Spokes Official Publication of the MG Car Club Western New York Centre Volume 57 No 3 Issue No. 672 March 2015 TDDDD, Its Spring Time to wake thoes British Cars y Safet t F aas MG CAR CLUB WESTERN NEW YORK CENTRE PO Box 92556, Rochester, New York 14692 Web Site: www.mgcarclub.com Spokes is published and distributed monthly by the MG Car Club Western New York Centre as a benefit to its members. Please go to our web site www.mgcarclub.com for a membership form. Current and past issues of SPOKES are also available in Adobe PDF format on our web site. Articles reflect the opinion of the author. Articles are the property of MG Car Club Western New York Centre and may be reprinted by similar clubs providing the author and source is credited. It is requested that two copies of the republication, one for the author and one for our files, be forwarded to the editor of the SPOKES. No other use is permitted CHAIRMAN John Baum 1212 Stockbridge Rd Webster, NY 14580 (585) 752-6153 [email protected] VICE CHAIRMAN Rod Rodman 140 w Foster St Palmyra, NY 14522 (315) 597-6501 [email protected] SECRETARY Sharon Zinser 34 Bending Oak Dr Pittsford, NY 14534 (585) 350-9773 [email protected] TREASURER Mike Goodwin. 8 Harmony Circle Rochester, NY 14624 (585) 889-2646 [email protected] ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR Mike & Sue Harrison 6640 Ann Lee Drive. North Rose, NY 14516 (315) 483-0368 [email protected]. com TRUSTEES Leon Zak 2467 Westside Dr North Chili, NY 14514 (585) 594-9140 [email protected] TRUSTEES Dave Chase 689 Erie Station Rd West Henrietta, NY 14586 (585) 334-6826 [email protected] MEMBERSHIP Paul Osborne 7379 East Main St Lima, NY 14485 (585) 255-0531 [email protected] HOSPITALITY Betty Langswager and Barb Wild 46 Stonington Drive Pittsford, NY 14534 (585) 385-9956 CARDS AND LETTERS Nancy Chase 689 Erie Station Road W. Henrietta, NY 14586 (585) 334-6826 CLUB REGALIA Laurie Scribner Mini City 799 Holt Road Webster, NY 14580 (585) 872-5133 CLUB HISTORIAN Dave Wild 166 Loud Road Fairport, NY 14450 (585) 223-1065 [email protected] SPOKES EDITOR Don McConnell 45 Eileen Circle Rochester, NY 14616 (585) 865-8738 [email protected] WEB MASTER Leon Zak 2467 Westside Drive North Chili, NY 14514 (585) 594-9150 [email protected] LIBRARIAN Alan Costich 870 Culver Road Rochester, NY 14609 (585) 482-2695 [email protected] U.K. LIAISON George Herschell 1286 Mill Creek Run Webster, NY 14580 (585) 872-1194 [email protected] SUBMISSIONS ARE WELCOME DEADLINE: One week after a general meeting Contact the editor for additional information. Send all correspondence and material via e-mail to [email protected]. Alternatively, mail to Don McConnell, 45 Eileen Circle, Rochester, N.Y. 14616 or deliver by hand at the meeting. Meetings SPOKES Staff Advertising: AL Fink [email protected] (585)342-0625 Address Changes: Paul Osborne (585)255-0531 Mailing: John Baum [email protected] (585)752-6153 Send Photos to SPOKES & Web: [email protected] Web Page Photos: Gary Sandusky [email protected] ADVERTISING RATES as of January 1,2009 Meetings are held the third Thursday of each month, Copy ready business advertising: except December at the Knights of Columbus, 70 Barrett Drive, Webster N.Y. Board meetings are held the First Tuesday Size Single Issue of every odd numbered month and are open to members. Con7.5 x 4.8 $27.00 tact the chairman for the location of the next board meeting and Half Page Quarter Page 3.6 x 4.8 $16.00 to request your item on the agenda. Eighth Page 3.6 x 2.3 $11.00 One Year $110.00 $ 65.00 $ 44.00 Advertisers in Spokes Contents Cover Photos By ....................... MG Car Club Album Chairman’s Corner ….................................................4 MG Bruce ....…......................................................... .4 Activities ............…....................................…......…...5 Member News ............................................................5 Minutes of the Meeting ..............................................6 Meeting Attendance ..................................................7 Swing into Spring Flyer ............................................. 9 Auot Repair Steak Roast Flyer ...................................................10 George & Gil Partners in Grime ..............................11 Tims Love of Cars Part 4 ........................................12 BMC Monday .........................................................13 Valve Cover Races .................................................14 AutoLinc Classifieds .................….......................................... 16 SunShine Page ...................................................... 20 British Auto Regalia and Membership Form ............................... 21 Calendar of Events ...............................….Back Cover Mini City They Support our Club Please Support Them BRUDNO AWARD LIFE MEMBERS Benet ~ George Haynes ~ Alex Kopen* Joe Tierno ~ George & Nancy Herschell DesiDesi Benet ~ George Haynes ~ Alex Kopen*~ Joe~Tierno ~ George Herschell ~ Nancy Herschell* Gil & Betty Langswager ~ Richard & Bethel Powers ~ Dave & Barb Wild ~ Steve Fitch* Jim Gil & Betty Langswager ~ Richard & Bethel Powers ~ Dave & Barb Wild ~ Steve Fitch* Priestley ~ Wendy Dakin ~ Dave Chase ~ Wally Roworth ~ Doug & Laurie Scribner Jim Priestley ~ Wendy Dakin ~ Dave Chase ~ Wally Roworth* ~ Doug & Laurie Scribner * Members Emeritus * Members Emeritus Add Your Name to the MGCC Endowed Scholarship Plaque An engraved nameplate is added to the plaque in recognition of donations of $30.00 or more (engraving fee is $5.00). This plaque, created by Paul Heaney, is installed in the Monroe Community College Automotive Technology Department. Nameplate can be purchased in the name of the donor for a friend, or as a memorial. There is no requirement that donors of those honored through donations be members of the MG Car Club. If you wish to purchase a nameplate, send a check payable to MG Car Club to: Frank Stepanik 13 Fiora Drive Fairport , NY 14450 Please indicate exactly how the name should appear on the plaque. Chairman’s Corner MGBruce John Baum Don McConnell Now that February is over, most of us will be getting our cars out in another four or five weeks or so. It may not look like it now, but the end of winter will be here in no time. Chris and I will be shortening up the wait by going to Florida for a week to warm up and get ready for spring and summer. Instead of my usual writing here is the first paragraph form the latest University Motors news letter. I think it says it best. Many thank you’s to the writer and Well said. I want to thank those of you who ventured out for the February meeting. I was running the meeting so I had to go, but the attendees chose to go, which made me feel supported by you. Dear Fellow Enthusiast! This year, 2015, is the 90th Anniversary of the MG Marque (if you accept 1925 as the first year of a recognizable MG). Your goal for 2015? Drive your MG. Drive it to work; drive it for play; drive it for fun. And, to make your experience even more fun, join a club. There are national clubs and local clubs. There is a British car club in nearly every community. Find your local club on Google or through another owner! I always look forward to one of my favorite winter activities, grilling steaks at our Steak Roast and Auction coming up March 16 th. It is always fun to be outside at the grill, chatting, drinking a beer or two and getting the steaks done. Hopefully everyone gets their steak the way they like it. I never hear a complaint. The Auction that we hold is super entertaining and a method to clear out unwanted parts, tools and memorabilia from your basement and garage and to help that stuff find a new home. This event is one of our best fundraisers for the club. Just as a reminder, we are seeking speakers to educate and entertain us at our monthly meetings. So if you have a good topic or know someone who does please let me know. John MAKE A NOTE NOW! DUES ARE DUE FOR 2015! Greetings, It is that time of the year again that MGCC club membership fees are due. This is the club’s largest source of income at present. It funds , meeting hall space, Spokes printing and postage, part funding of events like the Steak Roast , Christmas Party, and other activities. We are fully member supported. With out your dues we would not exist! On the current roster there are 167 members. To date less than half of the membership is paid. It is a good deal for $30 a year. Where else can you have this much fun for so little. Heck it’s not even a tank of gas for your LBC. Payment can be by check, real cash,and even paypal. Paid at meeting, or US mail or through the club web site. The club thanks you for you support. Paul Osborne , membership chairman 4 Activities By Mike & Sue Harrison Many Thanks to Desi Benet for organizing the outing at MacGregors to celebrate Robbie Burns birthday. The day was fine for driving our winter cars and the 30 + members enjoyed not only the food and drink, but also the music provided by Susie Keppler and her bagpipe band. Our traditional Wine & Cheese Party with Valve Cover Races on Sunday, February 22. brought out 38 hardy souls, but not little British cars See winners in a separate article. Sign up by mail for the next event – our Steak Roast and Auction being held MARCH 15, SUNDAY at Eyer Park in East Rochester. Steaks will be grilled by Leon Zak and John Baum, bring your dish to pass and table service. Since this auction is a major fund raiser for the club, please bring your donations to be auctioned and cash for acquiring new treasures. As was done last year, members pay $5.00 in advance to reserve a steak and will receive their $5.00 back at the event. Deadline for reserving a steak is March 8, checks payable to MGCC should be mailed to Mike Harrison, 6640 Ann Lee Drive, North Rose, NY 14516. NOTE THIS CHANGE from the date announced at the 2/18 meeting for the SWING INTO SPRING event at a FAIRPORT restaurant. Instead of April 19, this event will be held on MAY 3. We have a date for the Fall Tour to add to the club calendar, October 10 the Priestleys will lead the group again. We have lots of events planned for this year but always welcome your participation and ideas for additional club activities. Rooms at Seneca Lodge for the July Vintage Race weekend in Watkins Glen have been assigned by Karen Salisbury. As of 2/15 no one requested to stay in the Log Cabin so there will NOT be a planned club party as in the past. We hope 2016 will find the races and the Vintage car festival all on the same weekend again. Member News By Dick Powers Before I left cold Roc, I saw in MGA! magazine that Dan Suter is now our new NAMGAR Historian! Also, in Hemmings Sorts & Exotic Car, Jeff Langswager had a letter to the editor about going to a car show in the rain without a top for his newly restored MGA. Nice picture of Dan's Deluxe with his article and of Jeff in his MGA with his article. Congrats to our 2 local MGA guyzz! 5 MGCC Minutes of the Meeting By Sharon Zinser MEETING, 02/19/15 Chairman John Baum opened the meeting at 7:34pm. The minutes of the January 15, 2015 meeting were accepted by Sue Harrison and seconded by Gil Langswager. NEW MEMBERS/GUESTS: None BIRTHDAYS: Gil Langswager REGALIA: Doug Scribner The remaining inventory of sweatshirts come in sizes M, XL and XXL. There is one full color calendar left for $12.00. Mugs are $5.00. Embroidered emblems are free when you purchase a sweatshirt. There are also MG logo magnets for your car. John and Leon reminded us that car show mugs and t-shirts are available for purchase online. Doug predicts that Spring will arrive in six weeks. REPORTS: ACTIVITIES – Sue Harrison • Over 30 members attended the Robbie Burns Day event at MacGregors last month with music by Susie Keppler and her bagpipe band. • Sunday, February 22nd – Wine & Cheese Party with Valve Cover Races. • Sunday, March 15th – Annual Steak Roast and Auction. • Sunday, April 19th – Swing into Spring event at a local restaurant organized by Dick Powers and Laurie Scribner. • July 23 – 26 th – Watkins Glen Vintage Race Weekend. • October 10th – Fall Tour led by the Priestley’s. TREASURY: Mike Goodwin Any special requests for information wanted in the mid-year report? Please see Mike. SPOKES: Don McConnell, Editor No Report. ENGLAND: George Hershell No Report. LIBRARY: Al Costich No Report WEBSITE: Leon Zak The new website is 80% done. The photos and membership form is left to add to it. We have the first ad for the site submitted already. For the April member meeting Leon will bring a presentation to show the group on how the website works as it will have more memberinitiated functionality. CAR SHOW: Leon Zak A working committee will be formed soon for this event on July 12 th. WATKINS GLEN: Dave Wild July 23 rd – 26th will be just the SVRA race at the track with nothing in town. Alfa Romeo will be the recognized car. On the weekend after Labor Day, downtown will host the Festival but there will be no race re-enactment. The Festival will feature Miatas. A solo autocross will be run on Saturday of that weekend and there will be a PanAm reunion. There is no event yet for MEMBERSHIP: Paul Osborne that Sunday. The track will be repaved in AuDues have been paid by 52% the membership. gust and will need two months to cure. We have two new members and three declined to renew. Received letter from MCC Scholarship Foundation - $710 was contributed by the Club last year to remember past members. Overall, MCC provided over $1.1 million in scholarships last year. 6 Meeting Attendance February 19, 2015 Betty Langswager Gil Langswager Jeff Kath Rod Rodman Paul Osborne Carl Prouty Kent Macafee Sue Harrison Mike Harrison Hollis Hames Art Salo Barb Wild Dave Wild Doug Scribner Leon Zak Susan Goodwin Michael Goodwin Chris Baum John Baum Dick Rzepkowski Marlene Rzepkowski Dick Powers Sharon Zinser Al Fink Bill Dexter British Car Parts & Service All Makes and Models New parts used parts NOS and rebuild Parts and Parts Cars wanted We take parts and cars for credit or trade AUTO REPAIR 742 South Clinton Ave Rochester, NY 14620 Phone 585-442-3575 Fax 585-442-7292 600 Penfield Road Just 5 miles east of Route 250 on route 441 in West Walworth ( 315) 986-3097 Visit our web site for Special www.thewirewheel.com British Auto 7 Dave Wild mentioned that the Watkins Glen research center was hosting an author the weekend of February 21st and that there will be a model car display on March 28 th. OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: Mention made of Bill Fazio, once a member of the Club, who passed away this month. John Baum’s project of restoring function to the doors is progressing and the car’s been painted and is ready for trim. While in the shop though, the car’s coveted garage space has now been infilled by other things. John Baum needs a volunteer to organize the Autocross and Tune-Up Clinic. Hollis Haymes was identified for the Tune-Up Clinic. In the works is the use of Edison Tech to host it. PROJECTS/TRIPS: Dick Powers’ 1957 Austin Healey restoration Adjournment was at 8:04pm is moving along with exterior paint finished and work started on the interior. It was mechanically rebuilt last year. Electrical Work Telephone Jacks Cable TV Burglar Alarm Systems Paddle Fans Pauls Canvas MARTIN IPPOLITO Master Electrician Call 585-266-6337 PO Box 17438 Rochester, N Y 14617 , Piano Keyboards Boat Seats, Cushions Covers and Repairs Outdoor Cushions Tent and Awning Repairs Orga n Accordion Music Lessons Beginners Welcome Paul Osborne Lima, N.Y. 585-255-0531 Call 585-266-6337 MARTIN IPPOLITO 8 PO Box 17438 Rochester ,NY 14617 9 10 George & Gil “Partners in Grime” By Gil Langswager John had a run-in with the shop owner, resulting in our not going back there for future work. The engine was completed, however, & was OK. The chassis & running gear were refurbished & made ready for the returning components. John already had an interior & top with side curtains that would be fitted when the body was all back together & on the chassis. It was determined what other components would be needed & they were ordered. There had to be a lot of planning & coordination so that the whole job would come together smoothly. So we settled into the job, learning to plan & coordinate as we went along. When the car was pretty much together things changed & we had to find anAfter the Stewart TD, John Lombino asked George other place to work. Charlie Searles offered a bay in Haynes for help on his MG TC. John had started to his heated garage, which held an MG TC, An MG TF, restore it a long time ago and got stalled trying to an MGB roadster & a Mercedes 540 SL. A pretty good install the doors. George came to me and disenvironment for restoring an MG, or any other car for cussed teaming up to take on the project. George that matter. Charlie was a gracious host. He would had restored his own TC a while back & continues come out & work on his cars along with us at times. maintaining his Triumph along with working on Then he would bring some refreshments out just beother cars. I had worked on my own TD through fore quitting time. What a workplace! This continued the years as well as doing work for other MG own- until the TC was done. It took about a year & a half to ers. We decided to do it & “Partners in Grime” be- complete, working one day a week. came a reality. George came up with the name & I really liked it. He even had business cards printed. John later gave the TC to his daughter. She & her husband lived in the Raleigh, North Carolina area and Next we had to have a place to work. Doug Scribner belonged to an MG T Register Chapter down there. offered space in his MINI-CITY building & the TC was The TC got quite a lot of recognition & some awards towed there. It was decided to work one day a week, 7 while down there. She & her husband separated & hours a day to coincide with Doug’s hours. That day John brought the TC back to the Rochester area. He would be Monday. John had the car painted some finally decided to sell it. George Leopard brokered a time ago.The body, however, needed work & it was deal & the TC went to a new owner in Europe somedecided to do the work & have it repainted. George place. had been talking to a friend, Jeff Priest, who referred him to Paul Winslow. Paul had a fulltime job but did After that John wanted some work done on his MG painting on the side for street rodders mostly. Jeff did TD. George will pick up that story. custom interiors for these street rods & saw the work that Paul did. Paul came over to the shop & looked at Other people approached us about doing their cars. the TC. He agreed to do the job. It was completely No advertising was necessary. We could only take dis-assembled then taken to him. He painted all the one car at a time & we could be selective about what parts separately, it was left up to us to put it back towe took. This story is just beginning. There were gether. The chrome parts needed replating. There’s twelve cars in all. -------to be continued-----not many, the radiator shell being the largest piece. Some parts are cheaper to replace. The plater we chose then was Craig Binnert down in East Avon. While the body & plated parts were out being done the engine was taken to Farmer’s shop for rebuilding. 11 Tim’s Love of Cars Part 4 By Rhonda Rizzo To leave no vehicle behind there was also a Mazda RX7, a 1979 SAAB 99EMS with the bullet hole in the windshield from its days in Colorado and a 1989 SAAB 900 Turbo, a Chevy HHR, a Honda CL175 and 2 Suzuki motorcycles a 550 and a 750. After moving to 7 acres in Canandaigua all kinds of new vehicle opportunities opened up to him. There were lawn tractors a zero turn mower, utility carts and snow blowers to play with. One of the more memorable driver’s school incidents was the year we were late getting the exercises set up due to the fact that the lot we were to use had not been cleared of cars and equipment yet. When security came buy and wanted to close up for the night and saw we were still working they said……no problem just lock the gate to the track behind you when you leave. He was hired as an instructor by Jeff who was trying to get his Silver Back driving school off the ground. He attended car races at Watkins Glen, Lime Rock, Pocono and Sears Point. He especially liked the induro/24 hour events where he would sleep in the SAAB which was parked at the boot, wake up during the night to watch the race for a while and then go back to sleep). Yearly he enjoyed the Vintage Festival and races at Watkins Glen, some years as a spectator others as a participant. He belonged to the BMW Club and took Drivers Schools at Watkins Glen International and eventually became the provided of the mandatory infield exorcises that was compulsory for all novices attending the school. He felt a great sense of satisfaction when the students improved or told him they had as much or more fun in the parking lot doing his exercises than they did on the track. He also taught at Street Survival Schools and taught teenagers car handling. 12 BMC Monday By Dick Powers Due to a major snow storm in the East on Monday February 2nd, Bethel and I were “forced” to spend an extra day on Coronado Island near San Diego. The weather was perfect with lots of sun and temps in the high 60s, so we decided to leave the Del Coronado, where we were staying, and walk to a favorite restaurant for breakfast. If our Healey encounter wasn’t enough, as we arrived at the restaurant, a red MGA, top down too, was parked out in front. As I was looking at the car, the owner came out and we were soon comparing our MGA experiences. He’s owned the car for 20 years and said he would never sell it. I know just how he feels, especially after racing my MGA for 20 years and owning it for now 26 years. To my surprise and great joy, we soon came upon a lovely silver blue Austin Healey 3000 Mk II. It was owned by a former Navy carrier pilot and used as a daily driver, top down of course. The car was beautiful with dark blue interior and chrome wire wheels and the owner was just as nice telling me the history of his car and offering to give me the forBoth the Big Healey and MGA were made by the mula for its British Motor Corporation, so it really was a BMC custom Monday. What are the chances on a 10 minute paint. walk, far from home, coming across 2 cars similar to ones you own, even to the color, and having some great sports car conversations as a result? Somebody up there must like me, and the breakfast was really good too. 13 Valve Cover Racs By Mike & Sue Harrison Sunday, February 22 found 38 members and guests gathered in Henrietta Town Park to enjoy getting out on a cold, but sunny winters day. There were 12 racers on hand to compete while the rest were spectators and helpers. Since Ted Hershey was under the weather and unable to attend, George Heissenberger handled the announcers role very capably. Rod Rodman was the starter, Nancy Cleveland and Marlene Rzepkowski manned the scorers table and Al Fink was official race photographer. Doug Scribner, Dick Rzepkowski and Mike Harrison assembled the race track with the help of Mike’s daughter, Barb. 14 Photo by Al Fink First place overall went to ROAD KILL owned by Hollis Hames in the Large Bore Division. Second place in Large Bore went to NEGATIVE EARTH owned by Bill Baldwin and Third went to MG’S TD owned by Mike Goodwin. Second place overall and First in the Small Bore Division was awarded to ZIPRRRZ owned by Dick Rzepkowski. Second in the Small Bore group went to FLOWER POWER owned by Susie Keppler and Third went to RED HAT SPECIAL owned by Betty Langswager. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL!!! 15 Moss Motoring Request I need a bit of help. If you could do me the big favor of helping track down a super fun cover photo, the person's that gets chosen will get a $200 Moss Gift Certificate. I’m working on the summer issue of Moss Motoring and I want to find a cover photo that will make people smile every time they look at it. I know that’s a tall order. Ideally the photo should be Portrait style (more tall than wide) so as to fit the cover format best. And the file should be more than 1MB in size. If you’re scanning a physical photo, scan it to at least 600 dpi. The issue is shaping up to have a theme of “Friends and Family come to the rescue” and help keep LBCs on the road. This has more to do with mechanical fixes than getting a tow from your brother’s Ford F150... The pics can be emailed to this address or [email protected] I don’t have too much time to rack a photo down. My due date is March 10. Thanks so much for helping me out! I’m not going to say what I think I’m looking for because, A) I don’t really know and B) often the photo that shows up is WAY different from what I thought I’d imagine I’d be using. David Stuursma Moss Motoring Editor NIVERSITY MOTORS MG SUMMER PARTY REUNION Fri/Sat/Sun, August 7/8/9, 2015 The summer party is EARLY this year! For further details see Universitymotorsltd.com SEMA Update New York Bill to Provide Single Plate Option for Motor Vehicles Reintroduced Legislation (A.B. 3671) to authorize the owner of a motor vehicle, for a $50 annual fee, to display a single license plate on the rear of the vehicle was reintroduced. The bill will be considered by the Assembly Transportation Committee. We Urge You to Contact Members of the Assembly Transportation Committee (Contact Info Below) Immediately to Request Support for A.B. 3671 · A.B. 3671 allows owners to choose the option of a single plate for an annual $50 fee. · A.B. 3671 would help protect the aesthetic contours of certain vehicles and relieve vehicle owners of the burden and expense of having to create mounting holes on some original bumpers. · A.B. 3671 would save money, conserve resources and bring New York in line with other comparable states that are moving to a single plate requirement. · The funds collected under the bill would be used to help provide emergency services. DON’T DELAY! Please contact members of the New York Assembly Transportation Committee immediately by phone or e-mail to request their support for A.B. 3671. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS For Sale: 1975 MGB Member owned $4700 can be seen at gtkwml.weebly.com or 585-538-4168 Gus $ 46,000 or best offer Rochester, NY [email protected] For Sale: 1977 Miget Special All Origional, Mint $4,600 Contact Howard at 585-425-189 for more details For Sale: Three bedroom, two-bath Cape Cod in Webster. Approx. 1500 sq. ft. Detached 28'x28' garage, gas heat, attic storage. Presently has 60 Gal. compressor and four-post lift. Other shop equipment available. Ideal for auto hobbyest. Please call George at 585-872-6536 WANTED: All books relating to MG TC cars. Call Larry Rausch 455-1147 or [email protected] For Sale: 1959 Jaguar XK150 OTS Roadster, one of only 1339 roadsters made, Partially restored, 75% new chrome, new leather upholstery, Bell dual stainless exhaust, extra chrome wire XK-E wheels, new top, many parts powder coated, driveshaft missing. Many extras. Pictures at: http:// i1381.photobucket.com/albums/ah229/sjwenthe/ JaguarXK150Interior10_zps3d7ff483.jpg Please inform the Editor when ads should be removed. Ads will run for 3 issues then removed unless you want it to remain. If you need Help , Dan Goodwin and Hollis Hames are coordinating a “Helpline” for members in need of assistance with car projects. Volunteers are asked to contact them with information on availability and areas of expertise. Dan and Hollis will try to match frustrated mechanics to one or more members from the pool of those with experience Contact 17 Dan: (585) 223-9584 e-mail [email protected] Hollis: (585) 271-7754 18 19 S U N S H MARCH BIRTHDAYS 2 2 3 4 5 5 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 20 20 20 22 23 24 27 31 Jon Richter Lyn Smith Virginia D’Aloisio Bill DeVos Richard Powers Stacey Van Denburgh Al Fink Lane Boughton John Cook Mike Harrison Terry Welch John Feligno, Sr. Vincent Monaco Dave Chase Patricia Reinhardt Bruce Austin Gene Faust Robert Keppeler Laurie Scribner Kathy Boughton Carl Baxter Susan Kath Sue Harrison Happy Birthday Everyone I N E P A G MARCH ANNIVERSARIES 9 14 17 Jim & Dawn Priestley John & Laura Feligno, Sr. Elton & Patti Schulz Congratulations APRIL ANNIVERSARIES 2 3 19 27 30 30 30 George & Sue Leopard Daniel & Latty Goodwin Frank & Rosemarie Stepanik John & Ginny Fowler Al & Barb Fink Suzanne & Robert Keppeler Paul Naintre & Nancy Wilder Congratulations WELCOME NEW MEMBERS 20 E APRIL BIRTHDAYS 2 3 5 6 6 7 7 10 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 21 26 26 30 Niomi Wadsworth Michael Short Gary Sandusky Penny Heusler Chuck chaefer John Thompson John Schwelm Elton Schulz Jane Hamilton Phyllis Wagner Karen Lucas Bill Rampe Marsha Osborne Jane Schantz Aldis Lemesis Margaret Otis George Haynes Frank Stepanik Dawn Priestley Janice Zorn Ray Rossbourgh Kent Macafee Happy Birthday Everyone Mg Car Club Western NY Centre Sticker, Black/Silver ........................ $1.50 50th Anniversary Sticker ................. $1.50 50th Anniversary Pin ..................... $3.00 MGCC Mug.......................................$5.00 Badge Clip ........................................$5.00 Patch embroidered ...........................$2.50 Key Fob, large leather...................... $4.00 Pin, cloisonné....................................$3.00 Dash Plaque, 40th Anniv...................$2.00 Sticker, front adhesive.......................$1.50 Sign, magnetic (10”)........................$15.00 Bumper Sticker .................................$1.00 Name Badge w/MG........................$15.00 Sticker Patch All items are available for purchase at our monthly Meeting, or delivery can be arranged. Contact: Laurie Scribner 585-8725133 (weekdays). Also available is a wide selection of clothing items (shirts, jackets, ect.) embroidered with the club logo. Prices shown are for members only. MG Car Club Western New York Center, INC Membership Application Annual Family Membership Dues $30 All Membership run Calendar Year Jan - Dec Name Birthday Spouse/ Friend Birthday Wedding Anniversary Address State City Zip +4 Phone E-mail Today’s Date New Renewal Make cks payable to: MGCC of Western NY INC Mail form and payment to: Paul Osborne 7379 E Main St Lima NY 14485 21 Spokes PO Box 92556 Rochester, N.Y. 14692 MG Car Club Western New York Centre -- Calendar of Events 2015 For the Latest information visit our Web site mgcarclub.com January 8 Board Meeting 15 MGCC Meeting February 19 MGCC Meeting 22 Wine / Cheese & Valve Cover Racing March April 5 Board Meeting 15 Steak Roast & Auction 19 MGCC Meeting 16 MGCC Meeting/ Basket Auction May 3 Swing into Spring June July August TBA Tune-up clinic 7 Board Meeting 9-10 Tour Hammondsport 15-17 Carlisle Import & Kit 21 MGCC Meeting 31 Garage Tasting Party 8-12 NAMGBR MG 2015 13 Picnic @ Fowlers 15-19 NAMGAR GT40 18 MGCC Meeting 21 TR Club Rally 2 Board Meeting 11 Genesso Air Show 12 Sports Car Festival 16 MGCC Meeting TBA Multi Club Picnic 23-26 Glen Vintage Race 9 UK Car Day 20 MGCC Meeting November December 5 Board meeting 8 Yacht Club Brunch 19 MGCC Meeting 19 Holiday Party No Meeting September 3 Board Meeting 11 Grand Prix Festival 18-20 Brit Invasion Stowe 19 MGCC Meeting October 10 Fall Foliage Tour TBA Holloween Rally 15 MGCC Meeting Next Meeting March 19, 2015 7:30 PM Knights of Columbus 70 Barrett Dr, Webster, New York
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