First version of this document Changeges made in the Domaincheck (claims check) The start-up of the .amsterdam top-level domain is divided into several general phases, as illustrated below. From the date that a (g)TLD is added to the root by ICANN, at least ninety days must elapse before the registration of domain names can start. The registration start-up period is divided into a number of phases: QLP (optional), Sunrise (mandatory) and Claims (mandatory). The QLP is intended exclusively for the registry and not therefore relevant to .amsterdam registrars. ICANN stipulates that the Sunrise phase has to be thirty days in duration. In principle, the General Availability phase - during which the registry has to provide a Claims service – starts when the Sunrise phase ends. However, the registry has the option of including a custom launch phase after the Sunrise phase, provided that the Claims service requirements are met. QLP TMCH Sunrise TMCH Claims Qualified Launch Phase. Before the TLD is opened for registrations, the registry may register up to one hundred domain names for promotion of the top-level domain. The QLP is exclusively for the registry and not therefore relevant to .amsterdam registrars. During the Trademark Clearinghouse Sunrise period, only registered trademark holders may register domain names. That restriction is enforced by requiring each applicant to provide the appropriate SMD (Signed Mark Data – a form of digital authentication). In order to register domain names for registered trademark holders during this period, a registrar must be both ICANN accredited and TMCH accredited. During the Trademark Clearinghouse Claims Phase, anyone who qualifies under the registry's policy may register a domain name. However, when applying to register a domain name that corresponds to a trademark registered with the TMCH, the applicant must confirm (by accepting a 'notice') that he/she is aware of the existence of the corresponding registered trademark. With first-come, first-served (FCFS) registration, a domain name is automatically assigned to the first applicant whose application satisfies all the applicable criteria. Any subsequent application for the same domain name is rejected. With endpoint registration, several applicants may apply for the same domain name. That requires an important additional item of information to be recorded in connection with each application: the ticket number or application ID. The application ID makes it possible to distinguish between different applications for the same domain name. Admissible applications are considered at a later date and the domain name assigned to one of the applicants. Pioneer Phase Brands (Sunrise) Government Registrations LRP LRP Assignment General Availability Normal Operations SMD (optional) SMD N/a QLP Not available FCFS N/a Sunrise Not available FCFS Notice (optional) Notice (optional) N/a Claims Check Claims Check N/a Claims Not available FCFS Claims Not available Endpoint None Not available None Notice (optional) N/a Claims Check N/a Claims Not available FCFS N/a Available FCFS Yes Yes The functionality of the Domain Check message depends on whether a Claims launch phase is currently active. If it is, Domain Check supports Claims Check. To apply for a domain name (Domain Create), a registrar first submits a Domain Check command to ascertain whether the domain name is available. Then a Claims Check command is submitted. In other words, two separate EPP commands must be given. The purpose of the Claims Check command is to ascertain whether a trademark corresponding to the domain name in question has been registered with the TMCH. If it has, the registrar must obtain the appropriate notice from the TMCH by providing the TCN ID contained in the Claims Check response. The registrar then has to display the notice to the applicant. If the applicant accepts that the requested domain name corresponds to a registered trademark, the accepted notice must be submitted together with the application. If the response to the Claims Check command indicates that there is no corresponding trademark, the application may proceed as normal. The use of signed notices is not supported for .amsterdam. To obtain a notice from the TMCH, a registrar has to be TMCH-accredited. In a launch phase for which an Exclusive Registrar is specified, only domain name applications submitted by the registrar dotAmsterdam BV are accepted. During such launch phases, domain name applications from registrars other than dotAmsterdam BV will be disregarded. EPP command An SMD may be provided only when a Sunrise launch phase is active in the DRS. <extension> <launch:create> <phase> <signedMark> The launch phase in which the application, including the SMD, is submitted. The DRS supports SMDs only when the phase is 'Sunrise'. The notice displayed to the registrant by the registrar. 1 1 1 1 Specimen EPP command <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <epp xmlns= "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0" xmlns:domain= "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:domain-1.0"> <command> <create> <domain:create> <domain:name></domain:name> <domain:registrant>HAN000002-DLN01</domain:registrant> <domain:contact type="admin">HAN000002-DLN01</domain:contact> <domain:contact type="tech">HAN000002-DLN01</domain:contact> <domain:authInfo><domain:pw></domain:pw></domain:authInfo> </domain:create> </create> <extension> <launch:create xmlns:launch="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:launch-1.0"> <launch:phase>sunrise</launch:phase> <smd:signedMark xmlns:smd="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:signedMark-1.0" id="_90cf1bc2-7233-4ce1-8084-f250069cf3d1"> <smd:id>0000001751385116936920-65535</smd:id> <smd:issuerInfo issuerID="65535"> <smd:org>ICANN TMCH TESTING TMV</smd:org> <smd:email>[email protected]</smd:email> <smd:url></smd:url> <smd:voice>+32.000000</smd:voice> </smd:issuerInfo> <smd:notBefore>2013-11-22T10:42:16.920Z</smd:notBefore> <smd:notAfter>2017-07-23T22:00:00.000Z</smd:notAfter> <mark:mark xmlns:mark="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:mark-1.0"> <mark:trademark> <mark:id>00052013734689731373468973-65535</mark:id> <mark:markName>Test & Validate</mark:markName> <mark:holder entitlement="owner"> <mark:org>Ag corporation</mark:org> <mark:addr> <mark:street>1305 Bright Avenue</mark:street> <mark:city>Arcadia</mark:city> <mark:sp>CA</mark:sp> <mark:pc>90028</mark:pc> <mark:cc>US</mark:cc> </mark:addr> </mark:holder> <mark:contact type="agent"> <mark:name>Tony Holland</mark:name> <mark:org>Ag corporation</mark:org> <mark:addr> <mark:street>1305 Bright Avenue</mark:street> <mark:city>Arcadia</mark:city> <mark:sp>CA</mark:sp> <mark:pc>90028</mark:pc> <mark:cc>US</mark:cc> </mark:addr> <mark:voice>+1.2025562302</mark:voice> <mark:fax>+1.2025562301</mark:fax> <mark:email>[email protected]</mark:email> </mark:contact> <mark:jurisdiction>US</mark:jurisdiction> <mark:class>15</mark:class> <mark:label>testandvalidate</mark:label> <mark:label>test---validate</mark:label> <mark:label>testand-validate</mark:label> <mark:label>test-et-validate</mark:label> <mark:label>test-validate</mark:label> <mark:label>test--validate</mark:label> <mark:label>test-etvalidate</mark:label> <mark:label>testetvalidate</mark:label> <mark:label>testvalidate</mark:label> <mark:label>testet-validate</mark:label> <mark:goodsAndServices>guitar</mark:goodsAndServices> <mark:regNum>1234</mark:regNum> <mark:regDate>2012-12-31T23:00:00.000Z</mark:regDate> </mark:trademark> </mark:mark> <ds:Signature xmlns:ds="" Id="_085ef715-a9c4-4e3b-a6f2-4636435558a2"> <ds:SignedInfo> <ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="" /> <ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm="" /> <ds:Reference URI="#_90cf1bc2-7233-4ce1-8084-f250069cf3d1"> <ds:Transforms> <ds:Transform Algorithm="" /> <ds:Transform Algorithm="" /> </ds:Transforms> <ds:DigestMethod Algorithm="" /> <ds:DigestValue>+OUnogAK74zE7QuQYfLyU60GlBwwHoRdjin46tQeX4Y= </ds:DigestValue> </ds:Reference> <ds:Reference URI="#_0804a00a-ed93-4dcc-b252-01920d94f777"> <ds:Transforms> <ds:Transform Algorithm="" /> </ds:Transforms> <ds:DigestMethod Algorithm="" /> <ds:DigestValue>XfmEDdtE2o89ESPlA14gc7uiMzAbTRFIBgHbw7ep8es= </ds:DigestValue> </ds:Reference> </ds:SignedInfo> <ds:SignatureValue Id="_a912c744-4739-4cd6-b8859c793b84ab99">edRALF60GVEosKWd623JoTpXgWlA4XOq9zc0XWNkj5ZSy5pCkVNnd56hqnw4UhJ4EwOM7q7MSnPH0s9RQ SATJf7V9yO7aHzWTjD3Nu8haSm6WfPZQhGmDT1cvCcep7841Rbh+0zUCOjCOZLnwdvDMoZriH88ga0oy78JV+bOs2g5V3I+ yxlZkdLG5dhBd6zDXWGqp6qXkmYqtmSVyJB03yQg3fG61vBIaKGYj/uR4qoVzuUnugp8H75ocLZudxSeWgdQB7LnSMSyttw V0KiZTqQYbhITT3nsrlej0mE8z/LLbn6ZqCMiG3Kjha39gm/+Oy6yTt09RrXkf11RUYwPew== </ds:SignatureValue> <ds:KeyInfo Id="_0804a00a-ed93-4dcc-b252-01920d94f777"> <ds:X509Data> <ds:X509Certificate>MIIFLzCCBBegAwIBAgIgLrAbevoae52y3f6C2tB0Sn3p7XJm0T02FogxKCfNhXowDQYJKoZIhvc NAQELBQAwfDELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxPDA6BgNVBAoTM0ludGVybmV0IENvcnBvcmF0aW9uIGZvciBBc3NpZ25lZCBOYW1lcy BhbmQgTnVtYmVyczEvMC0GA1UEAxMmSUNBTk4gVHJhZGVtYXJrIENsZWFyaW5naG91c2UgUGlsb3QgQ0EwHhcNMTMwNjI2M DAwMDAwWhcNMTgwNjI1MjM1OTU5WjCBjzELMAkGA1UEBhMCQkUxIDAeBgNVBAgTF0JydXNzZWxzLUNhcGl0YWwgUmVnaW9u MREwDwYDVQQHEwhCcnVzc2VsczERMA8GA1UEChMIRGVsb2l0dGUxODA2BgNVBAMTL0lDQU5OIFRNQ0ggQXV0aG9yaXplZCB UcmFkZW1hcmsgUGlsb3QgVmFsaWRhdG9yMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAxlp3KpYHX3WyAsFhSk 3LwWfnGlxnUDFqFZA3UouMYj/XigbMkNeEXIjlkROKT4OPGfRx/LAyRlQQjCMv4qhbkcX1p7ar63flq4SZNVcl15l7h0uT5 8FzSfnlz0u5rkHfJImD43+maP/8gv36FR27jW8R9wY4hk+Ws4IB0iFSd8SXv1Kr8w/JmMQSDkiuG+RfIiubwQ/fy7Ekj5QW hPZw+mMxNKnHULy3xYz2LwVfftjwUueacvqNRCkMXlClOADqfT8oSZoeDXehHvlPsLCemGBoTKurskIS69F0yPEH5gze0H+ f8FROsIoKSsVQ34B4S/joE67npsJPTdKsNPJTyQIDAQABo4IBhzCCAYMwDAYDVR0TAQH/BAIwADAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUoFpY76 p5yoNDRGtQpzVuR81UWQ0wgcYGA1UdIwSBvjCBu4AUw60+ptYRAEWAXDpXSopt3DENnnGhgYCkfjB8MQswCQYDVQQGEwJVU zE8MDoGA1UEChMzSW50ZXJuZXQgQ29ycG9yYXRpb24gZm9yIEFzc2lnbmVkIE5hbWVzIGFuZCBOdW1iZXJzMS8wLQYDVQQD EyZJQ0FOTiBUcmFkZW1hcmsgQ2xlYXJpbmdob3VzZSBQaWxvdCBDQYIgLrAbevoae52y3f6C2tB0Sn3p7XJm0T02FogxKCf NhXkwDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgeAMDQGA1UdHwQtMCswKaAnoCWGI2h0dHA6Ly9jcmwuaWNhbm4ub3JnL3RtY2hfcGlsb3QuY3 JsMEUGA1UdIAQ+MDwwOgYDKgMEMDMwMQYIKwYBBQUHAgEWJWh0dHA6Ly93d3cuaWNhbm4ub3JnL3BpbG90X3JlcG9zaXRvc nkwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBAIeDYYJr60W3y9Qs+3zRVI9kekKom5vkHOalB3wHaZIaAFYpI98tY0aVN9aGON0v6WQF +nvz1KRZQbAz01BXtaRJ4mPkarhhuLn9NkBxp8HR5qcc+KH7gv6r/c0iG3bCNJ+QSr7Qf+5MlMo6zL5UddU/T2jibMXCj/f 21Qw3x9QgoyXLFJ9ozaLgQ9RMkLlOmzkCAiXN5Ab43aJ9f7N2gE2NnRjNKmmC9ABQ0TRwEKVLhVl1UGqCHJ3AlBXWIXN5sj PQcD/+nHeEXMxYvlAyqxXoD3MWtQVj7j2oqlakOBMgG8+q2qYlmBts4FNiw748Il586HKBRqxHtZdRKW2VqaQ= </ds:X509Certificate> </ds:X509Data> </ds:KeyInfo> </ds:Signature> </smd:signedMark> </launch:create> </extension> </command> </epp> The response message is identical to the Domain Create response message. A notice may be provided only when a Claims launch phase is active in the DRS. <extension> <launch:create> <phase> <notice> The launch phase in which the application is submitted. The DRS supports notices only when the phase is 'claims'. The notice displayed to the registrant by the registrar <noticeID> <notAfter> <acceptedDate> 1 1 1 The date that the trademark registration expires, as recorded by the TMCH The date and time that the registrant accepted the notice If the DRS is not in a Claims launch phase, any application that is accompanied by a notice will not be accepted. The noticeID must always be stated as validatorID="TMCH" 1 1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <epp xmlns= "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0" xmlns:domain= "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:domain-1.0"> <command> <create> <domain:create> <domain:name></domain:name> <domain:registrant>HAN000001-DLN01</domain:registrant> <domain:contact type="admin">HAN000001-DLN01</domain:contact> <domain:contact type="tech">HAN000001-DLN01</domain:contact> <domain:authInfo><domain:pw></domain:pw></domain:authInfo> </domain:create> </create> <extension> <launch:create xmlns:launch="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:launch-1.0"> <launch:phase>claims</launch:phase> <launch:notice> <launch:noticeID validatorID="tmch">370d0b7c9223372036854775807</launch:noticeID> <launch:notAfter>2010-08-16T19:00:00.0Z</launch:notAfter> <launch:acceptedDate>2014-06-19T09:00:00.0Z</launch:acceptedDate> </launch:notice> </launch:create> </extension> </command> </epp> The response message is identical to the Domain Create response message. This message is supported only when the DRS is in the (TMCH) Claims period. <epp> <command> <check> <name> One or more domain names for which the existence of corresponding trademark registrations are to be checked <extension> <launch:check type="type"> 1 1 1 1-* 0-1 1 <launch:phase> The phase in which the Claims Check must be performed 1 <clTRID> Registrar's transaction ID 0-1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0"> <command> <check> <domain:check xmlns:domain="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:domain-1.0"> <domain:name></domain:name> </domain:check> </check> <extension> <launch:check xmlns:launch="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:launch-1.0" type="claims"> <launch:phase>claims</launch:phase> </launch:check> </extension> <clTRID>check</clTRID> </command> </epp> "type" is here "claims" or "avail" Claims Checks are supported only when the phase is 'claims'. In this type of message, the following tags are used in addition to the standard response message content: <response> <result code> <msg> <extension> Domain name 1 1 1-* 1 <chkdata> <phase> 0-1 0-1 <cd> <name> 0-* 1 <claimKey> 0-1 For each domain name, the 'avail' attribute is used to indicate whether a corresponding trademark is (="true") or is not (="false") registered. Not used Indicates the launch phase in which the Claims Check is valid. For each domain name, the response indicates whether a claim does (="true") or does not (="false") exist. If a claim exists for the domain name, the response gives the TCN ID as the claimKey. Because the TMCH is the only validator that SIDN works with, the validatorID is always "tmch". <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0" xmlns:urn="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:launch-1.0"> <response> <result code="1000"> <msg>Command completed successfully</msg> </result> <extension> <urn:chkData> <urn:phase>claims</urn:phase> <urn:cd> <urn:name exists="false"></urn:name> </urn:cd> <urn:cd> <urn:name exists="true"></urn:name> <urn:claimKey validatorID="tmch">2015052000/C/2/1/whC6zEBd0ru5hNX5CVn03yz40000000217</urn:claimKey> </urn:cd> </urn:chkData> </extension> <trID> <clTRID>check</clTRID> <svTRID>0553DA55-FBD5-1699-C830-93A43888C4C9</svTRID> </trID> </response> </epp> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0" xmlns:domain="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:domain-1.0"> <response> <result code="1000"> <msg>The availability of the domain name has been checked.</msg> </result> <resData> <domain:chkData> <domain:cd> <domain:name avail="false"></domain:name> </domain:cd> <domain:cd> <domain:name avail="true"></domain:name> </domain:cd> </domain:chkData> </resData> <trID> <clTRID>check</clTRID> <svTRID>B805287C-17F0-4417-D42F-53129AFC5A4A</svTRID> </trID> </response> </epp> The <greeting> element will state the supported launch phase. <svcExtension> <extURI></extURI> <extURI>urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:secDNS-1.1</extURI> <extURI>urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:rgp-1.0</extURI> <extURI>urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:launch-1.0</extURI> </svcExtension>
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