NATIONAL OIL Shallow Stratigraphic Well Drilling in Block 14T SPECIFICATIONS EXHIBIT 1: SPECIFICATIONS OF THE SHALLOW STRATIGRAPHIC WELL DRILLING IN BLOCK 14T NATIONAL OIL CORPORATION OF KENYA 1 NATIONAL OIL Shallow Stratigraphic Well Drilling in Block 14T SPECIFICATIONS The specifications of the Shallow Stratigraphic Well Drilling 1 Subject Shallow Stratigraphic Well to be drilled (including wire line logging & petrophysical evaluation) in Block14T around Magadi Area in Kenya. 2 Purpose National Oil Corporation of Kenya (hereinafter referred to as the Company) is exploring for oil and gas in Block 14T in Magadi area, Kenya. This work is performed in order to obtain the information of subsurface geology and geophysics in the region. 3 Works 3.1 To drill two (2) Shallow Stratigraphic Wells (hereinafter referred to as the Drilling). 3.2 To carry out Wireline logging & evaluation. 3.3 To carry out grain size distribution analysis 3.4 To support Borehole Seismic operation (hereinafter referred to as Check-shot survey) by Seismic Contractor, if required by the Company. 4 Location 4.1 The two (2) wells are planned in the Western part of Magadi area as shown in the Attached Map 1. The detailed positions of the wells shall be shown to the awarded Contractor upon execution of a Confidentiality Agreement with the Company. 4.2 Location survey using GPS shall be accurately carried out by Contractor with the Company. A high performance GPS shall be availed by Contractor. 4.3 The subsurface geology of this region appears to be composed of clastic and volcanic rocks that are partially compacted as per the geological survey and the information of oil and gas explorations around Block 14T. 5 Entry Qualifications 5.1 Contractor shall execute a Confidentiality Agreement with the Company as provided in the Appendix 1 . 5.2 Contractor shall have the ability to drill to depth more than 500 m. 5.3 Contractor shall have experience in conducting the drilling of stratigraphic wells of more than 200 m in depth and attach the evidence of previous work done (as reference information). 2 NATIONAL OIL Shallow Stratigraphic Well Drilling in Block 14T SPECIFICATIONS 5.4 Contractor shall have experience in carrying out grain size distribution analysis. 5.5 Contractor shall have a Health Safety and Environment (HSE) document relating to the Drilling, and it is to be attached in the proposal. 5.6 Contractor shall have an up to date certification by International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC) and or the equivalent 5.7 Contractor's personnel shall have current certification by accredited international drilling organizations/body (IWCF, WellCap etc) 6 Liability for the Works 6.1 Contractor shall bear all liability arising from execution of the works including but not limited to injury claims, third party property damage or other loss or damage arising therefrom. 7 Insurance 7.1 Contractor shall submit the list of certificates of all affiliated insurances relating to the Works for entire contract period and avail proof of payment of requisite premiums prior to commencement of the work. 8. Basic Provisions of the Works 8.1 Accommodations 8.1.1 Contractor is responsible for bearing the costs of utilizing or arranging for site office, camps, other facilities and transport. In addition, Contractor shall prepare accommodations for some Company staff (up to 3). 8.1.2 Contractor shall prepare the cost estimation based on the situation shown in clause 8.1.1. 8.2 Consumables 8.2.1 All the tangible & intangible consumables relating to the Works shall be included into the proposed costs for the drilling & wire line logging & evaluation work. Drilling bit, casing, plugged and abandoned works, core boxes and other materials should be included in the consumables. 8.3 Working Hours 8.3.1 The Works shall be done on a 24 hour basis. The working shift may be arranged by Contractor provided that each shift shall not exceed 12 hours. 8.4 Schedule 8.4.1 The Company is expected to commence the Drilling in August, 2015. 8.4.2 Contractor shall finish preparations of rigs, such as mobilization, and primary inspection of the location before commencement of the Drilling Work provided that it shall be after signing of contract. 3 NATIONAL OIL Shallow Stratigraphic Well Drilling in Block 14T SPECIFICATIONS 9. Drilling Works 9.1 Mobilization and De-mobilization of the equipment 9.1.1 Contractor shall be responsible for complying with laws and regulations on environmental permission. 9.1.2 Contractor shall be responsible for mobilization and demobilization of the equipment and staff required to commence the work on time (including custom clearance). 9.1.3 Contractor shall be responsible for logistics and transportation of the equipment to ensure accessibility to the site on time (This shall include pre-site visits to confirm requirements). 9.1.4 Contractor shall be responsible for site remediation immediately after the drilling operations. 9.2 Water supply 9.2.1 Contractor shall be responsible for facilitating water supply required for the Drilling. Any relating cost has to be included into the operational cost. 9.2.2 In case, Contractor drills water well (s) to supply water for the Drilling, the water well (s) shall be retained for utility by the local community or restored for safe use. Any relating cost has to be included into the operational cost. 9.2.3 Contractor shall apply all requisite permits required for 9.2.2. 9.3 Drilling specifications 9.3.1 The Company plans to drill two (2) vertical wells.(using a coring drill bit minimum diameter of 3 1/2 inches) 9.3.2 The total (cumulative) drilling depth is planned to be 1,000 m for the two wells. 9.3.3 The drilling depth of each well is basically planned up to 500 m. 9.3.4 The "Stick-up" method of drilling depth determination shall be used. Stick-up measured from the ground surface (and not from the rotary table [RT] and/or Kelly bushing [KB]) to the downhole end of the drill string and/or bottomhole assembly [BHA] (including bit, core barrel, rods and couplings). 9.3.5 The Company accepts any types of rig (skid-type rig, truck-mount rig, etc.), however, the specifications or past performance records need to be submitted to ensure the successful completion of drilling (and coring) work. 9.3.6 Core shall be cut throughout all the sections without the critical operational situation. In case of difficulty to continue coring operation, Contractor shall discuss with the Company on how to resolve any drilling challenges. 4 NATIONAL OIL Shallow Stratigraphic Well Drilling in Block 14T SPECIFICATIONS 9.3.7 Core diameter shall be 50 mm or larger throughout the section. 9.3.8 Casing program shall fulfill the above-mentioned specifications. 9.4 Plugged and abandoned (P&A) 9.4.1 Contractor shall backfill the well with cement/sand mix or bentonite/cement mix, and completely level/remedy the ground for abandonment following the regulations. 9.5 Core handling 9.5.1 Contractor shall prepare and present a detailed coring (retrieval/handling) programme for approval by the Company 9.5.2 Core shall be carefully extracted from the core barrel using a method approved by the Company in order to prevent destruction or fragmentation of during transportation. 9.5.3 Contractor shall mark the sample depth, check the lithology and take core color photographs after putting the samples into the core box. 9.5.4 Core losses shall be marked in the correct position (not at the end of the run) with a red block of the same length as the core loss. The block shall be marked "core loss" and the core loss depth interval given. 9.5.5 Where samples are taken from the core box they shall be replaced with a yellow block of the same length as the sample. The block shall be marked "sample" and the same depth interval given. 9.5.6 Unpainted blocks (stabilizers) shall be used to prevent core moving within partly filled core box partitions. 9.5.7 All block markings shall be legible on the core photographs. 9.6 Core boxes and Storage 9.6.1 The core boxes shall be of robust construction with a lockable lid (to prevent core distribution/loss during transportation) and partitions spaced to suit the different core sizes. Contractor shall provide the handles to assist transportation of the boxes. 9.6.2 The inside of the lid and at least one end of the box shall be clearly and indelibly marked with the project name, well number, box number (e.g. 5 of 10) and core depth interval. 9.6.3 Core boxes shall be kept off the ground and dry while at the drill site. 5 NATIONAL OIL Shallow Stratigraphic Well Drilling in Block 14T SPECIFICATIONS 9.7 Core photographs 9.7.1 Color digital photographs shall be taken for all the core boxes. 9.7.2 A title board showing the project name, borehole number, depth interval, a color reference chart and liner scale graduated in 100 mm lengths in black and white. 10. Wireline logging Works 10.1 Wireline logging specifications 10.1.1 Contractor shall carry out Wireline logging, the Gamma Ray, Resistivity, and Temperature after reaching to TD (bottom hole). 10.1.2 A Sub-Contractor shall be appointed by the Contractor to carry out Wireline logging, if the Contractor itself cannot provide the Wireline logging services. 10.1.3 If Contractor consigns a Wireline logging to a Sub-Contractor, Contractor shall submit the certification of Sub-Contractor to the Company 10.1.4 The logging tools shall be prepared by Contractor or Sub-Contractor. 11. Check-shot survey Works (For Contractor’s information) 11.1 Check-shot survey 11.1.1 Check-shot survey is also planned to be conducted after the above-mentioned conventional logging. 11.1.2 The equipment (receiver & source) and actual operation shall be provided by other contractors, such as seismic contractor or check-shot contractor. Some supporting work by Contractor may be necessary during Check-shot survey subject to the Company’s requirement. 12. Laboratory analysis by Contractor 12.1 Contractor shall carry out grain size distribution analysis. 12.2 The number of samples is planned up to 100/well depending on the actual lithology. 12.3 Detailed analysis of samples & relevant petrophysical evaluation shall be prepared by Contractor. 13. Personnel 13.1 Expert 13.1.1 Contractor shall prepare and submit the curriculum vitae (CV) of experts including drilling supervisor (s), driller (s), geologist (s), wire line logging technician (s), petrophysicist (s) & laboratory technologist (s) relating to the 6 NATIONAL OIL Shallow Stratigraphic Well Drilling in Block 14T SPECIFICATIONS Works. 13.1.2 The person in charge shall have the ability and the experiences to integrate all activities relating to drilling, wireline logging, check-shot survey and HSE. 13.2 Sub-Contractor 13.2.1 Contractor is allowed by the Company to hire Sub-Contractor for the Wireline logging. 13.2.2 Contractor shall be responsible for Sub-Contractor activities. 13.2.3 Contractor shall make a list of personnel, certification and the CVs of Sub-Contractor and submit them to the Company. 14. Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) 14.1 HSE basic provisions 14.1.1 HSE provisions should be quoted as necessary from the document relating to HSE policy prepared by Contractor. 14.1.2 Contractor is responsible for the overall HSE policy subject to approval by the Company. 14.2 Waste water handling 14.2.1 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study or reporting is not necessary in Kenya for geotechnical work, however the waste mud, chemicals and fluid during and after the operations shall be disposed in accordance with the Kenya‘s regulations. 15. Filing documents required for the bidding 15.1 Company profile of Contractor 15.2 The Contractor’s proposal 15.2.1 Work program (Detailed work schedule) 15.2.2 Well schematics (Casing program, borehole diagram) 15.2.3 P & A procedure. 15.2.4 Bid price (Break down for cost estimation) 15.3 The signed Confidentiality Agreement in the Appendix1 15.4 Requirements to be included in the bid documents: 15.4.1 Ability to conduct the Drilling of more than 500 m in depth 15.4.2 Experiences to conduct the Drilling of more than 200 m in depth (References on previous work done) 15.4.3 Experiences to carry out grain size distribution analysis 15.4.4 HSE document related to the Drilling 15.4.5 All affiliated insurances relating to the Works 7 NATIONAL OIL Shallow Stratigraphic Well Drilling in Block 14T SPECIFICATIONS 15.4.6 List of personnel and the CVs for key personnel of Contractor 15.4.7 List of personnel and the CVs for key personnel of Sub-Contractor 16. Reports by Contractor 16.1 Preparing reports 16.1.1 The reports shall be prepared by the Contractor in close consultation with the Company. 16.2 Report format 16.2.1 The reports shall be written in English, and provided in Microsoft word. 16.2.2 Paper size for the reports shall be A4, and shall be printed in color on double-sided paper. 16.3 Daily drilling report with core (lithological) logs. 16.3.1 Contractor shall submit the daily report to the Company by 0600hrs East Africa Time the next day. 16.3.2 Hard copy shall be attached in the Geological completion report as an exhibit. 16.4 Well completion report (drilling operations) 16.4.1 The configuration of the reports will be in the following order: cover, preface, contents, digest, body, summary and attached paper. 16.4.2 The formatting is to be provided by the contractor for approval by the Company. 16.4.3 Contractor shall submit the final drilling operation report to the Company within one month after the completion of operation. 16.5 Geological completion report (including wireline logging, grain size distribution analysis) 16.5.1 The compilation of the reports is in the following order: cover, preface, contents, digest, body, summary and attached paper. 16.5.2 The formatting is to be provided by the Contractor for approval by the Company. Contractor shall submit the final geological report to the Company within two month after the completion of operation. 17. Deliverable products 17.1 Four sets of well completion report geological completion report, wireline logging, laboratory analysis and their digital data (soft copies) that are recorded on DVD/USB are forwarded to the Company. 17.2 A series of core samples stored in the core boxes are transported to the Company laboratory immediately after the end of drilling operation. 8 NATIONAL OIL Shallow Stratigraphic Well Drilling in Block 14T SPECIFICATIONS 18. Others 18.1 Contractor shall provide one (1) 4WD car with a driver for the Company during the contract period. The relating cost needs to be included in the cost estimation of bidder’s filing documents. 9 NATIONAL OIL Shallow Stratigraphic Well Drilling in Block 14T SPECIFICATIONS Attached Map 1 Map of location 10 NATIONAL OIL Shallow Stratigraphic Well Drilling in Block 14T SPECIFICATIONS Appendix 1 Confidentiality Undertaking To: National Oil Corporation of Kenya ("NOCK") AON Minet House, 7th floor off Nyerere Road, Nairobi, Kenya. Subject: “Work for Shallow Stratigraphic Well Drilling & Wireline Logging including petrophysical evaluation in Block 14T in Magadi region in Kenya” We, [insert name of entity], a company incorporated under [insert jurisdiction] and having its registered office at [insert the registered address], is interested in submitting a proposal to NOCK in response to the request for proposal dated MM/DD, 2015 for the “Shallow Stratigraphic Well Drilling in Block 14T in Magadi region in Kenya” (“Work”), and is willing to receive the document that is “The locality for the drilling”. In consideration of the receipt of the document from NOCK, we agree and undertake to keep the document and will not disclose to anyone except to such employees involved in tender preparation, in any manner without the prior written consent of NOCK. We will use the document and the Confidential Information only for the preparation of the proposal (“Proposal”). We acknowledge that the documents and the Confidential Information belong to NOCK and we will not acquire any proprietary interest or right to the document and the Confidential Information. We will destroy the document and any copy of the Confidential Information in our possession and in the possession of any person to whom we disclosed the Confidential Information, in the event that: a. NOCK requests us in writing to proceed with such the destruction; b. We decide not to make the Proposal to NOCK; c. We do not submit the Proposal by the date specified in the NOCK by which date the proposal must be submitted to NOCK; or d. NOCK informs us in writing that NOCK does not award the contract for the Work to us. 11 NATIONAL OIL Shallow Stratigraphic Well Drilling in Block 14T SPECIFICATIONS This Confidentiality Undertaking is made as a deed and is governed by the laws of Kenya and shall expire upon the occurrence of one of the events described here above and any event 06 months after the date hereof. Date: Signed: ····································· (Signature) ····································· (Printed Name) ····································· (Title) 12
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