10th Anniversary SAILING INSTRUCTIONS 4 April 2015 – 6 April 2015 Incorporating 2015 The Mandurah Easter Regatta 2015 The Western Australian 420 Championship Organising Authority (OA) Mandurah Offshore Fishing Sailing Club In conjunction with The Western Australian International 420 Class Association We thank our sponsors, partners and patrons for their support. 1 1 Rules 1.1 The regatta will be governed by the ‘rules’ as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS). Yachting Australia prescriptions and class rules will apply, except as modified by these Sailing Instructions. 1.2 Optimist Intermediate, Minnow Silver and O’pen Bic Silver, shall fix a streamer, as supplied by the Organising Authority, from the top of the sprit/mast. 1.3 Appendix P, Special Procedures for Rule 42, will apply as changed by SI’s14.3 & 14.4. 1.4 Racing rule 44.1is changed so that the two - turns penalty is replaced by the one - turn penalty. 1.5 (NP) indicates which of the Sailing Instructions that a boat cannot protest. 2 Notices to Competitors 2.1 Notices to competitors will be posted on the windows of the Regatta Office located in the Dolphin Room of the Mandurah Offshore Fishing and Sailing Club. 3 Changes to Sailing Instructions 3.1 Any change to the Sailing Instructions will be posted not less than two hours before the first race it will effect, except that any change in the Schedule of Races will be posted by 1800 hours on the day before it will take effect. 3.2 Changes to these Sailing Instructions ‘made on the water’ will be delivered by a Race Committee Boat. Flag ‘L’ will be displayed while the changes are being given. All boats shall come within hailing distance to obtain the written or oral instructions. 4 Signals Made Ashore 4.1 Signals made ashore will be displayed on the Signal Mast outside the Regatta Office. 4.2 When flag AP is displayed ashore, ‘1 minute’ is replaced with ‘not less than 30 minutes’ in the race signal AP. 4.3 When flag Alpha or Bravo is displayed, the instruction shall refer to that course area only. 4.4 When a class flag is displayed, the instruction shall refer to that class only. 5 5.1 Schedule Meetings are scheduled as follows: Date Activity Saturday 04April 2015 Sunday 05 April 2015 Monday 06 April 2015 5.2 Volunteer’s Meeting Competitor’s Meeting Hook Cafe Volunteer’s Thankyou Volunteer’s Meeting Volunteer’s Meeting Prize Giving Ceremony Races are scheduled as follows: Date Activity Saturday 04April 2015 Sunday 05 April 2015 Monday Launching Time of 1st Warning signal Launching Time of 1st Warning signal Launching 2 Alpha Course 1030 1115 1800 Bravo Course 1030 1115 1800 1000 1000 0830 1500 0830 1500 Alpha Course 1230 to 1245 1315 Bravo Course 1215 to 1230 1300 1130 to 1145 1215 1115 to 1130 1200 0930 to 0945 0915 to 0930 06 April 2015 5.3 5.4 5.5 6 6.1 6.2 Time of 1st 1015 1000 Warning signal 1300 1300 No Warning signal after It is intended to conduct up to a total of 8 races. On the last programmed day of racing no Warning Signal will be made after 1300 hours. When more than one race will be held in the same session, the Warning Signal for each succeeding race will be made as soon as practicable. To alert boats that a race or sequence of races will begin soon, the orange flag will be displayed with one sound at least four minutes before a warning signal is displayed. (NP )Signing On/Off Signing On All helmspersons shall indicate their intention to race by signing on before leaving the shore. The electronic box is located adjacent to the Regatta Office. The box will be available for signing on 90 minutes before the first race of the session. Signing Off All helmspersons shall sign off as soon as they come ashore and within 60 minutes of the last boat finishing on their course, or later at the discretion of the Race Committee. 6.3 6.4 6.5 7 7.4 2015 Mandurah Easter Regatta will be using an electronic Sign On and Off system powered and supplied by Regatta Toolbox.com. Helmspersons are responsible for their wristband during the regatta and shall relinquish and return their wristband to the Regatta Office after the final race session on Monday the 6th of April is completed. Failure to return the wristband will incur a 5 point penalty according to SI 6.3 & 6.4. Penalty Boats failing to comply with 6.1and 6.2 shall receive a 5 point penalty (but no boat to be scored worse than DSQ), for each indiscretion. Penalties will be applied by the race committee without a hearing. This changes rule A5. Retirement from Race A boat that retires from a race is requested to notify a support boat upon leaving the course area, sign off as soon as practicable after returning to MOFSC and complete the retirement declaration form, at the Regatta Office and within the signing off time limit. Class Flags The class flag(s) to be used will be as follows: Course Alpha Course Classes Optimist Open & Intermediate Minnow Gold & Silver O’pen Bic Gold & Silver Flag White Optimist Minnow O’pen Bic Bravo Course Laser 4.7 Laser Radial Laser Standard 420 29er Yellow Flag with Red Laser emblem Green Flag with Red Laser emblem White Flag with Red Laser emblem 420 29er Bronze Fleet Optimist/ Minnow Bronze Optimist Flag Bronze Fleet RO/ Safety Officer Allan Payne and Daryl Hindmarsh 3 8 8.1 8.2 9 9.1 Race Areas and Courses The chart/diagram in Attachment A shows the approximate location of the Race Course Areas. The chart/ diagram in Attachment B shows the courses to be sailed on each Race Area: Course 1 will be indicated by displaying International Numeral Pennant 1, or Numeral 1 on a Course Board. Course 2 will be indicated by displaying International Numeral Pennant 2, or Numeral 2 on a Course Board. The course to be sailed will be indicated on the Race Committee Boat. Marks Alpha Course marks will be Yellow cylindrical inflatable buoys. Bravo Course marks will be Orange tetrahedron inflatable buoys, except mark 1a will be a Red cylindrical inflatable buoy. 9.2 For all courses the starting marks will be a Committee Signal Boat at the starboard end and a staff displaying an orange flag on the Committee Boat or a pin mark at the port end. The finishing marks will be as follows: a) Alpha Course a Committee Signal Boat at the port end and a pin mark at the starboard end. b) Bravo Course a Committee Signal Boat at the port end and a pin mark at the starboard end. 9.3 Alpha change of course mark will be an inflatable buoy. Bravo change of course mark will be an Orange tetrahedron inflatable buoy, or a Red cylindrical inflatable buoy for mark 1a. 10 Obstructions 10.1 Attention is drawn to the following areas that are considered obstructions within the general area of racing: - A sand bar located immediately north and east of the Club House. The bar can be identified by breaking waves in rougher weather and lighter colour in calm weather. - A reef is located approximately one nautical mile north of MOFSC. The reef is marked by a DPI marker. There is normally a concentration of cray pots and floats around the reef. - Bight Reefs, located north and east of the course area. The reef is marked by the Bight Reef cardinal mark at the southern extremity. - A reef approximately half a nautical mile west of MOFSC and extending from the shore at Halls Head in a northerly direction to the Point Robert cardinal mark. 11 The Start 11.1 Races will be started by using rule 26. Classes will start generally in the order in SI 7 and on the Course in SI 8. 11.2 The starting line for Alpha and Bravo Course Areas will be between a staff displaying an orange flag on the Race Committee Boat at the starboard end and a staff displaying an orange flag at the port-end. 11.3 Boats shall keep clear of the starting area until their class Preparatory Signal has been made. 4 11.4 To alert competitors and coaches that the next race sequence will commence, the orange flag will be displayed with a long sound signal. The flag will be raised at least four minutes before the warning signal is displayed. 11.5 A boat starting later than 4 minutes after her Starting Signal will be recorded Did Not Start. This changes Rule A4. 11.6 When a general recall is signalled the warning signal for the first recalled fleet will be displayed at the start signal for the last fleet in the sequence (and so on). This changes rule 29.2. 11.7 (NP) Except when starting, boats shall not sail through the Start Line in either direction while the Committee Boat is displaying an Orange Flag. Boats failing to comply with this SI shall receive a scoring penalty, of 25% of the fleet, in the appropriate race. Penalties will be applied by the race committee without a hearing. This changes rule 63.1and A5. 11.8 If flag U has been displayed as the preparatory signal, no part of a boat’s hull, crew, or equipment shall be in the triangle formed by the ends of the starting line and the first mark during the last minute before her starting signal. If a boat breaks this rule and is identified, she shall be disqualified without a hearing but not if the race is restarted or resailed or postponed or abandoned before the starting signal. This changes rule 26. The scoring abbreviation for a U flag penalty is UFD. This changes rules 30 and A11. RRS 29.1 does not apply if Flag U is used as a preparatory signal. 12 Change of the Next Leg of the Course 12.1 To change the next leg of the course, the Race Committee will move the original mark (or the finishing line) to a new position. 13 13.1 The Finish The finishing line will be between a staff displaying an orange flag on a Race Committee Boat at the Port end and an orange flag mark at the Starboard end. 13.2 (NP) Except when finishing, boats shall not sail through the Finish Line in either direction while the Race Committee Boat is displaying a Blue Flag. Boats failing to comply with this SI shall receive a scoring penalty, of 25% of the fleet, in the appropriate race. Penalties will be applied by the race committee without a hearing. This changes rule 63.1and A5. 14 Penalty System 14.1 Rule 44.1 is changed so that the two - turns penalty is replaced by the one-turn penalty. 14.2 Appendix P will apply as changed by SI's 14.3 and 14.4. 14.3 Rule P2.1 shall apply to all penalties under this appendix and P2.2 & P2.3 will not apply. 14.4 Rule P2.1 is changed so that the two - turns penalty is replaced by the one-turn penalty. 14.5 For the 420,29er and O’pen Bic classes Appendix P5 may apply. 14.6 A competitor who has taken a penalty under rule 44.1 or retired shall complete an acknowledgement form at the Regatta Office within the protest time limit 15 Time Limit 15.1 The time limit per race will be one and one half hours. Boats failing to finish within twenty minutes after the first boat sails the course and finishes, will be scored Did Not Finish. This changes rules 35 and A4. Boats that are still racing at the end of the time limit shall return to the starting area for the next race. 5 16 Protests and Requests for Redress 16.1 Protest forms are available at the Regatta Office. "Add to rule 61.1(a) "The protesting boat should inform a Race Committee boat of the boat/s being protested after finishing."" 16.2 Protests and requests for redress or reopening shall be delivered to the Regatta Office within 1 hour of a) the last boat in its class’s finishing time or, b) where multiple races are held, the finishing time of the last boat in its class in its last race of the day or, c) when the race committee signals no more racing today, whichever is later. 16.3 Notices will be posted on the official notice board within 30 minutes of the Protest Time Limit to inform competitors of hearings in which they are parties or named as witnesses. Protest hearings will be held in the protest room. 16.4 Notices of protests by the race committee or the protest committee will be posted to inform boats under rule 61.1(b). 16.5 Breaches of SI’s marked NP are not protestable by a boat. This changes rule 60.1(a). Penalties for these breaches may be less than disqualification if the protest committee so decides. 16.6 Standard scoring penalties as noted in these SI’s will be applied by the race committee without a hearing. This changes rules 63.1 and A5. 16.7 On the last scheduled day of racing a request for reopening a hearing shall be delivered: within the protest time limit if the requesting party was informed of the decision on the previous day; 16.8 no later than 30 minutes after the requesting party was informed of the decision on that day. 16.9 This changes rule 66. On the last scheduled day of racing a request for redress based on a protest committee decision shall be delivered no later than 30 minutes after the decision was posted. This changes rule 62.2. 17 Arbitration 17.1 Rule 44.1 is changed to permit a boat that has broken a rule of Part 2, Part 4 or rule 31 to take a penalty after racing but prior to any protest hearing. Her penalty shall be a scoring penalty equal to a finishing place mid-way between the boat's actual finishing place and the score for a disqualification. Half points shall be disregarded and the points of other boats shall not be adjusted. 17.2 An arbitration hearing will be conducted for all protests lodged in accordance with rule 61 which allege an infringement of a rule of Part 2, Part 4 or rule 31. Such hearings will be held subsequent to the protest being lodged and prior to the protest hearing. 17.3 The time and place of the arbitration hearing will be decided by the arbitrator and such advice may be given verbally. One representative of each boat will attend the arbitration hearing and no witnesses will be allowed. The arbitrator will decide the manner in which testimony is given. 17.4 After taking testimony, the arbitrator will make one of the following conclusions: 6 (a) The protest does not comply with rule 61 and the protestor should withdraw the protest. (b) The matter shall proceed to a protest hearing. This may be because rules not suited to arbitration may be involved or because evidence is too complex or divergent or because injury, serious damage or a significant advantage may have occurred or because of the apparent severity of the alleged infringement or for any other reason decided by the arbitrator. (c) No rule was broken and the protestor should withdraw the protest. (d) A rule was broken by one or more of the boats involved, the infringing boat(s) may accept a scoring penalty as detailed above and if so accepted, the protestor should withdraw the protest. 17.5 An arbitration hearing shall not be re-opened. No conclusion of an arbitrator shall be subject to appeal or be grounds for redress. 17.6 Should the protest proceed to a protest hearing then the arbitrator may be a member of the Protest Committee. Any evidence given by an arbitrator during a protest hearing shall be given only in the presence of the parties to the hearing. 18 Scoring 18.1 The low Point scoring system of RRS Appendix A will apply. 18.2 Four races are required to be completed to constitute a series. a) When fewer than five races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores. b) When five to eight races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores excluding her worst score. c) The Laser Masters event consists of one division only for skippers over 35 (Laser Standard and Radial) and need to confirm this at registration. Laser Masters will be included in the results for both the regatta and the Laser Masters. Laser skippers shall be eligible for one prize only. 19 Replacement of Crew or Equipment 19.1 Substitution of competitors will not be allowed without prior written approval of the Race Committee. Application for approval of substitution of competitors must be made on the form available at the Regatta Office. 19.2 Substitution of damaged or lost equipment will not be allowed unless approved by the Race Committee. Request for substitution shall be made to the Race Committee at the first reasonable opportunity on the form available at the Regatta Office. 20 (NP) Equipment Checks 20.1 A boat or equipment may be inspected at any time for compliance with the class rules and sailing instructions. 21 (NP) Support Boats 21.1 Team leaders, coaches, and other support personnel shall not be in the racing area, which is defined as within 100 metres of a competitor or a mark of the course. This will apply from the time of the preparatory signal for the first fleet to start until all boats have finished that race, or the Race Committee signals a postponement or abandonment for all 7 fleets in the racing area, except in the case of an emergency when asked to assist by the Race Officer. The penalty for failing to comply with this requirement may be disqualification of all boats associated with the support personnel who infringe. 21.2 Coaches on the course shall monitor the radio frequency for the course they are working on. Coach boats are required to assist with support duties upon request from the race committee. 22 (NP) Radio Communication 22.1 A boat shall neither make radio transmissions while racing nor receive radio communications not available to all boats. This restriction also applies to mobile telephones. 22.2 Radio Channels for Race Management: COURSE 23 RADIO CHANNEL Alpha VHF 72 Bravo VHF 74 Tower VHF 77 Results Office/ Regatta Office VHF 77 Hook Marshall/Shore Co-coordinator VHF 77 Prizes 23.1 Prizes will be presented to each fleet of 6 or more boats as follows: - First Overall - Second Overall - Third Overall 23.2 Other prizes may be awarded at the discretion of the Organising Committee. 23.3 Competitors will only be eligible for one prize each. 23.4 Optimist Green/ Bronze and Minnow Bronze and other similar fleets will have an alternative prize program. 24 Disclaimer of liability 24.1 Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See rule 4, Decision to Race. The organizing authority its associates and appointees will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death or inconvenience sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the regatta. 24.2 The Mandurah Offshore Fishing And Sailing Club, any sponsor or partner or any party involved in the organisation of any event disclaims any and every responsibility for any loss, damage, injury to persons and things, both ashore and at sea, as a consequence of participation in any way in the races covered by these sailing instructions. 25 Risk and Responsibility 25.1 Sailing and activities associated with it involve risks of personal injury, loss and damage and even death. The risks include but are not limited to the risk of injury from collision, capsizing, falling overboard, being trapped under the sail or boat after capsize and impact with equipment. Any of these events can also result in death. The risks involved in this activity are heightened by: 8 Adverse weather conditions Inadequate training Fatigue Inexperience Failure to maintain the boat Failure to supply and use the recommended safety equipment Failure to observe the RRS or the Sailing Instructions. This warning is given as a risk warning pursuant to Section 5I of the Civil Liability Act 2002 (as amended). Having given this risk warning, competitors take part in the event entirely at their own risk. Mandurah Offshore Fishing And Sailing Club, its members or representatives will not be held liable for damage or loss of equipment, personal injury or loss of life, however it may occur. 26 Insurance 26.1 Each participating boat shall be insured with valid Third Party Liability and Public Liability of not less than $10,000.000. Contact Details: Mikael Lundh Mandurah Easter Regatta Event Director Marine Operations Manager [email protected] 0429 344 972 Kate Lathouras Mandurah Easter Regatta Event Coordinator Marine Activities Coordinator [email protected] 0403 687 887 Robin Olsen Mandurah Easter Regatta Principal Race Officer 0412 305 651 9 Attachment A Course Areas 10 Attachment B Course Diagrams Alpha Course The diagrams below show the course(s), including the order in which marks are to be passed and the side on which each mark is to be left. Alpha Course Course 1 Optimist Intermediate, Minnow Silver, O’pen Bic Silver: Start1-2-3-5-Finish Optimist Open, Minnow Gold: Start-1-2-3-2-3-5-Finish O’pen Bic Gold: Start-1-4-1-2-3-5-Finish Course 2 Optimist Intermediate, Minnow Silver, O’pen Bic Silver: Start-1-2-3-2-3-5-Finish Optimist Gold/Minnow Gold: Start-1-2-3-2-3-2-3-5-Finish O’pen Bic Gold: Start-1-4-1-4-1-2-3-5-Finish Bravo Course The diagrams below show the course(s), including the order in which marks are to be passed and the side on which each mark is to be left. Bravo Course Course 1 Laser 4.7: Start-1-2-3-5-Finish Laser Radial: Start-1-4-1-2-3-5- Finish Laser Standard: Start- 1-2-3-2-3-5- Finish 420: Start-1-4-1-2-3-5- Finish 29er: Start-1a-4-1a-2-3-5- Finish Course 2 Laser 4.7: Start-1-2-3-2-3-5-Finish Laser Radial: Start-1-4-1-4-1-2-3-5- Finish Laser Standard: Start- 1-2-3-2-3-2-3-5- Finish 420: Start-1-4-1-4-1-2-3-5-Finish 29er: Start-1a-4-1a-4-1a-2-3-5-Finish 11
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