These guidelines have been developed to assist Nova Scotia’s tourism operators in producing brochures that are recognizable and effective for their businesses. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Revenue generating businesses must have a business # on file and be in good standing with the Canada Reve- nue Agency. All operations must be registered with the Nova Scotia Registry of Joint Stock Companies. Registration must be current. Businesses must meet all of the criteria and regulations set out in the Act under which the operation falls. Brochures must provide an accurate representation of the facility. Brochures must meet the requirements of the Human Rights Act. ACCOMMODATION BROCHURES Fixed roof accommodations and campgrounds must be approved by one of he following recognized quality programs: Nova Scotia Approved, Canada Select or CAA. Contact Quality Services at 424-3908 with questions about accommodation brochures. The Nova Scotia Tourism Agency reserves the right to refuse brochures that do not meet the above requirements or are deemed unsuitable for display. Brochures on display that are discovered not to meet the above requirements will be removed from VICs. DESIGN & PRINT RECOMMENDATIONS Business name prominently on the top third, front of your brochure Hand drawn locator maps are not recommended Highlight the operation’s contact number, website and e-mail + Photocopied brochures will not be accepted The Distribution Centre will accept a maximum of 5,000 brochures physical location Folded brochure should not exceed 4” x 9” (10cm x 23 cm). Brochures larger or smaller than 4” x 9” (10cm x 23 cm) will not fit in our brochure racks RECOMMENDED PAPER: 80lb cover weight for two sided brochures (rack cards), 80lb text weight paper for folded brochures (e.g. tri-fold) 1.5 spacing for easy reading IMAGES: High Resolution 300 dpi Have your proof or brochure reviewed by e-mailing Only tourism-relevant brochures will be distributed. Religious brochures may be distributed if they contain only the location of the church and time of worship. Exceptions may be made in the case of a church containing a museum or a church recognized as being of an historic nature. [email protected] Deliver brochures to the Distribution Centre by May 1, 2015 INDIVIDUAL OPERATORS Individual tourism operations may have their brochure distributed free of charge via NSTA’s Tourism Distribution Centre. It is the responsibility of the owner/operator to ensure that their operation meets the requirements (pg 1) Operators are encouraged to personally distribute their brochures to VICs in their local area /region Brochures may be displayed on a rotational basis REGIONAL, COMMUNITY AND INDEPENDENT GUIDES These publications are often created by regional and local tourism associations, municipal and town governments, or independent businesses and groups as a way of generating revenue. It is the responsibility of the publisher to ensure that all accommodations in their publications are approved One unapproved accommodation may result in the guide not being approved for display. Delivery of literature to the Distribution Centre by May 1, 2015 is recommended. POSTERS: Should not exceed 18 inches (46 cm) in width and will be folded at least once so they can be shipped in cartons. If operators do not want their posters folded, they must supply their own tubes. Display of posters will depend on availability of space in each centre. Handwritten posters will not be accepted. UNUSED LITERATURE: It is the responsibility of the operator or organization to claim unused literature at the end of the season. SHIPPING OF LITERATURE SHIPPING LITERATURE TO THE DISTRIBUTION CENTRE It is the responsibility of the operator/organization to deliver or ship their literature to the Distribution Centre during regular business hours (M-F 8:30am-4:30pm). All shipments must be prepaid. Bus shipments will not be accepted as there is no pickup from the bus depot. All shipments MUST INCLUDE a completed allocation sheet. Literature sent without an allocation sheet or not bundled according to guidelines (below), will not be shipped. SHIPPING LITERATURE FROM THE DISTRIBUTION CENTRE TO VICs Delivery to the Distribution Centre by MAY 1, 2015 will allow you to maximize opportunities to have your literature displayed to assist visitors in planning their vacation. Brochures will be shipped ONCE each month with the last shipment to seasonal VICs occurring in mid-August. Allocation sheet must indicate: Bundling Brochures: Minimums/Maximums Total number of brochures or literature pieces in each carton Must be bundled in lots of either 50 or 100 Maximum weight of cartons is 35lbs or 15kg Total number of cartons Brochures not bundled will not be accepted Maximum total quantity accepted is 5,000 pieces Large guide books and papers not sent in cartons must be bundled and strapped both ways and be in bundles of equal amounts Minimum total quantity of brochures: 500 pieces Total number of brochures Number of brochures to be sent to each centre SEND LITERATURE WITH COMPLETED ALLOCATION SHEET TO: Distribution Centre 10 Acadia Street, Dartmouth, NS B2Y 4H3 Open: 8:30am to 4:30pm M-F Ph: (902) 424-4544 Fax: (902) 424-0609 Minimum quantity per VIC = 50
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