MISS MONTGOMERY COUNTY AGRICULTURE APPLICATION 2015 The purpose of the contest is to surface young women with an agricultural background to serve as leaders that will promote our agricultural industry and the Farm Bureau organization throughout the year and in the future. 2015 Miss Montgomery County Farm Bureau Contest Eligibility 1- Contestants must be between the ages of 16-19, not to be 20 by August 22, 2015 and be part of a family farm operation and/or have a 4-H/FFA agricultural project. And a female who is a U.S. Citizen. 2- Contestants must be single, defined as never married, not engaged, or the mother of children. 3- Have never been convicted of a crime. 4- Contestants and or parents/guardians must have a Maryland Farm Bureau membership and be a member in good standing of the county Farm Bureau that they represent before a contestant applies for the contest. They must have written consent to enter the competition by a parent or guardian if a minor. 5- Contestants may compete in the contest more than once if they have not been previously selected as Miss Montgomery County Farm Bureau unless there are no other applicants in the current Contest Year. 6- Miss Montgomery County Farm Bureau will participate in the Miss Maryland Agriculture Orientation in order to gain knowledge, experience, and Farm Bureau expertise which will assist them as they compete for the title of Miss Maryland Agriculture. 7- Email signed, completed application to Paula Linthicum as a PDF at [email protected] no later than May 31, 2015. Application includes: Page 1 Resume, Page 2 Essay Question Response and Page 3 Farm Bureau Contestant Agreement. 8- No late applications accepted. Bring the completed, signed original application to the interview on June 7, 2015. Interviews for the Miss Montgomery County Farm Bureau contest will be held on Sunday, June 7, 2015 at Sunny Ridge Farm, 5925 Damascus Road, Laytonsville, MD 20882. Interview times will be assigned. The winner will be selected during the Montgomery County Farm Bureau Annual Picnic which begins at 5:30p that evening. Activities Miss Montgomery County Farm Bureau will represent Montgomery County Farm Bureau throughout Montgomery County and the State. Please review and fully understand expectations prior to submitting the application. The Miss will be asked to attend various agricultural activities throughout the year which include, but are not limited to, the following: Damascus Days Parade July 10, 2015: Ride in the parade to represent Montgomery County Farm Bureau. Montgomery County Farm Tour& Harvest Sale July 25 & 26, 2015: Visit local farms to promote agriculture. Miss Maryland Agriculture Orientation August 11-12, 2015: Miss Montgomery County Farm Bureau must participate in the Miss Maryland Agriculture Orientation August 11 & 12, 2015. Orientation is a very important part of the Miss Maryland Agriculture Program and you must attend to be eligible for the State Contest. 2015 Miss Maryland Agriculture Contest August 27-28, 2015: Miss Montgomery County Farm Bureau will participate in the Miss Maryland Agriculture Contest at the 2015 the MD State Fair. At this contest, all will be chaperoned by members of the Miss Maryland Agriculture Committee, and all rules discussed at orientation will apply. As a county Farm Bureau Contestant, you will receive information regarding these events closer to the time of the event. 2015 Montgomery County Agricultural Fair: Activities include riding in the 4-H Parade, attend the Ag Leaders Luncheon, participate in the Cheese Carving Contest, and attend the 4-H Livestock Sale. Montgomery Soil Conservation District Cooperators Dinner September: Attend dinner and represent Montgomery County Farm Bureau. 2015 Damascus Community Fair September 11-13, 2015: Participate in school tours (if possible) and attend the Damascus Livestock Sale. MCFB Farm to Table Dinner September 19, 2015: Greet guests/attend event. Close Encounters with Agriculture October 2015: Attend to promote agriculture as schedule permits. Montgomery County Farm Bureau Annual Meeting November 2015: Attend and speak about activities you’ve participated in while serving. 2015 MD Farm Bureau Convention: Attend the 2015 Maryland Farm Bureau Convention Saturday, December 5-8, 2015 in Ocean City, Maryland. Saturday, December 5, 2015, participate in MFB Young Farmers/Women’s Leadership Committee (WLC) Tours, WLC annual meeting, and group dinner. Sunday, December 6, 2015 attend breakout sessions and attend Vespers Service that evening. If you can only attend on the weekend, Saturday is the most important day. All County Farm Bureau Contestants are asked to make every effort to attend this convention. It is a wonderful experience, a lot of fun, and gives the County Farm Bureau Contestants a chance to reunite. The Miss County Farm Bureaus will have special duties and events assigned to them throughout the Convention. Lodging & registration fee to be paid by MFB and MCFB. MD Farm Bureau Day in Annapolis February 2016: Go to Annapolis with Farm Bureau members and meet with Montgomery County delegates. Washington Drive-In March 2016. Go to Washington, DC with Farm Bureau members and meet with Montgomery County elected officials. Laytonsville Day Parade May 2016: Ride in the parade to represent Montgomery County Farm Bureau. Montgomery County Farm Bureau Picnic June 2016: Attend picnic and turn over reign to new Miss Montgomery County Agriculture School Visits: Visit local elementary schools to read and educate students about agriculture with a Women’s Leadership Committee member. Local Farm Visits: Visit local farms like Butler’s Orchard, Lewis Orchard, Rock Hill Orchard as request to participate in farm activities and educate the public about agriculture. Other Activities: Participate in other agriculture related activities as requested. 2015 Miss Montgomery County Farm Bureau Contestant Code of Conduct As a County Farm Bureau Contestant, you represent a very large industry which extends far beyond your family and friends. When representing the Maryland Farm Bureau or Montgomery County Farm Bureau you are expected to comply with the guidelines listed below. Your appearance as a Miss should be by invitation only. Montgomery County Farm Bureau will strictly enforce these rules. If you are found breaking these rules you will be asked to step down as Miss Montgomery County Farm Bureau and relinquish all of your scholarships/gifts. Refrain from taking part in activities that would encourage young people who see you as a role model to do the same (vulgar language, smoking, consumption of alcohol, etc.) NO alcoholic beverages or drugs are to be consumed at any time during the two-day contest, the Maryland State Fair, Farm Bureau functions or any other time you are serving as Miss County Farm Bureau or Miss Maryland Agriculture. Do not wear denim skirts, denim dresses, jeans, colored denim, shorts, mini skirts, halter tops, middrifts, flip-flops, low riders, riding pants or any other clothing article that is inappropriate. While appearing as Miss County Farm Bureau or Miss Maryland Agriculture at the MD State Fair, county functions, or state events, wear a dress, skirt, or dress slacks, unless the occasion calls for other forms of attire. In many cases the Miss Maryland Agriculture contest polo shirts will be acceptable. If you have any concerns about what to wear, do not hesitate to call the host of the event or the Miss Montgomery County Farm Bureau Chairperson. As a 2015 County Farm Bureau Contestant and a “Representative of Agriculture" it is very important that you make sure you have adequate knowledge and information of the topics that you are asked to speak about. Before making an appearance, take the time to prepare yourself to speak comfortably to an audience and to answer questions. When confronted with a difficult question please do not try to answer unless you have accurate information. NOTE: Your appearance as a Miss should be by invitation only. Your family and friends may not be invited to all of the functions you will be invited to, so please be considerate of your host. Please be courteous to the hosting County's Farm Bureau Contestant when invited to attend their County's function. If the Code of Conduct is violated the contestant may be dismissed from any event immediately. Contestant Name: Date Contestant Signature: Parent/Guardian Signature: Page 1 Resume The resume is a written compilation of your education, work experience, credentials, and agricultural accomplishments. References are not requested. Do not exceed 1 page of Times Roman font. Page 2 Essay Question Response As page 2 of your application, please type an answer to the essay question not to exceed 1 page, 12 point double spaced Times New Roman font. Only choose one of the following questions to answer. Please include your name and county in the header of this document. 1. How would the condition of government-managed public lands change if they were managed privately? What are the pros and cons of government ownership of land versus private ownership? 2. Should farmers and ranchers be held liable for possible food-borne illnesses when the food item of concern can be traced back to their farms or ranches? Why or why not? 3. The farm bill crop insurance provisions offer a safety net for crop loss due to natural disaster and/or price risk. Should a safety net for livestock producers be developed, and what provisions might it include? 4. How can young farmers and ranchers work to encourage membership growth and member engagement for the county, state and national Farm Bureau organizations? 5. How should our nation’s policies balance concerns about food insecurity against concerns about the safety or environmental impact of modern agricultural technologies? What role should farmers have in discussing and debating these issues in our society and with our lawmakers? Page 3 A photocopy of your Driver’s License and Permanent Address: [#, Street] [City, State Zip] [(area code) phone #] [email address] Farm Bureau Membership # ________ Member’s Full Name_____________ Polo Shirt Size S M L XL County Birthday Mother’s Name Father’s Name Farm Bureau Contestant Agreement I agree if I am chosen as my County’s 2015 Miss Farm Bureau Contestant, I will participate in the 2015 Miss Maryland Agriculture Orientation, August 11th and 12th and the 2015 Miss Maryland Agriculture Contest, August 27th – 28th, 2015. Applicant’s Signature/Date Parent’s Signature/Date
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