Exhibitor, Advertising and Sponsorship Prospectus ' 2 1 $ / 5 2 NCEA 2015 ORLANDO April 7-9 Orange County Convention Center Orlando, Florida National Catholic Educational Association Annual Convention & Expo in partnership with The National Association of Parish Catechetical Directors Convocation and The Catholic Library Association Annual Meeting www.ncea.org/convention Celebrating Faith Education Join NCEA in celebrating innovation and excellence within all aspects of Catholic and faith-based education at this year’s annual NCEA Convention & Expo! This is a one-of-a-kind event that brings together Catholic and other religious educators from across the United States, Canada and other countries. Attendees won’t miss this milestone anniversary event—and neither should you! NCEA Convention & Expo attracts more than 8,000 attendees each year representing preschool, elementary, secondary, adult education, colleges and universities as well as local parish pastors, priests, directors of parish religious education programs, parish volunteers and more. NCEA 2015 is your perfect opportunity to connect face-to-face with your target audience, generate new business leads, cultivate your current customer base and unveil new products or services in a specialized forum. RESERVE YOUR SPACE AT THE LARGEST PRIVATE EDUCATION ASSOCATION GATHERING IN THE U.S. Visit NCEA.ORG/CONVENTION for more info! The Power of the Expo NCEA is 100% committed to bringing qualified education professionals to your booth. Don’t miss this opportunity to network, influence and interact with thousands of industry decision-makers. Main occupation Director/Vicar/Secretary of Catechist 1% Superintendent of Catechist 2% Parish Religious Education Leader Board of Education Member 1% Central Office Personnel Priest 1% School President 2% Principal 18% Teacher Librarian 2% Other School Administrator 5% Specialist (i.e. nurse, counselor) 1% Other (please specify) 75% of attendees direct, influence or recommend purchases for their organizations Attendees by the Numbers* NCEA Convention & Expo attendees come from more than 12 different countries. Participants from the United States alone represent: t5PUBM$BUIPMJD4DIPPMFOSPMMNFOU t5PUBM/VNCFSPG4DIPPMT$BUIPMJDTDIPPMT t&MFNFOUBSZ t4FDPOEBSZ t3FMJHJPVT&EVDBUJPO&MFNFOUBSZTUVEFOUT t3FMJHJPVT&EVDBUJPO4FDPOEBSZTUVEFOUT t/VNCFSTPG#PBSET$PNNJTTJPO$PVODJMTPG$BUIPMJD&EVDBUJPO t$BUIPMJD$PMMFHFTBOE6OJWFSTJUJFT t$BUIPMJD$PMMFHFTBOE6OJWFSTJUJFTFOSPMMNFOU t4FNJOBSJFT t4FNJOBSJBOT For the second year in a row, the NCEA Convention & Expo was recognized as one of the Fastest 50 growing tradeshows in the US! *Source: The Annual Statistical Report on Schools, Enrollment, and Staffing and the 2014 Catholic Directory Call Today! ]/$&"TBMFT!OUQTIPXDPN]XXXODFBPSHDPOWFOUJPO The Power of the Exhibitor Experience If you are a supplier of educational services, technology or products, NCEA 2015 is a powerful investment. Meet thousands of educators, maximize your brand awareness and experience steady traffic in your booth with exclusive non-compete exhibit hall hours! Number of attendees visiting the NCEA Expo Hall 97% of attendees visit the NCEA Expo Hall WHY?... dŽůĞĂƌŶĂďŽƵƚŶĞǁƉƌŽĚƵĐƚƐĂŶĚƐĞƌǀŝĐĞƐ 88% dŽǀŝƐŝƚƉĂƌƚŝĐƵůĂƌĐŽŵƉĂŶŝĞƐďĞĐĂƵƐĞŽĨƚŚĞŝƌƌĞƉƵƚĂƚŝŽŶͬƉƌŽĚƵĐƚƐ 58% dŽůŽŽŬĨŽƌŶĞǁǀĞŶĚŽƌĐŽŶƚĂĐƚƐ ŽĂƌĚŽĨĚƵĐĂƚŝŽŶDĞŵďĞƌ To connect with existing relationships Products and Services "UUFOEFFTBSFTFBSDIJOHGPSBOEMPPLJOHUP#6:QSPEVDUTBOETFSWJDFTGSPNUIFGPMMPXJOHBSFBT Academic/Professional Services #JCMFT.JTTBMT #PPLT5SBEF-JCSBSZ Career Opportunities/Vocations Classroom Supplies/Equipment/Decorations Co-Curricular Programs Consulting Services Core Curriculum/Curriculum Resources/Materials Early Childhood Education Exceptional Education 'VSOJUVSF4FBUJOH4DIPPM-JCSBSZ Higher Education Missions/Special Apostolates Online Learning Professional Development Publications, Textbooks, or Supplements 3FMJHJPVT&EVDBUJPO#PPLT.BUFSJBMT School Uniforms/Sportswear Technology Testing/Guidance Youth Programs And this is just a partial list. No other private education association event features such a comprehensive list of products and services! RESERVE YOUR SPACE AT THE LARGEST PRIVATE EDUCATION ASSOCIATION GATHERING IN THE U.S. Visit NCEA.ORG/CONVENTION for more info! The Power of the Exhibitor ExpeYour Booth Package #FDPNFBO/$&"&YIJCJUPSBOEUBLFBEWBOUBHFPGFYDMVTJWFCFOFöUTJODMVEFEJOZPVS booth package at no extra charge: Note: All exhibit booths tESBQFECBDLXBMMBOEESBQFETJEFXBMMT are required to provide twYw*%TJHOEJTQMBZJOH&YIJCJUPSOBNFBOECPPUIOVNCFS tDPNQMJNFOUBSZ'VMM$POWFOUJPOSFHJTUSBUJPOTQFSYTQBDF carpet or other floor t"EEJUJPOBMEJTDPVOUFESFHJTUSBUJPOTQFSSFHJTUSBOU covering for their entire t$PNQMJNFOUBSZPOFEBZ&YQP)BMM0OMZQBTTFT booth space. No concrete t$PNQMJNFOUBSZMJTUJOHJOUIF$POWFOUJPO1SPHSBN may be showing. POMZJGBQQMJDBUJPOJTSFDFJWFECZ'FCSVBSZ t$PNQMJNFOUBSZDPNQBOZMJTUJOHJODMVEJOH#PPUIJOUIF'FC.BSDI issue of NCEA’s award-winning journal, Momentum t$PNQMJNFOUBSZPOMJOFQSPöMFJODMVEJOHPQUJPOBMNBSLFUJOHFOIBODFNFOUTUPVQMPBEQSPEVDUQIPUPT press releases, and show specials advertisements posted to the NCEA 2015 exhibits website Booth Fees 4UBOEBSE#PPUIT $PSOFS'FFTQFSDPSOFS *TMBOE#PPUITNJOJNVNTRGU 0OPSCFGPSF%FDFNCFS TRGU QFSDPSOFS TRGU "GUFS%FDFNCFS TRGU QFSDPSOFS TRGU Exhibitors who request cross-aisle exhibit space will be billed for the aisle space between their booth spaces at a rate of $800 per 100 sq. ft. Exhibit Hall Hours Event Date &YIJCJU4FU6Q .POEBZ"QSJM 5VFTEBZ"QSJM &YIJCJU)BMM)PVST 5VFTEBZ"QSJM 8FEOFTEBZ"QSJM 8FEOFTEBZ"QSJM 5IVSTEBZ"QSJM 5IVSTEBZ"QSJM &YIJCJUPS#SFBL%PXO5IVSTEBZ"QSJM &YIJCJUPS#SFBL%PXO 5IVSTEBZ"QSJM Hours ".UP1. ".UP". /PPOUP1. ".UP1. ".UP1. 1.UP1. NCEA 2015 closes on Thursday, April 9, 2015 at 2:00 PM. Exhibitors may not dismantle or disturb their exhibits until after closing. Failure to observe this rule may jeopardize the exhibitor’s priority points or right to exhibit at forthcoming expositions. New in 2015! All attendees and exhibitors are invited to the Opening Reception in the Exhibit Hall. Join us as we kick off the week in Orlando. Sponsorship opportunities available! Call Today! ]/$&"TBMFT!OUQTIPXDPN]XXXODFBPSHDPOWFOUJPO The Power of the Exhibitor Experience Official Vendors To ensure all exhibitors receive the best value and customer service, NCEA conducts an in-depth review QSPDFTTXIFOTFMFDUJOHWFOEPSTGPS$POWFOUJPO"MMBQQSPWFEWFOEPSTXJMMIBWFBOiPóDJBMWFOEPSwMPHPPO their paperwork. Service &YIJCJUPS4QPOTPSTIJQ4BMFT &YIJCJUPS$VTUPNFS4FSWJDF &YIJCJUPS4FSWJDFT )PVTJOH 3FHJTUSBUJPO "7 -FBE3FUSJFWBM Vendor /BUJPOBM5SBEF1SPEVDUJPOT/51 /BUJPOBM5SBEF1SPEVDUJPOT/51 (MPCBM&YQFSJFODF4QFDJBMJTUT(&4 5SBWFM1MBOOFST $POWFOUJPO%BUB4FSWJDFT$%4 #VòBMP"VEJP7JTVBM#"7 $POWFOUJPO%BUB4FSWJDFT$%4 Contact Information +PFZ.BSUJO$PNQBOJFT"- 3PO#BUFT$PNQBOJFT.; +BDLJF0EFNFS XXXHFTDPNDIBU $PNJOHNJE4FQUFNCFS CPC!CBWTFSWJDFTDPN "NZ5ISBTIFS Please be aware that all authorized vendors will have the “official vendor” logo in any correspondence to you concerning NCEA 2015. Important Deadlines Event Housing 'JOBM#BMBODF%VF "EWFSUJTJOH*OTFSUJPO0SEFST%VF "SUXPSLGPS1SJOUFE$POWFOUJPO1SPHSBN%VF $PNQBOZ%FTDSJQUJPOTBOE1SPEVDU$BUFHPSZ-JTUJOHTGPS1SJOUFE1SPHSBN%VF -FBE3FUSJFWBM%JTDPVOU%FBEMJOF Internet, Phone, and Electrical Orders Discount Deadline #PPUI'VSOJTIJOHT(&44FSWJDFT%JTDPVOU%FBEMJOF Last Day to Ship to the Advanced Warehouse 'JSTU%BZ.BUFSJBMT.BZ"SSJWFBUUIF$POWFOUJPO$FOUFS &YIJCJU*OTUBMMBUJPO#FHJOT &YQP)BMM0QFOTBU/PPO Date Mid-September %FDFNCFS %FDFNCFS +BOVBSZ 'FCSVBSZ 'FCSVBSZ&BSMZ#JSE3BUF%JTDPVOU .BSDI"EWBODFE3BUF%JTDPVOU March 12 .BSDI April 1 "QSJM "QSJM "QSJM VIEW THE CURRENT FLOOR PLAN AND RESERVE YOUR SPACE NOW 7JTJUIUUQFWFOUTOUQTIPXDPN/$&"PSDBMM/BUJPOBM5SBEF1SPEVDUJPOTUPTJHOVQ The Power of Enhanced Exposure Whether your goal is to launch a new product, differentiate yourself from competitors, increase brand awareness or simply attract more qualified prospects to your booth, NCEA offers a wide range of sponsorship opportunities to provide your company with maximum exposure to Convention attendees. As an NCEA 2015 Sponsor, you receive: t3FDPHOJUJPOJO$POWFOUJPO1SPHSBNEJTUSJCVUFEUPBMMBUUFOEFFT t$PNQBOZSFDPHOJUJPOPOMJOFBOZXIFSFTQPOTPSTBSFNFOUJPOFE t4USBUFHJDBMMZQMBDFETJHOBHFEVSJOH$POWFOUJPO t"EEJUJPOBMCFOFöUTQSPWJEFEXJUIFBDIPQQPSUVOJUZ Did you know? To align with your sales and marketing goals, NCEA 2015 sponsorship offerings are organized into distinct categories Networking Opportunities and Registration/Conference Amenities: Conference sponsorships increase booth traffic up to 104%! Source: Center for Exhibition Research Networking Opportunities Connect face-to-face with your target market and key decision makers in a relaxed, dialogue-friendly setting. Networking Opportunities range from Exhibitor Presentations/Workshops, lunch breaks, afternoon coffee breaks, lounge areas and much more! Registration/Conference Amenities Stand out among your competitors with these high-impact, highvisibility sponsorships. Items include but are not limited to the NCEA Prize Card, lanyards, tote bags, mobile app, shuttle busses, charging stations, hotel key cards, escalator clings, floor decals, new product promotions, web banners, etc. Many opportunities are exclusive to one exhibiting company so reserve yours before it’s sold out! Not exactly what you’re looking for? Opportunities exist for organizations of all sizes and budgets. Work with our experienced team to develop a custom package designed to specifically meet your company’s unique objectives. Don’t delay — sponsorships are sold on a first-come, first-served basis. Act now to claim your opportunity! NCEA 2015 Convention Program Advertising The NCEA 2015 Convention Program is distributed at registration and serves as the most popular printed publication at Convention. It is a valuable resource often archived for future reference and shared with colleagues long after the conclusion of Convention. Give your company added visibility and advertise in the Convention Program to let attendees know where to find you. The deadline to reserve your premium ad placement is Friday, December 19, 2014. RESERVE YOUR SPONSORSHIP TODAY! ]/$&"TBMFT!OUQTIPXDPN]XXXODFBPSHDPOWFOUJPO & ( 0 1 $ ( 9 1 ' 7 $ ( + $7(7 ,21 7 $ 5 & 8 % ' ( ( + / 7 $, &( ) ) 2 The NCEA 2015 Convention and Expo is a must-attend event integral to your overall sales process and marketing strategy. Exhibit in Orlando to elevate your customer base, showcase your latest product developments, debut cutting-edge services and introduce innovative technologies related to education. This is one event you don’t want to miss! NCEA 2015 ORLANDO Be a part of NCEA 2015 Reserve your space today! Call: 703-683-8500 Email: [email protected] www.ncea.org/convention @NCEATALK #NCEA15
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