® 40th ANNIVERSARY 2015 DIVISION II WOMEN’S NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP JOHNSON COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE • OVERLAND PARK, KS Dear Coach: Johnson County Community College and the City of Overland Park are looking forward to hosting the National Junior College Athletic Association Division II Basketball Tournament, March 17-‐21, 2015. Enclosed you will find information concerning the tournament and the Johnson County area. Please send your numerical roster and team picture as soon as possible so programs can be printed immediately after the qualifying teams are known. Rosters can be e-‐mailed or faxed to Tyler Cundith, JCCC sports information director, at mailto:[email protected] or faxed to 913-‐469-‐2559. Pictures can be emailed, but must be 5x7, 300 dpi in a jpeg format. For additional information about the Johnson County/Overland Park area, you can go online at opkansas.org, opks.org or opcvb.org. Have a good season, and we hope to see you at JCCC in March. Sincerely, Pam Vassar Carl Heinrich Tournament Director JCCC Athletic Director 913-‐469-‐8500 ext. 3409 913-‐469-‐3820 ext. 2499 mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] Tournament Staff Tournament Director Pam Vassar 913-‐469-‐8500 ext. 3409 [email protected] JCCC Athletics Director Carl Heinrich 913-‐469-‐8500 ext. 2499 [email protected] Sports Information Director Tyler Cundith 913-‐469-‐8500 ext. 3122 [email protected] Practice Facilities Coordinator Jim Dice 913-‐469-‐8500 ext. 3596 [email protected] Committee Announcers Awards Ball Girls Banquet Coaches Social Concessions Half Time Entertainment Hospitality Housekeeping Hotel Insurance First Aid/Trainers National Participants List Officials Social Parking Pictures/Games Publicity/Media/Programs Scoreboard/Shot Clock Security Soft Goods Student Worker Team Hosts Tournament Logo Video/TV Volunteers Name Jim Sloss Carl Heinrich Pam Vassar Pam Vassar Carl Heinrich Jim Dice Amy Sellers Jim Dice Gary Cook Carl Heinrich Tom Clayton Bill Buese Betsy Petre Bryce Roderick Gregory Russell The Campus Ledger Tyler Cundith Glen Moser Gregory Russell Clint Kucera Jim Dice Retired Employee Association Ian Nance Vince Miller Lori Vogelsburg/Justin Stine Pre-‐tournament Information Website Information Look up the official NJCAA Women’s D-‐II Basketball Championship homepage at https://www.njcaa.org or at the Johnson County Community College website at http://www.jccc.edu/cavs. Team Host Once the seeding of the tournament bracket is complete, a Team Host will be assigned to each team qualifying for the Championship. Your Team Host will make contact prior to arrival, and help your team with general information. Tournament Hotel The Overland Park Marriott, located at 10800 Metcalf Avenue, Overland Park, Kan., will serve as the host hotel for the tournament. All teams will be required to stay at the Overland Park Marriott Rooms are being held at the following rate of $99.00 USD per night. The tournament contact for the Overland Park Marriott is Rafael Fernandez. He can be reached by phone at 913-‐ 338-‐8625 or email. You can make reservations through Rafael directly, through the reservation link on the JCCC National Tournament website or by call the reservation line at 800-‐810-‐2759. The Overland Park Marriott is approximately 37 miles from Kansas City International Airport. Follow these directions from KCI to The Overland Park Marriott. Practice A 30-‐minute practice will be scheduled at the JCCC Gymnasium for each team on March 16. Each coach will be informed of his or her designated practice time. Tip-‐off Banquet A Tip-‐off Banquet is scheduled for March 16th, at the Overland Park Marriott, located at 10800 Metcalf Avenue, Overland Park, Kan. Doors will open at 6 p.m., with dinner service beginning at 6:30 p.m. To register your team for the banquet and pay with a credit card, visit ShopJCCC and fill out the form. If paying by check, please call Betsy Petre, 913-‐469-‐3820, or Terri Kurtz, 913-‐469-‐3410. Coaches Meeting All head coaches of participating teams are expected to attend a meeting at the Overland Park Marriott on Monday night following the Tip-‐Off Banquet. Assistant coaches are encouraged to attend. Rules and regulations will be emphasized by the Coordinator of Officials, Bryce Roderick, as well as other tournament updates. Hospitality Room Coaches, press personnel and administration will be provided admission to the hospitality room. Trainers A professional certified athletic trainer will be on duty and the training room will be open for use during the tournament. The tournament trainer will coordinate all medical and/or physical therapy assistance as required. The tournament trainer will be available to meet with all team athletic trainers at the tournament coaches meeting on Monday, March 16. Each team is asked to provide its own training supplies for chronic ailments as well as precautionary taping. Tee Shirts and Tournament Merchandise Tournament tee shirts, sweatshirts, etc., will be available for purchase before and throughout the tournament. To purchase tournament merchandise in advance, go to Rivals Screen Printing. Tickets and Admission General admission is $10.00 for daily sessions, all day (age 12+), $5.00 (Children 7-‐12, Seniors). Tournament passes for all days are available for $40.00 (age 12+) and $20 (Children 7-‐12, Seniors). Cheerleaders, mascots, college bands will be admitted free, when in uniform, to the game in which their team is playing. Admittance to the sessions is by ticket only. Tournament badges will be provided to all coaches and participants. These badges allow full access to the entire tournament. Passes for recruiters and non-‐participating coaches are available for $60 all tournament, or $20 daily. This includes access to the hospitality area and all games. Awards Awards will be presented to first, second and third place teams. Each individual player on the first-‐place team (16 players maximum) will receive a NJCAA gold medal. Each individual player on the second-‐place team (16 players maximum) will receive a NJCAA silver medal. A Coach of the Tournament, a Most Valuable Player, the Lea Plarski Sportsmanship Team and a 12-‐player All-‐Tournament team will be selected and presented with awards. Media Credentials Credentials for the tournament are issued to working media only and should be requested as early as possible. Print media, including daily newspapers, student newspapers, and team sports information directors, radio stations, and television stations qualify for credentials. Interviews All interviews must be arranged through Tyler Cundith, JCCC Sports Information Director, Carl Heinrich, JCCC Athletics Director or an administrative member of the participating teams. Coaches and players will be available for postgame interviews outside the locker room following a brief cooling off period. Media Services Media/recruiting guides, game programs, game notes, rosters, and up-‐to-‐date results and statistics will be available at the press area to working members of the media prior to each game. Box score statistics will be provided for working media at the end of each half and game. Radio A phone line will be made available at the tournament for visiting radio stations to broadcast their games. Requests should be made via e-‐mail to Bob Fyock or Carl Heinrich, or call Carl at 913-‐469-‐8500, ext. 2499. Photographers Only still photographers, with proper working credentials, will be allowed to shoot the game. Photographers must be off the court. No one will be allowed to take pictures from the court area with a credential. Tournament Photography Photographers from The Campus Ledger, JCCC’s student newspaper, will be taking pictures during tournament games and posting them on the tournament’s Facebook page. Video Taping There will be an area roped off for teams, four-‐year institutions, or parents to do their own videotaping. No videotaping will be allowed in any other location. Sports Information Office The JCCC Sports Information Office is located on the first floor of the GEB Building, room 140. Tyler Cundith, JCCC SID, can be reached by email or by phone, 913-‐469-‐8500, ext. 3122 Campus Map Qualification of Teams for Tournament Play 1. Sixteen district winners will participate in the tournament. 2. Teams will be seeded 1 through 16 (based on year’s previous seed, strength of region, national rank, record) 3. Each district shall determine its entry. 4. District winners must be determined one week prior to the start of the tournament. Tournament Districts District A B C D E F G H I J K L M N,O P Regions 1, (18) (5), 6, 23, (14) 3 4A 11 9, 13 12 West 12 East 12 South (7), (8), 10, (17), (22) 20 4B 24 15, 19, 21 2, 16 Regions listed in parenthesis do not have teams currently participating within this division. In a region that has one certified team in a division, that team must have compiled an overall record of at least .500 by February 15th. In a district comprised of only two regions, where one of those regions has but one single participating school, that school must participate in the other region’s regional tournament. The winner of this tournament will be declared the district champion. The highest finishing team of each region will be declared that region’s champion. If a district winner declines to participate, the district runner-‐up shall be the representative. Should a district winner or runner-‐up decline to enter the NJCAA tournament, the order of substitutions listed in the handbook shall be used to determine teams for the NJCAA tournament. When a team accepts or declines the opportunity to compete in the NJCAA tournament through the substitution procedure, the district drops to the end of the substitution order. The order is as follows: J, N, L, G, E, D, B, A, F, M, O, P, I, K, D, H. Game Times Games times will be played on: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday with each team playing a minimum of two games. TUESDAY Game 1: 9 a.m. Game 2: 11 a.m. Game 3: 1 p.m. Game 4: 3 p.m. Game 5: 6 p.m. Game 6: 8 p.m. WEDNESDAY Game 7: 11 a.m. Game 8: 1 p.m. Game 9: 3 p.m. Game 10: 6 p.m. Game 11: 8 p.m. THURSDAY Game 12: 9 a.m. Game 13: 11 a.m. Game 14: 1 p.m. Game 15: 3 p.m. Game 16: 6 p.m. Game 17: 8 p.m. FRIDAY Game 18: 11 a.m. Game 19: 1 p.m. Game 20: 3 p.m. Game 21: 6 p.m. Game 22: 8 p.m. SATURDAY Game 23: Noon Game 24: 2 p.m. Game 25: 5 p.m. Game 26: 7:30 p.m. Tournament Bracket March 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 Johnson County Community College Game 5 Tuesday - 3 p.m. WINNER LOSER WINNER WINNER Game 16 Thursday - 6 p.m. Game 13 Thursday - 11 a.m. WINNER LOSER WINNER Game 26 Saturday - 7:30 p.m. Game 25 Saturday - 5 p.m. WINNER WINNER LOSER 1st Place LOSER Game 17 Thursday - 8 p.m. Game 14 Thursday - 1 p.m. Game 8 Wednesday - 1 p.m. WINNER LOSER 8th Place LOSER Game 20 Friday - 3 p.m. Game 19 Friday - 1 p.m. Game 7 Wednesday - 11 a.m. 7th Place WINNER LOSER Game 6 Tuesday - 8 p.m. WINNER Game 22 Friday - 8 p.m. 2nd Place WINNER Game 23 Saturday - Noon Game 24 Saturday - 2 p.m. 3rd Place 4th Place Game 1 Tuesday - 9 a.m. WINNER LOSER WINNER Game 2 Tuesday - 11 a.m. 5th Place 6th Place LOSER Game 15 Thursday - 3 p.m. Game 18 Friday - 11 a.m. Game 3 Tuesday - 1 p.m. Tuesday 1 9 am 2 11 am 3 1 pm 4 6 pm 5 3 pm 6 8 pm Wednesday 7 11 am 8 1 pm 9 3 pm 10 6 pm 11 8 pm Thursday 12 9 am 13 11 am 14 1 pm 15 3 pm 16 6 pm 17 8 pm Friday 18 11 am 19 1 pm 20 3 pm 21 6 pm 22 8 pm Saturday 23 Noon 24 2 pm 25 5 pm 26 7:30 pm WINNER LOSER Game 11 Wednesday - 8 p.m. Game 12 Thursday - 9 a.m. Game 4 Tuesday - 6 p.m. LOSER WINNER WINNER LOSER GAME TIMES Game 21 Friday - 6 p.m. WINNER LOSER WINNER WINNER Game 10 Wednesday - 6 p.m. Game 9 Wednesday 3 p.m. LOSER WINNER WINNER WINNER Rules of Play Cheerleaders Building of pyramids will not be allowed by cheerleaders or fans in the national basketball tournament. Artificial noisemakers, air horns, and electronic amplifiers are not permissible. Bands, or any component thereof, are not allowed to play while the competition is in progress. Code of Conduct All coaches, athletes, and support personnel are expected to be familiar with and follow the NJCAA Code of Conduct. This Code may be found under Article XIX of the NJCAA Bylaws. Eligibility Players representing each college will conform to the NJCAA rules of eligibility. NJCAA Exclusive Rights The NJCAA has full and exclusive rights and authority over all Internet, radio and television programming, filming or broadcasting associated with this event. Officials The Director of Officials will make selection and assignment of officials, and such assignments will be final. The NJCAA National Office will assign the Director of Officials. Official Statistics The official NJCAA Division II Women’s Basketball Championship statistics will be kept by the Tournament Statistics Committee and will be available to authorized news media and coaches of competing schools and online at www.njcaa.org or www.jccc.edu/cavs. Open Wound Policy Current NCAA basketball rules and procedures with regard to open wounds and bleeding will be adhered to. Promotions Only the official tournament vendors will be allowed to sell merchandise or services. No other group or product may be promoted. Rosters Teams will be limited to not more that 15 players in the book and suited up. Once the roster is entered into the official score book, no substitutions may be made. Rules of Play Current NJCAA rules will be used. Substance Use The use of all tobacco products by any coach, player, official or other individual involved with the conducting of any NJCAA sanctioned or sponsored postseason play is prohibited within the confines of the playing area. An individual not in compliance shall be disqualified from further participation in that contest. NJCAA Division II Women’s Basketball Tip-‐Off Banquet Monday, March 16, 2015 Doors open at 6 p.m., service at 6:30 p.m. Marriott, Overland Park, KS To register for the banquet and pay with a credit card, visit ShopJCCC If paying by check, please call Betsy Petre, 913-‐469-‐3820 or Terri Kurtz, 913-‐469-‐3410 Menu Garden Salad with Citrus Vinaigrett Seared Chicken Breast with Herb Au Jus Green Beans and Onions, Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes Assorted Dinner Rolls Chocolate Layer Cake with Chocolate Sauce and Whipped Cream Iced Team (Vegetarian meals available upon request) • Banquet tickets are non-‐refundable. • We cannot guarantee teams will be seated together. • Print and bring a copy of your order confirmation to present at check-‐in. • Last day to register for the banquet is Thursday, March 12, 2015, by 2 p.m. (CST). • No late registration. NJCAA Division II Women’s Basketball Tournament Apparel To pre-‐order T-‐shirts and Tournament Merchandise, go to Rivals Screen Printing Official Team Roster and Player Information General Information Team/College _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Location _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Year Founded _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Enrollment ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mascot _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NJCAA District ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ School Colors __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ President ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Head Coach ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Alma Matar _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ W-‐L/Years at School _______________________________________________________________________________________________ W-‐L/Years Overall _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Asst. Coach ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Asst. Coach ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Asst. Coach ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2014-‐15 Season Record ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Team Information Please provide a short overview of your season. This should include information about your team’s top performers, including season statistics. Also, if any of your players have already committed to a four-‐year school, please provide that as well. Send completed information to: Tyler Cundith JCCC Sports Information Director 12345 College Blvd. Overland Park, KS 66210 Fax: 913-‐469-‐2559 E-‐mail: [email protected] Pass Gate List In addition to those names (coaches and players) provided on the roster, each team will be allowed six additional all access tournament badges. You may want to consider the following personnel: trainer(s), bus driver(s), statistician(s), team manager, coach’s spouse, etc. Only those individuals listed below will be allowed tournament access. If you need additional passes, they can be purchased for $60 for all tournament, $20 daily. 1. ________________________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________ 4. _____________________________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________________________ 6. _____________________________________________________________ Official Roster Form Name of School # Name Ht. Pos. Class Hometown Head Coach: Name (Years at School, Years Overall) Assistant Coaches: Name (Years at School) Roster form Teams may use this form to send rosters. If you do not use this form, please provide a complete TYPED roster that includes number, name, height, position, class, and hometown. Send completed information to: Tyler Cundith JCCC Sports Information Director 12345 College Blvd. Overland Park, Kan. 66210 Fax; 913-‐46-‐2559 E-‐mail: mailto:[email protected]
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