MARY, QUEEN OF THE FAMILY PARISH, BLACKTOWN Mary, Queen of the Family Parish is a welcoming, diverse, multicultural, Catholic community. We seek: to live, teach and share the joy of the Gospel; to grow as disciples of Jesus through prayer, witness and action and to respond to the needs of the family in the Blacktown community and beyond. We acknowledge the Darug people, the traditional custodians on whose land we worship. 29 March 2015 PALM SUNDAY YEAR B THE WEEK WE DARE TO CALL “HOLY” At the beginning of the fourth century Roman Emperor Constantine embraced Christianity and the Church slowly began to move from persecution to patronage under the Roman Empire. During the first three hundred years Christians had celebrated their faith in the Risen Christ on Saturday evening and early Sunday morning. Let’s face it, with Sunday not a public holiday until the 330’s, there was work on Sunday! (And we thought our generation invented Sunday trading!) With civil authorities giving their blessing to Christianity, there was more time to celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Jesus that was at the heart of Christian faith and practice. Towards the end of the 4th century, Egeria, a Spanish nun, went on an extraordinary journey. She travelled from Spain to Jerusalem! No mean feat in those days. What Egeria found when she got to Jerusalem was something very new. The Jerusalem Church took one whole week each year to celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Jesus and she attended the ceremonies that commemorated the last week in the life of Jesus. What’s more she took out her diary and made extensive notes! In the centuries that followed we see the Jerusalem Church’s celebrations spreading across Europe. How much Egeria influenced that spread remains a mystery but we should never underestimate the power of a strong woman of faith! We set aside this week – one out of fifty two – and dare to call it holy. It marks the events that are at the heart of our Christian faith – the Death and Resurrection of Jesus. We celebrate baptism and reception into the Church. We acknowledge that the pattern of dying to self and rising in Jesus Christ which is the key to understanding our human experience. Egeria watched every action of that Holy Week at Jerusalem. No doubt she did more than keep notes. She would have nourished her own life and faith by the experience of the week and then continuing her journey returned home to Spain. Let’s heighten our attention and prayer in this week we dare to call holy. Take notes if you like but allow the rich ritual of the week to get into your bones and, as we renew our Baptism into the Death and Resurrection of Jesus, nourish our faith for the year ahead. Fr Peter PARISH TEAM: Fr Peter Confeggi Fr Dénes Ledeczi Deacon Owen Rogers Sr Grace Roclawska csfn Sr Judith Lythall sm Claudette Cheetham Jacqueline Anchique Lisa Bright Alison Ryan MASS TIMES Weekday Masses 8:00am (St Michael’s) Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 9.00am (St Patrick’s) Mon– Sat Wednesday 7.30pm (St Michael’s) Stations of the Cross + Mass 7.30pm Fridays Lent Parish Team Meetings each Monday from 12.30pm—2.00pm PARISH OFFICES St Michael’s 58 Orwell St, Blacktown Tel 9622 9149 A/H 9621 3146 Fax 9671 6425 [email protected] St Patrick’s 51-59 Allawah St, Blacktown Tel 9622 1125 A/H 9621 3146 Fax: 9671 6425 [email protected] Office Hours: Sunday 8.30am—12.00 Noon Office Hours: Mon– Thurs 9.00am-5:00pm Fri 9.00am—4.30pm Sunday Masses 5.30pm Saturday Vigil (St Patrick’s) 7.00am Sunday (St Patrick’s) 8.00am Sunday (St Michael’s) 9.30am Sunday (St Michael’s) 10.00am Sunday (St Patrick's) 11.00 am 4th Sunday—Filipino Mass (St Michael’s) 2:00pm Sunday—Sudanese Mass (St Patrick’s) 5.30pm Sunday (St Patrick’s) 6.00pm Sunday (St Michael’s) Sacrament of Reconciliation: Wednesday 7.00pm—7.25pm (St Michael’s) Saturday 9.30am - 10.25am (St Patrick’s) Catechist Coordinator Marina De Sa Filipino Chaplaincy SCHOOLS: St Michael’s Primary St Patrick’s Primary Nagle College Patrician Brothers College Catholic Early Learning Centre (St Michael’s) 9622 1125 9831 7832 9622 9910 9621 4122 8887 4501 9671 3000 8814 8406 Institute for Mission Fr Paul Roberts (Director) [email protected] 9831 4911 Catholic Care 51- 59 Allawah St, Blacktown [email protected] 8822 2222 bPoint—Follow the links Anointing of the Sick First Saturday during 9.00am Mass (St Patrick’s) or by on our website. appointment contact Parish Office HOLY HOUR: 6.30pm—7.30pm Wednesday@ St Michael’s 9.30am—10.30am Saturday @ St Patrick’s Baptisms, Marriages, Funerals by appointment. Please contact office for details @mqofblacktown Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Year B ENTRANCE ANTIPHON: Hosanna to the Son of David, the King of Israel. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, the King of Israel. Hosanna in the highest. First Reading: Isaiah 50:4-7 Responsorial psalm: My God, my God, why have you abandoned me? Second Reading: Philippians 2:6-11 GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, king of endless glory! Christ became obedient for us even to death, dying on the cross. Therefore God raised him on high and gave him a name above all other names. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, king of endless glory! Gospel: Mark 11:1-10 (blessing of palms) A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark. “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord” When they drew near to Jerusalem, to Bethphage and Bethany at the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two of his disciples, and said to them, ‘Go into the village opposite you, and immediately as you enter it you will find a colt tied, on which no one has ever sat; untie it and bring it. Daily Readings M 30 Mar: Is 42:1-7; John 12:1-11. T 31 Mar: Is 49:1-6; John 13:21-33, 36-38. W 1 Apr: Is 50:4-9a; Matt 26:14-25. Th 2 Apr: Exod 12:1-8, 11-14; 1 Cor 11:23-26; John 13:1-15 F 3 Apr: Isa 52:13-53:12; Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9; John 18:1-19:42 S 4 Apr: No Morning Mass A word from Pope Francis @Pontifex Let us allow God to fill our hearts with his goodness and mercy If anyone says to you, “Why are you doing this?” say, “The Lord has need of it and will send it back here immediately”’. And they went away, and found a colt tied at the door out in the open street; and they untied it. And those who stood there said to them, ‘What are you doing, untying the colt?’ And they told them what Jesus had said; and they let them go. And they brought the colt to Jesus and threw their garments on it; and he sat upon it. And many spread their garments on the road, and others spread leafy branches which they had cut from the fields. And those who went before and those who followed cried out, ‘Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the kingdom of our father David that is coming! Hosanna in the highest!’ The Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. Gospel: Mark 14:1 - 15:47 (PASSION) Communion antiphon Father, if this chalice cannot pass without my drinking it, your will be done. Sharing the Gospel with your Children ... Ideas for Parents: Today we begin the most important week of the Church's year - Holy Week. Ask your children to keep Jesus close in their hearts, to remember how much he loves them, and to spend time in prayer with him. Encourage your children to remember Jesus this week by bringing them along to the Holy Week services in your parish. Discussion points with Children Who are the people who love you? What special things do they do for you? Jesus suffered and died because he loved us. Who are people who are in need or in pain? How can we show God’s love to these people? Today is the beginning of a special week of celebrations. How can we participate in Holy Week? 50 ways to ‘live’ the Joy of the Gospel # 19 Undertake a thankless task at home or in the parish which is usually left to somebody else. In NSW/ACT a person wishing to make a complaint regarding abuse within a Catholic Organisation should contact: 1300 369 977 WORKING WITH CHILDREN CHECK As the end of the month approaches I would like to thank all those working with children in any way who have brought their WWCC(Working with Children) documentation up to day. I know this has been confronting for some who have been serving the community for years and now seemingly all of a sudden they are asked to do something that they have not had to do in the past. MUSIC OF JS BACH AND SACRED READINGS Good Friday on 3 April With beautiful music, appropriate readings, and a powerful devotional atmosphere, this service will be one of the very special offerings during this year’s Lenten Season and all are welcome. Offering choral and organ music of JS Bach together with special readings featuring: The Blue Mountains Chamber Chorale, Robert Ampt – Conductor and Organist, Amy Johansen – Choir Accompanist, and Readers from St Finbar’s Parish and surrounding Christian Churches. Time: 7.30pm. Where: St Finbar’s Church, 46 Levy Street, Glenbrook. There will be a retiring collection; suggested donations $10 ($5 conc). Inquiries: (02) 4758 6067. If you have not been able to get your WWCC, something that can be done online, then the staff at the parish office can help you. If you do not have your WWCC documentation by the end of the month then you must cease any ministry involving children until you do have it. DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY-12 April At Kellyville: 1pm: Confession, rosary, exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Divine Mercy chaplet, benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. 3pm: Mass followed by veneration of the relic. Religious items will be on sale. Refreshments. Our Lady of the Rosary Parish, 8 Diana Avenue, Kellyville. As we all know from the ongoing work of the Royal Commission the protection of our children is of paramount importance. Fr Peter GREETERS FOR OUR EASTER CEREMONIES … We are looking for parishioners who are able to welcome, greet visitors and parishioners to our Parish for Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday. If you are able to assist please contact the Parish Office asap or write your names on the sheets on the clipboards at the church entrances. CAN YOU HELP WITH PREPARING THE CHURCH DÉCOR FOR EASTER VIGIL. Helpers are needed at St Patrick’s on Holy Saturday morning 4 April from about 10.00am for an hour or two. MANY THANKS The Collection for Vanuatu Appeal for the MQOF Parish was $3,858.00. Many thanks for your generous support of this emergency appeal. We have sent your donations to Caritas Australia. Please remember in your prayers: Recently deceased: Rita Jordan, Kathleen O’Connor, Fran Clarke, Lavinia Monteiro, Sam Borg, Bob Rubbo Anniversary: Borg & Cini Family, Joyce Zammit, Frederick Bellchambers Masses have been offered for: Deceased Members of the Muscat Family, Giovanni Mikicic, Michael Desanti, Deceased Members of the Scarpin Family, Anthony Michael Born, John Matthew Kennedy, Maria Teresa Mesiti, Michael Mesiti, Vince Mesiti, Mercy, Johannes, Clifford, Maurice & Ivan Stanslaus, Fortunata Baiada and Deceased Members of the Baiada and Teuma Families,Les Magee, Bob & Dale Connellan, Lea and William Richards, Jean & Digger Barnes, Bruce Marshall, Stanley Stokes, Joaquin Sumera, Carlisle Bartley, The Schembri family, P. Camilleri, Maggie Fernandes, Edgardo Clemente, Paulina Clemente, and the abandoned souls in purgatory. At Marayong: 1pm: Stations of the Cross, rosary, Divine Mercy chaplet and short talk about Divine Mercy. 1pm-3.15pm: Confession. 3pm: Mass. Our Lady of Czestochowa Polish Church, 116-132 Quakers Rd, Marayong. Novena from 4-11 April in the Polish Church small chapel. Under the guidance of Rev Fr Ruben Elago MSP, Filipino Community Coordinator. If you would like to host the image of Divine Mercy in your home for nine days tel 0409 975 563, (02) 9626 0262, or email [email protected] We remember and pray for those who are ill at home or in hospital at this time—may they know the healing presence of Christ—Robert Reid, Vivian Alam, Jan Mossfield, Andrew McCarthy, Margaret Reynolds, Alice Malouf, Esther Lynch, Rita Morgan, Kathleen & Claude Ryan, Kimberley Cusack, Flavio & Henry Cataldo, Paddy & Dolores Rogers, Kevin Clout, Emily Novak, LorAt Penrith: 2.30pm: blessing of Divine Mercy na Hamer, Michelle Makim, Judith Gezel, Sr Mary Elia MC, Manny Tongol image, Divine Mercy chaplet, Stations of the Cross, homily & benediction, Reconciliation till 4pm, afternoon tea from 4.15pm-5.15pm. Divine Mercy Mass at 6pm. St Nicholas of Myra Church, 326 High Street, Penrith. menALIVE Men’s Weekend 23 May The menALIVE Men’s Weekend is an opportunity for men to explore what makes them feel fully alive. The experience of the weekend is powerful and dynamic and many men are inspired and encouraged with a new sense of purpose and mission. The weekend is organised by men in your local community and conducted by an experienced team of menALIVE leaders. It is suitable for all men from 18 years of age. Where: Patrician Brothers’ College, 100 Flushcombe Rd, Blacktown (hosted by Mary, Queen of the Family Parish, Blacktown) Details: Paul Scott on 0416 250 591, [email protected] or Justin Bear on 0488 033 066 justin.bear@ VINNIES PANTRY Vinnies Pantry would like your donations of Pasta sauce 2min noodles Sugar Tinned Soup Many thanks for your support! LOAVES AND FISHES Loaves and Fishes currently need your donations of Cheese Spread (in jars), Pancake Shaker Mix, 2 Minute Noodles. JEAN & BETTY’S BUS TRIP Tuesday April 14—Balanced Essentials—Wisemans Ferry 9.00am dep St Patrick’s What better way to show your Christian love by offering a helping hand to Church $55.00 includes those struggling with day to day social and economic issues in their lives. All morning tea, lunch and you need is a compassionate heart and generous spirit. Please join us for an demonstration of essential Information session on Wednesday 22 April 2015 at 7pm in St. Michael’s meeting room, which is located behind the church on Orwell Street Blacktown. oils for health and wellbeing. Contact Jean 99203401 or Contact Clare on [email protected] or call Anne on 0421176829 who 0425 251754 would love to talk to you about this wonderful work. An opportunity to put your Faith into Action Mary Queen of the Family Vinnies Conference is recruiting additional members to join us in this most satisfying work and engage in a grass roots and practical demonstration of faith in action. Celebrating Holy Week and Easter as one parish— STATIONS OF THE CROSS FOR GOOD FRIDAY HOLY WEDNESDAY : Wednesday 1 April 9.00am Mass at St Patrick’s No 7.30pm Mass at St Michael’s 7.30pm Chrism Mass St Patrick's Cathedral—Parramatta All Youth & Young Adults are invited to take part in our parish Stations of the Cross service on Good Friday morning in the grounds of St Patricks Primary school. HOLY THURSDAY: Thursday 2nd April: No morning Mass 9.00am Morning Prayer St Patrick’s 7.30pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper St Patrick’s (Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament till 10.00pm) 10.00pm Night Prayer GOOD FRIDAY: Friday 3rd April No Morning Mass 10.00am Stations of the Cross St Michael’s (Filipino Chaplaincy) 10.00am Stations of the Cross St Patrick’s Primary School Grounds 3.00pm Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion St Michael’s 3.00pm Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion St Patrick’s HOLY SATURDAY: Saturday 4th April No Morning Mass 9.00am Morning Prayer St Patrick’s 7.30pm Easter Vigil St Patrick’s EASTER SUNDAY: Sunday 5th April 7.00am St Patrick’s 8.00am St Michael’s 9.30am St Michael’s 10.00am St Patrick’s 5.30pm St Patrick’s 6.00pm St Michael’s Daylight saving will end in NSW on Easter Sunday, 5 April 2015, when clocks go back one hour at 3:00 am. PRACTICE This Wednesday, 1st April 7.30 pm St Patrick's Church We are in need of young people to participate in the 10am Stations of the Cross service Through miming the stations, reading reflections, and leading our parish in prayer. For more information please contact our Parish Youth Minister, Alison Ryan. Good Friday Walk Commences at St Patrick’s Blacktown at 10.00pm on Friday 3 April and concludes at St Patrick’s Cathedral Parramatta early Saturday morning. Please contact Alison Ryan for further details. If you are under 18 years you need to complete a permission form. Information and Registration: James Camden, Catholic Youth Parramatta Director James Camden on (02) 8838 3428 Additional Notices can be found on the notice boards. ~ Call Jacqueline at the Parish Office on 96221125 for advertising details. Please understand that Mary, Queen of the Family Parish cannot take responsibility if the service provided by an advertiser does not meet expectations.
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