Mount Carmel Catholic College for Girls Year 11 Revision Guide Summer 2015 "Forget past mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except what you're going to do now…and do it." -- William Durant INTRODUCTION Revision Support for all Year 11 students A Message to students We believe that your Year 11 group has the potential to achieve outstanding results. We also know what a difficult and stressful time Year 11 can be. The support we are offering here runs alongside the work going on in your lessons and will help to boost your performance. However, nothing will help you more than regular attendance at lessons where your teachers will increasingly focus on preparing you for the exams by doing exam practice and teaching you exam techniques. All statistical evidence at a national, local and school level shows that where attendance is 95% or higher, students are more likely to achieve their targets. Please remember that you will not achieve the results you hope for without putting in the extra time at home to revise. Buying revision guides will achieve very little if you don’t actually read them! A Message to Parents You do not need anyone to remind you what an important time this is for your daughter. We want to work with you to ensure that your daughter achieves her very best. Please contact us if you have any exam queries 020 7281 3536 Principal Ms Haynes – [email protected] Exam Officer – Mr Ali - [email protected] Assistant Principal Mr Kaddouri - [email protected] KS4 Achievement Leader – Mrs Fornoni - [email protected] KS4 Pastoral Manager – Ms Jaiyee – [email protected] KEY DATES AND WEBSITES All of us at Mount Carmel wish you every success!!! Key Dates GCSE Examinations begin 17th April 2015 27th April – 22nd May 2015 – Registration Group Revision (see timetable) Graduation Day – Friday 19th June 2015 GCSE Examinations finish 23rd June 2015 GCSE Results day – Thursday 20th August 2015 General Support websites There are available to use for most subjects and have a wide range of information on them for all students to use. P4qH/exam-stress YEAR 11 REVISION/LESSON TIMETABLE – 5th May – 23rd JUNE 2015 4th May – 8th May PERIOD 1&2 Monday -4 Tuesday -5 English Lesson 3&4 English Revision 5&6 IGCSE ENGLISH Exam 1.30pm After School Wednesday -6 Thursday - 7 Friday- 8 ART EXAM ALL DAY (33) (His, Eng) ART EXAM ALL DAY (33) (Sci) ART EXAM ALL DAY (33) (Ma, Sci) ART EXAM ALL DAY (33) (Bus, Dr, Gg, Hi, It, Sp, Fr, Mu, Tg, Cd) ART EXAM ALL DAY (33) (Pe, Re) ART EXAM ALL DAY (33) (Re, Ps) RE Unit 3 REVISION YEAR 11 REVISION/LESSON TIMETABLE – 5th May – 23rd JUNE 2015 11th May – 15th May PERIOD Monday - 11 1&2 RE Unit 3 Exam 9am 3&4 Tuesday -12 Wednesday -13 Thursday 14 ICT Exam 9am (12) (History, H&SC, Science – triple, Product Design and Textiles Lesson) Chemistry Unit 2 and 3 Exam 9am Friday- 15 Biology Add and Triple Revision (Ma) 5&6 ENGLISH REVISION Biology Unit 2 and 3 Exam 1.30pm Chemistry Unit 2 and 3 Revision (Pe, Re, Ps) (Ar, Cd, Fr, Gg, Ms, Mu, Sp, Tg) After School ICT Revision 3.15pm – 4.00pm YEAR 11 REVISION/LESSON TIMETABLE – 5th May – 23rd JUNE 2015 18TH May – 22nd May PERIOD Monday - 18 Tuesday -19 1&2 English Literature Unit 1 Exam 9am DT Textiles 9am (18) Wednesday - 20 Thursday -21 Friday -22 English Lesson (P2) English Literature Unit 2 Exam 9am (English Lesson) 3&4 RE Unit 10 Revision Geography Unit 1 Revision Physics Unit 2 and 3 Revision (En) (Ma, Sci) (Ma) 5&6 RE Unit 10 Exam 1.30pm Geography Unit 1 Exam 1.30pm (32) (Science Lesson) After School DT Textiles Revision 3.15pm – 4.00pm English Revision (Bus, Dr, Gg, It, Sp, Hi) Physics Unit 2 and 3 Exam 1.30pm History Unit 1 Revision (Pe, Re, Ps) YEAR 11 REVISION/LESSON TIMETABLE – 5th May – 23rd JUNE 2015 1st June – 5th June PERIOD Monday - 1 1&2 History Unit 1 Exam 9am (45) Tuesday -2 Wednesday - 3 Thursday -4 Friday -5 Mathematics NonCal Exam 9am Music Listening Exam 9am (12) Maths Revision (Science and Maths Lesson) 3&4 (Science and Hospitality & Catering Lesson) Geography Unit 2 Revision Biology Single and Triple Revision (Bus, Dr, Gg, It, Sp, Hi) 5&6 Geography Unit 2 Exam 1.30pm (32) (D&T Graphics, Media and Music Lesson) After School Mathematics Revision 3.15 – 4.00pm (Bus, Dr, Gg, Hi, It, Sp, Fr, Mu, Tg, Cd) Music Revision Biology Unit 1 Exam 1.30pm (Pe, Re) Mathematics Revision 3.15 – 4.00pm YEAR 11 REVISION/LESSON TIMETABLE – 5th May – 23rd JUNE 2015 8th June – 12th June PERIOD 1&2 3&4 Monday - 8 Tuesday – 9 Maths Calculator Paper Exam 9am Hospitality and Catering Revision Wednesday – 10 Thursday – 11 Friday - 12 History Unit 2 Exam 9am (45) General Studies Unit 1 Exam 9am (7) Physics Single and Triple Lesson (Science Triple, D&T Product Design and Textiles Lesson) (Science Triple, D&T Product Design and Textiles Lesson) Chemistry Single and Triple Revision (Ma) (En) 5&6 After School Hospitality and Catering Exam 1.30pm (13) Chemistry Unit 1 Exam 1.30pm History Unit 2 Revision 3.15pm – 4.00pm General Studies Unit 1 Revision Physics Unit 1 Exam 1.30pm YEAR 11 REVISION/LESSON TIMETABLE – 5th May – 23rd JUNE 2015 15th June – 19th June PERIOD Monday - 15 Tuesday – 16 Wednesday – 17 Thursday – 18 Friday - 19 1&2 3&4 5&6 Media Studies Revision D&T Graphic Products Revision (En) (Bus, Dr, Gg, It, Sp, Hi) Media Studies Unit 1 and General Studies Unit 2 exam 1.30pm D&T Graphic Products Exam 1.30pm (18) D&T Product Design Revision YEAR 11 REVISION/LESSON TIMETABLE – 5th May – 23rd JUNE 2015 22nd June – 23rd June PERIOD Monday - 22 1&2 D&T Product Design Exam 9am (17) Tuesday – 23 3&4 Human Health and Physiology Revision 5&6 Human Health and Physiology Exam 1.30pm (5) DESIGN TECHNOLOGY – Graphics Subject: Design & Technology – Graphics Over the next 5 weeks you will be completing revision for your final exam, below is a breakdown of the revision topics we will be covering each week. You should also work through your revision guides at the same time. WK 1 13/4/15 Design question: research Possible outcomes Modelling techniques Packaging The importance of products being packaged and how this happens • Nets • Symbols • Printing WK 2 - 20/4/15 Design question practice examples how to answer the question WK 3 27/4/15 Materials This will include a range of different material area including: • Paper • Card • Board • Plastics Technology How technology influences products • CAD/CAM • Software WK 4 4/5/15 Manufacturing Products How products can be assembled in quantity to ensure quality • Assembly line • Batch production • Quality control/ assurance • Testing • Step by step Commercial manufacturing How product would be produced in industry • Continuous • Mass • Batch • One off • Just in time WK 5 11/5/15 Product Analysis This will include how products have evolved over time and the factors that allow for product development • Market Pull/ push • Technology • Obsolete • Product Cycle Human Factors How someone interacts with products • Anthropometrics • Ergonomics • Accessibility Environment The effects product have on the environment • Sustainability • 5 R’s • Ethical fashion • Fairtrade DESIGN DESIGN TECHNOLOGY – Product Design TECHNOLOGY Subject: Design & Technology – Product Design Over the next 5 weeks you will be completing revision for your final exam, below is a breakdown of the revision topics we will be covering each week. You should also work through your revision guides at the same time. WK 1 13/4/15 Design question: research Possible outcomes • WK 2 20/4/15 Design question practice examples how to answer the question WK 3 27/4/15 Materials This will include a range of different material area including: • Wood • Plastics • Metal • Fabric • Ceramic • Food Technology How technology influences products • CAD/CAM • Software WK 4 4/5/15 Manufacturing Products How products can be assembled in quantity to ensure quality • Assembly line • Batch production • Quality control/ assurance • Testing • Step by step Commercial manufacturing How product would be produced in industry • Continuous • Mass • Batch • One off • Just in time WK 5 11/5/15 Product Analysis This will include how products have evolved over time and the factors that allow for product development • Market Pull/ push • Technology • Obsolete • Product Cycle Human Factors How someone interacts with products • Anthropometrics • Ergonomics • Accessibility Environment The effects product have on the environment • Sustainability • 5 R’s • Ethical fashion • Fairtrade DESIGN TECHNOLOGY - Textiles Subject: Design & Technology – Textiles Over the next 5 weeks you will be completing revision for your final exam, below is a breakdown of the revision topics we will be covering each week. You should also work through your revision guides at the same time. WK 1 13/4/15 Design question: research Possible outcomes New materials The importance of the development of new a technology's and fabric construction within fabrics • Smart • Technology • Enhanced materials WK 2 - 20/4/15 Design question practice examples how to answer the question WK 3 27/4/15 Materials This will include a range of different material area including: • Fabrics & Fibres • Natural • Man-made • Composite Technology How technology influences products • CAD/CAM • Software WK 4 4/5/15 Manufacturing Products How products can be assembled in quantity to ensure quality • Assembly line • Batch production • Quality control/ assurance • Testing • Step by step Commercial manufacturing How product would be produced in industry • Continuous • Mass • Batch • One off • Just in time WK 5 11/5/15 Product Development This will include how products have evolved over time and the factors that allow for product development • Features/ Properties • Consumer needs • Product Cycle Human Factors How someone interacts with products • Anthropometrics • Ergonomics • Accessibility Environment The effects product have on the environment • Sustainability • 5 R’s • Ethical fashion • Fairtrade Let’s Get Together! Take full advantage of revision lessons at school. Your teachers are the best aid to revision you’ve got, listen to their advice and ask them lots of questions. Try organising a quiz with friends. Before you get together write down 5 questions about a topic to ask each other. Ask family and friends to test you from your revision notes. ENGLISH Subject: English Language iGCSE and English Literature GCSE Number of Students: Whole cohort Exam Date(s): English Language iGCSE - 5th May 2015 English Literature Paper 1 - (Of Mice and Men & An Inspector Calls) – 18th May 2015 English Literature Paper 2 - (Poetry) – 22nd May 2015 Your English lessons will run as normal until Friday 22nd May. Your teacher will prepare you for the upcoming exams – you will complete lots of revision activities and will be set practice exam papers to complete. Alongside your English lessons, you should attend English Literature revision sessions after school every Tuesday from 3.30-4.30pm. A range of revision booklets have been created by the English teachers and are available for you to print from the student shared area (My Computer >RMShared Documents> English > Y11 Revision). The following revision websites can also be used to help you: Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Practice. - A range of difficult spellings. Coping Stress! IGCSE Subject: English Languagewith and Literature/English Number of Students: Whole cohort Exam Date(s): English IGCSE 8th May English Literature Paper 1 – 20th May 2014 English about Literature Paper 22nd May 2014 Talk it –2 – think about English / English Language Unit 1 – 3rd June 2014 the people you know who will listen and MAKE SURE you talk to them. Asking for help IS NOT a sign of weakness. It is a sign of Week Beginning 22nd April – Week B Topics Revision Clubs/Websites/Revision Books maturity and strength. Lang / Lit: Unit 1 English: Unit 1 Tuesday Higher tier / Foundation booster AQA Tuesday IGCSE H. Burrell Tuesday subject teacher drop-in session All past papers on Fronter Take time to have fun – during the revision period Lit: Unit 1 Tuesday Higher tier / Foundation boosterto AQAdo the make Lang/ sure you give yourself some time 28th April –Week A English: Unit 1 Tuesday IGCSE H. Burrell Tuesday subject teacher drop-in session All past papers on Fronter Lang/ Lit: Unit 1 English: Unit 1 Thursday 8th IGCSE Revision AM- D. Hegan/H. Burrell - Exam PM Tuesday Higher tier / Foundation booster AQA Tuesday IGCSE H. Burrell Tuesday subject teacher drop-in session All past papers on Fronter Tuesday Higher tier / Foundation booster AQA Tuesday IGCSE H. Burrell Tuesday subject teacher drop-in session All past papers on Fronter things that relax you and take your time off your 6th May – Week B studies. Do some exercise – exercise helps to clear the mind, th releases muscle tension and is an excellent way of 12 May – Week A Lang/ Lit: Unit 1 English Unit 1 dealing with stress. Eat well – eating well and a variety of foods makes you feel good and reduces overall stress. Useful Websites 4qH/exam-stress FRENCH Subject: French Number of Students: 14 Exam Date(s): Tuesday 12th May 2015 Topics 27th April Work and education Home and environment Week Beginning 20th April Leisure 4th May Lifestyle 11th May Revision Clubs/Websites/Revision Books AQA Text Book (Kerboodle) Pages 94-98, 100-104 -106108- 110- 112- 114 and 116. BBC Bitesize Higher: Expo GCSE text book pages : 40 to 46 AQA Text Book (Kerboodle) Pages 130-132, 134-136- 138 -140- 148-157 and150-152. BBC Bitesize Higher: Expo GCSE text book pages: 88 to 106 AQA Text Book (Kerboodle) Pages 56-58-, 60-62, 64-6686-70-72- 74- 76- 78 – and 80 BBC Bitesize Higher: Expo GCSE text book pages : 28 to 46 AQA Text Book (Kerboodle) Pages 16-18- 20 -22 24 – 32- 34- 36 – 38 and 40 - 42. BBC Bitesize Higher: Exam practice: Expo GCSE text book pages : 06 to 26 Organise your revision sessions Make and use a topic checklist; a list of the major topics you have covered for each subject. Pin up your checklist somewhere easily accessible. When you start a revision session look at you revision timetable to find out which subject you have chosen to revise. Then look at your topic checklist to find out which topic you have chosen to tackle next. After each revision session, tick off the topic from your checklist. This will help you see the progress you are making and help you feel in control. It will also stop you from feeling that you’re not getting anywhere. SPANISH Home and environment Subject: Spanish Number of Students: 36 Exam Date(s): Friday 15th May 2015 Week Topics Revision Clubs/Websites/Revision Books Beginning AQA Text Book (Kerboodle) Pages 106-107, 110-111, 118-119 and 122th 20 April 123. BBC Bitesize - Higher: st_myregion_rev1.shtml Foundation: ownrev1.shtml th Work and education 27 April AQA Text Book (Kerboodle) Pages 140-141, 144-145,156-157 and160161. BBC Bitesize - Higher: st_school_rev1.shtml st_jobs_rev1.shtml periencerev1.shtml Foundation: hool_rev1.shtml bs_rev1.shtml bsrev1.shtml th Leisure 4 May Lifestyle 11th May AQA Text Book (Kerboodle) Pages 68-69, 72-73, 82-83 and 86-87, BBC Bitesize - Higher: st_holidays_rev1.shtml st_freetime_rev1.shtml Foundation: _holidays_rev1.shtml _freetime_rev1.shtml AQA Text Book (Kerboodle) Pages 26-27,30-31, 44-45 and 48-49. BBC Bitesize - Higher: ngsomeonerev1.shtml ngrev1.shtml Foundation: srev1.shtml v1.shtml Exam practice: Organise your time Set a definite time when you will start and finish each revision session and stick to it. Keep revision sessions to a reasonable length. Between 1-3hours is about right. Try to work in good light. If you work better in the mornings; try to work on difficult subjects at your best time. If you are going to listen to music, play it at a low volume. If you are signing along then you are distracted! GEOGRAPHY Subject: Geography Number of Students: 33 Exam Date(s): Unit 1 exam – Tuesday 19th May Unit 2 exam - Wednesday 3Rd June Week Beginning Topics 13.04.15 20.04.15 27.04.15 04.05.15 11.04.15 18.05.15 May Half Term 01.06.15 Monday – Revision Club – 3.30pm Wednesday lesson – Paper 1 Mock Exam Friday lesson – mock feedback Monday – Revision Club – 3.30pm Wednesday lesson – Urban Environments Friday lesson – Tourism Monday – Revision Club – 3.30pm Wednesday lesson – Population Friday lesson – Tourism Monday – Revision Club – 3.30pm Wednesday lesson – Paper 2 Mock Exam Friday lesson – mock feedback Monday – Revision Club – 3.30pm Wednesday lesson – Paper 1 revision Friday lesson – Paper 1 revision Saturday session 16.05.15 – Final Paper 1 Revision Monday – Revision Club – 3.30pm Tuesday – Unit 1 Exam Wednesday lesson – Paper 2 revision Friday lesson – paper 2 revision Half term revision sessions (paper 2)– Dates TBC Monday – Paper 2 revision club 3.30pm Wednesday – Unit 2 Exam Revision Clubs/Websites/Revision Books BBC GCSE Bitesize Green CGP revision guide White CGP question book (Both available to buy in Geography Department. y Revision resources on Fronter AQA Website – Geography A specification Topic on a page mind maps Case study fact file booklet See Miss Leach or Miss McGowan for any extra support you would like. Remember you only answer 3 questions in each exam. You MUST choose the questions on the following topics: Unit 1 Restless Earth (Q1) Living World (Q4) Water on the Land (Q5) Unit 2 Population (Q1) Urban Environments (Q2) Tourism (Q6) You will also be assessed on your map skills – so ensure you dedicate some revision time to these! Improve your concentration If you find it difficult to concentrate for long periods of time, begin with short revision sessions and gradually build up to longer sessions. Make sure you take regular breaks. A good guide is that for every hour you work, have a 10 minute break. It may help your concentration to vary the topic or subject during sessions. Walking around whilst reading or testing yourself can help with concentration. Take full advantage of school revision sessions particularly if it is difficult to get peace and quiet at home. Moving around or simply changing position can help with concentration. HISTORY Subject: History Number of Students: 44 Exam(s) Dates: Paper 1: International Relations 1 hour 45 minutes – June 1st 2015 Paper 2: Depth Studies 1 hour 45 minutes – June 10th 2015 Students are welcome to come into school during their study leave at the time they would usually have their History lessons. Friday club will continue until (and including) Friday 7th June. Paper 1 Revision Materials Text book chapter photocopy. The Origins of WW1 – Distributed. Paper 1 Revision Materials Text book chapter photocopy. Peace-making 1918-19 and the League of Nations – Distributed. Paper 1 Revision materials Text book chapter photocopy. Hitler’s Foreign policy and the origins of WW2 – Distributed. Departmental Revision notes causes of WW1 – Distributed. Departmental revision notes – Distributed. Departmental revision notes – Distributed. Fronter video lesson available to students. Paper 2 Revision Materials Text book chapter photocopy. The USA 1919-29 – Distributed. Departmental Revision notes causes of WW1 – Distributed. Fronter video lesson available to students. Lesson power points available on Fronter. Paper 1 Revision Materials Paper 1 Revision materials Text book chapter on Nazi Germany Text book chapter photocopy. Distributed. photocopy on Civil Rights– To be distributed. Departmental revision notes – Distributed. Departmental revision notes – To be distributed. Lesson power points available on Fronter. Lesson power points available on Fronter. Revision Sessions Keep a bottle of water nearby and take regular sips. Small levels of dehydration can reduce your mental performance. Clear your desk of table of everything except for relevant material and equipment and put away anything that might distract you. Give yourself something to look forward to/a reward after revision sessions. Always end a revision session by summing up/testing yourself. Try: 40mins revising, 10mins testing, and 10mins resting. If you have a short attention span, try: 20mins revising, 5mins testing, and 5mins resting. ICT Cambridge National Subject: ICT Exam Date: R001 Understanding computer systems 1 h Wed 13 May 9 AM Animated cartoons use colourful graphics, strong characters and extremely imaginative storylines (Scenario 1). Social media can take many forms. When users sign up to use a social media site, they agree to follow the rules of that site. A freelance illustrator may choose to use social media and other digital methods to publicise their work (Scenario 2). Revision Clubs/Websi tes/Revision Books To prepare for the examination, you should research how a publishing house uses ICT to design, create, publish and publicise its work. This should include: • the software needed to create individual graphics for animated cartoons • the uses of a range of input and output devices • software methods used to create and improve the content of files, and the benefits of doing so • methods of protecting files from theft • methods of collaboration between colleagues working in different geographical areas. You should also find out about the work of freelance illustrators and how they may use websites and social media to share, publicise and sell their work. This should include: • implications of collecting data from customers • legal implications of using websites and social media • data transfer technologies • possible negative impacts that may be caused by overuse of ICT equipment and methods of reducing, negating and avoiding these impacts. 1. Attend Club Every Friday after school 3;154:15 Useful Websites px 2.Revise chapters in revision booklet provided 2. Complete test questions provided on each section. Revise with the exam in mind For each subject make sure you know how many papers you have, how many questions to answer, choice and type of questions, When and how long each exam is. Go over past papers. Write outline answers with just the main points and ideas. Try and practice some questions under exam conditions. Put your books away, turn off music, and set a time limit. The more timed questions you do the better you will become at them. MATHEMATICS ■ Graphs of functions ■ Trigonometry Subject: Mathematics ■ Expressions ■ Circle theorems The content of GCSE ■ Factorising ■ Transformations mathematics specification A. ■ Formulae ■ Constructions ■ Rational expressions ■ Loci The content of our GCSE ■ Sequences ■ Mensuration mathematics specifications ■ Coordinates in 2-D, 3-D ■ Vectors has been grouped into the ■ Straight line graphs ■ Bearings topic areas of number, ■ Gradients of lines ■ Scale drawings algebra, geometry, ■ Graphs of loci measures, statistics and Statistics ■ Real life graphs probability. Don’t worry if ■ Handling data cycle ■ Equations you don’t know what all of ■ Data collection ■ Quadratic equations these mean yet – you will ■ Data representation know at the end of your two ■ Changing the subject of the ■ Analysing data formula years of study. ■ Interpreting data ■ Inequalities ■ Sampling ■ Trial and improvement Number ■ Box plots, histograms and ■ Simultaneous equations ■ Four operations cumulative ■ Graphs of functions ■ Decimals frequency ■ Graphs of loci ■ Percentages ■ Addition and multiplication ■ Quadratic graphs ■ Fractions of probabilities ■ Direct and indirect ■ Equivalent fractions proportion Probability ■ Accuracy ■ Transformation of ■ Probability measures ■ Use of calculators functions ■ Relative probability ■ Factors and multiples ■ Mutually exclusive ■ Cubes, roots and squares Geometry and Measures outcomes ■ Index laws ■ Angles at a point ■ Mutually exclusive and ■ Standard form ■ Scales and units independent events ■ Surds ■ Angles and triangles ■ Tree diagrams ■ Inverse operations ■ Quadrilaterals ■ Recurring decimals ■ Symmetry Revision materials can be ■ Ratio ■ Polygons found on the school’s ■ Using percentage and ■ Parts of a circle website – curriculum- Maths repeated percentage change ■ Perimeter and area resources or from your ■ Compound interest ■ Circle theorems maths teachers. ■ Reciprocals ■ 3-D shapes Study club – Thursday after ■ Upper and lower bounds ■ Volume school ■ Scales and measures Algebra Note dates for Saturday ■ Compound measures ■ Notation revision clubs. ■ Congruence ■ Graphs ■ Pythagoras’ Theorem Write your own revision notes Create revision notes early in your revision session to tackle bulging folders and exercise books. DO NOT attempt to memorise all of your lesson notes. Revision notes are useful for subject where you have to recall material. Pick out the most important points. Get creative - Use different colour pens for different information, try drawing pictures or diagrams to help you remember. Use flashcards or patterned notes. The more creative your notes are the more likely you are going to remember them in the exams. MEDIA STUDIES Subject: Media Studies Release of preliminary material: Friday 15th May 2015 Date of examination: Monday 15th June 2015 Examination topic: Television News Focus of revision: Forms and conventions Representation Audience Institution Revision notes and PowerPoints on Fronter Revision booklets numbers 1, 2 and 3 to be worked through. Exam practise questions from week beginning 11/05/15 Testing Testing For important formulae, definition, quotations, theories and ideas test yourself regularly. Try ‘parrot fashion’ – repeatedly rehearing them over and over again. Try reading and testing formulae, definitions and quotations just before you got to sleep and repeat them as soon as you wake up. Write key points onto sticky notes and stick them to mirrors, wardrobes, doors, kitchen cupboards and so on. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Subject: Religious Education Exam Date(s): Unit 3- May 11th 2015 and Unit 10 - May 18th 2015 Week Beginning W/C 19/4/15 Topics Revision Clubs/Websites/Revision Books Unit 3.1: Believing in God Unit 10.1 Beliefs and Values Monday 3:10 – 4pm: Targeted Revision. Tuesdays 12:55 – 1: 20: Key Words revision. Thursdays 12:55 – 1:20 Yr. 11 Question D. Debate Club Monday – Friday Open door drop in sessions. Revision Booklet on Fronter Websites: YouTube: Edexcel Unit 10, Unit 3 , McMillan Revise Edexcel Religious Studies Unit 10, Unit 3 bbcschools/Religion/Christianity. W/C 26/4/15 Unit 3.2: Matters of Life and Death Unit 10:2 Community and Tradition Monday 3:10 – 4pm: Targeted Revision. Tuesdays 12:55 – 1: 20: Key Words revision. Thursdays 12:55 – 1:20 Yr. 11 Question D. Debate Club Monday – Friday Open door drop in sessions. Revision Booklet on Fronter Websites: YouTube: Edexcel Unit 10, Unit 3 , McMillan Revise Edexcel Religious Studies Unit 10, Unit 3 bbcschools/Religion/Christianity. W/C 4/5/15 Unit 3.3: Marriage and the Family Unit 10.3: Worship and Celebration Monday 3:10 – 4pm: Targeted Revision. Tuesdays 12:55 – 1: 20: Key Words revision. Thursdays 12:55 – 1:20 Yr. 11 Question D. Debate Club Monday – Friday Open door drop in sessions. Revision Booklet on Fronter Websites: YouTube: Edexcel Unit 10, Unit 3 , McMillan Revise Edexcel Religious Studies Unit 10, Unit 3 bbcschools/Religion/Christianity. W/C 11/5/15 Unit 3 Examination to be taken on Monday 11th 9 – 10:30am Monday 3:10 – 4pm: Targeted Revision Unit 10 Unit 3.4: Religion and Community Cohesion Unit 10.4: Living the Christian Life Tuesday 12:55 – 1: 20: Unit 3 Key Words revision. Thursdays 12:55 – 1:20 Yr. 11 Question D. Debate Club Monday – Friday Open door drop in sessions. Revision Booklet on Fronter Websites: YouTube: Edexcel Unit 10, Unit 3 , McMillan Revise Edexcel Religious Studies Unit 10, Unit 3 bbcschools/Religion/Christianity. Unit 10 Examination to be taken on Monday 18th May 1:30 – 3pm. Draw up a revision timetable Begin by drawing up a chart showing dates, times of all of your exams and work out how many weeks until your first exam. Plan to start your ‘Serious’ revision 6-8 weeks ahead of your exams. Allow yourself flexibility – not sticking exactly to your timetable does not mean it is not working. They are a guide to keep you on tract they are not meant to be rigid. SCIENCE Subject: Science Science revision sessions: Wednesday Thursday Lab 5 7.45am Lab 4 12.50pm For all students preparing for Additional science exams – B2, P2 and C2 You will find the following useful: 1. Lonsdale revision guides for Core Science, Additional Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, 2. Lonsdale Workbooks - used as homework books, 3. Nelson Thornes revision guides for Core Science, Additional Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics 4. AQA website: go to Subjects_Science_ and then select the GCSE Science exam you are sitting exams for. Key Materials Question papers and mark schemes. For Core Science follow Additional Science: Biology: Chemistry: Physics: 5. Revision packs containing exam questions, issued previously by Science teachers. If further copies required then let your teacher know. 6. BBC Bitesize for AQA Science 7. SAM Learning 8. You tube clips by the ‘Amoeba Sisters’ and Bill Nye 9. The Doc Brown website: SCIENCE Use to revise for CORE BIOLOGY. Click on these to revise all the sub topics on biology. If you scroll down you’ll see this 2. Then revise for Chemistry and Physics. Only the ones that have 1 written beside them! 1. Click on these to practice Foundation and higher exam papers – mark schemes are there too! Draw up a revision timetable cont… Divide up your day into blocks; morning, afternoon, evening or one or two hour blocks. Each day may be different to suit all of your needs. Start with a trial timetable that covers one week. Discover how much revision you can do realistically. Consider the following when drawing up your timetable: complete unfinished coursework, clubs/leisure activities, space out revision for each subject over the week, vary subjects on each day and balance revision time between your subjects. At the end of each weekly timetable carry out a review. Draw up the next timetable and repeat the cycle until you have sat your final exam. PIN UP YOUR TIMETABLE IN A PROMINENT PLACE IN YOUR ROOM FRONTER REVISION Summer 2015 Examinations Timetable Date Start Time Length of Exam Board of Exam Exam Component Title Monday 23rd March 09:00 00:15 AQA Bengali GCSE - Speaking Exam Unit: 3 Tuesday 24th March 11:30 00:15 OCR Turkish GCSE: Speaking Exam Unit: 3 Friday 17th April 09:00 ALL DAY EDEXL/GCSE Friday 24th April 09:00 00:45 Tuesday 28th April 09:00 ALL DAY Wednesday 29th April 11:00 01:00 EDEXL/BTEC Business Finance Onscreen Exam Thursday 30th April 09:30 01:00 EDEXL/BTEC Sport: Fitness for Sport and Exercise Onscreen Exam Tuesday 5th May 13:30 Thursday 7th May 09:00 ALL DAY Friday 8th May 09:00 ALL DAY Monday 11th May 09:00 01:30 09:00 01:45 02:00 Drama: Unit 3 Performance Exam EDEXL/GCE Spanish AS Level Spoken Expression Exam OCR CIE Music: Creative Task Exam IGCSE English Language: Reading Passage (Core) IGCSE English Language: Reading Passages (Extended) Art: Exte rnall yArt: Set AQA Task Exte rnall y Set EDEXL/GCSE RE - Rel/Life/Roman Catholic Christianity - Unit: 3 Task AQA 00:35 French Unit 1: Listening Exam Tier F (1) 00:45 French Unit 1: Listening Exam Tier H (1) 00:30 French Unit 2: Reading Exam Tier F (2) 00:50 French Unit 2: Reading Exam Tier H (2) Tuesday 12th May AQA 13:30 01:00 14:45 01:00 09:00 01:00 Biology Unit 2: Tier F (1) Biology Unit 2: Tier H (1) Biology Unit 3: Tier F (2) Wednesday 13th May Biology Unit 3: Tier H (2) OCR ICT: Understand Computer System Written Exam Summer 2015 Examinations Timetable 09:00 Chemistry Unit 2: Tier F (1) 01:00 Thursday 14th May Chemistry Unit 2: Tier H (1) AQA 10:30 01:00 Chemistry Unit 3: Tier H (2) Spanish Unit 1: Listening Tier F (1) 00:35 09:00 Friday 15th May 00:45 AQA 01:00 Spanish Unit 1: Listening Tier H (1) Spanish Unit 2: Reading Tier H (2) 00:50 13:30 Chemistry Unit 3: Tier F (2) OCR Turkish: Reading Written English Literature - Explore Modern Texts - Unit 1: Tier F 09:00 01:30 AQA English Literature - Explore Modern Texts - Unit 1: Tier H Monday 18th May 13:30 01:30 02:00 EDEXL/GCSE RE - Roman Catholic Christianity - Unit: 10 AQA D & T: Textiles Technology Unit: 1 09:00 02:30 Tuesday 19th May EDEXL/GCE Spanish AS Level Written Response 01:30 AQA 09:00 00:50 OCR 13:30 01:00 Wednesday 20th May Geography A Unit 1: Tier H Turkish: Listening Written Physics Unit 2: Tier F (1) Physics Unit 2: Tier H (1) AQA 14:45 Geography A Unit 1: Tier F 01:00 Physics Unit 3: Tier F (2) Physics Unit 3: Tier H (2) English Literature - Poetry Across Time - Unit 2: Tier F Friday 22nd May 09:00 01:15 AQA English Literature - Poetry Across Time - Unit 2: Tier H Monday 1st June Wednesday 3rd June 09:00 01:45 02:30 09:00 00:45 13:30 01:30 AQA History B Unit: 1 AS Polish Unit 1: Reading & Writing Bengali GCSE Unit 1: Listening Tier H AQA Geography A Unit 2: Tier F Geography A Unit 2: Tier H Summer 2015 Examinations Timetable Mathematics A - Linear Paper 1: Non-Calculator (F) Thursday 4th June 09:00 01:45 EDEXL/GCSE Mathematics A - Linear Paper 1: Non-Calculator (H) 09:00 01:30 01:00 OCR Friday 5th June Music: Listening Test Written Turkish: Writing Written Paper Biology Unit 1: Tier F 13:30 01:00 AQA Biology Unit 1: Tier H EDEXL/GCSE Mathematics A - Linear Paper 2: Calculator (F) 09:00 01:45 EDEXL/GCSE Mathematics A - Linear Paper 2: Calculator (H) Monday 8th June 00:50 AQA Bengali GCSE Unit 2: ReadingTier H (1) 01:00 AQA Bengali GCSE - Writing Exam Unit: 4 (2) 01:15 WJEC Hospitality & Caterng - Unit 2: Written Paper 13:30 Chemistry Unit 1: Tier F Tuesday 9th June 13:30 01:00 AQA Chemistry Unit 1: Tier H Wednesday 10th June 09:00 01:45 AQA History B Unit: 2 Thursday 11th June 09:00 01:15 AQA General Studies Unit: 1 Physics Unit 1: Tier F Friday 12th June 13:30 01:00 AQA Physics Unit 1: Tier H 09:00 Monday 15th June 13:30 General Studies Unit: 2 (2 Clash Student's Exam) 02:00 01:30 AQA 02:00 Media Studies Unit: 1 General Studies Unit: 2 Wednesday 17th June 13:30 02:00 AQA D & T: Graphic Products Unit: 1 Monday 22nd June 09:00 02:00 AQA D & T: Product Design Unit: 1 Tuesday 23rd June 13:30 02:00 AQA Human Health and Physiology Unit 1: Tier H TIME MON TUES WED THU FRI SAT SUN 8.00am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 8.00pm WEEKLY REVISION TIMETABLE 9.00am TIME MON TUES WED THU FRI SAT SUN 8.00am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 8.00pm WEEKLY REVISION TIMETABLE 9.00am TIME MON TUES WED THU FRI SAT SUN 8.00am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 8.00pm WEEKLY REVISION TIMETABLE 9.00am TIME MON TUES WED THU FRI SAT SUN 8.00am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 8.00pm WEEKLY REVISION TIMETABLE 9.00am Information for candidates For written examinations – effective from 1 September 2014 This document has been written to help you. Read it carefully and follow the instructions. If there is anything you do not understand, especially which calculator you may use, ask your teacher. A Regulations – Make sure you understand the rules 1 Be on time for all your exams. If you are late, your work might not be accepted. 2 Do not become involved in any unfair or dishonest practice during the exam. 3 If you try to cheat, or break the rules in any way, you could be disqualified from all your subjects. 4 You must not take into the exam room: • • notes; potential technological/web enabled sources of information such as an iPod, a mobile phone, a MP3/4 player or a wrist watch which has a data storage device. Any pencil cases taken into the exam room must be see-through. Remember: possession of unauthorised material is breaking the rules, even if you do not intend to use it, and you will be subject to penalty and possible disqualification. 5 Do not use correcting pens, fluid or tape, erasable pens, highlighters or gel pens in your answers. 6 Do not talk to or try to communicate with, or disturb other candidates once the exam has started. 7 You must not write inappropriate, obscene or offensive material. 8 If you leave the exam room unaccompanied by an invigilator before the exam has finished, you will not be allowed to return. 9 Do not borrow anything from another candidate during the exam. B Information – Make sure you attend your exams and bring what you need 1 Know the dates and times of all your exams. 2 Arrive at least ten minutes before the start of each exam. 3 If you arrive late for an exam, report to the invigilator running the exam. 4 If you arrive more than one hour after the published starting time for the exam, you may not be allowed to take it. 5 Only take into the exam room the pens, pencils, erasers and any other equipment which you need for the exam. 6 You must write in black ink. Coloured pencils or inks may only be used for diagrams, maps, charts, etc. unless the instructions printed on the front of the question paper state otherwise. C Calculators, Dictionaries and Computer Spell-checkers 1 You may use a calculator unless you are told otherwise. 2 If you use a calculator: • make sure it works properly; check that the batteries are working properly; • clear anything stored in it; • remove any parts such as cases, lids or covers which have printed instructions or formulas; • do not bring into the exam room any operating instructions or prepared programs. 3 Do not use a dictionary or computer spell checker unless you are told otherwise. D Instructions during the exam 1 Always listen to the invigilator. Follow their instructions at all times. 2 Tell the invigilator at once: • if you think you have not been given the right question paper or all of the materials listed on the front of the paper; • if the question paper is incomplete or badly printed. 3 Read carefully and follow the instructions printed on the question paper and/or on the answer booklet. 4 Fill in all the details required on the front of the question paper and/or the answer booklet before you start the exam. Make sure you fill these details in on any additional answer sheets that you use. 5 Remember to write your answers within the designated sections of the answer booklet. 6 Do your rough work on the proper exam stationery. Cross it through and hand it in with your answers. Make sure you add your candidate details to any additional answer sheets that you use. E Advice and assistance 1 If on the day of the exam you feel that your work may be affected by ill health or any other reason, tell the invigilator. 2 Put • • • 3 You must not ask for, and will not be given, any explanation of the questions. F up your hand during the exam if: you have a problem and are in doubt about what you should do; you do not feel well; you need more paper. At the end of the exam 1 If you have used more than one answer booklet and/or any loose sheets of paper, place them in the correct order. Remember to fasten them together with a treasury tag before you leave. Make sure you add your candidate details to any additional answer sheets that you use. 2 Do not leave the exam room until told to do so by the invigilator. 3 Do not take from the exam room any stationery. This includes the question paper, answer booklets used or unused, rough work or any other materials provided for the exam. Action Jackson Says… Don’t be Scared Support Each Other Start Now Ask for Help Join the MC Facebook Page ‘Class of 2015’
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