Our Lady of Grace Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord April 5, 2015 CATHOLIC CHURCH 2205 WEST MARKET STREET GREENSBORO, NC 27403 Phone: 336-274-6520 www.olgchurch.org APRIL 5, 2015 • EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD PARISH STAFF Rev. Fr. Eric Kowalski ............................................ Pastor Rev. Fr. Jason Barone .............................. Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. Tim Rohan, retired ..............Permanent Deacon Rev. Mr. James Toner .........................Permanent Deacon Rev. Mr. Enedino Aquino ...................Permanent Deacon PARISH OFFICE DIRECTORY 2203 West Market St., Greensboro, NC 27403-1515 Phone: 336-274-6520 • Fax: 336-274-7326 Hours: Mon.–Wed., Fri. 9:00 am–12Noon, 1:00–4:00 pm Thursday ........................... 9:00 am–12Noon only Website ............................................. www.olgchurch.org Church Email .......................... [email protected] Catholic Social Services............................. 336-288-1984 Hispanic Ministries .................................... 336-273-2343 OUR LADY OF GRACE SCHOOL OFFICE 201 South Chapman St. • Greensboro, NC 27403-1611 Phone: 336-275-1522 • Fax: 336-279-8824 Principal ............................................... Mrs. Amy Pagano Website .................................................. www.olgsch.org School Email ................................. [email protected] SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Saturday ...............................................................5:00 pm Sunday ................................ 7:00 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am, ........................ 1:00 pm Latin Mass, 5:00 pm (Bilingual) Holydays of Obligation ............................. As Announced Monday, Tuesday & Friday ................................. 8:00 am Wednesday ........................................................... 8:45 am Thursday ............................................................ No Mass Saturday ........................... First Saturday ONLY 8:00 am CONFESSION Tuesday .......................................................5:00–5:30 pm Wednesday ........ 8:00–8:30 am (prior to 8:45 a.m. Mass) Saturday ......................................................3:00–4:15 pm Recitation of the Holy Rosary: 1st Sat./month at 7:30 am prior to the 8:00 am Mass. Other Saturdays at 8:00 am. English Baptism: Baptismal Prep Class−1st Sun. of each Month at 12:30 pm, School Library. Baptisms are usually the 2nd Sat. of each Month at 10:00 am (except April & May). Please check with the church office for exact dates. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: First Fri. of each month from 8:45 am–5:30 pm. 1st Sat. of each month after the 8:00 am Mass. MISSION STATEMENT In the Eucharist we receive the true Christ—the foundation of our Church. With Christ in us, we form, nurture, and promote love, respect for human dignity, Christian values and teachings within our family, parish, and community through worship and service. Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church April 5, 2015 The Entrance Hymn Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord April 5, 2015 The Gloria Opening Collect First Reading ACTS 10:34A, 37-43 Responsorial Psalm Psalm 118 This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad! Second Reading COLOSSIANS 3:1-4 The Easter Sequence VICTIMÆ PASCHALI LAUDES Full translation Page 220 in the Celebremos Missalette Please Remain Seated Gospel Reading JOHN 20: 1-9 Gospel Acclamation Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church April 5, 2015 Liturgy of the Eucharist OFFERTORY ANTIPHON Cantor: The earth feared and was silent; * All: when God arose for judgment, alleluia. THE OFFERTORY HYMN: O Sons And Daughters Offertory Hymn: El Canto de Offertorio—Bilingual Mass: #298 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord COMMUNION ANTIPHON COMMUNION HYMN Communion Hymn; El Canto de Communion; Bilingual Mass: #294 April 5, 2015 Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church April 5, 2015 THE HYMN OF THANKSGIVING Copyright acknowledgements for music in this Worship Guide: Hymns reprinted with permission here under World Library Publications License Agreement C18908B ,Franklin Park, IL. Music for the Communion Antiphon by Richard Rice © 2013, Ricescores.com. Music for the Psalm by Jeff Ostrowski April 5, 2015 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Parish Staff/General Information CLERGY Rev. Fr. Eric Kowalski, [email protected] ext. 314 Rev. Fr. Jason Barone, [email protected] ext. 318 Permanent Deacons Directoria de Ministerios Hispanos PÁRROCO Padre Eric Kowalski, [email protected] ext. 314 COORDINADOR GENERAL Dcn. Tim Rohan (ret.), Call the church office. Dcn. James H. Toner, Call the church office. Diácono Enedino Aquino, 273-2343 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Javier y Josefina, 763-8704 Adult Catechesis Jim McCullough, [email protected], ext. 335 Religious Education Coordinator Rachel Yarbrough, [email protected], ext. 333 Youth Minister Kelly Henson, [email protected], 919-219-1806 (cell) Preschool Religious Education Coordinator/VBS Lisa Balzano, [email protected], ext. 321 LITURGY DEPARTMENT Director of Liturgy Fr. Eric Kowalski, [email protected] ext. 314 Organist & Choir Director PREPARACIÓN PARA BAUTISMO PREPARADORES MATRIMONIALES Jesús y Marina, 987-8884 ENCARGADA DE LECTORES Hermán Sedda, 457-9954 ENCARGADO DE MINISTROS DE LA EUCARISTIA Jerman Duran, 233-2051 MÚSICA Y CORO Fitty Reyes, 476-0472 ENCARGADA DE CATECISMO Nuria Duran, 685-9866 Andrew O’Connor, [email protected], ext. 330 ENCARGADO DE QUINCEAÑERAS Y BODAS ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF MINISTERIO DE HOSPITALIDAD Executive Assistant to the Pastor Olivia Henson, [email protected], ext. 317 Parish Business Manager MaryAnn DiPaola, [email protected], ext. 315 Receptionist/Parish Records Ministerio Hispano, 963-3704 Juan Luis Juárez, 327-6426 GRUPO JUVENIL Daniel Cruz Santos, 965-1179 Sergio A. Gonzalez, 895-3785 Jean Wilson, [email protected], ext. 322 Bulletin Editor Rita Eberle, [email protected], ext. 310 Building & Grounds Supervisor Jeff Smith, [email protected], ext. 311 Accountant Danny Byerly, [email protected], ext. 316 PARKING Bautismo Pláticas y formación cada tercer domingo de cada mes hora 3:30 PM Los bautizos se celebran solamente en las fechas siquentes: El 18, 25 de Abril 2015 Por favor note: Bautismo comienza PUNTUALMENTE a las 10:00 AM. Lecturas de la Semana—5 de Abril del 2015 The church has two parking areas—a small lot on Chapman Street and a larger lot on Tremont Drive. Please observe all city parking regulations when parking on the street. Lunes: Lunes de la Octava de Pascua; Hch 2, 14. 22-33/Mt 28, 8-15 BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS Miércoles: Miercoles de la Octava de Pascua Hch 3, 1-10/Lc 24, 13-35 Submissions may be sent to [email protected]. submission deadline is two WEDNESDAYS prior to the publishing weekend. Martes: Martes de la Octava de Pascua; Hch 2, 36-41/Jn 20, 11-18 Jueves: Jueves de la Octava de Pascua; Hch 3, 11-26/Lc 24, 35-48 Viernes: Viernes de la Octava de Pascua; Hch 4, 1-12/Jn 21, 1-14 Sacraments Marriage: Couples please contact the church office if you wish to schedule a wedding at the parish— a minimum of 6 months preparation is required. Baptism: Parents should attend a Baptismal Preparation Class (held the first Sunday of each month at 12:30pm in the school library). English Baptisms are held on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 10:00 AM. Please contact Olivia Henson (ext. 317 or [email protected]) in the office for more information. Anointing of the Sick: If you or a loved one are seriously ill or facing surgery, please contact the church office to arrange to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. Communion for the Sick & Homebound: Please contact the church office if you are in the hospital or homebound or are unable to attend Mass. We will make arrangements for you to receive Communion. First Communion, Confirmation, Religious Vocations: Please call the church office for information. Sábado: Sabado de la Octava de Pascua Hch 4, 13-21/Mc 16, 9-15 Domingo Siguiente: Segundo Domingo de Pascua (Domingo de la Divina Misericordia) Hch 4, 32-35/1 Jn 5, 1-6/Jn 20, 19-31 El Ministerio Católico Hispano de la Diócesis de Charlotte. HACE UNA ATENTA INVITACIÓN A SU: Encuentro Conyugal 2015 Para parejas en Unión Libre casadas por el civil o por la Iglesia Iglesia Católica San José de las Lomas 316 Boone Rd. Eden, NC 27288 Fecha: Sábado 11 de Abril 2015; Horario: 8:00 a.m. a 10:00 p.m. Donación: $ 30.00 por pareja Más informes con Ada (336) 549-2381, Elia (336) 509-5152 y Nino (336) 963-3704 [email protected] Lugar: Dirección: Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church April 5, 2015 Parish Support Pray for the Sick Names appear for two weeks unless continuation is requested. As of March 22nd, 2015 Actual Collection $15,458 Offertory Goal $20,747 Due to early publication date for the bulletin, March 29th Surplus/(Loss) ($ 5,290) offertory numbers were not available. Future bulletins will Year-to-Date for Fiscal Year 2014/2015 reflect correct offertory numbers. Actual Collection $793,474 Offertory Goal $823,987 Surplus/(Loss) for FY 2014/2015 ($ 30,513) Thank you for your continued financial sacrifices made on behalf of our parish family. God bless you, Fr. Kowalski Diocesan Support Appeal 2015 Update 2015 Diocesan Support Appeal parish target: $111,407.24—this amount must be remitted to the diocese by January 2016. Amount raised thus far: $60,455.00 Amount still needed: $50,952.24 Pledges thus far: 147 Number of registered families in parish: 1850 We need the assistance of our entire parish family to fulfill our obligation to the diocese. If every registered family makes a pledge, we will meet our obligation in no time! If you have not yet made a pledge, please do so NOW. Scripture Readings Daily readings may also be found at www.usccb.org/bible/readings. Readings for the Week of April 5, 2015 Monday: Monday within the Octave of Easter Acts 2:14, 22-33/Mt 28:8-15 Tuesday: Tuesday within the Octave of Easter Acts 2:36-41/Jn 20:11-18 Wednesday: Wednesday within the Octave of Easter Acts 3:1-10/Lk 24:13-35 Thursday: Thursday within the Octave of Easter Acts 3:11-26/Lk 24:35-48 Friday: Friday within the Octave of Easter Acts 4:1-12/Jn 21:1-14 Diane Adams, Arturo Ayala, Kristin Brackett, Suzanne Brown, Steve Burns, Deb Carley, Heather Coe, Tony Constantino, Dave Cook, Diane Cook, Esther Cui, Thomas Cullen, Tom Dourgarian, Robert Farley, Matthew Field, Barbara Forman, Mary E. Fuller, Julie Goldyn, Pat Guiliano, Thomas Guiliano, James Guzzio, Claire Haberle, Kathy Hellberg, Scott John, Raymond Johnson, Colin Kanyuk, Carol Anne Kenny, Ericka Kinnear, Joe Klagholz, Fr. Dan Klem, Evelyn Knox, Dorothy Kowalski, Dan & Marie LaBlanca, Phillip Legnetti, Brian Marble, Julian McClamroch, Carol McGough, Fred Myers, Mary Mullins, Paul Murawski, Jerome Murphy, John O’Day, Ed Pachasa, Ray Parrish, Amor Payawal, Nelson Payawal, Nancy Poueymirou, Giacomo Puccio, Roberta Pugh, Cheryl Reekes, Nancy Saksa, Ronald Saksa, Scott Silknitter, Connie Stevens, Thomas Steward, Elizabeth Sullivan, Maria & Sylvia Szumilus, Mildred Turnage, Aniekan Udoka, Aluite Udoka, Matthew Waterman, John Watterson, Sharon Wintermate, Jimmy Wright, Sofie Zuluga Pray for Those in Military Service Remember the men and women in the active military and their families in prayer. Your support until their loved ones’ safe return is appreciated. SGT Thomas Berti, Andrew Dial, 2D Lt. Van Cress Clippard, Jr., PO1 James Andrew Ellis, Maj James R. Schmid, SGT Zackaria Harris, PFC Kimberly Walton, Lt Garland Wilson, CM2 Steven Walton, Sgt Adrian M. Welch, Cpl James Austin, Lt CDR John Roath, E-3 PFC Cody B. Brown, PO3 Jesse M. Brown, Pvt Thomas Popek, CPO Glen Thomas, Lt Col Rick Moor, 1st Lt. Lucas Weeks, SFC Frank Luedtke, Pvt Colin Butts, SPC Wayne Hopper, SSG Steven Bixby, SFC Chris Brooks, SSgt David A. Weekley, Pvt Crystal Martinez-Butts, SPC Elliot F. Chodkowski, Cpl Jonathan Hill, Sgt Maj Corbin’s Unit, SSgt Travis Hawley, Sgt Chris Kirwan, USMC, PFC Conway Prior, Staff Sgt. Ian Taylor, LT John Valitutto, PO1 James McNair, Matthew Gayle, Nathan Bills, Ssgt Jae Christensen M. Solina, J. Bryan Bailiff, Kaura Bryant April 5th—April 17th, 2015 SUN—April 5th The church office will be closed at noon on Thursday, April 2nd through Monday, April 6th for the Easter celebration. The office will reopen on Tuesday, April 7th. 9:00 AM Frank & Mary Fonk† For the People of our Parish 1:00 PM For the People of our Parish 5:00 PM For the People of our Parish SAT– April 11th 5:00 PM Andrea Furr SUN—April 12th 7:00 AM Sarah & Robert Pupello 9:00 AM For the People of our Parish Catherine S. Derhofer, mother of George Derhofer Please note: Debra & David Clem 11:00 AM Saturday: Saturday within the Octave of Easter Acts 4:13-21/Mk 16:9-15 Eternal rest grant unto all the faithful departed, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them… 7:00 AM 11:00 AM Herman W. Halter, Sr.† 1:30 PM Lee Doyle 5:00 PM Joanna Gutierrez MON—April 13th 8:00 AM Karen & Michael Pupello TUE—April 14th 8:00 AM Ann Herard† WED—April 15th 8:45 AM Courtney Lysiak FRI—April 17th 8:00 AM Stephanie Sumner Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Banquet Hall Chair Meeting Room Chair PLC – Buy a Chair Program 320 Chairs needed 168 Chairs purchased 152 Chairs still available for purchase We are Half Way to Our Goal! Parish Life Center – Buy a Chair Program Because of your generosity we are half way to our goal of 320 chairs for the Parish Life Center. So if you have not purchased a chair there is still time to do so. Just make a check payable to OLG Church for $35 for each chair and mark it for PLC-Chair. You may place your contribution in the offertory basket at Mass or drop it off in the church office during regular business hours. Keep checking the bulletin weekly for chair updates and see the numbers add up! Use My Smart Phone in Church? Tech savvy smart phone owners can now donate to OLG by scanning the QR code located on these colorful cards in the pews. Download a QR Scan App, scan the code at the top of the card or this code. You will be given options to donate to various funds. The first time you will be asked to create a profile including your email and a password. Choose payment type, click the fund and amount and you are done. Your donation will be recorded just as if you had submitted an envelope with cash or check. How easy is that? The QR code is also located on the front of our bulletin and on our web site at www.olgchurch.org. Sunday Morning Option for Adult Bible Study! Jim McCullough, Adult Catechesis, is offering a Sunday morning Bible Study for interested adults. It meets from 10:30-11:30 AM while our parish Religious Education program is in session. Bring your own Bible. (We have a couple of ‘loaners’ if you forget.) Beginners welcome! You’re welcome to bring coffee, too. Scripture is a treasure for anyone who wants to grow closer to our Lord. No prior registration is needed. Email Jim at [email protected] or call 274-6520 x 335 if you have questions. Otherwise, see you there! Pope Francis Speaks to Our Hearts What does the Spirit Tell You? The Holy Spirit teaches us to see with the eyes of Christ, to live life as Christ lived, to understand life as Christ understood it. That is why the living water, who is the Holy Spirit, quenches our lives, why he tells us that we are loved by God, like Jesus. And we, do we listen to the Holy Spirit? What does the Holy Spirit tell us? He says; God loves you. He tells us this: God loves you, God likes you. Happy 101st Birthday to Ruth Bell a faithful parishioner at Our Lady of Grace since 1964 turns 101 on April 11th. The 11:00 AM Mass was offered for her intentions and the choir sang Happy Birthday to her on Sunday, March 22nd, unfortunately Ruth fell the day before and was unable to attend Mass that day, but her family was there. Wouldn’t it be nice if she received 101 cards from the parish by April 11th? If you would like to send Ruth a card, you may drop it by the church office and we will make sure it gets delivered to her. April 5, 2015 LENTEN SCHEDULE EASTER/DIVINE MERCY 2015 Easter Sunday, April 5th 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 1:00 PM MEF, 5:00 PM Mass (Bilingual) April 6th—April 10th No Masses or Confessions that week. Divine Mercy Sunday, April 12th 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, Divine Mercy Service immediately following the 11:00 AM Mass 1:30 PM MEF Mass (Note time change.) Pastor’s Message Wesolego Alleluia! “The Lord has indeed risen, alleluia. Glory and kingship be His for ever and ever!” The glorious Resurrection of the Lord is the key to interpreting his whole life, and the ground of our faith. Without this victory over death, says St. Paul, all our preaching would be useless and our faith in vain. Furthermore, the guarantee of our future resurrection is secured upon the resurrection of Christ, because although we were dead to sin, God, full of mercy, moved by the infinite compassion with which He loved, gave us Christ and He raised us with Him. Easter is the celebration of our Redemption, and therefore the celebration of thanksgiving and joy. The Resurrection of the Lord is the central reality of our Catholic Faith, and has been preached as such since the beginning of Christianity. The importance of this miracle is so great that the Apostles are, above all else, witnesses of Jesus’ resurrection. They announce that Christ is alive, and this becomes the nucleus of all their preaching. And ever since then this is what we announce and have been announcing to the world: Christ lives! May this reality and the power of Our Lord’s Resurrection transform your hearts and minds, bring you to an ever deeper relationship with Him, and protect you from all harm this day and always! Wesolego Alleluia! Just a reminder that church office will be closed on Monday, April 6th as part of the Easter celebration. The office will re-open at 9:00AM on Tuesday, April 7th. May God bless you during this most holy season! A further reminder: Next Sunday (April 12th) Holy Mother Church will celebrate the Sunday of Divine Mercy. The designation of this Sunday as “Divine Mercy Sunday” was the result of the actions of the late Pope John Paul II in response to the request of Our Lord to St. Faustina Kowalska. Please join us for the Divine Mercy devotions after the 11:00AM Mass, including the singing of the Divine Mercy Chaplet and veneration of the relic of St. Faustina. However, due to the busy Mass schedule here at OLG, we will NOT be hearing Confessions on Divine Mercy Sunday. If you are praying the Divine Mercy Novena and wish to go to Confession, you may do so within 7 days prior or after Divine Mercy Sunday. The regular Confession schedule will resume here on Saturday, April 11th at 3PM. Finally, Please Note: There will be no public Mass or Confessions Monday, April 6th- Friday, April 10th as both Fathers will be away for a little Post Easter break. The Church building WILL be open for private prayer during the regular hours. A Blessed Easter to all! Rev. Fr. Eric L. Kowalski Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church April 5, 2015 Annual Ancient Order of Hibernian’s Trip to Ireland Raffle and Brunch, April 12th The Na Cara Division 1 of the AOH is holding its annual Patrick J. Rooney Charity Raffle. All proceeds generated go to support local charities: Fisher House, Diocese of Charlotte Seminarians, The St. Vincent de Paul Society, Right to Life, Urban Ministries, Victory Junction, and local Catholic Church Food Pantries. For a donation of $100.00 you can win a week in Ireland for four. This includes, bed and breakfast, rental car and $1000 spending money. GET YOUR TICKET TODAY! The winner can opt to receive $5000 cash in lieu of the trip. Only 150 tickets will be sold. This raffle has enabled the AOH to distribute over $70,000 to numerous charities. Please contact Dick Morrison at (336) 584-7121, Mike O'Connor at (336) 486-2175 or John Malmfelt at (336) 665-6450 to purchase a raffle ticket (please leave a message with contact info). The drawing will take place on Sunday, April 12, 2015. You need not be present to win. The Raffle/Brunch will take place after the 11:00 AM Mass in the OLG School Cafeteria. Cost of Brunch is $10 per person. Traditional Irish Fare with all the trimmings, "Best Irish Soda Bread" contest and "Door Prizes!” Habitat for Humanity Lunch Crew The Our Lady of Grace Habitat for Humanity Lunch Crew will serve Saturday, April 25th. OLG will bring all paper goods, homemade soup / chili, soft drinks, and chips. We will meet in the OLG Tremont Parking lot at 10:30 AM to carpool to the job site. If you are dropping off donated items for the lunch at the church office, ring the bell for access to the stair-side door and deposit items in boxes located there. If you have items that need to be refrigerated, come to the office lobby via the elevator (ring bell for access) and the office staff will make sure the items get refrigerated. Please drop donations off by noon on Friday April 24th. Call Lorraine Brown at 707-6976 for more info or email [email protected]. Annual Communion Breakfast All Women of the Parish (and friends) Invited! The Annual OLG Women’s Club Communion Breakfast will be held on Sunday morning, April 19th, immediately following the 9:00 am Mass at Our Lady of Grace Church. The breakfast will take place at the lovely Starmount Forest Country Club at 1 Sam Snead Drive in Greensboro. Plan to bring your mothers, sisters, daughters, aunts, women friends or neighbors and share a delicious breakfast and celebrate community. Our guest speaker is Sister Emma Yondura, a Sister of St. Joseph from Chestnut Hill, PA, who is currently a 1st grade teacher at St. Leo’s Catholic School in Winston-Salem. Please make your reservations by Sunday, April 12th. The cost is $15 per adult and $7.50 for girls ages 3-17. You do not need to be a member of the Women’s Club in order to attend. All women of the parish and their guests are invited and encouraged to join us at this special annual event! Please make your checks payable to: Our Lady of Grace Women’s Club and send them (with the names of those attending) to: Rosemary Murphy, 1411 Hobbs Road, Greensboro, NC 27410 indicating the names of those who are adults and those who are children. If you have any additional questions, please call: Rosemary Murphy at 2920653 or Shirley Kinlaw at 294-6926. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday, April 19th! Calling all men of the diocese of Charlotte, The Men’s Catholic Fellowship of the Carolinas will be hosting their 5th annual Men’s Catholic Conference on Saturday April 25th at St. Matthews Church in Charlotte. Please come join other like-minded men of the diocese for a day of inspiring National Catholic speakers, Mass celebrated by Bishop Jugis, adoration hosted by Bishop Emirates Curlin and a chance to participate in reconciliation. Last year, the annual men’s conference brought together over 800 men for an action-packed Spirit-filled day. In a time when it is getting harder and harder for men to provide for and protect their families and to lead them to be faithful, the conference provides a rare forum specifically for men. We will hear how we men can grow spiritually and enrich our relationships in our families, our marriages, our parishes and our workplaces. There will also be times for fellowship, confession & Mass. We are pleased with our lineup of excellent speakers which includes the Founder and President of Catholics Come Home, former Major League baseball player Darrell Miller and Founder of One Strong FAMILY Mike Manhardt. Bishop Peter Jugis will celebrate Mass, and Bishop Curlin will lead a Holy Hour reflection. This is an exciting lineup and one that will have a message for every man in this church. You can learn more about the conference by visiting our website www.catholicmenofthecarolinas.org. We will be registering parishioners after Masses this weekend at our table near the church entrance. This would also be a wonderful event to bring a friend, and for fathers and sons to attend together!! Wives, encourage your husbands to attend this event as it will support him in his calling to be the spiritual head of the family. Mike Manhardt will also speak at a free event for women on Friday, April 24th. See our flier for details. This weekend could be a great opportunity to strengthen your families. We hope you will join the other men from our parish at the Catholic Men’s conference on Saturday, April 25th, 2015. Come for yourself, come for your wife, come for your children, and come for your church. Worldwide Marriage Encounter Are you looking to put Christ in your marriage? Deepen your communication, rekindle your romance and renew your sacrament by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend. The next weekends are May 1-3, 2015 in Greensboro, NC and Jul 31-Aug 2, 2015 in Chapel Hill, NC. Early sign up is highly recommended. For more information visit our website at: http://NCMarriageDiscovery.org or contact us at [email protected] or 704-315-2144. Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord April 5, 2015 New Campus Map Our campus continues to be a "work in progress" with construction of the terrace adjacent to the Parish Life Center but we have come a long way! You will find the meeting rooms spacious and beautiful and the office floor is fully functional. We are so thankful for this beautiful facility. Please refer to the Campus Map to see that there are two Entrance Points to the Parish Life Center...one is the Main Entrance which is near the Tremont Street vestibule of the church. At this entrance you will find the mailbox for the Parish Life Center (2203 W. Market St) and one flight access to the meeting rooms, rest rooms and elevator. The Elevator Entrance is on the back corner of the PLC on the same side as the main entrance...you may take the elevator to the meeting room floor and rest rooms or to the 3rd floor offices. During regular office hours, press the bell button on the keypad to gain entrance. Harris Teeter Canned Food Collection OLG needs your help! We are looking for volunteers for the URBAN MINISTRY CANNED FOOD COLLECTION the weekend of Friday and Saturday, April 10th and April 11th at the Harris Teeter at West Market Street (near Planet Fitness). This is a great short term volunteer activity to help feed the hungry in Greensboro. The food drive is from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM and volunteers are asked to work 2 hour shifts. Attention middle school students, this is a great service hour opportunity! Note: parents must accompany their students during the 2-hour shift. Please contact Genie Petrangeli if you would like to help at 337-2481 or [email protected]. Thanks in advance for your help! Worldwide Marriage Encounter Are you looking to put Christ in your marriage? Deepen your communication, rekindle your romance and renew your sacrament by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend. The next weekends are May 1-3, 2015 in Greensboro, NC and Jul 31-Aug 2, 2015 in Chapel Hill, NC. Early sign up is highly recommended. For more information visit our website at: http:// NCMarriageDiscovery.org or contact us at [email protected] or 704-315-2144. World Meeting of Families and Papal Visit September 23-27, 2015 Led by Rev. Fr. Michael Kottar, chaplain of the pilgrimage. Fr. Kottar is a priest of the Diocese of Charlotte. This pilgrimage has the approbation of His Excellency, Bishop Jugis. 4 nights’ accommodations at Springhill Suites; Roundtrip motor coach transportation from Charlotte to Philadelphia; 4 dinners, 4 breakfasts; Half-day guided city tour of Philadelphia; Visit to three local shrines World Meeting of Families - Thursday & Friday Festival of Families Celebration - Saturday Mass daily; Papal Mass on Sunday $1144 per person, double occupancy | $1679 single | $1097 per person, triple | $1075 per person, quad, World Meeting Registration fee (not included): $125 per person, ages 17+; $98 per person ages 3-16 For Information and registration, contact Henry Dennis of AAA Vacations at 800-759-8728 x13611, or send email to [email protected]. Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church April 5, 2015 Come Check out Anchor Youth Ministry! SUNDAY MORNINGS: YDisciple Separate young women’s and a young men’s discipleship groups that focus in a small group setting on building up teens for Christ. We meet 10:15 AM-11:30 AM on all Rel Ed Sundays. More information on our program can be found at: www.ydisciple.org. WEDNESDAY EVENINGS: D.T.S. (Dead Theologians Society) Youth Night This is a wonderful group that meets for social time, prayer, and the study of a new saint’s life every week. If you want to learn more about your faith and meet some great new friends in a more relaxed setting, this group is for you! We also have several opportunities for service every month, an Anchor Crew Leadership group, fun activities like hiking, ziplining, and bowling, retreats, and other events. For more information about getting involved in Anchor High School Youth Ministry (or to inquire about 8th grade Confirmation preparation), contact the Youth Minister, Kelly [email protected], 919-219-1806. TEEN RETREAT Big Diocesan Youth Conference! Our Lady of Grace PTO invites you to attend our annual auction on Friday, April 24th. The event, themed "Masquerade" this year, is an evening of fun and fellowship! Featuring the talented cover-band Walrus, a chance to win up to $2,500 in cash through our Reverse Raffle, amazing food, and free beer and wine . . . all at the beautiful Kress Terrace in Downtown Greensboro. This is definitely a party you won't want to miss and it's a great opportunity to enjoy fellowship with other families, while supporting our school. In addition to being one amazing party, the auction is our largest fundraiser of the year, providing funding for our school's technology updates and equipment. To purchase your tickets to Masquerade, or your Reverse Raffle tickets, please visit https://olgsch.ejoinme.org/2015. Thank you and we'll see you at the Masquerade! This year's theme is "Objective Truth: Inscribed by God," to be held at Ridgecrest Conference Center in Black Mountain, NC, April 24th—26th, 2015. Not only will it be a lot of fun, but you'll learn about topics like "Can we each believe our own truth?", "How do you know what is true?", "Why are relationships and family life so hard in modern life, and how can we fix that?" Fun fact: Kelly and Larry Henson (our youth minister and her husband who leads our young men's YDisciple group) are workshop leaders at the Conference this year. AND two of our own teens, Lilianna Romie & Jake Altman, are on the Diocesan Youth Advisory Council that plans the retreat. To register, contact Kelly Henson at [email protected] or at 919-219-1806 asap. Early bird registration ($115) ends with initial deposits received by April 7th; general registration ($120) ends with deposits received by April 14th. Don't let the cost keep you from going; talk to Kelly about fundraising opportunities. If you are a parishioner who would like to sponsor (or partially sponsor) a student to go to the Conference talk to Kelly! We hope you'll join us! Open Houses at Our Lady of Grace School Last year, 6 of the top 10 students at Bishop McGuinness High School were graduates of Our Lady of Grace School...come find out why! OLG offers a 3 and 4 year old preschool, as well as classes for kindergarten through 8th grade. Located in the heart of Greensboro's historic Sunset Hills neighborhood, OLG just opened up a new 17,000 square foot school! We offer grade-level and advanced classes starting in kindergarten, Spanish instruction starting in pre-k, learning through technology and more! Join us for open houses at 9:30 a.m. on April 16 and May 14. Find out more at www.olgsch.org or like us on Facebook. OLG is located at 201 S. Chapman St. (336) 275-1522. What would you do with $2,500? A mini-vacation? Shopping spree? Well, you may just have the chance to decide, if you participate in the school's 2015 Reverse Raffle! Now, what is a reverse raffle? Well, unlike a typical raffle, in a Reverse Raffle the purchaser of the last ticket drawn wins the Grand Prize. In addition to our Grand Prize of $2500, the runner-up will win $1000. Building up to these drawings, we'll pull tickets throughout the night of the auction, with the first ticket pulled winning $25 and other cash prizes (of increasing value) awarded based on the order of the numbers drawn. One in every ten tickets will win! Winners do not have to be present to win, but we do hope that you'll come! Tickets can be purchased in the school office, by contacting Auction Chair, Christine Byrd at 336.686.0655 or [email protected], or online at https:// olgsch.ejoinme.org/2015. Van Denton Visits OLG! What a treat for our 1st - 3rd grades! Van Denton from Fox 8 WGHP came to OLG and talked about meteorology with them. He received many great questions and shared many interesting facts about weather. Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord April 5, 2015 The following list identifies donations for Easter flowers and other decorations IN MEMORY OF and IN HONOR OF loved ones. This tradition at Our Lady of Grace provides funds for altar decorations and supplies not only at Easter but at other special times during the year. We are grateful to the donors listed below as well as all who supported this effort through use of the special envelope provided for Easter flowers. Thank you! EASTER FLOWERS IN HONOR/MEMORY OF Frank Mazzocchi given by Irma Mazzocchi Michael & Julia Dowd given by Joan Hennessy Bill, Trudy & Michael Lynch given by Joan Hennessy Wayne Russell Jones given by Peggy, Bryan & Rusty Jones Steven J. Pupello given by Pat & Tony Pupello The Emmert & Pupello Families given by Pat & Tony Pupello Deceased Members of the Gallagher & Rohan Families given by Dc. Tim & Eileen Rohan Deceased Members of the Manning & Eaton Families given by Tom & Kathy Eaton Andrew, Anna & William Kopco given by Stephen & Anna Ondick Stephen & Irene Ondick given by Stephen & Anna Ondick All the Grandparents of Paulette Stolte given by Paulette Stolte Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zillich given by Mary & Georg Zillich Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Stokes given by Mary & Georg Zillich Harry & Lucy Shene given by Mr. & Mrs. Donald Natella Loretta Natella given by Mr. & Mrs. Donald Natella The Parker Family given by Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Parker Joe & Josephine Ruggieri given by Mauro & Katie Ruggieri John & Catherine Kirk given by Mauro & Katie Ruggieri Mr. & Mrs. Albert Rutter given by Mr. & Mrs. Armand DiMeo Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DiMeo given by Mr. & Mrs. Armand DiMeo Al Hall given by Clare Hall Joan Regan given by Clare Hall Emma & Andrew Hall given by Clare Hall Erin, Kieran & Cecilia Reilly given by Clare Hall James & Joan Chester given by Suzanne Sinclair Jack & Marie Scherer given by Suzanne Sinclair Kathryn Rooney given by Suzanne Sinclair Anthony & Mabel Scalise given by Mr. & Mrs. William B. Limer Marie Scherer given by Mr. & Mrs. William B. Limer William Limer given by Mr. & Mrs. William B. Limer The Watterson Family given by Mr. & Mrs. John Watterson Josephine Shaughnessy given by Mr. & Mrs. John Watterson John & Janice Watterson given by Anne Watterson David D. Grier given by Anne Watterson Patricia Goeller given by Mr. & Mrs. James McCullough The Cirincione Family given by Mr. & Mrs. John Cirincione The Parents of Mr. & Mrs. Charles Grissom given by Mr. & Mrs. Charles Grissom Nancy Nowell given by Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Duquette Betty & Harry Nowell given by Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Duquette Lucille & Bill Duquette given by Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Duquette Frank Todaro & The Todaro Family given by Sam Todaro Elizabeth Todaro & The Benevento Family given by Sam Todaro Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church April 5, 2015 EASTER FLOWERS IN HONOR/MEMORY OF Deceased Members of the Zrull & Saintsing Families given by Mrs. James Saintsing Barbara Rose Dolphin Standeven given by Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Weiss Charles & Catherine Weiss given by Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Weiss Jack Dolphin given by Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Weiss The Kyanko & Zales Families given by Bernard & Bernice Zales The Children of Mr. & Mrs. Michael Richards given by Mr. & Mrs. Michael Richards Dr. & Mrs. Donald J. O’Brien given by D. J. & Meg O’Brien Eugene Gall given by Barbara Case Stephen George, Angelica Hernandez Pachon & Cleoffita David given by Stephen Smith & Natalie Hernandez Pachon The Simaan & Assaf Families given by Dr. & Mrs. Simone M. Simaan The Father of Charles Splawn given by Charles Splawn Teresa Pierro given by Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pierro Mr. & Mrs. J. L. Disney given by The Francis Disney Family Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Curtes, Sr. given by The Francis Disney Family Robert Curtes given by The Francis Disney Family Amy Elizabeth Disney given by The Francis Disney Family The Curran/Keane Families given by Ed & Eileen Cassidy The Hogan/McDermott Families given by Ed & Eileen Cassidy The Diebler/Cassidy Families given by Ed & Eileen Cassidy Zelma Campbell given by Ed & Eileen Cassidy Evelyn & George Neumayr given by Mr. & Mrs. Brooks Braden Esther Pacilli given by Zachary Gonzalez Lee Blansfield, Oliver Blansfield, Joseph M. Koenig given by Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Koenig Jorge Reyes, Edda Reyes given by Mr. & Mrs. Raul A. Castillo Oliverio Castillo, Celia Castillo given by Mr. & Mrs. Raul A. Castillo Jose Francisco Vasquez given by Mr. & Mrs. Raul A. Castillo Anna Marie Morgan given by Mr. & Mrs. Arturo Ortiz Harry & Mildred Timmons given by Dr. & Mrs. Brian Smith Masing & Aida Bacalzo given by Angeline Bacalzo Mesio & Puring Ayinado given by Angeline Bacalzo Mr. & Mrs. William F. Kauder, Sr. given by William F. Kauder, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. DePaoli, Sr. given by William F. Kauder, Jr. Joseph R. DePaoli, Jr. given by William F. Kauder, Jr. Doris D. Kauder given by William F. Kauder, Jr. Steve Stanislav given by Ken & Pat Horvath Mr. & Mrs. Julius Horvath given by Ken & Pat Horvath Harry Parrish, Dan Rupe, Clark Hunnicutt, Mr. McCall, Mrs. Paulos given by Thomas Rohan All deceased Friends & Family given by Thomas Rohan Sodel Meza Beltran, Venancio Meza Meza, Celsa Beltran Vega given by Maria Elena Meza Avina Francisca Martinez, Guadalupe Avina given by Maria Elena Meza Avina The Hawley and Rouse Families given by Ted & Belinda Hawley Trish Murdock given by The Justice Family Carroll Gutschenritter given The Justice Family Suzanne B. Hooper given Joan Wilson Harry & Mary Jo Helsel, William & Catherine Derhofer given by Mr. & Mrs. George Derhofer Judy & Mike Watters, Rev. Richard D. Clark given by Mr. & Mrs. George Derhofer Agustin David Diodati given by Mr. & Mrs. Agustin Diodati Fidelia Betancur given by Oscar Stpulreda Mrs. Patricia Kelly, Grace Ryan, Joseph Ryan, William Kelly, Thomas Kelly given by Charles Kelly Mary Kelly, Noreen Finestone, Joanne McAlister, Charlotte Schott, Steve Schott given by Charles Kelly Madalene Cycho, Steve Cycho given by Charles Kelly Karen & Ryan O’Laughlin given by Theresa & Mike O’Laughlin Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord EASTER FLOWERS IN HONOR/MEMORY OF Mr. & Mrs. William Kirschner, Ronald Hege, Jeager Kern given by Ken Kirschner Mrs. Ronald Hege given by Ken Kirschner Robert Bost, Jr. given by Marlin & Barbara Hargett Ruth Roueche Bost given by Marlin & Barbara Hargett Robert Bost, III given by Marlin & Barbara Hargett James Roueche Bost given by Marlin & Barbara Hargett The Bost and Hargett Families given by Marlin & Barbara Hargett Esther Pacilli given by Mr. & Mrs. W. Schmidt Joseph Zamantauchas given by Mr. & Mrs. W. Schmidt Edward Schmidt given by Mr. & Mrs. W. Schmidt Bob Tarantelli given by Betty & Family In Honor & Thanksgiving to God given by Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Donkor Mark R. Thompson given by Juanita Thompson Lawrence & Agnes Tucker, Tom & Dorothy Neill given by Tom & Lorraine Neill Sylvester Mazza given by Margaret Mazza Margaret Mazza given by Thomas Mazza Alfred & Sally John given by Suzanne, Tyler & Sarah Lininger Clair & Henry Voelker, Pat & Joe Benanti given by Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Queen Joe DeSimone, Joe Patalona, Jr. given by Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Queen Oscar Morales Duvall given by Ingrid Cassetta The Uhl Family given by Mr. & Mrs. Peter Uhl The O’Shea Family given by Mr. & Mrs. Peter Uhl Joe Essa, Sr. given by Margaret & Cindy Essa Vicki & Henry Murphy given by Margaret & Cindy Essa Skip Prosser given by Margaret & Cindy Essa Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Essa given by Margaret & Cindy Essa Mary Jane Beavers given by Margaret & Cindy Essa The Rhudy & Ferrara Family given by Elena Rhudy The Stigler Family & The Zeidel Family given by Mr. & Mrs. Jay Stigler RoseMarie & Bill Hodges given by Mr. & Mrs. James Brumley Deceased Members of The Brumley Family given by Mr. & Mrs. James Brumley Judy, Jimmy & Jimbo Brumley, Megan & David Church given by Mr. & Mrs. James Brumley Mr. & Mrs. William Harmen, Sr., Mr. & Mrs. George Sommer, Sr. given by Mr. & Mrs. George Sommer “Those who have no family to pray for them” given by Mr. & Mrs. George Sommer Deceased Members of The Vogt & Loeschinger Families given by Arnold & Brigitte Vogt Teilhard McFadden, James & Margaret McFadden, Joseph & Helen Franzia given by The McFadden Family Mario Grasso, Ida Grasso, Junior & Joey given by Fred & Elia Mascia Oscar Morales Duvall given by Carla Clayton Michael & Mary Johnson given by Merilyn Lang & Family Edward Morrison given by Merilyn Lang & Family Lowell Lang given by Merilyn Lang & Family Alla Koffi, Kouakou Christine & Kouakou Aya Celine given by Chantal Koffi Joseph C. Grzywa given by Timothy & Judith Clontz Gregory A. Grzywa given by Timothy & Judith Clontz Norma G. Clontz given by Timothy & Judith Clontz Rose M. Grzywa given by Timothy & Judith Clontz Members of The Nolan & Sural Families given by Ron & Sharon Sural Jim Jones given by Marcia & Orton Jones Mary Lou Harris & Anna Marie Harris given by Marcia & Orton Jones Grammy Sue Wozniak given by Beth, Bob, Dawson & Parker Christina Barb & Bob Christina given by Beth, Bob, Dawson & Parker Christina Ed Wozniak given by Beth, Bob, Dawson & Parker Christina Robert Hypes given by Theresa & Mike O’Laughlin April 5, 2015 Mon 13 8:00A-Mass 6:00P-Cub Scouts, CAF 20 8:00A-Mass 6:00P-Cub Scouts, CAF 6:15P-Boy Scouts, Rm 308 27 8:00A Mass 6:00P-Cub Scouts, CAF 12-Divine Mercy Sunday, Devotion and Veneration after 11:00A Mass in the church 7:00A;9:00A;11:00A;1:00P(L);5:00P(B)-Mass AOH Raffle & Brunch after 11A Mass, CAF 10:15A YG YDisciple, OLC, SCH 10:30A-11:30A Rel. Ed 10:30A-11:30A Adult Bible Study, SCH 12:30P-Eng. Baptism Prep 2:00P-Hispanic Faith Formation 4:00P-Hisp. Youth Group, LIB 6:30P-Boy Scouts, GYM 19 7:00A;9:00A;11:00A;1:00P(L);5:00P(B)-Mass WC-Annual Communion Breakfast, OS 10:15A YG YDisciple, OLC, SCH 10:30-11:30A Rel.Ed 10:30-11:30A Adult Bible Study, SCH 2:00P-Hispanic Faith Formation 3:00P-Hispanic Bapt. Prep, CAF 4:00P-Hisp. Youth Group, LIB 6:30P-Boy Scouts, GYM 26 7:00A;9:00A;10:45A;1:30P(L);5:00P(B)-Mass Diocesan Youth Conf., OS 10:15A YG YDisciple, OLC, SCH 10:30-11:30A Rel. Ed 10:30-11:30A Adult Bible Study Final, SCH 2:00P-Hispanic Faith Formation 4:00P-Hisp. Youth Group, LIB 6:00P-Confirmation Prep., CAF 6:30P-Boy Scouts, GYM Church Office Closed 6 Church Office Closed 6:00P-Cub Scouts, Rm 103 7:00P-C.Daughters, LIB APRIL 2015 5 Easter Sunday 7:00A;9:00A;11:00A;1:00P(L);5:00P(B)-Mass Sun 8 10:00A-Bible Study, TBD 7:00P-YG DTS, OLC 9 2 Holy Thursday 12:00P-Church Office Closed 7:00P-Mass of the Lord’s Supper , Bilingual 1 NO Confessions 8:45A-Mass 10:00A-Bible Study, CR 6-10:00P-Hispanic Youth Retreat, CAF Night Shelter Dinner 7:00P-YG DTS, OLC 7:00P-WWP, OLG LIB 28 8:00A Mass 3:30P Children’s Adoration, CH 3:00P-Girl Scouts, LIB 5:00P-Confession 21 8:00A-Mass 11:00A-Prayer Shawl, PLC 3:00P-Girl Scouts, Rm 102 3:30P-Children’s Adoration, CH 5:00P-Confession 14 YG-Deadline for DYC Registration 8:00A-Mass 3:30P-Children’s Adoration, CH 5:00P-Confession 29 8:00A-Confession 8:45A-Mass 10:00A-Bible Study, TBD 7:00P-YG DTS, OLC 22 8:00A-Confession 8:45A-Mass 10:00A-Bible Study, TBD 7:00P-YG DTS, OLC 15 8:00A-Confession 8:45A-Mass 10:00A-Bible Study, TBD 7:00P-YG DTS, OLC 16 7:00P Prayer Shawl, TBD 24 Diocesan Youth Conf., OS 8:00A-Mass OLG School Auction 10:00A-Bible Study, TBD 10:00A-Craft Group, PLC 17 8:00A-Mass 10 10:00A-Food Drive 7:30P-Hisp. Ministry, Rm 308 25 Diocesan Youth Conf., OS 8:00A-Rosary, CH 10:00 AM Habitat for Humanity Lunch Crew 2:00P-Hisp. Faith Form., SCH 5:00P-Mass 18 8:00A-Rosary, CH 2:00P-Hisp. Faith Form., SCH 3:00-4:15P-Confession, CH 5:00P-Mass 11 YG-Bishop’s Youth Pilgrimage, OS 8:00A-Rosary, CH 10:00A-Food Drive 10:00A-RCIA Final, LIB 2:00P-Hisp. Faith Form., SCH 3:00-4:15P-Confession, CH 5:00P-Mass 4 Holy Saturday NO 1st Saturday Mass NO Rosary NO Confession 8:00A-Church Cleaning & Decorating for Easter 1:00P-Blessing of Easter Food 8:00P-Easter Vigil Sat CAF=Cafeteria: CR=Choir Room: CH=Church; LIB=Library; OS=Offsite: PLC=Parish Life Center WWP=Walking with Purpose SCH=School: OLC=Our Lady’s Cottage: CY=Courtyard; YG=Youth Group: AS=Altar Server: CRC=Conference Room Church Office 30 23 3 Good Friday Church Office Closed 12:00P-Stations of the Cross 3:00P-Veneration of the Cross 5:00P-Spanish Living Stations of the Cross (outside) Fri Church Office Closed Thu Wed No Mass, NO Confessions, April 6th—10th 7 3:00P-Girl Scouts, LIB 7:00P-RCIA, Final, LIB Tue Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church April 5, 2015
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