'...' '.'' I .. SC""'" l '.('...:...'': ....:.''.,. ... " H, E' STORTi Editor I. , me tree, b ineip- - fnrumire Tiflnsner " i Tesalo render assiatanflei jJBiv Entered as second class audi mat-to- r rela and barrels ox water pourr at the postofflce at Marshall, N. ed about the roots of) tpf Jtr the place! of the C under act of March 3, 1879. will not takef orione tree,-- fHow rainven ' helpless we' are to save th for SUBSCRIPTION PRI?Ei 2.0d ests. In addition to the 'lack Of ONE YEAR 8lX MONTHS Siojsture, many forest fires1 are the beauty; of the THREE MONTHS THREE YEARS (in advance) 5.00 mountains and laying waste .05 'millinnn of feet of timber. Rvl SINGLE COPIES 'with Many (ordered before presaday) .Q4 n towns . fire from the forests and people are praying for ram. It is good thing for people to bet de UNDER YOUR NAME nied their blessings sometimes ON THE LABEL' sa.they will the more appreci Ik line talis yoa whea yaar ate them when they are shower aubacriptioa spires. " If the ed upon us in such abundance. atop whea) your I t Vfi MR. CHANDLEY'S EXPERIENCES i I, , 1' 'JlW imtk can on imiimt"' Hhoota ua kmMl h m Btutr ntfM. ra mlUnt tot ar grwluua. LN JWMtVtLLt, '' ' . A. j- - MOUTH CAROUNA spaiitaiisoso. a. " Oar Ni M ininMr alaxi m World. I buliM-tt- . la'Ow Tteawt-OaU- M t' Ktiitm la daauxii: BoaktmlW. Bankloa. ' MuAiar OKMUtlnc tod Audi da. IMoQ tt, ttw t Aim ana - M ' Br'. ''''1 .' ,. - " ... t 25 y I y 11 womanhood. Ulrt-Ot- NaflMal Aimlti An ratty AwrallM W - ' ' ff IT'S tiR totou toopen aar.accjunt fpr every ,J6he of your youngsters and VI &e that-theadd"to it'eaeh.week' or month--th- ia will foster in them the habits of saving and a plan'for theieedsiof early .manhood or Si. nd IMtm WriBfw. motmr ennurUI Guanas. 8DrdUaMl Tratnlng tor TrMvrltt. MwcttuiiHl. Wafk. Aadnat DwlTa" M Csina Bnslam CalltfU ; . e e ' iJI . paper dot not le portal eard time is oat or Uttar addrouad to MR. H. L. STORY, Marshall, N. C, will stbp it. If he does not' hear from you, ho will think yon wUh the paper continued and that you arc willing to pay for it at the rata of 50c every three month. 3f'Fvvr! con h axo . ' , ', ,.: , mal .kbone and the development of fltif the judgiiehll are: sure to coitne with; the practice of thrift SAVING MONEY Strengthens character through tha lessons of the YTHI7ISJ ' II cmirnil lairn. " . - llllVil ",' SELF-DENI- to sickness and other hindrances; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cogdijr and sons, Wallace and Don, of Canton, were visiting in Luck Sunday and Monday in their new Ford. ' ' Miss Grace Plemmons and her brother, Stephen, were out horse back riding Sunday, during Which they attended church at Mt. Pleasant. Mr. Jesse H. King was a welcome guest of Miss Zell Miller Sunday. Best wishes to the News-Reco- li ; SELF-CONTRO- AL ' I L. JHIS BANK lis ALWAYS PLEASED TO HAVE II THE TOUNG FOLKS" ACCOUNTS , II THE II u We are beginning this week an article by MrM. A. Chand-le- y of near Marshall, giving his experiences in Civil War. This OVI article has been in type several LOST & WANT ADS. weeks and booklets printed from it, but we have not had the 25 words or less 25c for one week space to run it in the paper. for four weeks. Additional word THE BANK THAT SERVICE BUILT We may conclude it in our next 75c BIBLE THOUGHT CASH Firtt. 1 cent a word a week may two or it require issue If you did not get And they overcame him by the more issues. and Wlsh b(??kJet blood of the Lamb, and by the word NOTICE you would bet- together, it all Of their test.mony Rev, 12:11. jter keep a the paperg carrying night and Sunday in Asheville, N. C. He is boarding with J. R. Evins. jit until it is completed. This NORTH CAROLINA . r,., JUDGMENT vnyt-KiAiRev. Mr. Stroup, of Mars' Hill, suparticle was not written for the Madison County rrZ N. DR. MOORE J. The electric current has kept h,.tgfbrhinrf).tvn, This is to give notice to the plied Piney Mt. Church Sunday P. M. us guessing this week. .The;set fo the bookle we got per. public We for Rev. L. R. Williams, as he was is based on experience. groc my I sold have that present d .office is mission from Mr. Chandley to Office over not able to be there Quite a crowd have examined the eyes of or town Mar ery the business in entirely dependent upon elec- give it to our readers. enjoyed his splendid sermon; His1 shall to Mr. J. T. Kedmon and thousands of people, have tric power either to se,t typ or subject was "Knowing Jesus." OF STORE with connected longer no am run the presses. If the electric FLEETWOODS TOUR WEST-ERof Mr. W. O. Dwych has a very sick made every combination said business. current is off as much as ten REDMON GROCERY pneu CAROLINA glasses, thought is NORTH she has sorts, fitted .child. all REDMON. C. A. It sizes minutes the metal from which COMPANY nonia fever. We hope she will recov and shapes of noses. the type is made runs cold and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Fleetwood, their is our It er soon. it takes from a half hour to an .two daughters, Misses Hannah Mae CARD OF THANKa pleasure to you any to refer of Marshall, N. C. hour to heat it again after thej and Catherine, and son, Wilson, of patrons We shall be current comes back. All dayj Hertford, N. C, Mr. P. M. Fleetwood From WHITE ROCK our take this method of thank Monday we had no power and and three daughters, of Jackson, N. ingI my equally to glad number you customers for their pat It has been off- part of the time Everybody was glad-tsee the rain among them. my career in the during ronage See us today every day this week. We have Thelma, are teachers in music de- grocery business in Marshall From STOCKSVILLE Monday afternoon.. see and now on. from better come to the point where we do partment of Mars Hill the Mr. Chapell Tweed is teaching at College, and and bespeak their patronage not know whether we can print the other, Miss Rockie Lou, beyear. Piney Grove School this student for my cousin, Mr. J. T. Redr Mr. H. A. Henderson, of Asheville, the paper or not. If we are of Mars Hill College: also..aMr. Charges H. Hones and mon, who succeeds mein busi spent three days last week with his Igan.Monday. will we our trust late readers Mrs. Julian J. Fleetwood of Detroit ness. Mr. Fred Plemmons and Mrs. and daughter, Mrs. J. R. Evins. understand and pardon us. We Mich., all were recent visitors of Mr. OPTOMETRIST Respectfully yours, Mrs. Tennie Jones spent the day family of West Virginia are visiting understand the current has and Mrs. Barrow Fleetwood of near ' Eye Strain Specialist C. A. REDMON. Monday with her brother, J. R. Ev Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Cook of Dew Drop. been affected more or less by Mars Hill. These eastern Carolina Mrs. Laura RunniOn of Kingsport, ins. power rain. of The lack 54 Pat Ave. the Opp. Postofflce have been touring Western The Paving Co. are getting along Tennessee is visiting at the home of plants which are usually run by people Carolina willing, to are c and ASHEVELLE,; N. C. North it.-.:; Mr. Harl Sams. l fine with the road, They ,have one water power have Lvouch for the truth of any statement preaching White Rock is paved mile There now. at or more led to shift to stearic power. that may be made m praise of'th Rev. 'Curtis King and Rev. W. T. church every night. Rev. Dr. Hum ed to Marshall Wednesday. The changes have caused, some beauties of Western North Carolina. By' an virtue 6f rderdirectr Bradley are conducting a protracted phrey of Buffalo, N. Y., is doing the Viola Myers, Priscilla Treadway, delays. You see we depend ed to the undersigned; f by the meeting at Morgan Hill Baptist preaching. Mr. and Mrs. Benjomin Lucille Ramsey, Carl Myers and Law Five of the above party, were on the rains for more than peo predated visitors at the office of the Judge the Superior Court of Church and it ii hoped they will have Stewart from Rock Fork, Tenn. rence Treadway attended Sunday ple usually think and the ..presMr. and Madison County I will on the Friday. last school on Paint Creek, Tenn., Sun have charge of the music ent drought may helr people Mrs. J. J. Fleetwood and family were 19th day of September,. 1925 a' great revival. , day. They have a fine Sunday school "Mrs. J. R. Evins and children, and to appreciate our usual rain- to been who has Mrs. Carter, Bonnie return to their home at Hertford sell for cash' at the Courtjhouse. Mrs. J. P. Jones motored to Asheville there. Thursday died some time sick fall. for ' Monday. door to the highest bidder toe Labor Day. Mr. G. C. Myers is getting along fine following aytonjobiles captured Mr. Earl Biickner spent Monday might at the home of Pink Franklin with his sawmill and logging work on TREES DYING .'She was buried Friday morning at in the illicit transportation of night at J. R. Evins'. From LUCK Wolfe Creek. One of the most distressing cemetery. Cutshall the i whiskey j Mr. Maskey M. Smith, who is run results of this long Continued We have been having a good many The sixth, seventh, and eighth One Studeoaker splendid Sunday Schools were The many ning the concrete tnixer for the Stev. grades gave a very interesting pro forest fires in this section. so is drought the fact that Sunday, though the attendance was Motor Np. E, K. 16959 ens Constructing Cd., spent Saturday gram Friday afternoon. of the beautiful tree&x-of-hd Best wishes to and its Chalmers Mo smaller than common,, due One Sdntewhat fading a Way and mountains are readers. Mr. Charlie Gunter is holding a tor No. 234. dying for want of moisture. SERVICE TAXI Mo meeting at Dew Drop. One Chalmers week's thg we understand that And YOUR HAVE tor No. Miss Roxie Tweed and Mr. Bartley 20416. fatsSj thejf fading is final and Telephone 59 Bros. Dodge' One Gentry were out car riding Sunday live agaist"WeW never ' will ' Good Cart, Careful Drivers afternoon. Motor No. 728129. corn or cotton or tofiacCo fait AND THE PRICE IS RIGHT No. One Motor Roadster Ford in one year, we havefhpiS; ' Drive It oars by the "You 371714. Any physician will tell you that tnat tne next year mese crops or, Mile. : If I give you Hour Coupe No. .Dodge One Motor SAMS A. Purification of the Sys 'Perfect may be abundant. But the 769-01satisfaction, tell your friends PROMPT SERVICE tem is Nature's foundation of ee one of God's mostbeauti-fu- l One Ford Coupe Motor No. LISENBEE BROS Perfect Health." "Why not rid PRICES REASONABLE and useful creations re that at Lisenbee'e Jewelry Shop Physician and Surgeon yourself of quires so many years" to grow. The very best of workmanship 10174192. li.l!x i This September 8th, 1925. your are viuuiiy move nnaernuninff can and mankind Animals Office Front Room Over Purify your entire system by tak W. C RECTOR, Sheriff, around to where water is flow- . FRISBY STUDIO County, IN Caro C. North Madison MEMORY OF ing a thorough course of Calotabs, C ing and obtain relief.- but the Citizen Bank. GRAHAM once or twice a week for several poor tree is stationary. Live Next door to Watt Farnitare Co. lina. Out Seot. 18. 1925. weeks and see how Nature : Saturday morning, August 29, L825 From PAINT ROCK wards- you with health. Guaranteed hosiery, samples your,God fa Hia fc"lory, saw fit to take from Calotabs are the greatest of all Mr. and Mrs. John Ward and fam system purifiers. Get a family size free to airenta. Write for no-- 1 our mwst Mr. Canle Uraham of sition paying $75.00 weekly full time. jlWoodfin,"N. C, former resident of ily motored last week from a visit '. package, containing full direc' tions, price 35 cts. t trial package, $1.60 an hour spare time, selling Piney Grove section Mr. Graham relatives in Greene County, Tenn. ' V" member rpf. Piney Grove guaranteed hosier to wearer most iJ)came Miss Maude Cooper has returned to 10 eta. At any drug store. (Ad.) 'V ' ... wear or replaced free. Quick sales, IChurch about five years ago. vLater her home in Runnion, N. C, after MFC. COMPANY PRODUCTS rd ill n News-Recor- -- ! - o . been-compe- J ! : . , ! . ' ' News-Reco- rd - to-wi- t:? ! . e, News-Recor- . Renew Your Health i V PTfTIIRES i ' k by Purification MADE 4. 1 chronic-ailment- s a f as - - .'. ' i , wooannr ana also moved visiting Mr. and Mrs, Ralph- - Cooper mosea repeat, orders. IfJTERNATIOlCAL,11 ' , memoerwiip to French for a- short whiter-- STOCKING MILLS, 5781 Norristown, nl thxu ... Jroaa Baptist wiurcn. Pa. . Mrs. B. Y. Owensby went to Knox- . , I Since Mr. Graham became a Christ- - vllle, Tenn., Monday with Miss Violet ;., r jian he was ever ready to work far. his Owensby,' who is on her way-tHar- Saytor. ; He. wasjtrue and honest, to hrimoa, Tenni, to. attend school. FOR 1AI P I4nna fellow menrV devoted father awl riSrrmtstlKtst Ms wife and smaH: ' ; .v. LOt - . ausband. . yisttini; HMrsjHenryi: r One. mileEastof, Marshall j We feel our loss is bis eternal gain. daphter.Aerc PURE MILK - e , i.-- 'f K)R twfNTV Vears the fm STANDARD OF QUALITY ""atrriT. Rollint -v I s : mt an4 TT;V is ' bungalo'- - with new, ppt , Jlb-o- ot vellar-buQdii- - a- 4 ig te-li- a. T '. -- ianrvivinhlm are' 6s!e Mausrhterl infant ITS'veara. Ana aiee " ran r i tt n r pj;rH4: van, sclwoua, - Terms Mr1: land Mrs. Ralph Cooner and 4 ,V " tathydes to . V d , :!, Vr imtraiia. Miss DoirotBy Ramsey mo- three brothers, ;one sister, and host tortdtorBunnion Sunday with'Mtes: acrje. of relatives, and friendft-i- Our' sym- - Cooperf They returned Sunday aft- opt ones. r conveniences, an be arranged. , . . 'more. You and your children are not safe unless you know that you are using pure milk. " Ouf.milk ia guaranteed to .r ' m-f:'- : ON SALE BY BUILDEDS SUPPjL MARSHALL,' CpIilP ; NC. J. MORGAN RAMSEY, Manager. '." - .il' :.' mm WANTED A Hired Girl to do general house work. DPw ... v W. A. SAMS Marshall, N. C ; be. pure, fresh and free from any adulteration. Sweet milk Cream, Buttermilk, Sour milk and Butter on applteaUoa. .KK1U BROTHERS Marshall, N. Mr. AriiMM. B..YGwensbvmoto C MRS. POLLY ROUERTS DEAD ' 'Mrs. tolly 'Boberta, "age 8V died September 4, 192S about 8:60 o' clock A. M having been sick about four months., The funeral was, at 10 o'clock September 5 conducted by Rev, Everett Sprjnkle, interment fol 1 lowing, in Crooked : Ridge , .eemetery. The pallbearers were Messrs. C A. 3 Worlev. Clin Clark. Franklin Buck- ner. She is survived by two brothers and three sons as foDows: ' W, H. Roberts, S. C Roberts" and Nelson Roberts. She lived with one of her r i vo- give mnuj sons, wn wisnes neighbors his lor tnen" and friends to of her illness, t f ;:fanp in th tt-- ' n -- ' ' f THE AUTO LUNCH Motor adjolalag Haadatoa CV kas t. Gaod thiaga cheated: saaamg to aat, aaaitary canditiona aad preaapt arrica la th Watchword. . Whea thiraty call them. v! hansTT j If you drink milk, why not drink the best? It costs no . k a- lit i t - THE SANITARY LUNCH ROOM HOT SPRINGS, N. C. MRS. ERNIA McFARLAND, -. .i Proprietress f v ,
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