A successful learning community NewVIc News May 2015 Students dress to impress at NewVIc Fashion Show The annual NewVIc Fashion Show was a spectacular celebration of student creativity. Set in the renowned Stratford Circus, the theatre was decorated with an innovative lampshade and shoe collection made by level 3 BTEC extended diploma art and design students. The event began with a range of entertaining short films produced by the college’s Create students who are working towards their arts awards. As part of the striking ‘Dada Masks’ segment, level 2 design and graphics students created and modelled masks made from cardboard boxes and held banners with statements made from newspaper headlines. This was followed by entry 1 students, who worked with tie-dye to create colourful T-shirts they modelled energetically to a ‘Rave’ soundtrack. First and second year music students contributed throughout the event, performing original music and cover songs that linked each of the different fashion collections. A standout moment was the Kimono collection, which featured elegant and graceful designs, alongside the vocals of music technology student Fatima Usman who sang beautifully in Japanese. Langdon Park School shared their “Comfort” collection which included outfits made from paper plates, polystyrene and plastic cups and cushions. The models wore all-black outfits and dramatic make-up to provide a contrast to the white designs. The NewVIc dance company also entertained the crowd with a set of choreographed routines to a contemporary R’n’B and hiphop medley. Sarah Green from the Courtauld Gallery who attended the show said: “We’re really proud to have been in a partnership with NewVIc over the past three years. It’s been really wonderful to see so much phenomenal creativity on display.” NewVIc students Beeni Choudhury and Rebecca Clayden modelled the Kimono Collection. Beeni said: “I really enjoyed being a part of the show. It was amazing, it was very well organised and wasn’t stressful at all.” Rebecca added: “I did the fashion show last year and loved it so much I had to do it again this year.” Vikki Hill, programme team manager for art and design, said: “We are proud to celebrate the creativity and talent of our students, as well as students from Langdon Park School at the NewVIc Fashion Show 2015. Our partners from the Courtauld Institute, University of the Arts and London College of Fashion were extremely impressed. The garments on the runway were stunning, the music was of a professional standard and the art work was of high quality. Thank you to all students involved for their professionalism and to the amazing staff.” The event closed with a speech from Ian Thompson, director at the University of the Arts London (UAL). Ian said: “We do a lot of work with NewVIc and are very proud by the innovation. Students are pushing boundaries and have incorporated dance, music, images, posters, and three dimensional objects, that’s what it’s all Page 2 Page 6 Page 3 Why choose NewVIc Newham Sixth Form College (NewVIc) about - how these art forms work together. We hope to see NewVIc students at UAL in the future.” Choosing your course Revision tips T: 020 7473 4110 Find out more at: www.newvic.ac.uk @talknewvic fb.me/newhamsix 1 NewVIc News / May 2015 A successful learning community in their own words… Zulfiye Kahraman Achieved A-levels in English language and literature (A), mathematics (A*), psychology (B) and AS-levels in further mathematics (A) and anthropology (B). Now studying mathematics at Queen Mary University of London. “ “ We specialise in working with young people aged 16-19, progressing from year 11 at school. The college has grown and developed over the past twenty years and offers a wide range of courses including A-levels, specialist pathways, level 2 and 3 vocational programmes, foundation level and ESOL programmes. Our college community includes over 300 experienced and dedicated staff who are focused on helping every student become a skilled and successful learner and to progress successfully to higher education, employment or training. “ Halima Hassan Ian Jolly Ex-Brampton Manor Academy Currently studying a level 3 extended diploma in applied science (medical). “ NewVIc opens many doors to the best opportunities that come around straight to your lap. I was the Learner Voice Officer on the Student Union and had the opportunity to volunteer in Tanzania for 10 weeks with Raleigh International. “ The college was established in 1992 with the aim of increasing opportunities for school leavers in Newham and neighbouring boroughs who opt to stay in education. NewVIc is a friendly and positive place to learn, both academically and socially. There is always support, in the form of a tutor or teacher, when you need it. The Sports Academy has been wonderful. They helped me to write my timetable and how to balance my studies and my training. They keep pushing me. They’re the kind of people that will only tell you to stop when you have reached the best that you can. Currently studying a diploma in personal progress (entry level 3). “ My teachers have been there with me all along, they’ve been there to help support me through the hard bits and they’ve made me feel better about learning. Sabahat Ahmed Mariam Isroliwala Ex-Kingsford School Ex-Valentine’s High School Achieved A-levels in biology (A*), chemistry (A), mathematics (A*) an AS-level in physics (B) and extended project (A). He is now studying medicine at King’s College London. WE ARE A STRONG, SUPPORTIVE COMMUNITY ORGANISED AROUND THE NEEDS OF INDIVIDUAL STUDENTS 2 “ “ The college has a good environment that encourages you achieve your goals. It has got a history in the sense that people have come here and gone onto good things. It’s really encouraging to walk around college and see posters of former students that have gone onto be successful. Achieved A-levels in business studies (A*), government and politics (A*) and world development (A). Now studying human geography at Queen Mary University of London. “ My teachers really supported me and encouraged me throughout my studies and exams. I’ll miss the atmosphere at NewVIc, the support and the teachers. For more information about why students choose NewVIc visit: www.newvic.ac.uk. 6 Asking for help 7 Take regular breaks 8 Don’t get stressed 9 Plan your exam day your teachers are here to help and support you. They can clarify points your are unsure of. Preparing for exams? Follow these fantastic stress-free tips for revising. 1 2 Ex-Cumberland School “ NewVIc has been a successful learning community for over twenty years. Currently studying AS-levels in physics, mathematics and electronics. “ NewVIc is London’s largest sixth form college with over 2500 full-time students We are a thriving sixth form college located in the heart of east London. Rahim Hussein Ex-Cumberland School Top 10 NewVIc revision tips “ About NewVIc Why students choose NewVIc 3 Make a revision timetable don’t leave it until the last minute. Write down how many exams you have and the days on which you have to sit them. Then organise your study accordingly. You might want to give some exams more time than others. Find a balance that you feel comfortable with. 4 Organise your study space make sure you have enough space to spread your text books and notes out. It is important that you feel comfortable and focused. What to revise make sure you don’t just revise the subjects and topics you like. Work on your weak ones as well. News story Amritpal is awarded an unconditional offer to study at Queen Mary University of London 5 Use different techniques visual aids can be really helpful when revising, you can create your own flash cards with key words to help recall information, and you can condense your revision notes into one page. Use highlighter pens to mark important points. The use of flow charts and diagrams can really help. Testing yourself practise on previous exam papers, they are an effective way to prepare for your exams. This will help you get use to the format of questions and you can time yourself to make sure you spend the right amount of time on each section. Mary. They typically take about 25 minutes, but I was talking for around 45-50 minutes about history. Additionally as Queen Mary is based in east London, you get people from diverse backgrounds, which makes it an enriching experience. How did you find the process of applying for university? Amritpal Gill is a former Forest Gate Community School student and currently on the Honours Programme at NewVIc. He is studying A-levels in archaeology, classical civilisation and history. He has been awarded an Outstanding Potential Award and unconditional offer to study history at Queen Mary in September 2015. You’re one of two NewVIc students to be offered the Outstanding Potential Award from Queen Mary University of London. How does it feel? Have you been involved in any extra-curricular activities or summer schools? Newham Sixth Form College (NewVIc) allow yourself some fun time each day to relax and make sure you get a good eight hours of sleep each night. be prepared well in advance, check all the rules and requirements. Make sure you have all the materials you need for the exam. 10 Believe in yourself and be positive ood luck G I have applied to a range of universities including Durham, Essex, Queen Mary and Oxford. Applying for university is quite straightforward and teachers give us a lot of support with our personal statements. I had previously attended the Queen Mary history taster day, so was quite prepared for what the process would be like. There’s also an element of excitement and uncertainty, as you don’t know how or when people will respond. It was a bit of a shock, but a pleasant surprise. They gave out around 30 of these awards this year. I really enjoyed the interview with Queen it is important that you eat well and drink plenty of water I took part in the UCL Summer Challenge and examined the ethics of archaeology. I also participated in the Wad-ham Summer School at Oxford University on civilisation and barbarism T: 020 7473 4110 Find out more at: www.newvic.ac.uk in the classical world. I also attended the K+ Summer School with King’s College and that helped me with my coursework massively. All of the essays submitted were marked by the lecturers at each of the universities. NewVIc has visiting lecturers as part of the Liberal Arts lecture series which has helped me prepare for, university. Getting my student bursary at NewVIc has really helped me to be able to attend lectures outside of college and learn about really obscure topics. The bursary lets you do things that you usually wouldn’t be able to do otherwise. Any else to add? Because of NewVIc’s links to other institutions, there is a lot you can do. It’s good to remember that you are in the cultural capital of the world. You can go to one of the richest parts of the world, to one of the poorest parts by just a train journey. It’s important to take advantage of this and explore London, and beyond. @talknewvic fb.me/newhamsix 3 NewVIc News / May 2015 A successful learning community LIFE AT NEWVIC Where our students go after leaving NewVIc gress to ents pro Our stud ies universit ange of r e id w a our ere are he UK. H across t cements ersity pla iv n u 15 ve top dents ha wVIc stu where Ne 4 201 . study in o t n o e n go Enrichment getting involved 1. University of Westminster 9. Brunel University 2. University of East London 10. London Metropolitan University 3. Middlesex University 4. University of Greenwich 11. The University of West London 5. Queen Mary University of London 12. King’s College London 13. University of Bedfordshire 6. City University 14. University of Brighton 7. London South Bank University At NewVIc we invest in your 15. University of Cumbria 8. Kingston University all round development as well as your academic success. NEWVIC We provide an exciting, high quality and wide-ranging programme of student development and sports activities and events. Our programme helps to broaden your college experience, encourage your interests, support your wellbeing and offers opportunities for skills development. key facts Health Advocacy Enterprise Understanding our World International Links Language Power Our Community 4 BREADTH v NewVIc We run activities on a daily basis during lunchtimes, after college and on Wednesday afternoons. Some examples of the types of activities you could get involved in are DJing, Mentoring, Cricket Academy, Leadership Academy, Carbolic Magazine, NewVIc Dance Company, Raleigh International volunteering, Business Enterprise, Life Saving training, and our Basketball Academy. These activities are open to all students regardless of what you are studying, and through participating you will be able to work towards your Sixth Form Bac (SFBac) certificate. Read more about NewVIc’s Enrichment activities: www.newvic.ac.uk 17% 3 71 of applicants progressed to university in 2014 Creative Arts VALUES 4 89% Leadership Programme SKILLS NewVIc students progressed to university in 2014 2 Sport Academy SUBJECTS 704 2015/16 Our unique programme covers a number of areas including: SFBac 1 students progressed to Russell Group universities in 2014 of A-level applicants progressed to Russell Group universities , RusselL Group 7 6 5 2 NewVIc has strong links with many universities and employers 9 8 Top London sixth form college for sport A-level results improving faster than nationally Newham Sixth Form College (NewVIc) T: 020 7473 4110 students progressed to Oxford University in 2014 + Find out more at: www.newvic.ac.uk Advanced vocational results well above the national average 10 Over 450 students involved in leadership and volunteering @talknewvic fb.me/newhamsix 5 NewVIc News / May 2015 A successful learning community NEWVIC COURSE LISTING A-Z English language (A-level) English language (GCSE re-sit) English language and literature (A-level) English literature (A-level) ESOL 16-19 (foundation learning) Extended project (AS-level equivalent) Full-time courses starting September 2015 A Accounting and financial services programme (level 3) Anthropology (A-level) Applied science (level 2 BTEC extended certificate) Archaeology (A-level) Art and design (level 2 BTEC extended certificate) Art and design (level 3 BTEC extended diploma/ 90-credit diploma) Art route (Create) B Biology (A-level) Business (A-level) Business (level 2 BTEC extended certificate) Business (level 3 BTEC certificate/subsidiary diploma) Business (level 3 BTEC extended diploma/90-credit diploma) Business and IT (level 3 BTEC diploma double 90-credits) C Caring for children (CACHE level 1) Chemistry (A-level) Childcare and education (CACHE level 3 diploma) Classical civilisation (A-level) Computer science (level 2 BTEC extended certificate) Computer science (level 3 BTEC extended diploma/90-credit diploma) Computing (A-level) Construction and the built environment (level 2 BTEC extended certificate) Construction and the built environment (level 3 BTEC extended diploma/90-credit diploma) Creative media production (level 2 BTEC extended certificate) Creative media production (level 3 BTEC extended diploma/90-credit diploma) Creative route (Create) Creative writing (A-level) D Dance (A-level) Diploma in personal progress (entry level 1) Drama and theatre studies (A-level) E Early years education and care (CACHE level 2 certificate) Economics (A-level) Economics, maths and finance pathway (Honours Pathway) Electronics (A-level) Electronic engineering (level 3 BTEC extended diploma/90-credit diploma) Engineering (level 2 BTEC extended certificate) English - functional English (level 1 and 2 certificate) 6 Newham Sixth Form College (NewVIc) F Film studies (A-level) Financial studies - IFS certificate (level 3) Fine art (A-level) Forensic science (applied science) (level 3 BTEC certificate/subsidiary diploma) French (A-level) French - Route Français Further mathematics (A-level) G Geography (A-level) German (A-level) Government and politics (A-level) Graphic design (A-level) H Health and medicine pathway (Honours Pathway) Health and social care (level 2 BTEC extended certificate) Health and social care (level 3 BTEC certificate/subsidiary diploma) Health and social care (level 3 BTEC extended diploma/90-credit diploma) History (A-level) Horizon (level 1) Humanities, law and social sciences pathway (Honours Pathway) I ICT (A-level) I&CT (level 2 BTEC extended certificate) I&CT networking and systems support (level 2 BTEC extended certificate) Interactive media (design) (level 3 BTEC certificate/subsidiary diploma) IT (level 3 BTEC extended diploma/ 90-credit diploma) IT (level 3 BTEC certificate/subsidiary diploma) IT networking and systems support (level 3 BTEC extended diploma/90-credit diploma) J Journalism (level 3 BTEC certificate/subsidiary diploma L Law (A-level) Law (level 3 BTEC certificate/subsidiary diploma) Medical science (applied science) (level 3 BTEC extended diploma/90-credit diploma) Music (A-level) Music (level 2 BTEC extended diploma) Music leadership programme (Create) Music performing (level 3 BTEC certificate/subsidiary diploma) Music technology production (level 3 BTEC extended diploma/90-credit diploma) Music technology production (level 3 BTEC certificate/subsidiary diploma) P Performing arts – performing (level 2 BTEC extended certificate) Performing arts (level 3 BTEC extended diploma/90-credit diploma) Performing route (Create) Philosophy (A-level) Photography (art and design) (level 3 BTEC certificate/subsidiary diploma) Physics (A-level) Product design (A-level) Preparation for progression - a range of GCSEs (entry level 3) Progress to advanced (level 2) Psychology (A-level) R Religious studies (A-level) S Science and technology pathway (Honours Pathway) Skills for independence and work (entry level 2) Sociology (A-level) Spanish (A-level) Sport (level 2 BTEC extended certificate) Sport (level 3 BTEC certificate/subsidiary diploma) Sports development, coaching and fitness (level 3 BTEC extended diploma/90-credit diploma) Statistics (A-level) Step UP (foundation learning) Health and social care, child care and medical science evening Stephen Timms MP encourages NewVIc students to register to vote As part of the UK-wide events to raise awareness of National Voter Registration Day, local MP Stephen Timms visited students at Newham Sixth Form College (NewVIc). Technical Baccalaureate Textiles (A-level) Travel and tourism (level 2 BTEC extended certificate) Travel and tourism (level 3 BTEC extended diploma/90-credit diploma) Traineeship (level 2) TV and film (level 3 BTEC certificate/subsidiary diploma U Urdu (A-level) Mathematics (A-level) Maths (level 3) Mathematics (GCSE re-sit) Mathematics (level 1 and 2 certificate) Mechanical engineering (level 3 BTEC extended diploma/90-credit diploma) Media and communication route (Create) Media studies (A-level) W Find out more at: www.newvic.ac.uk Robbie Shaw, NewVIc Student Union Officer said: “I think the recent changes to voter registration were a calculated move to remove people – especially young people - from politics. We cannot allow that to succeed. Voting is a limited but worthwhile method of participation.” Order a NewVIc prospectus Stephen Timms spoke to NewVIc’s humanities students about the importance of their votes and how they had the power to shape their future. Students were also given the opportunity to ask the MP a range of interesting questions. Following the discussion, many students admitted that they were more encouraged to register and subsequently vote in the May 2015 general elections. g “ Stephen Timms MP added: “Young people should register now and then vote. We must get more of our young people heard.” World development (A-level) 020 7473 4110 www.newvic.ac.uk @talknewvic fb.me/newhamsix NewVIc was one of several institutions across the country, working with Citizens UK and Bite The Ballot to get 250,000 people registered to vote. A-level student Faith Garvey, a youth leader in Citizen UK’s TELCO Academy said: “I want young people at NewVIc to understand the new voter registration system, so that they can use their vote and get their voices heard on issues such as university fees and jobs. We hope to let all NewVIc students know the benefits of registering and using their vote’’. T M T: 020 7473 4110 Forthcoming events Paul Regan, Deputy Chair of Citizens UK, also pointed out: “We use this opportunity and reach out to all our members and organise thousands of registered voters to be even more active citizens. It feels great to reconnect with NewVIc´s young leaders in east London to strengthen our powerful alliance today.” @talknewvic Dance Collection 20 May 2015 NewVIc Arts Festival June 2015 HE Fair 22 June 2015 Vocational induction day June 2015 (for invited students only*) A-level induction day June 2015 (for invited students only*) Eddie Playfair, Principal at NewVIc College, said: “We’re taking Voter Registration Day very seriously at NewVIc, because the right to vote is very important to all of us. Young people must make their voice heard and getting onto the electoral register is the first step.” Find out more about NewVIc at: www.newvic.ac.uk May 2015 (for invited students only*) *For more information about the events listed above, please contact Dionne Pryce, School Liaison Officer on [email protected] or call 020 75406950. fb.me/newhamsix 7 NewVIc News / May 2015 A successful learning community NewVIc lands silverware at AoC Sport National Championships Students selected to compete in the 2015 World Championships and more Away from national championships, a number of NewVIc’s Sports Academy students have made some exceptional accomplishments. Gymnastics Aisa Kajouk A-level student has been selected to represent Hungary at the 46th Artistic Gymnastics World Championships 2015 later this year. Swimming Having medalled as part of the Lithuanian U20 relay squad at the World Junior Championships last year, Eva Gliozeryte A-level student aims to represent Lithuania at the FINA World Swimming Championships in Russia this August 2015. Following their gold medal winning performances at the AoC Sport London Regional Championships, NewVIc students recently travelled to the University of Bath to compete in the much-anticipated 2015 AoC Sport National Championships. Representing the college across badminton, women’s trampoline and Ability Counts (learning disabilities) football, the students performed exceptionally over the three-day championships. men’s singles. Tayyab Sultan studying level 3 IT and networking and Zarak Khan, studying level 3 computer science, also battled their way to sixth in the men’s doubles championships. Elsewhere in the weekly AoC London Leagues, the NewVIc Basketball Academy have won their league undefeated with 12 wins out of 12, and a massive points tally of over 1,100. NewVIc’s Ability Counts football team finished second in the UK after six incredibly competitive games in horrendous weather conditions (with goals from foundation learning students Travis Porter, Samuel Johnson, Daniel Miege and Jahidul Islam). NewVIc’s trampolinists Zoe Beaman studying level 3 childcare and Ashelle Evans studying level 3 business performed difficult routines to finish 28th and 45th, respectively. Zoe and Ashelle also represented London in the team competition and came eighth. In the men’s badminton, Abrar Khan studying level 3 engineering achieved sixth place in the Blind Football Liam Archer, a level 3 sports student, made his first appearance for The Royal National College (RNC) for the Blind against West Brom, Merseyside and Japan. Liam is severely sight impaired and this was a great opportunity for him to play at international level. Rugby League After four intense weeks of training with the London Broncos U19 Academies team, Rahim Hussein has been rewarded with a coveted yearlong contract. Rahim not only impressed the coaches with his raw skill and speed, as well as his attitude towards learning and improving himself as a player. Likewise NewVIc’s men’s football second team have also won their league undefeated with 12 wins, two draws and one loss. As the NewVIc Cricket Academy move towards the outdoor season, they’ll also look to replicate their London U19 Cricket Cup win of 2014. Hockey Over the last few weeks, Gurvir Jutla has completed Essex County Hockey Trials to get through to the Junior Regional Performance Centre (JRPC). By attending the performance centre over a seven-week period throughout the summer, Gurvir will trial to get in the England U20 Squad. We value the diversity of our students and staff 8 Find out more about NewVIc at: www.newvic.ac.uk @talknewvic fb.me/newhamsix
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