Report to: Cabinet Member Regeneration & Tourism Date of Issue: 8 April, 2015 Date of Decision: 15 April, 2015 Subject: OVH Bids to the HCA Affordable Housing Programme 2015-18 Report of: Director of Built Environment Is this a Key Decision? No Wards Affected: All Is it included in the Forward Plan? No Exempt/Confidential No Purpose/Summary To consider the bids that have been submitted to the Homes and Communities Agency by One Vision Housing [OVH], for funding to develop new affordable housing in Sefton, under the 201518 Affordable Housing Programme. Recommendation(s) (1) That the Local Authority informs the Homes and Communities Agency that it supports the scheme bids put forward by One Vision Housing [OVH] as listed in Table A within the report. How does the decision contribute to the Council’s Corporate Objectives? Corporate Objective Positive Impact 1 Creating a Learning Community 2 Jobs and Prosperity X 3 Environmental Sustainability X 4 Health and Well-Being X 5 Children and Young People X 6 Creating Safe Communities X 7 Creating Inclusive Communities 8 Improving the Quality of Council Services and Strengthening Local Democracy Neutral Impact X Negative Impact X X Reasons for the Recommendation: The Director of the Built Environment does not have delegated authority with regards to this matter. What will it cost and how will it be financed? (A) Revenue Costs There are no new direct revenue costs arising from the recommendations in this report (B) Capital Costs There are no new direct capital costs arising from the recommendations in this report Implications: The following implications of this proposal have been considered and where there are specific implications, these are set out below: Legal Not applicable Human Resources Not applicable Equality 1. No Equality Implication 2. Equality Implications identified and mitigated 3. Equality Implication identified and risk remains X Impact on Service Delivery: The affordable housing programme can help provide new or additional affordable housing in the borough, to help meet the needs of households on the Council’s Housing Register. What consultations have taken place on the proposals and when? The Head of Corporate Finance & ICT (FD 3512/15) has been consulted and notes the report indicates that there are no new direct revenue or capital costs arising from the recommendations in this report. Head of Corporate Legal Services (LD2804/15) has been consulted and has no comments on the report. Are there any other options available for consideration? The Council could opt to offer no strategic guidance to the HCA. However, this would likely result in no successful funding bids and no new affordable housing developments over the coming years. Implementation Date for the Decision Following the expiry of the “call-in” period for the Minutes of the Cabinet/Cabinet Member Meeting Contact Officer: Neil Davies Tel: 0151 934 4837 Email: [email protected] Background Papers: The following papers are available for inspection by contacting the above officer(s). Report to Cabinet Member Regeneration & Tourism, 13th February 2014; 2015-18 HCA Affordable Housing Programme Report to Cabinet Member Regeneration & Tourism, 28th May 2014; 2015-18 HCA Affordable Housing Programme Bids submitted Report to Cabinet Member Regeneration & Tourism, 28th August 2014; 2015-18 HCA Affordable Housing Programme Bid Outcome Report to Cabinet Member Regeneration & Tourism, 28th November 2014; 2015-18 HCA Affordable Housing Programme OVH Bids 1. Introduction/Background 1.1 In November 2014, Cabinet Member Regeneration & Tourism agreed the following recommendation, in relation to a report concerning 5 scheme bids put forward by OVH under the HCA’s 2015-18 Affordable Housing Programme; (1) That the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) be informed of Sefton’s support for the scheme bids put forward by One Vision Housing (OVH) as detailed within the report. 1.2 The previous reports also informed Cabinet Member that Registered Housing Providers may submit further, future scheme bids to the HCA, as part of their Continuous Market Engagement (CME) funding programme. OVH have identified a further 3 sites/schemes they wish to base bids upon. 2. Sefton Needs and Strategic Priorities 2.1 Successive Strategic Housing Market Assessments (SHMAs) have found a significant need for affordable housing in the Borough. This need is most pressing in Southport, but is also significant in Formby, Maghull / Aintree, and Crosby. 2.2 Both Bootle and Netherton show small surpluses of affordable housing, which is consistent with the relatively large stock of affordable housing along with some of the cheapest housing costs in the Borough. Nonetheless the 2014 SHMA suggests that some affordable housing in Bootle and Netherton should be considered to (i) improve the mismatch between the size of social rented accommodation required (particularly 1 and 2 bedroom dwellings) and anticipated supply and (ii) to provide opportunities for younger (lower income) households to access owner-occupied housing. 2.3 Finally, the Strategic Homes Market Assessment (SHMA) 2014 suggests that a key area of change in the housing market in Sefton over the plan period is likely to be the significant growth in the population of older people. Therefore, this demographic change is likely to require additional levels of care/support along with the provision of some specialist older person accommodation, both in the market and affordable housing sectors. 3 Proposed strategic prioritisation framework 3.1 In February 2014, Cabinet Member Regeneration and Tourism agreed the following ‘Prioritisation Framework’, which was provided to Registered Housing Providers and HCA, prior to the initial bidding process. 3.2 Taking into consideration identified need and Government priorities as well as local priorities, it is suggested that the new strategic priorities should be; Affordable and intermediate housing in areas of serious undersupply, in particular affordable rent in Southport and areas outside of Bootle and Netherton. In Bootle and Netherton a limited supply of one bedroom affordable rented homes and intermediate (shared ownership) homes Bringing vacant stock into use; particularly initiatives to provide affordable rent opportunities in Southport and low cost home ownership opportunities in Bootle. Meeting gaps in the provision of housing for people with special needs including housing for the elderly (especially extra care), vulnerable young single people (including those leaving care), and for households with disabilities, in suitable locations. Provision of a limited supply of affordable housing in regenerating sites and buildings in key regeneration areas such as Bootle and Seaforth, particularly where this supports wider regeneration plans, and new provision meets gaps in supply, such as one and two bedroom homes. Over the lifetime of the programme, following further analysis with RP Partners; Providing investment to RPs to replace/remodel existing affordable housing in areas where existing stock no longer meets needs (possibly due to welfare reform changes) with new one bedroom housing to meet changing needs. [OVER] 4. Scheme bids Submitted by OVH to the HCA Affordable Homes Programme (20152018) 4.1 The following scheme bids have been submitted by OVH to the HCA. All are deemed to fit with the strategic priorities set (section 2), and so will meet Sefton’s Affordable Housing needs. Table A: Scheme/Site Elizabeth Avenue, Ainsdale Number/type Comments of properties 21 homes 11 – 2 Bedroom Houses Mix of 17 affordable 4 - 2 bedroom Bungalows rent and 4 shared 6 – 3 Bedroom Houses ownership Hart Street, Southport 3 homes Kilnyard Road, Crosby 10 homes 4.2 Site Plan 3 purpose built bungalows for over 55’s. Catering for people with reduced mobility and enduring physical health needs so they can choose to continue to live in their existing community rather than in residential care. 10 X 2 bedroom general needs family houses OVH has confirmed that they have provided information about each scheme proposal to the relevant ward members. There was one issue identified by a Councillor on behalf of existing OVH residents in properties nearby the Hart Street proposal regarding foul water drainage. This issue would be addressed through the formal Building Regulation process within the site boundary and with United Utilities (off site) on commencement of the development. 4.3 OVH (or their agents) are in the process of undertaking pre-planning application discussions with Sefton Planners on the Elizabeth Avenue, Ainsdale site. Further information will be available once this process has been completed. 5 Conclusion 5.1 When the original bid round was conducted by the HCA, compared to previous funding bid rounds, there were relatively few scheme bids submitted for Sefton. If successful, the OVH scheme bids will help attract further HCA investment for the provision of affordable housing, needed in appropriate locations within the Borough. 5.2 The scheme bids submitted by OVH (in table A) align with the prioritisation framework and the emerging Local Plan policies, within locations which appear suitable (subject to normal Planning and Building Regulation approvals). 5.3 The HCA will carry out an assessment of each scheme bid including a review of strategic fit, deliverability and value for money. 5.4 Integral to this process is that Local Authorities are required to state their support of each scheme bid. Failure to achieve Local Authority support may result in a scheme bid not being considered for HCA funding.
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