NHSScotland Event 2015 Leading Integration for Quality Call for Posters Guide for Submitting a Poster Abstract 23 – 24 June 2015 Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre, Glasgow 01 NHSScotland Event 2015 Call for Posters – A Guide for Submitting a Poster Abstract NHSSCOTLAND EVENT 2015 ‘Don’t miss this opportunity to raise awareness of your project, showcase your achievements, gain recognition, share best practice and make new contacts.’ The NHSScotland Event is considered to be one of the leading health events in Scotland. This annual two-day gathering is the ‘premier meeting place’ for people committed to not only providing safe, effective and person-centred care but to also delivering high quality sustainable care and support for the future. The theme of the 2015 NHSScotland Event is Leading Integration for Quality. Our 2020 Vision for Health and Social Care is that by the year 2020, everyone is able to live longer, healthier lives at home, or in a homely setting. Our Route Map to the 2020 Vision for Health and Social Care describes the priority areas for action in three domains: •Improving the quality of the care we provide; •Improving the health of the population; and • Securing the value and financial sustainability of the health and care services we provide. Through our approach to quality healthcare improvement as described in the Healthcare Quality Strategy for Scotland, the associated Quality Ambitions for person-centred, safe and effective care have continued to be the guiding light for the work undertaken at national and local level, transforming care and delivering improved performance. Quality is already embedded into our NHS and this next phase will recognise and respond to the expectation that health and care services should work in a co-ordinated way with users, to understand what matters most in their lives, and to build support around achieving the outcomes that are important to them. ‘The poster exhibition forms an integral part of best practice, learning and sharing at the event.’ CALL FOR POSTER ABSTRACTS The NHSScotland Poster Exhibition forms an integral part of best practice, learning and sharing at the event. With over 450 innovative individuals and teams submitting their projects last year, this is a networking opportunity not to be missed. This year’s poster exhibition will showcase over 200 projects that are happening across NHSScotland and partner organisations to support our journey towards the 2020 Vision. These will represent the shortlisted entries from the Poster Abstracts submitted. WHO CAN SUBMIT A POSTER ABSTRACT? Submissions are welcome from NHSScotland employees, our voluntary and partner organisations, and other public or private sector organisations on any aspect of work they are undertaking in, with or on behalf of NHSScotland. NHSScotland Event 2015 Call for Posters – A Guide for Submitting a Poster Abstract 02 WHY PRESENT A POSTER? POSTER CATEGORIES Don’t miss this opportunity to raise awareness of your project, showcase your achievements, gain recognition, share best practice and make new contacts. Posters will be judged at the NHSScotland Event and a winner will be chosen in each poster category. There will also be a People’s Choice Poster Award. This award will be voted for by the delegates at the event. The six poster categories are based on our priority areas for action stemming from the Quality Ambitions and the ‘triple aim’ as described in the Route Map to the 2020 Vision: Increasingly we are delivering improved quality through closer working within healthcare and across our partners in Social Care. This year, to acknowledge that the theme of the Event is Leading Integration for Quality, there will be a special award made to the poster displaying work that is delivering better quality and improved outcomes for people through the integration of activity whether that is within healthcare settings or across our partners in health and social care. 4. Improving Quality, Infrastructure If you want your abstract to be considered for the integration award, please ensure you illustrate this in your abstract (and poster if your poster is selected for display). All winners will be presented with a trophy by the Cabinet Secretary for Health, Wellbeing and Sport during the poster awards presentation in the main auditorium on the morning of 24 June. 1. Improving Quality, Safe 2. Improving Quality, Effective 3. Improving Quality, Person-Centred 5. Improving the Health of the Population 6. Securing Value and Financial Sustainability Please ensure that your abstract is linked to at least one of these poster categories. More information about each poster category can be found on pages 6 and 8. If your abstract cuts across more than one poster category, please choose the category you think is most relevant and submit only under one category. NHSScotland Event 2015 Call for Posters – A Guide for Submitting a Poster Abstract 03 POSTER ENTRY CONTENT SUBMISSION GUIDELINES All entries should showcase specific examples of how your work embeds the quality ambitions and is taking forward the priority areas identified for action in our journey towards the 2020 Vision. If you wish to submit a poster abstract please follow the instructions below. In particular, your abstract should highlight: •Abstracts must not exceed 300 words, excluding title, references and any diagrams. •How you are leading the way in developing innovative approaches to improve quality outcomes for service users; •How you working seamlessly with colleagues and partner organisations to achieve results; and •What measures you are taking to ensure that these are sustainable. Poster abstracts should make explicit reference to how you are contributing to the work being recognised within the poster category. If you want your abstract to be considered for the integration award to recognise work that is delivering better quality and improved outcomes for people through the integration of activity (either within healthcare settings or across our partners in health and social care) please ensure you illustrate this out in your abstract (and poster if your poster is selected for display). Do not worry if that is not the main focus of your work. The criteria for judging the main poster categories will remain unchanged. •Download a copy of the poster abstract form from www.nhsscotlandevent.com •Please discuss and agree the content of your poster abstract with your line manager, NHS Board Quality Improvement Lead or Clinical Governance Lead prior to submission. This will ensure that your abstract is on message and that the content portrays your work to its full potential. •You may include up to two images, diagrams or tables to illustrate your work further. An example of a shortlisted poster abstract form from the 2014 NHSScotland Event can be found on Page 9. More information about the Quality Strategy and our Quality Ambitions can be found at: www.scotland.gov.uk/nhsscotlandquality 04 NHSScotland Event 2015 Call for Posters – A Guide for Submitting a Poster Abstract SUBMITTING YOUR POSTER ABSTRACT Once you have completed the abstract form you must email a copy of this to your designated Poster Co-ordinator no later than 6 March 2015. A list of the Poster Co-ordinators can be found on page 10. Your Poster Co-ordinator will review your abstract and will contact you with constructive feedback on the content and may suggest some editorial changes where appropriate. At that point, your Poster Co-ordinator will provide you with instructions on how to upload your abstract to the online poster system. IF YOUR ABSTRACT IS SELECTED All poster abstracts will be reviewed by a group of shortlisters who will score all abstracts between 23 March and 7 April 2015. Please be aware that the standard of poster abstracts received are high and a shortlist of around 200 abstracts (45%) that are submitted will be successful. You will be notified by email whether your poster has been successful on 13 April 2015. A list of the successful abstracts will also be published on the NHSScotland Event website. You must upload your poster abstract by 5pm on 20 March 2015. Please note that there will be no extension to this deadline. ‘Being able to showcase achievements allows you to celebrate the success from the hard work of planning and implementing a redesign with successful results – receiving this recognition has encouraged us to maintain our continuous improvement efforts.’ Scott Wilson, NHS Highland previous poster winner ‘This year’s poster exhibition will showcase over 200 posters.’ NHSScotland Event 2015 Call for Posters – A Guide for Submitting a Poster Abstract 05 POSTER DESIGN POSTER JUDGING AND WINNERS POSTER DESIGN POSTER JUDGING AND WINNERS If you have been successful, you will be required to design a poster based on your abstract. The poster design guidelines which include details of the poster dimensions and orientation can be found in the Poster Design Guide. You will be allocated a poster board at the exhibition. The event team will provide you with more information about your poster board allocation nearer to the event. All posters will be judged at the event and a winner will be selected in each poster category, including the Integration Award and the People’s Choice Poster Award. The People’s Choice Poster Award will be voted for by delegates attending the event. Winners will be announced at the event on the morning of 24 June 2015. The judge’s decision will be final. Some posters may be considered for inclusion in the event programme as part of a Parallel Session or teams may be asked to provide a brief presentation on their work. Those selected to be presented in a Parallel session will be notified at the earliest possible date. By submitting an abstract, you have given permission for the Scottish Government to publish the information on its website and/or the event website and in other ways considered appropriate. All materials will be credited to the authors. ‘All poster winners will be announced at the Poster Awards Presentation on the morning of 24 June 2015.’ 2015 KEY DATES 14 January Call for posters opens 6 March Abstract forms to be submitted to Poster Co-ordinators 20 March Closing date for submitting poster abstracts 23 March – 7 April Shortlisting 13 April Shortlisted abstracts announced 14 April – 15 May Poster design 15 May PDF posters to be submitted 24 June Poster winners announced NHSScotland Event 2015 Call for Posters – A Guide for Submitting a Poster Abstract 06 2015 POSTER CATEGORY OVERVIEWS IMPROVING QUALITY: SAFE There will be no injury or harm to people from the health and care they receive, and an appropriate, clean and safe environment will be provided for the delivery of health and care services at all times. WHAT WE’RE LOOKING FOR Examples of services, initiatives and activities that seek to ensure that the health and care environment is clean and that there is regard for the quality of care people receive, ensuring no harm is incurred when they come into contact with the health and care services. If you want your abstract to be considered for the integration award to recognise work that is delivering better quality and improved outcomes for people through integration of activity (either within healthcare settings or across our partners in health and social care) please ensure you illustrate this out in your abstract (and poster if your poster is selected for display). Do not worry if that is not the main focus of your work. The criteria for judging the main poster categories will remain unchanged. IMPROVING QUALITY: EFFECTIVE The most appropriate treatments, interventions, support and services will be provided at the right time to everyone who will benefit, and wasteful or harmful variation will be eradicated. WHAT WE’RE LOOKING FOR Examples of services, initiatives and activities that seek to ensure that appropriate and effective care are provided consistently for every person, every time. This includes the use of innovative approaches to increase efficiency in service delivery and a description of how collaborative approaches can realise economies of scale, reduction of waste and variation in the system. We are interested in projects related to the different stages along the age continuum for positive health and wellbeing; from early years through to adult health improvement including prevention of population ill-health, promoting responsibility for one’s own health and health maintenance. If you want your abstract to be considered for the integration award to recognise work that is delivering better quality and improved outcomes for people through integration of activity (either within healthcare settings or across our partners in health and social care) please ensure you illustrate this out in your abstract (and poster if your poster is selected for display). Do not worry if that is not the main focus of your work. The criteria for judging the main poster categories will remain unchanged. NHSScotland Event 2015 Call for Posters – A Guide for Submitting a Poster Abstract 07 IMPROVING QUALITY: PERSON-CENTRED There will be mutually beneficial partnerships between patients, their families and those delivering health and care services which respect individual needs and values and which demonstrate compassion, continuity, clear communication and shared decision-making. WHAT WE’RE LOOKING FOR Examples of health and care services, initiatives and activities that seek to put people in the driving seat of their care and that involve people and communities in shaping how they are supported and services are delivered. This could include activities that use the ‘five must do’s with me’ as a basis for testing interventions which deliver patient-centred care. It could also include a range of activity to encourage and listen to the voice of people using services, their families and carers, and use this to continuously improve services to meet the needs and values of people. If you want your abstract to be considered for the integration award to recognise work that is delivering better quality and improved outcomes for people through integration of activity (either within healthcare settings or across our partners in health and social care) please ensure you illustrate this out in your abstract (and poster if your poster is selected for display). Do not worry if that is not the main focus of your work. The criteria for judging the main poster categories will remain unchanged. IMPROVING QUALITY: INFRASTRUCTURE Progress towards the three Quality Ambitions of Safe, Effective and Person-Centred care will be optimised if we have the right supporting services and resources in place. WHAT WE’RE LOOKING FOR Examples of services, initiatives and activities which have been developed in through partnership working with colleagues and partner organisations to support the delivery of the Quality Ambitions. This includes for example e-Health, IT, Medicines Safety, Quality Improvement capacity building including the Quality Improvement Hub, Governance and Workforce. If you want your abstract to be considered for the integration award to recognise work that is delivering better quality and improved outcomes for people through integration of activity (either within healthcare settings or across our partners in health and social care) please ensure you illustrate this out in your abstract (and poster if your poster is selected for display). Do not worry if that is not the main focus of your work. The criteria for judging the main poster categories will remain unchanged. NHSScotland Event 2015 Call for Posters – A Guide for Submitting a Poster Abstract 08 IMPROVING THE HEALTH OF THE POPULATION NHSScotland, local and national government, the wider public and voluntary sectors have a part to play in achieving a reduction in health inequalities. WHAT WE’RE LOOKING FOR Examples of services, initiatives and activities that have been developed through partnership working to tackle preventable, lifestyle related illnesses and support individuals to make healthier choices leading to improved outcomes with a focus on those in our most deprived communities. We will also consider initiatives that focus on improving the health of the NHS workforce as part of the Health promoting Health Service. We would also welcome examples involving service users to report and share accounts of their personal experience of a service as a whole, or in relation to a particular intervention – and how this rich intelligence is used to facilitate the ability for services to adapt and improve. If you want your abstract to be considered for the integration award to recognise work that is delivering better quality and improved outcomes for people through integration of activity (either within healthcare settings or across our partners in health and social care) please ensure you illustrate this out in your abstract (and poster if your poster is selected for display). Do not worry if that is not the main focus of your work. The criteria for judging the main poster categories will remain unchanged. SECURING VALUE AND FINANCIAL SUSTAINABILITY As a publicly-funded service, NHSScotland has a duty to ensure value for money and to provide person-centred, safe, effective and efficient services to the people of Scotland. Evidence of the human and high financial cost of poor quality makes improvement in both quality and financial sustainability essential across NHSScotland. WHAT WE’RE LOOKING FOR Examples of services, initiatives and activities that seek to improve quality and efficiency through improving experience, reducing unwarranted variation, removing waste and eliminating harm. We are particularly interested in clearly described examples where demonstrable benefits, in terms of quality and efficiency, have been achieved through collaboration with partners. If you want your abstract to be considered for the integration award to recognise work that is delivering better quality and improved outcomes for people through integration of activity (either within healthcare settings or across our partners in health and social care) please ensure you illustrate this out in your abstract (and poster if your poster is selected for display). Do not worry if that is not the main focus of your work. The criteria for judging the main poster categories will remain unchanged. NHSScotland Event 2015 Call for Posters – A Guide for Submitting a Poster Abstract 09 2014 NHSSCOTLAND EVENT POSTER ABSTRACT FORM EXAMPLE CATEGORY: Safe TITLE: Implementing the Sepsis Six Care Bundle into the Maternity Unit – Getting it Right in the Golden Hour Abstracts must not exceed 300 words, excluding title, references and any diagrams. AIM Briefly highlight why the project was undertaken and what the aims of the work encompassed. The most recent triennial report (2006–2008) of maternal deaths (CMACE) highlighted that deaths from sepsis had risen, the report identified problems with lack of recognition of the signs of sepsis and lack of guidelines on the management of sepsis. The aim of this project was to implement a reliable process for the early recognition of sepsis and delivery of the Sepsis Six Care Bundle within one hour of presumed diagnosis. METHODOLOGY What methods were used to achieve the aims? The Model for Improvement was adopted to engage the multidisciplinary team in testing and implementing the following strategies: Adapting the NHS Fife Sepsis Screening Tool and Sepsis Six Care Bundle for Maternity Implementing all elements of the care bundle Awareness raising and education which included scenario based emergency drills Providing feedback, displaying data using annotated run charts, women’s stories Development of Antimicrobial guidance for Maternity Raising awareness with women at risk of developing sepsis of the early signs and symptoms RESULTS What was achieved? How were the achievements measured or tracked? Compliance with individual elements of the bundle and overall compliance was measured and targets set at 95% overall compliance, with delivery of the Sepsis Six Bundle within one hour. Since the project commenced in January 2013 overall compliance with the bundle has risen from 11% to 100%, sustained over the last four months. CONCLUSION There is a high level of awareness amongst the clinical team of sepsis and the need for prompt treatment. The screening tool and bundle has been well received with the clinical team and provides a consistent approach for the early recognition and management of women with sepsis. WHAT DO THE ABOVE RESULTS MEAN FOR THE SERVICE AND PEOPLE? This now ensures that best practice for early recognition and management of sepsis is embedded in the maternity unit and women receive prompt and appropriate care. References should follow Vancouver Convention: name, title, publication, year, chapter, page number/s and should be listed on a separate page. For example: Moore M, Yuen H, Dunn N, Mullee MA, Maskell J, Kendrick T. Explaining the rise in antidepressant prescribing: A descriptive study using the general practice research database. BMJ 2009 24 Oct 2009;339(7727):956. NHSScotland Event 2015 Call for Posters – A Guide for Submitting a Poster Abstract POSTER CO-ORDINATORS Poster Co-ordinators NHSScotland employees should submit their poster abstract form to the designated Poster Co-ordinator in their NHS Board as detailed below. Voluntary, partner organisations and other public and private sector bodies should email their abstract form to: [email protected] NHS BOARD POSTER CO-ORDINATOR NHS BOARD POSTER CO-ORDINATOR NHS Ayrshire & Arran [email protected] NHS Borders [email protected] NHS Dumfries & Galloway [email protected] NHS Fife [email protected] NHS Forth Valley [email protected] NHS Grampian [email protected] NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde [email protected] NHS Highland [email protected] NHS Lanarkshire [email protected] NHS Lothian [email protected] NHS Orkney [email protected] NHS Shetland [email protected] NHS Tayside [email protected] NHS Western Isles [email protected] National Waiting Times Board [email protected] NHS 24 [email protected] NHS Health Scotland [email protected] NHS Education for Scotland [email protected] NHS National Services Scotland [email protected] Healthcare Improvement Scotland [email protected] Scottish Ambulance Service [email protected] State Hospitals Board for Scotland [email protected] External partners, voluntary organisations and other public and private sector bodies [email protected] 10
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