Newport (salop) Bowling Club Granville Avenue, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 7DX Tel. (01952) 820479 e-mail. [email protected] Application/BookingForm/InvoicetoHireFacilities Name and Address of Applicant / Organisation:‐ .............................................. .......................................................... Name of responsible Member: .......................................................... ‐.......................................... .......................................................... .......................................................... Telephone: .................................. Postcode: ......................................... e‐mail: ......................................... Type of Function: ............................................................................... Date of Hire: ............/.........../.................... Time Required Preparation Function Total Invoice Value Hours From To From To (£) Clubroom 50.00 Bar XXXX XXXX @ £7.50 TOTAL ‐ Deposit (separate cheque please) 50.00 Please make both cheques payable to ‘Newport Bowling Club’. The ‘Deposit cheque’ will be returned after clubroom checks have been made after your event. I/We agree to the terms and conditions laid down by the Committee as detailed overleaf. Signing below signifies acceptance of these terms and conditions. Signed............................................................ Date ........../........./................. Please return form to Club Secretary at the above address. The following rules/conditions apply to the hiring of the Clubroom. 1. The scale of hire charges are as per booking form. 2. Bookings will only be accepted on completion of a booking form. 3. The Club Rules must be adhered to. 4. The Club Licensing Laws must be strictly adhered to. 5. Breakages are chargeable and should be reported to the Secretary. 6. The maximum number of persons permitted is 80. 7. Amplification/Music must be kept to a tolerable level. 8. Gambling is not permitted. 9. The Clubroom must be left in a reasonable clean and tidy condition. 10.Exits must at all times be kept clear of obstructions, both inside and outside. 11.A First Aid Box is provided, and is located in the kitchen. 12.Fire Extinguishers are located by the main door. 13.The hirer is responsible for any liability not covered by the Club’s insurance. 14.Newport Bowling Club’s Management Committee accept no responsibility whatsoever for loss or damage to personal property left in the Clubroom. 15.The Committee reserves the right to refuse bookings. 16.Please respect our neighbours.
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