TAY NGUYEN UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS --------------***------------ RESEARCH REPORT “Labor dependence, income diversification, rural credit and agricultural production efficiency: Case studies of smallholder coffee farms in the Cu Mgar District, Dak Lak Province, Vietnam” Funded by: Mekong Economic Research Network Research Team: 1. Ho Quoc Thong (team leader) 2. Duong Thi Ai Nhi 3. Pham Van Truong Mentor: Dr. Nguyen Thang - September 2013 - Acknowledgements The funding for this study was provided by the International Development Research Center (IDRC) through the Mekong Economic Research Network (MERN). We greatly acknowledge their support. We would also thank our mentor, Dr. Nguyen Thang, Director of the Center for Analysis and Forecasts, Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences, for his advice and valuable comments in improving the original version of this research paper. ii Table of Figures Figure 1. Stochastic frontier production function (Battese 1992).............................................. 5 Figure 2. Technical efficiency distribution .............................................................................. 13 Figure 3. Inverse Simpson index vs Efficiency score .............................................................. 14 Figure 4. Credit loan vs Efficiency score ................................................................................. 15 Figure 5. Labor dependence vs Efficiency score ..................................................................... 16 Tables Table 1. Variable definition ....................................................................................................... 7 Table 2. Summary statistics of coffee production and socio-economic variables ..................... 8 Table 3. MLE model vs FGLS model ...................................................................................... 11 iii Table of content 1. Title of proposed research project ....................................................................................... 1 2. Abstract ............................................................................................................................... 1 3. Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 1 4. Main research questions ...................................................................................................... 3 5. Main hypotheses .................................................................................................................. 3 6. Methodology ....................................................................................................................... 3 7. Data resources ..................................................................................................................... 6 8. Empirical models and estimation results............................................................................. 8 8.1 Empirical Models ................................................................................................................ 8 8.2 Estimation results ................................................................................................................ 9 8.2.1 Stochastic Production model ...................................................................................... 12 8.2.2 Coffee production efficiency ...................................................................................... 12 8.2.3 Income diversification ................................................................................................ 13 8.2.4 Credit loan helps increase the efficiency .................................................................... 14 9. Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 16 10. Policy recommendations ................................................................................................... 17 iv 1. Title of proposed research project “Labor dependence, income diversification, rural credit and agricultural production efficiency: Case studies of smallholder coffee farms in the Cu Mgar District, Dak Lak Province, Vietnam” 2. Abstract This study examines relationships between income diversification, rural credit loan, labor dependence and technical efficiency in coffee production. The MLE showed that mean of technical efficiency scores was 0.64 and inefficiency effect statistically and significantly existed. It is the fact that income diversification and degree of labor dependence negatively and significantly affected the technical efficiency, while credit loan had a positive and statistically significant relationship with the efficiency. These relationships held especially true for smallholder coffee farms with ethnic minority household heads. The policy options of increasing credit loan, intensive investment in coffee production and dependent management strategies for labor sources were suggested as an integrated approach to improve technical efficiency in coffee production of smallholder coffee farms. 3. Introduction Enhancing agricultural production efficiency is not only to increasing income for farmers, but also to solving many burdens on urban areas in developing world. It is nature of economic laws that resources transit from the inefficient sectors to more efficient areas. Reducing urban population, objectively limiting labor migrants to cities is especially primary consideration of policy- makers to lessen serious problems for major cities. Creating more jobs available for rural labors at their community and more efficient use of resources are known as an integrated strategy to sustainably improve household income, which is an economic incentive to shorten living standard gaps between urban and rural area. There were several studies examined how socio-economic factors contributing to levels of 1 efficiency in agricultural production. For instance, agricultural labors are highly seasonal thus diversifying income sources was suggested to be better for farmers (Illukpitiya & Yanagida, 2010). Labor is one of the most important factors for any agricultural production. Comparing the marginal physical product with respect to this factor and wage are unrealistic. However, this distortion may occur when family labor and hired labor are not separately treated in production models. Kumbhakar (1996) found that wages for agricultural labors were relatively equal to the marginal product and family labor was more technically efficient than hired labor in agricultural production. In addition, rural credit, income diversification and education of household heads were taken into account of several previous studies (see Ilslukpitiya & Yanagida, 2010; Kamil, Fatama, Pinang, & Society, 2009; Kehinde, Awoyemi, Omonona, & Akande, 2010; Marsh, 2007; Obwona, 2006). However, there are very few studies examining inefficiency in coffee production, and particularly no previous study investigated socio-economic factors, i.e., labor dependence, income diversification, credit loan, education or ethnicity, governing coffee production efficiency in Vietnam, the second largest coffee producer in the globe. Coffee is the primary export crop for Vietnamese agriculture and plays an important role in the country’s economy. This is especially true for the Central Highlands of Vietnam and its role in the world coffee market. In these Central Highlands, farmers’ incomes are mostly dependent on coffee production. The Dak Lak province has been the largest coffee producer in terms of both coffee yield and land area in Vietnam. It is apparent that agricultural production in this area has been dominated by coffee production (Meyfroidt, Vu, & Hoang, 2013). To illustrate, land area, as it relates to coffee farming in the Dak Lak province, represents approximately 190,200 hectares. In particular, Cu Mgar is the largest coffee farming district in province, about 40,000 hectares, accounting for roughly 20% (Dak Lak Department of Statistics, 2011). In Dak Lak province, the population growth is a complex issue for local government and authorities. Many people have moved to cities from rural areas, some for schooling and other for their living. On the other hand, due to favorable condition for agricultural production, there have been a number of migrants from the country’s Northern provinces transiting and 2 settling in Dak Lak1. Especially, short term migrants from other provinces which have moved to Dak Lak during coffee harvesting season are significant. Therefore, examining socioeconomic factors affecting the levels of efficiency in coffee production and assessing current status of using this resource through econometric model of production and other nonparametric analysis plays a crucial role for policy makers and coffee growers as well. 4. Research questions 4.1 Does agricultural production inefficiency exist in the studied regions? 4.2 Is family labor likely to be more efficient than hired labor in the studied location? 4.3 What are the effects of income diversification on agricultural production efficiency in the studied location? 4.4 Does credit loan help improve level of efficiency in coffee production amongst smallholder coffee farms? 5. Testable hypotheses 5.1 There no effect of labor on the production output. 5.2 The use of input production factors is fully efficient. 5.3 There is no effect of the ratio of family labor and hired labor on agricultural production inefficiency model. 5.4 There is no effect credit loan on the efficiency scores. 5.5 The income diversification does not affect the efficiency scores. 5.6 There is no difference in technical efficiency scores between different ethnic groups. 6. Methodology Since Aigner, Lovell, & Schmidt (1977) and Meeusen & van Den Broeck (1977) independently and simultaneously proposed the fundamental stochastic frontier model, various models have been recommended and applied. The efficient frontier is known as either 1 This information with some statistic revealed by the Committee for Ethnic Minorities of Vietnam, retrieved on 12th April, 2012 at http://cema.gov.vn/modules.php?name=Content&op=details&mid=7786. 3 the maximum level of output for a given set of inputs (an output orientation), or the minimum set of inputs required to produce a given set of output (an input orientation) (Tingley, Pascoe, & Coglan, 2005). There are two main approaches applied to analyze the determinants of technical efficiency with stochastic production framework. One is two-step procedure consisting of two independent stages. The first stage is to estimate production function and efficiency scores, and in the second stage, estimated efficiencies are regressed against a vector of explanatory variables (see Pitt & Lee, 1981; Ben-Belhassen & Womack 2000). However, for regression, it is assumed that the residuals consisting of efficiency scores are identically and independently distributed. In the second step, the technical efficiency depends on explanatory variables as farm’s specific characteristics. This suggests that this assumption is violated (Nchare, 2007). To deal with this problem, (Battese & Coelli, 1995; Huang & Liu, 1994) have proposed a single-step approach in which explanatory variables are incorporated directly into the inefficiency error component. In this method, the variance of the inefficiency error component is hypothesized to be a function of firm’s specific characteristics. Afterward, there have been a number of studies successfully applied this approach, for example (Binam, Sylla, Diarra, & Nyambi, 2003; Alvarez & Arias, 2004; and Illukpitiya & Yanagida, 2010). In this study, the stochastic frontier analysis with application of production model proposed by (Battese & Coelli, 1995) has been selected. y = f x ; β . exp V − U Where yi is the production of the i-th firm, i = 1,…n; xi is a vector of m inputs used by the i-th firm; βj is a vector of parameters to be estimated; the random error, Vi where i = 1,…n, captures the effects of statistical noise, which are assumed to be independently and identically distributed as N(0, ); Ui where i = 1,…n are non-negative random variables, associated with technical inefficiency in production, which are assumed to be independently and identically distributed exponential or half-normal variable [Ui ~ (|N(0, )|)]. The deterministic production function is written as: f (xi; β), while [f (xij; βj). exp {vi}] is the stochastic production frontier. Technical efficiency of the ith producer can be described as: 4 TE = y f x ; β . exp V This equation defines technical efficiency as the ratio of observed output to the maximum feasible output in an environment characterized by exp {Vi}. It implies that yi can obtain its maximum feasible value of [f (xij; βj). exp {vi}] if and only if TEi = 1. Otherwise TEi < 1 provides a measure of the shortfall of observed output from maximum feasible output in an environment characterized by exp {vi}, which is allowed to vary across producers. = exp(− ) where ui are the non-negative random variables, called technical inefficiency effects. These ui are assumed to be independently distributed and defined by the truncated normal distribution, with mean, i, and variance σ! . ui is defined by: u = Zδ+ W where, Wi for i = 1,…n are random errors, defined by the truncation of the normal distribution with mean zero and variance, . The point of truncation is -Z δ i.e., Wi ≥ -Z δ. The Zis are the firm-specific variables which may also include input variables in the stochastic production frontier, provided that the technical inefficiency effects are stochastic. * Frontier output, Yj if Vj >0 Y Deterministic production function Y = f(x; β) * Frontier output, Yi if Vi < 0 Observed output Yi Observed output Yj 0 xj xi X Figure 1. Stochastic frontier production function (Battese, 1992) 5 Figure 1 indicates the basic structure of the stochastic production frontier model. The figure describes the production activities of two firms, represented by i and j. Firm j uses inputs with values given by xj (the vector xj) and obtains the actual output, Yj, but the stochastic frontier output, Yj*, exceeds the value on the deterministic production frontier, f(xj;β), because its production activity is associated with ‘favorable’ conditions for which the random error, Vi, is positive. On the other hand, firm i uses input with values given by xi (the vector xi) and obtains the output, Yi, which has corresponding frontier output, Yi*, which lies below the value on the deterministic frontier function, f(xj;β), because its production activity is associated with ‘unfavorable’ conditions for which the random error, Vi, is negative. In both cases, the observed outputs are less than the corresponding frontier values, but the stochastic frontier production values lie around the deterministic production function associated with the producers involved. It is also possible that a stochastic frontier value lies on the deterministic frontier, if the random error, V, equals to zero. This case may happen if the observed output, stochastic production frontier value and deterministic production frontier are all equal and the random error, V, and the technical inefficiency effects, U, both equal to zero. In addition to the MLE approach, a recent research, (McDonald, 2009), argued that the Ordinary Least Squared (OLS) estimate also produce similar inference and the OLS approach is easily understood by boarder community of people without requiring greater statistical expertise of researchers. 7. Data resources A set of questionnaire was developed and surveys of 143 coffee households were conducted in the Cu Mgar District where is one of the largest coffee-farming districts in the Dak Lak Province. This type of primary data is defined as the following table: 6 Table 1. Variable definition Variable Parameter production Y Coffee production of the household measured in kilograms Area β1 Coffee cultivating area of the household measured in hectares inorgarnicf β2 Amount of chemical fertilizers applied for coffee production in kilograms organicf β3 Amount of organic fertilizers applied for coffee production in kilograms pesticide β4 Amount of pesticide applied for coffee production in litter water β5 Amount of irrigation water for coffee production in 1,000 cubic meters labor β6 Total labor used for coffee production in man-days Ethnic δ1 Ethnicity of the household head, 1 if Kinh majority and 0 for otherwise Edu δ2 Number of years that the household head completed for formal education credit δ3 Amount of credit loan of the household in million VND simpson δ4 Inverse of Simpson diversity index for the household’s income 2 laborindex δ5 Proportion of hired labor over total labor applied for coffee production. exper δ6 Coffee farming experience of the household head measured in years 2 2 2 2 2 I I I I I I simpson = 1/ ∑ Pi and ∑ Pi = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 T T T T T T i =1 i =1 6 2 Variable definition 6 2 2 2 Of which: T is total income of the household; Income from coffee production (I1); Income from rice production (I2); Income from other crops (I3); Income from livestock (I4); Income from agricultural services (I5); Income from nonagriculture activities (I6). Regarding the use of this inverse diversification index can be seen at Illukpitiya & Yanagida (2010) . 7 Table 2. Summary statistics of coffee production and socio-economic variables Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max Yield 143 2,491.11 1,118.53 296.30 5,000.00 Production 143 1,533.08 1,361.86 50.00 8,000.00 Area 143 0.57 0.38 0.10 2.00 Inorgarnicf 143 1,112.53 1,232.88 0.00 7,556.88 Organic 143 290.95 850.33 0.00 5,715.10 Pesticide 143 52.89 80.37 0.00 630.00 Water 143 20,749.37 19,310.64 1,200.00 120,000.00 Labor 143 134.74 102.02 25.00 600.00 Hirelabor 143 38.71 48.13 0.00 250.00 Ethnic 143 0.44 0.50 0.00 1.00 Edu 143 5.92 3.98 0.00 12.00 Credit 143 22.63 22.06 0.00 115.00 Simpson 143 1.82 0.71 1.00 3.93 Laborindex 143 0.23 0.22 0.00 0.72 Exper 143 9.25 5.04 2.00 27.00 8. Empirical models and estimation results 8.1 Empirical Models In this study, the cross-sectional production frontier model has been chosen as the appropriate empirical model. For the research site, it was observed that farmers do not normally keep records on past farming activities hence data collection is dependent on the recall method. Farmers are highly knowledgeable about their levels of input application and the production on their coffee plantations during the current cropping year. Following the stochastic production frontier model developed by (Aigner et al., 1977) and (Meeusen & van Den Broeck, 1977), the stochastic frontier coffee production function for this study is specified as: 8 '() = *+ + ∑2-34 *- .(/- + 0 − 1 (8.1) Where subscript i refers to the i-th coffee farm in the sample; Ln denotes the natural logarithm; y is coffee output and xj are input variables (j = 1, 2 …6) defined in Table 1 and summarized in Table 2; βs are parameters to be estimated; Vis are iid N(0, σv2) random variables; Uis are independently distributed (|N(Ziδ, σu2 |) technical inefficiency effects, which are, following Battese and Coelli (1995), further defined as follows: U = δ+ + ∑6534 δ5 Z57 + W (5.2) Where the Zs represent farm-specific variables, as defined in Table 1; and summarized in Table 2, δs are unknown parameters to be estimated, and Wi is a random variable as defined in equation (5.1) and (5.2). For these equations, the dependent variable is defined in terms of technical inefficiency, and a farm-specific variable having an estimated negative (positive) coefficient will have a positive (negative) effect on technical efficiency. Technical efficiency of the i-th sample farm, (TEi), was estimated in terms of equation (3.7). The parameters for the stochastic production frontier model in equation (5.1) and those for the technical inefficiency model in equation (5.2) were also simultaneously estimated by employing the maximum-likelihood estimation (MLE) program, FRONTIER 4.1 (Coelli, 1994), which generates the variance parameters of the likelihood function in terms of σ2 = σv2 + σu2 and γ = σu2/ σ2. Due to its value and significance, γ is an important parameter in determining the nature of a stochastic frontier; rejection of the null hypothesis, H0: γ = 0, suggests the existence of a stochastic production frontier. Similarly, γ = 1 implies that all deviations from the stochastic frontier are completely efficient due to technical inefficiency effects (Coelli et al., 1998). 8.2 Estimation results MLE was performed to estimate stochastic production frontier as the results shown in Table 3. Consistency in the effects of input factors on coffee production as well as effects of socioeconomic factors on coffee production efficiency was confirmed by performing OLS regression. However, OLS regression results clearly showed heteroskadesticity problem for the data set. Thus, Feasible Generalized Least Square (FGLS) was employed to solve this common problem (also see Illukpitiya & Yanagida, 2010). The results of FGLS are presented 9 in Table 3. Additionally, the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) was also tested to check the multicolinearity problem. The results showed that multiconlinearity was not a problem for the data set. 10 Table 3. MLE model vs FGLS model MLE model Parameter Variable FGLS model Coef. Std. error t-ratio β2 β3 β4 β5 β6 Constant Lnarea 6.3004 0.7362 Lninorganic 0.0341 Lnorganic 0.0007 Lnpesticide 0.0029 Lnwater 0.0246 Lnlabor 0.2560 Inefficiency model Std. error t-ratio p>|t| Production model: R2 = 0.77 Production frontier model β0 β1 Coef. 0.7752 0.0971 8.1278 *** 7.5804 *** 0.0211 0.0019 0.0033 0.0384 0.0763 1.6176 * 0.3909 0.8915 0.6417 3.3561 *** 5.8070 0.7787 0.9977 0.1304 5.8200 5.9700 0.0000 *** 0.0000 *** 0.0506 0.0160 3.1600 -0.0004 0.0027 -0.1300 0.0095 0.0041 2.3500 -0.0278 0.0498 -0.5600 0.3864 0.1040 3.7200 Inefficiency model: R2 = 0.44 0.0020 *** 0.8940 0.0200 ** 0.5780 0.0000 *** δ0 δ1 δ2 Constant Ethnic Edu -0.1354 -0.6745 -0.0339 0.5028 0.3094 0.0260 -0.2692 -2.1799 *** -1.3066 0.2917 -0.1293 -0.0075 0.0665 0.0331 0.0043 4.3800 -3.9000 -1.7600 0.0000 *** 0.0000 *** 0.0810 * δ3 δ4 δ5 δ6 Credit Simpson Laborindex Exper -0.0149 0.4273 1.0005 -0.0126 0.0091 0.1449 0.4650 0.0198 -1.6257 * 2.9490 *** 2.1515 ** -0.6377 -0.0018 0.1062 0.2085 -0.0029 0.0007 0.0218 0.0673 0.0030 -2.7300 4.8800 3.1000 -0.9800 0.0070 *** 0.0000 *** 0.0020 *** 0.3300 σ2 γ 0.3931 0.9368 0.1314 2.9915 *** 0.0304 30.8304 *** *** significant at 1% ** significant at 5% * significant at 10% 11 8.2.1 Stochastic Production model Overall, both MLE and FGLS results indicated similar inference identifying factors contributing to coffee production. The estimation results showed that coffee cultivating area, amount of inorganic fertilizers and labor use had a positive and statistically significant relationship with the coffee output. On the other hand, irrigation water was insignificant for the both production models. In fact, coffee trees are intensively water-consuming; whereas, coffee farming farmers do not have to pay any use fee when extracting surface or ground water for coffee production. This leads to a consequence that amount of water irrigation for coffee farming dramatically varies amongst farmers due to geographical difference. Because, water sources may be favorable for some coffee plantations, while some other may have a lot of difficulties to access to irrigation water. In addition, rainfall is very important for coffee farming and this water source may replace a certain amount of irrigation water, which this study fails to control. This result, especially for FGLS model, is consistent with a previous study showing that in the Central Highlands of Vietnam, coffee farmers was likely to overuse irrigation water for coffee farming (D’haeze, Deckers, Raes, Tran, & Nguyen, 2003). Regarding the organic fertilizer, the result explained that within a crop year the relationship between coffee output and organic fertilizer application was not significant. In the reality, farmers may not apply organic fertilizers every crop year, but 2 years each. Technically, it may take more than a year for coffee trees to get changed by applying organic fertilizers. 8.2.2 Coffee production efficiency The γ-parameter associated with the variances in the stochastic production frontiers for the model was estimated to be 0.93 and statistically significant. Although the γ-parameter cannot be exactly interpreted as the proportion of the total variance explained by technical inefficiency effects, the relative contribution of the inefficiency effects to the total variance term (γ*) are calculated based on the γ-parameter3. The relative contributions are 82.90%. This means that about 83% of the variance of the total residual is explained by the 3 The parameter γ is not equal to the ratio of the variance of the technical inefficiency effects to the total residual variance because the variance of ui is equal to [(π-2)/π]*σ2 instead of σ2. The relative contribution of the inefficiency effect to the total variance, γ*, is equal to γ/[(γ + (1-γ)π/(π-2)] (Coelli, 1998). 12 inefficiency effects. Figure 2 presented distribution of the technical efficiency scores amongst 143 observed coffee households. The average efficiency score was 0.64 and statistically significant (the t-ratio associated with γ-parameter is equal to 30.83). This means that coffee farmers may have a potential improvement of coffee production of about 36% without increasing input production factors. The bar chart showed that there were clear two categories of farmers regarding technical efficiency scores. One group had the score ranked from 0.7 to 1 and the other, from 0.1 to 0.7, was the majority of farmers. Furthermore, a pair-wise ttest was performed and the result revealed that Kinh households known as majority group was more technically efficient than 0 # of households 10 20 30 the category of other ethnic groups, t = 5.88 and p = 0.0000. .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 TE Figure 2. Technical efficiency distribution 8.2.3 Income diversification The estimated result indicated that the inverse Simpson index of income diversification had a negative and statistically significant relationship with the technical efficiency of coffee production, which was also presented at Figure 3. This means that income diversification did not help improve the efficiency of coffee production which is the largest income source of 13 most observed farmers. Furthermore, the farmers who were more diverse in income sources were likely to be less efficient in coffee production. Table 3 indicated that the similar inference was also generated by the FGLS model. Both estimated models confirmed a .2 Efficiency Score .4 .6 .8 1 negative and significant effect of income diversification on the coffee production efficiency. 1 2 Inverse Simpson Index Fitted values 3 4 eff Figure 3. Inverse Simpson index vs Efficiency score It is consistent with differences in coffee production efficiency between the Kinh group and minority household group. A paire-wise ttest result showed that income sources of minority group was more likely diverse than those Kinh households, t = 1.94 and p = 0.03. This may explains that the industrial crop as coffee tend to be intensively invested and the diverse income sources may lead to lack of intensive attention of farmers on coffee production, for minority households especially. 8.2.4 Credit loan helps increase the efficiency Table 3 showed the amount of credit loan played an important role for the success of farmers in coffee production. The MLE result indicated that credit loan negatively and significantly affected technical inefficiency which holds consistent with the FGLS estimate. This explains that farmers who was likely to be more technical efficient received larger amount of loan. There were still farmers with small amount of credit, although they were highly efficient in coffee production. These farmers may have a strong financial condition, so that small amount 14 of credit could also be enough for investing in their farming activities. In addition, the Kinh group could also receive statistically larger amount of credit loan than their ethnic minority .2 Efficiency Score .4 .6 .8 1 counterparts, t = 3.90 and corresponding p = 0.0001. 0 50 100 Amount of Credit (Mill. VND) Fitted values 150 eff Figure 4. Credit loan vs Efficiency score 8.2.5 Labor dependence reduced the efficiency Table 3 showed that there was a negative and statistically significant relationship between the technical efficiency of smallholder coffee farms and labor dependence index. This index ranges from 0 to 1, representing degree of hired labor independence. It is equal to 0, meaning that the household was fully independent on hired labor and 1, explaining full dependence on hired labor. On average, a coffee farm had to hire 23% of labor force and the corresponding MLE coefficient was estimated to be 1. This implies that if coffee farming households may increase about 20% of coffee efficiency if they could have enough labor sources for their farming activities. The Figure 5 also showed an inverse relationship between the index and efficiency score, which is also similar to the results of both MLE and FGLS shown in Table 3. 15 1 .8 Efficiency Score .4 .6 .2 0 .2 .4 Dependence Labor Index Fitted values .6 .8 eff Figure 5. Labor dependence vs Efficiency score 9. Conclusion Coffee farming is a key income- generating source of many farmers in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. Increasing efficiency in coffee production of smallholders played an important role for rural development in the region. The result confirmed that the effect of inefficiency in coffee production was statistically significant. The fact is that the mean of technical efficiency scores was 0.64 indicating there was a potential in increasing coffee output with given availability of input production factors amongst smallholder coffee farms. Regarding socioeconomic factors contributing to technical inefficiency in coffee production, statistical evidence confirmed 4 significant factors. There were differences in the efficiency levels between different ethnic groups. Kinh households was likely to be more technical efficient than the minority group. Furthermore, diversification in household income sources is not a good strategy to increase the efficiency in coffee production. It may, however, lead to decrease in technical efficiency in coffee production of coffee smallholders when diversifying their income sources. In addition, rural credit loan was one of the important key to increase efficiency in coffee production. This relationship was positive and statistically significant. Another problem is that if farmers are dependent on hired labor sources for their coffee 16 farming activities, they may loss the technical efficiency in this crop cultivation. Increasing the proportion of family labor man-days for coffee farming can help enhance the efficiency levels of smallholder coffee farms. 10. Policy recommendations • Examine income sources of coffee farmers and allocate more resources, i.e., labor and capital, for coffee production rather than extensive investment in too many activities. • Promote rural credit programs so that coffee farmers can access to credit and increase amount of loan for coffee production. • Increase availability of family labor sources and severely manage hired labors for coffee farming activities. • These above suggestions should be considered by both local governments and coffee farming smallholders, especially for ethnic minority coffee farmers. 17 Bibliography Aigner, D. J., Lovell, C. A. K., & Schmidt, P. (1977). 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