Stretching out for trustworthy reproducible builds Reiner Herrmann [email protected] GPN15 2015-06-07 Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 1 / 128 What? Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 2 / 128 What are reproducible builds? “reproducible builds” enable anyone to reproduce bit by bit identical binary packages from a given source Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 3 / 128 “I want to believe” source Reiner Herrmann (Debian) build binary Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 4 / 128 “I want to believe” free software freedom to study source Reiner Herrmann (Debian) build freedom to run binary Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 4 / 128 “I want to believe” source build binary can be used can be verified Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 4 / 128 “I want to believe” source can be verified Reiner Herrmann (Debian) build binary prove it to me! Stretching reproducible builds can be used GPN15 4 / 128 Why? Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 5 / 128 Why? Reproducible builds allow for independent verifications that a binary matches what the source intended to produce. … and other nice things. Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 6 / 128 But I’m the developer! “I know what’s in the binary because I compiled it myself!” “I’m an upstanding, careful, and responsible individual!” “Why should I have to worry about hypothetical risks about the contents of my binaries?” Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 7 / 128 But the build machines are secure How can you be sure? Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 8 / 128 Unpleasant thoughts We think of software development as a fundamentally benign activity. I “I’m not that interesting.” Users can be targeted through developers Known successful attacks against infrastructure used by Linux (2003), FreeBSD (2013) Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 9 / 128 Strong motivations Compromise one computer to get: I I I I Hundreds of millions of other computers? Every bank account in the world? Every Windows computer in the world? Every Linux server in the world? Compromise one computer is worth: I I I $100k USD? (Market price of remote 0day) $100M USD? (Censorship budget of Iran per year) $4B USD? (Bitcoin market cap) Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 10 / 128 How small can a backdoor be? OpenSSH 3.0.2 (CVE-2002-0083) – exploitable security bug (privilege escalation: user can get root) { + Channel *c; if (id < 0 || id > channels_alloc) { if (id < 0 || id >= channels_alloc) { log("channel_lookup: %d: bad id", id); return; } Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 11 / 128 Result of fixing the bug (asm) cmpl $0x0,0x8(%ebp) js 16 mov 0x4,%eax cmp %eax,0x8(%ebp) jle 30 mov 0x8(%ebp),%eax mov %eax,0x4(%esp) movl $0x4c,(%esp) call 25 Reiner Herrmann (Debian) cmpl $0x0,0x8(%ebp) js 16 mov 0x4,%eax cmp %eax,0x8(%ebp) jl 30 mov 0x8(%ebp),%eax mov %eax,0x4(%esp) movl $0x4c,(%esp) call 25 Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 12 / 128 Result of fixing the bug (asm) cmpl $0x0,0x8(%ebp) js 16 mov 0x4,%eax cmp %eax,0x8(%ebp) jle 30 mov 0x8(%ebp),%eax mov %eax,0x4(%esp) movl $0x4c,(%esp) call 25 Reiner Herrmann (Debian) cmpl $0x0,0x8(%ebp) js 16 mov 0x4,%eax cmp %eax,0x8(%ebp) jl 30 mov 0x8(%ebp),%eax mov %eax,0x4(%esp) movl $0x4c,(%esp) call 25 Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 12 / 128 Resulting difference in the binary What’s the difference between if (a > b) and if (a >= b) in x86 assembly? assembly: JLE JL opcode: 0x7E 0x7C binary: 01111110 01111100 A single bit! Other corresponding opcode pairs also differ by just a single bit (JGE=0x7D, JG=0x7F) Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 13 / 128 Result of fixing the bug (hex) Vulnerable 55 28 78 00 7e 89 04 00 ff 00 89 83 0a 00 1a 44 24 e8 b8 eb e5 7d a1 39 8b 24 4c fc 00 35 Fixed 83 08 04 45 45 04 00 ff 00 ec 00 00 08 08 c7 00 ff 00 Overall file size: approx. 500 kB Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds 55 28 78 00 7c 89 04 00 ff 00 89 83 0a 00 1a 44 24 e8 b8 eb e5 7d a1 39 8b 24 4c fc 00 35 83 08 04 45 45 04 00 ff 00 ec 00 00 08 08 c7 00 ff 00 GPN15 14 / 128 Result of fixing the bug (hex) Vulnerable 55 28 78 00 7e 89 04 00 ff 00 89 83 0a 00 1a 44 24 e8 b8 eb e5 7d a1 39 8b 24 4c fc 00 35 Fixed 83 08 04 45 45 04 00 ff 00 ec 00 00 08 08 c7 00 ff 00 Overall file size: approx. 500 kB Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds 55 28 78 00 7c 89 04 00 ff 00 89 83 0a 00 1a 44 24 e8 b8 eb e5 7d a1 39 8b 24 4c fc 00 35 83 08 04 45 45 04 00 ff 00 ec 00 00 08 08 c7 00 ff 00 GPN15 14 / 128 How did this start? Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 15 / 128 Bitcoin’s motivation Malicious modifications to binaries could result in irrevocable unwanted transfers of bitcoins Individual developers could be blamed for such modifications Users might not believe that a developer’s machine was hacked Reproducible builds therefore protect developers Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 16 / 128 Nothing new though From: Martin Uecker <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] Date: Sun, 23 Sep 23:32:59 +0200 2007 I think it would be really cool if the Debian policy required that packages could be rebuild bit-identical from source. At the moment, it is impossible to independly verify the integricity of binary packages. Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 17 / 128 Wouldn’t it be cool? Debian is the largest collection of free software More than 21,000 source packages “Our priorities are our users and free software” Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 18 / 128 How? Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 19 / 128 How to achieve reproducibility? Record the build environment Reproduce the build environment Eliminate unneeded variations Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 20 / 128 How to Record the build environment Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 21 / 128 .buildinfo files New control file *.buildinfo which records: Versions of build dependencies I … and their dependencies Checksum of the source package. Checksums of the binary packages. Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 22 / 128 Example .buildinfo Format: 1.9 Build-Architecture: amd64 Source: txtorcon Binary: python-txtorcon Architecture: all Version: 0.11.0-1 Build-Path: /usr/src/debian/txtorcon-0.11.0-1 Checksums-Sha256: a26549d9…7b 125910 python-txtorcon_0.11.0-1_all.deb 28f6bcbe…69 2039 txtorcon_0.11.0-1.dsc Build-Environment: base-files (= 8), base-passwd (= 3.5.37), bash (= 4.3-11+b1), … Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 23 / 128 How to Reproduce the build environment Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 24 / 128 archives every state of the Debian archive. 2015-05-25: 29 terabytes of data in 17 million files. Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 25 / 128 srebuild Thin wrapper around sbuild Find the right archive snapshot Install packages listed in the *.buildinfo file Start the build Status: proof-of-concept in #774415 Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 26 / 128 How to Eliminate unneeded variations Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 27 / 128 General approach Gitian (Bitcoin, Tor Browser): I I Use a VM: same kernel, same user, same build path libfaketime Debian: I I I Fix the tools Fix the build systems Work-arounds as last resort Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 28 / 128 strip-nondeterminism Normalize various file formats Currently handles: I I I I I I I ar archives (.a) gzip Java jar Javadoc HTML Maven PNG ZIP archives Written in Perl (like dpkg-dev) Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 29 / 128 Investigating packages debbindiff : Two files → HTML and/or plain text output showing the differences Works with many file types, eg .changes, .deb, .rpm, iso9660, squashfs images, directories, … Recursively unpack archives Seeks human readability: I I I I uncompress PDF disassemble binaries, unpack Gettext files, … easy to extend to new file formats Falls back to binary comparison Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 30 / 128 Test (and test again) Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 31 / 128 idea Build the package Rebuild the package Compare the results Initially a 10 lines shell script… Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 32 / 128 today 28 jobs defined in 379 LOC of YAML I I I I I I I 8 build jobs, rescheduled every 2 minutes Job for auto-scheduling via a SQLite database 5 jobs to recreate pbuilder base.tgz for sid, testing and experimental and debbindiff schroots (just sid and testing) job to update notes and issues from Git JSON output a maintainance job and one to report problems in the results remaining jobs mostly to create HTML and graphs 12 Shell scripts with 3085 LOC I including one to be manually run (on alioth) by team members to independently schedule packages 12 Python3 scripts with 3338 LOC constantly updated “static” webpages Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 33 / 128 today driven by I announced 2014-09-26 virtual hardware sponsored by constantly increasing ;-) Thanks for the support! I migration to an even more distributed system has just begun, incl. to and using a 2nd build host tests packages in main on amd64 in experimental, unstable and testing I I scheduler reschedules unstable twice as testing at the moment - but we can change this anytime easily frequent IRC notifications, optionally targeted on demand all code and configuration in Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 34 / 128 overall stats Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 35 / 128 For those in the back 81.7% More than 17,900 source packages! Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 36 / 128 For those in the back 81.7% More than 17,900 source packages! (in our test environment) Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 36 / 128 variations The second build differs by: time timezone file ordering CPU ordering and availability hostname, domainname username, uid, gid umask LANG and LC_ALL kernel version (using linux64 --uname-2.6) DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="parallel=22" PATH Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 37 / 128 What is not varied (yet) day/month/year /proc/cpuinfo rebuilds on different filesystems (currently tmpfs only) more? Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 38 / 128 not reproducible Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 39 / 128 package Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 40 / 128 package Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 41 / 128 package Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 42 / 128 Experimental “reproducible” toolchain Test and refine changes to tools used by build systems Currently 8 source packages modified - compared to experimental: I dpkg, debhelper, cdbs, docbook-to-man, fontforge, libxslt, python-support & wheel Most patches already submitted to the BTS git://$pkg.git in branch pu/reproducible_builds repositories overview on r.d.n Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 43 / 128 Investigated packages Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 44 / 128 Identified issues Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 45 / 128 package sets currently 27 package sets: I I I I I I I I I Essential:yes, Required:yes, build-essential and their build dependencies 1337 most frequently installed packages (popcon) “key packages” (from UDD) All Packages installed on all machines All Packages which had a security fix (DSA) published All (GNOME|KDE|XFCE) packages & build dependencies All packages in Tails and their build dependencies All packages in Grml and their build dependencies All packages maintained by pkg-perl-maintainers, pkg-java-maintainers, pkg-haskell-maintainers, pkg-ruby-extras-maintainers, pkg-golang-maintainers, pkg-php-pear, pkg-javascript-devel, debian-ocaml, debian-boot Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 46 / 128 r.d.n package sets: tails_build-depends Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 47 / 128 more goodies$PACKAGE List of unreproducible packages per maintainer List of packages without any identified issue Reproducibility status displayed in: I I Debian Developer’s Package Overview F I[email protected] Debian Maintainer Dashboard F Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 48 / 128 Findings Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 49 / 128 Identified issues Timestamps (recording current time) File order (Pseudo-)randomness: I I I Temporary file paths UUID Protection against complexity attacks Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 50 / 128 Identified issues (cont.) CPU and memory related: I I Code optimizations for current CPU class Recording of memory addresses Build-path Others, eg. locale settings Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 51 / 128 Identified issues (cont.) Examples Timestamps added by build systems Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 52 / 128 Timestamps in gzip headers Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 53 / 128 Timestamps written by Maven Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 54 / 128 Timestamps in generated Makefiles Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 55 / 128 Timestamps in header files Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 56 / 128 Timestamps written by PyQt4 Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 57 / 128 Timestamps written by Erlang compiler Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 58 / 128 Timestamps in PE binaries Windows, UEFI, Mono… Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 59 / 128 Timestamps in ADA library information Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 60 / 128 Timestamps in Ruby gemspec files Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 61 / 128 Timestamps in PHP registry Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 62 / 128 Timestamps by a template engine Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 63 / 128 Timestamps in Python version Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 64 / 128 Identified issues (cont.) Examples Archives Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 65 / 128 Timestamps in static libraries Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 66 / 128 Timestamps in static libraries (cont.) Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 67 / 128 Timestamps in ZIP archives Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 68 / 128 Timestamps in Java jar They are actually ZIP archives. Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 69 / 128 Timestamps in tarballs Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 70 / 128 Users and groups in tarballs Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 71 / 128 Random order in tarballs Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 72 / 128 Identified issues (cont.) Examples Timestamps in documentation Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 73 / 128 Timestamps written by Doxygen Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 74 / 128 Timestamps written by docbook-to-man Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 75 / 128 Timestamps written by Groovydoc Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 76 / 128 Timestamps written by Epydoc Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 77 / 128 Timestamps written by Sphinx Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 78 / 128 Timestamps written by Ghostscript Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 79 / 128 Timestamps written by LaTeX Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 80 / 128 Timestamps written by texi2html Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 81 / 128 Timestamps written by texi2html (cont.) Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 82 / 128 Timestamps written by help2man Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 83 / 128 Timestamps written by GNU groff Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 84 / 128 Timestamps written by Javadoc Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 85 / 128 Timestamps written by man2html Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 86 / 128 Timestamps in TeX output (.dvi) Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 87 / 128 Identified issues (cont.) Examples “Compiled at/on/by” Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 88 / 128 Build time via C preprocessor macros Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 89 / 128 Build time via C preprocessor macros Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 90 / 128 Build time recorded via Makefile Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 91 / 128 Hostname recorded via ./configure Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 92 / 128 Build time recorded via ./configure Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 93 / 128 m4 macros for autoconf (build time) Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 94 / 128 m4 macros for autoconf (username) Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 95 / 128 m4 macros for autoconf (hostname) Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 96 / 128 Recorded kernel version Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 97 / 128 Bonus points for programmers Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 98 / 128 Identified issues (cont.) Examples File ordering Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 99 / 128 File ordering in python-support files Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 100 / 128 Identified issues (cont.) Examples Randomness Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 101 / 128 Random Perl hash order See Algorithmic complexity attacks in perlsec(1). Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 102 / 128 Random serial numbers in Ogg streams Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 103 / 128 Random import order in Python code Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 104 / 128 Random order in Python namespace files Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 105 / 128 Temporary filenames in Ocaml libraries Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 106 / 128 Identified issues (cont.) Examples Even more timestamps! Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 107 / 128 Timestamp-dependent rebuilds Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 108 / 128 Timestamps in EPUB files Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 109 / 128 Timestamps in PNG Even images! Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 110 / 128 Timestamps in TrueType font files And fonts! Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 111 / 128 You think those were enough issues? Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 112 / 128 71 new issues in the last 4 months found Not all new issues that have been identified since January 31 2015 (today 129 in total) are included in these slides. I A lot of issues have an impact on only a very small number of packages Today there are 3479 packages with notes, compared to 2243 “back then”. I 364 unreproducible packages still without notes Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 113 / 128 Bugs filed Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 114 / 128 Please help! Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 115 / 128 Please help! Do not record time, username, hostname, kernel version… I … or make it optional. Sort file paths. Sort dictionary keys. Merge our patches! Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 116 / 128 How to help Debian? Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 117 / 128 How to help Debian? Inventory issues and analyse them Make packages build reproducibly Fix known common issues: I I Get reproducible PE binaries; Random filenames with GCC; Hack Debian archive infrastructure I Store and distribute *.buildinfo files (#763822)) F I our dpkg patch isn’t in the BTS yet reproducibility should be mandated in debian-policy… Hack tools to display local package reproducibility status We need a logo too :-) … Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 118 / 128 Contributors akira Andrew Ayer Asheesh Laroia Chris Lamb (lamby) Christoph Berg Chris West Daniel Kahn Gillmor David Suarez Drew Fisher Eduard Sanou (dhole) Guillem Jover Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Hans-Christoph Steiner Helmut Grohne Holger Levsen Jelmer Vernooij josch Juan Picca Lunar Mattia Rizzolo Nicolas Boulenguez Niels Thykier Niko Tyni Stretching reproducible builds Paul Wise Peter De Wachter Philip Rinn Reiner Herrmann Stefano Rivera Stéphane Glondu Steven Chamberlain Tom Fitzhenry Tomasz Buchert Wookey Ximin Luo GPN15 119 / 128 Stay in touch Subscribe to the ReproducibleBuilds wiki pages. Mailing lists: I I [email protected] [email protected] Join #debian-reproducible on I regular biweekly team meetings, first took place this week Weekly reports (Lunar’s blog / Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 120 / 128 Other distributions Fedora reproducible-builds-for-fedora/ OpenSUSE build-compare Factory/build-compare NixOS 011357.html FreeBSD: and OpenWrt: http: // Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 121 / 128 Reproducible Fedora? No known activity after the initial blog post. Fedora is leading developments for key components. Can we help reproducible Fedora? Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 122 / 128 You’re involved in Fedora? FreeBSD? OpenWrt? SLES? OpenBSD? Arch? Please talk to us! Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 123 / 128 You’re involved in Fedora? FreeBSD? OpenWrt? SLES? OpenBSD? Arch? We’d be glad to help set up some continuous testing, but it will need constant maintainers. Could this be you? We hope reproducible builds will become the norm. Our documentation should be helpful to others. Come talk to us! Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 124 / 128 Future Ready for the next Debian release (stretch) Reproducible installation media Reproducible live images (pure Debian, Grml, Tails) Reproducible cross-platform builds (“rebootstrap”) Binary transparency logs: public log of all software releases Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 125 / 128 Reminder This is just “research” at the moment. Debian is not reproducible at all currently. However, we now know it is “theoretically possible” and feasible. And we do have received lots of support. We hope for much progress at and after DebConf15 in August 2015 in Heidelberg. Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 126 / 128 Thanks Lunar, Holger Levsen, Mattia Rizzolo Mike Perry and Seth Schoen for their 31C3 talk Profitbricks for sponsoring Globalsign for sponsoring X.509 certificates Designers of Tango icons Everyone who helped! Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 127 / 128 ? Questions? Comments? #debian-reproducible on OFTC Reiner 2F5D AF3F C1F7 93D9 4F3D 900C A721 DA05 5374 AA4F Reiner Herrmann (Debian) Stretching reproducible builds GPN15 128 / 128
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