westernnews.ca Student finds success in the kitchen and beyond with @CollegeCookin | story // page 12 Western community to drive into carpool program B Y A D E L A TA L B O T IMAGINE HAVING YOUR own reserved parking space in a lot of your choice on campus. It’s yours – that is, if you choose to carpool with a campus colleague or two, on your way to work. The reserved parking space is just one incentive offered through a new carpool program at Western, aiming to support environmentally and economically feasible means of transportation. While Western did previously offer a carpool program for staff, faculty and students, it wasn’t widely used, said Beverley Ayeni, Western’s sustainability manager. “The old program was limited, and just didn’t work logistically for everyone. Our new program is much more robust. We took to looking into the London community to see what other great programs were going on, and we catered this new program to meet the needs of the Western community,” she said. “We have a better understanding of our staff, faculty and students and there are some great benefits available now.” The three key incentives offered to members of the Western community through the new carpool program are: • A reserved parking space, chosen by a carpool group, in a lot accessible with a current pass and transponder; • A guaranteed ride home, offered to registered carpool members in the event of an emergency, including a limited refund for taxi fare; and • Four complimentary parking vouchers, per term, offered to each registered carpool member as a one-day parking pass. Here’s how it works: As you prepare to renew your parking permit for the following term, consider forming a carpool. To get the benefits of the new program, you must be carpooling with other members of the Western community, Ayeni noted. To register, first sign up as a carpooler with the City of London via uwo.regionalrideshare.ca. Western doesn’t have its own carpool database, so this is the best way to find someone else heading to Western. You are also able to pick a colleague of your own, though you still need to register with the city, Ayeni added. The program is open to staff, faculty and students at Western. Carpool groups must include two or more members. Interested groups JUMP IN THE ’POOL need to then schedule an appointment with Parking & Visitor Services by either visiting the office in person (Support Services Building 4150) or emailing [email protected]. Once the carpool group is formed, only one transponder will be used for that group. So, if there are three people in the group, two will have to return their transponders. But, that means the cost of the transponder is split three ways. CARPOOL // CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 To learn more about or sign up for Western’s new carpool program, visit the Parking & Visitor Services website, uwo.ca/parking. Western’s newspaper of record since 1972 ILLUSTRATION BY FRANK NEUFELD May 21, 2015 / Vol. 51 No. 17 PM 41195534 2 Western News | May 21, 2015 upload your photos Coming Events MAY 21-JUNE 3 22 // FRIDAY MCINTOSH GALLERY Janice Gurney: All the Spaces. Curated by Julian Haladyn. mcintoshgallery. ca. Runs until June 27. Opening reception at 5 p.m. THE DEPARTMENT OF MODERN LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES La Tertulia. Anyone wishing to speak Spanish and meet people from different Spanish-speaking countries is welcome. Email [email protected]. 4:30 p.m. StvH 3101. DR. MAUD L. MENTEN MEMORIAL SPRING SYMPOSIUM Stefan Knapp, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK. Selective Targeting of Epigenetic Effector Domains of the Bromodomain Family in Cancer. Contact [email protected] for details. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. DSB 1002. BIOMEDICAL IMAGING RESEARCH CENTRE AND ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY SOCIETY SEMINAR Brian Rutt, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, Calif. Ultra High Field MRI at Stanford. 5:30 p.m. LHSC-UH, Auditorium A. 26 // TUESDAY 28 // THURSDAY CAMPUS GARDEN TOURS A lunch-hour tour of our award-winning campus grounds given by horticultural experts from Western’s Facilities Management team. Open to all faculty, staff and students looking to learn more about what makes Western Canada’s most beautiful campus. Contact [email protected]. 12:05-12:50 p.m. SSB lobby. FACULTY OF EDUCATION’S RESEARCH OFFICE Icy Lee, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Feedback in L2 writing: Issues, challenges and future directions. RSVP to [email protected]. 3 p.m. FEB 1139. ONCOLOGY GRAND ROUNDS Todd Stevens, London Regional Cancer Program. The expanding role of MRI in Radiotherapy. 12-1 p.m. 790 Commissioners Rd. E., Rooms A3-924A/B. CAMPUS GARDEN TOURS A lunch-hour tour of our award-win- 27 // WEDNESDAY TOASTMASTER’S CAMPUS COMMUNICATORS Build your confidence in public speaking. Visit 9119.toastmastersclubs.org/. Contact Donna Moore at dmoore@ uwo.ca or 85159. 12-1 p.m. UCC 147B. 2 // TUESDAY tag with #westernu ning campus grounds given by horticultural experts from Western’s Facilities Management team. Open to all faculty, staff and students looking to learn more about what makes Western Canada’s most beautiful campus. Contact [email protected]. 12:05-12:50 p.m. SSB lobby. 3 // WEDNESDAY VISITING SPEAKER IN CHEMISTRY Jesse Greener, Université Laval, Québec. Multimodal, In Situ Characterization of Flow-templated Biofilms: New Opportunities for Development of Natural Catalytic Materials. Visit uwo. ca/chem/about_us/seminars/index. htm. 1:30 p.m. CB Room 9. SCHULICH DRUG THERAPY DAY For more info and to register visit: uwoclinpharm.ca/. Lamplighter Inn, 591 Wellington Rd. TOASTMASTER’S CAMPUS COMMUNICATORS Build your confidence in public speaking. Visit 9119.toastmastersclubs.org/. Contact Donna Moore at dmoore@ uwo.ca or 85159. 12-1 p.m. UCC 147B. THE DEPARTMENT OF MODERN LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES La Tertulia. Anyone wishing to speak Spanish and meet people from different Spanish-speaking countries is welcome. Email [email protected]. 4:30 p.m. StvH 3101. @westernuniversity Have an event? Let us know. E-mail: [email protected] Fusion Sushi, and now featuring fresh Osysters & Izakaya Bar. Visit our newly renovated second level that offers Japanese night life in Downtown London. See our 1/2 price coupon in the Western Student Guide. T. JOHN BRANTON CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER Your investment portfolios are only one component of your financial plan John is a fourth generation Londoner, Western graduate, active alumni and has provided trusted wealth management services to Western faculty and staff since 1984. For a personal consultation to discuss the benefits of independent financial advice, call 519-204-4647 607 Richmond Street (at Central) dine in & take out 519.642.2558 Announcement from the Office of the Vice-Provost (Academic Planning, Policy and Faculty) INTERDISCIPLINARY INITIATIVES PROGRAM ROUND 5 CALL FOR PROPOSALS flickr.com/groups/western/ THE DEPARTMENT OF MODERN LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES La Tertulia. Anyone wishing to speak Spanish and meet people from different Spanish-speaking countries is welcome. Email [email protected]. 4:30 p.m. StvH 3101. www.gibbonsparkmontessori.com # For information or a personal tour, call 519- 660-8731 or email: gibbonsparkmontessori @hotmail.com Gibbons Park Montessori School • Unique Parkland Location • Toddler and Preschool • Elementary • Daily French Classes • Extended hrs • SUMMER CAMP In the recently approved 2015-16 University budget a fund of $4 million is established in support of the Interdisciplinary Initiatives Program, to be expended over the 2015-16 through 2018-19 four-year budget planning period. Up to $1 million will be allocated in 2015-16. The Interdisciplinary Initiatives Program provides up to three years of seed funding for projects that support graduate education, undergraduate education, and research, and involve interdisciplinary collaborations that cross Department, School or Faculty boundaries. Proposals for projects may be submitted by faculty members via the Deans of the Departments, Schools or Faculties that would host the project. Details of the program, deadlines and forms for submission of proposals, and a summary of the adjudication criteria and procedure can be found at: uwo.ca/facultyrelations/idi/interdisciplinary_ development_initiatives.html Western News | May 21, 2015 3 On Campus Chakma to Senate: Listening tour to continue into fall B Y PA U L M AY N E WESTERN PRESIDENT AMIT Chakma said his initial meetings with groups and individuals, part of his listening tour to engage the campus community, have been filled with “tone and substance” and he remains “very optimistic” about the ability to resolve the challenges facing the university. “I feel energized because of the level of engagement – not necessarily because of the concrete ideas we have been able to come up with, but with the level of engagement, which is very, very rewarding to me personally,” Chakma told university Senate members May 8. “When I announced the 100-day plan, the intent was to focus my attention on the next several months. The feedback I got was that it (timetable) would not be sufficient. I accept that. So, this consultation process will continue well into the fall and beyond. In fact, some of it should be ongoing.” At the end of the initial 100-day period, Chakma will report back to Senate in July with ideas related to how to move forward, and, hopefully, offer concrete action items that need to be dealt with quickly. The president also said a review of senior salaries will be undertaken as soon as the Goudge Review is complete. On April 1, Western’s Board of Governors announced an “independent and impartial review of the university’s presidential compensation practices,” led by Stephen T. Goudge, former Justice of the Court of Appeal of Ontario. Chakma said the review is anticipated to take at least 90 days. “Once we launch that, I will advise (Senate) and the results will be made public,” he said. Alison Hearn, University of Western Ontario Faculty Association (UWOFA) president, said a review of senior salaries is a positive step, but one which may be better served externally. “Trust takes time to rebuild. I think an independent review would be more likely to garner the support of the majority of, at least, UWOFA’s members, rather than an internal review,” she told Senate. “Not to say that an internal review can’t happen.” During his Listening Tour, Chakma also heard requests for a stronger presence from Senate members and its committees. “What this consultation process revealed is, we have not used our Senate committees as effectively as we could have,” he said. “We clearly do lots of good work, but perhaps there are other opportunities for us to make broader use of those committees. I would like our Senate committees to engage in a dialogue as to what more might be done.” Chakma offered a few suggestions to get the conversation started. “Take the budget issue. Hindsight is always 20/20, as you reflect on what it is we have done well and what it is we have not done well,” he said. “Maybe what we do is keep SCUP (Senate Committee on University Planning) in the loop, and bring the budget development process to its attention, on a more frequent basis. There are opportunities for engagement with SCUP and I hope that will be a positive step we can take. “We can’t change budget models overnight, but it doesn’t mean we can’t improve what we do along the way.” Chakma added there are opportunities to engage the university research board more broadly in various activities and, on the academic side, work on the challenges in supporting more interdisciplinary initiatives. “We are impressed with the various initiatives underway at Western. The list is very impressive, but there is a desire to do more. One can always do better,” he said. “These are areas where collective reflection and decision-making are required to remove some of these barriers that exist at faculty levels or at administrative levels.” Other topics discussed included Senate make-up, in particular the over-representation of administration. “I believe in Senate, possibly more than I believe in the union,” Hearn said. “The Senate is the governing body of the academic mission of this university and its needs to be enlivened and lively, and have lively debates, and one of the major concerns I’ve heard from members is it tends to, in its makeup, over represent administration, associate deans and deans. It’s felt too many of those are placed in a conflict between their administrative obligations and, possibly, their obligations to their col- PAUL MAYNE // WESTERN NEWS FILE PHOTO Western President Amit Chakma plans to report back to university Senate in July with ideas related to how to move forward as a united institution, and offer concrete action items that need to be dealt with quickly. leagues and to the faculty at large.” Chakma said while some on campus want immediate results, he cautions any substantive changes will take a collective effort and won’t be instant. “One thing I’ve learned, in spite of your good intentions and good will, it is dangerous for you to come too quickly to a conclusion on anything,” he said. “The key message is it is a work in progress.” “Trust takes time to rebuild. I think an independent review would be more likely to garner the support of the majority of, at least, UWOFA’s members, rather than an internal review.” - Alison Hearn 710 Adelaide Street N., just south of Oxford St. 4 Western News | May 21, 2015 Letters to the Editor // Proposing a solution to suffering from ‘other’ Western News (ISSNO3168654), a publication of Western University’s Department of Communications and Public Affairs, is published every Thursday throughout the school year and operates under a reduced schedule during December, May, June, July and August. An award-winning weekly newspaper and electronic news service, Western News serves as the university’s newspaper of record. The publication traces its roots to The University of Western Ontario Newsletter, a onepage leaflet-style publication which debuted on Sept. 23, 1965. The first issue of the Western News, under founding editor Alan Johnston, was published on Nov. 16, 1972 replacing the UWO Times and Western Times. Today, Western News continues to provide timely news, information and a forum for discussion of postsecondary issues in the campus and broader community. WE STERN NEWS WesternNews.ca Westminster Hall, Suite 360 Western University London, ON N6A 3K7 Telephone 519 661-2045 Fax 519 661-3921 PUBLISHER Helen Connell [email protected], 519 661-2111 Ext. 85469 EDITOR Jason Winders [email protected], 519 661-2111 Ext. 85465 R E P O RT E R / P H O T O G R A P H E R Paul Mayne [email protected], 519 661-2111 Ext. 85463 R E P O RT E R / P H O T O G R A P H E R Adela Talbot [email protected], 519 661-2111 Ext. 85464 PROD U C TION DESIGNER Frank Neufeld [email protected], 519 661-2111 Ext. 89334 A D V E RT I S I N G C O O R D I NAT O R , O N - C A M P U S A D V E RT I S I N G Denise Jones [email protected], [email protected] 519 661-2111 Ext. 82045 O F F C A M P U S A D V E RT I S I N G Chris Amyot, Campus Ad [email protected], 519 434-9990 P O S TA L R E C O V E RY $50 Canada, $65 United States, $85 Other POST OFFICE Please do not forward. Return to Western News, Western University, London, Ontario N6A 3K7 with new address when possible. “Our objective is to report events as objectively as possible, without bias or editorial comment. We hope you will read it and contribute to it.” – L.T. Moore, University Relations and Information director, Nov. 16, 1972 I would like to add my congratulations to Western News for the stance adopted in reporting the recent controversy – it was well balanced (“Reporting has lived up to ‘delicate challenge,’” Western News, May 7). Since the tradition of publishing letters somewhat critical of administrative practices at Western seems to be in good health, I would like to raise an issue concerning our interpretation of Ontario’s Privacy Act. As a course coordinator, I receive web-based requests to acknowledge students’ academic accommodations for class attendance, exams, etc. These have already been granted by academic counselors and my task is merely to indicate I understand this. The categories which I am permitted to know are the student has been granted accommodation for “religious, medical or other” reasons. When so informed, my task is to click a button indicating that “OK, I understand” or “I have concerns.” One is then left with the Kafkaesque decision to “understand” that a student is suffering from “other.” Recently, I received this exact communication and decided to not “understand” and I pursued a telephone enquiry expressing my concern since the logic is entirely opaque. I was handed up the telephone hierarchy until someone, finally, agreed to inform me the matter was one of compassion and I was, of course, immediately satisfied with the rationale for the accommodation. How much better then if the three choices might be “religious, medical or compassionate” and leave “other” by the wayside where it belongs. In the spirit of complete privacy, and having suffered from “other” for many years, I ask that this be published over my nom-de-plume. MICHAEL COOK PROFESSOR EMERITUS PHYSIOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY // Some more big ideas on Big Ideas I wish to broaden the philosophical landscape sketched by the authors in the Big Ideas special issue (Western News, May 7). Probably the most important thing to understand about philosophy is its remarkably unique character as a discipline because of its absence of ‘common ground’ – which actually defines the fields of science and the humanities. Since philosophy deals in foundations, the very roots of all human ideas, philosophy must be perspective; there is nothing that all philosophers need to commonly accept to ‘do philosophy,’ even the idea of truth itself. For instance, the opening article (“Better we understand science, better we understand ourselves,” Western News, May 7) makes a ‘common ground’ claim when the author says the world is “not a human creation.” Many subjectivists disagree, especially those who borrow from Immanuel Kant’s epistemology. For example, most people believe that human beings hold bias in how they perceive the world, including that we see the world through human faculties (our eyes, for one), and organize perception data via human consciousness. While many philosophers wrestle with Kant’s dictum of whether we can know anything ‘in itself,’ the more pertinent question is whether this matters, whether this ‘human perception’ of the world limits us in any way. Since we know about the bias, can we not account for this bias? Success or failure in this can be determined by how predictive we can be in our actions in reality – can we consistently build successful bridges, or will we reach a limit and become victims of an unknowable, malevolent force? Some of the articles (“Placing a proper value on parenting” and “Engaging in debate over future food systems,” Western News, May 7) fail to account for their political roots. For instance, Parenting does not ask whether procreation or children should be political footballs, but assumes this political stance as ‘common ground.’ The more essential question is the nature of our rights: If they are granted by the government, then we all are subjects to the state. The alternative is a natural rights view, where individuals are sovereign at birth, and when forming together, grant a government certain duties. In the latter political framework, the question addressed in Food systems is not an issue, because human beings are not assumed to be political pawns. The issues in food are similarly sourced, not in a metaphysical sense of just ‘how food is,’ but rather are contingent on already present political regulations governing food. Therefore, we cannot hope to understand political issues unless we delve closer to the roots of the operating political framework. Indeed, it may even lead us to ask whether social issues are not simply the product of the very political system we assume; philosophy must delve deeper and reveal these assumptions and refrain from the stasis on thought imposed by our ‘common grounding.’ Another article (“Tiny, happy people faring well, Western News, May 7) asks whether a concept of happiness (or faring well) can be attributed to children in response to Aristotle who took the contrary view. However, the position given to Aristotle is unfair and not his own. Aristotle believed children could not ‘flourish’ because they could not be willingly virtuous nor moral actors, both requirements of an Aristotelian wellbeing. Aristotle was not speaking of the biological issue of being healthy or feeling well, he was speaking ethically, more generally, in terms of a person’s satisfaction with their being. Medicine already provides what the author is seeking in terms of a child’s health or psychological contentment implicit in being “satisfied with one’s life,” but how would such an introspective question be answerable by a child? What one needs is mindful awareness of experiences in action and the agency and knowledge of alternative reactions to answer it? For the article on mental illness (“Knowing yourself – and your mental state – in new ways, Western News, May 7), I only wish to echo its main thesis: Our conceptual frameworks matter, always and forever true. To determine mental illness requires an organization of proper and improper behavior, but even more importantly, how this is determined. For instance, a subjectivist conceptual framework would make ‘society’ an arbiter of behaviour, attributing deviations from a ‘code of living’ as mental illness (or sin as has been historically ubiquitous). An objectivist framework would ground mental illness in the individual’s success in perceiving and thus surviving in what is commonly experienced in reality, physical and social. Is mental health merely a medical phenomenon, or does it also include proportioned agency and thus morality (choice)? ANDREW D. COLGAN PHD CANDIDATE, EDUCATION MED, BED, BSC // Presidential presence could answer many questions It’s been a few weeks since the ‘double-payment’ controversy. Those standing by President Chakma, and those clamoring for his resignation, have made their positions well-known. Professors have expressed their opinions; alumni have weighed in. However, one of Chakma’s main constituents has remained relatively silent – students, on the whole, have been relatively mute. Some grad students have expressed their opinions on the pay inequity issue since many grad students are left to live on minimal TA money, whereas the president made nearly a million dollars in 2014. But what about undergrads? As this whole episode unfolded, the timing could not have been worse for student engagement. Most students had more important things to deal with such as final essays, studying for important final exams and completing projects, than coming to conclusions about an issue that, frankly, isn’t proximate to the ‘here and now’ for most students. My general sense of the student stance on this issue was one of shoulder shrugging. Yeah, it’s a university issue, but, really, what can students do to change this situation anyways? See, President Chakma is not a regular presence on campus. He’s admitted as much. My only encounter with the president was when he provided introductory remarks to my Convocation ceremony. Other than that, for the ordinary student, the president is out of sight and out of mind. So, while some might think a lack of student engagement with an issue of such magnitude may be sad, I would turn that sentiment around. It’s sad the president has such a meager presence on campus that issues regarding his pay seem inaccessible to the ordinary student. I know I had opinions about the president’s pay, but when you feel like the issue is from another world, the question of how to engage with the issue becomes a daunting one. It has disheartened me that students seemed disinterested, disengaged and, generally, ambivalent to the president’s double dip. Yet, students are the life-blood of this university. Always has been. Always will be. As students, all we ask are transparency and responsible decisions from the leaders at Western. In this situation, smart people green-lit this contract and a very irresponsible decision. This type of a contractual option was not going to be well-received. At the least, the president could have pre-empted the university population about this option in his contract, and stated the reasons why he was going to exercise this option. So, with four more years on his contract, will the next few years resemble an awkward spousal relationship in which neither spouse really likes each other anymore but are ‘staying in it for the kids’? Or, will things change and the president will engage more in internal issues. In the aftermath of this whole episode, the president has organized town halls – what else will the president do to ensure that he engages student’s at the institution that employs him? How will the ordinary student’s experience be changed by the president taking a more active role in the internal affairs? President Chakma, the ball is in your court. JOHN PETRELLA JD CANDIDATE, WESTERN LAW BA’13, MA’14 Opinions expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of or receive endorsement from Western News or Western University. Western News | May 21, 2015 5 Commentary Taking learning outside the classroom Editor’s note: This story first appeared in spring 2015 edition of Reflections, The Teaching Support Centre newsletter. It is reprinted here with permission of the author. WHEN YOU THINK about the most important learning experiences of your life, where did they take place? Were they in a traditional classroom setting? Did they happen when you were sitting in a library pouring over a journal article? My guess is your most pivotal learning occurred outside the walls of the classroom, and even outside the academy, while you were interacting with your peers, your professors and the community in which you lived. I invite you to imagine a classroom without walls. Imagine a curriculum that allows you to respond to the emerging needs and trends of our society. Imagine inviting experts outside the Western Gates to bridge academic theory with practice. Imagine designing a course where students are able to simultaneously obtain knowledge, build transferable skills and develop a keen sense of civic engagement. This is community engaged learning (CEL), and The Student Success Centre at Western is ready to assist faculty members, as well as faculties, departments and units, in integrating this innovative approach into their current teaching activities. Through community engaged learning experiences at Western, students in a Psychology course have helped addictions recovery organizations manage a strategy for wait lists. Students in a Health Studies course created a community-based program that allowed those living with Alzheimer’s (and related dementias) to access music as a direct link to memory. Students in a Political Science course created a seed library to allow Londoners free access to seeds to begin their own home gardens. Students in a Biology course worked on a restoration plan for lands that had ecological complications due to human interventions. Students in a French Studies course worked in community centres in Rwanda teaching sexual health to adolescents. What do these activities have to do with higher education? They may very well be the key to student engagement. How do students respond to community engaged learning? One student said it allowed her to “apply and understand course concepts in a practical way that I would have only been able to see in one dimension in a classroom setting.” Another student described the community engaged learning course as “new and refreshing.” Another valued the opportunity to “gain knowledge SPECIAL TO WESTERN NEWS BY ANNE-MARIE E. FISCHER and experience in the exact area I wish to work in the future.” These are the experiential learning opportunities our students will remember and build upon as they pursue further studies or future career paths. The concept of experiential learning hinges on the idea that learning is not an outcome, but rather a process. David Kolb, one of the originating theorists of experiential learning, suggests ideas are not fixed, and are formed and re-formed through a cycle of experience, reflection and integration. When we look at learning through an experiential lens, we recognize that experience has the power to make us call into question, reconsider or even dispose of ideas or sets of knowledge that we learned in more traditional ways. Concepts are derived from, and continuously modified by, experience. In this sense, experiential learning involves seeing the world as a “testing ground” for academic theories that will allow students to assess first-hand whether a particular idea holds up in society. Contained in Western’s Strategic Plan is a strong emphasis on experiential learning and reaching beyond the campus. Community engaged learning is one way we are able to help move this strategic mission forward, while enhancing the student and faculty experience. Faculty members from all disciplines, who value community engagement and experiential learning, are able to strengthen ties between the community and the university, while mobilizing the vast amount of knowledge that exists in each. Faculty members who teach with community engaged learning report a high degree of engagement with their students, and say they often learn as much from the students’ experiences as the students do from the course content they deliver. Once they have had an opportunity to use community engaged learning, they often look for more ways to use this pedagogy in other courses. They recognize community engaged learning is not an easy endeavour, but with administrative support, delivery of these kinds of learning experiences is possible and quite effective. Since 2009, The Student Success Centre has partnered with more than 30 faculty members from a variety of disciplines to design effective com- munity engaged learning courses. We have worked with almost 200 community organizations who share our passion for helping to educate our future leaders and value the meaningful contributions students make towards the mission of their organization. More than 2,500 students have benefitted from this innovative form of teaching and learning. Our support includes helping faculty to design course syllabi with CEL in mind, identifying community partnerships and projects, facilitating inclass reflections and assisting in the assessment of student learning and community outcomes. Regardless of discipline, we are able to provide customized support for the development of a new course, or the enhancement of existing courses. You are invited to meet with the Experiential Learning Team in The Student Success Centre to explore community engaged learning in your own teaching practice. Together, we can transform learning, contribute to our community, and provide students with meaningful opportunities to ground their learning in real-world experience. Anne-Marie E. Fischer is the community engaged learning coordinator for The Student Success Centre. “The concept of experiential learning hinges on the idea that learning is not an outcome, but rather a process." MAKE A CONNECTION Contact the Experiential Learning Team in The Student Success Centre at [email protected] for more information on incorporating community engaged learning into your work. COMMENTARY POLICY • Western News applies a commentary label to any article written in an author’s voice expressing an opinion. • Western News accepts opinion pieces on research, conference topics, student life and/or international experiences from faculty and staff. Limit is 600 words. • Western News accepts ‘In memoriam’ pieces about recently deceased members of the Western community penned by other members of the Western community. • Western News accepts opinion pieces on current events that showcase research or academic expertise of the author. • Western News accepts letters to the editor. Limit is 250 words maximum, and accepted only from members of the Western community – faculty, staff, students and alumni. Writers may only submit once a semester. • As an academic institution, Western News encourages lively debate, but reserves the right to edit, ask for rewrite or reject any submission, and will outright reject those based on personal attacks or covering subjects too removed from the university community. • Western News will offer rebuttal space on any topic, and may actively pursue a counterpoint to arguments the editor feels would benefit from a dissenting opinion published simultaneously. • All submissions become property of Western News for print and online use in perpetuity. 6 Western News | May 21, 2015 Research #gradlifewesternu Sleep apnea Graduate & Postdoc Studies Students Connect with each other & Western by tagging #gradlifewesternu on Twitter & Instagram cutting lives short, researcher argues B Y PA U L M AY N E PHYSIOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY professor John Ciriello’s research shows pregnant women suffering from sleep apnea may actually be putting their unborn children at risk for metabolic diseases as adults. Sleep apnea is a disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops during rest, thus depriving the body of oxygen. “Normal oxygen levels are around 98 per cent. But that drops down to 90, or even 88, during a period of time for those with sleep apnea,” Ciriello said. “That’s what people don’t seem to understand – those who have sleep apnea, on record, lose about 10 years of their lives because it leads to metabolic disorders, such as high blood pressure. That’s what kills you in the end.” Clinicians must ‘wake up’ and understand that sleep apnea should be considered one of the components in the metabolic syndrome, Ciriello argued. These clusters of conditions (including increased blood pressure, a high blood sugar level, excess body fat around the waist and abnormal cholesterol levels) increase the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. For his study, Ciriello observed female rats and their offspring. The team exposed female rats to intermittent bouts of no oxygen as soon as they became pregnant. The researchers observed the offspring of those rats had higher levels of proteins that encourage the liver to release, and not store, glucose. This suggested reoccurring oxygen deprivation – as the type that occurs in sleep apnea – during pregnancy can cause longterm changes in the offspring’s liver function. “One of the things we’ve been looking at is, what happens over these longer periods of time,” Ciriello said. “What we have shown is they (offspring) become leptin resistant. That is a fat hormone that signals the brain and says ‘I have had enough and don’t eat anymore.’ Over time, the signal doesn’t work anymore, so the leptin doesn’t trigger the brain to say ‘stop.’” The research team has followed the effects into adulthood, noting at 12 weeks old the offspring of mothers exposed to chronic intermittent hypoxia were hyperglycemic (excessive amount of glucose) and hyperinsulinemic (excess levels of insulin). “These adult offspring have a decreased sensitivity to insulin, but have not developed a complete resistance to its signalling effects at this age,” Ciriello said. “This further supports our suggestion that adult offspring of mothers exposed to chronic intermittent hypoxia during gestation are at a higher risk for developing some aspects of the metabolic syndrome, including Type 2 diabetes.” He added, “That was totally unexpected. It was a eureka moment. We did not expect these changes to occur. We thought there might be a slight change at birth, and that things would work themselves out. But that was not the case, because we followed them into adulthood and they’re in bad shape.” Individuals with severe sleep apnea can experience numerous bouts of oxygen deprivation throughout the night, each one a duration of up to 30-40 seconds without breathing. “Just think of holding your breath for about 30 to 40 seconds, say 100 times,” he said, noting in cases such as this a person would require a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) device. “The problem with that is the compliance, where we’ll see in three to six months, the person stops using it. Because you are forcing air in them, people feel they are getting bloated, or their partner doesn’t like the noise.” In mild cases, people can attempt sleep on their sides or use a mouth guard to bring out the jaw line in an attempt to maintain the airway. Ciriello will look further into the effects of sleep apnea, but hopes his initial findings spark awareness of the consequences it can have on children as they grow. “Whenever I talk to physicians, or those who deliver babies, I say ‘Do you ever ask the female if she’s ever suffered from sleep apnea?’ The answer is ‘no.’ It never appears on a form,” he said. “There are a lot of things we are exposed to in the media and we simply tend to blame the most obvious things. Maybe we should be looking at ourselves more closely. We’ve blamed McDonalds all our lives for all the problems we have. Maybe it’s not; maybe it’s as simple as mom not breathing properly during pregnancy.” “That’s what people don’t seem to understand – those who have sleep apnea, on record, lose about 10 years of their lives because it leads to metabolic disorders, such as high blood pressure. That’s what kills you in the end.” - John Ciriello Western News | May 21, 2015 7 PAUL MAYNE // WESTERN NEWS Physiology and Pharmacology professor John Ciriello’s research shows pregnant women suffering from sleep apnea may actually be putting their unborn children at risk for metabolic diseases as adults. NOTICE TO JOIN THE ACADEMIC PROCESSION 305 CONVOCATION - SPRING 2015 th Are you retired or retiring soon? Find out all your options. Spring Convocation takes place Tuesday, June 9 to Friday, June 12 and Monday, June 15 to Wednesday, June 17 with ceremonies at 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Contact Robert (Rob) Michaud, PFP, Financial Planner today. Members of Faculty, Senate, the Board of Governors and Emeritus/a Professors/ Archivists/Librarians are invited to take part in the Academic Procession. Full information on joining the academic procession (including order of ceremony, honorary degree recipients, assembly and regalia) may be found on the Senate Website: uwo.ca/univsec/senate/convocation/index.html 519-494-5017 [email protected] Fully mobile and flexible hours to meet your needs. ‘Serving London & area with sound financial planning.’ Royal Mutual Fund Inc. The Department of Physics and Astronomy invites the campus community to the 2015 Elizabeth Laird Memorial Lecture Dr. Olga Popova Institute for Dynamics of Geospheres Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow “The Chelyabinsk Meteoroid Entry and Airburst Damage” Public Lecture / All are Welcome 4:30 p.m., Wed., 27th May 2015 Physics and Astronomy Bldg, Room 106 Reception to follow in PAB atrium 8 Western News | May 21, 2015 Research Kidney transplant survival could benefit from unexpected source B Y PA U L M AY N E A COLOURLESS, ODOURLESS and toxic gas to humans may hold a rather counter-intuitive key to extending the lives of kidney transplant recipients, Western researchers say. Kidney disease strikes 2.6 million Canadians, with an average of 16 people per day experiencing kidney failure of some sort. Despite improvements in immunosuppressive therapy, the long-term survival of kidney transplant patients has not increased dramatically over the past decade. “More than 95 per cent of kidney transplants are successful through the first year. But overall survival over time hasn’t changed too much,” said Patrick Luke, a Surgery professor in the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry. “I tell people, for a deceased donor kidney, it would be between 11-15 years as an average. We’d like to see this become 20 or 25 years.” Luke, along with research associate Rabindra Bhattacharjee and others at the Matthew Mailing Centre for Translational Transplant Studies, are pioneering a unique treatment using carbon monoxide-releasing molecules (CORM) in an attempt to meet that aggressive target. The researchers are part of a $10 million Canadian National Transplant Research Program project, the first in the world to unite the solid organ transplant, bone marrow transplant and donation/critical care research communities together. More than 100 researchers and 86 collaborators at 13 centres and universities in nine provinces are coming together over six nationwide research projects to improve clinical outcomes for transplant recipients. Luke and Bhattacharjee also have a Physicians’ Services Incorporated Foundation grant ($169,000) to assist their research. Normally, when you breathe carbon monoxide, the gas enters the lungs and binds to the hemoglobin in the red blood cells. As the level of carbon monoxide increases, the amount of oxygen the blood carries to the body’s cells decreases, leading to oxygen starvation. However, in a lab setting, treating kidneys with a synthesized form of carbon monoxide, CORM, has improved kidney transplant function and survival when added directly to the kidney storage solution prior to transplantation. At the time of the transplant, CORM is no longer present – thanks to its short half life – which means no danger to the patient. Kidney transplant patient survival is mostly dependent upon the damage that occurs during kidney removal from the donor and prolonged preservation in a cold solution, Bhattacharjee said. “Lack of blood supply during the entire transplantation processes deprives the kidney from getting oxygen, which provokes inflammation in this organ,” he said. “In small animal models, we have shown CORM improves kidney function and survival when given to the kidney donor or when added directly to the kidney storage solution.” CORM acts as an anti-inflammatory. It dilates the blood vessels and prevents the death of cells. Luke believes this could also lead to the reduction of toxic immunosuppressive drug use required for transplant patients. “The point of all these studies is to set up the immune system so that when we do the transplants, we are going to condition these kidneys in a way that the immune system doesn’t attack it (kidney) and take years off it at the outset,” Luke said. He noted more than 4,500 Canadians are waiting for an organ transplant. As less than 50 per cent of those people will receive an organ, three die each day while waiting for an organ. For Bhattacharjee – who called working with Luke “wonderful ground to grow my plant” – he sees no issues to keep this idea from the bedside in the near future. Western is currently approving its human ethics protocol. “The good thing with CORM and kidney preservation is we are not directly treating the patient, but the kidneys after donation,” he said. “If CORM works positively in kidney preservation, it would work equally for other organs, too.” At the one-year mark of transplantation, if a biopsy was done, you could expect to see 40 to 60 per cent showing interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy, or abnormalities in the kidney’s function, Luke added. “With this early treatment, we are trying to set up for success 10, 15, 20 years down the road, so we don’t have to re-transplant. If we are able to condition them with something like carbon monoxide, and prevent the immune system from being revved up, and reduce inflammation, I think that is exciting.” Working on this for almost a decade, Luke has looked at this at the cellular level, in small animals, large animals and now has grant proposals written to bring his research to humans. “I don’t want to cure any mice,” Luke said, noting success in humans could come as soon as five years. “The ultimate goal is to create the best situation for patients. If I could do one thing in my lifetime that changes the practice of medicine, if I can say we’ve done this, that every one getting a kidney transplant will use this method, that’s so exciting.” PAUL MAYNE // WESTERN NEWS Department of Surgery research associate Rabindra Bhattacharjee, front, and professor Patrick Luke are part of team working toward extending the life of kidney transplants through the use of carbon monoxide-releasing molecules. SPECIAL TO WESTERN NEWS After 14 hours, in cold solution, the kidney on the right produced 1.5 litres of urine over six hours, compared to the untreated kidney on the left, which produced just 400 ml. Western News | May 21, 2015 9 Student Life Student-engineered ‘smart implant’ may save money, relieve pain B Y A D E L A TA L B O T IT’S PAINFUL, INCONVENIENT and costly. But if detected early, implant loosening – the slight movement of a newly replaced hip – can be dealt with, without the need for a major follow-up surgery, according to a group of Western students. Roughly half a million patients undergo a hip replacement surgery each year in North America. Of those patients, about 5 per cent – or 25,000 – will experience implant loosening and require a follow-up hip surgery because of resultant bone weakening. “The implant becomes loose, and sometimes, there’s not always symptoms associated with this. It’s called ‘aseptic loosening,’ which happens without an infection so you don’t know (it’s moved) until it’s too late, until it starts wearing down the bone,” said Jolien Van Gaalen, an Engineering student studying mechatronic systems. “The patient goes in, and maybe is experiencing pain at this point. The patient would have to get a scan that is not widely available and at that point you can already have permanent SPECIAL TO WESTERN NEWS Engineering students, from left, Hilary Luo, Mofeed Sawan, Peter Nielsen and Jolien Van Gaalen invented a sensor that can detect implant loosening following hip replacement surgery. Their implant design took the top prize in the Western Engineering Competition earlier this year and the group placed third in a provincial conference. damage to the bone,” she continued. Currently, there are only four places in Canada equipped to do the type of scan that could detect implant loosening – a shift that occurs on a scale of micrometers. The scan isn’t just widely unavailable – it’s also incredibly costly. But Van Gaalen, along with three other Engineering students, has helped design a potential solution, engineering a smart implant that could detect loosening early on. The smart implant can wirelessly transfer data to a medical centre, requiring a visit to a local doctor and only a minimally invasive procedure to fix the problem. Van Gaalen worked on the project with Hilary Luo, Mofeed Sawan and Peter Nielsen, while Robarts Research Institute researcher David Holdsworth supervised. Their implant design took top prize in the Western Engineering Competition earlier this year and the group placed third in a provincial conference. “This method can detect early on when there is loosening, so patients can do a minor revisional surgery. The patient doesn’t need to have to leave their home because the data can be transferred to a cloud and the doctor can look at that,” Van Gaalen said. “We wanted to do something with sensorized implants because that’s something that’s big, and coming up in the future. We had a lot of 3D-printing technology we could use to our advantage at Robarts,” Nielsen said. “We were thinking maybe we could try and make (detecting the implant loosening) cheaper with something more along the lines of embedded technology. We were talking with orthopedic researchers and we realized nobody had been able to properly create a mechanism of detecting micro loosening,” Sawan added. “We thought there was a huge amount of potential. People said it was impossible – everyone told us we were wasting our time, and we were, until we came up with a solution nobody had thought of before.” Sawan and Nielsen noted their idea is pending a patent and, therefore, cannot discuss the particulars of how the smart hip implant works, although they did say it involves vibration sensors. “The real challenge with it is the loosening of an implant is on a scale of micrometers – less than a 20th of a millimeter. We’ve currently tested at 10 times that scale. We’re still working on refining that system, but right now, what we’ve shown is that our system has the potential to work with those small loosenings,” Nielsen explained. “It’s not something we can put into a person tomorrow, but it has shown promising potential to succeed.” Look for the Spring issue on news stands today! 10 Western News | May 21, 2015 All hands on deck for ‘explosive’ exercise PAUL MAYNE // WESTERN NEWS Campus emergency responders gathered for Harmony 10, Western’s annual emergency exercise, in response to a simulated explosion at Western’s North Substation last Thursday morning. Campus responders involved in the exercise included Campus Community Police Service; Student Emergency Response Team (SERT); Fire Safety and Emergency Management; HazMat Team; Emergency Response Team (ERT); and Emergency Operations Control Group (EOCG). In addition to testing on-site readiness, the exercise included tests of the university’s communication tools, including mass email, homepage, as well as emergency-related messaging on social media and the main telephone switchboard. CARPOOL // CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Between parking passes and gas expenses, it’s much less expensive for group members to park on campus, Ayeni explained. What’s more, given the success of the program, there could be more parking spaces available across campus. Carpooling could easily reduce traffic congestion, she continued. “This is a great way to take part in the climate change challenge,” Ayeni said. “But you also save money, conserve energy and reduce traffic congestion, as well. Ideally, we would like to see people signing up for this, and seeing it as a value and a great way to help our environment.” While carpool groups are required to sign up for a minimum duration of one term at a time, the parking office will consider dissolving a group due to extenuating circumstances, should they come up, Ayeni added. Western News On Campus ‘Tis the season BY JASON WINDERS NOW THAT WE (mostly) have the kids out of the house for a few weeks, let’s get a little work done around here. Construction season is already in full swing on campus, with a number of capital and infrastructure improvements on the slate for summer. A trio of large capital projects is already underway, including the new Music building, scheduled for mid-summer completion with move-in prior to new academic term; Delaware Hall, scheduled to be completed by the new academic term; and the Faculty of Information and Media Studies (FIMS)/Nursing building, scheduled to open in early 2017. Beyond those high-profile projects, Summer 2015 will feature a variety of infrastructure enhancements across the campus, including: Westminster Parking Lot Duration: Three weeks in mid-to-late summer. Features: A new lot is being added to the south of Westminster Hall. The roughly 90 new spaces will be designed for grey permit holders. South Valley Parking Lot Duration: Three weeks in second half of summer. Features: New spaces are being added, extending the South Valley Lot along Huron Drive. South Valley is quickly becoming one of the more popular lots on campus, growing last year and again adding another 150 new grey permit spaces this year. Westminster Pedestrian Bridge Duration: 12 weeks in second half of summer. Features: The modernization of the pedestrian bridge will feature an accessible ramp, meeting Western’s commitment to create a barrier-free institution. A temporary bridge will be installed adjacent to the current structure, mitigating interruption to pedestrian passage. Elgin Drive Resurfacing Duration: Three weeks in June and July. Service Interruption: Rotating lane closures are expected throughout the project. Features: The busy bus and University Community centre (UCC) delivery route faces heavy, unforgiving loads. The worn roadway will get a fresh coat of asphalt. Sanitary Sewer / Pump Station Installation Duration: May 1-Aug. 31 Service Interruptions: Complete closure of Huron Drive at Philip Aziz Avenue (through June30). Parking lots will be accessible via detours. Features: Greater demands are being put on infrastructure in the South Valley precinct of campus, including the new FIMS/Nursing building, requiring sanitary sewer upgrades. The project will prepare the site for future development. Perth Drive Pedestrian Crossing Duration: 12 weeks beginning in August. Features: The crossing will include traffic lights, similar to the crossing farther South on Perth Drive. The new infrastructure will create a more visible and accessible crossing from Chemistry Parking Lot to main campus. Updates for all projects will be available at uwo.ca/fm throughout the summer. | May 21, 2015 11 12 Western News Student Life | May 21, 2015 Taste of success Student finds success in the kitchen and beyond with @CollegeCookin ADELA TALBOT // WESTERN NEWS Sociology student Danielle Hausberg started an Instagram account to share photos of healthy meals she had made. Today, @CollegeCookin has more than half a million followers and Hausberg has published an e-book cookbook featuring her recipes. B Y A D E L A TA L B O T AT FIRST, DANIELLE Hausberg was just taking photos of her meals to show family members she was cooking on her own and making healthy choices. A friend’s suggestion to post her meals on Instagram followed, and before she knew it, the Sociology student had thousands of followers on her account, @CollegeCookin. Today, that number exceeds half a million. “I’ve always been a naturally healthy eater. I wanted to be able to eat what I liked at school, and that’s why I decided to cook,” said Hausberg, who is in her last year of a Sociology degree. “I like food, and I like eating good food. So, eating out wasn’t the best option for me, because it’s harder to find healthy options at restaurants – restaurants didn’t appeal to me as much as my own food. So, I thought, I might as well cook.” Peruse through her account and you’ll see bright, colourful and artfully arranged photos of salads, soups, seafood dishes, breakfast foods and much more. Below each post Hausberg shares the ingredients used in the meal. Each is an example of a realistic, affordable, easyto-make and relatively quick meal and snack options any student could replicate. “A lot of my ideas come from my mom and things she’s made – she’s a big cook,” Hausberg said, adding she visits food websites and watches The Food Network regularly for inspiration. In just two short months – after starting @ CollegeCookin in November 2013 – Hausberg had garnered more than 10,000 followers. From there, her audience grew quickly, she said. When the number of followers reached 100,000, Hausberg decided to give back by publishing an e-cookbook featuring all of her recipes. The e-book is available on her website, at college-cookin.com, or from Amazon’s Kindle store for $5. All her efforts are to promote healthy eating, Hausberg noted, to show students like herself it is possible to eat healthy while studying away from home. It’s not as hard as one might think, she said, to cook for oneself and eat healthy on a tight budget. “I think I spend on track with your average student. I go grocery shopping just as much as all my friends. When you’re buying healthy ingredients it can cost more money, but to me, it’s worth it because I could be going out for all these meals and spending way more,” Hausberg went on. “I don’t over spend. I buy what I need, always. You have to prioritize what’s important – a girl might spend money on getting her nails done, but I would do that less so I could go grocery shopping more. It’s all about budgeting.” More and more, Hausberg is finding herself working with various brands and food companies. Last year, she teamed up with Disney to promote the Helen Mirren culinary movie, The Hundred Foot Journey, in which a restaurant owner hires chefs based on their ability to make an omlette. Hausberg got to make her own omlette and even attended a private screening of the movie at Universal Studios. @CollegeCookin has also expanded its social media platforms to Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. And while this side project may be time consuming for someone who is still a full-time student, Hausberg intends on letting it run its own course. “I’m not giving this up any time soon. It’s a part-time, sometimes full-time, job for me. We’ll see where it goes. I could never imagine I would be here right now. It’s growing in its own direction,” she said. Western News @CBRUCK | May 21, 2015 @ALEXANDRAGORSKA Snapshots in time Western celebrates two years on Instagram @WESTERNMUSTANGS @MADELEINE.PHILIP MARK MILLER EARLYBIRD OR MAYFAIR? Lo-Fi or Inkwell? No single Instagram filter can cover Western’s glamour. On May 16, Western celebrated the second anniversary of its Instagram account, @westernuniversity, the second largest Canadian university account that currently boasts more than 12,000 followers and 800 ’grams. “We work hard to bring our entire community into what we share,” said Melissa Cheater, digital content manager for the university. “Western’s Instagram account has always been a favourite platform of ours and it brings us closer to our community than other social networks. Our Instagram followers are more active than our followers on other networks – it really feels like a community.” Western’s Instagram account has been a community favourite with an active follower base constantly sharing and contributing images. In celebrating the account’s anniversary, Western’s Instagram will branch out by starting to follow interesting alumni Instagram accounts, including: • Cameron Bailey, BA’07, artistic director for the Toronto International Film Festival, @ cameronpbailey; • Paul Wells, BA’89, author and Maclean’s magazine journalist, @inklesspw; • Sarah Richardson, BA’93, designer and HGTV host, @sarahrichardsondesign; • Stephan Moccio, BMus’94, songwriter, @stephanmoccio; and • Vava Angwenyi, BSc’03, founder Vava Coffee Ltd., @vavacoffeekenya. With the new additions, alumni and campus community photographers will fuse the many hues and shades of Western, said Cheater. Presented here today are Western’s Top 10 Most Liked images, as of the anniversary. - Gordon So @LENNONTHEHEDGEHOG @JACQUELYNLAU @TRUEASIANBALLER @KBUMELIS 13 14 Western News | May 21, 2015 Research Education professor keeping lessons of Fukushima alive JASON WINDERS // WESTERN NEWS Education professor Kathryn Hibbert recently travelled to Japan to work in collaboration with hospitals, governments and physician educators to ensure lessons learned at Fukushima find a way into future classrooms. BY CORY HABERMEHL ON MARCH 11, 2011, a magnitude 9.0 earthquake struck off the northeast coast of Japan. The quake unleashed a tsunami that slammed into the country, disabling infrastructure and destroying everything in its path. Just days later, Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant experienced the worst nuclear meltdown since Chernobyl. First-responders rushed directly into the heart of the Fukushima disaster. And while each had specialized training, they later identified changes in their education that could have enabled them to be even more effective during the disaster response. To ensure the next generation of emergency responders is better equipped to handle future catastrophes, Education professor Kathryn Hibbert recently travelled to Japan to work in collaboration with hospitals, governments and physician educators to make certain lessons learned at Fukushima find a way into future classrooms. Specializing in curriculum development, Hibbert is crossappointed between Education and Western’s Department of Medical Imaging, where she is a researcher at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry’s Centre for Education, Research and Innovation. She – literally – wrote the book on radiology education. Because of this expertise, and her unique appointments, she has been working with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the body that oversees all nuclear activities worldwide, for the past eight years. When Japanese nuclear officials and their colleagues at the IAEA were keen to document what they learned during the management of the Fukushima crisis, and incorporate it into a revised curriculum for first-responders, they called Hibbert. “There was a lot of concern about not losing the lessons they’d learned. But these were scientists with no real experience documenting those type of learnings in a meaningful way, or integrating them into educational curriculum,” Hibbert said. “That became my task.” Officials sent Hibbert data from interviews they had conducted with first-responders so she could use the information in her curriculum. “My goal was to keep the stories alive,” Hibbert said. “I conducted a narrative analysis of the interviews done by the nuclear radiation specialists, and rewrote them into nar- rative stories, which are far more memorable and a terrific tool from which to learn.” Hibbert’s stories focus on the emergency responders’ first-person accounts, and pay particular attention to specific things the individuals highlighted as missing in their previous education and training. In conjunction with the stories, she created a series of resources and activities as part of a fulsome curriculum, and in December, travelled to Japan to work with officials and medical professionals to help them integrate her work into their existing materials. One of the first things realized during disaster was a huge communication problem existed among firstresponders, who had never been required to explain their specialized knowledge to the general public. “Physicians were trained to talk to patients, but this was different,” Hibbert said. “They found themselves talking about radiation safety levels to frightened mothers, the elderly, kindergarten teachers who wanted to know if their kids could play at recess – it was something totally foreign to them.” Amid growing anxiety, the public began turning on front-line experts. “All this public anger and fear was directed at the responders – at these extremely courageous people who were doing their absolute best,” Hibbert said. “It was extremely taxing on them.” She realized mental health was as big an issue as the radiation response itself. As such, she not only developed a curriculum that focuses on improved communications, but also has a significant mental health component as well. With her work well underway, but far from complete, Hibbert will return to Japan in late June, where she plans to follow up on the curriculum implementation and how it might be further expanded, including into the digital realm. Hibbert is looking forward to connecting in person once again with the Japanese educators and medical professionals with whom she has been working. Their resolve to carry on and learn from what took place at Fukushima has been truly inspiring, she said. “You would never find more committed people anywhere – they recognize they have learned some important lessons, which is why they are so adamant that what they learned not be lost,” she said. “I am incredibly humbled to have been asked to help with this endeavor and never in my life have I felt so honoured.” Western News | May 21, 2015 15 On Campus Staffer carries the weight of the Worlds ADELA TALBOT // WESTERN NEWS During her time at Western, powerlifter Robyn Ripley became immersed in the local lifting and fitness culture. That led to her recently finishing second in her weight class at the Canadian Powerlifting Union National Championships. Today, she is preparing to take on the world at the International Powerlifting Federation World Championships. BY GORDON SO POWERLIFTER ROBYN RIPLEY dreams about more than simply winning something to gather dust on a shelf. “When people ask me about this ‘big dream,’ they expect me to talk about the hardware I am bringing home – that is really a side dream,” said Ripley, recent interim Campus Recreation Services fitness and wellness coordinator, and currently a coach at the Western Student Recreation Center (WSRC). Instead, she dreams of changing the perceptions of strong women in sport and, in turn, society. Ripley stands 5-foot-3-inches and weighs 52 kg (114 pounds). But don’t let small stature belie her explosive power as a powerlifter. First, let’s distinguish powerlifting and weightlifting. In weightlifting, also known as Olympic weightlifting, athletes throw weight over their heads, via clean and jerk or clean and press. The powerful movements demand speed and flexibility. In powerlifting, HELP WITH THE HEAVY LIFTING athletes bench, deadlift and squat the weight. It is more of a raw strength sport. While an empty bar, which weighs about 20 kg (44 pounds), may pose a challenge to some, Ripley benches 80 kg (176 pounds), deadlifts 165 kg (364 pounds) and squats 124 kg (275 pounds). However, those are only modest numbers. During her time at Western, Ripley became immersed in the local lifting and fitness culture. That led to her recently finishing second in her weight class at the Canadian Powerlifting Union (CPU) National Championships in St. Catharines. The 28-year-old hoisted more than 340 kg over the three events. Ranking sixth overall among 100 women at the competition, she qualified for the International Powerlifting Federation’s Classics Powerlifting World Championships, where the world’s finest powerlifters will converge on Salo, Finland, to compete in June. Ripley will be the first London woman to walk on that world stage. For more information about Robyn Ripley and how to sponsor her journey to the International Powerlifting Federation (IPF) World Championships, contact her at [email protected]. “The ‘big dream’ is, I can change the way other women think about sport. I want women to do sports that challenge the social norm,” she said. “Every time I grab the groceries, people ask, ‘Can I help you with that?’ And it is great to be able to say, ‘I can do it myself.’ “It shouldn’t matter whether you’re male or female. It shouldn’t matter if you’re big or small. Anyone could do it,” Ripley said. When not competing, Ripley coaches. Last summer, she met a Western student who thought she was not strong enough to compete in powerlifting. Ripley then told her, “It’s not about being strong enough. It’s about making that step. Competing is about having a good time and doing your best. Maybe you will exceed your expectations.” Since powerlifting is not yet an official Olympic sport, Ripley receives no funding for going to the championships. Because of that, she started a fundraiser in London to finance her trip to Finland. The goal is to reach $4,000 in donations to offset the costs for the Team Canada jersey, hotel, training and food. Ripley has been told how she has changed the way other athletes see powerlifting and how she has inspired them to lift heavier things. She is glad her story is able to connect everyone in the weightlifting community. “The fitness scene in London is awesome,” she said. “Everyone cares about even ‘little’ people like me.” 16 Western News Honours | May 21, 2015 A few minutes to change the world B Y J A S O N W I N D E R S A N D A D E L A TA L B O T Western postdoctoral scholars put their research on the clock during a 3 Minute Research (3MR) Competition, hosted as part of the 2015 Postdoctoral Research Forum May 7 in the Great Hall, Somerville House. The competition is a research communication exercise where postdoctoral scholars had three minutes or less to present their work and its impact to a diverse group of audience members. Cash prizes were given to assist winners in attending conferences to promote their research and further their career network. at Western (PAW), the competition was part of the 2015 Postdoctoral Research Forum, where more than 80 postdoctoral scholars took part in a daylong agenda, covering a wide range of topics. The forum concluded with the granting of a number of awards, including Daniel Ansari, Psychology professor and Brain and Mind Institute, named Supervisor of the Year; Helen Kerr, Occupational Therapy’s administrative assistant, with Administrative Excellence; and Aydin Behnad, Electrical and Computer Engineering, named Postdoctoral Scholar of the Year. Hosted by the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (SGPS) and the Postdoctoral Association LAUREN SOLOMON, FIRST PLACE Microbiology and Immunology Shooting the Messenger: Targeting Transcription in Cancer ADELA TALBOT // WESTERN NEWS Solomon’s research focuses on leukemia and lymphoma, both blood cancers caused by genetic mutations that alter the program of gene expression in developing blood cells through many different types of mechanisms. Spi-B is a protein located in the nucleus of developing blood cells that can turn genes ‘on’ or ‘off.’ Spi-B levels are often reduced in a type of blood cancer called B cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. In contrast, Spi-B levels are often increased in a type of blood cancer called B cell lymphoma. Solomon’s research has two major goals. First, she aims to understand how Spi-B levels are affected by the type of mutations that occurs in leukemia and lymphoma. Second, she wants to understand how altered levels of Spi-B contribute to causing leukemia and lymphoma. The long-term goal of this work is to identify molecular-targeted therapies for B cell leukemia and lymphoma. Western News | May 21, 2015 17 NINA WEISHAUPT, SECOND PLACE Anatomy and Cell Biology The Quest to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease: A Molecular Imaging Approach ADELA TALBOT // WESTERN NEWS If you have a stroke, you are more than twice as likely to develop dementia later on. Weishaupt’s research aims to find out why cardiovascular conditions, such as stroke, make the brain more vulnerable to dementia. To study this, her lab induces stroke in transgenic rats that will develop signs of Alzheimer’s disease months after the stroke. This provides a window to study what cellular changes occur during the progression from stroke to an Alzheimer’s-like brain state. The research focuses on the cell membrane, which contains different lipids (fats). Among those lipids, the gangliosides are most interesting, because changes in ganglioside expression go hand in hand with changes in cellular vulnerability to stressors. The only downside is, gangliosides are hard to measure with traditional histological methods. This is why Weishaupt’s lab is using a new molecular imaging approach, shining a laser beam on a tiny spot of a rat brain section, which makes molecules detach from the section and fly down a vacuum tube in a mass spectrometer. The instrument then creates a mass spectrum, in which different gangliosides are represented as individual peaks, with peak height showing how much of that ganglioside was in that tissue spot. If software treats laser spot as a pixel, researchers can observe changes in ganglioside expression within anatomical context in an entire brain section. The hope is this approach will bring us one step further towards preventing, or at least slowing down the progression from stroke to dementia. TOBIAS MORAT, THIRD PLACE Kinesiology With increasing age, individuals experience a number of physiological, biochemical, psychological and sociological changes, and, as a consequence, problems in movements of everyday life occur (such as climbing stairs, rising from a chair, walking, and activities of daily living like hygienic activities and managing housework). This can lead to decreased mobility. Morat’s research focuses on the mobility of older adults and creating both a new test to assess mobility and a comprehensive systematic training program with three relevant components (resistance and balance exercises combined with movements and surfaces of everyday life) within each training session, to positively influence the mobility and muscular strength of older adults. ADELA TALBOT // WESTERN NEWS To Fall or Not To Fall: Finding the Right Training Program for Older Adults 18 Western News | May 21, 2015 Academics Determined learners never done studying BY DONNA MOORE FIFTEEN LEARNERS FROM a variety of educational institutions and agencies received Adult Learner Awards from the London Council for Adult Education earlier this month. Two Western students were among these award recipients. A third Western student received the SAGE (Students Aged Gracefully through Experience) Student of the Year Award. ••• Priya Khalsa was unable to finish high school due to mental health issues. She was living with severe anxiety, depression, addiction issues, a personality disorder, an eating disorder and spent several years in and out of long-term care facilities. But during her pregnancy at the age of 21, she decided to finish high school and work toward recovery, simultaneously. She applied to Western the following year. Returning to school has changed Khalsa’s life. In 2010, she and her 13-month-old son moved to London, which became their first permanent home. They had never been to London before and didn’t have any friends or family in the city. As a single parent in a full-time degree program, it was challenging balancing academic commitments with KHALSA child-care responsibilities. Khalsa worked hard to achieve a 90 per cent average in her second and third years. This June, she graduates with an honors specialization degree in Health Sciences and a minor in Psychology. Khalsa has been accepted to her first choice, the University of Toronto’s Law School for September. She applied to both medical and law schools as she has an equal interest in both areas. Khalsa never thought she would be able to accomplish her academic goals until she came to Western. She has been an active part of the community since arriving in London and has been a dedicated volunteer at Regional Mental Health London for the last three years. It has been an especially meaningful experience as a result of her personal history with mental illness. She is also a facilitator for the Leadership Education Program and received the Leadership Educator of the Year award last year for her passion and commitment toward the program. Khalsa worked with Youth Opportunities Unlimited through Alternative Spring Break, London, in 2013, and taught English with Outreach 360 through ASB Dominican Republic in 2014. She served as an English conversation circle leader through the International and Exchange Student Centre. She completed an Independent Study through her faculty (Health Sciences) and elected to focus her thesis on the feasibility of creating an online mental health support and treatment program for postsecondary students in Canada. Upon completion, Khalsa was offered a job as a research assistant helping to implement an online course for new incoming students. Bimadoshka (Annya) Pucan, an Anishnaabe woman from Saugeen First Nation, Turtle Clan, became an active and contributing member of the local Indigenous community both on and off campus. She is a key player in advocacy for Indigenous student and women’s voices as part of both the Idle No More and Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women in Canada movements. During her years at Western, she has developed herself both academically and personally. Pucan returned to school later on in life, and has worked hard to earn high academic standings, while simultaneously raising a family. As a single mother of three boys (ages 15, 9 and 7), she dedicated herself whole-heartily to being a positive role model to her children both on the SUMMER SCHEDULE June 4 and 18 PLACE AN AD TODAY Call 519.661.2045 or email [email protected] powwow trails as a jingle dress dancer, and in academia as a dedicated student. Pucan successfully completed an undergraduate degree in Psychology and First Nations Studies in 2013, and, more recently, completed the new Masters’ in Public Health (MPH) program. She will not stop here, though. Today, you will find her engrossed in literature and anthropological archives in the Western Libraries stacks, researching, as part of her upcoming PhD thesis, restoration and repatriation of cultural artefacts belonging to her home community. In addition to her PUCAN studies and familial responsibilities, Pucan has been an Indigenous Services staff member as the Food and Medicine Garden coordinator. In this role, she has demonstrated strong leadership, innovative thinking and a deep commitment to integrating Indigenous Knowledge into student services and programs. In a short time, Pucan coordinated a series of Indigenous planting and harvesting workshops, a tincture making workshop and a tobacco seed exchange. Pucan also went above and beyond her coordinating duties to complete a project planning framework including a logic model with short and long term recommendations to improve future garden initiatives. Jill Dombroski received the SAGE Student of the Year Award at the annual Excellence in Leadership Awards, presented by the The Student Success Centre last month. SAGE, a society for mature students, embodies both the wisdom of experience that mature students bring to Western and the flavour their contribution adds to the academic experience of all. Dombroski will graduate in June with a double honours in Thanatology and Women’s Studies. This fall, she starts her MA in Education at Western. Her research will focus on the ways physicians deal with patient death. She has already received much interest in her work from the medical community. Dombroski has received a student undergrad award from the Bereavement of Ontario Network, and now sits as a member at large on its board. Also, she recently attended the Conference of the Association for Death Education and Counselling in San Antonio, Texas, where she received the Undergraduate Student Paper Award. In addition to being a positive role model to other mature students through her academic work, Dombroski initiated several SAGE events this year. “When I took my first university class at Brescia (University College) as a part-time student in 2007, I saw Ghandi’s words posted in their library: ‘Be the change you wish to see in the world,’” Dombroski said. “I stared at this mantra and wondered how I could ever conDOMBROSKI tribute on this scale.” In 2011, at age 40, after being accepted as a full-time student, her change began. “Each professor, administrator, care-taker, coffee maker, parking attendant, friends and, especially, my family, helped piece together my foundation,” Dombroski continued. “I can best describe my university education as a brick house. These individuals each contributed one brick of support – either emotionally or financially – to help build my education. I realized it did not have to be about changes for the entire world – it was about the changes in myself that make the world better for my children and my family. I can be the change I wish to see.” Dombroski is making a difference for her two sons, Pompeyo and Pablo, who attended the awards ceremony with their mom. HISTORY HAS NOT been kind to the physicians of the U.S. Civil War. With a toll of more than 750,000 deaths between 1861-65, the Civil War’s casualties far outnumber those of any other war the United States has taken part in. And with roughly two thirds of the war’s deaths being a DEVINE result of disease, it’s no surprise historians have traditionally regarded the Civil War as a medical disaster. But Shauna Devine is among the first to look at medicine during the Civil War period through a more contextual – and, as such, forgiving – lens. “I thought it might be counter-intuitive to suggest the war was, in fact, a stimulus to more superior scientific standards in medicine. When I read the books, all of the existing literature in the field said doctors inadvertently spread disease, and patients died, and it was a medical disaster,” said Devine, a visiting research fellow at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, who also teaches in the Department of History at Western. Her most recent book, Learning From the Wounded: The Civil War and the Rise of American Medical Science, argues Union Army physicians, despite challenges and lack of preparedness, tackled the war head on, learning new methods of practice and experimentation which would leave an impact on modern medicine. “My book is a new interpretation of Civil War medicine. It asks, ‘In what ways did the actual practice and study of medicine develop through the war, and in what ways do we see this in the medical marketplace after the war?’ Nobody has asked that question before, or looked at the war in that way,” Devine continued. Learning from the Wounded was named a Choice Outstanding Academic Title for 2015 and a recipient of the Tom Watson Brown book award, one of the highest honours in the field of Civil War history. To understand how the conditions of war led to more scientific standards and to the rise of modern medicine, Devine noted historiographical context is key. America’s worst conflict ended 150 years ago last month, when Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia to Union commander Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox on April 9, 1865. Today, many scholars consider the conflict the central event in American history when it comes to defining that nation. “The standards for doctors and medicine at the time were very low. There were no licensing laws. But the top medical physicians at the time in America served in the Civil War. Just prior to the war, the elite physicians went to Paris to study medicine because there were very few hospitals (in America),” Devine explained. “Not a lot of them went – just under 1,000 – but they came home and wrote about reforming American medicine along more scientific guidelines – they talked about the need for cadaver bodies, licensing, hospitals, equipment. At this time, a hospital could have consisted of an attic with a bed. There were too few of them to make any kind of difference on a national basis. But I was interested in this. There were pushes for reform,” she continued. Germ theory emerged soon after the war. As it was disseminated, American physicians headed to Germany to study with leaders in the field, she added. Around the same time, the American Medical Association had a meeting in Philadelphia putting forward specific ideas for ok su pp le m e nt to W e st e rn N reforming medicine, suggesting some of the emerging practices become standard. The organization also asked for more training and dissection of bodies as ways to improve treatment. “What I noticed in the historiography was, all the same physicians who went to Paris and then went to Germany were being written about. They all served in the war. This was a national emergency and many talk about the opportunity to do work on domestic soil they were previously only able to do abroad,” Devine said. “Nobody had asked the question, to what extent did the conditions of war lead to more scientific standards or the rise of modern medicine? It’s easy to look at the bad – a lot of soldiers died. But if you look at other things – what happened, did new hospitals develop, did physicians change some things as a result of what they were seeing, did they see new diseases, did they start using more technical equipment to manage disease environment – it’s not so bad,” she added. “It might not have resulted in cures for disease, but you see much better approaches to the study of medicine develop. I think the story previously had been too focused on the number of soldiers that died, but not enough on the process of change that began to occur. I think my book is the first one to make that statement.” CALL FOR NOMINATIONS Chancellor The Chancellor is the honorary and symbolic head of the University. The incumbent will reflect the leadership and global aspirations of Western and, in addition to official convocation and degree-granting functions, will serve as a principal ambassador of the University, playing a significant role in supporting and promoting Western’s distinctive global role as a leader in education and research. The University’s Board of Governors and Senate have established an Electoral Board to select Western’s next Chancellor who will carry on our tradition of strong leadership. We seek a highly regarded individual with a strong commitment to education and students, and dedicated to advancing Western’s profile and interests in the wider community, especially among our alumni. The term of office is four years (non-renewable). The official duties of the Chancellor include presiding at convocation ceremonies during two weeks in mid-June and two days in mid-October each year to admit candidates to degrees, diplomas, and certificates. The Chancellor is an ex officio, voting member of the Board of Governors and the Senate, and of certain committees of both bodies. All members of the University community and friends of the University are invited to submit nominations for Chancellor by writing to the Electoral Board for Chancellor, c/o University Secretariat, Rm. 4101, Stevenson Hall, Western University, London, ON N6A 5B8 (or fax to 519-661-3588 or e-mail [email protected]). To be eligible, a nominee must be a Canadian citizen, but may not be a member of the governing body, faculty, staff or student body of any degree-granting institution. Nominations should be submitted by June 19, 2015 and accompanied by biographical information about the nominee. Nominators are advised that the nominating process is confidential and candidates should not be informed that they are being nominated. Information about the role of Chancellor and about the Electoral Board can be found at uwo.ca/univsec/ or by contacting the University Secretary, Irene Birrell ([email protected]; 519-661-2111 x82056). s. ALL OVER bo B Y A D E L A TA L B O T 19 Read A Historian redeems Civil War medical science | May 21, 2015 ew Western News 20 Western News | May 21, 2015 Research Study: Mother’s education, family stability at heart of child’s success B Y A D E L A TA L B O T RESEARCH FROM TWO Western professors is challenging the longstanding myth that a child’s success in life depends on his or her family structure. Instead, Western Sociology professor William Avison and Brescia University College professor Jamie Seabrook are pointing toward a mother’s education as the key indicator. Their paper, Family Structure and Children’s Socioeconomic Attainment: A Canadian Sample, published in the Canadian Review of Sociology, stems from a London, Ont.-based study spanning nearly two decades. The researchers followed more than 1,000 families in both singleand two-parent households. “What we’ve learned is that not all children who grow up in single-parent families are necessarily going to be affected adversely,” Avison said. In following the large cohort of local families, the study found children of single mothers were just as likely to achieve educational and economic success as children from two-parent families – provided the mom was educated. “Single-parent families are always challenged in terms of income, simply because there’s only one bread winner – usually the mom. The key issue is, these moms were not different from married mothers in terms of their educational attainment. That makes a difference in how their children develop,” Avison said. “The kids might be income deprived to some extent, but the nature of the environment and household was similar.” “Much of what we claim to know about singleparent families and the impact on children is actually driven by studies that focus on families where moms are both income disadvantaged and educationally deficient,” he continued. The study used three measures of success and found the following to be true: • In terms of a child’s education, family structure had no effect. Provided equal education of their mothers, children were on equal educational footing and just as likely to graduate from college or university; • In terms of occupation, children from stable single-mom households had better jobs than children from stable two-parent families; and • In terms of income, family structure had no impact whatsoever. There’s a key finding worth noting among those points, said Seabrook, who conducts research within Brescia’s Division of Food and Nutritional Sciences. The stability of the child’s household is an important factor in determining a child’s future success. “Usually, single parents all get lumped together in research. You’re either a two-parent family or a one-parent family,” Seabrook said. “The problem is, there’s so much heterogeneity in single-parent families. The parent could be single, but stable, rather than a single mom who has many partners over the course of a kid’s childhood. That’s an apples-to-oranges comparison. If they all get lumped together in the same group, it might sometimes appear kids from single parent families don’t do well.” Seabrook continued, “If these single-stable moms had equivalent levels of education, or higher levels of education, to the moms of two parent families, the kids from single-parent families actually did a lot better. There’s actually something about the stable, single mom family – and we could argue resiliency, the relationship between the mom and the child – that really had an effect on how these kids did over time.” In other words, a family’s stability is far more important than its structure. A lot of data looking at children’s success as it relates to familial structure comes from the United States, Seabrook added. Different factors apply to families in Canada. American families are more likely to contend with school quality, neighbourhood disadvantages, race and ethnicity, alongside familial structure. “This kind of thing hadn’t been done in Canada before – following these kids this long over time,” he said, and because of this study, another finding emerged. “Literature shows, from the United States, kids from single-parent families are more likely to separate or divorce – that’s a fair argument. What we found was for those kids who had mar- ried, 12 per cent of the children raised in stable, two-parent families had separated or divorced, but the kids from stable, single-mom families, only 3 per cent had separated or divorced. Again there’s the stability factor,” Seabrook continued. Avison noted study findings can apply to children in middle-sized cities in Canada, and we must keep in mind today some women who have children choose not to marry. “What we found with this cohort of families might not hold for all families. But the take home message is we ought not assume growing up in a single-parent family is always going to result in occupational and educational challenges for kids,” he added. “Much of what we claim to know about single-parent families and the impact on children is actually driven by studies that focus on families where moms are both income disadvantaged and educationally deficient.” - William Avison Western News | May 21, 2015 21 In The Community ‘Tinkering club’ lets inquisitive spirits fly SPECIAL TO WESTERN NEWS B Y PA U L M AY N E PLANETARY SCIENCE PHD candidate Marianne Mader has studied some of the oldest rocks on Earth in Greenland, explored impact craters across the globe and, most recently, collected meteorites in Antarctica. Now, she looks to empower similar inquisitive spirits to explore their interests. Founded by Mader and her husband, Andy Forest, STEAMLabs are opening a non-profit ‘makerspace’ dedicated to kids and adults who want a place where imagination comes out to play. The goal is to provide a place to give kids access to the technologies, materials and skills that they couldn’t MADER get on their own, and teach them they are capable of anything. “It’s interest driven. So, kids will come with an idea for a project, and they may not know how to complete it. But the key is, in order to make it happen, they need to figure out the skills that are required,” Mader said. “And, because it’s their own project, they want to learn those skills.” The idea for STEAMLabs – that stands for science, technology, engineering, art and math (STEAM) – grew out of a garage, where the pair began a ‘Tinkering Club’ for their own kids and their friends, giving them opportunities to learn about high tech. They made boats and sunk them full of kids in Lake Ontario. They hacked Nerf guns to make them motion-activated. Soon, the kids started teaching themselves. Through online resources and experimentation, they were learning to make all kinds of things on their own. “It’s amazing,” Mader said. “When we run events, for example a robot balloon popping battle, the day started off simple, but by the end, the creations were just amazing and they were building off each other’s project ideas.” Now, thanks to a partnership with Toronto’s Centre for Social Innovations, STEAMLabs will be located in a new location at 192 Spadina Ave. Renovations are currently underway, in time for summer camps to begin in late June. A Kickstarter campaign raised more than $22,000 to fund equipment for the new space. With the new space, Mader and Forest hope to open up the world of creativity to adults and more seasoned makers, entrepreneurs and artists looking to work with serious tools such as 3D printers, laser cutting, woodworking, electronics, sewing, crafts and more. “The unique thing with STEAMLabs is while there are already others spaces for adults, very rarely are there ones for all ages,” said Mader, whose job title is STEAMLabs idea wrangler. “We’re casting the net pretty wide – after school, camps, just for adults, beginners. We want to be a community makerspace, and be more accessible to the general public, as well as the seasoned professional.” Mader added additional programs are being planned for September, including bringing high-tech education to schools throughout Ontario. They’ve created the Internet of Things Teaching Kit, an open source teaching kit that makes it possible for teachers with no knowledge of code to teach their students basic programming. They are currently in talks with the Toronto District School Board to roll these workshops out to classrooms across the Greater Toronto Area. “It’s always a bit hectic for us, but Andy and I love to make things happen,” Mader said. “We wouldn’t be doing it if we weren’t having fun.” 22 Western News | May 21, 2015 // CLASSIFIED // ACADEME PhD Lectures For Rent Mahboubeh Hadadpour, Chemistry, Exploring the Chemistry of η 5-Cyclopentadienyl-Cobalt-η 4Cyclobutadiene Containing Polymers; Synthesis, Properties, and Self-Assembly, 9 a.m. May 21, ChB 115. 2 bedroom/1 bath condo for rent at 695 Richmond St. Ninth-floor views. Amenities include: one parking space, in-suite laundry, indoor salt water pool, 24-hour security and concierge. New paint and carpet throughout. Available May 1. $1,250/month. Please call or text Gavin at 226-268-6661. Aimee Lee Houde, Biology, Restoration of Native Biodiversity in Altered Environments: Reintroduction of Atlantic salmon into Lake Ontario, 10 a.m. May 25, B&GS 0153. Michael Rogelstad, Mathematics, Combinatorial Techniques in the Galois Theory of p-Extensions, 1:30 p.m. May 25, MC 107. Jenna Butler, Computer Science, Using Cellular Automata and Lattice Boltzmann Methods to Model Cancer Growth: Analysis of Combination Treatment Outcomes, 9:30 a.m. May 25, MC 320. Malaya Nanda, Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Catalytic conversion of glycerol to value added chemical products, 1 p.m. May 25, TEB 434. Ryan Guterman, Chemistry, Exploring the chemistry of phosphorus for photopolymer applications, 9 a.m. May 25, ChB 115. Shahram Amirnia, Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Biosorption Processes for Removal of Toxic Metals from Wastewaters, 1 p.m. May 26, SEB 3102. Lisa Pelot, Philosophy, Empiricism in Early Modern Philosophy of Mind: Hobbes, Locke, & Hume, 3 p.m. May 26, StvH 3101. Bahman Daee, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Application of Polyurethane Products in Acceleration Construction of Innovative Noise Barrier, 10 a.m. May 27, SEB 2094. Shahab Meshkibaf, Microbiology and Immunology, Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor: Its role in gut-homing macrophage generation and colitis, and production by probiotics, 2 p.m. May 28, IGAB 1N75. Appointments Donald G. Welsh appointed as the Cecil and Linda Rorabeck Chair in Molecular Neuroscience and Vascular Biology, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, five-year term effective April 1. Bright and cosy, furnished sabbatical home for faculty or staff, North West London, 2 bedrooms + office, 10-minute drive to Western University, close to schools, bus route, available end of August, $1300 + utilities, 519-204-2044. // STUDENT BULLETIN Student Central In-Person Hours 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday; 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Wednesday. Spring Convocation (June 9-12, 15-17) Graduates and guests, please check convocation.uwo.ca for Convocation details. Tickets for the June Convocation will be available online at the end of May. seven days of this date. Second-term half courses in Intersession begin. June 2: Last day to add a second-term half course in Intersession. June 4: Last day to drop a second-term half course in Intersession without academic penalty. June 5: Master of Business Administration Convocation. June 9-12, 15-17: Spring Convocation. // CAREERS A central website displays advertisements for all vacant academic positions. The following positions are among those advertised at uwo.ca/facultyrelations/faculty/academic_positions.html Please review, or contact the faculty, school or department directly. Full-Time Academic Appointments Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry – Department of Paediatrics Inviting applications for a full-time, clinical academic position as paediatric neurologist with a strong interest and formal training in paediatric epilepsy. Applications will be accepted until June 5. Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Psychiatry Inviting applications for two full-time clinical academic faculty positions as psychiatrists within the Treatment and Rehabilitation Program at Parkwood Institute Mental Health Care, part of St. Joseph’s Health Care London. Academic rank and contract status will be determined by experience and qualifications at the time of appointment. Applications will be accepted until position is filled. Review of applications will begin on June 15. Faculty of Health Sciences - Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing Seeks two academics to join a leading edge School of Nursing with a 95-year history of academic and research excellence. The School of Nursing is one of six schools in a progressive Faculty of Health Sciences (uwo.ca/fhs/) and offers academic programs in Nursing at undergraduate, masters and doctoral levels. A new state-of-the art building is currently under construction and scheduled for completion in January 2017. The deadline for receipt of applications is June 19 for a two-Year full-time, limited-term position (lecturer or assistant professor) and a one-year full-time, limited-term position (lecturer or assistant professor). All positions are subject to budgetary approval. Applicants should have fluent written and oral communication skills in English. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority. Western is committed to employment equity and welcomes applications from all qualified women and men, including visible minorities, Aboriginal people and persons with disabilities. Write a Letter Western News accepts letters to the editor. Accepted only from members of the Western community – faculty, staff, students and alumni. Writers may only submit once a semester. As an academic institution, Western News encourages lively debate, but reserves the right to edit, ask for rewrite or reject any submission, and will outright reject those based on personal attacks or covering subjects too removed from the university community. Summer Tuition Fees If you have registered for summer courses, you can view your Online Statement of Account via student.uwo.ca. Student Development Centre (SDC) The SDC is open 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday to Friday over the summer. Call 519661-3031 or drop-in to the 4th floor of the Western Student Services Building to make an appointment. Undergraduate Sessional Dates May 21: Last day to drop a full course, or a six-week half course, a first-term, first quarter (‘Q’) course, or a full-year half course in Intersession without academic penalty. May 29: Last day to drop a full course or full-year half course in Summer evening and Spring/Summer Distance Studies course without academic penalty. May 31: Hong Kong Convocation. For more information, please visit us on the web at studentservices.uwo.ca and follow us on Twitter @Western_WSS. June 1: Last day to receive admission applications from new students for Fall/Winter Term 2015-16 for fulltime studies, provided that the program requested is open. All supporting documentation must be submitted within 51 44 65 17 07-Fred Negus_Ad_PENSION_v9.indd 1 2015-01-27 3:33 PM Welcome to your London Home The 2016 Rhodes Scholarships Blossom Gate offers you varied floorplans in either our existing lowrise and highrise buildings OR one of our newer highrise buildings - rent varies accordingly. Every June, the Rhodes Trust announces the launch of its global competition for the Rhodes Scholarships, eleven of which are designated for Canadian students. The Scholarship supports postgraduate study at Oxford University in England, and covers both university fees and a stipend for living expenses. Successful candidates in the upcoming competition will undertake their programs of choice at Oxford in the fall of 2016. the convenience of Apartment Living! lounge, indoor bicycle storage, keyless entry • 2 appliances • Individual heating & cooling system • Coin-less laundry facilities • Free outdoor parking • On-site management office • Direct bus to downtown & Western Campus • On-site variety store • 1/2 block to shopping centre Selection of candidates is made on the basis of extraordinary intellect, outstanding character, the capacity and instincts for high leadership, demonstrated rigor and commitment to service and extracurricular activity, with a focus on effecting positive change in the world. The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies invites interested candidates to contact Paula Menzies ([email protected]) for information on how to apply. The School offers strategic support and mentorship to applicants preparing their Rhodes scholarship portfolios well in advance of the September 15th university application deadline. Candidates seeking the endorsement of the President must submit a competitive application by the deadline and then complete a successful interview by members of Western’s Rhodes Scholarships Selection Committee. The Canadian Rhodes Scholarships program information is available at www.rhodeshouse.ox.ac.uk/canada. 103-625 Kipps Lane (at Adelaide St. N) 519 432-1777 Like us on facebook.com/blossomgate THE SYMBOL OF QUALITY Western News | May 21, 2015 23 Campus Digest Incubator ‘propels’ entrepreneurs forward BY GORDON SO IAN HAASE UNDERSTANDS the burden of student entrepreneurs. “I know what students go through trying to start a business while balancing school and social life at the same time,” said Haase, Western’s Entrepreneur director. “There wasn’t a lot of support around for me when I was doing it.” But times have changed. Thanks to Propel, Western’s campus business incubator, student entrepreneurs no longer have to struggle alone. Last Thursday, Propel – previously BizInc – launched the Propel Summer Incubator (PSI) program via a tradeshow format in which seven student-run ventures showcased their products and branding. Propel is the new entrepreneurship center at Western which provides resources to aspiring student entrepreneurs. It does not matter if students go in with an idea or with a full-blown company, they receive one-on-one mentoring and access to the greater entrepreneur scene across Ontario through the Campus-Linked Accelerator program. Propel is able to establish global connections so student entrepreneurs can leverage international opportunities, as well as a much wider business horizon. Its partnerships with institutions like Ivey Business School, Ontario Network of Entrepreneurs and LEAP Junction at Fanshawe also grant access to local skills and resources. The PSI program takes it to the next level, Haase said. “The PSI program allows a practical entrepreneurial experience to happen in a very concentrated, real-world environment over the summer months, which is invaluable as these new entrepreneurs develop their businesses here in London,” he said. The PSI program is a competitive incubator program that supports student ventures with seed funding, mentorship and working space. The 100 teams that applied online had to first go through a third-party panel that consisted of entrepreneurs from the community and Ivey professors. The panel then selected 10 teams to perform a 10-minute formal pitch. In the end, only seven teams will call Propel home for the summer – ShiftVR, Tutor Hero, Everest, Zonedin, NoR Apparel, Jacked Scholar and Ezzy Lynn. They receive $7,500 of seed funding, access to WSS 2130, the designated Propel co-working space, and mentorship from experienced entrepreneurs throughout the summer. “I think the most unique thing about our incubator is that they’re not all tech-based. All seven companies are from completely different industries: Fashion, sport, virtual reality, social media, social enterprise and education,” said Samantha Laliberte, Western Entrepreneur coordinator. “That will add to a lot of cool synergies. The seven companies can help each other out in the co-working space even when they’re so different.” NEWS AND NOTES Western is seeking nominations from the university community as the search begins for the institution’s 22nd chancellor in its 137year history, the University Secretariat’s office announced last week. Western’s Board of Governors and Senate have established an Electoral Board to select the next chancellor. The chancellor serves as the honorary and symbolic head of the university. The term of office is four years (non-renewable). Official duties include presiding at Convocation ceremonies during two weeks in mid-June and two days in mid-October each year to admit candidates to degrees, diplomas and certificates. The chancellor is an ex officio, voting member of the Board and Senate, as well as certain committees of both bodies. ADELA TALBOT // WESTERN NEWS Western students Oriena Teiba Mensah and Michelle Osei-Bonsu, co-founders of NoR Apparel, speak to a customer interested in their products at the launch of the Propel Summer Incubator (PSI) program, last week. NoR Apparel, among seven student startups that are part of the summer program, works to support African communities while bringing African trends and culture to Canada by importing handmade products. To be eligible, a nominee must be a Canadian citizen, and may not be a member of the governing body, faculty, staff or student body of any degree-granting institution. All members of the university community are invited to submit nominations, in writing, by email to [email protected]; fax to 519-6613588; or mail to Electoral Board for Chancellor, c/o University Secretariat, Rm. 4101, Stevenson Hall, Western University, London, ON N6A 5B8. All nominations must be accompanied by biographical information about the nominee. Deadline is June 19. The nominating process is confidential and candidates should not be informed they are being nominated. The next chancellor will succeed Joseph Rotman, who served the university in the position since 2012. Rotman died on Jan. 27. John Thompson, Western’s 20th chancellor, and Amit Chakma, Western president and vice-chancellor, will fill the chancellor role for June Convocation ceremonies. A pair of Western deans, whose terms come to an end this summer, will be honoured at separate events over the next few weeks. A reception for Social Sciences Dean Brian Timney has been set for 4:30-6:30 p.m. Friday, June 5 in The Great Hall, Somerville House. Timney has served as dean since 2002. Attendees are asked to RSVP to either 519661-3747 or [email protected] by June 1. Robert (Bob) Andersen, BA’91 (Political Science), Dpl’92 (Sociology), MA’94 (Sociology), has been appointed to a five-year term as dean of Social Science, beginning July 1. He will join Western June 1 and serve in a temporary role as special advisor to the provost. A reception for Health Sciences Dean Jim Weese has been set for 4-6 p.m. Wednesday, June 24 in The Great Hall, Somerville House. Weese has served as dean since 2004. Attendees are asked to RSVP to either 519661-3747 or [email protected] by June 19. A search for the next Health Sciences dean is currently underway. Western joined British Columbia, Calgary, Victoria and Windsor as the only five Canadian universities profiled in The Princeton Review’s Guide to Green Colleges: 2015 Edition. In this sixth edition of the guide, The Princeton Review profiled 353 schools in the United States and Canada, that demonstrate notable commitments to sustainability in their academic offerings, campus infrastructure, activities and career preparation. Visit sustainability.uwo.ca for more details on Western’s sustainability efforts. Western further buoyed its leadership in musculoskeletal health research with the formation of The Bone and Joint Institute, university research officials announced this week. The institute now builds on a $5-million investment the university made into the Western Cluster of Research Excellence in Musculoskeletal Heath in November 2014. That program will fund more than 70 researchers from several faculties, including Schulich, Health Sciences, Engineering, Science and Social Science to study conditions such as arthritis, osteoporosis, trauma and work-, sport- and exercise-related injuries. In addition to the institute announcement, Dr. Shabana Amanda Ali has been named the first recipient of the Kirkley Postdoc- toral Fellowship in Musculoskeletal Health Research and Innovation. Arriving from the Institute of Medical Science at The University of Toronto, Ali’s research focuses on improving pain management for those with osteoarthritis. Former Western Mustangs Glynn Leyshon and Jude St. John have been named among the London Sports Hall of Fame Class of 2015, the London Sports Council announced today. Six individuals and one team will be honoured at induction ceremonies in November. TORONTO – Western Mustangs players Daryl Waud, Rory Connop and Preston Huggins are three of the newest members of the Canadian Football League after they were all selected in the 2015 CFL Canadian Draft last week. The three Mustangs become the 31st, 32nd and 33rd Western players to be selected in the CFL Draft in the past 15 years. The University Students’ Council recently hosted the 7th annual Choose Your Own Adventure Grade 8 Early Outreach Conference two weeks ago at both Western and Fanshawe College. The conference aims to encourage and support low-income, at-risk youth in London to pursue postsecondary education by way of lectures from professors, speakers from the London community, budget management presentations to students and parents, a volunteer fair and a coaching session to help students create individual paths to success. This year, the conference hosted more than 100 students from nine schools in London with more than 50 Leadership Developers from Western. 24 Western News | May 21, 2015 Future scientific minds converge at Western PAUL MAYNE // WESTERN NEWS What do you use to build a windpowered elevator? Tape. Cardboard. Straws. And a string. Those were the only materials a Grade 6 student needed to make an elevator strong enough to lift a pair of earplugs up 10 centimeters. At Western, more than 240 Grade 6-8 young scientists recently competed in the Let’s Talk Science Challenge. Through a science quiz show and hands-on design challenge, the students’ knowledge in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) was put to the test. James Czerkawski, a St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School Grade 6 student was cheered on by teammates Cam Sartor and Ian Jordan, both in Grade 8, as he used wind power to lift a weighted string. Let’s Talk Science is a national charitable youth development organization that aims to enrich students with science. The challenge is part of a national outreach program that ignites students’ passion in STEM. “The programs we do keep the students engaged and interested in science as they move on through their studies,” said Maggie MacLellan, Let’s Talk Science communications officer. “So, they don’t close doors and decide to disengage with science and math early on when there might be jobs they like in the future that they don’t even know about yet.” - Gordon So
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