Fall 2015 Concurrent Enrollment Student Checklist You have indicated that you are interested in enrolling in a college course while a high school student. The State of Colorado provides several options for students who meet high school standards to begin college early. The purpose of these options include promoting content standards, academic challenge and enrichment, and providing access to academic courses that may not be available at a local high school to meet high school graduation requirements. To enroll at an eligible post-‐secondary institution a student must have completed the minimum course prerequisites and all required assessments. For any questions related to Concurrent Enrollment, such as process, eligibility, and prerequisites, please work directly with your school counselor. Please complete the following checklist and observe the important dates and deadlines in the table below. □ □ □ □ □ □ Search and Review College Classes – Review the Concurrent Enrollment classes being offered at Mead HS in the fall. Go to the FRCC and Aims CC websites to search for classes on their campuses in the Fall 2015 semester. Students cannot take college classes that start after 6:30pm or meets on the weekends. Students have the option of enrolling in online classes at Aims CC only. Students cannot enroll in a class that the equivalent is offered at Mead HS or CDC. For example, students cannot take General Psychology since AP Psychology is offered at Mead HS. o Meet with your counselor if you have questions about college class options, scheduling issues, the Concurrent Enrollment process, or deadlines. Complete your Online Registration Form -‐ High schools will require you to submit a Concurrent Enrollment Program Agreement and Registration Form before enrolling into the postsecondary course(s). Once complete, check your email for the agreement form. You will need to get your SAIS ID from the Counseling Office in order to complete this application. You will need to print out the Agreement & Registration Signature page, complete it, and turn in to your counselor before your request will be considered. https://workflow.stvrain.k12.co.us/ConcurrentEnrollment/LandingPage.html? (Deadline: May 1) Complete College in Colorado (CIC) Student Worksheet -‐ The State requires all students enrolling in concurrent courses to complete the Concurrent Enrollment Student Worksheet (attached). Submit this form to your counselor. (Deadline: May 1) Meet with your School Counselor -‐ Make an appointment to meet with your Mead HS counselor to review your Concurrent Enrollment paperwork and discuss possible class options based on your intended career plan. Turn in your signed SVVSD Registration & Agreement form and the Concurrent Enrollment Student Worksheet. (Deadline: May 1) Complete the FRCC and/or Aims CC College Checklist (attached) o Complete Your College Application -‐ Students must apply to the college they plan to attend. o Complete Assessment Testing -‐ Colleges require students either take the Accuplacer exam or show qualifying ACT scores to enroll in courses. Consult your counselor and the college about testing accommodations and any course prerequisites that may be required. o Sign up for the College Opportunity Fund -‐ The College Opportunity Fund (COF) stipend pays a portion of your total in-‐state tuition when you attend a Colorado public institution or a participating private institution. The stipend is paid on a per credit hour basis to the institution at which you are enrolled and will be deducted from the designated COF fund. o o □ Register for your Course(s) -‐ Once you have completed this checklist and are approved by your school and district to take a Concurrent Enrollment class, you will need to register at the college of choice for your course(s), pay any fees (if applicable), and purchase your textbooks. Payment -‐ The District will pre-‐pay your tuition minus Colorado Opportunity Fund (COF) up to two courses per semester (home school students have a six credit maximum per semester). Any student receiving a D or F, withdrawals after the drop date, or receives an Incomplete, will be held responsible (along with parent/guardian) for payment of tuition using the District’s RevTrak system http://stvrain.revtrak.net The District is not responsible for payment of any additional fees other than tuition. Additional fees owed to the college must be paid directly to the college and are the student’s responsibility. th Principal and District approval – Counselors will notify students by May 15 if they’ve been approved for Concurrent Enrollment. Your counselor will then work with you to adjust your Mead HS schedule to accommodate the Concurrent Enrollment classes you plan on taking in the fall. Concurrent Enrollment Special Notes * Courses equivalent to those offered at the high school or CDC are not eligible for the Concurrent Enrollment program. * Students are only eligible for payment equivalent to the amount of tuition at the local community college tuition rate. If a student enrolls at CU Boulder, the payment of any tuition charged above the community college rate will be the responsibility of the student/parent(s). Continuing Education classes are not eligible * On-‐line courses are not eligible at FRCC (Aims CC online courses are approved by SVVSD) * Evening courses are not eligible. An evening course is one that begins after 6:30pm * A college course must be 3 (or more) credit hours to earn the equivalent of .50 credits on your Mead High * * * * * School transcript. Eligibility Information: To be eligible to participate in athletics or extracurricular activities, you must be enrolled in 2.5 credits per semester. See your counselor if you have questions about credits. The grade received will appear on the student's official high school and college transcripts. If you drop a college class after the high school drop date, then you will receive an F for the semester. If you drop a college class after the college drop date, then you must repay the tuition to SVVSD. Please know that college courses may not receive weighted credit. Special consideration for weighted credit will require the approval of the SVVSD Director of Curriculum. Front Range Community College Contact Jaime Bertrand [email protected] 303.678.3764 Mead High School's Concurrent Enrollment Contact Anthony Elliott Mead HS Counselor [email protected] 720.494.3940 X46925 Aims Community College Contact Phong Tram [email protected] 970.339.6373 SVVSD Concurrent Enrollment Contact Stacy Judson [email protected] 303.702.7591 Front Range Community College University of Colorado Boulder Aims Community College TBD-‐ Catalogs released April 21 -‐ Enrollment Begins August 24 – Classes Begin TBD -‐ Drop Date August 21 -‐ Enrollment Begins August 24 -‐ Classes Begin September 9 (tentative)-‐ Drop Date Mid March – Catalogs released April 13 – Enrollment Begins August 24 – Classes Begin September 9 – Drop Date District Deadlines for Enrollment April 13-‐May 1– SVVSD Student Online Application window May 8 – Counselor and Principal approval/denial due May 15 – District returns registration to schools
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