial cell construction is very likely to be dictated by topographic constraints and the need for terracing. There is no particular minimum or maximum area limitation for a single cell that has been reported in the literature. Existing individual cell areas in the District’s STAs range in size from about 60 to 3,500 acres. For proposed large STAs, hydraulic profile calculations may also indicate that serial cell construction is needed to constrain differential water depths between the inlet and outlet so that plant community composition is not impacted. While designers would not intentionally lay out cells to have poor hydraulic efficiencies, constructing serial cells guarantees a minimum systemwide N of at least 2. As general design guidance, it is recommended that each STA project should have a minimum of 2 parallel treatment trains (Exhibit 22b) with serial cell construction as required based on topographic and hydraulic constraints. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 38 Deep Zones Deep zones are open water trenches that extend transversely to the direction of flow. Deep zones must be excavated to a depth (typically greater than 3 feet) that precludes colonization by emergent aquatic vegetation. Deep zones serve multiple purposes such as facilitating the settling of suspended solids enhancing aeration of the water column, allowing ultraviolet light to penetrate and increasing pathogen elimination, and increasing habitat for fish and wildlife (Kadlec and Wallace 2009). The direct effect of deep zones on water quality improvement (particularly for nutrients) is uncertain. Some data indicate greater pollutant reductions with the presence of deep zones (Knight et al. 1994), while other studies show no clear benefit (Kadlec 2007). One reason that deep zones may not improve performance is that functional wetland area is replaced with open water. Because performance is area-based, any reduction in effective area can have a negative impact on pollutant removal. On the other hand, deep zones have been promoted based on the presumption that they increase mixing, intercept short-circuited flow, and redistribute flow across the width of the wetland (Kadlec and Wallace 2009, Lightbody 2007). Firm design criteria for deep zones are not found in the treatment wetlands literature. Empirical data from systems with deep zones are confounded by effects of wind mixing, variable hydraulic and mass loading rates, varying deep zone geometry, varying vegetation type and density, and stochastic variability in performance. However, recent laboratory and field studies (Lightbody et al. 2007, Lightbody et al. 2008), coupled with the results of mathematical models (Lightbody et al. 2007, Lightbody et al. 2009, ASU 2002) provide a preliminary basis for developing deep zone design criteria. The potential improvement in hydraulic performance provided by deep zones requires the existence of preferential flow paths upstream from the deep zone. It is highly likely that the majority of wetlands have slow and fast flow paths and the results from visual tracer studies confirm this notion (CH2M HILL 2003, DB Environmental 2000, WSI 2009). ASU (2002) found that recirculation within deep zones was dependent on the water depth ratio between deep and vegetated areas and deep zone side slope. Width and length of deep zone had little effect on recirculation. Field results showed that multiple, narrow deep zone configurations produce more “plug flow-like” hydraulics, and the number of deep zones was usually similar to the number of tanks in series. Results from a bench-scale physical model showed that recirculating currents formed in deep zones under the conditions encountered in full-scale wetlands (Lightbody et al. 2007). The results from a mathematical model showed that deep zones improved simulated performance under some conditions. Lightbody et al. (2009) built on their earlier work and developed a more complex numerical model to further evaluate the effects of deep zones on wetland performance. The results showed that deep zones offset the negative effect of short-circuiting by WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 39 mixing water from slow and fast flow paths and by reducing the probability that fast flow paths align throughout the wetland. The modeling showed that at least one deep zone within a large wetland was beneficial to wetland performance regardless of its ability to remove pollutants. The size and number of deep zones that benefited performance varied with wetland length, Damkohler number, and the fraction of flow assigned to fast flow paths. The simulations and reported field data showed that deep zones did not improve water quality performance when the deep zone fraction exceeded 0.36 (area of deep zone divided by total area). A threshold was reached where the hydraulic improvements provided by deep zones were over-shadowed by the conversion of wetland area (high removal rate) to open water area (lower removal rate). The results can be interpreted to yield the following guidelines for deep zone design: • Most wetlands require a deep zone length in excess of 10 meters (m) to induce recirculation (deep zone lengths of 5, 15, and 60 m were modeled), • The number of beneficial deep zones increases approximately linearly at a rate of 1 deep zone per 100 m of wetland length (for wetlands of up to 1,000 m in length), and • In no case should the deep zone fraction exceed 0.36. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 40 Sediment Accretion Rate and System Life Expectancy Phosphorus removal in STAs initially occurs via uptake into a growing “biomachine” (the macrophytes, algae, microbial assemblages, and invertebrates in the wetland), and sorption to sediments (Kadlec 1999). Both of these storage compartments can be saturated, with the time required for saturation dependent upon multiple factors including the HLR, inflow phosphorus concentration, substrate type and antecedent soil phosphorus concentration, and biomass growth rate. Once these storages are filled, the long-term removal mechanism is in the accretion of new sediments (Kadlec 1999). This sustainable process is further described below. The rate of sediment accretion is an important variable in the ageing process of treatment wetlands. They may or may not reach a point at which the depth of accreted sediments impacts the operation. Over time, the average ground surface elevation in the wetland can be expected to increase. This will, in turn, require higher water surface elevations to maintain design flows and depths. Increasing water surface elevations could affect pump station operation, the flexibility of passive water control structures, the need for additional levee freeboard, or even the composition and density of the target vegetation community in the wetland. This section summarizes sediment and phosphorus accretion data from operational treatment wetlands and natural wetlands. The purpose of this section is to provide a simplified but correct summary of the sediment accretion process, identify the range of accretion rates that have been observed, relate these rates to existing and expected future conditions in the STAs, and present design and management alternatives for maximizing treatment wetland design life. Sediment and Phosphorus Accretion Processes Sediment accretion in wetlands occurs through a variety of physical and chemical processes. Water movement is typically very slow in wetlands, which facilitates the physical deposition of particles that have settling velocities greater than the horizontal velocity through the wetland. These particles enter the wetland via surface runoff, in the case of some natural wetlands, or in pumped or gravity inflows, in the case of treatment wetlands. Physical settling can also occur through the collision of particles with plant stems, the trapping of particles in biofilms attached to macrophytes and the sediment/water interface, or any random process that moves particles to a surface (Kadlec and Knight 1996). In addition to particles that enter a wetland with surface water inflows, some particles are deposited with direct rainfall or dryfall. Dryfall particulate matter includes windblown dust, ash, and pollen. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 41 Wetlands directly generate sediments through processes such as the decomposition of plant leaves and stems, algal growth and decomposition, and the death of wetland invertebrates. These accreted sediments are often rich in organic matter and have the properties of the organic peat formed in many natural palustrine wetlands. Under certain water quality conditions, chemical reactions may also produce solids that contribute to the sediment layer. The most common precipitates found in treatment wetlands are iron oxyhydroxides, calcium carbonate, and divalent metal sulfides (Kadlec and Knight 1996). There are important differences between the effects of mineral versus organic sediment deposition in wetlands. Bulk densities for mineral wetland soils generally range from 1.0 to 2.0 grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3), while bulk densities for organic soils are typically less than 0.3 g/cm3 (Mitsch and Gosselink 2000). For a given solids loading rate, mineral deposits occupy a smaller volume than organic sediments. Mineral solids contain more sand, silt, and clay particles than organic soils and generally do not compact much without mechanical force. Organic sediments are, in the short-term, more flocculent than mineral sediments, but are subject to gravitational compaction with time. Organic sediments are also typically more degradable than mineral sediments. Under certain conditions, organic sediments can be oxidized, a process which may increase the bulk density and reduce their volume. Another distinction is needed between flocculent materials above the sediment/water interface and more consolidated deposits at the interface. Dense particles will typically settle directly to the sediment surface, but lighter particles may form a layer of flocculent material that compacts at a slower rate. This type of settling is analogous to the process of flocculent settling that occurs in wastewater treatment clarifiers. Over time, the flocculent layer will consolidate and become more or less indistinguishable from the underlying native sediments. For the purposes of this document, net accretion is defined as the long-term process that includes consolidation of flocculent materials, and gross accretion is defined as the short-term deposition of flocculent materials. It should be noted that it is difficult to collect sediment samples in a manner that allows for accurate and discrete measurements of the flocculent and more consolidated fractions of the total sediment deposits. It should also be noted that short-term field measurements of the flocculent material zone are not equivalent to measurements of long-term net accretion. Phosphorus occurs in a variety of soluble and insoluble complexes in organic and inorganic forms in wetlands (Mitsch and Gosselink 2000). Phosphorus accretion processes include settling of incoming particulate phosphorus, decomposition and settling of biomass containing phosphorus, and precipitation of phosphorus with metal cations. Co-precipitation of phosphorus with calcium carbonate is an additional component of the accretion cycle in some south Florida STA wetlands. Each of the processes described above occurs across the entire wetted surface area of the wetland, but with variable magnitudes that are a function of the system age and loading rate. Sediment generation and resuspension pathways associated with biomass growth and decomposition are particularly influenced in this manner. During the start-up phase, applied nutrients are rapidly incorporated into an expanding active biomass compartment. As the system matures, and under relatively stable pollutant and WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 42 Water Column P Concentration (mg/L) hydraulic loading rates, a steady-state case (Exhibit 24) develops in which decreasing gradients can be measured from the wetland inlet to outlet. These gradients exist for measurements of biomass (live, dead, and total), water column pollutant concentration, accreted sediment depth, and sediment pollutant concentration. In adequately-sized wetlands operated past the startup phase (typically 1 to 5 years), the gradients level off where all processes are in equilibrium. In Exhibit 24b, this is indicated by the occurrence of an inflection point in the sediment profile, but water and sediment phosphorus concentrations also follow a similar trend of decreasing to an equilibrium average outflow concentration. 0.300 0.200 0.100 0.000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Fractional Distance from Inlet (a) Biomachine and Sedimentation Processes Inlet Outlet 200 ppb 40 ppb Flocculent Sediments Accreted Sediments Original Substrate (b) EXHIBIT 24 Steady-state Development of Concentration and Sediment Gradients in Wetlands If loads are increased, the magnitude of the biomachine processes can be expected to increase near the inlet zone and for some distance downstream (Exhibit 25). This increased biomachine results in an increasing net rate of sediment and nutrient accumulation as indicated by larger downward arrows. The inflection point shown in the hypothetical sediment thickness profile in Exhibit 25a will also move downstream. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 43 Water Column P Concentration (mg/L) 0.500 0.400 0.300 Time 0.200 0.100 0.000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Fractional Distance from Inlet a) Biomachine and Sedimentation Processes Inlet Outlet 400 ppb 40 ppb Flocculent Sediments Accreted Sediments Original Substrate b) Time Biomachine and Sedimentation Processes Inlet Outlet 400 ppb 60 ppb Flocculent Sediments Accreted Sediments Original Substrate c) EXHIBIT 25 Effect of Increasing Inlet Concentration on Treatment Wetland Gradients a) shows the water column P concentration shifting with time following a load increase. b) shows the initial response of the wetland to the increased loading. The biomachine expands near the inlet, but the effects of the increase are not evident throughout the wetland. c) shows the estimated steady-state condition with higher biomachine activity throughout and greater sediment accretion rates. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 44 Depending upon the loading rate, the wetland may still meet the same water quality objectives as before, but the equilibrium point will move closer to the wetland outlet. With continuing increases in loading rate the average outlet phosphorus concentration will also increase, eventually resulting in an apparent breakthrough of phosphorus because the wetland is too small for nutrient additions to be balanced by sustainable removal mechanisms. Decreasing loads have the opposite effect of increasing loads, with one important difference (Exhibit 26). As the biomachine gradient effectively shrinks back toward the inlet zone, and the water column phosphorus gradient also shifts backward, sediments that previously were at equilibrium with the water column will release some phosphorus until a new equilibrium is achieved. This phenomenon is denoted in the schematic figures as an upward arrow proportional to the rate of net phosphorus release. Some of this released phosphorus will be almost immediately re-incorporated in growing biomass and redeposited as newly accreted sediments while the rest will travel downstream in the wetland until it arrives at the point where the previous equilibrium existed for that higher nutrient concentration. No additional net sediment nutrient release will occur past that point. Under most conditions of declining pollutant inputs to a treatment wetland, the water column phosphorus concentrations at the wetland outlet will not be negatively impacted and will gradually decline in response to the new lower inlet pollutant loading regime. A family of concentration vs. gradient curves is drawn in Exhibit 26a to illustrate this temporal and spatial adjustment to reduced phosphorus inlet concentrations. The phenomena described above for phosphorus are generally applicable at differing scales to all dissolved pollutants of concern in treatment wetlands, including the various forms of nitrogen and a variety of trace metals and organics. These pollutants typically follow first-order removal rates and have sediment/water column equilibria but have differing rate constants and background values due to their differing chemistries and biological affinities. Sediment and Phosphorus Accretion Rates The rate of sediment accretion, particularly if very rapid, is an important consideration for treatment wetland design. Phosphorus accretion rates are also important as a measure of the long-term, stable phosphorus removal capacity in treatment wetlands. The following sections compare sediment and phosphorus accretion rates in natural and engineered treatment wetlands. Sediment and Phosphorus Accretion Rates in Natural Wetlands Detailed sediment and phosphorus accretion rates have been measured in the Water Conservation Areas (WCAs) that lie between Lake Okeechobee and Everglades National Park. The WCAs are expansive natural marshes that are managed by the District for water supply, flood control, and habitat preservation. A portion of WCA 2A has been impacted by 30+ years of agricultural runoff discharges that have elevated the water column nutrient concentrations above background conditions. Average sediment accretion rates in WCA 2A ranged from 1.6 mm/yr in unimpacted areas to 4.0 mm/yr in enriched areas (Craft and Richardson 1993). The highest value of 11.3 mm/yr was WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 45 Water Column P Concentration (mg/L) 0.200 Time 0.100 0.000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Fractional Distance from Inlet a) Biomachine and Sedimentation Processes Inlet Outlet 100 ppb 40 ppb 0 Flocculent Sediments Accreted Sediments Original Substrate b) Time Biomachine and Sedimentation Processes Inlet Outlet 100 ppb 20 ppb Flocculent Sediments Accreted Sediments Original Substrate c) EXHIBIT 26 Effect of Decreasing Inlet Concentration on Treatment Wetland Gradients a) shows the water column P concentration shifting with time following a load decrease. b) shows the initial response of the wetland to the decreased loading. Sediment nutrient fluxes change in response to a lower water column P concentration .c) shows the estimated steady-state condition with lower biomachine activity throughout and reduced sediment accretion rates. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 46 measured near an inflow structure that carried nutrient-enriched water (Reddy et al. 1993). Accretion rates in WCA 3A ranged from 2.0 to 3.2 mm/yr. In both areas, peat accretion rates were highest in areas of the marsh with the longest hydroperiods. Phosphorus accretion rates ranged from 0.08 to 0.23 g/m2/yr in the unenriched areas of WCA 2A and WCA 3A to 0.46 g/m2/yr in the enriched zones of WCA 2A. The lowest phosphorus accretion rates were measured in interior areas of the WCAs where phosphorus loading rates were consistent with historical atmospheric inputs (0.06-0.08 g/m2/yr) while the highest rates were observed where agricultural phosphorus loadings averaged 0.53 g/m2/yr (Craft and Richardson 1993). The St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) manages several large marshes in the Upper St. Johns River Basin (USJRB). Long-term (since 1900) sediment accretion rates from ten marsh sites averaged 3.3 mm/yr, but rates since circa 1963 increased to 5.3 mm/yr as a result of hydrologic changes and increasing non-point source pollutant loads (Brenner et al. 2001). Recent (>1970) phosphorus accretion rates ranged from 0.08 to 0.38 g/m2/yr with higher rates near inflow control structures. Preimpact phosphorus accretion rates averaged 0.02 g/m2/yr. Sediment and Phosphorus Accretion Rates in Treatment Wetlands Sediment and phosphorus accretion have been measured in several operational treatment wetlands (Exhibit 27), including the Everglades Agricultural Area STAs. It should be noted that some of the data are from short-term studies in which the depths of flocculent sediments were measured. In general, accretion rates are higher in treatment wetlands than in natural wetlands and are a function of incoming particulate loading rates and a variety of internal processes. Short-term Studies (Flocculent Sediments) In south Florida, short-term gross accretion data are available for mesocosms, field-scale research cells, and full-scale STAs. Short-term sediment accretion rates were measured in periphyton-based STA (PSTA) mesocosms (6-18 m2), 2,020-m2 test cells, and 20,200-m2 field-scale cells using sediment traps. Results from the 26 individual experimental treatments ranged from 1.5 to 35 mm/yr and averaged 17.9 mm/yr (CH2M HILL 2003). Average short-term gross sediment accretion rates were higher in the test cells (28.8 mm/yr) and field-scale cells (23.5 mm/yr) than in the smaller mesocosms (15.0 mm/yr). Short-term phosphorus accretion rates in the PSTA cells ranged from 0.01 to 1.95 g/m2/yr and averaged 0.34 g/m2/yr across all platforms. Phosphorus accretion increased with system scale with rates of 0.29 g/m2/yr for the 19 mesocosms, 0.42 g/m2/yr for the 3 test cells, and 0.52 g/m2/yr for the 4 field-scale cells. The District recently collected sediment cores from STA-1W (formerly called the ENR), STA-2, STA-5, and STA-6. The depths of flocculent material are reported in Exhibit 27. These measurements likely over-estimate net sediment deposition rates, as it is difficult to measure accumulation of flooded sediments with a coring device. Flocculent sediment accretion rates in the STAs ranged from 12 to 24 mm/yr. These rates are 2 to 4 times greater than the longer-term net accretion rates for the ENR reported by Chimney et al. (2000) that were based on depths over feldspar horizon markers (see below). WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 47 The highest short-term gross accretion rates reported in the treatment wetlands literature are from the Lake Apopka Marsh Flow-Way Demonstration project. Coveney et al. (2002) measured a median accretion rate of flocculent sediments of 137 mm/yr in the first cell (74 ha) of a 217-ha marsh designed to remove nutrients from hypereutrophic lake water. The corresponding phosphorus accumulation rate was 1.9 g/m2/yr. It should be noted that influent TSS concentrations to this prototype marsh flow-way ranged from 35 to 190 milligrams per liter (mg/L), well above the typical values (<10 mg/L) reported for the Everglades STAs (Goforth et al. 2004) and for many treatment wetlands in Florida and the U.S. (<20 mg/L) reported by Kadlec and Knight (1996). EXHIBIT 27 Summary of Sediment and Phosphorus Accretion Rates and Phosphorus Loading Rates for Treatment Wetlands Site Sediment Accretion Rate mm/yr P Accretion 2 Rate g/m /yr P Loading Rate g/m2/yr Source Short-term (gross) accretion studies PSTA Mesocosms 1.5 – 28.3 0.01 – 1.95 0.42 – 1.61 CH2M HILL 2003 PSTA Test Cells 24.4- 35.2 0.27 – 0.55 0.31 – 0.39 CH2M HILL 2003 PSTA Field Scale Cells 14.2 – 34.7 0.19 – 0.76 0.55 - 0.77 CH2M HILL 2003 STA-1W 18.4 – 22.1 -- -- SFWMD STA-2 12.5 – 13.0 -- -- SFWMD STA-5 15.8 – 23.8 -- -- SFWMD STA-6 13.7 – 14.1 -- -- SFWMD 137 1.91 0.08 Coveney et al. 2002 5.6 0.44 0.47 – 29.6 Chimney et al. 2000 2.7 – 14.8 0.08 – 3.68 0.08 – 8.71 UF 2001 10 0.17 0.27 Apopka Marsh Flow-way Long-term (net) accretion studies Everglades Nutrient Removal Project Orlando Easterly Wetland Houghton Lake USEPA 1993; Kadlec 1997 Note: PSTA and STA data are known to represent highly flocculent material WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 48 Long-term Studies (Net Accretion) Data from the first 6 years of operation of the Everglades Nutrient Removal Project (ENR) indicate an average net sediment accretion rate of 5.6 mm/yr and a phosphorus accretion rate of 0.44 g/m2/yr (Chimney et al. 2000). While these sediments were reportedly still somewhat flocculent in nature, the data suggest that the sediment depths measured in other operational STAs will decline with time as compaction processes continue. The University of Florida collected sediment data from the 486-hectare (ha) Orlando Easterly Wetlands (UF 2001). Samples were collected from each of 17 cells and represent accumulation over 13 years of operation. Most of the cells are shallow to deep marshes. The terminal cells consist of a deep lake and a hardwood swamp forest. Sediment accumulation averaged 5.5 mm/yr across the site (White et al. 2001a). Across all cells, phosphorus accretion rates at the OEW ranged from 0.08 to 3.68 g/m2/yr and averaged 0.66 g/m2/yr. Phosphorus accretion rates did not follow a clear gradient through the system although rates generally declined through the first four of five stages in the treatment wetland. Approximately 68 percent of the stored phosphorus was in inorganic forms (UF 2001). White et al. (2001b) reported that there had been an accumulation of sediments in the inflow region of the OEW that caused hydraulic short-circuiting and needed removal to avoid impacts to long-term phosphorus removal. Exhibit 28 (Black and Wise 2003) summarizes the inflow and outflow phosphorus concentration data from the OEW. Within the available period-of-record data prior to the sediment removal project in August 2002 to March 2003, there is no indication of a decrease in phosphorus removal performance over time. Slight increases in outlet phosphorus concentration correspond to periods of higher inflow concentration and not to any apparent ageing effect discernible in the actual wetland outflow data. Longitudinal transect data show that the water column equilibrium concentration has been consistently reached at a fractional distance from the outlet of about 0.7 (Exhibit 29; Black and Wise 2003). This is in spite of much increased mass loading rate to the wetland in recent years (Exhibit 30; Black and Wise 2003). These data indicate that the OEW treatment wetland still had excess capacity and that no sediment removal program was needed to sustain that capacity. Based on preliminary results reported for OEW, pre- and post-sediment removal, it appears that average outlet phosphorus concentration was slightly reduced as a result of this project (0.077 mg/L pre-removal and 0.059 mg/L post-removal, 12-month averages). These concentration averages are both within the normal range of historical data and are not significantly different (α = 0.05). The Houghton Lake marsh has been receiving wastewater effluent since the early 1970’s. Organic soils historically accreted at a rate of about 2 to 4 mm/yr, as determined from radio-carbon dating techniques (USEPA 1993; Kadlec 1997). The rate has increased to about 10 mm/yr in the discharge area since effluent application began. Houghton Lake is one of the longest-running surface flow treatment wetlands (30+ years), and to date, has not required any sediment management activities to maintain stable phosphorus removal rates (Kadlec 1997). The concentration and biomass gradients described above have been a subject of detailed investigations at the Houghton Lake site (Kadlec 1997). WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 49 Monthly Average P Concentration (mg/L) 1.4 1.2 Sediment Removal 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Inflow Ju l- 0 2 Ju l- 0 3 Ju l- 0 0 Ju l- 0 1 Ju l- 9 8 Ju l- 9 9 Ju l- 9 6 Ju l- 9 7 Ju l- 9 4 Ju l- 9 5 Ju l- 9 2 Ju l- 9 3 Ju l- 9 0 Ju l- 9 1 Ju l- 8 8 Ju l- 8 9 0 Outflow EXHIBIT 28 Inflow and Outflow P Concentration Data from the Orlando Easterly Wetlands (adapted from Black and Wise 2003) 0.35 0.30 P Concentration (mg/L) 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Fractional Distance from Inlet to Outlet 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 EXHIBIT 29 P Concentration Transect Data from the Orlando Easterly Wetlands (adapted from Black and Wise 2003) WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 50 2 Monthly Average P Mass Loading (g/m /yr) 6 5 Sediment Removal 4 3 2 1 Inflow Ju l-0 2 Ju l-0 3 Ju l-0 0 Ju l-0 1 Ju l-9 8 Ju l-9 9 Ju l-9 6 Ju l-9 7 Ju l-9 4 Ju l-9 5 Ju l-9 2 Ju l-9 3 Ju l-9 0 Ju l-9 1 Ju l-8 8 Ju l-8 9 0 Outflow EXHIBIT 30 Inflow and Outflow P Mass Loading Data from the Orlando Easterly Wetlands (adapted from Black and Wise 2003) Long-term net phosphorus removal data from about 250 treatment wetlands are available in the North American Treatment Wetland Database v.2 (CH2M HILL 1998). These data include calculated phosphorus retention rates with a median value of 4.28 g/m2/yr, an average value of 33.3 g/m2/yr, and a maximum value of 287 g/m2/yr. These data illustrate the fact that much higher sustainable phosphorus removal is typical of treatment wetlands that receive higher phosphorus loads (Kadlec 1999). Options for Management of Long-Term Sediment Accretion There are several options available for designing treatment wetlands to include additional capacity for sediment accretion or managing sediments once they have accreted. It is sound engineering practice to provide for sediment accretion in the design of the treatment wetland. STAs are lightly loaded compared to treatment wetlands that receive municipal wastewater effluent, industrial effluents, livestock runoff, or in some cases, eutrophic lake water or highly-turbid river water. Thus, the biomachine processes described above can be expected to result in relatively low sediment accretion rates for the STAs. In no known case has sediment removal been necessary to maintain phosphorus removal in a treatment wetland dominated by emergent vegetation. Sediment removal has occurred at both the OEW and Apopka sites, but primarily for hydraulic reasons. Neither site was constructed with much levee freeboard, so increases in wetland bottom elevation caused by sediment deposition impacted the physical operation of these systems. As indicated in the previous section, sustainable phosphorus removal at OEW was apparently not impacted by the sediment accretion. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 51 In 2007, the District removed sediment from the western flow-way of STA-1W. The very loose flocculent layer of soil and poor water quality were creating a condition that would not allow the submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) to grow; the top layer was scraped and hauled offsite. Following rehydration, the SAV recolonized and water quality performance improved (T. Piccone, personal communication, August 25, 2009). The disadvantage of post-construction management techniques is that they require the wetland, or individual wetland cells, to be taken off line for varying periods of time. For a treatment wetland designed to meet a specific outflow concentration requirement, this requires treatment area and cell redundancy and a significant cost increase for construction. Once such a system has been serviced, there is likely to be additional time needed to restore pre-maintenance biomass levels and achieve stable effluent quality. This is typically not the most cost-effective design approach for new treatment wetlands. Allow for Sediment Accretion in System Design A passive approach for managing sediment accumulation in wetlands is to provide for additional storage in the system. This can be accomplished either by increasing the levee height and resulting freeboard beyond what is needed based on system hydraulics and/or by excavating deep zones below the wetland grade. Incremental increases in required levee height could be determined from the estimated or measured accretion rate and the projected life span of the project. Because there is usually a decreasing gradient of sediment depth from inlet to outlet, levee top elevations may be sloped accordingly, as long as hydraulic constraints do not mandate otherwise. Levee height increases can be made as needed at anytime during the life of a treatment wetland project, deferring construction costs to the future to reduce total present worth costs. Mechanical Removal The mechanical removal of sediments can be accomplished through suction dredging or excavation using a clamshell or backhoe. Suction dredging can occur while the system is flooded, but excavation equipment is best used when the system is dewatered and vegetation is removed. Suction dredging may temporarily impact water quality by suspending solids and releasing nutrients. Mechanical sediment removal following a drawdown could also impact water quality once the system is re-flooded. Wetland soils tend to release nutrients upon initial flooding (Kadlec and Knight 1996), so operational strategies must be employed that manage the discharge of water that may not meet permit limitations. A disadvantage of these mechanical techniques is that they require the drying, hauling, and disposal of the removed wet sediments. Stewart and Zivojnovich (2004) prepared a conceptual cost estimate for removing sediments from a treatment wetland. Assumptions included an accretion rate of 2.8 cm/yr and a residuals management process that included excavation, dewatering, windrowing, loading, and hauling. The estimated unit cost was $360 per cubic yard of finished product. They speculated that the finished composted material could be sold for $5 per cubic yard, which would lower the overall disposal cost. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 52 Drawdown/Consolidation Drawdown is a recognized tool in the lake management field for consolidating flocculent sediments and oxidizing organic matter. Intentional treatment wetland drawdowns are not often used because nutrients and metals that are bound in the sediments can be mobilized upon re-flooding. Short-term nutrient releases have been observed in the Everglades STAs that have experienced dry-outs caused by drought conditions (Goforth et al. 2004). Nutrient spikes were also observed in the PSTA test cells and field-scale cells after induced periods of dry-out (CH2M HILL 2003). A drawdown was successful at the Lake Apopka Marsh Flow-Way for consolidating sediments. Over the first 29-month period of operation, approximately 33 centimeters (cm) of flocculent sediment accumulated in the first wetland cell. A drawdown was conducted, and maximum consolidation of sediments was reached after 65 days, with bulk densities increasing from about 5 to 36 g/L (Coveney et al. 2002). Drawdown studies were conducted at the OEW to determine the relationship between the duration of dry-out and the availability of labile phosphorus. The studies indicated that drawdowns lasting 60 days or longer may reduce labile phosphorus concentrations in accreted sediments (UF 2001). The District attempted to use drawdown in the western flow-way of STA-1W but after about 4-6 months following rehydration, the flocculent sediments became unconsolidated and were easily resuspended in the water column, thereby preventing SAV from re-establishing. The 2007 scraping effort described above was conducted after the drawdown technique failed (T. Piccone, personal communication, August 25, 2009). Drawdown/Burning Drawdown followed by burning can also be conducted to reduce the depth of accumulated sediments. A prescribed burning experiment was conducted in Cell 3 of the OEW in 1994 that reduced cell biomass by 60 to 70 percent (UF 2001). An increase in water column nutrient concentrations was observed following the gradual rehydration of the cell, but the water was not discharged until concentrations declined to an acceptable level (UF 2001). A disadvantage of burning is the loss of vegetation, detritus, and microbial communities that are responsible for many of the water quality enhancement processes that occur in wetlands. Denitrification, for example may be limited due to decreased levels of available organic carbon. Some period of decreased performance is anticipated following burning. Summary While treatment wetlands and STAs in particular have been proven to provide longterm phosphorus removal over a wide range of loading rates, there are differing opinions as to the need for maintenance, particularly sediment management, during the design life of a wetland. To date, very few emergent-dominated wetlands have required any sort of sediment management, and even those where sediments were removed, did not exhibit degradation in overall performance that implied maintenance was necessary. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 53 Based on the District’s experience, SAV-dominated systems may require sediment management if resuspension degrades water clarity to the point that the vegetation can not survive. Long-term net sediment accretion rates in treatment wetlands ranged from 2.7 to 14.8 mm/yr, with a median value of 5.6 mm/yr. Typical long-term accretion rates that can be used in treatment wetland design range from 5 to 10 mm/yr, and at these rates, the effects on system life are expected to be minimal (about 30 to 60 years of system life per foot of levee freeboard). Options for managing sediments in treatment wetlands and STAs can be grouped into two categories: design approaches and maintenance techniques. Treatment wetlands can be designed with cost-effective sediment management in mind by including deep zones and/or additional levee freeboard. Incremental increases in required levee height could be determined from the estimated or measured accretion rate and the projected life span of the project. Because there is usually a decreasing gradient of sediment depth from inlet to outlet, levee top elevations may be sloped accordingly, as long as hydraulic constraints do not mandate otherwise. Once a treatment wetland has reached its design life (typically from 50 to 100 years) it can be rejuvenated for continuing use by adding additional height to the original levees. Though not often necessary or recommended, physical maintenance activities may be implemented in treatment wetlands that include dredging, drawdowns, controlled burns, and scraping and removal of plant materials. One significant disadvantage of post-construction management techniques is that they require the wetland, or individual wetland cells, to be taken off line for varying periods of time. Once a system has been serviced, there is additional time needed to restore pre-maintenance biomass levels and achieve stable effluent quality. These techniques also increase operational costs. The following conclusions are offered: • Sediment accretion is a normal and important process in treatment wetlands that provides a long-term, stable repository for nutrients and other pollutants of concern. • Long-term net sediment accretion rates in treatment wetlands are reasonably predictable based upon observations from existing systems. • Sediment accretion should be considered during the design of levees and deep zones for treatment wetlands. For STAs constructed in the Lake Okeechobee watershed design accretion rates between 0.5 and 1 cm per year are considered reasonable. • Treatment wetland life can be extended cost-effectively by increasing existing berm dimensions. • The potential impacts of dry-outs, dredging, and burning, such as water quality degradation following rehydration and economic impacts from necessary increases in treatment wetland area, mandate careful consideration before these WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 54 approaches are used in south Florida treatment wetlands, should sediment management become necessary during the operational life. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 55 Levee Height Considerations The District and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have developed design procedures to determine necessary freeboard heights based on design storm events, wind-caused wave effects, and the hazard classification potential of the impoundment. District Design Criteria Memorandum 2 (DCM-2) recommends specific wind and precipitation criteria for freeboard design for stormwater treatment areas (STAs) and reservoirs. DCM-1 covers hazard potential classification. “High hazard” impoundments are those where failure or poor operation will probably cause loss of human life. “Significant hazard” impoundments are those where failure would cause high economic losses or loss of highly valued ecosystems. “Low hazard” impoundments are those where failure is not likely to result in loss of life or large economic impacts, or significant damage to receiving ecosystems. DCM-2 Summary Freeboard design approaches based on hazard classification are summarized below. High and Significant Hazard Potential Freeboard height is determined for each of the following cases of storm events and antecedent conditions: • Case 1 - 100 year wind with the probable maximum precipitation. • Case 2 - 100 year precipitation in conjunction with Saffir Simpson Scale category 5 hurricane winds. • Case 3 - Probable maximum wind (PMW) at 200 mph with a normal full storage level condition. Note that this case is not to be used as design criteria, only a sensitivity measurement. • Case 4 - Wind and precipitation from a specific historic storm event. For each case, wave height and runup are determined using the Shore Protection Manual (SPM), Steady State Spectral Wave model (STWAVE), or the Automated Coastal Engineering System (ACES). Wind setup for each case is estimated using the Zeider Zee equation if the average water depth exceeds 16 feet, or the Bretschneider method (Bretschneider 1966) for depths less than 16 feet. The freeboard value obtained for each case is estimated as a function of the flood surcharge (routed flood) depth, wind setup, wave height and runup, embankment settlement, waves induced by potential landslides, and provisions for spillway or discharge malfunction. The maximum freeboard value resulting from these scenarios should be used in the design (SFWMD 2006). WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 56 Low Hazard Potential Freeboard for low hazard areas is determined using the maximum of 3 feet or the combined impact of wind setup and wave runup for a 60-mph 1-hr wind condition at the maximum storage water level. This water level is determined by the 100-yr 24-hr precipitation event. Designs in high and significant hazard areas may not determine freeboard in this manner (SFWMD 2006). STA Freeboard Design Examples C-44 Storage Reservoir/STA Project - For internal and external STA embankments, an encompassing design of 6-ft embankments was used. Freeboard was 2 feet above the maximum water depth of 4 feet (USACE 2004a). Taylor Creek STA - Levee freeboard was estimated using effects of a 10-yr 24-hr precipitation event, wind shear surge, wave runup and backwater effects. Each factor required 6 inches, 4 inches, 18 inches, and 8 inches of freeboard, respectively. Therefore the total freeboard was determined to be 3 ft with side slopes of 1V:3H. This freeboard was added to the levee crest design pool elevation (USACE 2009). Lakeside Ranch STA – Levee freeboard was estimated as 3 feet with a total berm height of 6.2 feet (CDM 2007). WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 57 Wildlife Habitat and Public Use Features While improving water quality is the primary objective of the proposed STA projects north of Lake Okeechobee, creating wildlife habitat is an ancillary outcome of any constructed wetland project. The trend to create multi-purpose constructed wetlands has helped to generate an expanding data base for wildlife use in constructed wetlands receiving highly treated municipal and stormwater effluents. Wilhelm et al. (1989) describe the planning and design of the City of Show Low, Arizona treatment wetlands, one of the earliest intentional multi-use constructed treatment wetlands in the U.S. This system was observed to have very high waterfowl and other wildlife usage. This wetland was also designed to be user friendly for humans interested in nature study and waterfowl hunting. Based on that early work a number of authors have described the ancillary wildlife and human use benefits resulting from treatment wetlands (Sather 1989; Freierabend 1989; Knight 1992, 1997). The U.S. EPA conducted a pilot study of wildlife usage and habitat functions of constructed water quality wetlands during the summer of 1992. The EPA used a consistent rapid-assessment protocol at six constructed surface flow wetlands (including two Florida wetlands—Orlando Easterly and Lakeland) to evaluate their habitat structure and function and the possibility of environmental hazards (McAllister 1992, 1993a, 1993b). No detrimental effects to wildlife that colonize constructed water quality wetlands were documented by that study. The U.S. EPA subsequently published a detailed description of the water quality and wildlife habitat benefits of 17 constructed wetlands for water quality polishing throughout the U.S. (USEPA 1993). In 2001, at least 21 treatment wetlands in the U.S. listed wildlife habitat creation and/or human use as principal goals (Knight et al. 2001). Since that time dozens of new systems have been added, including a large number of examples in Florida (Exhibit 31). In addition, hundreds of other wetlands have collected and reported quantitative data on wildlife and/or human uses. The North American Treatment Wetland Database (NADB) Version 2 ( is the principal centralized repository for habitat data for water quality polishing wetlands. This section summarizes the wildlife habitat structure and function expected to result from creating constructed STA wetlands north of the Lake. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 58 EXHIBIT 31 Representative Constructed Water Quality Wetlands in the NADB v. 2 that Include Wildlife Habitat and/or Human Use as Principal Objectives Wet Area (ha) Source of Wastewater Arcata, CA 15.2 MUN X X Beltway 8 (Harris County), TX 89.0 STW X X Des Plaines, IL 10.1 OTH X X DuPont (Victoria) TX 21.4 IND X X Greenwood Urban Park (Orlando), FL 2.0 STW X X Hayward, CA 58.7 MUN X X Hemet/San Jacinto, CA 14.2 MUN X Hillsboro, OR 35.7 MUN X X Incline Village, NV 173.3 MUN X X Indian River County, FL 75.3 MUN X X Iron Bridge (Orlando) FL 494.0 MUN X X Mt.View Sanitary District, CA 37.0 MUN X X Olentangy (Columbus), OH 2.0 OTH X X Phinizy Swamp (Augusta), GA 162.0 MUN X X Pinetop/Lakeside, AZ 51.0 MUN X X Santa Rosa, CA 4.1 MUN X Show Low, AZ 54.2 MUN X X Sweetwater (Tucson), AZ 7.0 MUN X X Tres Rios, AZ 4.2 MUN X X Wakodahatchee (Palm Beach County), FL 21.0 MUN X X Site Name & Location Wildlife Habitat Human Use Source of Wastewater: MUN - municipal, STW - stormwater, IND - industrial, OTH – other Vegetation The constructed wetland environment is generally characterized by a high diversity and abundance of plants. In many cases wetland plant communities include multiple vertical strata ranging from groundcover species to shrubs and sub-canopy trees to canopy tree species. Wetland plant diversity is important in determining wildlife diversity because of the niches associated with differing vegetative structure, reproduction strategies, flowering and seeding phenologies, gross productivity, and rates of decomposition (Mitsch and Gosselink 2000). In addition to their diversity of species and growth habitats, wetland plants are important for water quality polishing because the physical and chemical structure they provide supports microbial populations (Kadlec and Knight 1996; Vymazal et al. 1998). WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 59 More than 593 macrophytic plant species have been reported from constructed enhancement wetlands and 427 species from natural water quality enhancement wetlands. Emergent herbaceous macrophytes account for 501 species in the constructed wetlands in the NADB v.2 and 290 species in the natural wetlands. A significant variety of tree and shrub species occurs in some constructed wetlands. Tree and shrub species are well represented in natural wetlands with 88 species recorded. Vegetative diversity can be designed into STA projects by establishing multiple habitats (Emergent Marsh, Littoral Zones, Transitional/Deep Zones, and Tree Islands), by preserving existing habitats (cypress domes and strands, mesic uplands), and by hydrologically restoring existing prairie wetlands. Wildlife All major animal groups and trophic levels that occur in natural wetlands are represented in constructed water quality wetlands. Further, population size and diversity in enhancement wetlands are generally as high as or higher than in other wetlands. Over 1,400 species of wildlife have been reported for constructed and natural water quality enhancement wetlands in the NADB v. 2.0. These include more than 700 species of invertebrates, 78 species of fish, 21 species of amphibians, 31 species of reptiles, 412 species of birds, and 40 species of mammals. Over 800 animal species have been reported in constructed treatment wetlands alone. Because species lists have been determined for only a small fraction of the wetland sites listed in NADB v. 2.0, and because of the widely disparate methods and seasons of measurement, these species totals underestimate the diversity that exists in water quality wetlands in North America. Total populations of mosquito larvae and pupae in water quality enhancement wetlands are reported from a few projects. Average densities are similar in constructed and in natural wetlands. Considerable research has been conducted on mosquito breeding in enhancement wetlands in Florida and California (Knight et al. 2003). Mosquito populations in these systems are quite low as long as larvivorous fish such as the mosquitofish ( e.g., Gambusia holbrookii) are resident in the wetland system. A total of 28 fish species were found in a study of a south Florida STA by Chimney and Jordan (2008). A total of 29,000 fish were collected during this study, mostly small species adapted to life in low-oxygen wetland waters such as the mosquitofish, various killifish, and mollies (e.g., Lucania goodie, Heterandria formosa, and Poecilia latipinna). Five exotic fish species were collected at this site. Estimated fish density averaged about 76.9 fish/m2 and 1.4 g dry weight/m2. The small fish listed above accounted for about 98% of the fish density but only about 15% of the overall estimated fish dry weight biomass. The study by Chimney and Jordan concluded that one reason for the success of wading birds in the south Florida STAs might be because of the high standing crop of fish and other aquatic prey organisms supported by these nutrient-enriched man-made ecosystems. Bird species counts and population densities vary between sites and even at a single wetland site on a seasonal basis. Bird species have recently been documented in two of the District’s STA constructed wetlands (Chimney and Gawlik 2007). A total of 139 bird WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 60 species were reported representing 39 families. Wading birds (Ciconiiformes) were represented by 15 species, shorebirds (Charadriiformes) by 31 species, gallinules and coots (Gruiformes) by 7 species, and ducks (Anseriformes) by 16 species. Passerines (Passeriformes) were represented by 39 species. Sixteen of the observed bird species in the STAs were federally listed as Endangered, Threatened, or of Special Concern. Large seasonal population variations in the STA bird populations were reported to be due to migrating birds and due to water depth fluctuations. It is likely that the STAs north of Lake Okeechobee will need an Avian Protection Plan (APP) similar to those prepared for the EAA STAs, as the nesting of migratory birds can impact STA operations (M. Chimney, personal communication, August 25, 2009). Construction of STAs north of Lake Okeechobee will provide highly productive aquatic ecosystems that will attract and support higher wetland-dependent wildlife densities than what currently occurs in existing pastures and disturbed lands. Creation of multiple habitats, hydrologic restoration of dehydrated areas, and preservation of the existing high quality habitats within the constructed STAs will further enhance wildlife diversity and wildlife density. There are no documented occurrences of detrimental effects to wildlife caused by the pollutant-cleansing function of constructed wetlands. Eustrongylides ignotus is a nematode that is parasitic in fish and is transferred to birds when they feed on fish (Coyner et al, 2002). Mortality of young wading birds may be a consequence of food transferal from adult to hatchling birds (Spalding et al. 1993). The occurrence of this parasite was intensively studied in a variety of Florida constructed wetland habitats (Coyner et al. 2002). Observed infection rates in fish in these environments (principally mosquitofish) were found to be very low (about 0.6%). Higher infection rates appear to be correlated with higher nutrient concentrations at wetland sites. However, no evidence currently exists that shows that wading bird populations and productivity are lower at constructed water quality enhancement wetlands due to parasitic infections. In fact, population densities of wading birds are frequently higher at these sites than at nearby natural but similar wetland sites. Public Use Water quality enhancement wetlands provide exceptional public use benefits with regards to nature studies, exercise activities, education, and miscellaneous activities. Public use is currently included in the Taylor Creek STA and in several of the EAA STAs and can be an important aspect of new STAs north of the Lake. Public use facilities can be phased in as funding allows. Limited human use data from water quality enhancement wetland systems are included in the NADB v.2. This database is the only comparative source of information concerning the variety and intensity of human uses in wetlands constructed for water quality enhancement. The Arcata, California, constructed wetland reported an estimated 100,000 visitors per year in 1992 (Benjamin 1993). This level of activity is sustained because the system is located in a progressive, coastal California community near a trail system and park-like setting. Data from Arcata summarized in NADB v. 2.0 indicate that from 27,000 to 64,000 WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 61 human use-days per year (HUD/y) are devoted to general picnicking and relaxing. These data may also be expressed on a unit area basis as a total of about 1,600 HUD per hectare per year (HUD/ha/y) for the entire Arcata Marsh and Wildlife Sanctuary. At the Show Low, Arizona, constructed water quality wetland, human use data are lumped for all categories and averaged about 370 HUD/y or about 7 HUD/ha/yr. In 1996, the Iron Bridge, Florida, constructed wetland reported an overall estimated human use of about 4,800 HUD/y or about 10 HUD/ha/y. These numbers reflect the wide variability in human uses of water quality enhancement wetlands due to their diverse access issues. Human use data from four water quality enhancement wetlands in Florida for 2008 were reported by their operations managers. The lowest reported rate of human use was at the Indian River County constructed wetland (135 acres [55 ha]) with 700 to 800 HUD/y (13 to 15 HUD/ha/y). This system is open to the public for hiking and birdwatching but there are no facilities to accommodate visitors other than a small parking lot. The reported total human use at the 1,200 acres (486 ha) Orlando Easterly Wetland in 2008 was about 15,000 HUD/y (31 HUD/ha/y). This facility has an informative kiosk and open-air interpretive center and restrooms but is about 20 miles from the closest metropolitan area. A new nature center was built in 2008 that is expected to increase public use activities. The Wakodahatchee and Green Cay constructed wetlands are located in Palm Beach County in south Florida, a highly urbanized area. Wakodahatchee is about 50 acres (20 ha) in extent and includes a spacious boardwalk, excellent signage, and a moderate sized parking lot. Estimated human use at that wetland is 175,000 HUD/y (8,650 HUD/ha/y). Green Cay is perhaps the most deluxe enhancement wetland in the world. It encompasses about 75 acres (30 ha) and includes a spacious air-conditioned nature center, over 2 miles of 10-foot-wide boardwalks, an excellent landscape plan and interpretive signage, and the largest paved parking lot at any U.S. constructed wetland. The estimated total human use at that facility in 2008 was 290,000 HUD/y (9,550 HUD/ha/y). The information summarized in the NADB v. 2.0 indicates that humans are using constructed treatment wetlands for a variety of recreational and aesthetic purposes. Specific design features such as adequate parking, elevated boardwalks, resting facilities, and interpretive signage appear to increase the amount of human use activity at a water quality enhancement wetland. Very little information is available about how to best integrate human use with water quality wetlands. Benjamin (1993) provides a useful summary of the issues related to public perception and use of the most-visited water quality wetland in the United States, the Arcata Marsh and Wildlife Sanctuary in California. That study concluded that the Arcata Marsh is a great success in its role as a community open space and as a recreational, ecological, and educational resource. Interviews with visitors identified bird and wildlife viewing as the most popular public use activities at the marsh. The second most popular human use activity focused on its aesthetic qualities, including scenery, beauty, and open space. The most common response to the survey question concerning what the public disliked about the Arcata Marsh was “nothing.” These obvious benefits are being accomplished even as the Arcata Marsh meets its primary goal of water quality protection. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 62 Plant Community Considerations Plant communities in existing treatment wetlands have been extensively described in a number of available publications (Kadlec and Wallace 2009, Kadlec and Knight 1996, Vymazal et al. 1998). In general, similar or identical plant types and species are utilized in treatment wetlands worldwide. Specific plant species recommended for use in south Florida, and particularly in treatment wetlands to be developed on sandy soils north of Lake Okeechobee, are well known, both from experience with the EAA STAs south of the Lake and from a variety of full-scale constructed wetlands in south and central Florida north of the Lake (e.g., Taylor Creek STA, Wakodahatchee and Green Cay Wetlands in Palm Beach County, Indian River County Wetland, Viera Wetland in Brevard County, Titusville Blue Heron Wetland, and Orlando Easterly Wetland in Orange County). Plant community maintenance challenges faced by the designer and operator of STAs north of the Lake include possible short circuiting of flows, dry-out for extended periods, seasonally high hydraulic loading rates, and competition from less desirable wetland and invasive plant species. The purpose of this section is to briefly summarize the state of the knowledge concerning the selection, establishment, and maintenance of desirable plant communities that will optimize phosphorus removal performance in STA constructed wetland cells and minimize maintenance activities. Description of the Target STA Wetland Plant Communities Three general plant community types typically can be found in constructed treatment wetlands and STAs: • Emergent macrophyte (EMG) • Submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) • Floating aquatic vegetation (FA) The dominant plant community in most constructed treatment wetlands is EMG (Kadlec and Knight 1996). This plant community type has been found to be highly reliable for effective nutrient removal in most applications and is clearly the first choice for new STAs located north of Lake Okeechobee. The use of SAV as a dominant plant community was first carefully evaluated for enhanced phosphorus concentration reduction south of the Lake in the District’s EAA STAs and now this plant community is being used extensively at those locations. One large constructed wetland north of the Lake (Orlando Easterly Project) has implemented conversion to SAV in some downstream cells although performance information from that conversion has not yet been published. FA plant communities have been used extensively in treatment ponds throughout the southern U.S. and extensive data are available for ponds dominated by either water WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 63 hyacinth or duckweed. Published results generally indicate some effectiveness for these species to take up nutrients; however, effective use of these plant species requires a high level of maintenance (including plant harvesting and disposal) and sustainable nutrient uptake rates for un-harvested FA systems are lower than for EMG and SAV plant communities described above. In most treatment wetlands a specific plant community is initially specified by the designer, planted following the completion of site grading, and watered during establishment with site water. While survival of planted species is not typically 100%, these species can be established with care in relatively predictable plant assemblages or monospecific stands. In the EAA STAs, plant community establishment has generally relied on little to no planting and natural recruitment of adapted wetland plant species following construction and site hydration. Following initial plant establishment and startup, plant community composition often varies from plan and follows a course dictated by the multiple environmental influences of water depth and flooding duration, water quality, pre-existing seed bank in site soils, weather, herbivorous insects and other fauna, and plant diseases. Over time, all plant communities in treatment wetlands, unless they are rigorously maintained, tend to deviate from the original planned assemblage. These shifts are not necessarily detrimental to wetland water quality treatment performance. In light of minimizing unproductive costs, maintenance activities in constructed should be limited to only as much as necessary to maintain the desired wetland plant community type – not a preordained list of “desirable” plant species. Emergent and submerged aquatic plant communities have been identified as being most desirable for STA performance south of Lake Okeechobee; however, their plant species dominance has not been described in detail and their range of tolerance to the fluctuating water regime actually experienced in operational STAs has not been fully quantified. Detailed analysis of historical STA plant community and hydrological data is ongoing (Mike Chimney, SFWMD personal communication). These efforts are preliminary and specific water regime models for predicting plant species dominance in the STAs are not currently available. A preliminary analysis of relevant treatment wetland plant community and hydrological data is summarized below to provide guidance on the most tolerant target plant species in STAs in south Florida to optimize water quality performance. The actual plant communities occurring in the existing STAs and in most other treatment wetlands are much more complex than indicated by general terms such as “emergent” or “submerged aquatic”. For this plant community evaluation it is assumed that the best source of information on the nature and composition of the plant communities that are likely to colonize STAs north of the Lake is existing information for vegetation within the operational EAA STAs. It should be noted that floristic surveys in the existing south Florida STAs are by no means exhaustive. STA 1-W has received the greatest amount of plant species identification due to its longer existence, but none of the other STAs have even had a single detailed floristic analysis. Where appropriate, information from treatment wetland plant communities in other parts of south and central Florida were also examined to fill in incomplete data from the south Florida STAs. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 64 A total of 131 plant species (not including algae) have been reported from the EAA STAs (Mike Chimney, SFWMD unpublished data). Exhibit 32 provides an edited list of the dominant plant species currently recorded from the existing south Florida STAs. This list of 53 plant species was generated by only including those that have been identified in at least two STAs and omits many of the most uncommon plant species. This list is used as a starting point to characterize the diversity of plants that might be best adapted for the proposed STAs north of the Lake. When possible all plant species in this list are categorized into three groups based on their origin (native or exotic), their general tolerance to flooding as indicated by the classification scheme developed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (ranging from obligate [OBL] at the wet end of the hydrologic spectrum, through facultative [FAC, FACW, and FACU] in the middle, and to upland [UPL] at the driest end of the spectrum), and their growth habit (emergent, submerged, floating, shrub = woody, or vines). While most of these species are herbaceous (soft plant tissues) a few are woody (such as willow, primrose willow, wax myrtle, and elderberry). This list primarily includes obligate and facultative wetland plant species and does not include upland plant species that have been observed in the STAs under highly unfavorable conditions of extended drought. Emergent Plant Community The majority of wetlands constructed for water quality improvement worldwide and in the U.S. have targeted an emergent plant community (Kadlec and Knight 1996). Dominant species used in these emergent wetland designs have included: • Typha spp. (cattails) • Phragmites communis (common reed) • Schoenoplectus (Scirpus) spp. (bulrush) These particular plant species have been favored world wide in treatment wetlands for two primary reasons: they are highly tolerant of continuous inundation (at least in the root zone) and they are highly productive and produce a large amount of fixed carbon that is essential for most of the water quality purification microbial processes that occur in treatment wetlands. The published literature for treatment wetlands shows no consistent preference for any single emergent plant species for phosphorus removal but does indicate that wetlands with emergent plants are significantly more effective than systems without plants (open water). An emergent plant community was favored in early south Florida STA designs due to the proven track record of this plant community type in dozens of constructed wetlands designed for phosphorus removal and due to its occurrence in Water Conservation Area (WCA) 2A which was used as a data source for initial STA process design (Kadlec and Newman 1992). The Everglades Nutrient Removal (ENR) Project was the prototype for all later STA designs and principally relied on natural recruitment by cattails (primarily Typha domingensis). A variety of other emergent wetland plant species were purposely planted in the ENR, but this practice was found to be cost-prohibitive and unnecessary for meeting Phase 1 Everglades Construction Project phosphorus removal performance goals. While a mono-culture of cattails appears to be highly effective for water quality improvement, tolerant of a fairly wide range of water levels and hydraulic loading rates, WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 65 EXHIBIT 32 Common Name Acrostichum danaeifolium giant leather fern Alternanthera philoxeroides alligatorweed X X Amaranthus australis southern amaranth; southern waterhemp X X Azolla caroliniana Carolina mosquitofern X X Bacopa caroliniana lemon bacopa; blue waterhyssop X Bacopa monnieri herb-of-grace; smooth waterhyssop X Ceratophyllum demersum coontail X X X X X Chara sp. muskgrass X X X X X Cladium jamaicense Jamaica swamp sawgrass X X X Commelina sp. dayflower X Cyperus esculentus yellow nutgrass; chufa flatsedge X Cyperus sp. sedge X Eichhornia crassipes common water hyacinth X Eleocharis interstincta knotted spikerush Eleocharis sp. spikerush X Equisetum sp. horsetail; scouring rush X Eupatorium capillifolium dogfennel X Hydrilla verticillata waterthyme; hydrilla X X Community type Habitat Origin STA-6 X STA-5 X STA-3/4 STA-2 Species STA-1W STA-1E Dominant Plants Occurring in the Everglades Agricultural Area STAs (Data Assembled By Mike Chimney, SFWMD, Unpublished Data) NAT OBL EMG EXO OBL EMG X NAT OBL EMG X NAT OBL FLT X NAT OBL EMG X NAT OBL EMG NAT OBL SAV X NAT OBL SAV X NAT OBL EMG X - FACW EMG X EXO FAC EMG X - FACW EMG X EXO OBL FLT NAT OBL EMG NAT OBL EMG X - FACW EMG X NAT FAC EMG X EXO OBL SAV X X X X X X WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed X X X X X X X 66 EXHIBIT 32 Dominant Plants Occurring in the Everglades Agricultural Area STAs (Data Assembled By Mike Chimney, SFWMD, Unpublished Data) Hydrocotyle sp. marshpennywort X X Ipomoea cordatotriloba tievine Lemna sp. duckweed Limnobium spongia American spongeplant; frog's-bit Ludwigia peruviana Peruvian primrosewillow X X Ludwigia repens creeping primrosewillow; red ludwigia X X Mikania scandens climbing hempvine Myrica cerifera southern bayberry; wax myrtle Najas guadalupensis southern waternymph; southern naiad Nuphar advena spatterdock; yellow pondlily Nymphaea odorata American white waterlily; fragrant waterlily Nymphoides aquatica big floatingheart; banana lily X Panicum hemitomon maidencane X X Panicum repens torpedograss X X Panicum sp. - X X Phyla nodiflora turkey tangle fogfruit; capeweed X X Pistia stratiotes water lettuce X X Pluchea odorata sweetscent Polygonum sp. smartweed; knotweed Pontederia cordata X X - FACW EMG X NAT FACU EMG NAT OBL FLT X NAT OBL FLT X X EXO OBL EMG X X NAT OBL SAV X X NAT FACW VIN NAT FAC EMG X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X NAT OBL SAV X X NAT OBL FLT X X NAT OBL FLT X X NAT OBL FLT X X X X NAT OBL EMG X X X X EXO FACW EMG X X - FACW - NAT FAC EMG NAT OBL FLT NAT FACW EMG X X X X X X X X X X X X X X - OBL EMG pickerelweed X X X X X NAT OBL EMG Potamogeton sp. pondweed X X X X - OBL SAV Sagittaria kurziana springtape; strap-leaf sagittaria X NAT OBL SAV WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed X 67 EXHIBIT 32 Dominant Plants Occurring in the Everglades Agricultural Area STAs (Data Assembled By Mike Chimney, SFWMD, Unpublished Data) Sagittaria lancifolia bulltongue arrowhead; duck potato Sagittaria latifolia broadleaf arrowhead; duck potato Sagittaria sp. arrowhead Salix caroliniana carolina willow; coastalplain willow Salvinia minima X X X X X X X X X X NAT OBL EMG X NAT OBL EMG X - OBL - X X X X X NAT OBL EMG water spangles; water fern X X X X X EXO OBL FLT Sambucus nigra American elder; elderberry X NAT FACW EMG Sarcostemma clausum white twinevine X NAT FACW VIN Spirodela polyrhiza common duckweed; giant duckweed X NAT OBL FLT Typha domingensis southern cattail X X X X X X NAT OBL EMG Typha sp. cattail X X X X X X - OBL EMG Urochloa mutica paragrass X X EXO FACW EMG Utricularia floridana Florida yellow bladderwort X X NAT OBL SAV Utricularia sp. bladderwort X X X X X NAT OBL SAV Taxa Counts 26 47 37 39 22 X X X Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed X X X WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. X 26 68 and requires minimal maintenance, cattail mono-cultures are not typical in the STAs. A mix of emergent and floating plant species is typical of all of the existing south Florida STA EMG cells. Bulrush species have only been recorded in STA 1-W where they were purposely planted and common reed has not been reported from any of the south Florida STAs. For these reasons cattails are the primary species of choice in EMG STA cells north of Lake Okeechobee. Cattails dominated three of the original four cells in the ENR for more than five years following construction and initial vegetation recruitment. Experience gained in the ENR and in its later incarnation as STA 1-W indicated that cattails would continue to dominate the wetland plant community as long as water depths were adequate but not too deep. Longterm periods with high hydraulic loading rates to STA 1-W resulted in prolonged water depths greater than 2 feet in STA 1-W cells 1-3 and the gradual attrition of the dominant cattail community until water levels were subsequently lowered. There is good evidence from STA 1-W that an emergent wetland plant community will shift to an ecosystem dominated by floating and/or submerged aquatic species when water depths consistently exceed about 2 feet. Colonization and disturbance history are also important in establishing an emergent wetland plant community. Natural recruitment of cattails and other desirable wetland emergent species is retarded in the presence of an existing upland plant community such as exotic grasses or shrubs. With careful site preparation and water management during construction, cattail recruitment can be optimized (GGI 2005). Once an emergent plant community dominated by cattails is established it is fairly resilient to invasion by upland plant species during droughts. However an EMG plant community with poor cover and open un-vegetated areas is very susceptible to invasion by competitive upland plant species following an extended drought. The highest and therefore driest areas of the STAs are likely to colonize with woody plant species such as willows and Brazilian pepper. These woody species will subsequently die out when wetter conditions return, resulting in replacement by emergent herbaceous species. Existing models of treatment wetland performance are not refined enough to demonstrate that a woody emergent plant community colonized by young willows or Brazilian pepper is any better or worse for phosphorus removal than a cattail marsh. However, higher areas that are outside of the effective flow path will definitely be ineffective for water quality improvement, and marginally wet areas that colonize with willows and subsequently convert to cattails may instead result in nutrient releases following re-flooding and subsequent die-off of the upland/woody plant community. In summary, the target STA EMG wetland plant community is dominated by a high cover of cattails. Based on the list presented in Exhibit 32 and from experience from other Florida constructed treatment wetlands, other emergent plant species that could also contribute to high primary productivity and plant cover in STA emergent zones include the following: • Eleocharis spp. (spikerush) • Cladium jamaicense (sawgrass) • Pontederia cordata (pickerelweed) WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 69 • Panicum hemitomum (maidencane) • Sagittaria spp. (duck potato/arrowhead) However, due to actual hydrological and water quality conditions, only the first two of these species, spikerush and sawgrass, are likely to be candidates as suitable alternative dominants in emergent STAs in south Florida. Submerged Aquatic Plant Community Following construction in 1994, Cell 4 of the ENR/STA 1-W was intentionally treated with herbicides to encourage a non-emergent wetland plant community. The original intention was to create an open water/mixed marsh/periphyton dominated system that was similar to plant communities in WCA 2A and in the natural Everglades wetland mosaic that were known to predominate in areas of low phosphorus concentrations. The actual result of herbicide applications in Cell 4 was the creation of a deep-water wetland dominated by two submerged aquatic plant species, Naja guadalupensis (southern naiad) and Ceratophyllum demersum (coontail). After about five years of operation of Cell 4 with this SAV plant community, phosphorus removal results were remarkable in this cell, both in terms of the first-order area-based phosphorus removal rate constant and with respect to the lowest achievable P concentration. Concurrent research in a variety of experimental mesocosms helped to verify and refine these full-scale results and subsequently led the District to an across-the-board program to replace downstream cattail emergent cells in all of the STAs with deeper water SAV cells. This re-engineering has had mixed success as various unexpected consequences of wetland plant ecology have been experienced by the District. Hydrilla verticillata (hydrilla) has been found to be highly competitive with the desired SAV species (southern naiad and coontail) and is now tolerated, although not preferred, in SAV cells. Herbicide control of hydrilla has not been effective in the STAs (Toth, pers. comm. 2008). All SAV plant communities were found to be adversely affected by high water current velocities induced by excessive hydraulic loading rates and by high winds during hurricanes. Use of transverse emergent plant zones at frequent intervals across SAV-dominated STA cells has been adopted as a reasonable method to counteract wind or current-induced wholesale movement of SAV. SAV plant species are also relatively easily impacted by continuous shading due to highly colored inflow waters and by floating aquatic plants such as Eichhornia crassipes (water hyacinth) and Hydrocotlye spp. (pennywort). Perhaps the most significant challenge for maintenance of SAV-dominated plant communities in south Florida STAs is drought management. Most SAV species cannot withstand extensive periods of dryout and may be totally replaced by open water conditions following a drought. Even after a short period of dry down, most SAV plant communities require an extended period of several months to reestablish pre-drought plant biomass levels. Wholesale loss of SAV plant species during a drought may require costly re-inoculation when adequate water inflows are re-established. In summary, the most desirable SAV species in the STAs are southern naiad and coontail. Other SAV species such as Potamogeton spp. (pondweed) and Sagittaria kurtziana (strap-leaf sagittaria) that occur rarely and at low densities in the STAs are not considered to be viable substitutes for the two species listed above. Other subdominant SAV plant species such as Utricularia spp. (bladderwort) and the macroalga Chara spp. (muskgrass) are also found in WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 70 the south Florida SAV plant communities. Since these two species rarely achieve high densities and do not prefer habitats with elevated phosphorus concentrations, it is not considered likely that SAV cells dominated by them would provide acceptably high phosphorus removal rates. Hydrologic Optima and Tolerance Ranges for Target STA Plant Communities All wetland plants exhibit tolerance to a range of hydrologic conditions. The optimal portion of this range can be considered the zone where a given plant species is able to maximize its net primary production, resulting in the greatest amount of accumulated plant tissue in a given growing season. The range of tolerance to flooding may be considered as the portion of the water regime between low and high water conditions where the plant is actually found in natural field conditions (under competitive stress from other plants and due to grazing by wildlife). While many wetland plants in the absence of competing species actually have their highest growth rates in saturated but unflooded conditions, in the competitive environment that occurs in constructed wetlands, the optimal plant growth may occur in deeper water due to exclusion of upland plant species that would otherwise compete for sunlight and nutrients. Plant tolerance to a range of hydrologic conditions can best be observed by looking for zonation of plant communities over a vertical gradient. Ideal data sets are most likely to be collected from bowl-shaped wetlands and lakes with long periods of hydrologic data collection. In such an ideal study site plant communities typically follow a progression of upland species at the highest elevations, through facultative and obligate wetland species with distance down gradient. Plant community zonation in response to water depth variation may be much more difficult to observe in relatively level wetlands where water depth does not vary along a gradient but is more stochastic. Currently, there is no single publication that summarizes plant gradient studies and tolerance ranges in Florida or that synthesizes these data into a general model that can be used to predict plant survival under a range of water regimes. Until such a comprehensive synthesis is available, it is still advantageous to analyze relevant local data to develop general hydrologic tolerance ranges for the target EMG and SAV wetland plant communities. STA Plant Community Studies The District has recently compiled a summary of plant community data collected from the south Florida STAs (Mike Chimney, SFWMD unpublished data). Data collection methods and frequency in the STAs have varied over the approximate 15-year period-of-record for these constructed wetlands. STA 1-W (former ENR) is the most intensively studied south Florida STA and quantitative data were available for this analysis for the period from 2003 through 2007. In 2003 semi-quantitative estimates of plant dominance (percent cover by species) were made in quadrats located in all cells in STA 1-W, 2, 5, and 6. In 2004 and 2005 all existing STAs were sampled using a revised methodology consisting of identification of the single most dominant species as well as up to three sub-dominant species on multiple transects located in each cell. A third method of semi-quantitative plant community analysis WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 71 was applied in 2006 and 2007 in select STAs (1-E, 1W, and 5). These data consist of general cover categories by species and notes on the first and second dominant species at numerous sampling sites in each STA cell. Portions of these data sets are summarized and analyzed below. In addition to the studies described above, aerial photography from the STAs was used to estimate overall plant species/community percent cover and dominance in 1999 (STA 1-W), 2002 (STA 1-W), 2003 (STAs 1-W, 2, 5, and 6), 2005 (STAs 1-W, 1-E, 2, 3/4, 5, 6), and 2006 (STAs 1-W, 1-E, 2, 3/4, 5, 6). Exhibit 33 provides a summary of the overall plant community estimates provided by these aerial photographs. Overall average cell water depths for the prior or actual water year for each STA cell are also included in this table. This preliminary analysis indicates that EMG plant communities are dominant in cells with mean water depths in the range of 45 to 60 cm. SAV dominates in cells with an average water depth range between 29 and 60 cm. It is clear that this analysis offers minimal predictive power for STA plant community analysis. EXHIBIT 33 Summary of STA Plant Community Percent Cover from Aerial Photo Interpretation Average Depth (cm) STA Date EMG FA SAV SHRUB OTHER Water Year 1-E Feb-05 34.4 0.3 53.0 4.1 8.3 -- -- 1-E Mar-06 28.5 0.0 57.1 1.5 12.9 2006 29 1-W Apr-99 50.0 6.6 37.4 6.0 0.0 1998 60 1-W Jan-02 24.7 11.7 59.1 4.4 0.0 2001 54 1-W Feb-05 21.5 1.8 68.8 4.2 3.6 2004 59 1-W Mar-06 33.6 0.1 38.9 9.2 18.3 2005 60 2 Dec-03 65.3 0.2 34.5 -- 0.1 2002 45 2 Feb-05 63.0 0.2 34.8 0.0 2.1 2004 45 2 Mar-06 60.6 0.1 37.5 0.1 1.8 2005 45 3/4 Feb-05 65.3 1.5 22.0 8.1 3.2 -- -- 3/4 Mar-06 45.0 0.3 30.8 8.6 15.3 2006 52 5 Dec-03 46.0 3.6 45.4 5.0 0.0 2002 49 5 Feb-05 46.4 0.5 47.5 5.7 0.0 2004 59 5 Mar-06 46.5 1.1 43.6 1.8 7.0 2005 59 6 Dec-03 67.9 0.9 25.4 5.8 0.0 2002 48 6 Feb-05 71.4 0.4 18.6 9.5 0.1 2004 56 6 Mar-06 68.0 -- 12.8 19.0 0.2 2005 56 Plant community data from Mike Chimney, SFWMD unpublished data Average water depths by STA from SFER 2007 EMG - emergent herbaceous vegetation, FA - floating aquatic vegetation, SAV - submerged aquatic vegetation, OTHER - includes open water, herbicide-treated areas, and uplands WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 72 Analysis of STA Hydrologic Data Wetland hydroecology is generally considered to be dependent on three principal measures of flooding: water depth, duration of flooding, and frequency of flood events. In fact there are many additional environmental measures that also influence wetland hydroecology that are not included in these three principal forcing functions. Examples of these additional contributing factors include water quality, soil saturation, competing plant species, grazing by herbivores or fire, and initial conditions. For most analyses, summarization of the depth and duration of flooding is sufficient to develop estimates of plant tolerance to flooding. This analysis is based primarily on those two measures. However, flooding frequency is subjectively assessed in this analysis. There are many methods for summarizing and reporting hydrological (water level) data for wetlands. A hydrograph consists of a time series of water level measurements, typically collected by use of a data-logging stage recorder. Since water depth is a function of both the water surface elevation and the ground surface at each point within a wetland, a hydrograph typically can only illustrate the average time-varying water depth within a wetland cell. Water level and water depth data can also be summarized by use of frequency graphs that illustrate the frequency or probability of encountering all observed water levels or depths over a given period-of-record. A table of “P values” or exceedance probability values is often included with a probability of exceedance graph to summarize some of the key points along the entire distribution of recorded water depth information for the subject wetland. Analysis of P values is the primary quantitative method utilized in this technical memorandum for plant community analysis. Development of a Preliminary STA Plant Community Assessment Tool STA plant community and water level data collected by the District were used to prepare graphical relationships between flooding depth probabilities (P values) and dominance (percent cover) by specific target plant communities. In most cases water level data collected for the year prior to collection of the plant community data were used for correlation. This procedure was adopted in light of the relatively rapid response of most of the STA plant species to changing hydrology. Plant community dominance data collected in each STA cell were used to provide a semi-quantitative estimate of percent cover by species and these cover estimates were rolled up to provide an estimate of cover by each major plant growth form or community type as previously summarized in Exhibit 33. Existing plant community and hydrological data from STAs 1-W, 2, 5, and 6 were used for this analysis. Exhibits 34 and 35 summarize the observed relationships between water depth probabilities or percentiles (P values) and plant cover dominance for two target plant associations utilized in the STAs (EMG and SAV). For example, the P-10 water depth is that depth that is exceeded 90 percent of the time (10 percent of the water depths are less than that value) while the P-90 is a deeper water depth (90 percent of the observed water depths are less than that value). The correlations between water depth frequencies and percent cover developed for this analysis do not provide information for specific plant species. If desired, adequate data do exist to provide a more detailed analysis of flooding tolerance for individual plant species. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 73 100 90 -0.0668x y = 221.39e 2 R = 0.3857 80 -0.0928x y = 4295.6e 2 R = 0.6742 P-10 P-50 P-90 -0.0841x y = 12965e 2 R = 0.7285 Percent Cover (%) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Water Depth (cm) EXHIBIT 34 Water Depth Percentiles vs. Emergent Vegetation Percent Cover (STA-1W, STA-2, STA-5, STA-6) WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 74 100 0.121x y = 0.0027e 2 R = 0.2432 90 P-10 P-50 P-90 80 Percent Cover (%) 70 60 50 0.0917x y = 0.0026e 2 R = 0.1836 40 30 0.0613x y = 0.3326e 2 R = 0.069 20 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Water Depth (cm) EXHIBIT 35 Water Depth Percentiles vs. Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Percent Cover (STA-1W, STA-2, STA-5, STA-6) WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 75 Results from this analysis indicate that there should be no difficulty promoting emergent wetland plant communities in STA with median water depths in the range from 30 to 50 cm and maximum depths less than about 70 cm. Within this range of water depths, constructed wetland cells are expected to have a range of expected emergent plant cover greater than 50 percent. These models indicate that SAV plant communities are only likely to dominate when minimum (P-10) water depths are greater than about 40 cm and median (P-50) depths are at least 60 to 80 cm. However, the establishment and maintenance of SAV systems has required additional measures, such as herbicide application and inoculation (T. Piccone, personal communication, August 25, 2009). When the STA target plant communities are estimated at less than 100 percent, it can be assumed that the rest of the coverage will be made up of alternate, non-target plant associations. For example, when the estimated EMG cover is less than 100 percent, the remaining cover will likely include open water (no plant cover), periphyton, SAV, FAP, and upland species. When SAV cover is estimated as less than 100 percent, the remainder of the STA area will likely be dominated by a mixture of EMG, open water, periphyton or algae, FA, and upland species. Summary and Recommendations The principal conclusions of this analysis are: • Emergent plant communities typically dominated by cattail but also with relatively high diversity of subdominant emergent plant species provide the overall preferred plant community option for STAs north of Lake Okeechobee due to their high carbon production and tested resilience to fluctuating and continuous water levels; • Periodic dry-out is possible in STAs north of the Lake due to the event-driven hydrology of stormwater inflows. Lengthy dry outs may result in plant community shifts away from herbaceous EMG to woody EMG plant species in these cells. These plant communities will naturally shift back to dominance by herbaceous species with little intervention; • Spraying of woody vegetation in STA cells that have been exposed to drought conditions is not recommended due to the potential impact on normal cell operations and overall phosphorus removal performance (although this has been conducted in the EAA STAs); • Self-supporting submerged aquatic vegetation wetland plant communities are considered to be less favorable for the STAs north of Lake unless supplemental water is available. A detailed analysis of operational data from recently converted SAV cells at the Orlando Easterly Wetland is recommended to provide design guidance for this promising plant community in STAs north of Lake Okeechobee. • With the addition of supplemental water in nearly every year a SAV-dominated wetland plant community might be viable in downstream STA cells. Also, water should be held in these cells near the end of flow events for as long as possible to extend saturated soil conditions favorable for maintenance of SAV plant species. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 76 However, extensive intervention will likely be required in addition to supplemental water additions since the average water regime for these cells is well within the normal preferred tolerance for competitive emergent plant species such as cattails. • Dominance by sawgrass rather than or in addition to cattails should be encouraged in STA cells due to the adaptation this species has to surviving prolonged drought typical of the natural Everglades; • Quantitative plant community dominance and water regime data should be collected by cell in all of the Lake Okeechobee STAs. Water level data should be collected continuously while plant community data can be collected less frequently (e.g., once each year at the end of the growing season). WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 77 STA Construction Costs To date, two STAs (Taylor Creek and Nubbin Slough) have been constructed in the Lake Okeechobee Watershed and a third is currently under construction (Lakeside Ranch). Six STAs have been constructed in the EAA in various phases and others are constructed (Ten Mile Creek) or planned (C-44 and C-43) in other watersheds. Cost data were compiled from Basis of Design Reports (BODRs) and bid tabulations for Nubbin Slough (USACE 2004b), C-44 (HDR 2006), STA-2 Cell 4 (Brown and Caldwell 2005), STA-5 Cell 3 (URS 2005a), STA-6 Section 2 (URS 2005b), and Lakeside Ranch (CDM 2007), and used to estimate order-of-magnitude unit costs for key components of STA construction. The purpose of this exercise was not to develop complete construction cost estimates, but rather to provide a realistic basis for comparing STA cost-effectiveness as a function of the design variables discussed in this document. It is recognized that these costs are dated and have not been normalized (to 2009 dollars for example). It is also recognized that BODR-level costs may vary significantly from the final engineer’s estimates or bid tabulations. Exhibit 36 summarizes the total estimated cost for major construction categories including mobilization, clearing and grubbing, levee construction, canal construction, grading, hydraulic structures, removal and demolition, pump stations, electrical and instrumentation requirements, erosion and sediment control, vegetation management, and miscellaneous costs. It should be noted that the estimates for expansion projects (STA-2, STA-5, and STA-6) do not include all the same features and costs as newconstruction projects. The C-44 pump station cost is several times greater than necessary for the STA component alone as it was sized to fill a 3,500-ac reservoir. Based on the STAs identified above, and recognition of the differences between projects, the average cost for wetland construction is approximately $15,300 per acre. Exhibit 37 summarizes estimated unit costs for major construction components. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 78 EXHIBIT 36 STA Construction Costs Summarized from Engineer’s Estimates at BODR1 Level of Completion Category Nubbin Slough 2 C-44 STA-2 Cell 4 Lakeside Ranch STA-5 Cell 3 STA-6 Section 2 Mobilization/Personnel --- $2,877,269 $946,279 $801,969 $250,000 $250,000 Clearing and Grubbing $210,329 $5,487,291 $204,603 $2,440,246 $95,275 $90,125 Levee Construction $938,288 $1,696,517 $1,563,641 $940,082 $2,450,000 $1,662,500 Canal Construction $641,440 $18,305,390 $2,132,712 $2,063,422 $3,272,500 $2,555,738 Grading $448,602 $147,828 $590,642 $13,862,380 $432,500 $390,250 $1,191,183 $4,725,620 $853,403 $6,659,066 $2,285,000 $3,525,000 Miscellaneous $461,532 $2,259,293 $812,802 $3,507,088 $131,422 $2,386,500 Removal/Demolition $571,344 $2,347,498 $188,813 $80,364 --- --- $2,630,275 $45,613,029 --- $4,761,131 $618,750 --- Electrical/Instrumentation $654,440 $1,500,000 $768,500 $1,143,213 $1,120,950 $1,156,950 Erosion/Sediment Control $1,116,335 $12,095,633 $82,283 $44,682 --- --- Hydraulic Structures Pump Station Vegetation Management --- --- --- --- $533,240 $345,600 Construction Cost --- $97,055,368 $8,143,678 $36,303,642 $11,189,637 $12,362,663 Engineering --- --- --- --- $1,118,964 $1,236,266 Construction Management --- --- --- --- $783,275 $865,386 Contractor Markups --- $48,818,805 $3,257,873 --- --- --- Indirect/Additional Costs --- --- --- $20,970,037 --- --- Subtotal --- --- $11,401,551 $36,303,642 $13,091,875 $14,464,316 Contingency --- --- $2,886,468 $13,707,230 $2,618,375 $2,892,863 Total $8,863,768 $145,874,172 $14,288,019 $70,980,909 $15,710,250 $17,357,179 Acres 809 6,200 1,902 2,400 1,985 1,387 $10,956 $23,528 $7,512 $29,575 $7,914 $12,514 Cost per Acre 1 BODR – Basis of Design Report 2 Nubbin Slough costs represent lowest bidding price WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 79 EXHIBIT 37 Estimated STA Unit Costs Summarized from Engineer’s Estimates at BODR1 Level of Completion Component Nubbin Slough2 C-44 STA-2 Cell 4 Lakeside Ranch STA-5 Cell 3 STA-6 Section 2 Average Mobilization/Personnel --- --- $2,877,26 ls $946,27 ls $801,96 ls $250,000 ls $250,000 ls $1,025,103 ls Clearing and Grubbing $818 ac --- --- $1,204 ac $7.61 cy $515 ac $515 ac $763 ac Levee Construction $3.38 cy --- --- $0.92 cy $1.55 cy $3.50 cy $3.50 cy $2.57 cy Canal Construction $1.52 cy --- --- $1.78 cy $3.46 cy $4.25 cy $4.24 cy $3.05 cy Grading $0.76 cy --- --- $1.48 cy $3.95 cy $2.54 cy $2.73 cy $2.29 cy Slide gates --- --- --- --- $27,861 ea $3,950 ea --- --- --- --- $15,906 ea Gated RCBs --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- $380,833 ea $352,500 ea $366,667 ea Sluice gates --- --- --- --- $73,313 ea --- --- --- --- --- --- $73,313 ea Gated control --- --- $133,800 ea --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Spillways --- --- $107,247 ea --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Vertical gates --- --- $195,000 ea --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Piping $141.31 lf --- --- $283 lf $202 lf --- --- --- --- $242.58 lf Weir gates $7,733 ea $110,443 ea --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- $59,088.00 ea Removal/Demolition $15.75 cy --- --- $4.01 cy $80,364 ls --- --- --- --- --- --- Pump Station $26,303 cfs $41,466 cfs --- --- $13,009 cfs $11,250 cfs --- --- $23,007 cfs Instrumentation Erosion/sediment Vegetation --- --- --- --- --- --- $19,054 ls --- --- --- --- $19,054 ac $31.12 cy $41 sy $0.15 sy $0.18 sy --- --- --- --- $14 sy --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- $206.00 ac $240.00 ac $223.00 ac 1 BODR – Basis of Design Report 2 Nubbin Slough costs represent lowest bidding price WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 80 STA Cost Effectiveness Previous sections of this document showed the estimated relationships between design variables and phosphorus load reduction. While relatively small adjustments to some variables resulted in large changes in estimated load reduction, costs must be included in order to fully understand the impacts of selected design criteria. This section combines the modeling results from previous sections with general cost data to estimate overall cost per kilogram of phosphorus removal as each design variable is changed. Cost Basis The cost analysis is not intended to be complete, but includes line items for major construction components that vary based on definable relationships to selected design criteria. Unit cost assumptions are summarized below. Land Land acquisition was included and estimated at $10,000/ac. Levee Construction Perimeter and cell sub-dividing levees were assumed to have the following dimensions: • Top width of 14 feet • Height of 7 feet above the design wetland grade • Side slopes of 3:1 These dimensions result in a cross sectional area of 245 square feet (ft2) and a fill volume of approximately 47,900 cubic yards (cy) per mile. Using a unit cost for compacted fill of $3/cy resulted in a levee construction cost of about $143,700 per mile. Deep Zone/Canal Construction Internal deep zones and distribution/collection channels were assumed to have the following dimensions: • Top width of 100 feet • Depth of 4 feet below the design wetland grade • Side slopes of 3:1 These dimensions result in a cross sectional area of 348 ft2 and a cut volume of approximately 68,050 cy per mile. Using a unit cost for excavation of $3.50/cy resulted in a construction cost of about $238,200 per mile. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 81 Cell Grading Cell grading requirements depend on existing site topography and the need to create level surfaces. This analysis assumed that 1 foot of material would be moved across the site. At a unit cost of $2.50/cy, grading costs were estimated as $4,030/ac. Water Control Structures Water control structures (inflow, outflow, and cell-to-cell) were assumed to have a unit cost of $250,000 each. Clearing and Grubbing Clearing and grubbing was assigned a unit cost of $1,000/ac. Pump Stations Pump stations were assumed to have a unit cost of $17,000/cfs. Operations and Maintenance Operations and maintenance (O&M) costs were included and estimated to be $1,000 per acre per year. Adjustment to Present Worth Costs Life-cycle costs were estimated as the sum of the total capital construction costs and the present value of the O&M costs. Present worth O&M costs were estimated using a discount rate of 6% and design life of 50 years (present value multiplier = 15.76). Prototype STA Designs With the exception of comparing results for varying wetland area, two generic STA configurations were used for the cost-benefit analysis. Exhibit 38 shows general design criteria for the two STA configurations and notes the exceptions needed to evaluate the various modeling scenarios presented in this document. For example, to evaluate the effect of aspect ratio, simulations were conducted for single-cell 1,000-ac and 10,000-ac STAs with constant hydraulic loading rates of 6 cm/d and a constant inflow phosphorus concentration of 250 ppb. Only aspect ratio was varied (range 0.5:1 to 20:1). STA dimensions (and cost) varied in response to the fixed wetted area and changing aspect ratio. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 82 EXHIBIT 38 Prototype STA Design Criteria Ranges Design Variable STA-1 STA-2 Exceptions Effective Treatment Area (ac) 1,000 10,000 Areas ranging from 100 to 10,000 ac used to evaluate effect of area on cost-effectiveness Site Aspect Ratio 1.5:1 1.5:1 Values of 0.5:1 to 20:1 were used to evaluate effect of aspect ratio Systems with single cells, 2 parallel cells, 2 series cells, and 2x2 parallel and series cells were used to evaluate effect of compartmentalization Number of Cells 1 1 Flow Rate (cfs) 100 1,000 See HLR exception Hydraulic Loading Rate (cm/d) 6 6 Loading rates were varied from 1 to 18 cm/d to evaluate effect of increasing HLR (or flow) for fixed areas Outlet Control Depth (cm) 40 40 Values of 10 to 250 were used to evaluate effect of operating depth Deep Zone Fraction 0.15 0.15 Structures per Cell 4 4 Inflow Phosphorus Concentration (ppb) 250 250 Values of 100 to 800 ppb were used to evaluate the effect of inflow concentration and mass loading rate Cost-Effectiveness vs. Aspect Ratio Exhibit 39 shows the estimated effect of aspect ratio on the cost-effectiveness of phosphorus removal. As noted above, inflow hydraulic loading rates and phosphorus concentrations were unchanged between the 1,000-ac and 10,000-ac scenarios. For a 1000-ac STA, 50-year present worth costs are relatively unimpacted by the selected aspect ratio (range of $109/kg to $111/kg). Costs are more affected as the STA area increases. For the 10,000-ac case, present worth costs increased from about $104/kg to $138/kg as a function of aspect ratio. This is because STA performance declined in response to increased water depths and lower net removal rates for aspect ratios greater than 3:1. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 83 160 140 Cost of P Removal ($/kg) 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Aspect Ratio 1,000-ac STA 10,000-ac STA EXHIBIT 39 Effect of Aspect Ratio on Cost of Phosphorus Removal Cost-Effectiveness vs. Area Exhibit 40 shows the estimated effect of treatment area on the cost-effectiveness of phosphorus removal. For these cases, the inflow rate was held constant (100 cfs). Two inflow phosphorus concentrations were modeled (250 and 400 ppb). Cost-effectiveness improved with increasing inflow phosphorus concentration. Regardless of inflow concentration, cost-effectiveness was maximized for a treatment area of about 800 to 1,000-ac (HLR of 5 to 6 cm/d). If inflow rates were increased, the shape of the curves would be expected to remain similar to those in Exhibit 40, but the minimum cost point would shift to the right (larger area required). WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 84 400 350 Cost of P Removal ($/kg) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 Wetted Area (ac) 250 ppb 400 ppb EXHIBIT 40 Effect of Wetland Area on Cost of Phosphorus Removal Cost-Effectiveness vs. Inflow Phosphorus Concentration Exhibit 41 shows the estimated effect of inflow phosphorus concentration on the costeffectiveness of phosphorus removal for 1,000-ac and 10,000-ac STAs. Cost-effectiveness improved substantially with increasing inflow phosphorus concentration and slightly with increasing STA size. Cost-effectiveness was maximized at inflow concentrations exceeding about 450 ppb. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 85 250 Cost of P Removal ($/kg) 200 150 100 50 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Inflow P Concentration (ppb) 1,000-ac STA 10,000-ac STA EXHIBIT 41 Effect of Inflow Phosphorus Concentration on Cost of Phosphorus Removal Cost-Effectiveness vs. Phosphorus Mass Loading Rate Exhibit 42 shows the estimated effect of inflow phosphorus mass loading rate on the cost-effectiveness of phosphorus removal for 1,000-ac and 10,000-ac STAs. Because mass loading rate is simply the product of the flow rate and inflow concentration, these results have the same relationship as those in Exhibit 41. Cost-effectiveness improved substantially with increasing phosphorus mass loading rate and slightly with increasing STA size. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 86 250 Cost of P Removal ($/kg) 200 150 100 50 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Phosphorus Mass Loading Rate (kg/ha/yr) 1,000-ac STA 10,000-ac STA EXHIBIT 42 Effect of Phosphorus Mass Loading Rate on Cost of Phosphorus Removal Cost-Effectiveness vs. Mean Depth Exhibit 43 shows the estimated effect of mean operating depth on the cost-effectiveness of phosphorus removal for 1,000-ac and 10,000-ac STAs. For these simulations, outlet control depths were varied from 10 to 250 cm. Because STA depths are often controlled by vegetative friction rather than outlet control elevation, the estimated mean operating depths exceed the specified control depths for control depths less than 80 cm. Although a wide range of control depths were evaluated, it is not recommended to deviate from the ad hoc District standard setting of 40 cm. The relationship between cost-effectiveness and operating depth follows the DMSTA2 depth versus removal rate curve (Exhibit 3). Cost-effectiveness was constant and maximized for operating depths less than 100 cm and degraded rapidly as depth increased above 100 cm. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 87 2,000 1,800 Cost of P Removal ($/kg) 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Mean Operating Depth (cm) 1,000-ac STA 10,000-ac STA EXHIBIT 43 Effect of Mean Operating Depth on Cost of Phosphorus Removal Cost-Effectiveness vs. Hydraulic Loading Rate Exhibit 44 shows the estimated effect of HLR on the cost-effectiveness of phosphorus removal for 1,000-ac and 10,000-ac STAs. There was very little difference in costeffectiveness as a function of scale for HLRs less than 9 cm/d. Cost-effectiveness was relatively stable (about $100/kg to $110/kg) between HLRs of 5 and 11 cm/d. These results tend to confirm the recommendation presented earlier in this document that STAs in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed (where the focus is load reduction) may be operated at higher sustained HLRs than those in the EAA (where the focus is minimizing outflow concentration). WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 88 300 Cost of P Removal ($/kg) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Hydraulic Loading Rate (cm/d) 1,000-ac STA 10,000-ac STA EXHIBIT 44 Effect of Hydraulic Loading Rate (or flow) on Cost of Phosphorus Removal Cost-Effectiveness vs. Hydraulic Residence Time Exhibit 45 shows the estimated effect of nominal HRT on the cost-effectiveness of phosphorus removal for 1,000-ac and 10,000-ac STAs. As previously indicated, it is not necessary to design for a specific nominal HRT. If an STA is designed so that other parameters are constrained to a reasonable range, HRT will, by default, fall within a reasonable range as well. For these simulations, cost-effectiveness was maximized at nominal HRTs of about 7 days for a 1,000-ac STA and 11 days for a 10,000-ac STA. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 89 300 Cost of P Removal ($/kg) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Hydraulic Residence Time (d) 1,000-ac STA 10,000-ac STA EXHIBIT 45 Effect of Nominal Hydraulic Residence Time on Cost of Phosphorus Removal Cost-Effectiveness vs. Compartmentalization Exhibit 46 shows the estimated effect of compartmentalization on the cost-effectiveness of phosphorus removal for 1,000-ac and 10,000-ac STAs. For the 1,000-ac example STA, the single-cell configuration was the most cost-effective ($110/kg). Estimated mass load reduction did not increase enough to overcome the added cost of additional levee construction and control structures. A slight improvement in cost-effectiveness was estimated for the 10,000-ac STA for the cells-in-series case. In spite of the slight increases in cost per kilogram, it would still be advisable to construct parallel cells to increase operational flexibility. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 90 125 120 Cost of P Removal ($/kg) 115 110 105 100 95 90 Single Cell 2 Cells-in-Series 2 Parallel Cells 2x2 Parallel and Series Compartmentalization 1,000-ac STA 10,000-ac STA EXHIBIT 46 Effect of Compartmentalization on Cost of Phosphorus Removal WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. 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Prepared for Post Buckley Shuh and Jernigan, Inc. Orlando, FL. White, J.R., K.R. Reddy, and T.A. DeBusk. 2001b. Design of vegetation modifications and pilot development of sediment management protocols for the City of Orlando’s Easterly Wetlands Treatment System. A proposal for the City of Orlando, FL. Wilhelm, M., S.R. Lawry, and D.D. Hardy. 1989. Creation and Management of Wetlands Using Municipal Wastewater in Northern Arizona: A Status Report. Chapter 13a, pp. 179 185 in D.A. Hammer (ed.), Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment: Municipal, Industrial, and Agricultural. Lewis Publishers, Chelsea, MI. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 96 Appendix A Preliminary STA Sizing Tables WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed Estimated Phosphorus Load Reduction for HLR = 3 cm/d Flow Area (ac) (cfs) (ac-ft/yr) 100 5 3,593 200 10 7,185 300 15 10,778 400 20 14,370 500 25 17,963 600 30 21,555 700 35 25,148 800 40 28,740 900 45 32,333 1,000 50 35,925 2,000 99 71,850 3,000 149 107,776 4,000 198 143,701 5,000 248 179,626 6,000 298 215,551 7,000 347 251,476 8,000 397 287,402 9,000 447 323,327 10,000 496 359,252 12,000 595 431,102 14,000 695 502,953 16,000 794 574,803 18,000 893 646,654 20,000 992 718,504 Mean Outflow Phosphorus (ppb) Overall Load Reduction (%) 100 0.280 0.559 0.839 1.12 1.40 1.68 1.96 2.24 2.52 2.80 5.59 8.39 11.2 14.0 16.8 19.6 22.4 25.2 28.0 33.5 39.1 44.7 50.3 55.9 38 63 200 0.529 1.06 1.59 2.12 2.64 3.17 3.70 4.23 4.76 5.29 10.6 15.9 21.2 26.4 31.7 37.0 42.3 47.6 52.9 63.5 74.0 84.6 95.2 106 82 59 Phosphorus Load Removed (metric tons/yr) Inflow Phosphorus (ppb) 300 400 500 600 0.736 0.905 1.04 1.15 1.47 1.81 2.09 2.31 2.21 2.72 3.13 3.46 2.94 3.62 4.17 4.62 3.68 4.53 5.21 5.77 4.41 5.43 6.26 6.93 5.15 6.34 7.30 8.08 5.89 7.24 8.34 9.24 6.62 8.15 9.38 10.4 7.36 9.05 10.4 11.5 14.7 18.1 20.9 23.1 22.1 27.2 31.3 34.6 29.4 36.2 41.7 46.2 36.8 45.3 52.1 57.7 44.1 54.3 62.6 69.3 51.5 63.4 73.0 80.8 58.9 72.4 83.4 92.4 66.2 81.5 93.8 104 73.6 90.5 104 115 88.3 109 125 139 103 127 146 162 118 145 167 185 132 163 188 208 147 181 209 231 135 198 267 342 55 51 47 43 Values in italic font indicate that the flow per unit width (Q/W) was outside the range of the calibration data sets. Values in blue font indicate that the mean depth was outside the range of the calibration data sets. Steady-state (constant flow, constant concentration) simulations using DMSTA2. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 700 1.25 2.49 3.74 4.99 6.23 7.48 8.73 9.97 11.2 12.5 24.9 37.4 49.9 62.3 74.8 87.3 99.7 112 125 150 175 199 224 249 421 40 800 1.32 2.65 3.97 5.29 6.61 7.94 9.26 10.6 11.9 13.2 26.5 39.7 52.9 66.1 79.4 92.6 106 119 132 159 185 212 238 265 504 37 Estimated Phosphorus Load Reduction for HLR = 4 cm/d Flow Area (ac) (cfs) (ac-ft/yr) 100 7 4,790 200 13 9,580 300 20 14,370 400 26 19,160 500 33 23,950 600 40 28,740 700 46 33,530 800 53 38,320 900 60 43,110 1,000 66 47,900 2,000 132 95,801 3,000 198 143,701 4,000 265 191,601 5,000 331 239,501 6,000 397 287,402 7,000 463 335,302 8,000 529 383,202 9,000 595 431,102 10,000 662 479,003 12,000 794 574,803 14,000 926 670,604 16,000 1,059 766,404 18,000 1,191 862,205 20,000 1,323 958,005 Mean Outflow Phosphorus (ppb) Overall Load Reduction (%) 100 0.316 0.633 0.949 1.27 1.58 1.90 2.21 2.53 2.85 3.16 6.33 9.49 12.7 15.8 19.0 22.1 25.3 28.5 31.6 38.0 44.3 50.6 57.0 63.3 47 53 200 0.584 1.17 1.75 2.34 2.92 3.50 4.09 4.67 5.26 5.84 11.7 17.5 23.4 29.2 35.0 40.9 46.7 52.6 58.4 70.1 81.8 93.5 105 117 101 49 Phosphorus Load Removed (metric tons/yr) Inflow Phosphorus (ppb) 300 400 500 600 0.796 0.963 1.10 1.20 1.59 1.93 2.19 2.40 2.39 2.89 3.29 3.61 3.18 3.85 4.38 4.81 3.98 4.82 5.48 6.01 4.78 5.78 6.57 7.21 5.57 6.74 7.67 8.41 6.37 7.71 8.77 9.61 7.17 8.67 9.86 10.8 7.96 9.63 11.0 12.0 15.9 19.3 21.9 24.0 23.9 28.9 32.9 36.1 31.8 38.5 43.8 48.1 39.8 48.2 54.8 60.1 47.8 57.8 65.7 72.1 55.7 67.4 76.7 84.1 63.7 77.1 87.7 96.1 71.7 86.7 98.6 108 79.6 96.3 110 120 95.5 116 131 144 111 135 153 168 127 154 175 192 143 173 197 216 159 193 219 240 166 237 315 397 45 41 37 34 Values in italic font indicate that the flow per unit width (Q/W) was outside the range of the calibration data sets. Values in blue font indicate that the mean depth was outside the range of the calibration data sets. Steady-state (constant flow, constant concentration) simulations using DMSTA2. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 700 1.29 2.58 3.86 5.15 6.44 7.73 9.01 10.3 11.6 12.9 25.8 38.6 51.5 64.4 77.3 90.1 103 116 129 155 180 206 232 258 483 31 800 1.36 2.72 4.07 5.43 6.79 8.15 9.51 10.9 12.2 13.6 27.2 40.7 54.3 67.9 81.5 95.1 109 122 136 163 190 217 244 272 571 29 Estimated Phosphorus Load Reduction for HLR = 5 cm/d Flow Area (ac) (cfs) (ac-ft/yr) 100 8 5,988 200 17 11,975 300 25 17,963 400 33 23,950 500 41 29,938 600 50 35,925 700 58 41,913 800 66 47,900 900 74 53,888 1,000 83 59,875 2,000 165 119,751 3,000 248 179,626 4,000 331 239,501 5,000 414 299,377 6,000 496 359,252 7,000 579 419,127 8,000 662 479,003 9,000 744 538,878 10,000 827 598,753 12,000 992 718,504 14,000 1,158 838,255 16,000 1,323 958,005 18,000 1,489 1,077,756 20,000 1,654 1,197,507 Mean Outflow Phosphorus (ppb) Overall Load Reduction (%) 100 0.342 0.684 1.03 1.37 1.71 2.05 2.40 2.74 3.08 3.42 6.84 10.3 13.7 17.1 20.5 24.0 27.4 30.8 34.2 41.1 47.9 54.8 61.6 68.4 54 46 200 0.620 1.24 1.86 2.48 3.10 3.72 4.34 4.96 5.58 6.20 12.4 18.6 24.8 31.0 37.2 43.4 49.6 55.8 62.0 74.5 86.9 99.3 112 124 116 42 Phosphorus Load Removed (metric tons/yr) Inflow Phosphorus (ppb) 300 400 500 600 0.834 0.998 1.13 1.23 1.67 2.00 2.25 2.46 2.50 3.00 3.38 3.69 3.34 3.99 4.51 4.92 4.17 4.99 5.63 6.14 5.00 5.99 6.76 7.37 5.84 6.99 7.89 8.60 6.67 7.99 9.02 9.83 7.51 8.99 10.1 11.1 8.34 9.98 11.3 12.3 16.7 20.0 22.5 24.6 25.0 30.0 33.8 36.9 33.4 39.9 45.1 49.2 41.7 49.9 56.3 61.4 50.0 59.9 67.6 73.7 58.4 69.9 78.9 86.0 66.7 79.9 90.2 98.3 75.1 89.9 101 111 83.4 99.8 113 123 100 120 135 147 117 140 158 172 133 160 180 197 150 180 203 221 167 200 225 246 187 265 347 433 38 34 31 28 Values in italic font indicate that the flow per unit width (Q/W) was outside the range of the calibration data sets. Values in blue font indicate that the mean depth was outside the range of the calibration data sets. Steady-state (constant flow, constant concentration) simulations using DMSTA2. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 700 1.31 2.62 3.93 5.24 6.56 7.87 9.18 10.5 11.8 13.1 26.2 39.3 52.4 65.6 78.7 91.8 105 118 131 157 184 210 236 262 522 25 800 1.38 2.76 4.14 5.51 6.89 8.27 9.65 11.0 12.4 13.8 27.6 41.4 55.1 68.9 82.7 96.5 110 124 138 165 193 221 248 276 613 23 Estimated Phosphorus Load Reduction for HLR = 6 cm/d Flow Area (ac) (cfs) (ac-ft/yr) 100 10 7,185 200 20 14,370 300 30 21,555 400 40 28,740 500 50 35,925 600 60 43,110 700 69 50,295 800 79 57,480 900 89 64,665 1,000 99 71,850 2,000 198 143,701 3,000 298 215,551 4,000 397 287,402 5,000 496 359,252 6,000 595 431,102 7,000 695 502,953 8,000 794 574,803 9,000 893 646,654 10,000 992 718,504 12,000 1,191 862,205 14,000 1,389 1,005,906 16,000 1,588 1,149,606 18,000 1,786 1,293,307 20,000 1,985 1,437,008 Mean Outflow Phosphorus (ppb) Overall Load Reduction (%) 100 0.362 0.724 1.09 1.45 1.81 2.17 2.53 2.89 3.26 3.62 7.24 10.9 14.5 18.1 21.7 25.3 28.9 32.6 36.2 43.4 50.6 57.9 65.1 72.4 59 41 200 0.647 1.29 1.94 2.59 3.23 3.88 4.53 5.17 5.82 6.47 12.9 19.4 25.9 32.3 38.8 45.3 51.7 58.2 64.7 77.6 90.5 103 116 129 127 36 Phosphorus Load Removed (metric tons/yr) Inflow Phosphorus (ppb) 300 400 500 600 0.860 1.02 1.15 1.25 1.72 2.04 2.30 2.49 2.58 3.07 3.44 3.74 3.44 4.09 4.59 4.99 4.30 5.11 5.74 6.23 5.16 6.13 6.89 7.48 6.02 7.16 8.03 8.73 6.88 8.18 9.18 9.98 7.74 9.20 10.3 11.2 8.60 10.2 11.5 12.5 17.2 20.4 23.0 24.9 25.8 30.7 34.4 37.4 34.4 40.9 45.9 49.9 43.0 51.1 57.4 62.3 51.6 61.3 68.9 74.8 60.2 71.6 80.3 87.3 68.8 81.8 91.8 99.8 77.4 92.0 103 112 86.0 102 115 125 103 123 138 150 120 143 161 175 138 164 184 200 155 184 207 224 172 204 230 249 203 285 371 460 32 29 26 23 Values in italic font indicate that the flow per unit width (Q/W) was outside the range of the calibration data sets. Values in blue font indicate that the mean depth was outside the range of the calibration data sets. Steady-state (constant flow, constant concentration) simulations using DMSTA2. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 700 1.33 2.65 3.98 5.31 6.63 7.96 9.29 10.6 11.9 13.3 26.5 39.8 53.1 66.3 79.6 92.9 106 119 133 159 186 212 239 265 551 21 800 1.39 2.78 4.18 5.57 6.96 8.35 9.74 11.1 12.5 13.9 27.8 41.8 55.7 69.6 83.5 97.4 111 125 139 167 195 223 251 278 643 20 Estimated Phosphorus Load Reduction for HLR = 7 cm/d Flow Area (ac) (cfs) (ac-ft/yr) 100 12 8,383 200 23 16,765 300 35 25,148 400 46 33,530 500 58 41,913 600 69 50,295 700 81 58,678 800 93 67,060 900 104 75,443 1,000 116 83,825 2,000 232 167,651 3,000 347 251,476 4,000 463 335,302 5,000 579 419,127 6,000 695 502,953 7,000 811 586,778 8,000 926 670,604 9,000 1,042 754,429 10,000 1,158 838,255 12,000 1,389 1,005,906 14,000 1,621 1,173,556 16,000 1,853 1,341,207 18,000 2,084 1,508,858 20,000 2,316 1,676,509 Mean Outflow Phosphorus (ppb) Overall Load Reduction (%) 100 0.376 0.753 1.13 1.51 1.88 2.26 2.63 3.01 3.39 3.76 7.53 11.3 15.1 18.8 22.6 26.3 30.1 33.9 37.6 45.2 52.7 60.2 67.7 75.3 64 36 200 0.666 1.33 2.00 2.66 3.33 3.99 4.66 5.32 5.99 6.66 13.3 20.0 26.6 33.3 39.9 46.6 53.2 59.9 66.6 79.9 93.2 106 120 133 136 32 Phosphorus Load Removed (metric tons/yr) Inflow Phosphorus (ppb) 300 400 500 600 0.879 1.04 1.16 1.26 1.76 2.08 2.32 2.52 2.64 3.12 3.49 3.78 3.51 4.16 4.65 5.04 4.39 5.19 5.81 6.30 5.27 6.23 6.97 7.56 6.15 7.27 8.14 8.81 7.03 8.31 9.30 10.1 7.91 9.35 10.5 11.3 8.79 10.4 11.6 12.6 17.6 20.8 23.2 25.2 26.4 31.2 34.9 37.8 35.1 41.6 46.5 50.4 43.9 51.9 58.1 63.0 52.7 62.3 69.7 75.6 61.5 72.7 81.4 88.1 70.3 83.1 93.0 101 79.1 93.5 105 113 87.9 104 116 126 105 125 139 151 123 145 163 176 141 166 186 201 158 187 209 227 176 208 232 252 215 300 388 478 28 25 22 20 Values in italic font indicate that the flow per unit width (Q/W) was outside the range of the calibration data sets. Values in blue font indicate that the mean depth was outside the range of the calibration data sets. Steady-state (constant flow, constant concentration) simulations using DMSTA2. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 700 1.34 2.67 4.01 5.35 6.69 8.02 9.36 10.7 12.0 13.4 26.7 40.1 53.5 66.9 80.2 93.6 107 120 134 160 187 214 241 267 571 18 800 1.40 2.80 4.20 5.60 7.00 8.41 9.81 11.2 12.6 14.0 28.0 42.0 56.0 70.0 84.1 98.1 112 126 140 168 196 224 252 280 665 17 Estimated Phosphorus Load Reduction for HLR = 8 cm/d Flow Area (ac) (cfs) (ac-ft/yr) 100 13 9,580 200 26 19,160 300 40 28,740 400 53 38,320 500 66 47,900 600 79 57,480 700 93 67,060 800 106 76,640 900 119 86,220 1,000 132 95,801 2,000 265 191,601 3,000 397 287,402 4,000 529 383,202 5,000 662 479,003 6,000 794 574,803 7,000 926 670,604 8,000 1,059 766,404 9,000 1,191 862,205 10,000 1,323 958,005 12,000 1,588 1,149,606 14,000 1,853 1,341,207 16,000 2,117 1,532,808 18,000 2,382 1,724,409 20,000 2,647 1,916,010 Mean Outflow Phosphorus (ppb) Overall Load Reduction (%) 100 0.388 0.776 1.16 1.55 1.94 2.33 2.72 3.10 3.49 3.88 7.76 11.6 15.5 19.4 23.3 27.2 31.0 34.9 38.8 46.6 54.3 62.1 69.8 77.1 67 33 200 0.680 1.36 2.04 2.72 3.40 4.08 4.76 5.44 6.12 6.80 13.6 20.4 27.2 34.0 40.8 47.6 54.4 61.2 68.0 81.6 95.2 109 122 135 143 29 Phosphorus Load Removed (metric tons/yr) Inflow Phosphorus (ppb) 300 400 500 600 0.893 1.05 1.17 1.27 1.79 2.10 2.35 2.54 2.68 3.15 3.52 3.81 3.57 4.21 4.69 5.07 4.46 5.26 5.87 6.34 5.36 6.31 7.04 7.61 6.25 7.36 8.21 8.88 7.14 8.41 9.38 10.1 8.04 9.46 10.6 11.4 8.93 10.5 11.7 12.7 17.9 21.0 23.5 25.4 26.8 31.5 35.2 38.1 35.7 42.1 46.9 50.7 44.6 52.6 58.7 63.4 53.6 63.1 70.4 76.1 62.5 73.6 82.1 88.8 71.4 84.1 93.8 101 80.4 94.6 106 114 89.3 105 117 127 107 126 141 152 125 147 164 178 143 168 188 203 161 189 211 228 177 209 233 252 225 311 401 493 25 22 20 18 Values in italic font indicate that the flow per unit width (Q/W) was outside the range of the calibration data sets. Values in blue font indicate that the mean depth was outside the range of the calibration data sets. Steady-state (constant flow, constant concentration) simulations using DMSTA2. WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 700 1.35 2.69 4.04 5.38 6.73 8.07 9.42 10.8 12.1 13.5 26.9 40.4 53.8 67.3 80.7 94.2 108 121 135 161 188 215 242 267 587 16 800 1.41 2.82 4.22 5.63 7.04 8.45 9.85 11.3 12.7 14.1 28.2 42.2 56.3 70.4 84.5 98.5 113 127 141 169 197 225 253 279 681 15 Appendix B Site Selection Criteria Memorandum WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAS) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed 2809 NW 161 Court Gainesville, FL 32609 (386) 462-1003 (386) 462-3196 fax TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM NO. 1 Development of Design Criteria for Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAs) in the Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed – Site Selection Criteria TO: Odi Villapando/SFWMD File Chris Keller/WSI Bob Knight/WSI June 1, 2009 COPIES: FROM: DATE: Contents Contents .............................................................................................................................1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................1 Land Use ............................................................................................................................4 General Land Availability Considerations .................................................................11 Hydrologic Setting .........................................................................................................11 Proximity to Water Source ...............................................................................11 Flows and Loads................................................................................................11 Soils...................................................................................................................................14 Topography .....................................................................................................................18 Environmental Considerations.....................................................................................19 Threatened and Endangered Species..............................................................19 Hazardous Wastes.............................................................................................29 Other Potential Constraints...........................................................................................29 Historic Significance .........................................................................................29 Proximity to Airports........................................................................................29 Utility Easements...............................................................................................33 References........................................................................................................................33 Introduction The Taylor Creek and Nubbin Slough Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAs) are the prototype STAs being implemented north of Lake Okeechobee. Both STAs are fully constructed but only Taylor Creek is fully operational. Operation has not been initiated at the Nubbin Slough STA due to structural issues with the pump station. The Taylor Creek and Nubbin Slough STAs were estimated to remove a long-term average of 2.08 and 5.14 metric tons of phosphorus per year, respectively. Likewise, the Lakeside Ranch facility is nearing final design and is estimated to provide about 21 metric tons of phosphorus (P) removal per year. These estimates were developed using earlier versions of the Everglades STA design model, and may be optimistic for soils and loading rates included in the estimates. 1 WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Simple input/output analysis found in the literature provides some general guidance relative to P loading rates and effluent P concentrations but they can not be accurately applied to a particular wetland without due consideration to site-specific conditions. Environmental conditions including soil properties, vegetation types, previous land uses, surface water total P concentrations, rainfall patterns, and hydraulic loads are significantly different north of the lake and may reasonably be expected to result in different development and performance of STAs constructed and operated in the Lake Okeechobee watershed. The implementation of the prototype STAs is important for demonstrating the effectiveness of the STA technology in areas north of the lake. Site specific information obtained from operation of these prototype treatment wetlands will help to improve design and operational guidance as additional STAs are planned in the watershed. The South Florida Water Management District’s (District) primary goal of the STAs north of the lake is to maximize the long-term mass removal of total phosphorus (TP) and to minimize operational costs per pound of TP removed. Unlike the STAs south of the lake, the STAs in the Lake Okeechobee watershed are not mandated to achieve a target outflow TP concentration. As such, the Okeechobee STAs offer greater flexibility in terms of design and performance goals or desired levels of treatment. Although there is no “cookbook” for successful implementation of STAs anywhere, it is assumed that these facilities if properly designed, constructed, and operated can provide predictable performance. The primary goal of this project is to develop design criteria and guidelines specific to conditions north of the lake and to predict performance of future STAs in the Lake Okeechobee watershed with greater reliability and certainty. These design standards and guidelines are also intended to serve as a tool for making future land purchases in the watershed deemed suitable for STAs. The purpose of this document is to assess relevant site-specific conditions in the 21 basins comprising the northern Lake Okeechobee watershed (Exhibit 1). The goal of this evaluation is to identify local environmental conditions that are most conducive to successful implementation of an STA in the watershed. Development of these site selection criteria should allow interested parties to identify specific areas in each of the 21 individual basins that are most appropriate for STA siting. 2 WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. EXHIBIT 1 Northern Lake Okeechobee Watershed Drainage Basins 3 WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Land Use Historic, current, and to a lesser extent, future land use can be expected to be one of the most dominant factors in selecting a site for successful STA implementation. For this analysis, current land use data were considered to be more important than historic or future land use data for the following reasons: • The potential impact of historic land uses can be considered in alternative ways by reviewing legacy phosphorus concentration data and available databases for known hazardous waste remediation sites and sites and structures of historical significance. • It is unlikely that land use changes at a particular site would trend towards being more suitable for STA implementation than less suitable. For example, former industrial sites are more likely to be redeveloped as commercial or even residential land uses than to be converted to agricultural or open land uses. • Future estimated land use is of limited value for selecting a suitable site. If the existing land use and per acre cost meets the District’s requirements, then assuming all other site selection factors are also met, the site should be strongly considered regardless of the estimated future condition. Although the majority of the study area falls within the District’s boundaries, small portions of several sub-basins encroach into the Southwest Florida and St. John’s River Water Management District’s. The following land use GIS files were merged and then intersected with the study area drainage basin boundaries (LOPP_SumBasins) to facilitate a detailed review of current land use types: • SFWMD: 2004_05_LCLU_SFWMD_Geodatabase ( • SJRWMD: lu_sjrwmd_2004 ( • SWFWMD: lu_swfwmd_2006 ( Exhibit 2 summarizes the land use for each of the 21 study basins based on Level 1 Florida Land Use and Cover Classification System (FLUCCS) codes. The Level 1 codes are as follows: 1000 - Urban and Built-up 2000 - Agriculture 3000 - Rangeland 4000 - Upland Forests 5000 - Water 6000 - Wetlands 7000 - Barren Land 8000 - Transportation, Communication, and Utilities 4 WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. EXHIBIT 2 Summary of Level 1 Land Use Area (acres) by Drainage Basin Level 1 FLUCCS Code (areas in acres) Basin 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 Basin Total (ac) 8000 C-40 Basin (S-72) 60 35,886 291 441 382 6,464 435 6 43,964 C-41 Basin (S-71) 3,425 70,056 1,188 3,448 736 14,702 974 126 94,654 Fisheating Creek 2,418 155,404 13,111 44,243 1,522 71,745 231 693 289,366 L-48 Basin (S-127) 522 16,256 220 5 464 2,744 564 20,774 L-49 Basin (S-129) 158 10,217 3 67 282 1,063 302 12,093 L-59E 132 9,094 9 18 847 3,225 1,085 14,409 6 208 41 6,440 L-59W 6,184 L-60E 97 4,309 27 2 12 544 47 5,038 L-60W 19 2,933 34 93 21 105 67 3,271 L-61E 9 10,725 2 125 3,420 5 14,286 13,567 L-61W 7,914 162 1,323 40 4,008 120 54,964 135,634 28,911 46,618 61,139 60,413 521 3,947 392,147 Nicodemus Slough (Culv 5) 187 15,242 1,051 2,774 282 5,598 348 159 25,641 S-131 Basin 557 5,202 266 95 220 617 206 S-133 Basin 7,818 13,896 185 791 857 1,588 262 262 25,660 S-135 Basin 1,011 13,452 437 139 906 1,352 747 44 18,089 S-154 Basin 2,399 23,947 379 938 215 5,633 137 149 33,798 191,749 275,356 61,499 77,592 143,587 249,908 2,834 23,273 1,025,797 5,612 204,862 70,424 26,820 5,789 113,153 2,352 271 429,283 38 41,555 2,050 71 588 13,435 751 6,167 96,452 1,345 2,713 547 12,696 488 347 120,754 277,341 1,154,576 181,590 208,192 218,565 572,622 12,518 29,277 2,654,680 Lake Istokpoga (S-68) S-65 (Lake Kissimmee) S-65A,B,C,D,E S-84 Basin (C-41A) Taylor Creek/Nubbin Slough (S-191) Project Area Total 5 7,164 58,488 WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Agricultural land uses dominate the drainage basins (43% of total area) with natural wetlands as a sub-dominant category (22% of the total area). In individual drainage basins, agricultural land uses range from 27 percent (S-65 Lake Kissimmee) to 96 percent (L-59W) of the basin areas. Not surprisingly, water and wetland land uses comprise 38 percent and 31 percent of the S-65 (Lake Kissimmee) and S-68 (Lake Istokpoga) sub-basins, respectively. Land use types that are potentially compatible with STA implementation were determined by reviewing the Level 4 classifications and filtering out those that were considered unsuitable. Unsuitable land uses include urban (Level 1000, except for 1900 [Open Land]), existing water (Level 5000) and wetlands (Level 6000), barren land (Level 7000), and transportation (Level 8000). Areas expected to have high legacy phosphorus (i.e. dairies) were also screened out. Upland forested areas were considered to be less desirable because land clearing costs would be higher than for more open land uses, but could be used if there were insufficient acreage available in the preferred land use categories. Preferred land uses for STA implementation were therefore limited to the following categories: 1900 – Open Land 2100 – Cropland and Pastureland 2110 – Improved Pastures 2120 – Unimproved Pastures 2140 – Row Crops 2150 – Field Crops 2156 – Sugar Cane 2420 – Sod Farms 2430 – Ornamentals 2600 – Other Open Lands – Rural 2610 – Fallow Cropland 3100 – Herbaceous Upland Nonforested 3200 – Shrub and Brushland 3210 – Palmetto Prairies Secondary land uses that could be used alone or in combination with the preferred land uses include the following: 1900 – Open Land 2130 – Woodland Pastures 2200 – Tree Crops 2210 – Citrus Groves 2220 – Fruit Orchards 6 WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. 2230 – Other Groves 2400 – Nurseries and Vineyards 3230 – Abandoned Groves 3300 – Mixed Upland Nonforested 4100 – Upland Coniferous Forests 4110 – Pine Flatwoods 4140 – Pine – Mesic Oak 4220 – Brazilian Pepper 4240 – Melaleuca 4270 – Live Oak 4271 – Oak – Cabbage Palm Forests 4280 – Cabbage Palm 4340 – Upland Mixed Coniferous/Hardwood 4370 – Australian Pine 4400 – Tree Plantations 4410 – Coniferous Pine 4420 – Hardwood Plantations 4430 – Forest Regeneration Exhibit 3 summarizes the total available area within each drainage basin that fell within the preferred land use categories. No attempt was made to screen potentially available land uses based on a minimum polygon size. It should also be noted that individual polygons may surround isolated wetlands or other features that would possibly be included in a specific STA site’s footprint. Therefore, the area totals shown in Exhibit 3 are slightly lower than the maximum available area based on preferred land use categories only. Exhibits 4 and 5 summarize the total land use areas by basin in the preferred, secondary, and exclusion categories. 7 WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. EXHIBIT 3 Summary of Level 4 Preferred Land Use Area (acres) by Drainage Basin FLUCCS Code Basin 1900 2100 C-40 Basin (S-72) 2110 2120 2140 2150 2156 18,357 1,773 257 158 7,310 28,962 5,711 111 365 8,623 80,840 43,799 62 523 14,458 567 15 228 L-49 Basin (S-129) 6,655 2,321 L-59E 7,744 620 L-59W 3,666 604 L-60E 1,821 506 L-60W 1,370 397 L-61E 5,423 3,068 L-61W 5,569 724 32,391 17,449 6,421 1,130 C-41 Basin (S-71) 357 Fisheating Creek L-48 Basin (S-127) Lake Istokpoga (S-68) 93 7,483 13,471 Nicodemus Slough 14 1,152 6,442 181 34 24 3 48% 15,576 75% 9,498 79% 8,560 59% 4,270 66% 12 15 2,354 47% 11 23 2,031 62% 8,491 59% 3 36 49 6,384 47% 1,752 21,037 5,100 107,720 27% 55 13,595 53% 183 4,824 67% 68 62 12,975 51% 174 156 12,015 66% 115 89 85 21,842 65% 48 13,305 13,195 28,210 252,800 25% 4 3,262 15,395 49,829 244,151 57% 21 1,256 173 621 32,978 56% 86 393 257 319 80,372 67% 376 23,128 57,690 88,749 1,051,544 40% S-135 Basin 83 4,519 41 57 S-154 Basin 237 19,006 1,254 33 1,022 115,005 41,548 1,329 8,110 121,174 43,110 6,575 4,772 24,473 5,622 621 156 37 66,131 5,600 371 6,948 40 575,170 176,873 10,346 24,168 32,823 1,519 56 137,665 53 171 5,015 3 48% 1,465 854 163 4,481 45,380 239 33 20,795 352 64% 451 876 24,937 350 28,063 5,158 8,341 Grand Total 723 % of Area 142 1,035 186 124 Grand Total 2,306 S-133 Basin Taylor Creek/Nubbin Slough (S-191) 3210 704 90 S-84 Basin (C-41A) 3200 54 3 794 3100 208 230 153 S-65A,B,C,D,E 2610 7 2,846 7,324 2600 187 35 15,428 2430 496 S-131 Basin S-65 (Lake Kissimmee) 2420 16 6,984 3,819 425 5,053 30 41 5,339 1,082 10,068 8 WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. EXHIBIT 4 Summary of Primary, Secondary, and Excluded Land Use Areas (acres) by Drainage Basin Land Use Grouping Basin Primary Secondary Excluded Basin Total (ac) C-40 Basin (S-72) 28,063 8,555 7,347 43,964 C-41 Basin (S-71) 45,380 29,475 19,799 94,654 Fisheating Creek 137,665 74,174 77,527 289,366 L-48 Basin (S-127) 15,576 998 4,201 20,774 L-49 Basin (S-129) 9,498 789 1,805 12,093 L-59E 8,560 561 5,288 14,409 L-59W 4,270 1,914 256 6,440 L-60E 2,354 1,984 700 5,038 L-60W 2,031 1,028 212 3,271 L-61E 8,491 2,236 3,559 14,286 L-61W 6,384 3,015 4,168 13,567 107,720 103,317 181,110 392,147 13,595 5,472 6,573 25,641 S-131 Basin 4,824 489 1,851 7,164 S-133 Basin 12,975 2,765 9,919 25,660 S-135 Basin 12,015 2,021 4,052 18,089 S-154 Basin 21,842 2,419 9,537 33,798 S-65 (Lake Kissimmee) 252,800 169,175 603,822 1,025,797 S-65A,B,C,D,E 244,151 54,658 130,473 429,283 S-84 Basin (C-41A) 32,978 10,697 14,813 58,488 Taylor Creek/Nubbin Slough (S-191) 80,372 16,386 23,996 120,754 1,051,544 492,129 1,111,008 2,654,680 Lake Istokpoga (S-68) Nicodemus Slough (Culv 5) Grand Total 9 WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. EXHIBIT 5 Summary of Primary, Secondary, and Excluded Land Use Areas 10 WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. General Land Availability Considerations In addition to having a suitable land use, regions considered for STA implementation should also be reviewed for compliance with the following general constraints: • The most desirable areas would consist of large single-owner parcels to minimize the number of parties involved in land purchase negotiations. • STA sites should be located at the downgradient end of a particular watershed in order to maximize the availability of surface water flows and phosphorus loads. Hydrologic Setting Proximity to Water Source Ideally, STAs would be sited on lands immediately adjacent to water bodies that deliver a treatable quantity of phosphorus to Lake Okeechobee. Small farm ditches, unless directly connected to a larger stream would not be expected to yield a sustainable supply of water to operate an STA. Exhibit 6 shows the spatial relationship between primary and secondary land use types and waterways likely to provide adequate flows and loads. Flows and Loads Exhibit 7 summarizes average annual flows and phosphorus concentrations and loads (SFWMD et al. 2008). Some sub-basins are lumped together (Taylor Creek/Nubbin Slough and Indian Prairie) and it is beyond the scope of this effort to conduct an analysis of individual basin loads. These data do show that there is a significant opportunity to reduce phosphorus loads, especially within the Lower Kissimmee, Taylor Creek/Nubbin Slough, Indian Prairie, Fisheating Creek, and Nicodemus Slough basins. 11 WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. EXHIBIT 6 Water Control Structure and Water Quality Stations within the Study Area 12 WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. EXHIBIT 7 Summary of Average Annual Flows and Phosphorus Loads to Lake Okeechobee (1991 – 2005) by Watershed (SFWMD et al. 2008) Basin Area (ac) Average Annual Discharge (ac-ft) Average Annual P Load (mt) Average Annual P Concentration (ppb) 1,021,674 954,204 91 78 429,283 378,836 77 166 Taylor Creek/Nubbin Slough 198,299 187,583 124 537 Lake Istokpoga (S-68) 392,147 299,656 23 63 Indian Prairie 294,147 249,175 89 289 Fisheating Creek and Nicodemus Slough (Culvert 5) 315,007 224,368 55 199 2,650,557 2,293,822 439 155 Upper Kissimmee (S-65) Lower Kissimmee (S-65A, B, C, D, E) 1 2 Total 1 Taylor Creek/Nubbin Slough includes S-133, S-135, S-154, S-191 2 Indian Prairie includes L-59E, L-59W, C-40, C-41, C-41A, L-60E, L-60W, L-61E, S-61W, S-127, S-129, S-131 13 WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Soils The District’s existing STAs, as well as other treatment wetlands throughout central and southern Florida have been constructed on a variety of soil types ranging from mineral sands to organic peat and muck. Native soil type undoubtedly has some impact on the minimum achievable phosphorus concentrations in an STA and this has been shown at the mesocosm, field, and full scales in the Everglades Agricultural Area. However, for the Northern Lake Okeechobee watershed, the primary focus is on load reduction rather than minimizing outflow concentrations to the protective levels required for discharge into the Everglades National Park. General soil classification is therefore not considered to be as important as the effects of historical and current land uses on stored soil phosphorus concentrations. Over the last 15 years, the District and its consultants have studied soil phosphorus concentrations throughout the Northern Lake Okeechobee watershed. In 2007 and 2008, Soil and Water Engineering Technology, Inc. (SWET) prepared a series of technical documents summarizing available soil phosphorus concentration data, estimating and mapping soil phosphorus loads that could be transported to Lake Okeechobee, and evaluating various methods for remediating soil phosphorus loads at site-specific and regional scales. Of primary interest in this recent work is the estimated spatial distribution and magnitude of soil phosphorus loads. SWET found that the highest concentrations of soil phosphorus of anthropogenic origins that could be transported (termed “legacy phosphorus”) occurred in areas with intensive dairy operations where cattle waste was ineffectively treated. Exhibits 8 and 9 show the estimated legacy phosphorus content of soils in the “A” horizon (generally the top 10 to 15 centimeters of the soil profile) and below the “A” horizon. The highest legacy phosphorus was found in dairy intensive lactating pastures, dairy high intensity holding pastures, abandoned intensive dairies, and isolated wetlands in dairy pastures. In these areas, legacy phosphorus content was estimated to range from 841 kilograms per hectare (kg/ha) to 6,230 kg/ha. Various other agricultural land uses (livestock operations and crops) had estimated legacy phosphorus contents ranging from about 250 to 650 kg/ha. All other studied land uses had legacy phosphorus contents less than 200 kg/ha. Below the “A” horizon, legacy phosphorus was still high on dairy sites ranging from 760 to 2,660 kg/ha and was also estimated to be elevated in urban, industrial, and commercial areas served by septic tanks (480 to 2,370 kg/ha). Exhibit 10 shows the relationship between legacy phosphorus content (kg/ha) and soil bulk density (g/cm3) for an assumed “A” horizon depth of 15 cm. For an organic soil with an assumed bulk density of 0.2 g/cm3, a stored phosphorus value of 500 kg/ha equates to a concentration of 1,667 mg/kg. For a mineral soil with a bulk density of 1.0 g/cm3, the same stored phosphorus value of 500 kg/ha equates to a soil concentration of 333 mg/kg. For comparison, soil phosphorus concentrations have been measured in the EAA STAs during operational monitoring. Average concentration values ranged from about 125 to 700 mg/kg with individual sample values exceeding 1,500 mg/kg and average bulk densities ranged from 0.17 to 1.03 g/cm3 (SFWMD 2009). The District has recently contracted with the University of Florida to conduct a detailed review of STA soil phosphorus and water quality performance data, but at present, no clear relationship has been drawn between preconstruction soil concentrations and observed STA performance. 14 WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. EXHIBIT 8 Legacy Phosphorus in the A Soil Horizon (SWET 2007) 15 WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. EXHIBIT 9 Legacy Phosphorus Below the A Soil Horizon (SWET 2007) 16 WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. EXHIBIT 10 Estimated Soil Phosphorus Concentration (mg/kg) as a Function of Legacy Phosphorus Content and Bulk Density Legacy P Storage (kg/ha) Bulk Density 3 (g/cm ) 50 150 250 500 1000 0.10 333 1,000 1,667 3,333 6,667 0.15 222 667 1,111 2,222 4,444 0.20 167 500 833 1,667 3,333 0.25 133 400 667 1,333 2,667 0.30 111 333 556 1,111 2,222 0.35 95.2 286 476 952 1,905 0.40 83.3 250 417 833 1,667 0.45 74.1 222 370 741 1,481 0.50 66.7 200 333 667 1,333 0.55 60.6 182 303 606 1,212 0.60 55.6 167 278 556 1,111 0.65 51.3 154 256 513 1,026 0.70 47.6 143 238 476 952 0.75 44.4 133 222 444 889 0.80 41.7 125 208 417 833 0.85 39.2 118 196 392 784 0.90 37.0 111 185 370 741 0.95 35.1 105 175 351 702 1.00 33.3 100 167 333 667 1.05 31.7 95.2 159 317 635 1.10 30.3 90.9 152 303 606 1.15 29.0 87.0 145 290 580 1.20 27.8 83.3 139 278 556 1.25 26.7 80.0 133 267 533 1.30 25.6 76.9 128 256 513 1.35 24.7 74.1 123 247 494 1.40 23.8 71.4 119 238 476 1.45 23.0 69.0 115 230 460 1.50 22.2 66.7 111 222 444 Assumed soil horizon depth of 15 cm 17 WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. For the purposes of initial screening of potential STA sites, and pending the results of the University’s analyses, it is recommended that the District establish an interim “A” horizon legacy phosphorus threshold of 500 kg/ha. The selection of this value would result in estimated soil phosphorus concentrations that span the range of observed measurements in the EAA STAs for likely ranges of soil bulk densities. Topography Topography plays a large role in first determining site suitability and then in dictating the layout of STA cells within the available project boundaries. In general, it is most desirable to locate an STA on a site with no appreciable change in elevation from one end or side to the other or to grade the site so that cell bottoms are level. The operational issues that can arise due to irregular topography are numerous and include the following: • Ground slopes that run parallel to the design flow path create a gradient of the water depths that, at the extremes, are too shallow at the upstream end to efficiently inundate the available treatment area and/or too deep at the downstream end to support the target vegetation community. Such slopes also create problems during initial plant establishment because an optimum depth can not be achieved across the entire cell. In addition, longitudinal ground slopes may increase the likelihood of creating preferential flow paths when the cell is initially filled and each time there is a drought period that exposes the sediment surface at the upstream end. • Ground slopes that run transverse to the flow path likewise create a gradient of water depths, but in this case the deeper side of the cell carries the majority of the flow and results in hydraulic inefficiency. • In addition to the general topographic gradient on a site, other topographic features such as remnant irrigation ditches and planting beds can further exacerbate problems with the formation of preferential flow channels. It is challenging to screen sites for suitable topography at the basin level because there is naturally a wide range in elevations throughout each watershed. Converting elevation changes to slopes can be accomplished using GIS software, but fairly complicated criteria would need to be developed to determine acceptable maximum slopes as a function of land use polygon or parcel size. It is therefore recommended that other factors (land use, parcel ownership, proximity to water source, etc.) be used to short-list potential sites and that topography then be reviewed to determine suitability on a site by site basis. For individual STA cells, it is recommended that elevation changes be limited to no more than 1.5 to 2 feet if level grading is cost prohibitive. Where site elevation changes exceed 2 feet, multiple cells-in-series are likely to be required. The economic tradeoffs between terracing a sloped site into multiple cells versus level-grading a larger cell will be explored in the companion document to this Technical Memorandum (Evaluation of STA Design Parameters). 18 WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. Environmental Considerations Various environmental considerations also factor in to the selection of a site for STA implementation. Significant issues could include the presence of existing wetlands, the presence or potential presence of threatened or endangered (T&E) species, and the presence of hazardous waste contamination sites. The magnitude of potential impacts to existing wetlands can be determined during the land use screening phase, so this section focuses on T&E species and hazardous materials. Threatened and Endangered Species There are a number of T&E animal and plant species that occur within the Northern Lake Okeechobee watershed and the specific habitat requirements of each could eliminate a site from consideration, necessitate careful construction sequencing, and/or create operational and management issues that negatively impact the primary water quality enhancement objectives of an STA project. When any of these species are documented or expected to occur on a project site, consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) will be required during the permitting and design phase. Fauna Six animal T&E species have habitat ranges that overlap some or all of the 21-basin study area. These species include the Everglades snail kite (Rostrhamus sociabilis plumbeus), redcockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis), scrub jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens), crested caracara (Caracara cheriway), bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), and Florida panther (Felis concolor coryi). Everglades Snail Kite Exhibit 11 shows the range of the Everglades snail kite relative to the study basins. The snail kite can occur throughout the study area with the exception of the western portion of the Fisheating Creek basin. The snail kite is a wetland-dependent bird as its primary food source is the native apple snail (Pomacea paludosa). Therefore, STA construction and operation is not inconsistent with the habitat requirements for this species. Although consultation with the USFWS would be necessary during project permitting, an STA project would not be expected to have an adverse effect on snail kite populations. Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Exhibit 12 shows the habitat range for the red-cockaded woodpecker (RCW). The RCW may be found in large portions of the Kissimmee River (S-65) and Fisheating Creek basins as well as in smaller portions of the Lake Istokpoga and S-65A, B, C, D, E basins. The RCW inhabits forested areas and prefers old-growth pines for roosting and nesting. As forested land uses are not in the recommended primary category for initial site screening, it is likely that RCW habitat would be a minimal constraint in most basins. Scrub Jay Exhibit 13 shows the range for the scrub jay. The scrub jay may inhabit all basins but a few (L-60W, L-49, L-48, and S-135) around the northern and eastern shores of Lake Okeechobee. 19 WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. EXHIBIT 11 Consultation Area for the Everglades Snail Kite 20 WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. EXHIBIT 12 Consultation Area for the Red-Cockaded Woodpecker 21 WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. EXHIBIT 13 Consultation Area for the Scrub Jay 22 WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. The scrub jay requires open oak or sand pine flatwoods with minimal canopy coverage and patches of sandy bare ground. While this land use type would be suitable for construction, as it is easy to clear, scrub habitat is rare and often protected. Crested Caracara Exhibit 14 shows that the range for the crested caracara covers the entire study area with the exception of the northernmost portion of the Kissimmee River (S-65) basin. The preferred habitat for the caracara is unimproved or improved pasture with scattered cabbage palms for nesting. Because these land uses are also desirable for STA construction, it is very likely that a significant level of permitting and coordination will be required for this species. However, caracaras are opportunistic feeders and use wetland areas for foraging. Bald Eagle Exhibit 15 shows the locations of bald eagle nesting sites based on 2006 data. In 2007, the bald eagle was removed from the Federal and State endangered and threatened species lists. However, there are still rules in place to protect eagle nest sites, particularly during the breeding season. These rules are copied below (FWC 2008): • No FWC Eagle Disturbance Permits will be issued for activities within 330 feet of an active bald eagle nest during the nesting season, Oct. 1 to May 15, or whenever eagles are present at the nest site. • Outside of the nesting season, an FWC Eagle Disturbance Permit can be used for projects up to 100 feet from the nest. The FWC will not permit any activity within 100 feet of a nest any time of the year, except for nests built on artificial structures or when similar scope may allow construction activities to occur closer than 100 feet. • An FWC Nest Removal Permit will be issued only in the case of a human and/or eagle health or safety issue. • Any land-altering activity within 660 feet of an active or alternate bald eagle nest that cannot be undertaken consistent with FWC eagle management activities may require an FWC Eagle Permit. Activities beyond 660 feet do not ever require an FWC Eagle Permit. When construction activities are planned inside the recommended buffer zone of an active or alternate bald eagle nest, then issuance of the FWC Eagle Permit will require conservation measures as follows: o For activities between 330 and 660 feet, one conservation measure is sufficient. o For activities within 330 feet of a nest, two conservation measures should be included with the application, and one of the two measures should be a $35,000 contribution to the Bald Eagle Conservation Fund. • Permits will be issued if they further the management plan goal and objectives. • No permit will be required for activities that follow the FWC Eagle Management Guidelines as described in the management plan. 23 WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. EXHIBIT 14 Consultation Area for the Crested Caracara 24 WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. EXHIBIT 15 Location of Bald Eagle Nests in the Study Area 25 WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. • For projects with a buffer between 330 and 660 feet from an eagle nest that do not follow the guidelines and obtain a FWC Eagle Permit one conservation measure is sufficient: o Contribute $35,000 to the Bald Eagle Conservation Fund to support bald eagle monitoring and research. o Provide a financial assurance (such as a bond) in the amount of $50,000. o Grant a conservation easement over the 330-foot buffer zone of an active or alternate bald eagle nest within the same or an adjacent county, or within the same core nesting area. When the buffer is only partially owned by the applicant, contribute an onsite easement over the portion of the 330-foot buffer zone to which the applicant holds title. o Grant a conservation easement over suitable bald eagle nesting habitat (see the next bullet below) onsite or offsite. o Propose an alternate conservation measure that advances the goal of the management plan based upon the particular facts and circumstances presented by the applicant. o For projects with a buffer of 330 feet or less, two conservation measures should be included with the application, and one of the two measures should be a $35,000 contribution. o Minimization measure may also be required for projects that are within 660 feet of an eagle’s nest. Some examples include (there are a total of nine): Implement the Bald Eagle Monitoring Guidelines (USFWS 2007) for all site work or exterior construction activities. Avoid exterior construction activities within 330 feet of the nest during the nesting season. Create, enhance or expand the visual vegetative buffer between construction activities and the nest by planting appropriate native pines or hardwoods. Florida Panther Exhibit 16 shows the range of the Florida panther. The preferred land uses for STA construction do not provide optimum panther habitat (pinelands, hardwood hammocks, and mixed swamp forests) but likely provide travel corridors. STA construction would be consistent with protecting land from development and providing areas where panthers can roam with minimal human interference. Flora One specific plant species (Okeechobee gourd) and two groupings of plants (Lake Wales Ridge and Southwest) may occur in parts of the study area (Exhibit 17). The Okeechobee gourd (Cucurbita okeechobeensis) historically occurred in pond apple (Anona glabra) forests that grew around the lake shore. Conversion of pond apple forests to agriculture and water- 26 WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. EXHIBIT 16 Consultation Area for the Florida Panther 27 WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. EXHIBIT 17 USFWS Consultation Areas for Threatened and Endangered Flora 28 WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. level regulation in the lake have been the most significant impacts to this species (USFWS 1999). Most of the Lake Wales Ridge plants are associated with dry scrub habitat and would not likely occur in the areas most suitable for STA construction. The Southwest plants consultation area impacts only the most western portion of the Fisheating Creek basin and is too far upgradient to exclude likely STA sites. Hazardous Wastes Preliminary screening and risk assessment for the presence of hazardous waste materials on a site can be done through the use of readily-available and frequently updated GIS data layers that describe known spills or remediation projects and document the locations of active hazardous waste generators (Exhibit 18). As is customary with land acquisitions, the District would conduct a Phase I Environmental Assessment to determine the presence and risk of chemical contamination on a potential site. While the preferred land use types (i.e. pastures, groves, and other agriculture) offer relatively low risks of encountering prohibitively high legacy phosphorus concentrations, diesel fuel storage tanks and pesticide or herbicide tanks can be found on many agricultural properties. In some cases, the soils around these tanks may require remediation prior to STA construction and hydration. Other Potential Constraints Other potential constraints to the STA site-selection process include the presence of historical or cultural resources, proximity to airports, and location of existing utilities. Each is discussed briefly below. Historic Significance Exhibit 19 shows the locations of known historically-significant structures and areas that have been surveyed for cultural and historical resources. The survey areas do not necessarily indicate areas that must be precluded from land use modifications. Historical structures and archaeological sites can not be disturbed without coordination with the Division of Historical Resources and mitigation for impacts. Additional resource surveys would need to be conducted on any site purchased for STA implementation. Proximity to Airports The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has issued Advisory Circular 150/5200-33B (FAA 2007) which describes various wildlife hazards and attractants on or near airports (Exhibit 20). The recommendations contained in the document apply only to public-use airports that have received Federal grant-in-aid assistance. The document identifies “artificial marshes” as wildlife attractants that may increase wildlife hazards (bird strikes). The following recommendations are provided in the FAA circular: • Maintain a separation distance of 5,000 feet between the airport and attractant for airports serving piston-powered aircraft. 29 WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. EXHIBIT 18 Known Hazardous Waste Generators and Petroleum Contamination Sites 30 WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. EXHIBIT 19 Historic Structures and Cultural Resource Study Areas 31 WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. EXHIBIT 20 Airports in the Study Area 32 WETLAND SOLUTIONS, INC. • Maintain a separation distance of 10,000 feet between the airport and attractant for airports serving turbine-powered aircraft. • Maintain a distance of 5 miles between the farthest edge of the airport’s air operations area (AOA) and the wildlife attractant to protect approach, departure, and circling airspace. Utility Easements Existing utilities may complicate the design of a particular STA site, but most of the EAA STAs have been constructed around various utilities such as overhead power transmission lines. STA cells can typically be laid out so that utilities are accessible from perimeter levees. References FWC. 2008. Fact Sheet – Bald eagle management plan. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. October 16, 2008. Soil and Water Engineering Technology, Inc. (SWET). 2007. Final Report, Task 2 Evaluation of Existing Information, Technical Assistance in Review and Analysis of Existing Data for Evaluation of Legacy Phosphorus in the Lake Okeechobee Watershed. Prepared for the South Florida Water Management District. December 27, 2007. SFWMD. 2009. 2009 South Florida Environmental Report. South Florida Water Management District. West Palm Beach, FL. SFWMD, FDEP, and FDACS. 2008. Lake Okeechobee Watershed Construction Project Phase II Technical Plan. Prepared by the South Florida Water Management District, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, and Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. February 2008. USFWS. 1999. South Florida Multi-Species Recovery Plan. United States Fish and Wildlife Service. 33
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