REPORT TO: Environmental Licensing Committee REPORT NO: HHPPE/64/15 DATE: 18 May 2015 REPORTING OFFICER: Head of Housing, Public Protection and Environment CONTACT OFFICER: Joss Thomas (Tel: 315786) SUBJECT: Private Hire and Hackney Carriage Vehicle Conditions relating to CCTV WARD: N/A PURPOSE OF THE REPORT To inform the committee of the current arrangements for CCTV systems in Private Hire and Hackney Carriage Vehicles and introduce a draft policy for consideration. BACKGROUND 1 In 2014 funding was obtained from the Area Planning Board to purchase 16 in-car CCTV cameras. In partnership with North Wales Police, the Licensing Section designed and launched a scheme, known as Camera Cars in October 2014. Eight town centre Private Hire Operators each received two cameras for use in their vehicles. Each Operator agreed to use the cameras for nine months and sign up to terms and conditions of use which are attached as Appendix A. Operators were also obliged to be registered as Data Controllers with the Information Commissioners Office. Operators were informed that they may keep the cameras for their use at the end of the scheme or return them to the Licensing Authority, subject to completing a feedback interview at the end of the period. 2 It is anticipated that the scheme will generate interest in CCTV systems and that vehicle proprietors will obtain their own systems, which are readily available to purchase independently. Operators subscribing to the Camera Cars scheme have responded positively, some communicating that they intend to purchase more cameras for fleet vehicles. 3 There are currently no specific licensing controls on the use of CCTV in Private Hire and Hackney Carriage Vehicles other than those implemented in the Camera Cars Scheme. A draft policy is attached which would place responsibility on the proprietor of the vehicle to comply with legal requirements and notify the local authority that a camera was being used. The policy also gives guidelines as to the appropriate storage and usage of recorded footage. The draft Policy is attached as Appendix B. 4 Conditions may be attached to the Private Hire Vehicle Licence. The licensing of Private Hire vehicles is governed by the Local Government Miscellaneous provisions Act 1976, specifically section 48: A district council may attach to the grant of the licence under this section such conditions as they may consider reasonably necessary. 5 Conditions may be attached to the Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licence. Section 47 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 states that 1) A district council may attach to the grant of the licence of a hackney carriage under the Act of 1847 such conditions as the district council may consider reasonably necessary. 3) Any Person aggrieved by any conditions attached to such a licence may appeal to a Magistrates Court. 6 If the Committee are minded to approve the draft policy on the installation and use of CCTV in Private Hire and Hackney Carriage Vehicles, it is recommended that the following condition is added to all Private Hire and Hackney Carriage Vehicle licences: The holder of the licence must notify the Licensing Authority in writing within 7 days of installing a CCTV system in the vehicle. CCTV systems in vehicles will not record audio and must comply with the terms of the ‘Policy on the Installation and Operation of CCTV Systems in Private Hire and Hackney Carriage Vehicles’. The proprietor of the vehicle will ensure that appropriate signage is displayed within the vehicle, in accordance with the policy. RECOMMENDATIONS That the Committee consider the draft CCTV policy for adoption by this Authority and the inclusion of the above condition into the Private Hire and Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licences. BACKGROUND PAPERS None Website information The Information Commissioners Office provide guidance and codes of practice on CCTV systems:
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