UNIVERSITY OF THE WEST OF SCOTLAND MODULE DESCRIPTOR Introductory Note(s): (1) All module descriptors require annual updating. Please refer to top right of descriptor to ensure most recent version has been accessed. (2) Please note that not all modules run every academic year. 1. Title of Module: Practice and Theory in HE (NB. 30 Character Limitation must be adhered to) 2. Code: 0 EDUC 11004 - 3. School: 4. Module Co-ordinator: SCQF Level: 11 (Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework) Credit Points: 20 ECTS: 10 (European Credit Transfer Scheme) Education Dr. Louisa Sheward (N.B. The person identified might not necessarily teach the module) 5. Summary of Module (Intended for All Audiences): (This should include general Syllabus details) The module aims to provide a base reference point for a number of topics critical to the professional development of a new or recent lecturer and start a process of reflective practice and responding to constructive feedback. As a core module for the Postgraduate Certificate in TLHE Module 1 incorporates an induction programme and teaching observation in which the programme member is observed teaching and feedback is provided on the planning and delivery of that teaching session. Topics include creating a teaching portfolio, developing reflective practice, curriculum design, constructive alignment, understanding student learning and reviewing engagement in research and scholarship and how this may inform and be integrated within teaching and learning practice. The material and activities create a foundation for work to be undertaken in the other two modules of this programme. In particular, the creation and maintenance of a teaching portfolio will provide an important record of achievement. The intended learning outcomes for module one along with the assessed work are carefully mapped against the areas of activity, core values and professional standards outlined in the Professional Standards Framework, and current requirements for Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA) (Standards Descriptor 1). The module is offered in two different modes of study: Blended Learning (requiring some attendance on campus) and Online Learning. All programme members must have regular computer and internet access and are directed to instructional material regarding the Virtual Learning Environment. All programme members are expected to participate in online activities. Applicants are required to have an ongoing teaching commitment at HE level (SCQF level 7 or above) to extend over the duration of the PG Cert TLHE. This should normally be a minimum of 100 hours of teaching over the duration of the programme. This means that during this module participants should have a minimum of 33 hours of teaching, of which at least half should be spent in direct teaching contact time. 6. Learning Outcomes: (maximum of 5 statements) At the end of this module the student will be able to: L1. Develop and implement appropriate strategies for planning and delivering teaching; L2. Critically examine and integrate their approaches to teaching and constructive feedback and their engagement in research and scholarship so as to review effective teaching practices and plan for continuing professional development. L3. Take responsibility for a process of programme design, including writing and justifying clear and explicit intended intended learning outcomes and matching assessment techniques to them; L4. Demonstrate competence in significant incident analysis as part of a process of portfolio development. L5. Participate effectively in and, when required, initiate discussions about theories of learning, teaching practices and their relationship with student learning. (N.B. The above learning outcomes should relate to SCQF Level Descriptors referred to within Section 7.) 7. Employability Skills and Personal Development Planning (PDP) Skills *SCQF Headings During completion of this module, there will be an opportunity to achieve core skills in: Knowledge and Understanding (K & U) SCQF Level 11 Extensive, detailed and critical knowledge and understanding of the principle theories and concepts of teaching and learning. Critical awareness of current research and scholarship, within their subject specialism(s). Practice: Applied Knowledge and Understanding SCQF Level 11 A broad range of evidence based skills, techniques and practices associated with planning and delivering teaching in a wide variety of contexts. A broad range of evidence based skills, techniques and practices associated with providing appropriate student support in a wide variety of contexts. Generic Cognitive Skills SCQF Level 11 Competence in dealing with complex issues through critical incident analysis. Communication, ICT and Numeracy Skills SCQF Level 11 Communicate effectively with a wide range of audiences. Autonomy, Accountability and Working with others SCQF Level 11 Taking responsibility for the design of, or part(s) of, academic programmes including the integration of research/scholarship into teaching. Critical reflective skills as part of establishing priorities in planning and managing areas of continuing personal, professional and interprofessional development. . (N.B. *Refer to website for further details relating to the SCQF Level Descriptors) 8. Pre-requisites: Before undertaking this module the student should have undertaken the following: Module Code: N/A Module Title: N/A Other: Co-requisites: 9. Module Code: N/A Module Title: N/A Learning and Teaching: This module is offered in two different modes of study: Blended Learning and Online Learning. Programme members will be introduced to a range of teaching, learning and assessment approaches. These include: An online induction to the VLE to familiarise all programme members with the VLE and the online activities embedded within the PG Cert TLHE modules, such as discussion boards, creating a PG Cert TLHE blog, creating an e-portfolio and commenting on a voice thread. Programme members enrolled in the Blended Learning option participate in a three-day induction course on "Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Higher Education," which the University of the West of Scotland currently runs in collaboration with the University of Strathclyde twice a year – in January and September. An equivalent 3 day induction is provided for the Online Learning option which uses discussion boards, group wiki, video thread and wallwisher. This induction is incorporated in Module 1. All programme members have access to all materials used for the face to face and online delivery modes. All programme members have Units of Study to complete. These are available as a hard copy module study guide and in electronic format using Wimba Create. These take as their focus readings from the core text as well as websites and other online resources. These are linked to discussion boards and programme members’ blog. All programme members attend four scheduled seminars (Blended Learning) or four webinars (Online Learning) per module. ‘Webinar’ is the term used to refer to a Web-based seminar which may take different forms: lecture, workshop or seminar that is transmitted over the web. These seminars/webinars will encourage opportunities for social interaction and to share good practice. At the seminars this will include, for example, use of case studies, small group work and in webinars this will include case studies, discussion boards and feedback blog, voice thread and Nefsis. All programme members will have access to all materials used for both the seminars and webinars. Since attendance at the seminars/webinars is linked to the summative assessment programme members are expected to attend/engage with all arranged seminars/webinars for each module. Failure to attend one seminar/webinar can be compensated for by catch-up tutorials; however if a programme member misses two or more seminars/webinars he/she may be asked to re-enrol in the module. Regular contact (face to face, phone, email or Nefsis) with personal/programme tutors and mentors for tutorials plays an important part in the provision of academic and personal support. During these tutorials programme members will be assisted in all aspects of development and progression in respect to the certificate: being guided through the programme, and discussing and confirming arrangements for assessment. The same material, assessment criteria, moderator and external examiner are applied to both Blended Learning and Online Learning modes of study. Learning Activities/Categories: During completion of this module, the learning activities undertaken to achieve the module learning outcomes are stated below: Student Learning Hours (Normally totalling 200 hours): (Note: Learning hours include both contact hours and hours spent on other learning activities) Blended Approach Online Induction 18 18 Attendance at seminars/webinars 12 12 Tutorials: flexible learning including e-learning 3 3 Practical: Observation and formative feedback on the planning and delivery of a teaching session 3 3 Total 36 direct or indirect contact hours Project work (individual): preparing a Portfolio 20 20 Reflection; including critical incident analysis 10 10 Self Study (including Study Guide materials) 114 114 Assessment 20 20 200 Hours Total 10. Assessment: (also refer to Assessment Outcomes Grids at end of document) Since assessment decisions within all modules of the PG Cert TLHE are based on judgments of professional competence, this programme has used a Pass/Fail system for assessment since its inception. This has been agreed and supported by successive internal and external validation and accreditation panels, and by all appointed external examiners. The rules for moderation apply, but the 30% aggregation rule does not. Formative assessment of the intended learning outcomes for Module 1 includes a selfevaluation pro forma used in relation to the formative assessment of teaching. Programme members are also encouraged to reflect on their practice: beginning with reflections on participation in the 3-day induction programme and the drafting of a personal educational philosophy which includes details of integrating research and scholarship. Tutorials are also used as a means to provide formative feedback. The summative assessment consists of coursework based on written assignments and seminar/webinar participation. The written assignments have draft and final submission dates. The drafts are submitted to the Personal Tutor as a means to facilitate formative feedback (which feeds forward to the final submission). Full details are provided in the Module Handbook for Module 1. Assessments are the same for both Blended Learning and Online Learning modes of delivery. Assessment is submitted electronically. This is via Turnitin. Feedback is also given electronically. (N.B. (i) Three Assessment Outcomes Grids for the module (one for each main assessment category) can be found at the end of this descriptor which clearly demonstrate how the learning outcomes of the module will be assessed. (ii) An indicative schedule listing approximate times within the academic calendar when assessment is likely to feature will be provided within the Student Handbook.) 11. Equality and Diversity In order for the student to complete this module an element of Teaching will require to be undertaken. This and other elements required for successful progression in the PG Cert TLHE do not normally involve issues of equality and diversity. The programme operates in terms of an inclusive curriculum – and the flexible learning approach is designed to minimize constraints in respect to disability and/or equality and diversity. Students must be able to access and use IT equipment. (N.B. Every effort will be made by the University to accommodate any equality and diversity issues brought to the attention of the School) 12. **Indicative Resources: (eg. Core text, journals, internet access) The following materials form essential underpinning for the module content and ultimately for the learning outcomes: Module 1 Study Guide: Practice and Theory in HE. (Centre for Academic and Professional Development, University of the West of Scotland, 2012) A Handbook for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education – Enhancing Academic Practice. Heather Fry et al. (Routledge Falmer, 3rd ed. 2009). Required and recommended reading as for the three-day course “Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Higher Education” (subject to change due to regular updating). Other recommended reading and teaching and learning sources provided or recommended by the programme team. Access to the VLE support system. (**N.B. Although reading lists should include current publications, students are advised (particularly for material marked with an asterisk*) to wait until the start of session for confirmation of the most up-to-date material) 13. Attendance Requirements It is expected that for all modules in the PG Cert TLHE members will be fully compliant with the UWS attendance regulations. 14 Campus(s) for Module Delivery The module will normally be offered on the following campuses / or by Distance Learning (D/L) (ie. Virtual Campus): (Provided viable student numbers permit) Paisley: Ayr: Crichton: Hamilton: Tick √ 15. Course Reference Numbers (CRNs) (if known) Paisley: D/L Virtual Campus: Other: (Please specify) √ Ayr: Crichton: Hamilton: D/L Virtual Campus: Other: Trimester 3 No (Please specify) Enter 16. Semester(s)/Trimester(s) for Module Delivery (Provided viable student numbers permit). 10/11 Trimester 1 Yes For Internal Use Only Trimester 2 17. Subject Development Group (SDG) Education 18. Assessment Results (Pass / Fail) Please confirm if the Pass/Fail decision will be used? (This will only apply in exceptional cases where the usual A-E Grading system is deemed inappropriate) 19. Subject Panel School of Education, PG CPD. 20. Moderator Professor Moira Lewitt 21. External Examiner Dr Carl Peters, Dean: School of Education, University of Newport. Yes (See comments in section 10) Contact QEU for current details relating to Subject & Programme Panel responsibilities. Contact Student Administration for current details relating to module responsibilities. 22. Accreditation Details The Higher Education Academy (The Academy); Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) The programme currently is approved by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and accredited by the Higher Education Academy (The Academy) and the University of Paisley. Following a recent revalidation and accreditation event (subject to final confirmation) graduates of the PG Cert TLHE are eligible to seek registered practitioner status with The Academy in line with The Academy's requirements for the UK Professional Standards Framework: Standards descriptor 2. Those successfully completing Module One will be eligible to apply for associate registered practitioner status, aligned to Standards descriptor 1. Graduates in the fields of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting will be qualified to apply for a recordable teaching qualification with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). 23. Changes / Version Number ASSESSMENT CATEGORY 1: Coursework Learning Outcome (Identified in Section 8) Version 8 (Amended to change ‘critical’ to significant in Learning outcome 4. Changed Blackboard to VLE, updated resources and change d Associate of the HEA to Associate Fellow to meet new UKPSF (2011) Offered one trimester per year instead of two). Learning Outcome (1) Learning Outcome (2) Learning Outcome (3) Learning Outcome (4) √ √ √ √ Learning Outcome (5) (Where less than 5 Learning Outcomes exist, please enter N/A where appropriate) Weighting (%) of Assessment Element Timetabled Contact Hours Formal Written Examination Written Assignment N/A N/A Presentation Assignment Class Test Oral Examination/Viva Practical Examination Placement / WBL Elements Laboratory Reports √ Other, Please specify: Participation in seminars and equivalent online activities Combined Total for All Assessment Categories Pass Assessment Outcomes Grids (referred to within Section 10) Note(s): (i) More than one assessment method can be used to assess individual learning outcomes. (ii) Schools are responsible for determining student contact hours. Please refer to University Policy on contact hours (extract contained within section 10 of the Module Descriptor guidance note). This will normally be variable across Schools, dependant on Programmes &/or Professional requirements. Module Descriptor Template: Approved by LTB 14 May 2007 Dt/module descriptor group/ModDes TEMPLATE (Approved) 14 May07.doc Revised Jan 16 2010
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