Bulletin May 2015 Vol. 102, No. 5 National Council of Jewish Women, Greater Dallas Section cordially invites you to our INSTALLATION LUNCHEON May 7, 2015 Registration 11:30 Lunch and Program 12:00 Meyerson Symphony Center Tickets $54 Sponsorship Levels: $90 and $180 KEYNOTE SPEAKER and 2015 PIONEERING PARTNER AWARD RECIPIENT Vanna Slaughter Director of Immigration and Legal Services Catholic Charities of Dallas Chairs: Allyson Raskin and Stacy Blank details inside President: Caren Edelstein President’s Perspective Caren Edelstein The words of Anne Frank continue to inspire us. She said, “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” As usual, NCJW Greater Dallas Section members have taken these words to heart. Before the summer of 2014 had barely begun, members visited our senators and representatives who were home for the summer recess. We shared information and our concerns about upcoming federal legislation that would affect women, children, and families. Our first executive director, Catherine Horsey, lost no time getting to know NCJW Greater Dallas in June. Catherine embraced our values and organization, allowing the board to grow and examining our needs and continued relevance in the Dallas community. By August, we were galvanized by the plight of immigrant children sent to our border alone in hopes of a better life. Cheryl Pollman and Julie Lowenberg began our court watch program with Pioneering Partner honoree Vanna Slaughter of Catholic Charities and new life member Judge Clay Jenkins. The materials gathered at our observations were used in a federal lawsuit examining whether unaccompanied minors seeking asylum had the right to a court-appointed lawyer. We were fortunate to receive a grant to work with Social Venture Partners (SVP), a global network of engaged donors. SVP started working with us over the summer to ensure our financial system is sustainable for the next 102 years. Carol Weinstein and Ellen Lasser have worked tirelessly with Bob Appel and his SVP team to revamp our financial reporting. At our opening meeting, Lurking in the Shadows, our members learned about the horrors of human trafficking. Author Alisa Jordheim shared stories of young women who were trafficked. Sergeant Alfred Nunez from the Dallas Police Vice Unit and Bill Bernstein, deputy director of Mosaic Family Services, talked about what our city was doing to address this huge issue. In October, we held a delightful membership event at the beautiful Diamond Doctor jewelry store. There were diamonds, wine, and yummy hors d’oeuvres! Community Service vice presidents Joyce Rosenfield and Debby Stein supplied material about our community service projects. Norman and Laura Diamond provided wonderful photographs. Jayme Cohen, Kristen Fagelman and Stacy Blank planned and executed a great evening. David Blank generously sponsored the event. Jody Platt and Rhona Streit planned a beautiful evening to introduce Catherine Horsey to the NCJW and Dallas nonprofit community. Nancy Whitenack of Conduit Gallery hosted the event and surrounded us with beautiful art. Carolyn Abrams provided great food. Louis and Robin Zweig provided beverages. Judy Hoffman and her wonderful team of volunteers celebrated 25 years of Kids in Court with a fun day of activities, pizza and birthday cake, for parents and children. It certainly took the children’s minds off their upcoming testimony and gave families support for the task-at-hand. A Hot Topic book study of Made in the USA: The Sex Trafficking of America’s Children with author Alisa Jordheim furthered the membership’s awareness of trafficking and gave us ideas for how to address this issue. WACHS (Women’s Access to Comprehensive Health Services) began a new association with Jonathan’s Place and Promise House and continued working with Our Friends Place to present accurate information on healthy relationships and sex education. Chairs Pamela Rieter and Linda Levine worked hard to establish these new relationships. Food+Fit=Fun expanded its program to fight childhood obesity by creating new curriculum for HIPPY home instructors. The project will benefit many more DISD families with the help of HIPPY instructors. Sharon Goldstein, Marlene Cohen, Debra LevyFritts and Kyra Effren presented a beautiful working curriculum to the educators. Laura Diamond recorded it all for future reference and teaching modules. In January, NCJW Greater Dallas turned 102 years old. Chairs Robin Zweig and Wendy Tobias planned a joyous birthday celebration where we honored several of our members. Marlene Cohen received the Hannah G. Solomon Award, Pat Peiser the new Lifetime Achievement Award, Stacy Barnett the Janis Levine Music Make-ADifference Award, and Stacy Blank the Emerging Leader Award. Mazel Tov to the awards committee headed by Hanne Klein and assisted by Jayme Cohen, Myra Fischel, Laura Diamond, Pat Peiser, and Renee Karp for selecting such outstanding honorees. As we do each biennium, we went to Austin to advocate with our state legislators in Austin. This year our issues were reproductive justice, gun violence, and immigration reform. Elaine Bernstein and Legislative Action chairs Erika Bruce and Erin Zopolsky led the Day on the Hill effort. Our spring meeting, “Why Internet Safety Matters to You and the Ones You Love,” taught us how to keep our families safe on the internet. Chairs Nonie Schwartz and Rhona Streit assembled a great panel to inform our members. The finance committee headed by Julie Bleicher continues to examine issues of governance, investments, and insurance. Ellen Jackofsky heads the personnel committee. Thank you to all our hard working committee members, community service volunteers and supporters for making this a great year. To our amazing board, your thoughtful work, willingness to forge new ideas and engage in contemplative discussion makes it a joy to work with each of you. Thank you. Also, please note in this issue the names of all our fabulous volunteers who make NCJW Greater Dallas Section an organization that doesn’t “wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” Caren Edelstein NCJW Mission Statement The National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW), is a grassroots organization of volunteers and advocates who turn progressive ideals into action. Inspired by Jewish values, NCJW strives for social justice by improving the quality of life for women, children, and families and by safeguarding individual rights and freedoms. 2 Administration Vice President: Renee Karp NCJW Installation Luncheon: Hope for the Unseen Please join us on Thursday, May 7 for the NCJW Greater Dallas Section installation luncheon at the beautiful Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center. We will install the 2015-16 board of directors and present the 2015 Pioneering Partner Award. This year’s Pioneering Partner Award is being given to Vanna Slaughter, division director of Catholic Charities Immigration and Legal Services. Slaughter has represented non-citizens in their immigration related legal matters for 29 years. She is accredited by the US Department of Justice to represent non-citizens and immigrants before the US Department of Homeland Security and the Board of Immigration Appeals. She is the 2007 recipient of the National Immigration Forum’s “Keepers of the American Dream” Award and 2013 recipient of the Catholic Legal Immigration Network Inc.’s (CLINIC) Immigrant Justice Award. The NCJW court watching project has been supported and assisted by Vanna Vanna Slaughter Slaugher and Catholic Charities. Both Vanna and Catholic Charities have been long time partners in services to immigrant families. Make your reservations now! Cost is $54 per person. Event sponsorship is available at $90 and $180. Both levels include program recognition. Make your reservations by May 1st at www.ncjwdallas.org or by sending a check to the NCJW Greater Dallas office. NCJW Slate 2015-2016 elected at the March 24 membership meeting President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caren Edelstein President-Elect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joyce Rosenfield VP Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Renee Karp VP Community Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Debby Stein and Nonie Schwartz VP Financial Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stacy Barnett VP Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jayme Cohen and Kristen Fagelman VP Public Affairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stacy Blank VP Public Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jane Larkin Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Laura Diamond Associate Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jackie Fleschman Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ellen Lasser Associate Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Teresa Rosenfield DIRECTORS 2015-2016: Elaine Bernstein, Erika Bruce, Lynn Goldstein, Gail Gilbert, Linda Levine, Janine Pulman, Amy Schachter, Erin Zopolsky DIRECTORS 2015-2017: Risa Gross, Amy Harburg, Terry Levinger, Debra Levy-Fritts, Pamela Rieter, Carol Tobias, Melissa Tone, Carol Weinstein NOMINATING COMMITTEE Suzi Greenman, Chair Julie Haymann, Ynette Hogue, Ruthie Shor 3 VOLUNTEERS 2014-2015 Carolyn Abrams Rosie Akerman Susie Avnery Stacy Barnett Lanie Bell Syl Benenson Elaine Bernstein Phyllis Bernstein Bill Bernstein, Mosaic Elaine Betcher Stacy Blank Andrea Bleicher Julie Bleicher Joanne Blum Ana Bonnheim Denise Bookatz Susan Bowman Marilyn Boyd Brenda Brand Beth Brand Stromberg Ellene Breinin Mary Lee Broder Lottye Brodsky Julia Brooks Erika Bruce Lauren Busch Sharon Childs Yolanda Clark Joni Cohan Jayme Cohen Marlene Cohen Mimi Cohen Rachel Cohen Taryn Daniels Judy David Laura Diamond Rita Doyne Laurie Drazner Caren Edelstein Jeanne Fagadau Kristin Fagelman Nancy Fellman Marilyn Fiedelman Myra Fischel Marsha Fischman Diane Fleschler Jackie Fleschman Barbara Franklin Kathy Freeman Gail Gilbert Nickey Gilbert Rita Sue Gold Beth Gold Lynn Goldstein Michelle Goldstein Mandy Golman Renee Golman Administration From the Executive Director Highlights from My First Year as ED Judith Goodman Ilene Greene Suzi Greenman Barbara Gutow Liz Haberman Kathy Higier Judy Hoffman Sondra Hollander Catherine Horsey Ellen Jackofsky Esther Jogiel Gayle Johansen Jolie Jones Alisa Jordheim, Justice Society Mandy Karp D.J. Kassanoff Nancy Kasten Linnie Katz Hanne Klein Nancy Klompus Leah Beth Kolni Esther Kolni Cheri Komaiko Melanie Kuhr Jeanie La Maza Jane Lachman Jane Larkin Ellen Lasser Roberta Lazarus Barbara Lee Felise Leidner Marilyn Levin Linda Levine Joanne Levy Debra Levy-Fritts Alan Lidji Julie Lowenberg Joy Mankoff Ellen Marks Ellen Markus Bette Miller Sharon Miller Peggy Millheiser Jana Milstein Bette Morschower Terry Murray Jolie Newman Lynda Newman Sgt. Alfred Nuñez, DPD Pat Peiser Carol Pinker Melissa Plaskoff Jody Platt Cheryl Pollman Elise Power Janine Pulman Allyson Raskin Alyson Ray Jo Reingold Every day—even almost one year later—I am learning about the value of NCJW to our community. From Attitudes & Attire to HIPPY and WACHS, every day our volunteers are working to better the lives of women, children and families. It’s awe inspiring and overwhelming, and the challenge to me as CEO is keeping track of it all and making the Section function as a cohesive whole. A highlight for me has been learning about the NCJW community and how everyone is related. Even how I’m related! One important job has been trying to make things better and easier for our volunteers. We’re streamlining our financial reporting so that the board and committees can plan Catherine Horsey for the present and for the future, with a full understanding of where our money comes from and where it goes. We’re developing methods to track volunteer time so that we all understand the enormity of our community service—and program chairs don’t have to spend valuable time tracking their volunteers on innumerable spreadsheets. With our new comprehensive database, we’ll be able to look at an individual and immediately understand the many ways she’s involved: as a donor, as a committee chair, as a program participant. And we’ll be able to look at past activities and see who was there, what the agenda looked like, who the committee chair was. The other thing we’re working on is the perception of NCJW in the community. The publication of the Centennial History, expected this fall (see article elsewhere in this Bulletin), will add to the larger community’s understanding of who we are and what we do. It will be a real source of pride. Another project will help us articulate, in a few simple words, the work of our organization past and present, and adapt our communications media—the website, the Bulletin, email communications--to better serve our members and the general public. I have been gratified by and appreciate very much the support shown me this first year by a real partner to me in this work, Caren Edelstein, and by the board and everyone associated with the Section. I have learned so much from all of you, and look forward to helping you position NCJW firmly as an organization that will sustain itself and its good work for the next 100 years. Centennial History to be Published This Year As an outgrowth of its recent Centennial Celebration, NCJW Greater Dallas will publish a book at the end of this year that details and celebrates first 100 years of the section. From its founding in 1913, when NCJW members ensured that infants had access to supplies of fresh milk, to modern times, when members are working with unaccompanied immigrant minors to ensure fair representation in court, NCJW members have been in the forefront of those taking action to better the lives of women, children and families. For this project, we are organizing and archiving 100 years of photographs and other materials and will summarize the work of each decade in its social and cultural context. The book will be image-intensive, cloth-bound, and exhibit very high production values. Distribution methods are currently being determined, but our audience is the Greater Dallas community. Leading the effort are board members Bette Miller and Marlene Cohen. We anticipate that the NCJW Greater Dallas Section Centennial History will be a source of pride for our members and volunteers, but more importantly it will give the larger Dallas community an opportunity to better understand the important role of our organization in the life of our city. 4 Financial Development Vice President: Debra Levy-Fritts THANK YOU TO ALL WHO DONATED TO OUR REDEDICATION CAMPAIGN Novelist: $5,000 and above David Newberger Essayist: $3,600-4,999 Rededication Phyllis Bernstein Joy and Staci Mankoff Janet & Morris Newberger Philanthropic Fund Blogger: $1,800-3,599 Rededicate yourself to Jeanne Fagadau Robin Kosberg Cheryl Pollman sharing our message to Ronald Greene Barbara Lee Carol Weinstein the worldLinnie as W. weKatzenterStaci Mankoff Robin and Louis Zweig our second century. Letter Writer: $1,500-1,799 Brenda F. Brand Carol N. Brin Sandy Nachman This year’s fundraiser will be a stay-at-home event. Details inside. Tweeter: $500-$1,499 Stacy Barnett Barbara P. Berger Selma Bookatz Joni Cohan Jayme Lynn Cohen Marlene Cohen Geraldine Cristol Laura G. Diamond Rita Doyne Caren Edelstein Kristen Fagelman Ann J. Folz Kathy Freeman Bootsie Golden Lynn Goldstein Sandra M. Kaman Terry K. Levinger Julie Lowenberg Nancy Weiner Marcus Bette Morchower Jody Platt Barbara B. Rabin Barbara Rose Fannie Sablosky The Ellen & Jerry Samuels Charitable Fund Leslie Schultz Shtofman Family Fund Lawrence Steinberg Phyllis Steinhart Rhona Streit Second-Century Supporters: $18-$499 Ruth Andres Pepper F. Aronoff Charis Aronson Lynn Behrendt Elaine Bernstein Elaine Brown Betcher Diane Fagelman Birk Julie Bleicher Beverly B. Blumenthal Ana Bonnheim Denise & Bart Bookatz Family Philanthropic Fund Lottye Brodsky Erika Bruce Rebecca Bruder Lauren K. Busch Hazel Byers Kimberly Herzog Cohen Joan Davidow Naomi Dunn Marilyn Fiedelman Lois Finkelman Myra Fischel Marsha Fischman Martha Fleisher Jackie Fleschman Michelle Funk Laurie Gidlow Nickey Gilbert Rita Sue Gold Lynda Golenternek Marcy Grossman Marcy C. Helfand Iva G. Hochstim Sondra Hollander Phyllis Jacobs Renate F. Kahn Renee L. Karp Hanne Katz Klein Ellen Lasser Linda Levine Debra J. Levy-Fritts 5 Joanie R. Loeb Melissa W. Plaskoff Donna Rubin Peachy Rudberg Connie L. Rudick Rose Salsburg Amy Schachter Norma A. Schlinger Betty Sue Sheinberg Denise Siegal Zelda Siegel Randi Smerud Elissa Sommerfield Chuck & Debby Stein Philanthropic Fund Helen Stern Karen Mellow Stock Toby K. Stone Darrel Strelitz Nancy Szor Carol Wolff Tobias Shirley Tobolowsky Eleanor Trachtenberg Maxine P. Waldman Louette K. Weiser Public Affairs Vice President: Stacy Blank 102nd Birthday Luncheon and Awards Presentations What wonderful award recipients. Thank you to the awards committee chaired by Hanne Klein and Pat Peiser. Thank you also to the committee members who gave their time to select an outstanding group of recipients. Committee members included Jayme Cohen, Laura Diamond, Myra Fischel, Marsha Fischman, Robin Zweig, Caren Edelstein (ex officio), Renee Karp (ex officio) and Catherine Horsey (ex officio). Caren Edelstein and daughter Allyson Raskin Birthday Luncheon Linnie Katz and Jayme Cohen Beverly Tobian and Pat Peiser Renee Karp and Robin Birnbaum Emerging Leader Awardee Stacy Blank and husband David Janis Levine Music Make-A-Difference Awardee Stacy Barnett and husband Darren Suzi Greenman, Laura Diamond and Kathy Freeman 6 NCJW Partners Hannah G. Solomon Awardee Marlene Cohen, husband Arnie Kaber, and daughter Stacy Kaber Wendy Tobias and Robin Zweig, Luncheon Co-Chairs Pat Peiser, recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award, with granddaughter Rabbi Allison Peiser Public Affairs Day on The Hill 2015 Sixty plus NCJW women came to Austin for Day on the Hill just as winter returned to Texas. However, rain, sleet and snow did not deter us from making our voices heard. The day-and-ahalf event began on Monday, February 16 at noon. Our home base was the Omni Hotel in downtown Austin. Dallas NCJW participants included Elaine Bernstein, Erika Bruce, Jayme Cohen, Marlene Cohen, Judy David, Laura Diamond, Caren Edelstein, Catherine Horsey, Nancy Kasten, Jane Lachman, Ellen Lasser, Linda Levine, Debra Levy, Julie Lowenberg, Amy Manuel, Cheryl Pollman, Marsha Steinback, and Lauran Weiner. We visited Senators Donald Huffines and Royce West, and Representatives Rafael Anchia, Eric Johnson, Linda Koop, Kenneth Sheets, Morgan Meyer, Toni Rose, Jason Villalba, and Joe Straus. While many of the meetings were with people with different opinions than NCJW, it was good to remind them of our positions on key issues. We learned about the issues of reproductive choice, gun violence and immigration reform during afternoon workshops. We listened to Cindy Noland, Catholics for Choice; Jamie Ford, Moms Demand Action; Haley Zackary Americans for Responsible Solutions; Celina Mereno, MALDEF; and Skyler Korgel and Montserrat Alatorree, DREAMers at ULI. In addition to the issue speakers, we heard from Leanne Gale, a grassroots associate from NCJW Inc. Leanne spoke briefly about reproductive justice and the interaction between the sections and National at the workshop. She gave a more in-depth speech on the national reproductive justice initiatives at dinner. In the evening, there was a lovely reception and dinner. During the meal, several awards were given. The Honorable Clay Jenkins, Dallas County Judge, received the Texas Trail Blazer award for his work with the unaccompanied minor immigrants and for being the voice of calm and reason during the Ebola crisis. During his acceptance speech, he said he felt he should be a member of NCJW and after the presentations, he did become a life member. The Belief in Action award went to Cheryl Pollman for all of her work on behalf of NCJW. All NCJW members received the Woman Who Dared award for the time, money and energy they put towards fulfilling our mission. On Tuesday, we headed to the Capitol. Our day began with a photo op with Speaker Straus at 8:45 a.m. Then we met our respective legislators and left them with our position papers, encouraging them to consider the issues from our perspective. It was most gratifying to see so many young women taking part this year. It was a great time to be an NCJW member in Texas. Thank you to Erika Bruce and Erin Zopolsky for putting the appointments together, Catherine and the office. Our new database system was invaluable in taking reservations. DOTH 2015 was a great success. See you all in 2017! Cheryl Pollman and Judge Clay Jenkins Linda Koop with Ryan Sparks, Chief of Staff Linda Levine, Ellen Lasser, Catherine Horsey, Caren Edelstein, Julie Lowenberg Elaine Bernstein, Mike Schuback, Catherine Horsey, Jayme Cohen Bobbie Cohen and Elaine Bernstein Lauran Weiner, Judy David, Erika Bruce 7 Karen Reisman Pamela Rieter Chana Robinowitz Barbara Rose Carol Rosen Maddy Rosenbaum Joyce Rosenfield Theresa Rosenfield Perla Rosenstock Dafna Rubinstein Connie Rudick Ellen Salzberger Ellen Samuels Maria Sanchez-Rosen Dr. Laura Scalfino Amy Schachter Ben Schachter Eden Schachter Judy Schecter Melanie Schein Debbie Scheinberg Kathy Schneider Judy Schneider Celia Schoenbrun Nonie Schwartz Laurie Shwiff Irene Sibaja Lynne Siegel Nora Silverfield Randi Smerud Phyllis Somer Sara Spraggins Bobbi Stein Debby Stein Deborah Stein Freda Gail Stern Elaine Stillman Karen Stock Toby Stone Rhona Streit Daphne Sydney Silvia Sylven Nita Mae Tannenbaum Sue Tilis Carol Tobias Wendy Tobias Jeanie Tolmas Melissa Tone Maddy Unterberg Rose Watel Janice Sweet Weinberg Lauren Weiner Carol Weinstein Marcia Weinstein Harriet Whiting Melanie Wisniewski Claudette Wolfe Paula Zeitman Erin Zopolsky Robin Zweig Community Service Vice Presidents: Joyce Rosenfield and Debby Stein WHAT A YEAR FOR HIPPY CHILDREN AND PARENTS! Another meaningful and successful year has ended for HIPPY (Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youth)–its 26th! This program teaches parents to be their child’s first teacher. Through NCJW funding and its wonderful volunteers, we continue to open the world of art, humanities and nature to hundreds of low-income, limited English proficiency families. This year, we educated HIPPY staff about NCJW’s diverse interests and our many community service projects. We awarded scholarships to deserving graduating high school seniors who completed the HIPPY program 12 years ago and were ready for college. We cultivated relationships with HIPPY staff and the outstanding professionals at the Dallas Museum of Art, Perot Museum of Nature and Science, Dallas Arboretum and Nasher Sculpture Garden. We received heartfelt letters of thanks and appreciative comments from Dallas, Irving, and Richardson ISD HIPPY lead staff, home instructors and parents. One HIPPY mom struck up a friendship with Syl Benenson while attending several field trips. To show her appreciation for the attention Syl gave her during these “adventures,” this talented mother made Syl two beautiful dolls. Syl’s granddaughter added these special and unique dolls to her collection. HIPPY is uplifting and educational – the percentage of HIPPY three- and fouryear-olds classified as “ready for school” before the program almost doubles after participation. If you haven’t volunteered for a HIPPY field trip, you’re missing a truly inspiring experience. We are fortunate to have more than 50 members who give hundreds of hours ensuring that these children and parents have these enriching opportunities. Thank you! If you are interested in joining our team of volunteers, look for sign-up information this fall. HIPPY chairs: Carol Tobias, Syl Benenson, and Marilyn Boyd Syl & Carol: I am writing this letter to you to share the overwhelming response from our first ever HIPPY DAD’S Field Trip to the Perot Museum held last week. As you know, our Home Instructors arranged for the Dads instead of the Moms to accompany their children on this Field Trip. Amazingly, we had 70 Dads with their 71 children (there was a set of twins) ready to go that Tuesday morning. Moms were at the buses giving Dads instructions, making sure they didn’t lose sight of their child, reminding them to make trips to the restrooms and not to forget to give the children lunch. You would have thought they were going away for a month instead of 4 hours. It was wonderful! The Dads were very involved with their children at the Perot Museum, taking in all the wonders for themselves while explaining the sights to their wide-eyed children. For all, it was their first trip to this fabulous museum where they saw everything from dinosaurs to earthquakes and experimented with numerous handson activities. Once they returned home, the follow-up was astounding. The HIPPY lead staff heard from the Home Instructors that the Dads were so excited about their adventure and are now much more supportive of the HIPPY program and more understanding of all the work that goes into something as simple as taking kids on an outing. To further tell you of the value of the field trips, the following is a story that has been repeated many times. One of our parents told her Home Instructor that before going on a HIPPY field trip, she had never been out of her neighborhood. The visit to the Dallas Museum of Art was a wonderful experience for her in many ways. She not only saw art painted by Hispanic artists but received a history lesson about the art and the artists from NCJW volunteers. This mother also learned that the DMA is free to everyone and she and her family can return anytime. Thank you NCJW for providing the volunteers and funds for these eye-opening, enriching field trips for our families. Where these trips are typical week-end adventures for my family they are truly life-changing adventures for so many of these families. We know that statistics show that the HIPPY 3 year curriculum makes a difference in the success of each child as they move through their educational experience, but it’s a special treat to see the “spark” in a child or parent’s face as their world is expanded through these visits right here at home! Without HIPPY, these fires would never be lit. The DISD HIPPY Program looks forward to many more productive years of collaborating with NCJW. Sincerely, Adriana Treviño Director of DISD Parent Education Programs 8 Community Service Vice-Presidents: Lynn Goldstein and Joyce Rosenfield Hello Israel Hello Israel is so pleased to have Jo Reingold in its lineup. Jo is a longtime teacher with 29 years of classroom experience including 22 years teaching religious school. However, she still finds time for her real passion, volunteerism. Over the years, Jo has volunteered in many organizations in Dallas. She served as president of the Dallas Chapter of Hadassah and Jewish War Veterans Auxiliary of Dallas, assistant director of Young JudeaTexas and South Florida, Israel Independence Day committee member, and co-chair of Hello Israel. She also volunteered at the Dallas Jewish Historical Society and Jewish Arts Fest. She has served on the board Jo Reingold of the Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas and her neighborhood HOA. Jo is a longtime board member of the Southwest Region of Hadassah. This lively redhead has boundless energy. Her enthusiasm and her love for Israel is evident. She is part cheerleader, part motivational speaker. Jo has been married to her husband David for 17 years but has known him for 40 years! They love to travel and recently celebrated their anniversary in Greece and Turkey. Jo has been to Israel seven times. A nice fit for her Hello Israel work. Jo also owns Jo's Jeep Service, which provides clients with transportation and assistance services. Thank you, Jo, for all you do. Hello Israel is very lucky to have you. Hello Israel: Denise Bookatz, teacher Liliya Mezheritsky and two students at Franklin Middle School. Day of Service Book Drive for Educational First Steps Since 1990, Educational First Steps has been transforming daycare centers in at-risk neighborhoods into nationally accredited preschools. To do this, they partner with existing daycare centers and preschools in some of North Texas’ most impoverished areas and give them proven tools and techniques that transform caregiving into teaching. Daycare centers frequently list books as their top need to assist children with learning. While most of us take for granted our children’s and grandchildren’s shelves of books, the kids at these centers often don’t own a single book. In keeping with our mission to improve the quality of life for women, children, and families, NCJW Greater Dallas Section helped Educational First Steps to fill the bookshelves at their centers by holding a book drive. Due to the generosity of our members and a large donation from Half Price Books, we were able to collect almost 500 books. The staff at Educational First Steps was thrilled to receive this donation. We know that the children and teachers at the centers will benefit enormously from our effort. Thank you to all who participated! 9 Community Service Tribute Funds One-Shot Projects NCJW offers various one-time, short-term volunteer projects throughout the year. These efforts allow us to assist our community outside of our standing projects. On February 12, NCJW volunteers hosted a Valentine party at Pebbles Apartments, a low-cost residential housing complex. Women and their children are placed at Pebbles when they leave The Bridge, a homeless recovery center. The Valentine party was our first One-Shot Project, and the children who attended had a great time! For more information on One-Shot Projects, contact Linda Skibell at [email protected]. Membership Vice Presidents: Jayme Cohen and Kristen Fagelman WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Rachel Cohen Linda Evans Sarah Kaplan Pamela Rieter Lisa Soloman Melanie Wisniewski NEW LIFE MEMBER Judge Clay Jenkins ✡ IN MEMORIAM Louise Mittenthal ✡ MEMBERS IN THE NEWS Member (and finance committee chair) Julie Mamolen Bleicher will be honored on April 30th by the Dallas Women’s Foundation with the 2015 Maura Women Helping Women Award for her work on the technology initiative at Greenhill School as well as other initiatives in the community. The League of Women Voters of Dallas honored member Ann Margolin on February 12th with the 2015 Susan B. Anthony Award for her extensive community work on behalf of women and girls. 10 Reba M. Wadel Scholarship Recipient Named NCJW’s mission to improve the life of women, children and families is furthered by supporting the education of women studying early childhood development and family sciences. We are pleased to support Angela Evanko Cipiti with this year’s Reba M. Wadel Scholarship. Greater Dallas Section established The Reba M. Wadel Scholarship to assist graduate students at Texas Woman’s University (TWU) and the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA), School of Social Work pursue degrees in these areas. This year’s recipient of the Reba M. Wadel Scholarship, Angela Evanko Cipiti is an outstanding student at UTA majoring in child development. Angela is regarded so highly by her department, that this is her second time to receive the scholarship. Born August 4, 1900 in Longview, Texas, Reba Mallinson Wadel was the youngest child of Samuel and Rose Mallinson. The family moved to Dallas in 1906. Reba was in the first graduating class of the Hockaday School and went on to earn a degree in social work from Goucher College in Baltimore, Maryland in 1922. Married in 1924 to Ernest Wadel of Tyler, Reba, and Ernest were active in Dallas civic and Jewish organizations. They had one son, Louis B. Wadel. Reba was a leader of the day nursery movement in Dallas, serving as officer and director of the Dallas Day Nursery Association. She chaired the Women's Division of the Dallas Section of the National Conference of Christians and Jews; and served as Vice President of NCJW Greater Dallas, and Dallas Community Chest (now the United Way). During World War II, Reba was the Director of Volunteers for the Dallas branch of the U.S. Office of Civilian Defense. Active nationally in the United Jewish Appeal (UJA), Reba served as National Chairman of the Women’s Division. She died on a return trip from a UJA meeting in New York, when her plane crashed at Love Field on November 29, 1949. Education, children, and social work were three of Reba’s lifetime priorities, and the Reba M. Wadel Scholarship Fund is one way that her efforts in these areas continue. When you contribute to this fund your dollars go towards educating future social workers, like Angela Evanko Cipiti, who want to improve the quality of life for women, children, and families. TRIBUTE FUND & OTHER CONTRIBUTORS TO THE GREATER DALLAS SECTION JANUARY - MARCH 2015 ENDOW NCJW DALLAS FUND Get well soon: Pepper Aronoff Bette W. Miller Joyce Rosenfield Bette W. Miller Helen Stern Bette W. Miller HIPPY FUND In honor of: Marilyn Boyd Syl Benenson Pat Peiser’s Lifetime Achievement Award Connie L. Rudick In memory of: Mrs. Florence Schraub – We will all miss your beautiful Mom Patricia W. Fagadau MINNIE HEXTER MILK FUND In honor of: Marlene Cohen, Stacy Barnett and Stacy Blank Rhona Streit Evan Oliff Jane Pawgan Pat Peiser’s Lifetime Achievement Award Rhona Streit Brother of Loren Weinstein Darrel Strelitz NCJW MISSION FUND In celebration of: Stacy Barnett Beverly Tobian Stacy Blank Beverly Tobian Marlene Cohen Beverly Tobian Pat Peiser Bill Burns Beverly Tobian The marriage of Trey Fisher and Adrienne Lee Judith Rosenkranz In honor of: Award Honorees – Mazel Tov on your much deserved award! Joyce Rosenfield Stacy Barnett Phyllis F. Bernstein Rita Doyne Cheryl Pollman Kathy Freeman Linnie W. Katz Barbara Lipshy Julie Lowenberg Beth Brand Stromberg Karli Ward Janice Sweet Weinberg Robin Zweig Stacy Blank Phyllis F. Bernstein Rita Doyne Kathy Freeman Linnie W. Katz Stacy Blank Julie Lowenberg Cheryl Pollman Randi Smerud Beth Brand Stromberg Marilyn Tonkon Karli Ward Devon Wayne Lois Wolf Robin Zweig Marlene Cohen – in celebration of receiving the Hannah G. Solomon Award Joy Mankoff Marlene Cohen Syl Benenson Phyllis F. Bernstein Rolly Cohen Rita Doyne Jeanne Fagadau Helen S. Frank Kathy Freeman Terry Goltz Greenberg Linnie W. Katz Linda Sue Klein Julie Lowenberg Fran McElvaney Susan Pintchovski Cheryl Pollman Eileen Rosenblum Peachy Rudberg Randi Smerud Beth Brand Stromberg Rose Marie Stromberg Karli Ward Janice Sweet Weinberg Robin Zweig Georgia Goodman Julie Lowenberg Renee Karp Janine Pulman Rabbi Murray and Roberta Berger Family Tzedakah Fund of the Dallas Jewish Community Foundation Mona Allen Pat Peiser, in celebration of her award Joy Mankoff Pat Peiser’s Lifetime Achievement Award Shirley Tobolowsky Pat Peiser Kitzi Ball Syl Benenson Phyllis F. Bernstein Rita Doyne Claire Lee Epstein Jeanne Fagadau Helen S. Frank Kathy Freeman Nancy Kasten Linnie W. Katz Norma J. Levitan Joanie R. Loeb Julie Lowenberg Judy Markey Fran McElvaney 11 Pat Peiser Cheryl Pollman May L. Sebel Randi Smerud Beth Brand Stromberg Rosalie Taubman Marilyn Tonkon Miriam Vernon Karli Ward Rhea M. Wolfram Judith Zimmerman Robin Zweig Cheryl Pollman’s Belief in Action Award Ethel Silvergold Zale Cheryl Pollman Nancy Kasten Randi Smerud Joyce Rosenfield and Marilyn Boyd Janine Pulman Debby Stein – In honor of Debby’s commitment to serving her community and her birthday! Chuck Stein Beverly Tobian Caren Edelstein Rhea Wolfram and her new home Louise Eiseman In loving memory of: Judy Hoffman’s mother Rita Doyne Anita Marcus Carlea Vogel Sally Woloshin, mother of Randi Smerud Helen S. Frank Sending birthday wishes to: Barbara Lee – All good wishes for a happy birthday! Sheryl Fields Bogen Sending congratulations to: Pat Peiser – we’re so proud! Denise Bookatz Sending get well wishes to: Marilyn Boyd Joyce Rosenfield REBA WADEL SCHOLARSHIP FUND In celebration of: Pat Peiser’s Lifetime Achievement Award Debra Blatt Greene In honor of: Marlene Cohen’s Hannah G. Solomon Award Debra Blatt Greene SHARE FUND In honor of: Pat Peiser, Stacy Blank, Marlene Cohen and Stacy Barnett Phyllis Somer Pat Peiser – Congratulations! Peggy and Dave Millheiser Pat Peiser – Congratulations on your welldeserved honor! Joan S. Jackson Cheryl Pollman – Mazel Tov on your recent award. Well deserved. Joyce Rosenfield Join us on Facebook On Facebook, you can keep up with NCJW news on a national level, in Israel, in Texas, in Dallas, and with “Food+Fit=Fun,” our healthy lifestyle service project. Search for the pages below and click on “LIKE” or “ADD FRIEND” at the top of the pages so you can get the latest information via Facebook. Facebook pages: National Council of Jewish Women Inc. NCJW Israel NCJW Texas State Public Affairs NCJW Greater Dallas Food + Fit = Fun THE BULLETIN Published by Greater Dallas Section, National Council of Jewish Women President.................................. Caren Edelstein VP Public Relations.......................Stacy Barnett Bulletin Editor.................................. Jane Larkin Photo Editor..............................Laura Diamond Executive Director................. Catherine Horsey Section Office: Preston Royal Shopping Center 6025 Royal Lane, Suite 219-9 Dallas, TX 75230 214-368-4405 • Fax 214-368-4753 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.ncjwdallas.org TUESDAY MAY BETWEEN THE COVERS… 19 this month's read: Me Before You by Jojo Moyes Me Before You brings to life two people who couldn’t have less in common—a heartbreakingly romantic novel that asks, What do you do when making the person you love happy also means breaking your own heart? Join us Tuesday, May 19th @ 12pm for Lunch & Book Talk Everyone is welcome & please feel free to bring a friend or two! We will be meeting at Jayme Cohen’s house: 7133 Echo Bluff Drive, Dallas, 75248 We hope to see you there, Jayme Cohen & Kristen Fagelman Let us know if you can make it Jayme- [email protected] 214.605.9774 Kristen- [email protected] LAY OT DE IAL DO N TER D MA DATE ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED NATIONAL COUNCIL OF JEWISH WOMEN GREATER DALLAS SECTION Preston Royal Shopping Center 6025 Royal Lane, Suite 219-9 Dallas, Texas 75230 NON-PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID DALLAS, TX PERMIT 2454
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