EVOLUTION EXPLAINED William Scott Middleton © Copyright 2013-2015 William Scott Middleton All Rights Reserved Reproduction without permission illegal. I dedicate this book to all those people who helped me write it. Thank you! Last Updated: April 26, 2015 @ 5:10 AM 1. Introduction to Darwinian Evolution Darwin made a terrible mistake because it was his ideas that lead to what we now call racism. Adolph Hitler saw Darwin as a pioneer and a revolutionary and in many respects he was but Hitler took Darwin's ideas in Mein Kamph (My War) to a whole new scary level. Darwin used examples that were racist to describe his theory Hitler saw them as universal truths! Humans are not made up of different species from different regions they are just one species that evolved differently but this is not what Darwin saw. A species came from Africa he called the Africans, a species came from Europe, the Europeans. A species came from the Middle East, the Arabs. A species came from Asia, the Asians. A species came from America, the Americans. Then there were the hybrid races, a species of black American called the African-American. Africans and Americans merged into one race. Darwin called it common descent with modification something like this would corrupt the common descent modifying it in a detrimental way. Another hybrid was the Jewish race, a race Darwin believed was made up of all the others in one, its common descent was so modified or corrupt Darwin referred to it as a disease! One would then treat it like any other disease and try to eradicate it! Westcott & Hort were responsible for a version of the New Testament derived from manuscripts located all around the world. Darwin used it as evidence his theory was true! Westcott & Hort called "the Byzantine text" which came from Syria the worst because it was a mixture of all others in one Darwin likened it to the Jewish race. Since this was the text behind the King James Bible it made a bad situation worse for it had already been proven to be corrupt. The African Americans were referred to as the Western text so called because it was found amongst the Western churches, the Latin Vulgate came from these manuscripts and it was not better according to Westcott & Hort. So we have the Jews as the Byzantine Text and the African-Americas as the Latin Vulgate and one could only imagine where this was going. An interesting point to note is Darwin was a theologian which basically is an old word for a student of the Scriptures. So what did Darwin do wrong? Science reprimanded Darwin by changing his theory to show all humans were the same in light of scientific evidence it was true! Melanin is a pigment that changes the colour of the skin. Coloured people have more Melanin in their skin than white this is caused from a genetic mutation. There is nothing different between a white and coloured person except the amount of Melanin in the skin. James 1:5 told Darwin God does not find fault but he (Darwin) was finding fault! There is nothing wrong with the Jews or the African Americas they are all made in God's image and they are all the same to God he is not a respecter of persons (Romans 2:11; James 2:1-13) but Darwin is and that is the sin he makes here in his theory! So when God said he created everything after its kind Darwin misinterpreted what God meant as if each nationality was a kind therefore, different nationalities meant different things to God but we have already established that view is wrong for God saw all of them as all the same! God made everything after its own kind without prejudice to that kind! The problem here is what did God mean by its own kind? Darwin has been labelled The Devil's Chaplin but I think the problem here is he misunderstood what God meant he was by no means evil he just sinned in his theory and the Christians ruined him over it! One could define this “kind” as natural selection therefore, God created everything after natural selection and now we have a perfect fit between biology, and the Holy Bible for what Darwin called natural selection God called “after its own kind” there is no problem and now we can move forward. 2. Evolution Explained Evolution is all about change! Everything changes therefore, everything evolves! You can't fight change, it's inevitable! Sooner or later you are going to change, there is no denying it! If you fight change it will still happen it will just take longer and be more difficult however, if you let change happen naturally it will happen quicker and it will be easier! Evolution studies the change in nature but change is not limited to nature! There are two types of change in nature, small changes known as mutations and large changes known as macro-mutations. Macro-Mutations or large changes are generally made up of a lot of smaller changes that have accumulated over time. They are small changes that have turned into large changes, mutations that have become macro-mutations. You notice the large changes, you notice the macro-mutations but you don't notice the small changes or the small mutations. If you made a small change to your appearance people would still notice you if they saw you in the street and some may notice the change too and some may not. People would still recognise you if they saw you in the street because the change is small. If you keep making small changes to your appearance over time there will come a time where people will no longer recognise you because you look so different! You could walk past them in the street and they would not recognise you, they would not know who you are! Once people are reminded of who you are they will exclaim: oh you've changed! I didn't recognise you! This is because all those small changes have become large changes or macro-mutations! Everything in nature is made up of small changes that have become large changes which are just the accumulation of a lot of smaller changes over time. The purpose of natural selection is to filter those changes so some changes become more dominant than others obviously, there is more to it than that but in a nutshell, that’s how it works! An example of a beneficial mutation or change in nature would be MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus), as Kenneth Miller explains, In the 1940's, physicians were given a dramatic new weapon in their fight against bacterial infection – the antibiotic penicillin. Penicillin kills bacteria in a particularly sneaky way. Most bacteria are surrounded by a tough cell wall that protects them from swelling as water tries to fuse across their membranes. As they grow, bacteria must expand and remodel that cell wall, which they do gradually by making microscopic openings in the wall, adding strand after strand of microscopic fibres, then cross-linking those fibres to cement the new cell wall together. Penicillin inhibits the enzyme that does the cross-linking. As a result, when Staphylococcus or Streptococcus bacteria grow in the presence of penicillin, they produce cell walls that are dramatically weakened by the absence of new cross-links. When they reach a certain point, the pressure caused from the inward movement of water becomes more than the shoddy wall can stand. The wall breaks, the bacterium expands like a balloon, and bursts. [1] MRSA is a different strain of Staphylococcus Aureus, a mutated strain. Its mutation or change came by making its cell wall stronger therefore, more resistant to penicillin consequently, it was less effective in killing it because the enzyme was resistant to it. This meant this new strain of bacteria had adapted to penicillin and now penicillin was ineffective. Physicians chose vancomycin, another antibiotic to treat this new strain of bacteria. It worked by blocking a different enzyme required in creating new cross links to traditional penicillin. Unfortunately, MRSA adapted or mutated to this antibiotic too creating VRSA (Vancomycin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus). Fortunately, different strains were resistant to different antibiotics but it didn't take long before another strain evolved that was resistant to both antibiotics. Physicians need to be very careful when prescribing antibiotics nowadays because they are less effective. Another example of a beneficial mutation in nature is found in some people exhibiting an immunity to HIV/AIDS. This immunity has evolved through a small change or mutation in one of the receptors the virus uses to enter the cell. The Cysteine-Cysteine Chemokine Receptor 4 (CCR4) facilitates entry into a cell. The gene that codes for this receptor is found on chromosome 3 which comes in many variants alternating how the receptor functions on cells. One of these mutations known as the delta32 mutation results in the receptor not working at all. It doesn't appear detrimental because there are many other genes that perform the same functions as to make this particular mutation harmless. But people who carry this mutation have advantages over those who don't for example, HIV enters the cell using this receptor since it's not functioning the virus can't enter the cell. In the case of HIV/AIDS, a mutated strain of this virus evolved which causes the virus to use another receptor on the cell (CCR2) which overcomes their immunity. This is basically what happens in nature, one species evolves or adapts then the other species evolves or adapts hence the survival of the fittest! In the future a human who has the Delta32 mutation may have their CCR2 receptor blocked through evolutionary processes and consequently they would be resistant to that strain too and consequently this human would be resistant to both strains of the virus. At some point in the future the virus may mutate or adapt again to use a different receptor on the cells or it may not, who knows?! But what we do know is this has been going on for millions to billions of years and this will be still going on long after you’re dead! I was born with abnormally long canine teeth that made it look like I had fangs but they were not fangs contrary to popular belief but ordinary teeth that were the result of a very bad mutation! The culprit was the E14 gene which codes for the canine teeth, my gene was so bad it was corrupt creating what looked like fangs in my mouth! These teeth were fixed, they didn't mutate or change like people believed however, they were like this all the time! Now you know where they got the inspiration for Blade. These teeth were quite literally hell for me because you can't eat with them. The top and bottom rows of teeth must be flat because the teeth are used for grinding the food up into a paste which you swallow. The paste is digested in the stomach and the waste expelled through the rectum. These teeth interfere with this process by preventing the food from being grinded up into a paste so it’s chunky when you swallow it. This leads to digestion problems such as indigestion and reflux every time you eat. Now before you say, why not start drinking blood, the teeth are normal natural teeth and these teeth are not strong enough to pierce the skin. Faecal impaction is a real bad problem where the faeces are too big to fit through the arsehole. Over time I developed a teeth grinding problem and grinded away those teeth and now my eating problems are gone and I don't have to worry about these issues when I eat any more. This is clearly a great example of a detrimental mutation, the type of thing you would expect natural selection to get rid of in the next generation. Now evolution didn’t do this to me because it hates me or because it is discriminating against me for some reason. This is just how it goes, sometimes it gets it wrong as it did here. This is the beauty of natural selection for it’s like a corrector or an editor, its job is to get rid of things like this so my children probably would never see those teeth, thank God. I have a back condition known as Curvature of the Spine which is caused from a curve in the spine that causes the skeleton to tilt towards one side. The condition rules me out of playing sports like football for example. One side is always longer than the other therefore, it is very difficult to kick the football in the right direction because you can’t know how long your leg is in order to judge or estimate how far or hard to kick the ball. It also causes a problem when hand-passing or throwing the football because the same problem occurs! Some people are born with this condition which means it is genetic mine is not it’s caused from the degradation of a bad back. There are certain genes that code for the curvature of the back however, sometimes they mutate in a detrimental way to create a curve in the back that results in an unstable skeleton. It is the type of thing you would expect natural selection to get rid of in the next generation. It sounds like a dangerous condition but it is not really dangerous it just needs maintenance which means frequent trips to a chiropractor. The chiropractor will make sure the skeleton is aligned properly and will adjust it so it is aligned properly. The instability of the back requires regular chiropractic visits because the back has a tendency to go out of alignment very easily. This condition may sound new but it has been around for years for the Hunchback of Notre Dame had it. For those who don’t know, his back was so bad he looked as if he was leaning over all the time. What he had is what happens when you do not have regular visits to a chiropractor. It’s not his fault as they didn’t have chiropractors in those days! One last example of a mutation and this time I am going to use one that is neutral meaning it is both beneficial and detrimental. I carry the Delta 32B mutation, the only person in the world to carry it and one so important to science it is documented in the biology journal. This mutation causes 40% of the receptors on your cells to function the other 60% do not. To your average biologist a person in this situation should be dead or seriously ill however my problem is I suffer with very bad allergies and this is the detrimental side of the mutation. We’re not talking about your usual allergic reaction, it’s a reaction so bad your throat is sore and you sometimes have trouble breathing. Your nose runs so much it ends up going red from all wiping with the handkerchief. While you don’t go into Anaphylactic Shock you require an antihistamine to stop the reaction because it doesn’t stop! It is the type of reaction that would cause you to take antihistamines each day to prevent because it can be triggered by anything. I did suffer with a dermatitis (eczema) for a time and this condition caused the dermatitis to be so bad it was termed Severely Chronic Dermatitis with Asthmatic Features a form of eczema (dermatitis) so bad it can create an asthma attack! It got me into the dermatology journal as the worst eczema sufferer in the world however which was a plus. The antihistamines are a must have and once you’re on them everything is normal unfortunately most antihistamines are only effective for a short period because the immune system becomes resistant to them and they have to be changed. As for the beneficial side of the mutation you’re immune to the venom of some of the most poisonous snakes and spiders in the world as well as some of the worst viruses. You’re not immune to everything but you are immune to the venoms of the Black Widow/Red Back Spider and Funnel Web Spider. The Rattlesnake, Cobra, Tiger Snake and ManyBanded Krait. HIV/AIDS, Ebola/Marburg and all three forms of Hepatitis. [1] 3. The Common Ancestor Every species in nature has a common ancestor and that common ancestor has a common ancestor and that common ancestor has a common ancestor all the way back to the common ancestor of all common ancestors. All species in nature are related to each other because they all had the same common ancestor and their ancestry can be traced through a tree. Darwin called it the tree of life. Each species could be traced back to the common ancestor of all common ancestors through this, tree of life but as of the time of writing the tree is incomplete. There is not enough evidence to trace any species back to the common ancestor of all common ancestors at this point in time. There is not even enough evidence to connect two common ancestors together in this tree. So how does a new species evolve in nature? There is no such thing as a new species, all species are the same they have just evolved differently. A Tsetse Fly is still a house fly it just has evolved differently but it’s not a house fly any more so it must be called something else. It all begins with a mutation. One within the group will mutate and that one will reproduce passing that mutation onto its children who then pass that mutation on their children. So you have two groups, one has the mutation the other does not. That mutated group will continue to evolve with more and more mutations accumulating over time. Eventually enough mutations would have accumulated within that group to cause it to go through a large change perhaps a physical change where it looks different from the other group. For example, the Tsetse Fly looks very similar to your average house fly but this particular species has evolved the ability to feed off blood and its mouth parts have adapted to allow it to feed off blood. This has been caused from millions of years of evolution where small changes accumulated in what was once your average house fly to produce what is now known as the Tsetse Fly. 4. DNA Now we come to DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) which is a chemical. One of the great discoveries of this century, courtesy of Watson, Crick, Franklin and many others, is that genes are digital, which means that they are composed of a sequence of discrete units. Genes, the individual units of hereditary, are written in the language of DNA, using a four-letter alphabet—A, C, G, and T— corresponding to the four nucleotides found in DNA: adenosine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine. The bacterium Escherichia coli contains 4,639,221 of these letters, organized into a total of 4,288 genes. In groups of three, these letters code for other building blocks known as amino acids, which are strung together to make proteins, the biochemical workhorses of the cell. A single change in a single nucleotide can alter one of those amino acids; and if the change takes place in a key position, it can alter the function of the protein, sometimes dramatically. That's why it's appropriate to describe the code as digital. Every time an E. coli [cell] divides, which can be as often as once every thirty minutes, the entire genome must be copied and the two copies carefully separated so that each daughter cell receives an identical set of genes. Sometimes this happens perfectly, but sometimes little mistakes are made and one or two of the nucleotides are miscopied. Sometimes the mistakes are more serious, and parts of the genome don't get copied at all while other parts are copied twice. [1] This is how diseases can evolve because they are caused from copying errors in the genome and every time that offspring reproduces their changed genome will be copied again and again and again passing on those same diseases to their children. Cystic Fibrosis, Down Syndrome, Muscular Dystrophy, Haemophilia and Sickle Cell Anaemia are some diseases that are caused from problems in the copying of one's genome. Imagine a website for example, what you see inside your web browser is created from what is called HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). Your web browser reads or interprets the HTML and creates the website you see in the browser from it. For example, the following text would print you are a boring person in bold text on the screen in HTML <b>you are a boring person</b>. Now if we wanted it to look like you are a boring person in bold italic then we make a small change to the HTML so it reads <b><i>you are a boring person</i></b>. The reason I share this with you is because this is what DNA does in nature. Cells are like the browser and the DNA is like the HTML that is used to create the website. If you make a change to the HTML you consequently change the way the website looks when you view it and in a similar way, if you change the DNA you too change the way that cell looks in nature. So in the same way, a small change to the DNA will consequently cause something to change just like a small change to the HTML will cause the website to change. When we are young we have wisdom teeth which are replaced with our adult teeth as we grow older and this is done by pushing the wisdom teeth out replacing them with new adult teeth. This process then stops and we get no new teeth so if we were to damage or loose teeth at that point it doesn't change, it stays like that! But a mutation or change to our DNA may cause this process to reactivate and we may end up having new teeth periodically throughout our lives. While it hasn't happened yet, it could happen and it may never happen but this is what makes evolution so fascinating because you really don't know what is going to happen. Most of these mutations are random sometimes they are caused by the environment other times they are induced or forced but most of the time these mutations are random. Biologists talk about evolution being a random process and everything is left to probabilities but the problem is, the highly probable may never happen and the highly improbable may happen! You really don't know what is going to happen for twenty years ago when I was a kid, antibiotic resistant bacteria would've seemed ludicrous. When I was a kid I suffered with Atopic Dermatitis or eczema and I noticed when my eczema became infected the antibiotics that were prescribed to treat it became less and less effective. My physician eventually had to change the antibiotic that they prescribed me because it just wasn't working any more. I was convinced the bacteria had evolved or adapted to the antibiotic and that's why it didn't work yet I was labelled crazy, silly and stupid because that didn't happen in nature, there was no such thing as antibiotic resistance in those days! Yet today, some twenty years later no one would dare make such a claim because they know it's not true, bacteria is resistant to antibiotics! Someone may say, well they lied to you but they didn't lie to me, that was the nature of evolution, things change! You really don't know what is going to happen so evolution teaches us that it is not wise to jump to conclusions. 5. Genes Genes are like switches they turn things on and off. Genes determine whether you are tall or short, the colour of your hair, the colour of your eyes, whether you are susceptible to certain diseases, you're body type and any allergies you may have. Your mother may have brown eyes and your father blue but that doesn't mean you are going to have one brown and one blue eye although it has been known to happen rarely. What generally happens is you either take after your mother and have two brown eyes or you take after your father and have two blue eyes. Genes are found in your DNA they are known as chromosomes. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes that is a total of 46 chromosomes. If one happens to end up with 24 instead 23 chromosomes (a total of 47 instead of 46 chromosomes) they will have Down Syndrome so the number of chromosomes is important! The female has two X chromosomes in their cells and males have one X and one Y chromosome. These chromosomes can be used to trace a person's lineage because the X and Y chromosomes found in the mother and the father are past from parent to child identically although they have been known to mutate from time to time. Inheriting too many or not enough copies of sex chromosomes can lead to serious problems. For example, females who have extra copies of the X chromosome are usually taller than average and some have mental retardation. Males with more than one X chromosome have Klinefelter syndrome, which is a condition characterized by tall stature and, often, impaired fertility. Another syndrome caused by imbalance in the number of sex chromosomes is Turner syndrome. Women with Turner have one X chromosome only. They are very short, usually do not undergo puberty and some may have kidney or heart problems. [4] Mutations can be beneficial where they help the species survive, they can be detrimental where they make it harder for the species to survive, they can be neither beneficial nor detrimental or they can be both beneficial and detrimental. It is the job of natural selection to weed out these detrimental mutations while preserving as many beneficial mutations as possible. When faced with a mutation that is neither beneficial nor detrimental natural selection generally selects based on random chance. When the offspring has an genetic defect generally it falls into decline as natural selection removes it in future generations. The delta32 mutation where the CCR5 receptor is not functioning creates immunity to HIV/AIDS but it was caused from a change in chromosome 3. In other words, it was caused from a mutated gene! Atopic Dermatitis or eczema is caused from a mutated filaggrin (FLG) gene. A single nucleotide polymorphism on chromosome 11q13.5 and a single nucleotide polymorphism within the hornerin gene on chromosome 1q21 cause the disease. [3] Sickle Cell Anaemia is both beneficial and detrimental caused from a mutation in the 11th chromosome. In its beneficial state it causes a partial immunity to malaria in its detrimental state it causes a disease where the blood cells are sickle shaped instead of being round the inheritance of sickle cell disease depends totally on the genes of the parents. If only one of the beta globin genes is the "sickle" gene and the other is normal, the person is a carrier for sickle cell disease. The condition is called sickle cell trait. With a few rare exceptions, people with sickle cell trait are completely normal. If both beta globin genes code for the sickle protein, the person has sickle cell disease. Sickle cell disease is determined at conception, when a person acquires his/her genes from the parents. Sickle cell disease cannot be caught, acquired, or otherwise transmitted. Also, sickle cell trait does not develop into sickle cell disease. Sickle cell trait partially protects people from the deadly consequences of malaria. The frequency of the sickle cell gene reached high levels in Africa and India due to the protection against malaria that occurred for people with sickle cell trait. [5] 6. Genetic Drift There is a colony of ants, one hundred or so ants live in this colony. Each has a random variation in their genes. A gene pool contains many versions of the same gene and there is gene pool in this colony of ants. Some copies could be more dominant than others due to natural selection selecting that copy over another copy. Seth Tomkin pours a glass of water into our hive of ants and kills ninety of the one hundred ants that live there (this is a made up story by the way). Seth looks at the hive with an evil smile, he's so sadistic! Seth thought he had sent that colony into extinction, but he was wrong, ten survived! Those ten ants go on to repopulate the colony with fifty or so new ants but only their gene pool survives the previous gene pool is lost. The variation that once existed in that gene pool is gone because Seth tipped water down the hive and tried to extinct the colony. Natural Selection can’t select from what is not there it can only select from what is there and now it has only the genes of ten ants rather than the genes of one hundred ants to choose from. This gene pool may have no beneficial mutations and if that gene pool does not help the species survive the colony may go into extinction. If the ten surviving ants were all sick ants then this could spell bad news for the colony. There is nothing natural selection can do for it can only use what is already there it can't create what is not there! So Seth who poured water down the hive to extinct the colony may eventually send that colony into extinction even though he didn't get all the ants! But Seth notices he didn't get all the ants, he sees some ants outside the hive and is abominated! He goes and gets the hose and floods the hive, this time he's certain the colony is extinct and it is! 7. Survival of the Fittest & Altruism Earlier we talked about how some people have an immunity to HIV/AIDS because they carry the delta32 mutation which turns off the CCR5 receptor the virus uses to enter the cell. In order to overcome this problem the virus evolved, mutated or changed to use a different receptor on the cell. This mutation has allowed the virus to enter the cell and cause infection even though the carrier of the mutation has a supposed immunity to it. This is what survival of the fittest is all about: there is a struggle for existence in nature where every species is competing with every other species, it’s all about winning at whatever cost! When you get bitten by the Funnel Web Spider there is nothing in that, it's just done in the name of competition, it’s just the survival of the fittest in action. Humans have evolved immunity to its venom but natural selection does not think that mutation is important therefore not everyone has it! The thing about nature is just when you think you have it figured out it throws something at you that totally throws you off. Conventional wisdom leads us to believe bees and their queen would be in a competition with each other, a survival of the fittest, who's the better bee? You would expect every bee to want to have sex with the queen in order to keep its genome alive for as long as possible but what we find is the exact opposite. Bees will do anything for their queen, they would even die for their queen if necessary. They don't compete with their queen, they help her! This sort of relationship is known as altruism in biology. People have criticised evolutionary theory for this contradictory behaviour in nature. Another example is the Tarantula Hawk, the female captures, stings and paralyses the spider then lays an egg on the spider's abdomen before hiding it away in its nest. When the larva hatch they create a hole in the spider's abdomen and feed off the spider keeping it alive for as long as possible. It's cruel, but that's the nature of competition, the struggle for existence, who is the better species? In this case the winner goes to the wasp and the Tarantula loses for its all about winning at whatever cost! But nature does it to us again with the Clown Fish and the Sea anemone. Conventional wisdom leads us to believe the sea anemone and the clown fish would be in competition with each other, a struggle for existence, who is the better species? What we find in nature is the exact opposite. The sea anemone provides a home for clown fish and in return for this home the clown fish chases away its predators such as the butterfly fish and fertilises it through its droppings. This sort of relationship in biology is known as symbiosis and is another example of why nature is not so hard to figure out. There is no shortage of selfish people in the world but this is just what conventional wisdom tells us, everyone should be selfish, it’s all about winning at whatever cost! There are some people who are altruistic, they dedicate themselves to other people, they help other people, they do charity or volunteer work expecting little or nothing in return. A young family full of disabled children would have these people help them out of their problems when conventional wisdom tells us they should be left to rot because they are weak! Just when you think you have it figured out evolution throws something at you that is totally unexpected. 8. Irreducible Complexity Darwin said, if something in nature was found irreducibly complex his theory would break down. This is probably where Darwin made his mistake because there is irreducible complexity but it doesn’t break the theory! Everything in nature can be reduced to something else up until a point! There is a point where something has been reduced so much it can't be reduced any more. At that point there would be irreducible complexity but that point would also be the beginning, origin, source and foundation of that thing. In other words, there is irreducible complexity at the beginning, origin, source and foundation! Consider what Richard Dawkins says, X is defined as something very like a human eye, sufficiently similar that the human eye could have plausibly arisen by a single alteration in X. If you have a mental picture of X and you find it implausible that the human eye could have arisen from it, this simply means you have chosen the wrong X. Make your mental picture of X progressively more like a human eye, until you find an X that you do find plausible as an immediate predecessor to the human eye. There has to be one for you, even if your idea of what is plausible may be more, or less, cautious than mine! He continues, By the same reasoning we must conclude that X could plausibly have arisen, directly by a single change, from something slightly different again, which we may call X'. Obviously we can trace X' back to something else slightly different from it, X”, and so on. By interposing a large enough series of Xs, we can derive the human eye from something not slightly different from itself but very different from itself. [7] Everything can be reduced to something smaller or simpler that came before but at some point you have stop because you can’t go back any further! This doesn’t mean the theory is broken it means that at the beginning, origin, source and foundation of that thing there is irreducible complexity! Life began somewhere and at that point there would be irreducible complexity. 9. Morality There is a big argument over whether evolution should be allowed to explain morality since it is a philosophical question and not a scientific one. Religions do get involved in this debate because morality is also a religious thing. I apologise if some of my readers feel I should've left this out but I have decided to briefly describe the four types of morality. Absolute Morality is based on a set of standards, values or principles that one holds near and dear and will not violate for anyone. The problem is, if you violate them it is like the end of the world. Objective Morality is based on the idea that morality is universal everyone everywhere has the same morality. The problem is, everyone everywhere does not have the same morality. What's right in one culture may be considered wrong in another. Relative Morality is based on the idea morality means different things to different people. In an evolutionary sense, morality evolved over time and the more evolved we become the more evolved our morality will become. The problem is, it makes right and wrong meaningless. Subjective Morality is based on emotions or feelings. If it feels right then it probably is right but if it feels wrong then it probably is wrong. The problem is, feelings can be irrational therefore morality can be irrational. 10. Chaotic Evolution There are generally two ways in which a species can evolve, the first is known as gradualism which is a natural progression over time. The gradual progression of a house fly into a Tsetse Fly would be one example. The second mode is known as statis where no evolution has taken place in a very long time the human species is an example of a species that is evolving in statis. Chaotic Evolution adds a third mode, chaos! Chaos is represented as traditional punctuated equilibrium and replaces this historically problematic part of traditional evolutionary theory. In this mode unpredictable and uncontrollable changes are made to the species over time due to chaotic events causing a very different form of evolution from what is generally expected from the traditional modes. Homo Herterogenesis and Homosapien are two examples of chaotic evolution their last evolution or mutation happened so long ago the species is now considered in statis however, their last evolution was a chaotic one! Steven Jay Gould and Niles Elderidge claimed punctuated equilibrium was proven in the fossil record however, traditional biologists have been sceptical because the evidence in the fossil record is incomplete and one could conclude that this evidence in the fossil record does not prove punctuated equilibrium or does so in a very weak and feeble way that a lot of biologists prefer to stay with what they know and that is traditional evolution is gradual. Chaotic evolution provides more concrete or plausible proof that this form of evolution (punctuated equilibrium) really does happen in nature but the evidence for it is not found in the fossil record as is traditionally believed but in chaos which is physics! A species can be in statis for years then all of a sudden for no reason whatsoever it will evolve gradually then because of some catastrophe starts evolving in a chaotic evolution which at some point just stops for no reason these are traditionally seen as random changes they are not chaotic generally speaking! A species in gradualism goes into statis for a time then a catastrophe causes the species to evolve in chaotic way which is shown in a punctuated equilibrium sort of trajectory. It's the punctuated equilibrium which shows chaotic evolution it does not interfere with existing evidence it compliments, it adds to it, it supplements it! When it comes to random chance chaotic evolution suggests random chance and chaos are the same, they are not the same but this is done for the sake of brevity! To explain, chaos is to a very limited extent predictable random chance is not but this predictability is so low one could say they were the same thing! This is physics but biology sees it very differently! Chaotic Evolution is not a replacement to Micro or Macro-Evolution but a replacement to punctuated equilibrium! I guess Chaotic Evolution could be seen as an update to a rather dated and troubled theory which is generally shunned by the majority of biologists! Creationist evidence shows catastrophe's can change the way evolution works. In the sense of Chaotic Evolution there is no problem it compliments the theory and shows Creationist evidence is just as good as traditional evidence in proving this true! The paradox is this, Creationism shows that Christianity is found in nature that we are not the only Christian creatures on this planet however, they present this evidence in such a way that it alienates rather than liberates fellow Christians like themselves. In Evolutionary theory time is generally irrelevant, thousands of years, millions of years, billions of years, it doesn't matter, evolution is a timeless process! When we talk about a universe x billions of years old that is just for our benefit, it's just a reference, its just something us scientists need in order to reconcile our evolution evidences but within the process itself time is irrelevant for the process is timeless! Creationists just use a different value, a different clock, a different way of measuring time but at the end of the day its all the same to evolution because there is no clock, there is no time, it is timeless! With Chaotic Evolution one could argue the earth is not billions of years of old it could have evolved in a much shorter time through chaos however, its improbable! What is generally believed is the universe's evolution is a gradual progression however, catastrophes do occur and they cause chaotic events that consequently have an impact on the evolutionary process and cause it to mess up! Creationists try to make the argument that this consequently would throw out the traditional clock that these scientists use to measure the age of the universe and that's not wrong its just presented badly! Evolution can make mistakes and it does make mistakes because of things like chaos which interfere with the normal operations of the process. Creationist evidence is not wrong however, chaotic evolution and namely, punctuated equilibrium only occur rarely they are not as common as this group of scientists like to believe but when they happen they make a world of difference! One needs to be aware of the possibility of a negative evolution caused from chaos. The world has been evolving for millions of years then a catastrophe causes a chaotic evolution which negates thousands to millions of years of evolution sending the species back to the ice age. What a tragedy? What a shame? Millions of years of evolution wiped off the face of the earth all because of some catastrophe, some chaotic event, it is enough to make you cry yet negative evolution is a real possibility which should not be ignored. It is possible because of a chaotic evolution the universe may have taken even longer to be created because it would've shot itself in the foot eventually and had to start over is an argument against this theory! Eventually it would never get anything done because it was always starting over its just a broken process that gives you nothing in the end! This problem can be resolved when you understand chaos and consequently catastrophes happen very rarely and they are not as common as creationist evidence likes to assert however, we do find Christian like behaviours in bees, ants, wasps and other group based insects working together as one. This is the evidence the Creationist community is misrepresenting, misunderstanding and misconstruing! This leads us to a altruistic evolutionary trajectory that works in addition to the traditional survival of the fittest trajectory each with its own evidence! From the perspective of a Christian it was laughable but the evidence could not be denied, bees seemed to be Christian because they behave like Christians! If one was to switch from the traditional survival of the fittest trajectory to an altruistic trajectory they would look like bees, wasps and other insects however, they would also be Christians hence Christian Evolutionism. No other religion in the world predicts how these colony based insects behave as accurately as Christianity! It's true that insects go to the war like Islamic Jihad however, they don't do it for Islamic reasons but Christian reasons! The Universal Theory of Everything (UTE) is a movement amongst some scientists for one theory that quite literally explains everything in the universe. Only two theories have qualified as UTE theories the first is String Theory put forward by the physicists and the second is Chaotic Evolution put forward by the biologists. Chaotic Evolution is generally preferred over String Theory as the UTE because of Occam's Razor: when one is faced with multiple explanations or theories one should always choose the simplest of the two. This scientific principle tells us Chaotic Evolution is the theory we should choose because it is simpler and easier to understand than String Theory which is incredibly complicated and incredibly hard to understand. Bibliography [1] Miller, K. 1999. Finding Darwin's God A Scientist's Search For Common Ground Between God and Evolution. HarperCollins, New York. [2] Creation Ministries. Lamb, A. CCR5-delta 32: a very beneficial mutation. Retrieved from the WWW April 8, 2013 from: http://creation.com/ccr5delta32-a-very-beneficial-mutation [3] US National Library of Medicine/National Institutes of Health. O'Regan, GM. Campbell, LE. Cordell, HJ. Irvine, AD. McLean, WHI. Brown, SJ. 2010. Chromosome 11q13.5 variant associated with childhood eczema: An effect supplementary to filaggrin mutations. Retrieved from the WWW April 9, 2013 from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3038266/ [4] National Human Genome Research Institute. 2012. Chromosomes. Retrieved from the WWW April 9, 2013 from: http://www.genome.gov/26524120 [5] Information Center for Sickle Cell and Thalassemic Disorders. 2002. How Does Sickle Cell Cause Disease? Retrieved April 9, 2013 from: http://sickle.bwh.harvard.edu/scd_background.html [6] Science Daily. 2011. Mystery Solved : How Sickle Hemoglobin Protects Against Malaria. Retrieved April 9, 2013 from: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/04/110428123931.htm [7] Dawkins, R. 2006. The Blind Watchmaker. Penguin Books, England [8] Dawkins, R. 2009. The Greatest Show On Earth. Free Press/Simon & Schuster, New York.
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