NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY An autonomous Institute under the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India Sec A-7, Institutional Area Near Satyawadi Raja Harish Chandra Hospital, Narela, Delhi – 110040 TENDER DOCUMENT For Rate Contract for Laboratory Chemicals, Glass-wares, Plastic-wares, Minor Equipments and Accessories etc. for the Session 2015-2016 Cost of tender Rs. 1,000 (Non refundable) 1-14 NOTICE INVITIVG TENDER DOCUMENT Rate Contract for Laboratory Chemicals, Glass-wares, Plastic-wares, Minor Equipments and Accessories etc. for the Session 2015-2016 NIT Delhi is an autonomous Institute under the aegis of Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. The Institute is expanding its academic and research interest in various fields of Engineering and Technology and hence wishes to enter into rate contract with the interested parties i.e. manufacturers/ authorized dealers of the manufacturer for supply of laboratory items as details below. Sealed tenders are hereby invited on behalf of The Director, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, New Delhi from the manufacturers and authorized dealers only for Rate Contract for the year 2015-16 in respect of the following items. DETAILS OF ITEMS FOR ‘RATE CONTRACT’ S.No. Description Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) Rs 1 Chemicals required for research work Rs 20,000/- (Chemistry Laboratory) 2 Minor equipments required for research Rs 20,000/- work (Chemistry Laboratory) 3 Glassware for Chemistry Laboratory Rs 20,000/- 4 Plastic ware, Filters, & other Lab wares for Rs 20,000/- Chemistry Laboratory Note: EMD is fixed Rs 20,000/- for quotation of one category items. Interested firms may quote for one or all items. 2-14 Tender Enquiry documents can be had in person from the Office of THE DIRECTOR, NIT Delhi, on any working day upto 28th May 2015 from 10.00 Hrs to 17.00 Hrs. The Tender Document can also be downloaded from the NIT Delhi website ( In this case, it is necessary for the bidder to pay the cost in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favor of Director NIT Delhi kept in the Technical Bid Envelope. The reference of the Demand Draft is to be super-scribed on the main envelope of Technical Bid. TERMS & CONDITIONS For RATE CONTRACT FOR LABORATORY CHEMICALS, GLASS-WARES, PLASTICWARES, MINOR EQUIPMENTS, AND ACCESSORIES ETC. FOR THE SESSION 2015-2016 The Director, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, New Delhi (NIT Delhi) invites sealed tenders for Rate Contract for laboratory items as details above for the session 2015-2016 with following terms and conditions: 1) Each bidder shall submit the tender in two sealed envelopes marked as Envelope-I i.e. technical bid (consisting the document required for tender as mentioned in this tender document) and Envelop-II i.e. price bid (as instructed in this tender document). Both envelopes should be enclosed in a common Envelope-III. In case the Envelope-I is not annexed, Envelope-II containing price bid will not be opened at all. 2) The technical and financial bids should be submitted in original. The financial bid should include the cost of main equipment/item and its accessories. All the required documents/enclosures should be made in English and values should be written in both figures and words. 3-14 3) The Bidders are requested to give detailed information in the prescribed format given in this tender document in a single bid. 4) Manufacturers and authorized dealers of manufacturers only shall participate in the Tender process. 5) Each Manufacturer will provide name of two authorized dealers in and around New Delhi. This is mandatory for each manufacturer if they want to supply through their authorized dealers, otherwise their tender will not be acceptable. 6) Manufacturers are requested to submit the quotations for each laboratory minor equipments at the time of placing the order. 7) The envelopes must be super-scribed with the following information: I. Tender Reference Number II. Name of the item category III. Due Date IV. Name of the Vendor V. Envelope-I, II and III. 8) The tender documents must be submitted in an organized and structured manner. No brochures/leaflets etc. should be submitted in loose form. 9) Any bid received after 5:00 P.M. on 28th May 2015 shall not be considered. 10) Date of opening the Bid: The Tender will be opened on 29th may 2015 at the office of Deputy Registrar, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, New Delhi. 11) The bid can be submitted in person or through post/courier (NIT Delhi will not be responsible for delayed/late quotations submitted/sent by Post/Courier etc. resulting in disqualification/ rejection of any bid) so as to reach NIT Delhi on or before the due date and time as prescribed above. Fax/E-mail/ Telegraphic/Telex tenders will not be considered unless it is asked for. 4-14 12) The bidders or their authorized representatives may also be present during the opening of the Technical Bid, if they desire so, at their own expenses. Note: Price bids of only those bidders will be opened whose technical bids are found suitable by the committee appointed for the purpose. Shortlisted firm will be notified with a tentative date of opening of financial bids. In exceptional condition, an authorized committee may negotiate price with the qualified bidder quoting the lowest price before awarding the contract. 13) While sending rates, the bidder shall give an undertaking to the effect that “the terms/conditions mentioned in the enquiry Letter/Tender Notice against which the rates are being given are acceptable to the bidding firm.” In case the firms do not give this undertaking, their rates may not be considered. 14) The postal address for submitting the tender is: To, Deputy Registrar, National Institute of Technology Delhi Institute of Applied Manpower Research (IAMR Campus) A-7, Institutional Area, Near Satyawadi Raja Harish Chandra Hospital, Narela, Delhi – 110040 15) Tender cost: A Demand draft of Rs. 1,000/-(Rupees One Thousand only) towards non- refundable tender fee, for each item catogory being quoted, drawn in favor of “The Director, NIT Delhi” payable at Delhi should accompany the Technical bid documents. In the absence of tender cost, the tender will not be accepted. 16) Earnest Money Deposit (EMD):-The EMD worth Rs 20,000/- (Rs. Twenty thousand only) for Laboratory Chemicals, Glassware’s, Plastic-wares, Minor Equipments, and Accessories etc. should be enclosed along with the terms & conditions duly signed and stamped in the form of Account Payee Bank Draft 5-14 payable on any branch of Nationalized/Schedule Bank at New Delhi in favour of “The Director, NIT DELHI, New Delhi”, in a separate sealed envelope. No exemption in EMD shall be given. The bidders should submit separate EMD for each item category. All tenders submitted without requisite amount of EMD shall be rejected. No interest is payable on EMD. The EMD will be returned to the bidders(s)/Agent(s) whose offer is not accepted by NIT Delhi within two months from the date of placing of final order(s) to the selected bidder(s). In case of the bidder(s) whose offer is accepted, the EMD will be converted into Security Deposit and will be returned after 3 months of completion of contract period. EMD shall be forfeited if the bidder withdraws the bid during the period of bid-validity as specified in the tender. 17) Filling of Tender Document o Duly filled-in bid with proper seal and signature of authorized person on each page of the bid should be submitted and the same should accompany with complete specifications and drawings, Manufacturer’s name, address and EMD. o Copy of LST/CST/WCT No., PAN No. with ownership proof and TIN No. allotted by the concerned authorities shall be provided along with the tender. o Latest VAT return is also required to be submitted along with bid. o List of deliverables / Bill of materials and services. o Compliance sheet with any deviation with reference to the terms and specifications. o Indicate the names of the Reputed Organizations where the vendor has executed/running similar type of rate contract, and may attach 6-14 the satisfactory performance report of the same from user Organization. o Bid documents should be submitted as per the above sequence with Index page and page numbers. Each page of the bid should be signed & stamped in original. o Unsigned bids will not be considered for evaluation. 18) Price: Price schedule complete in all respects should be submitted with proper seal and signature of authorized person. Printed Price List of each manufacturer should remain firm during the period of the Rate Contract. Bidder will not supply the items under rate contract, on a rate, lesser than our Contract prices to any other Govt. institution. If the same is found, then proportionate recoveries will be made from you/your authorized dealer. Two original printed copies of price list & two soft copies of price list in the form of CD/DVD should be provided. (Hard copy of the price list along with stamp and sign is compulsory for placing order) NOTE: Those who fail to submit the original printed price list in two copies; their bid will not be considered and summarily rejected. 19) The Director NIT Delhi reserves the right to accept the offer in full or in parts or reject summarily or partly. 20) Delivery Period/Timelines: The delivery must be completed within stipulated time of 15 day, after placement of supply order. The time is the essence of the contract. If the supplier fails to supply the above within the prescribed period, the Institute shall have the following courses open to it. i. To arrange the material from some alternative source and recover the extra cost of the same from the suppliers. ii. To impose a penalty equal to 10% value of the unfulfilled order. 7-14 iii. To cancel the Rate Contract, of which a notice of cancellation shall be sent to the supplier in writing. In that event entire security deposit of the supplier shall stand forfeited and will be at the disposal of the Institute. If the supplier requires an extension of time, he shall apply in writing within 7 days of the date of supply order. Valid reasons for non-execution of supplies within the stipulated time may be given to the undersigned. 21) Defective and sub-standard quality of chemicals and glassware’s supplied will not be accepted. If quality of any brand found inferior, the concerned supplier may be blacklisted for future supplies. Suppliers shall have to take back and replace the rejected materials at their own cost within 15 days of the rejection, failing which action as deemed fit will be initiated. The Institute shall not be responsible for the safe custody of the rejected materials. 22) Training: Bidders need to provide adequate training to the nominated persons of NIT Delhi at their cost. NIT Delhi will not bear any training expenditure. 23) Payment: Payment for the items to be supplied by the vendor against the purchase order shall be made by NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, New Delhi (NIT Delhi) as follows: * Payment will be released after satisfactory supply of the order of chemicals, glassware’s, minor equipments and labwares. * Payment shall be released on receipt of the original bills in duplicate completed in all respects and original delivery challans of all the items duly signed and stamped by the authorized representative of the user department. 24) Period of validity of bids: Bids shall be valid till period of Rate Contract from the date of opening the tender. NIT Delhi may ask for the bidder’s consent to extend the period of validity. Such request and the response shall be made in writing only. The bidder is free not to accept such request without forfeiting the 8-14 EMD. A bidder agreeing to the request for extension will not be permitted to modify his bid. Bid evaluation will be based on the bid prices without taking into consideration the above corrections. 25)Purchaser’s Right to vary Quantities at the time of Award: NIT Delhi reserves the right at the time of award of Contract to increase or decrease the quantity of items specified in the Schedule of Requirements without any change in price or other terms and conditions. 26) Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices: NIT Delhi requires that the bidders who wish to bid for this project have highest standards of ethics. NIT Delhi will reject a bid if it determines that the Bidder recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices while competing for this contract. 27) Interpretation of the clauses in the Tender Document/Contract Document: In case of any ambiguity/dispute in the interpretation of any of the clauses in this Tender Document, Director-NIT Delhi’s interpretation of the clauses shall be final and binding on all parties. 28) Registration Certificate: Please provide TIN No. of the firm along with the CST/WCT No. allotted by the concerned authorities in your quotation. Please provide copy of PAN no. 29) Indemnity: The vendor shall indemnify, protect and save NIT against all claims, losses, costs, damages, expenses, action suits and other proceeding, resulting from infringement of any law pertaining to patent, trademarks, copyrights etc. or such other statutory infringements in respect of all the chemicals supplied by him. NIT Delhi reserves the right to recover the cost towards any damage/loss caused due to the negligence on the part of the agency engaged. 30. Other General Terms & Conditions: 9-14 I. The tenderer should quote all the rates F.O.R., NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, New Delhi (NIT Delhi). It will be duty of the supplier to deliver the items at NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, New Delhi (NIT Delhi). II. The items supplied should be new and as per the specifications. III. The quotation received after the due date and time will not be accepted. IV. In the event of specified date of opening of tender is declared as holiday, the tender shall be opened at the same place and same time on the next working day. V. The bid security will be forfeited if a bidder withdraws its bid during the period of bid validity and in the case of successful bidder, if the bidder fails to sign the contract. VI. Over writing / over typing should be avoided, if any, should be authenticated by putting the initials by the authorized signatory of the firm. 31. Jurisdiction: Any dispute is subject to the jurisdiction of Delhi courts only. 10-14 DECLARATION BY THE VENDOR It is hereby declared that I/We the undersigned, have read and examined all the terms and conditions etc. of the tender document for which I/We have signed and submitted the tender under proper lawful Power of Attorney. It is also certified that all the terms and conditions of the tender document are fully acceptable to me/us and I/We will abide by the conditions from serial no. 1 to 31. This is also certified that I/We/our principal manufacturing firm has no objection in signing the purchase contract if the opportunity for the supply of the items against this tender is given to me/us. Date: Signature: Address: Name: Designation: On behalf of: (Company Seal) 11-14 RATE CONTRACT FOR CHEMICALS, GLASSWARES, MINOR EQUIPMENT & LABWARES- 2015-2016 FOR NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, New Delhi (NIT Delhi) General Information 1 Name of the Company 2 Full address of company along with Telephone no. Fax no. E-mail address 3 Local address of company for communication, if any 4 Are you a manufacturer or dealer/reseller 5a Annual turnover in last 3 financial years in (i) year 2012-13 (ii) year 2013-2014 (iii) year 2014-2015 5b Supply of chemicals and Glasswares during last 3 financial years in State Government or Govt. of India Department(s) /Reputed Organisation(s) (in Nos. and Value) (Please attach list of clients) (i) year 2012-2013 (ii) year 2013-2014 (iii) year 2014-2015 5c Trade Tax / Sales Tax Registration no. with Place 5d Income Tax Registration no. with place 12-14 RATE CONTRACT FOR CHEMICALS, GLASSWARES & LABWARES– 2015-2016 FOR NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, New Delhi (NIT Delhi) S no Description 2 Period of rate Detailed specification contract Name and Address of principal 1 years Please provide Detailed manufactures information. Please use separate sheet Name of Brands supplied by you in response. (In case of foreign brand, authorized dealer certificate is must with validity of certificate till expiry of the contract) 3 Location of manufacturing units 4 Name and detail address with their telephone nos., Fax no., mobile nos. and e-mail address of 2 dealers in and around New Delhi which you want to supply your material. (Please see terms & conditions No.5) Delivery Period 1 5 6 Name at least 10 reputed Govt./ State Govt. / autonomous / Private Organisation where you have similar rate contract 7 Two original copy of latest price list 8 Two soft copy of price list in CD/DVD 13-14 RATE CONTRACT FOR CHEMICALS, GLASSWARES & LABWARES- 2015-2016 FOR NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY DELHI, NEW DELHI Check List (Please mark which is applicable) 1 EMD attached Yes/ No 2 Cost of Tender document attached Yes/ No 3 Pan No. with ownership proof attached Yes/ No 4 VAT return attached (Latest) Yes/ No 5 TIN No. attached Yes/ No 6 LST/CST/WCT No. attached Yes/ No 7 Declaration certificate by the tender attached Yes/ No 8 Commercial bid attached Yes/ No 9 Financial bid in the prescribed format attached Yes/ No 10 Details of reputed Organizations where the Yes/ No vendor has executed/running similar type of rate contract Note: Submission of bids should be as per terms & conditions. Dated: …………………… Signature of agent/ supplier…………….. Name………………………………. Designation……………………….. (Agent/ Supplier’s seal)……………………. 14-14
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