news letter journal FYI D8 — April 30, 2015 Weather Vane DATEHI S-20 M-21 T-22 W-23 T-24 F-25 S-26 53 61 69 70 65 66 48 LO Precip 24 32 35 35 40 39 40 trace trace trace .33 Foreclosure Notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . Budget Notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Default having been made in the conditions of that certain Mortgage deed dated October 26, 2007, given by Pamela Bahr and David Bahr, wife and husband, to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. ("MERS"), to secure the payment of one certain Promissory Note of even date therewith, which Mortgage embraced the following real property to-wit: Township 48 North, Range 60 West of the 6th P.M., Weston County, Wyoming, Section 19: NW1/4NW1/4 (Lot 1), also known as 25210 US Highway 85 North, Four Corners, WY 82715, which mortgage was on November 14, 2007, duly recorded at Book 301, Page 0903, in the Office of the County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds of Weston County, Wyoming. The Mortgage was assigned to the present holder Bank of the West, a California state banking corp., of 13505 California St., NE-BBP-02-M, Omaha, NE 68154, on March 30, 2015, and such assignment was recorded on April 6, 2015, at Book 358, Page 0202 in Weston County. The current record owner of the property is David and Pamela Bahr, husband and wife. That the note is in default; and WHEREAS, the default in said Mortgage has occurred by reason of the failure of the Mortgagor or assignees to pay the principal and the interest due thereon when the same became due and payable and said Mortgage contained a power of sale to the effect that a default occurring in the conditions thereof will authorize the Mortgagee or its assigns at its or their option to declare the debt secured thereby to be due and payable and proceed according to law to advertise and sell said property to satisfy the same; and WHEREAS, no suit or proceeding has been instituted at law to recover the debt remaining secured by said Mortgage, or any part thereof, or if instituted such action has been discontinued; and Bank of the West, a California state banking corp., of 13505 California St., NE-BBP-02-M, Omaha, NE 68154, is the owner of said Note and Mortgage; and WHEREAS, written notice of intent to foreclose the Mortgage by advertisement and sale has been served upon the record owner and party in possession more than ten days prior to the first date of publication of this notice; NOW THEREFORE, Notice is hereby given that the above described real property will be offered for sale and sold by the Sheriff of Weston County, Wyoming, or his Deputy, to the highest bidder for cash at public vendue at the front steps of the Weston County Courthouse, Newcastle, Wyoming, at the hour of 10:00 a.m., on June 2, 2015. However, pursuant to W.S. § 1-18-101(a)(iii), such sale shall not be held unless a representative of the Mortgagee is present. There is due and owing as of the first date of publication the sum of $352,747.46. Publication will be Apr. 30, May 7, 14, 21, 2015. Such sum will continue to accrue interest, late charges, and any other penalties as provided by the mortgage, all to the date of sale, and additionally there shall be added to the indebtedness all costs and attorney's fees associated with the foreclosure. The property being foreclosed upon may be subject to other liens and encumbrances that will not be extinguished at the sale and any prospective purchaser should research the status of title before submitting a bid. Bank of the West, a California state banking corp., Mortgagee c/o Patton and Davison Attorneys at Law P.O. Box 945 Cheyenne, Wyoming 82003 (Publish April 30, May 7, 14 and 21, 2015) NOTICE FOR BUDGET AMENDMENT HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Weston County Commissioners propose to amend the county budget for the fiscal year 2015 in the following particulars: Increase the General Fund portion of the budget because of unanticipated revenue for three (3) Grants from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Grant Programs Directorate, State Homeland Security Grant Program (SHSP) for $36,027.75. Homeland Law Enforcement & Terrorism Prevention-oriented Activities, (LETPA) for $6,239.65 and Coroner Allocation of SHSP for $2,505.00 funding is all for the Fiscal Year 2014. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN these matters will be considered and acted upon by the Board of Commissioners at their meeting on May 5th, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. Dated this 7th day of April, 2015 Board of County Commissioners Weston County, WY (Publish April 16 and 30, 2015) Election Notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Election Polling Places The Polling Places for the May 5, 2015 election for the Weston County Health District 1% Sales Tax are as follows: For Newcastle Precincts (1-1, 1-2, 5-1, 5-2 and 5-3) at the State Forestry Building located at 431 Delaware Avenue, For the Osage Precinct (2-1) is at the Osage Community Center located at 414 Nefsy Osage, WY and the Upton Precincts (3-1 and 4-1) at the Upton Community Center located at 917 N. Hwy 16, Upton, WY. The polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Any questions please contact the Clerk’s Office at 307-746-4744. Dated April 9th, 2015 PROM NIGHT [email protected] Fun and Games ACROSS 1. Esau’s father 6. Dashboard acronym 9. Union foe 13. Molten rock 14. *I love ____ 15. *She looked “Pretty in Pink” 16. Uproar 17. Island of Misfit Toys visitor 18. Got up 19. Ingalls and Dern 21. *Special Prom togs 23. Site of 2016 Olympics 24. Not yet final 25. Down Under bird 28. Therefore 30. Entertained 35. Orange peel 37. Mummy’s home 39. CuraÁao neighbor 40. Ancient Peruvian 41. Like a feeble old woman 43. Religious painting 44. Raccoon’s South American cousin 46. Children’s writer Blyton 47. Gator’s cousin 48. Mountain trees of Colorado 50. Colossal 52. Obtain, but just barely 53. Bud holder 55. Pool shark’s weapon 57. *Prom date gift 61. *Spaghetti on a prom dress? 64. Egg-shaped object 65. Definite article 67. Judge Judy’s event 69. Root about 70. *Love is in it? 71. Agenda entries 72. Square footage 73. The night before 74. A tiny amount 60. The Destroyer in Hinduism 61. Dried-up 62. Embarkation location 63. Ditto 66. Cause of AIDS 68. Psychedelic drug DOWN 1. International Monetary Fund 2. “Better Call ____” TV show 3. Taj Mahal city 4. “Love” in France 5. *Scary movie classic 6. Whiskey grain, pl. 7. Campaign pro 8. Civilian clothes 9. Sight for these eyes 10. *He’ll step on your toes during slow dances? 11. “The Sun ____ Rises” 12. After hellos 15. Maximum, pl. 20. Blood line 22. Winner of “Miracle on Ice” game 24. *Prom king or queen hopeful 25. “Fear of Flying” author Jong 26. King of ancient Crete 27. To open, as in beer bottle 29. 2014 movie “____ Girl” 31. Kind of acid 32. “Sugar” in Paris 33. Nook offering 34. *Main Prom event 36. *Escort 38. Found on radar 42. Court order 45. Overrun 49. Actors’ group 51. *”Prom Night” scream queen 54. Caterpillar hairs 56. Home to mankind 57. Closing section of musical composition 58. “____ and out” 59. Hamlet to a thespian, e.g. Last week’s answers Cheryl Kregel Weston County Clerk (Publish April 16, 23 and 30, 2015) Bid Notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PUBLIC NOTICE The Weston County Fair Board is seeking bids from licensed Weston County alcohol vendors for an exclusive Beer Garden during the Weston County Fair, July 25 through August 2, 2015. Bids must be submitted to Fairgrounds office no later than 4:00 pm May 11, 2015 to be reviewed and a vendor selected at the open general monthly meeting, 6:30pm May 12. Bid criteria is outlined on the bid forms available from the Fairgrounds business office, 24 Fairgrounds Rd Newcastle, WY 82701 (307) 746-9906. (Publish February 26, March 5, 26, April 2, 23 and 30, 2015) T “ he business that considers itself immune to the necessity for advertising sooner or later finds itself immune to business.” – Derby Brown — Invest in your business — 14 W. Main Street • 746-2777 2208 W. Main Street • 746-4433 news letter journal FYI [email protected] Utility Notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PUBLIC NOTICE The Wyoming Public Service Commission (Commission) has given SourceGas Distribution LLC (SGD or the Company) authority to pass on to its Pass-On Rate [Regulated Rate] customers in the Gillette Division a retail gas rate increase of $0.0260 per therm, effective on and after March 1, 2015. This approval is subject to notice, protest, investigation, opportunity for hearing, change, refund and such other orders as the Commission may deem appropriate. The proposed pass-on rate increase is attributable to a projected wholesale gas cost decrease of $0.0424 per therm and an increase of $0.0684 per therm in the CBA surcharge. The average Small General Service customer using approximately 84 therms per month may expect a monthly gas bill increase of approximately $2.18, or about 3.5%, before taxes. Actual bills will vary with usage. Commission Rule §§ 249 and 250 allow a utility to pass on to its customers known or prospective wholesale commodity cost increases or decreases on a dollar-for-dollar basis and subject to public notice, opportunity for hearing and refund. SGD’s application is on file at the Commission’s offices in Cheyenne, Wyoming, and in the Company’s Wyoming business offices, and may be inspected by any interested person during regular business hours. Anyone desiring to file an intervention petition, request for a public hearing, statement, public comment or protest in this matter must file in writing with the Commission on or before May 20, 2015. The petition shall set forth the grounds for the proposed intervention or request for hearing and the position and interest of the petitioner in this proceeding. If you want to intervene in this matter or request a public hearing that you will attend, or want to make a statement, a protest or a public comment, and you require reasonable accommodation for a disability, please contact the Commission at (307) 777-7427, or write to the Commission at 2515 Warren Avenue, Suite 300, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002, to make arrangements. Communications impaired persons may also contact the Commission by accessing Wyoming Relay at 711. Please mention Docket No. 30022-243-GP-15 in your communications. Dated: April 20, 2015. (Publish April 23 and 30, 2015) Utility Notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PUBLIC NOTICE The Wyoming Public Service Commission (Commission) has given SourceGas Distribution LLC (SGD or the Company) authority to pass on to its Pass-On Rate [Regulated Rate] customers in the Gillette Division a retail gas rate decrease of $0.1251 per therm, effective on and after September 1, 2014. This approval is subject to notice, protest, investigation, opportunity for hearing, change, refund and such other orders as the Commission may deem appropriate. The pass-on rate decrease is attributable to: [i] a decrease of $0.0852 per therm in the wholesale cost of gas, and [ii] a decrease of $0.0399 per therm in the CBA surcharge. The average Small General Service customer using approximately 70 therms per month may expect a monthly gas bill decrease of approximately $7.76, or about 11.87%, before taxes. Actual bills will vary with usage. Commission Rule §§ 249 and 250 allow a utility to pass on to its customers known or prospective wholesale commodity cost increases or decreases on a dollar-for-dollar basis and subject to public notice, opportunity for hearing and refund. SGD’s application is on file at the Commission’s offices in Cheyenne, Wyoming, and in the Company’s Wyoming business offices, and may be inspected by any interested person during regular business hours. Anyone desiring to file an intervention petition, request for a public hearing, statement, public comment or protest in this matter must file in writing with the Commission on or before May 18, 2015. The petition shall set forth the grounds for the proposed intervention or request for hearing and the position and interest of the petitioner in this proceeding. If you want to intervene in this matter or request a public hearing that you will attend, or want to make a statement, a protest or a public comment, and you require reasonable accommodation for a disability, please contact the Commission at (307) 777-7427, or write to the Commission at 2515 Warren Avenue, Suite 300, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002, to make arrangements. Communications impaired persons may also contact the Commission by accessing Wyoming Relay at 711. Please mention Docket No. 30022-235-GP-14 in your communications. Dated: April 17, 2015. (Publish April 23 and 30, 2015) Meeting Notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Notice for Public Input Concerning the 2015-2016 Weston County School District # 1 Consolidated Grant Application All members of the public served by WCSD # 1 are invited to participate in the grant writing process. WCSD # 1 will host a public meeting at 5:00 pm on Monday, May 4, 2015 in the board room of the administration building for the purpose of receiving input to be used in writing the Consolidated Grant. (Publish April 23 and 30, 2015) Blotter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 19, 2015 Traffic stop, Written Warning issued. Death reported. Gas drive off reported. Assist other agency. Suspicious activity reported. Traffic stop, Written Warning issued. VIN inspection requested. Drug activity reported, Citation issued. Barking dog complaint. April 20 Traffic hazard reported. Disturbance reported. Traffic hazard reported. Traffic complaint. Protection Order issued. Civil standby requested. Traffic complaint. Assist other agency. Foreclosure Notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE WHEREAS, default in the payment of principal and interest has occurred under the terms of a promissory note and mortgage dated January 25, 2002 executed and delivered by David L. Bell and Donna A. Bell, as Mortgagors, in favor of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc. (“MERS”), as Mortgagee solely as nominee for Washington Mutual Bank, FA, recorded on January 30, 2002 as Rec. No. 649765, Book 255, Page 42 in the public records in the office of the county clerk of Weston County, Wyoming; as assigned to JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, recorded on January 26, 2015 as Rec. No. 757414, Book 357, Page 0115 in the public records in the office of the county clerk of Weston County, Wyoming. The premises that are described in the Mortgage are as follows: Tract 28, Greenvalley Acres, Weston County, Wyoming, according to the recorded plat thereof, further described as follows: A tract of land in Section 3, Township 44 North, Range 61 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Weston County, Wyoming and further described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of Section 3, run S 89°36’ W for a distance of 615.1 feet to the northeast corner of Tract 28 and the point of beginning; thence S 00°39’ W for a distance of 564.6 feet; thence 89°36’W for a distance of 611.9 feet; thence N 01°32’ W for a distance of 565 feet; thence N 89°36’ E for a distance of 633.7 feet to the point of beginning. with an address of 11 Diana Lane, Newcastle, WY 82701 JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, has served a written Notice of Intent to Foreclose the Mortgage by Advertisement and Sale pursuant to the terms of the Mortgage to the record owner or party in possession in accordance with the statute ten (10) days prior to the first publication of the sale. The amount due and owing on the date of the first publication is $84,189.74 which includes the unpaid principal and accrued but unpaid interest. Interest continues to accrue on the unpaid balance at the rate of $ 16.44 per day. The property being foreclosed upon may be subject to other liens and encumbrances that will not be extinguished at the sale and any prospective purchaser should research the status of title before submitting a bid. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to W.S.§ 34-3-101 et seq., (1977 Republished Edition) that the above described property will be at public venue sold by the Sheriff of Weston County, to the highest bidder at the hour of 10:00 o’clock A.M. on the 2nd day of June, 2015, on the courthouse steps of Weston County. DATED this 14th day of April, 2015. BY: Greg B. Asay Associated Legal Group, LLC 1807 Capitol Ave Suite 203 Cheyenne, WY 82001 (307) 632-2888 Attorney for JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association (Publish April 23, 30, May 7 and 14, 2015) Public Notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOTICE Due to recent events it is necessary for Weston County Fairgrounds to remind the public that Weston County Fairgrounds is a recreational facility as defined by the Wyoming Recreational Safety Act § 1-1-122. Weston County Fairgrounds, Fair Board, and Commissioners assumes no liability for anyone, INCLUDING UNSUPERVISED MINORS, who enter the Fairgrounds at their own risk. §1-1-123. Assumption of risk. (a) Any person who takes part in any sport or recreational opportunity assumes the inherent risks in that sport or recreational opportunity, whether those risks are known or unknown, and is legally responsible for any and all damage, injury or death to himself or other persons or property that results from the inherent risks in that sport or recreational opportunity. (b) A provider of any sport or recreational opportunity is not required to eliminate, alter or control the inherent risks within the particular sport or recreational opportunity. (c) Actions based upon negligence of the provider wherein the damage, injury or death is not the result of an inherent risk of the sport or recreational opportunity shall be preserved pursuant to W.S. 1-1-109. (d) The assumption of risk provisions in subsections (a) through (c) of this section apply irrespective of the age of the person assuming the risk. (Publish April 30, 2015) Sticky Notes 14 W. Main St. 746-2777 VIN inspection requested. Theft reported. Traffic stop, Citation issued. Report of a dog at large. April 21 Traffic stop, Written Warning issued. Medical assist requested. Traffic hazard reported. 911 hang up. Medical assist. Minor accident reported. Theft reported. VIN inspection requested. Civil problem reported. Drunk driver reported. Welfare check requested. Abandoned vehicle reported. April 22 Domestic problem reported. Traffic complaint. Suspicious activity reported. Gas drive off reported. Traffic complaint. Arrest Warrant issued. Suspicious activity reported. Traffic stop, Written Warning issued. April 23 Medical assist. Theft reported. Motorist assist. Vehicle accident reported. VIN inspection requested. Phone harassment reported. Traffic stop, Written Warning issued. Commercial alarm reported. April 24 Traffic stop, One arrest. Residential alarm reported. House check requested. Traffic stop, Written Warning issued. Traffic stop, Written Warning issued. Drunk driver reported. Domestic problem reported. Assist other agency. April 25 Prowler reported. Traffic complaint. 911 hang up. Civil problem reported. Trespassing reported. Residential alarm reported. Hit and Run accident reported. Welfare check requested. Juvenile problem reported. Civil problem reported. Civil assist. Report of a dog at large. Suspicious activity reported. Foreclosure Notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE WHEREAS, default in the payment of principal and interest has occurred under the terms of a promissory note and mortgage dated May 26, 2009 executed and delivered by Aaron D. Lines, as Mortgagor, in favor of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. (MERS”), as nominee for Lender, MetLife Home Loans, a Division of MetLife Bank, N.A., as Mortgagee, recorded on June 1, 2009 as Rec. No. 712297, Book 315, Page 0286, in the public records in the office of the county clerk of Weston County, Wyoming; as assigned to JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, recorded on July 11, 2013 as Rec. No.744908, Book 346, Page 0369 in the public records of the office of the county clerk of Weston County, Wyoming. The premises that are described in the Mortgage are as follows: LOT 8, BLOCK 5, PINE ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF THE CITY OF NEWCASTLE, WESTON COUNTY, WYOMING. with an address of 431 Walker Avenue, Newcastle, WY 82701 JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., has served a written Notice of Intent to Foreclose the Mortgage by Advertisement and Sale pursuant to the terms of the Mortgage to the record owner or party in possession in accordance with the statute ten (10) days prior to the first publication of the sale. The amount due and owing on the date of the first publication is $90,092.77 which includes the unpaid principal and accrued but unpaid interest. Interest continues to accrue on the unpaid balance at the rate of $11.24 per day. The property being foreclosed upon may be subject to other liens and encumbrances that will not be extinguished at the sale and any prospective purchaser should research the status of title before submitting a bid. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to W.S.§ 34-3-101 et seq., (1977 Republished Edition) that the above described property will be at public venue sold by the Sheriff of Weston County, to the highest bidder at the hour of 10:00 o’clock A.M. on the 2nd day of June, 2015, on the courthouse steps of Weston County. DATED this 7th day of April, 2015. BY: Greg B. Asay Associated Legal Group, LLC 1807 Capitol Ave Suite 203 Cheyenne, WY 82001 (307) 632-2888 Attorney for JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association (Publish April 23, 30, May 7 and 14, 2015) April 30, 2015 — D9 Public Notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Notice of Final Payment to Contractor Notice is hereby given that the WESTON COUNTY WYOMING and WESTON ENGINEERING, INC. have accepted the work for the installation of the WESTON COUNTY LIGHT EFFICIENCY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT according to the plans and specifications set forth in the contract between the WESTON COUNTY, Owner, and MINING AND ELECTRICAL SERVICE, LLC, Contractor. MINING AND ELECTRICAL SERVICES, LLC, Contractor is entitled to final payment forty one (41) days after the first publication of this notice and final settlement is due to be made on MONDAY, MAY 25, 2015. Nothing in this notice shall be construed as relieving the contractor and sureties on the bond furnished in the execution of the contract. All persons having claims for labor and or materials should contact WESTON COUNTY CLERK, NEWCASTLE, WYOMING, 82730. (Publish April 16, 23 and 30, 2015) Foreclosure Notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE WHEREAS, default in the payment of principal and interest has occurred under the terms of a promissory note (the “Note”) dated 03/21/2008 executed and delivered by John Speas A/K/A John E Speas and Amanda L. Speas (“Mortgagor”) to Wells Fargo Financial Wyoming, Inc. and a real estate mortgage (the “Mortgage”) of the same date securing the Note, which Mortgage was executed and delivered by said Mortgagors, to Wells Fargo Financial Wyoming, Inc., and which Mortgage was recorded on 03/27/2008, as Instrument Number 702233, Book 305, Page 863 in the records of the office of the County Clerk and ex-officio Register of Deeds in and for Weston County, State of Wyoming; and WHEREAS, the Mortgage contains a power of sale which by reason of said default, the Mortgagee declares to have become operative, and no suit or proceeding has been instituted at law to recover the debt secured by the Mortgage, or any part there-of, nor has any such suit or proceeding been instituted and the same discontinued; and WHEREAS, written notice of intent to foreclose the Mortgage by advertisement and sale has been served upon the record owner and the party in possession of the mortgaged premises at least ten (10) days prior to the commencement of this publication, and the amount due upon the Mortgage on the date of first publication of this notice of sale being the total sum of $150,805.80 which sum consists of the unpaid principal balance of $95,196.92 plus Interest accrued to the date of the first publication of this notice in the amount of $43,638.50 plus attorneys’ fees, costs expended, and accruing interest and late charges after the date of first publication of this notice of sale; WHEREAS, the property being foreclosed upon may be subject to other liens and encumbrances that will not be extinguished at the sale. Any prospective purchaser should research the status of title before submitting a bid; NOW, THEREFORE Wells Fargo Financial Wyoming, Inc., as the Mortgagee, will have the Mortgage foreclosed as by law provided by causing the mortgaged property to be sold at public venue by the Sheriff or Deputy Sheriff in and for Weston County, Wyoming to the highest bidder for cash at 10:00 o’clock in the forenoon on 5/19/2015 at the Weston County Courthouse located at 1 West Main, Newcastle, Wyoming, Weston County for application on the abovedescribed amounts secured by the Mortgage, said mortgaged property being described as follows, to-wit: Lot Four (4), Block One (1), Black Hills View Addition to the Town of the City of Newcastle, Weston County, Wyoming according to the plat thereof. With an address of : 115 Bonnie Brae Ave Newcastle, WY 82701. Together with all improvements thereon situate and all fixtures and appurtenances thereto. DATED this 8th day of April, 2015. BY: Brian G. Sayer Klatt, Augustine, Sayer, Treinen & Rastede, P.C. 925 E. 4th St. Waterloo, Iowa 50703 (Publish April 16, 23, 30 and May 7, 2015) D10 — April 30, 2015 news letter journal FYI [email protected] Newcastle City Council Minutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEWCASTLE CITY COUNCIL CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS MINUTES Monday, April 20, 2015 Mayor James called the regular meeting of Monday, April 20, 2015 to order at 7:00 p.m. In attendance were: Mayor Greg James, Roger Hespe, Linda Hunt, Kara Sweet, Steven Ladwig, Todd Quigley and Don Steveson. Also present Department Heads: Engineer Robert Hartley, Police Chief Jim Owens and Attorney Jim Peck as well as several guests. Also present - Deputy Clerk/Treasurer, Mills. Absent: Clerk Treasurer Brunner. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Todd Quigley moved and Linda Hunt seconded to approve the Agenda for Monday, April 20, 2015. MOTION CARRIED. Roger Hespe moved and Don Steveson seconded to approve the Minutes of the April 6 , 2015 Regular Meeting as amended. MOTION CARRIED. NOMINATIONS FOR RECOGNITION: Todd Quigley nominated the Newcastle Middle School Student Council for their contribution to the Greenways Project. Linda Hunt nominated Kara for her work on the Go Fund Me Serenity Trail project. CERTIFICATES of APPRECIATION: Mayor James presented certificate to Kellie and Troy Tavegie. Loretta Murphy and Terry Rich was not in attendance to receive his certificate. . CITIZEN’S BUSINESS – IN WRITING: 1. Mayor James read a 24-Hour catering permit request from the West End to cater the NRA Banquet at the Weston County Senior Center from 3:00 p.m. on May 2, 2015 through 3:00 p.m. on May 3, 2015. West End is a county licensed liquor license holder, but proper documentation was provided from the license holder and the county to approve the catering permit as requested. Linda Hunt Moved and Kara Sweet seconded to approve the request as presented. MOTION CARRIED. 2. Mayor James read a letter from Weston County Children’s Center requesting summer sewer averaging. Linda Hunt moved and Steven Ladwig seconded to approve the request as read. MOTION CARRIED. CITIZEN’S BUSINESS – VERBAL – 1. Ann McColley was present to discuss the All School Reunion. She asked the City crews help spruce up the town before the reunion on July 3, 4, and 5th. She also asked for a free pickup day, and it was recommended that it be sent to committee and let them come back with a recommendation to the council. That meeting is scheduled for May 4, 2015 at 6:30PM. 2. Bruce Perkins asked that Railroad to Sumner be blocked off, and additional dumpsters be provided for the Street dance on July 3, 2015. Bruce also asked for the relaxation of the open container. After much discussion Linda Hunt moved that the City relax the open container from 6PM -6AM on Railroad to Sumner on Main Street on July 3rd, 2015, Todd Quigley seconded, Kara Sweet, and Todd Quigley voted Yea, and Linda Hunt, Don Steveson, Steven Ladwig and Greg James Nay, MOTION FAILED. Bruce also asked for extended hours of 10PM on July 3rd to 10PM on July 4th, 2015. Kara Sweet moved and Steven Ladwig seconded, MOTION CARRIED. 3. T & A Brewing would like two 24 hour catering permits at the fairgrounds for August 14th and 15th. Since this is in the county Don Steveson moved and Linda Hunt seconded that the City Council recommend the City license holder be allowed to cater in the County. MOTION CARRIED. The proper paper work will be sent to the county. 4. Jody McCormack along with several Newcastle Middle School Student Council representatives attended to present the Council with a check for $400.00 to help with the Greenways Project. MAYOR/COUNCIL REPORTS: - 1. Mayor James noted that the Weston County Travel Commission had received a letter of resignation from the City’s representative, Val Cook, effective immediately. The unexpired term ends 6/30/2016. Linda Hunt moved and Steven Ladwig seconded to accept the resignation and begin advertising for the position. MOTION CARRIED. 2. Kara reported that she had transferred $1057.19 into the City checking account through the Go Fund Me account. People have donated funds to replace the Serenity Trail Signs that were vandalized several weeks ago. 3. Greg reminded the Council of the WAM board and committee meetings that will be held here April 23rd and 24th, 2015 in the council chambers. DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORTS: City Clerk/Treasurer– 1. Deputy Mills read Clerk/Treasurer Brunner’s report that she has completed most of the initial FY 2015-16 Budget figures; she will e-mail those to Council for review after she returns from vacation. The budget “work-session” is scheduled for May 11, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. She also requested that Council consider a 2-3% raise in Water, Sewer and Garbage fees to maintain those funds. City Attorney Jim Peck – 1. ORDINANCE # 1, SERIES 2015, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 6-6 OF THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF THE CITY OF NEWCASTLE, WYOMING, 1961 TO ADOPT THE 2015 EDITION OF THE INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE EXCEPT SECTIONS R313 AND R2904 AND TO ADOPT THE 2015 EDITION OF THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE PUBLISHED BY THE Court Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Municipal Court Douglas R. Dumbrill Kellee K Reed, NUISANCES (1ST OFFENSE), Total Fines Paid, $45 Sterling M. Sheperd, SUPERINTENDINT’S SPEED ZONE, Total Fines Paid, $90 Rayeanne Schlesselman, NUISANCES (3RD OFFENSE), Total Fines Paid, $95 Samantha J Hileman, STOP SIGN, Total Fines Paid, $90 Amanda M. Kitch, DOG AT LARGE (2ND OFFENSE), Total Fines Paid, $70 Carlos G Delarosa, DOG AT LARGE (1ST OFFENSE) Total Fines Paid, $45 Total Out of Area Fines, $860 CIRCUIT Court JUDGE MATTHEW F.G. CASTANO Debra L Douglas, EXCEED 65 MPH ON PRMRY/ SCNDRY (6+ MPH OVER) HWY, Total Fines Paid, $84 William F Whitelance, EXCEED 65 MPH ON PRMRY/ SCNDRY (6+ MPH OVER) HWY, Total Fines Paid, $95 William F Whitelance, SEAT BELT: DRIVER, Total Fines Paid, $25 Ana M Calderon, SUPERINTENDINT’S SPEED ZONE, Total Fine Paid, $113 Clifford L Pedulla, CARELESS DRIVING 1ST OFFENSE, Total Fine Paid, $220 Clifford L Pedulla, SPEED TOO FAST FOR CONDITIONS, Total Fines Paid, $70 Ronnald E Fulk, SHIP/ TRANSPORT W/ O GAME TAG W/ I WY, Total Fines Paid, $120 Carla M Edwards, EXCEED 30 MPH IN URBAN DISTRICT, Total Fines Paid, $128 Clifford L Pedulla, EXPIRED/ IMPROPER REGISTRATION, Total Fines Paid, $120 Clay C Andersen, EXCEED 65 MPH ON PRMRY/ SCNDRY (6+ MPH OVER) HWY, Total Fines Paid, $87 Jason C Lake, EXCEED 65 MPH ON PRMRY/ SCNDRY (6+ MPH OVER) HWY, Total Fines Paid, $ 110 Jason C Lake, SEAT BELT: DRIVER, Total Fines Paid $25 Billy Reynolds Jr, SEAT BELT: PASSENGER OVER 12 YRS, Total Fines Paid, $10 Vickie L Solmonson, DUI ALCOHOL= TO> .08% W/ IN 2 HRS OF DRIVING- 1ST OFF W/ IN 10 YRS, Total Fine Paid, $390 Vickie L Solmonson, DUI: ALCOHOL 0.08% OR MORE, Total Fines Paid, $940 Bradley O Trapp, DUI: ALCOHOL 0.08% OR MORE, Total Fines Paid, $690 Clariss C Kline, USE CONTR SUBST – SCH I, II OR III, Total Fines Paid, $740 Styllon T Wright, SEAT BELT: PASSENGER OVER 12 YRS, Total Fines Paid, $10 Robert M Crawford, UND 18 POSSESS/ USE TOBACCO – 1ST OFFENSE, Total Fines Paid, $50 Heather M Merchen, VALID DRIVER’S LIC, Total Fines Paid, $120 Heather M Merchen, EXPIRED/ IMPROPER REGISTRATION, Total Fines Paid, $120 Wicahpi D. K. Fosheim, UNLAWFUL CONTACT: RUDE, INSOLENT OR ANGRY TOUCHES W/ O BODILY INJURY, Total Fines Paid, $840 Sonya A Rainbolt, LEAVE SCENE OF ACCIDENT: DAMAGE TO ATTENDED VEH OR PROP, Total Fines Paid, $220 Total Out of Area Fines, $6170 INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL, INC. AS PART OF THE BUILDING CODE OF THE CITY OF NEWCASTLE, WYOMING AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Linda Hunt moved, and Kara Sweet seconded to approve ORDINANCE #1, SERIES 2015 on second reading MOTION CARRIED. 2. ORDINANCE # 2, SERIES 2015 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 6-7(a) OF ARTICLE III, CHAPTER 6 OF THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF THE CITY OF NEWCASTLE, WYOMING, 1961 TO SET BUILDING PERMIT FEES AS PROVIDED IN THE 2015 EDITION OF THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE AND THE 2015 EDITION OF THE INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE PUBLISHED BY THE INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL, INC.; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Linda Hunt moved and Steven Ladwig seconded to approve ORDINANCE # 2 SERIES 2015 on second reading. MOTION CARRIED. 3. ORDINANCE # 3, SERIES 2015, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 18-1 OF CHAPTER 18 OF THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF THE CITY OF NEWCASTLE, WYOMING, 1961 TO ADOPT THE 2015 EDITION OF THE INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE, TO ADOPT THE 2015 EDITION OF THE INTERNATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE, AND TO ADOPT THE 2015 EDITION OF THE INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE EXCLUDING APPENDIX B, PUBLISHED BY THE INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL, INC. AS PART OF THE PLUMBING CODE OF THE CITY OF NEWCASTLE, WYOMING; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Linda Hunt moved and Kara Sweet seconded to approve ORDINANCE # 3 2015 on first reading. MOTION CARRIED. 4. ORDINANCE # 4 SERIES 2015, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 18-7 OF CHAPTER 18 OF THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF THE CITY OF NEWCASTLE, WYOMING, 1961, TO SET PERMIT AND OTHER FEES FOR PLUMBING WORK; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Kara Sweet moved and Linda Hunt seconded to approve ORDINANCE # 4 SERIES 2015 on first reading. MOTION CARRIED. 5. Would like the council to be reviewing the code books and get some of the outdated codes eliminated. City Engineer Robert Hartley – 1. 2nd Ave crossing will be closed for a week because of a water leak under the railroad. DRM will be doing the bore and will cost approximately $28000. 2. Rewiring done at the ball field and transformer removed. 3. Some patching has been done and more crews will be coming aboard so this can continue. Linda stated the cemetery and the E Wentworth project look great. 3. Sprinkler system has be installed at the legion field. Police Chief Jim Owens - 1. Calls for service for the month are at 231. 2. Recommended the hiring of Jane Hoyt as dispatcher at $13.70 per hour with the standard 1 year probation, and to begin work on May 4, 2015. Todd Quigley moved and Linda Hunt seconded to hire Jane Hoyt as recommended by Chief Owens. MOTION CARRIED. 3. Reported that there have been six applications for the CSO position. Linda Hunt moved and Don Steveson seconded to pay claims dated April 20, 2015. MOTION CARRIED. Don Steveson moved and Linda Hunt seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:38PM. MOTION CARRIED. CLAIMS: ALTEC, equipment repairs, $997.00; Anderson Contracting, water meter remove/ hardpipe, $595.00; AT&T Mobility, cell phones, $846.38; B&K Cleaning, city hall cleaning, $360.50; Beverly Clark, re-purchase cemetery plot, $150.00; BH Power, electricity, $1497.85; Bullseye, color copies/prints, $29.75; CDW-G, ink cartridges, $431.74; Certified Labs, supplies, $295.00; Civil Air Patrol, ad, $195.00; Computer Info Systems, license renewal, $10,255.00; Culligan Water, water/salt, $86.00; Dakota Pump, valve/gasket/freight, $1204.82; Deckers, grocery, $209.30;Energy Laboratories, $60.00; Farnsworth, dredge pond, $955.00; Fisher Sand & Gravel, WY base course J, $4886.48; Gideon Dixon, poly pipe, $1120.00; Harvey Lock, lock repairs/City Hall, $298.98; Inland Truck, clutch, $28.05; Jenner Equip., parts, $308.13; John’s Electric, water pump starter, baseball field Power lead $17093.16; Newcastle Equipment, parts/ repairs, $6972.30; Newcastle Hardware, supplies, $1575.12; Newcastle Vol. Fire, travel/training/ supplies, $260.08; Newsletter Journal, supplies, $299.33; Norco, cylinder rent/33 gal bags, $414.61; No. WY Mental, officer exam, $150.00; NW Pipe, meter pit, supplies, $14,777.73; Office Shop Inc., copier count, $36.68; Office Shop Leasing, copier lease, $106.81; Oil City Supply, supplies, $261.91; One Call WY, locate tickets, $19.50; Petty Cash, reimb, $27.00; Postmaster, utility postage, $1000.00; Rapid Delivery, charges, $113.40; Rear Vision, monitor, $565.36; Red Giant Oil, oil, $875.28; Sheehan Mack, supplies, $5519.01; Shopko, supplies, $130.55; Stereos ‘N Stuff, IT labor/supplies, $290.00; Team Lab, weed killer, $432.50; Tri-Star Surveying, set corner, $657.60; Two-Way Radio, battery/repairs, $826.00; Valli Info, credit card maintenance, $150.00; WEBT, life ins., $103.00; Weston Co. Health, drug screening, $105.00; Weston Co. Road & Bridge, fuel, $9792.14; Weston Co. Treasure, tax handling fee, $12.16; Weston Co. Clerk, youth services, $1201.68; Wy Assoc of Rural Water, $375.00; Water Deposit Refunds: Craig Deuter, $100.00; Justin Osmotherly, $73.29; Marvin Smith, $81.26; SD Rapid City Missions, $99.02; Greg James, Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk/Treasurer, Deb Mills (Publish April 30, 2015) SAMPLE ELECTION BALLOT May 5, 2015 Weston County Polling Places 1-1 Newcastle Outside Armory/Forestry Bldg. 1-2 Newcastle Outside Armory/Forestry Bldg. 2-1 Osage Area Kitty Moats Bldg. 3-1 Upton Outside Upton Community Center 4-1 Upton Inside Upton Community Center 5-1 Newcastle Inside Armory/Forestry Bldg. 5-2 Newcastle Inside Armory/Forestry Bldg. 5-3 Newcastle Inside Armory/Forestry Bldg. Polls are open from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. Voter Registration: New registrations and registration changes are permitted at the polling place on Primary Election Day. Identification is required to register to vote. Bring your Wyoming Driver’s License with you or call the County Clerk’s office to learn what other identification is acceptable. Provisional ballots will be available at the polls. Complete sample ballots are available in the County Clerk’s office. CORRECTION A fine and infraction listed under the Court Report on page 13 of the April 16, 2015 issue of the News Letter Journal was incorrect. The accurate citations are as follows: Larry Napolitano, HUNT TROPHY GAME DURING CLOSED SEASON, Total Fines Paid, $790 Larry Napolitano, FAIL TO IMMEDIATELY REMOVE WILDLIFE CAUGHT IN ANY TRAP OR SNARE, Total Fines Paid, $120 AutoMARK Ballot Marking Machine INFORMATION FOR VOTERS WITH DISABILITIES Currently in Weston County all polling places are accessible to persons with limited mobility. There will also be at least one (1) AutoMARK marking machine at every polling location. This allows a person with a disability to mark their ballot with little or no assistance whether they have a visual or dexterity disability and they place their ballot in the M100 for tabulation. According to Wyoming statute 22-13-113(a) “…any elector who requires assistance to vote because of blindness, disability or inability to read or write may be given assistance by a person of the elector’s choice, other than the elector’s employer or an agent of that employer or an officer or agent of the elector’s union.” If you need further information you may contact the county clerk’s office. There are many reasons a voter may wish to use the AutoMARK, please call the county clerk’s office for more details. Find every public notice published in Wyoming. They can be viewed at M100 Ballot Tabulating Machine HOW TO VOTE Instructions for marking a ballot for the M100 tabulation machine are included on each ballot. When marking your official ballot you MUST use the black pen that the election judges provide for you. Please read your ballot very carefully If you overvote (vote for more candidates than allowed) the machine will quietly beep and list the office(s) where you over voted. You will need to obtain and mark a new ballot, so please read “Vote For” carefully. You may under vote (vote for fewer candidates than allowed) your ballot without it being returned to you. Deadline for Legals is noon on Friday SAMPLE BALLOT (Publish April 30, 2015)
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